HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-07-07, Page 8Tha$.411vatipn Army.
rongiggs And sociel foree of the
;s-Saivationists le anything but small.
"Tbey may well elaim that thoegh they
etre enly Of yeeterday they are to be
foetid anywhere Aua evarywhcre work-
ing with elastic energy and.a very
gratifying amonnt of suePese, Some
may say thet they show sheekingly
ad teste iii imner of their weys tid
words. That inay be, but good taste
is iiot eszerything. Some thinge.which
pese for good taste its vertain circles
are very far from having ens thing to
slo with the geuulne article. Some of
the most successful workers in the
field of religion and practical believe' -
mea have .not beeee gifted With lintich
"good Mete,'" but they have hed some-
thing better and greatly to be prefer-
red. If devils are east ,out, that is the
'great thing, 1.f the demon of drink is
put to flight, arid the lieshly devil is
forced to ootne out and to leave its vic-
tim, it may be weak and dishonored
yet at last elothed aud in his or her
right mind at the feet e Christ. If
the foal-moathed are led to fear and
roath ; if the liar becomes true in his
revery utteranee, and the thief is so
aShanged that he could be eafely •trust -
sed, with uncounted gold; if the prodi-
esal "comes to himself," and the eubli-
lean cries, "God be merciful to me a
sirreer," it matters 'very little, though
'vowels be sadly misused, and the great -
:noir is such us would have made Lind-
ley Murray go into fits. The Salvation-
ists claim, and, we think, will reason,
that they have done some very genuine
:curd atthe same time thoroughly good
work. They have their living epistles,
avhiolt have the marks of being genuine
'They have many rescued waifs who
Are proving by their lives that their
,conversion has been real. They e'vi
dently attract many whom other relit,
lolls agencies have,always repelled. A
poor state of affairs it infest be for peo-
ple to be continually snarling at those
who, for soul-savreg, are apparently
those successful than themselves, an
'feet the way in which this "Army*" has
been we -loomed shows that it meets a
felt want, just as the Methodist move -
did a little more than a century
sinc. It is, to be sure, yery evident
e hat too many even in Canada are per.
ignorant of the very first princi-
p'es of true freedom. They need mis-
sionaries sent to them very badly- It
is a shame a,nd a scandal that there
ehould be any town, village or city irj
our wide Dominion where an unarmed,
heipless and humble set of men preach.'
ewe the Gospel in their own way and.
4iccording to their own lights can be ,
violently assaulted and have "liberty
of prophesying" forbidden them because
their :midis consuming and their gram -
r max noste of the best. Nobody forces
any one to listen. If they ,stop no
thor oughfares, break no laws and do
viultmce to no one, then the civil
41uthorities are bound to protect them
ab all hazards and with, if necessary,
All the force that is at their disposal.
A Fatal Railwasr Smash-up Near
St Thomas.
About midnight last Sunday night
a disastrous and fatal wreck occurred
on tlie London and Port Stanley rail-
way, about two miles from St. Thomas
The wrecked traitt was composed of
Olirtee'S refrigerator cars, which were
loaded with fresh Meat for New York.
Oa meeting the city the axle of a car
((beet the centre of the train broke,
while running at a high rake of epeed.
Tire broken car jumped the track, and
itnuiediatery the thirteen following care
1.iled on top of it Conductor Manley
and the rost of the crew, all of Whom
le:onb4ea to poitit EclWard, fortunately
escaped serious injury, but soon after
'the wreck cries were heard issuing
from the mass of debris and earch was
at onee Cilinanencecl. resulting in the
linding of three persons pinned down
the wreck. The first wan foil nd,
NV li ose name is not knOwn, sees easily
ieseuecl and it is thought will recover,
although badly squeezed. The other
two victims evliose names ate Thomas
1 I. mit, gar seeker ef ,Lendon, and Doss
eiissley of Landon West, seetejamtned
;,etwoen the ends of two datt and
1, Wirt -fully crushed, Hunt, when fatted
Wal %till alive, and lived about four
hours, At four o'clock to -day Sissley's
'hotly was still in the wreck and plainly
k isible, presenting a horrible spectacle,
leviree, been ereshed to a jelly while
ell.ehing down the ladder at the end
of tii8 ear, Both of the victims were
oirrgie and intitietrioeS young Men.
Elteitt care Were totally clentolishettancl
it is temtd that theit eontents will be
entitely spoiled owing to the eacessiVe
heat The I.OggisCstitubled t
Mr, W. IL Chittick, of Dorchester.
Malmo- has beets ertgaged a ttevellet
for the Carling 13 reWittgand Matting
An enormous frIsit Prep is preseieed,
nog the lIodeou tine ePaassin
The St. .T.,PUis Glabe-Dentocrot esti-
mates that the wheat prop of the Oone-
try this eeerson will be OM, the Over,
age of the past five yeare,
'Good jedges predict that the cotton
ofop of Te4ces will te fully a million
and a helf bales, Vine rains have fall-
en of late, and the ateod is excellent
Reports from the cettle beraS in the
Northwest state that the hay harvest
Promises a lightprop. In Michigan it
is said that meols of the clover felled tcr
grow, and that-ou the whele the grass
erop will not average over 80 per 0014,
In Missouri the hay crop is geod.
The inland districts of PPianeYlvnia
report that the Hessian fly which lied
entirely disappeared for the past :two
years, is again ravaging the telheat
fields, and acres of it are dying in con-
sequence. It is thoup4ht that not more
than half a crop will be realized,
Dispatolies from ,Chester state that
tho eberey crop in Delaware is rahnoet
a compIete failure, Very few cherries
have been shipped, and they are of a
very prier quality. Cherries will, there
fore, be very 'high priced, The .outloele
for some of the other small fruits is
not encouraging,.
Crop reportsrfrom Manitoba and the
extreme Nortimest; say that the pros-
pects for a, plentiful„harvest are much
better than last year. Several locali-
ties ha.vejust been visited by boeritiful
rains, and farmers are confident of a
good crop, The first crop bulletin of
the Manitoba department of agricul-
ture, which has just been issued, shows
an increase in the wheat area over
that of last year of 47,693 aeres, while
the areas rof oats and barley show a de.
crease of 5,854 and 13,455 acres re-
Late advices from Dakota are to the
effect that in the wheatVeat extending,
100 Miles west of the Missouri liver,
crop prospects were never better than
to -day. Everything points to the larg-
est yield the district has ever produced
The weather during the last week has
been favorable sey eral light rains hav-
ing followed by srool weather.
Trie fanners are much elated with their
prospects, as for a year or two past the
conditions in this district have been
very unfavorable for crops, and the
people were (discouraged.
,._44.4 •
County and General.
A. Londesborough correspondent
complains of Blyth merchants advere
dsing under the noses of their business
men, That is the way to advertise.
The Assessment Insurance Journal
is a new paper just come to hand, pub-
lished in the intereet of the assessment
Life Insurance, by the Canadian Mutu-
al. Aid Association of Toronto. it is
cheek full of interesting insurarme
news. Call on Westcott Semler's,
agents, and secure a copy free.
Dr Willong,hby' M.P.P. East North-
umberland, has a large horse -breeding
establishment at Colborne. He states
that never before had there been a bet-
ter demand or a better price for a good
breed of horses. The best purchasers
are Americans. The English demand
is constant and the price good and al
most uevaried, but the American.
market will take alithe horses that can
be bred in Canada foe years to come,
and the piices are much better than
those on the other side of the Atlantic,
Mr. T. H. Preston, manager of the
Winnipeg Sun, was in Toronto last
week, He was of course asked to give
his view of the situation in Manitoba,.
He is fully impressed with the impor-
tance and gravity of thepreaent
Force, he believes, will not prevent the
building of the new railway to the
botedary. The Provincial Govern -
Merit has acted apparently in pod
faith, the Legislature is unanimous and
the inert who form the backbone of the
Province are praetically united. With
their natural leaders in place, should
force be 'used to prevent the beildieg
of the road it will be mot by force.
The following story of brutality te a
wife is repotted from the Toweship of
Keppel :— A. brutal husband wee ewear-
ibe at his wife for not behos out hi the
logging field to help him, when the
was heard to Say that she waold go as
soon as the eows were attended to. Up
on her making this reply the burly and
inhuman wretell Osed a heavy hone
whip whioll he held ha his hand, lashing
the helpless being over the head and
siadeldere, arid apparently not being
eatisfied with this took the hem/ end
to beet the defencoleSS head of her whom
he had sworn te 0'0U:et, and Wild sank
under the terrible blots which \Vero in,
Meted. This 'appeared to satisiy the
Monster, who left Ids vitin bleedieg
4 �.lmost 1ie1ttut thtgi outul.
TRU! :
soN.F hMitlit:W$
ICA V14. A N A .L
f(lt Banc 'of • 1.887.,
"Wind, and more weather ! trme
nights hut bad, time for'front
gates. Srthqnake rn E1041e
places. Come and get s set of
furniture that an earthquake
won't 41Lfize ex411.g, ;fitovc,
Xiabi goiter Rotteet ! ! ! Don't
Don't, get excited 1 Try and
force yosneway M to buy MO Of
our extra cheats bedroom setts,
We lime 12 different steles 41
, sleek to pick from, and yotl can
get one if you only keep cool,
Drizzly or pie:IR:Int InvisThio
eclipse of the moon! Work like
fury, or youll never get through
81 en: al do 11:ioenI jet ed pjea,
co7t,Pteir.,:c.,1:tirruget,„c ae
offerieg. Furniture of every des
Another spell of weather 1 'War in
the east! Terrible eat fotrOphe
in New York! 53 peock sue-
ctunb to base ban lever. Police
ordered out to keep back the
crowd from our Warerooms ;
8evera1 eeriously jammed.
N ove,mber,
Look out for snow. Fathers with
eligible daughters, Unhang the
front gate, and 'buy one of onr
cosy sofas, warranted to Wing,
the most bashful young. man m
the ceuntry to time m short
order Beds, Spring, Mattrasses,
Lounges, etc., etc, in endless
Y4/1111eY. ee.;mber.
c41,11,.,gt„siti in the moon, and iisore
(rev sock a caseate' Coffins, itAes and
Tiimmings, are aueseelled. Reformed
undertakers, »u Ringo. no Cliques, •ne use
ILII alike. Our InleeeLve govern ourselves,
44)44(441 44>11 peoplo kra, they Ure very
; understand, and make a
specitay ni this oait, of our business.
Co:1w and see before Telt buy, Open day
see ewe.
Drew's old stand, -=--one door
tiorth of Molson's Bank.
Rowe & Andrews,
To the people pf Exeter and
surrAunding ceuntry
ThroW!:Off the sifolte so long
borrie,by yci4 under '
your- Tyeeia nicer
High ?rices.
And not with a freedom clear-
ly ib:e'liliinaggh,leit.ptirifil'o'ocnYws:i:tilie'vIlf"?it,e11*°311-
:131.01711.86 A40120 e
from all manor oi: ove-charrie:
1' str.2).2)/y oil with rqiable wad
8141lish 0004,4
WA 7.1 IMES,
FOP' Elre.t
At Lowest LiOng Prices,
stand oppositd4r, Pieltard's,
Vain St., Exeter,
Mrds, OreY Press floods at 121, so ellen h rot o ice
'IT WAS lie) Tgoimal`To
4 pretty faVil '1,$iith•bettlitiful 'nee fletnielpg for front OA,
drapes, narrew too, so good and se geed a alatf$1 ro WcindEr Attr
You are to get. a dress fit for. a wedding day --all
soft and sure to wear. Thopriee—an even dollar 'dr cFaah,
12 3q1s. white Viotoria peva for $1.2,0, jagt Me yd, yeti. See; so
l mi go eat, then eetchsthem while yetica., for thy'reean
tehaseymoonvte,he pocket and so COO for SUnOnar wear; ,'25, nieces,
011a eye cen see at a glance enr Tweeds are right :Quality -
.and wear is what we sdin to give, and since dollars are not so
plenty by far, as halves, so we mark to snit the times.
Is no exeuee, if you buy from us, but very good if money is
spent as eotne of yon speed, The prices you pay will try you
hard, leave you without a home it may be, but to return to the
hat—A new strew, With a striped band takes but theee (Elites
Ifteporu4lonrd. 1:%°11‘eVis—n lel el vOec gionittittot neci At/ aMnrlair Ad fat
editor says his paper is, we make them 8, and stand by what we k
- A legrof latub---The leg so light, and the price so heavy. Oat
Shirtings and Cottonaeles—The price so 4ight, and the goods
so heavy,
We're bons nd te give in Prints Stnd Laces (and Cloves and Para -
sole, alsgstiroeeries Crockery end Glassavare. And now, al-
though you've often passed us by, next Vitae kindly lOok in and
see *hatcash will do tat
Butter, and 'eggs Men
GREAT 13A.11GAtt*T.S/
AND ' eseett ,
,g:4 1,0 't ts-•
64' 4'''e t la Z VW aVO 0 ' .4•;°' ''34
c) Eel ammemammorsammr.ososs ' V .r. •
.E -S A relif . 'ivdA
tirs: Ce'9" 'II cl 41,
110BCLARK x el Aa ntTge f 0 RTS
1 E4 :;1 gi
.:., <1 ' (i) 0 •P .
Mi , • 'Ci. ' W'4
P-1 • z ",
Hardware rtTerchants, ,
Advertisement next week.
. For Plain anc.1 PAney• : • • •
". . • . • •,. . •. , ..•••• • .-
:Corner ttolin'aiid IVIaini.istrs.4 • •-• ••:' • • •
. :1#10:'•ZS(10.-101•10:1:11.4.. •••.. • H.:-'•••