The Wingham Times, 1897-06-11, Page 6THE W1N UILUi ',LIMES JUNE 11, t897.
BRUSSELS. t Feed Your Own Cat:le..
tit &Loam �rvTllu pui,n school hulltlltys,will be•Fora number of years it has been
`11t�1Cr' •gin int i\'ctine.tla� June 30th alas, •,the practice to permit United States
' 'cattle to be brought into the North
1st, p ( west Territov es for the summer
close. on Weelncsday .September the, ,
'FRIDAY, AMR. 11, lath months. Theyhave been fed on the
A new design of a hats. porter has � prairies, after paying a small duty,
been ul:luttt'ileturtd and patented by and returned to the United States in
the fall, free of duty, Thele is a
prospect that this practice will now
be put a stop to. When the matter
was discussed before the Agri(tultur-
, al Committee of the House of Com -
Their offense was not of a very under favorable auspices by Urand mons, the other day, Mr McMullen,
grievous nature, so the Mayor let Organizer Collins. Ile has gone to M.P. contended that there were
them off with a lecture. Mar ketal. this week on a simtliar plenty of cattle to stock these ranches
Thursday last was fair day. There mission, in Ontario and the other provinces
were few if anv cattle offered for The Enterprise Salt Works ship- of Canada, and that the holders of
sale, as such stock is now almost in ped a car of dairy se It to St. Johns' these ranches might well be asked
variably bots rht in farmers stables. New til unsw•tek, this week and an -
to encourage the fattening Canadian
A great business was done however ,other car to. Halifax Nova Scotia. cattle rather than rival animals from
be the horse buyers, something like The salt was done up ill 10 and 20 the other side of the line.
forty animals being purchased. p mud boxes.
Mr. Nell White an old and highly Somebody went through A Stench- Tired, Nervous Sleepless
respeeted resident of Minto, died an's store last Saturday or Sunday Men and women—how grt tofully they
suddenly on Friday morning last, night and helped themselves to clot`.]- write about men—y wargraef ull they
Mr, White had not been well for Ing• Entrance was made by burst- he]p1eFs and discourn�ed, having lossed
some time but was about and prior in the ce'lar door, and then getting
to his death was apparently as usual into the store. The back door of the
We understand that on the Morning store was tried but resisted the at.
of his death he got up and pursued tack. There were two loafing
his usual routine, until a few mom, characters seen hi town on Saturday
ents- before he expired, Heart fail- who are supposed to have been the
• ure was the cause of his sudden de- intruders.
mise.• List Monday evening 'Maple Leaf'
The Harriston Game and Fish was shipped to Guelph to take part
Protective Association have leased in the races there and "Reddy" "0' -
for a term of years the fishing prive- Donnell," "Rockaway" and "Mac"
leges in the' North Branch" in How- will make the green horses hustle
ick. It is the intention of the Asso- this year. The latter was sired by
elation to stock the stream with "Saranac." R. Roach and James ()-
trout fry next season. Trespassers Leary are taking in the races and
upon this preserve, will be rigorous- caring far their string.
ly dealt with. Cured weak Back For 25 Cents
On Friday last Mr. Robert Bennet
while operating a rip saw had the For two years I was dosed, pilled and
misfortune to cut the thumb and fore andtuuostitputiva w abouts beneitit. llOne
finger of his left hand off. The box of Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills re-
wound was promptly dressed and Hoven. three boxi's cured. R. J. Smith,
Mr. Bennet will be incapacitated for T'orottu. Ol.e pill a dose, price 25 cts.
some time. The loss of his thumb SEAT ORTII.
will be a serious natter to him as it David Donovan has returned home
will render hila incapable of perform from a very successful trip to the
ing many of the requirements of his Old Country. where he has been with
trade as a carpenter, and much sym-
y m a load of horses
pattly is felt for him. A young lad, son of Mr. George
Mr. James McIntosh on Thursday Fitzgerald,ryas holdinga
received a telegram announcing the horse,
when the animal commenced to play
sad event of the For -
which took place atth of McIntoshis mother
Mills and kicked bins on the face. For -
Ont., on Wednesday of last week, tunately the injury is not dangerous.
The late Mrs. McIntosh had reached Mr. George. Fortune, one of Turn -
the advanced age of 79 years, and Turn—berry's progressive farmers, was in
bad been taken ii: only a short time town on Saturday last. He canoe
prior to her death. The delay in the down to spend a few days with his
telegram reaching Harriston render friend, ll r. George Murdie of Me
ed it impossible for Mr. McIntosh to killop. $2,964,014, an increase of $171,224, bottle. Its value is amin,,ble. Be sure
We are sorry to learn of the death The following statement will show and oak for Mrs. �\ inslow s Soothing
reachunMcIntosh prose andms for the of Mr. John Latta, of Tuckersmith, the development of the post office I Syrup, and take no other kind
partner funeral, but his brother P near Chiselhurst, which took placeon business during late years:
George, was with their aged parent
in her last hours. d
Geo. Edwards, Mill street Brussels
IIARIUSTON. that promises. to do good work at a
A couple of lads were this week low figure.
diseiplInes fol• disorderly eondaet Last week a Council of Chosen
on the street on Sunday evening. Fru ads, was instituted in At d
Mr. Arthur Core has bought the
lot on the corner of Princess and
Shipley streets from Mrs. Shipley
and has Ines engaged pulling dow i
the old brick house. He intends
greeting a Lew residence the cont.
ing summer,
Miss Cooper of Albert street north
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Henderson
at Kincardine, who has been ill for
some time and dues not seem to im-
prove as fast as her many friends
would wish.
The Council passed a resolution to
have an office erected in connection
with the station stock scales for the
convenience of buyers and sellers.
The work should be proceeded with
at once.
The other day Mr. E. Glenn, of
Stanley, had a splendid five year old
gelding in Clinton which weighed
about 1,700 pounds. He sold the
animal to a Seaforth buyer for $125.
The animal was for the old country
all faith in medicines, now in good market. It certainly pays to raise
health and "able to do my own work," good horses.
because Hood's Sarsaparilla bas power This year, under the management
to enrich and puri{iy the blood and make of Inspector Wheatley, the road
the weak strong—this is experience of a machine has been doing excellent
host of people.
Hood's Pills are the best family ca- the time the purchase was made
Capital, $1,360,000, Rest, $650,000
President -3011N STUART.
work. Many electors thought at
111#1111/1 1111E
—1b PUBL1S1i1,IF
--eT 1"1114—.
Vica•Preeideat—A. (i. RAMSAY. TIMES OFFICE, JosaP
RIMS PBOeTOa, Gso, RoAau, war Glssox, P, A. T. I subscription price, Si pot year, inadpunoe
Wool, A. B. Lim (Toronto), ,_,__,
Savings Bank—noun8, foto 3; Saturdays, 10
Space 1 yr. Unto. 1 3 mo. 1 1 mo,
1. Deposits of 31 and upwards received and tercet Ono Column 380 00 $40 OS WO 00 S 00
trait 40 00 20 00 12 00 UCO
sp9oial Deposits also received at current Quarter'" ( 20 00 12 i0 7 00 300
tutee oI ic_sreet. One Inch 5 00 3 00 2 CO 100
Drafts oi, Great Britain and the United States
Legal and other cost al adrert'seniente, Sc. per
bought and sold lino for first nsortion, and Sc per lino for each
W. CCR BOULII, AOENZ subsequent insertion. 'Measured by nonpareil scale,
E. L. DICKINSON. Solicitor. ,.ocal notices 10e. per line. for first insertion, and
5o, par lino for each subsequent mortice..
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations
and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lice
nonpareil, 31 for first month, and 50e, for ea
subsequent month,
Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 11gq3�•
DEPART PO1t AIMIYE DOOM 31 for tdrat month, 500. per subsequent. month
Toronto and East 6:50 a.m. 1:15 p.m. Larger advertisnmonts in p•oportIon.
These terms will be strictly adhered to
9:30 p, m. --via Clinton Spedal rates for larger advertisements, or for
Palmerston Mixed 5:90 10:40 a.m longer periods.
London and South 6:30 a.m. 11:10 " ` Advertisements and local notices without specific
3.30 i tri 8:00 m direetiots, will ha inserted till forbid and charged
1p• accordingly. Trai tory adyertieomente must bo
i�inrardine 11:10 a.m. 6:50 tti.m. paid in advance
1:15 p in. 3:30 p.m (hnngae for contract edvertieementr must be
8 �� 53:90 " the office by Wednesday noon, to order to
that wank
S. D. 11ROW11,
PRol'105holr AND PUBLISH!
thartic and liver medicine, Gentle,
reliable, sure.
that the expenditure was useless—
that the money was being thrown
away. '1 number of streets have
THE POST OFFICE DEPART- already this year been greatly im-
MENT• proved and we would add.that the
The annual report of the Post ; health of many citizens has also
office department for 1895-96 was' been better protected by the carry -
laid' on the table of the house on !ing off of stagnant water.
h'riday, by Mr. ?Bullock. From the The other day while assisting in
report of Deputy Postmaster•Gener• i taking down the frame work owned
al White it appears that on June 30 by Mr. Wm. Core on _Huron street,
last, there were 9103 post offices in' George Stewart had a very narrow
the Dominion, of which 1640 were in ',escape from instant death, He was
the province of Quebecr The total in an upright position when one of
number of letters carried is given as ; the beams came down and on its
156,028,000, post cards, 27,794,80v downward course wedged him be
registered letters, 3,565,500, free tween it and the building. The
letters, 4,808,800, transient newspap• severe squeeze has compelled Mr.
ers, post cards etc, `24,024,000, prim- i Stew art ko lay
ytoff ek, but w tally
e are
ers' copies, photographs etc., 2,352, glad providentally
packages, fifth class matter, escaped instant death.
1,320,700, parcels, post, 321,700,1
clased parcels for United Kingdom i For over Fifty Years.
and other countries, 22,630.
� . E. STH
During the year 318 additional
miles of railway mail service were
established. The average daily
railway mail service was 14,600, an
increase of 206. The value of the
issue of postage stamps was $3,779,
993, an increase of $154,178. The
net revenae of the post office was
Moneyadvanced on Farmers and Business then on
endorsed notes and collateral.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by mil-
lions of mothers kr their children while
teething, with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic. and is the best
remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleabant to
the taste. Sold by druggists in every
part of the world. Twenty-five cents a
Moneys remitted by draft to all par of Canada and
the United States.
Notes and accounts collected on reasonable terms.
I Tuesday atter a lingering illness. Number of post offices in Canada GODERICII.
Air. Latta wast' n old resident an in 1886, 7,295, in 1896, 9,103 •
Cat Holmes and Lieutenant
was descrvedl • esteemed byall who Number of letters sent by post in p
EXETER. 1 knew hint. 1886, 71000 000 in 1896, 115,730, Holmes are now busy two evenings
EXETER. Mr. A. R. Sampson, who has acted 000. a week drilling their /men for the
The Council is contemplating the as teller in the Dominion bank hereNumber of miles of railway over approaching camp which opens at
purchase of a fire engine. since the branch was started, has which mails are carried in 1896,10, London on June 28th.
One of our young men was fined transferred to Lindsay and bis place 556. We learn from Mr. Frederick 0,
$4 and costs for using offensive and here will be filled by Mr. Loosemorc Revenue in 1886, $3,468,747. in Colter, that the Goderich Souvenir
indecent language to a little girl. of Toronto, Mr Sampson proved hirn 1896, 4,009,890. will be before the people in a very
Mr. Geo. Cottle, of Whitechurch, i self most efficient and obliging and Savings bank deposits, 1886, 7, , short time. The books will be on
sale at Porter's book store, and
through them exclusively, will be
supplied to the citizens. From the
views we have seen we are satisfi-
ed that the work, will be a credit to
town and without a doubt every
citizen will want one. •
The weather last Sunday was not
very favorable for the church parade
of the Canadian Order of Foresters,
but the brethet•n turned out in full
force and heard an excellent and ap-
propriate sermon, from Rev. Mr.
Turnbull, at St. George church. The
musical service included the anthem
"Behold how good for brethren to
dwell together in unity," was as
usual well rendered. Both choir and
preacher, deserved the hearty yote
of thanks passed by the brethren on
their return to the lodge room.
Money to Loan on Notes.
Notes iseounted
Money advanced on Mortgages at 5:j per oentwith
privilege of paying; at the end of any year. Nota
and accounts collo.:ted.
:30aT. etoI D 00.
Beaver Block Winrham, Out
is visiting friends in and around
Exeter. Ihe will be"greatly missed by the pat-
rons of the bank.
Mr. Wra. Fraser has been clerk of The Council are having a drain
the township of McGillivray continu- , pat in on each side of Goderich street
ously for 35 years, a record that is : between Main street and the church
very seldom broken. I It is a good work and will greatly
Jas Richardson has purchased I improve that part of the street,which
Alex. Dow's residence on Williamhas usually been in a very poor con -
street. Mr. Dow will erect a house i dition.
on the property recen;Iy purchased Mr. S. Reid , formerly of Harleck
from Mr. Yellow. with his family, are now comfortably
Mrs. Nichol, of Winnipeg, Man., located in their new home on the
is visiting relatives here, She was lfiil road, Tuckersmith, lir. Reid i year. The number of deposits was
called to the bedside of her father, having leased the farm formerly oc• 143,685, 155,398, and the amount
Mr. James Bonthron, who is at pres-i copied by Mr. Alex. Gray, Mr. Gray ( from $7,488,028, to $8,138,947. The
eat very ill at the residence of R. H. having taken possession of the farm aggregate balance, including accru-
Collins, which he purchased in the western ed interest, on June 30,th was
J. A. Gregory who has taught the end 28,932.929.68. or $2,127,387.41 in
Winchelsea school quite successfully
Mr. 'W. J. White, for several years excess of the balance at the close of
for a number of years, has resigned editor and preprieter of the Brandon the present periou. The average
and will pursue his studies, fitting Sun, 'has been appointed by the1 balance at the credit of eaeh deposi-
himself for higher spheres. His Dominion Government, Press .Agent tor advanced from $222.22 to 282,82
resignation takes effect at midsum- for the Immigration Department. The average deposit in 1895 was
mer. Mr. White's duties will be to superin- $52.11, in 1896 it was $53.37.
The third of a series of lacrosse tend the complication and distribu-
matches between the Grits and I tion of immigration literature for the
Tories of the town was played onchase's Kidney Liver Pills
and for ti♦h
the grounds Monday night, resulting Chase s :fills have gained popularity
newspaper experience, eminently because they are a specific for the uric
in favor of the former by 3 goals to 1 qualifies him. Me. White was a re- l n prevent Bright's Disease,
2. This ties theseore---one each and 1acid coot ltlo , p
I silent of the eou'nty of Huron before oureRheumatiem and all Catarrhal con -
a draw. I going to Manitoba, he was connected ditions of the Kidneys and Bladder.
'1're recant frosts have to some , with the Exeter Times, and is a son I They du this became they poseess re -
extent injured the small frt`lits, bat markable alterative, tonic and diuretic
the lural apple and lather hardy of Air. Jahn at jou , tl, present pt o properties, exerting a wonderfully soote-
P od prietor of that journal, ing influence on irritated or inflamed
fruits withstood the test pretty well mucous membranes of the 'Kidneys anal
and in these time is every prospect • Bladder. One pill a dose, 25c a box.
TTobacco Heart
The chaapest medicine in the world.
of a good crap. I`!le fall wheat is
looking well and hay promises to be
a good yield.
Iloilo, pimples and eruptions, scrofula
and all other manifestations of impure
blood are cured by lluod'e Sarsaparilla.
Jurt because a marl acts ashamed
of being so, is no prcof that he is
. tender hltrted,
645,227, in 1896, 8,138,947.
Money orders issued in 1886, 10.
231,189, in 1896, 13,081,806,
There were 1 310 money order
offices in operation. on June 30th.
The number of money orders issued
in Canada was, 733,517, for '$2,355,
191. The number of orders paid
144,892, for $2,124,558.
The general business of the sav-
ayings banks, shows a considerable
increase over that of the previous
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rot
interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, teyvr
and faros property bought and void
OFFICE—Beaver Block wlxaaaM
Har Majesty's Diamond Jubiloe
nrries "Queen Victoria, Her Life and Reign;
Cinto every home. Persons who never sold books
take orders fast, Ptefnce the most eloquent or
Lord Dufferi u's achievements. No hook so highly
praised• Wo need n ore canvassers. Easy to make
315 to 33o a week, Books on time. Prospectus free
to canvassers. A tri 1 will , est nothing and it may
fill yourGARPETSt).'1 CO. tl.rt..Toronto, TOutIIE BRADLEY-
A' no, starting the best thing for
GENTrt0,ln,oney making you havesuen formally
a uay Yo nems and a,fdress wil bring you the
gol,en iutornlatio t, it P. ULAiG 1 N Toren to
AGENTSN`'µ ready.
of "Queen Victoria"
now Enlarged—thirty-
two full pare plates added. Best issue of the Queen
published. The only Canadian
and the eptedtntl He d
book nncepted by ger Majesty. Sales enormous',
canvassers knocking the bottom out of all records.
F.osy to tnalre thiity dollars weekly ftom now until
Diamond Jubilee, Particulars free.
BradloyOarreteen Co. Ltd. ,Toronto Ont
Gass nsv:N—:ply heart troubled mo
with violent palpitation, shortness of
breath tend sleeplessness. This was
caused, my pblsician advised tie, by ex-
cessive use of tobacco. Since taking
Milburn's fleart and Nerve fills the
distressing, symptoms have entirely dis-
appeared, They have cured me, and 1
am thankful to testify to their good
effects, W. 3. St. Thomas, Ont.
An Antidote far Asthma
Mr. Albert Reid, Angus, Ont., was for
oyer two years a eutferer from Asthma.
Ahalf bottle of Yellow Uil cured him
completely, and although that was
sometime ago, bo has never sincebeen
troubled with the salve complaint,
Did any one drop a 50 cent piece?
asked the shabby matt in the lnidst
of the crowd watching the safe go
No, said they. Bat you are an
honest man anyway.
And now for the second proposition,
did not see you Ltt the said the shabby man. I did not pick
Drussilly --Iup any 50 cent piece, but will solve
Van' 1nnt reception last night, clear II one drop a nickel in this hat as the
reward for honesty!—Indianapolis
About the time a woman begins to `'(aim s+
quit lying about her age she begins sf of
to lie about her daughter's,
Winghan,, Ont.
The (molt:Jae Inhaler cares Catarrh and
Catarrhal Deafnas8. It is prompt, pleasant
and permanent, It is easy to use and easy to
buy. You take No chances with this remedy.
The price is $3, to be paid only when the
remedy is successful, not before. Poor or rich
can can on our representative in Wingharu,
Campbell, and procure this grand remedy
without having, to pay one cent in advance.
Apply without tOlay. Those who cannot call
on our representative can hare a Germicide
Inhaler. with iuladdressingdirections
s for use, sent the Medical In. o ��
their homes, by
italntion Co., Ltd.. Toronto, Ont. Just think
of being cured of C tarrh for 33 and that on
such reasonable terms.
SOLICITOR TO BANK OF 1llart111`0N. a10L41.i
Ottice—]Lever block. Winglsaw.
Irl •
Oflice—Corner liamilton and St. Andrew etreOs
opposite Colborne Motel.
0004801011, eNTANI•.
DENTISTRY.—J. S. J....00/A1 -i. b. S.yWmalAtt
�J le dlnnufactur. firat•Cta88 0012 f
teeth as cheap as they can be In •
in the Dominion. Teeth extr
absolutely without pain, by hie et w
process, guaranteed perfe.tly safe.
OFFICE : In the Bearer Bleak, opposite
Brunswick douse.
Y. P. S. C. E.—Meeting in basement of
Presbyterian Church every .Friday evening.
B. Y. P. U.- -Meeting every Tuesday
evening in the Baptist church.
EPWOBTB. LEAGUE—Meeting every
Thursday evening in the Methodist church.
Dorothy --No. I hoped to be able
to go up to the last moment, but was
Drusille, sweetly,—Yes, I know
the invitations were limited—Scot-
tisk Nights,
Tor TwAnty-seven Years
PERt ' + 5t t,l'
• ray „: r11
For Ilfente ani. Chinneii,
ARTHUR J. IRW1N, D. D. ti., D. S.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the PeensylrAnt
Dental College
Noam—Mill visit Blyth every Wednesday,
,i,.,_a1i% SS 11 atc-L
- - it �,,
P• DEANS, Jo., W1NO4Aay
OF rantoN.
Sales attended 10 any part of the Co. Charge
Sales of Farm Stook aid Farm Implement,
All orders left at the Tlatsa otliee promptly aitea.i
ed to. Terms reasonable.
with force o
CULTURE® LADIES -character, need
ing to cau. Ayn ' can learn how to do so in a good
INOLUDINO Books, Pamphlets, Postero, B 11
Heade, Circulars, arc., &e., executed in the best
style of tho rt at mode
prices, ,
and on short
notice. Apply oraddress
T ares Olga, Windham.
We are pl:.nsed to announce that an ]looks
Magazines lett with us for Binding, will have Otte
giventonr. Prices applicatiofor thedingin Tines O01 o sty]
WANTED---tionand Woolen who can work
hard talichig and tvrlttng six
hours :t day, for six days a week, and wit be content
with 10 dollars weekly, Address
NEW IDEAS 00 Brantford,
S• d. Se Camp Caledonia, No. 49 MOO
the first and third Monday in
every month, to ,+ho Odd Fellows Dalt. visiting
brethren welgcmu J. Me *y, add: A Stew
art Ren.•$SC