HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-07-14, Page 1.410 ' 4 II VOL 1. ' EXETER ONT,, THURSDAY, !MIX 14, 1887. NO 6. 1hr tx(ter gtiluocatc. Id 1'411)112h ed tkery nursday ftlaning, Lt the Olieei earner of John lei Tdaittats, - Exeter, Ont;' 114:11MS 81,1118CRIPTION t One ddlisr a iar if paid in advance; fn,5o t 00t THIS PAPER. WILL BE SENT !gro Aprort,10.,,,s 44 the Pilled States or America, Fronl now to Jan 1st 1888 Advert/4.114 Rates on Application. No paper diiontinued until all arrearages are paid. ....1.dvertisoments without speehle directions will be - published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal dlicount inado for trans ient advertioemonta inserted .for long periods. 'Every description of JOB‘PitINT. 13t1 turned out in the Aliebt'StAe of thoart and at moderate rites. Cheques, money orders, de. for advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be madepayalle to THOS. PASAIORE, Editor and Publisher, , • TYLTUROti Dtl?ECTORY. . , trtp,cor.o. Caving -Roy. S. F. Robinson, incum- bent. ,Sunday'Seildies, 11 a, ni., and 7 p, rit ; Sab- bath fiehool, 230 ii, in. , SALrATioN AltAlY.-Flunelay services, 7. a. m.,3 p. m. and 8 p. pa:, afaTiefia ,avery night during the week, at 8 o'clolgic. liolineos meeting at 11 a. in, on Sunday. 3fornemsithicacti.JATan1e0 • fit., ROI'. J. Graham, pastor.. dunday services, 10.30 a, in. and 6.30 p. in. Sabbath' school, 2 p. m. k'ra)er meeting Thursday erenitit at 7.30. ..1,1.1 . ,7:41.411.1 ,STREIGT.-Hey, W. II. ra60043, )1111401": SIM: day "servicea, 10.30a. mt. and 6.30 p. in. Sabbath del, 2.30 p. m. Prayer meeting, '(hu day even- ing at 7.30. Young peoples prayer meeting -Thursday evening at 7.30. . l'arSeynassax CHURC13.,-ReV. W. 31. Martin, Pliator. SundayserViceo, 11 a. in. and 6:30 p. tn, Sabbath Nellotil, 0146`16. In: Young peoples prayer meeting, at. 8 -Pi. thUrsday evening, prayer meeting at 8 o'clock. Clioir'Practice itumediately after, . •Busmess and other Cards. .. • • TW. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. P,. S.: el Oradttateof Victoria University. Office aid iseidence- Dominion. Laboratory. Exeter, Ont. June, 9.'87. JOIIN GILL, LIOSNReD AUCTIONEER. ' .--- For the Village et Exeter, and the County of Ilaron. ..itil orderer promptly attended to. Exeter p.o., Ont. 84181101', LICENSE'D AUCTIONEER. A. Yoe the Townships of Hay and Lfaborne. All orders. •proxiiptly attended to ' Exeter p.o., Ont. • - - R H. COLLINS, . ff&KRISTER, * :4 SOliCitar of Supreme Court of Ontario, UsSibmisaloner, Conveyancer, 81c., Office-Nextdoo, to &mu ell ds Piet. Ards, Exeter, Ont. Money to-foan at very koweat rotes. , H. KINSMAN, PriNVIa'll i, gas L. L. s.,.,extraces teeth sapidtnait ?. 1.4 givhig VitilizeIl Attie: iasing the new lead .Anas4 thetic imthe puha. /de1ft:4061d Fillings, and another - dental work the .besti posalble. "Goes' tst Burials hast Thursday in each savoith. EST SIDE OF MAINSTRBET, EXET41t.. • . . - .., . Wtercerr & !saneetts, resunasey, ',elite. Rer.LEetsie Mist'Stevabost Agents., Wealthy and Te- l:11.1U Vire Mid' Life Ineurance Coiiipsnies Represent- , . Any ariutuntisf money to legillirr010.1076Parto gagee at, lowest rases Of interest. ' General Agents for Huron Co., for A. E..Willianas a; 'Co.,yeal estate este, 'London. -Beaver Lino of Steaniers represented. Ofilce-.4azaes St,. Exeter, Ont. , In9.87 . . , O. .L. W. 924. .„ ..1,..s.. ._ meeta first Friday in every mont7,, in John's Block at 8 o'clock. Visiting Brethren Welcome. • .JiMit Eraexisits, W. NI, dons 'wit:Ts, Secy. ..........,................................../.....1................1.........*TA.-... -.1- o. F. NO. 128. " • - .1.. banite the seoond stiaiourth rsidey, of stieli• month, in Fanaon's Rail. at 8 ceolook p. ro. Vinting Breth- ren cordially invitee, .. , E.. RoBaRTfli C. R. J. Pa:kilts', sec. . . • .. , ., Hay ferners' Mutual .fire ,,.... ,. Ansur, „... , anc.o Company. , . ,......_..... VARTIES DESIRING '1'0114BURE IN TUE BEST A •,, „ -- ;and cheapest Inau„tinee Company In the Dominion', . catido •so by applyibit personally, or by mail to the .undersigned. All ItPtcationis promptly attended to. Also agent lor the W, llington Lempany of Guelph. Also AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. E. BOSSENDERRY,, Aosta% .June. 9-81. - Zurich, Ont. . _ • ed. Issuer of - , , , (111ARRIAGEI ...-.......- ILTENSES9 Lite; eeeldehi,etni vire else:voice agent ()Sete*: Wein Sidi id Main Street Exeter. irmowswompow.AMINIMIONMIM • BUGS ! 13gGS BUGS! Bugs are tetimp and you must play PariaGreeti if you went to Make a point. PURE PAllig G-REEN --AT TUE- DOMINION,LRBORATORY &Rebore anIscily Powder. Always a full Rupply o Drugs, Dyes, mid Fancy Goods: kiShing tackle a specialty. 4;4'144' :11001VNINCo, 0 . iT9.11-41aron, FOR ONLY , . Fifty Cents. Subscribe Now. 4. J. Srell, MERCHANT TAILOR, West side Main-st.. Exeter. A Good Fit augioranteed. Latest Styles of Goods kept ia sta.*, A Call Soiloithd. x Crediton; f4,'• Fax pulling commenced on Meeday leet. Beautiful showers of rain Vieited • to work, and irthere'e Anything in leather Jukes going to hay,e it, mei we venture to euggest two elements of succees to ;Teem. lat, get hen a "freer" eo eooe aa he can, 2nd, advertise in the widely cIecultieed admits s 01 tll'a Av0D 0aTE . a 1116Y on Saturday last, 4 l" donbles itself Lewis Winn. is erecting „ entre little fl'atite eottar on River street. ° iineveeihig has eemraelickel. Every The flax _ _ bedY seems to be as btt4y at they am b neighborbood, Where there were it v dl w age, is reportede the best for sov:iirarlot yeeree. noun esti be 1eeezti.,noewvel ra.yri:a4erwafia4ballieetibeatentd°. The ieep-hap-hap-hurrali f tit the flea Punt d noisy flax geres, will be the melodies '116.'4 "Cjii i>f 114'^ ncle been °eon in af btht;xi.cenonronitil‘neluabndis eovtietninpgral:t.eite;riet; P°unTerceirtide°calaYelhiitenYe°air°uelr.;glieett.°Yteetrle: titaiTlaaPehianulistaeset: most every evening, and think they We fillet that thgetelicroepx- legWelci can down anything that poems uloeg. will hi' ""*eient to induce seine' Pirti:st the 016 neeekoit mils sure t at the aitu- ful in this yiehlity, especially ,..) e ta . titeoillsittoni stiv,avlitill.win our villagbe for next The vegetable crop is lookine b a ti Raspbet•ry pickers can'he seen teeeral- . 17 e P ;Ili phtling the crop. bages, which are eery Plentiful, Lots reePpdasieeleyentliine:c,:hfoortendepprBintagu,,dawitlbleanebpaity. of "Saurkraut." , noes or the capital invested in tbi u ing their wee to the sever4 patches, &natal, ' 8 way. blest!), every niorning Probably Chet e aree:rneee,PiCkers than berriei a Jelin P. chn:lre and family weretair:," .Art old gentleman who got timeried fieW weeks ' ago, pessebted the town. ing Mr. John Manning, noW liviuk on if Ekier Farin, Rogerville, a visit la* band with a entail ei*, of . nteney' F; . they would prontiseee..eint to serenade-Aileidn8nYina;teci;1o7snJPsays that Mil are good, with the ex- . . him. The money was steeepted, ceptibti of fall wheat,lle'Iclt It ' hin. The haedsome tieW reeidence, : Of :11.1t% soinewhat destroyed withaINS:Orin;tui hart Samuel Eilber Esq., is rapidly .aeaetng has been sapping thalife of the kernel. completion. The house, when Itheiheci Mrleffinning's prospectk are good for will, undiettletedly he one of the hee.a_ 1' ealizing ample Teturns fpr his outlay. setnisst ,resicleneee in the village. • The barns and etabltri are filled up and so arranged as to render every eon, venience to these having oti care for the !different arrivals • housed. Mr. Me.peiog hee *already made some int - portent yhanges to the advantage of ID 'tee' ik!7( e PI t.e. White the we of .having. a cage without a ca:hary. - • . •Fartners in this •neighboehood are induced' to plant less corn and eow mare peas, as it proves to. be a good 'woe. Look cut for fat 'porkere" from this neighborhood next fall 47.• "Speck/4e Aev. 0. Brown, delivered a ved l SNEttR ‘o, touching and interrestine sermon to a • ' • . large congregation Stniday meriting * last. He dealt steongly on the point of churches in this nineteenth century, (growing into o state of formality. • , Rev. Mr C. Brown and 'daughter __... Interned to their home in Milverton, • • • PHOTOGRAPHS • ,On Sunday -last sii., tdet.tory :4;1r:a visited the.village almost every. c vensuganti sseeiv:LeLyestungnotiielvaditiVo'ia,.. en:joy 1Lig_ , .,, them; ' were ..feimd ebout the tavern. cioors,,,.. gra P°44ie,"'" anCI generally every eight afteretero!cluck theyhorlY aftet; '#irihetichneenieu bYtwo:. return,homeeehoutinwand. evreating; and ditig.40*19, * '1:ei°14°11 th° Picnic' We sometimes lighting:. These young rem are lie ope lie;py wil ..it' 'et 'do-icttgain. '''"- ' eeeitherlieter,d nor peen. .aboue .the :willage.. , jgr.,,;(141Th itoutlit,oxi ,bittet.arisini uotv. They remain aflorne. The verlage tinsmith, is eretiting a filteletgee.,two' ,iTs'erninitnechraPniclalrwt::4: t° re8ja° in tttld, ev tile etot.y. brick . 'hardwaretin, 'and .etitve, , The!SeiitOrct114:0;iAliasine,„' only ... when . , . , , MR Jp,.0,.#".,0:xion having ,purebaded,,t,lic,,,lnfeirtess of Chas. Seniore to, in- '" form the the public that: - -lie Can be found ' ' ' At the Old stand Main Street, Exeter , Cabineteeni ty. Elegant Finish. • Copying and Enlarging done fiTI shortest notice. JOS. SENIOR.. New Premises.? *EW GOODS, SO Respectfully reminds his any Customers and the public generally that he has re- moved to 1115 HIV STAillt -NEXT TO...-. o *it 0 tit. 0* Main Street, EXETER. Where he has just. reoeivad WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF READY-MADE -BOOTS &SHOES. ALSO Rand -made work of the .highest Class - A Trial Solicited, and • Satisfaction Guaranteed. BELMANSON, Exeter, after spending a week, v ei tang. 11reends stele relatives I in titiee tr*lifisei•hoele Ws Imre his labor§ • in his 44ester's, Vitsey,itrd,„ may be ovined kneV?lilessed, We% would- advise ani.putr the, feral- er wlice,hae green petit4 .011 .1555. gurn-d. beast. Before Mr. M's term , the farm will present an ap- tie*, decided improvement. ' Rtepttez Coonoil. Comma met on Monday, :TOY 44, All the members present Minutes of hist meeting read end signed, Moved by IL kilter, seeonded by C, Eilber, that Iteeve and P. Coughlin see te the opening out of 3ed aideroad Olt 1801 COM as soon as possible. Resolved that Clerk see the Reeve of Exeter, with reference to S. Ford. Mr. John J. m.oPho0 oelnPlains that consequences of the incompleted.con- tract of A. Campbell on road Absentee on 17 and 18 core, 4th S. R; be is under a great inconvenienoe•and and by petition requests the council td Out said koad ill a passable Mate as aeon es possible -in .compliances with said petition, it was moved by D; French, seconded by 0, Eilber that the Reeve and cleric to let said job, if not done in 30 days, and assess against mid contmetor the extra expensaof re- letting and if not be paid, to place his bond in our solicitors hands for en- forcement. The Saott Act. Havihe seen statensents in sev- eral papers to the effect dust the Scott Act is it failure wherever it has been tried, I isegetto4t eniphatically to contradict those .etatetnnte iso far as this village and Bur- . totindings,areesencevited, r ••I'liteSliette eAdtelinier,beenteinee • '"firee'saki oneiteAheit a year nowaridet can:appear to aorpereon livimem ort near there -Mew: Itie"etittege•et has. predueed., for tlitebet-, ter. Fermerly considerable numberx vemigonen from. the eerrouuding eottntr,y •eleepk,•• J01,1,ki,' is a men.of businese :r88tC2ple and kiows hoss to -give geed bitegreintetd his.matty,cuStO:itierse The .buildilesejailds 'greatly' toihe improve: pient;:es,eielr as a credie to the village, Thipiiffit,tetielien of Scheel mile ,and,e„tellsktetr..itgith of this place, retu tie her Goderiche where Ali' ifiteridi SO:gilding a fjw weeka amongst , Mit acquaintances, after whiell Mitt her departure for. Colorado, 1/1404 :40e understand, site has reteiiiii'lineenagement as teacher. May siteceft and p eisperity accompany her through lift..i Mrs. Sophia •„, bacb, late o New Ilainburgi who hei been spending A teW' weeks visiting at her borne, Mr. Devid•Stahl, returned to her new home in Waterloo, on Satneday last. where M. Otto M. has taken upon him the charge and managetnent of a :large grisetuill in that place. FI4 is a man who thoroughly understand the 'busi- ness, and is Capable of filling the posi- tion he has taken. We $wish them success in their Dew home. 'Centralia, A. Urge nuttiberof orangenme and their Mende left here Tuesday morning for Oocleriele The railway eceenamodetunt •'WAS:just perfect. Mr. John Patients is inteiily etigatged in the ;bait shipping businesa. Mr. P. bi- peds ::the Amount to be handled tltis year, Will not be behied the shipments of,pte- We ehiaerte our halitstranis tdiager, Jacob BrOwli.,1the elioe maker, is king hp hie preteetes in s, good imbetential Niray. Although J'keoe lsee not been loiter- in our ideality, lie' hes, With that shrewdness,„ so eettitied teetiiii Genitive, pitched right ie- . IViiiperance A-Ample-41.0'ot duty: X18.0BEIEBVEa. e We- sdlloOttotTlitilL, Receieedetbo 'late ler lake sleveTeeteeseue,... Exemetrejime 301,1t '87. .. The council after passing the follow.; ing orders adjourned to lust Monday' in August In the tneantiene Trustees - will send to . the clerk the amounts ' they require raised for their respf3ctivo sections. The following orders were granted :-.-W. White, .sep. culvert 4th. cosi. $5.00 ; G. Fahner, road repair, 50 ; J. Lewis, R. R Interest, $525.- 00 ; ';'Johiv Melniies, culvert 18th eon. iL00; Bissett Bros., rope . for pile driver,' $7:60 e J. Willert, . grant fOr walks, $10.60; ' N. Buchanan,linaber' $6.00; N. Buchanan, lumber for S. 13. $2.42 ; D. Buchanan, rep. O. toad, 50e R. , Handford, Com. Work,. $11.25 ; Baskerville and Company, INISrk on London astd Faidteld road, $79.50 ; It Handford, halanceof Biddalph award. $1.66 ; O. H. Wilson, expenditere west 33, Corner; $16.25 ; A. Pitchers, bridge, Hay Cock Creek, 813.00; JaS. McKeever, gravelling S. B, $21.60• ; Isaap Rollins, work in pit, $17.50e I. ROltireviworla in .pie for: S., B.e.$10.00; R: Barry; coetelreeNlie40:, WM:00; W. Ydarly; contrace 0, R. $58.00; a hijia.:aks°inn'g' setinte.se $ 75:..50°; 0'; F.LS Eilber,titi?ireepY'. pi.le driver, $8.0.8; ;P, McIsaac, .gravel eontratst„ $1.0150; * G. Tapson. core, work, $5.00. ;', S. Hiekse danseges elraw, ing gravel, $4.00 : Jim Walker, gravel mid daniagese $30.50; J. Reamers, cora. $6:25e R. Kerslake, rep, culvert; 1,0th, eteit. $2:00; T.' B. Martin,. e*.p.. Exetet‘,. S. It 2700;$ L. Croft, culvertExeter S. R. $4251; I. 'Roberts, •work 14tte con. 85.00 i .11.; Barry,-g,rraveL.eivtract; '5 th 43,1v4 $87143; . zr., ."Fiifie ilibtr;', con., .. . , . A $6g. 54 0 and .W: , Atilerion, . 'gravel rette011 'and - ci. 1.t. ..10:PT -.Joilit'A , 108.15; 2,,,,,Barry.i..gral&..ctintractl dg, ISteepar, gravel. work' in. pit:: $53.62e 31... Kid nap; e cul vet t EzeticS2` R, $2,- 50; 7:McKenzie, ‘coni.,85:00; P.:It-mit gravel -contract, $38:00';' G, 'Wit bal. printing, $8,Qa; .e, Kraiise,,,lazitteti-, m. e. dram. 6-L0: K. Taihnee.e.gnoet contract, $22: 40;" .. A n gus MoCistenkite. eom., $8.00; W. Ford, gravel 00044 Exeter S. R., $26 65; John •Burry, dithh across S. 13. $2.00; ,Toho WHin, hauling lumber and cote., $10.87;'Vtis. Ford, work on bridge; $6.00; R. Box, bridge contract, $99.00; , J. Ryan,„.M. C. bridge, $3.00; W. Ryan, culvert S. B. $2.233 Wm. Hill, culvert aed other ' ' work, $8,25; P. Link, 00111.It k8.- . C. _ . 76; R. Itioks, culvert London road, $1.50; T. Ceimport, bridge 14th con., $6.50; Win. MoOttnn; wetching gap, $2.00; Mrs.S. Remote, ridief, $5,00; J. Lawson, g. contract, Ce R. $87.40, Min. Holt, Se., rep. C. reed, $2.26; Re Ireland, ditching 19th con. $5.00; j., Wind, grading 3rd S. R. $6,00; .1.. Damen grading Exeter 8-, B„, $1(1,001 James Ford, removing fence at, bridge, $3.00; Oh Holtenum, gate for hell yard $13,35; C, A171144, SlIficiries, $51.50; G. Tapson, re Whisky bridge, $3.504 Total, $1796.73. . ak-NOUTY, Cilerk. Tha School' lioard,. met at Secretary's office at -8:30,p,, rn.% ell the members present. Mr. T. Fitton, the newly elected member, subscribed to thedeclaration of office aud took his seat Minutes of former meeting read and adopted. A motion was passed authorizing the chairman and secretary to favor' 4200 to assist in raying teachers sal- aries. The secretary was instructed to ad- vise the village council' to raise theetten of $2000 for school purposes for the year '87 and '88. The Board arranged to meet on soh(*) ground, on Tuesday, the 5th. inst., at 3 o'clock p. ne, and assn) e for needed repairs of school building. A few clays ago James McIntyre of Wor*ick, drove to Forest. As he WOS mitering the latter place he noticed that his horse appeared sick, and, as he drove into the betel yeeel, the mare dropped. Inflammation caused death. , The town was rather lonely and quiet on Tuesday last, owing to a large manta of our loYal citicens visiting Goderich, where \the 'eley" Wee rade. brothel in it right lbyal mannur. A correspondenk ho bits teavelte3 through a large pation of the counties .�f Bruce and Huron, says that the prospects for an abundant yield froa allbrups were never better; vr, • 0,