HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-07-07, Page 5Local News
Never bellow if ,yo4 044 hep
Every farmer shoed own 4 good'
A man uever has good luck who has
a bad wife.
A man who does not lovepraise is
net a fun man,
It IA.Ices longer for lean to find out
man than !spy other ereature that. is
Flowers are the sweetest things. that
God ever made mid forget to put a
soul into.
A man without self-restraint is like
a barrel without hoops ancl tumbles to
The greatest event hest hen's life is
made up of an egg audio cackle, Bet
engles never cackle.
.A..proademap seldom agssetaful
men, for he, never thielcs that lie, gets
as,,inueh cissbe deserves.
Newspapers are the schoolmasters Of
the oohlmon, people. That endless
books the newspaper, is our national
One a the universal tendencies of
the human mind, fupdamental and tuns
versa', is the love of ether people's
Private affairs,
This is 'a good world to sin in, but so
far as men are concerned it is a very
fiend world to repent in. It is a bitter
world; it is a cruel world.
171-te Miss Nobles, of Seaforth, are
spending a few days with friends here.
They are the guests of Mr. R. Muir.
Last Friday being Dominion day
and a public holiday, all the sores and
other places of business in town were
'closed for the day. •
The examinations of the different
.apartments of the public school engag-
ed the pupils and teachers last week.
'..Che school closed last Thursday after-
noon, and will be opened again about
the 1st of Septchnber next.
The Exeter branoli of the Saleeation
Army went to Parkhill on Dominion
day and took part in thojubilee; there
being a large gathering of the corps.
They report having had. a hallelujah
There are twenty eight candidates
writing for the Entrance examination
which began last Monday afternoon
in Exeter public school; they are pre!
sided over by Mr. Thos. Gregory.
Any one requiring a nice livery rig
for pleasure driving should call at
Christie's .livery, Heilea the finest
assortment im town; and he has added
to his stock of'late several new hacks
and coupes, which are the finest in the
town. Saddle horses and commercial
wagons sent to any part of the county.
A. change in the delivery of mail
bona Hs,y post office took effect on the
first of July, by which all mail matter
goes direst to the stational -id connects
with all mail trains. Heretofore, let-
ters posted after 10lo'c1oc.k in the morn-
ines at Hay post office, remained until
next day at ten, then will be carried
to Exeter, and remain until 4 p. m.,
beforeNicaving Exeter for the train. •
The strawberry festival on Mt D.
Brawn's pleasure grounds last 'ricla,y
evening; managed by the.ladies a Jas..
Street Methodist Ohara, passed off
very pleasantly, The grounds were
beautifully decorated for the occasion;
while the music, strawberries, ice
cream; lemonade, etc., were all provid-
ed' profusely and there was a fair' num-
ber present to participate in the gay-
ety an& social enjoyment of theseven-
log Financially also the sunlit was
very Satisfactory.
A very interesting and exciting
boat, race took place on Piekard's peed
on Alonday evening,' last The racers
were 11,Collins P. 0. C.; Gee., Vesper,.
Esq.,, and Ohae. Shoats,. Esq., all of
this- town, The distance was two
routids,.ftom the dam to a buoy fixed
above a. little. thorn, 'The MOO WAS
non by F, Coiling by nearly half a laps
mid followed, by Geo. VOSpOr who
eorne in .2ed,. The prise was an ele-
gent Silver cup f (riveil by Mt Thos. Fit-
ton, jeweler: ?A fair number of epee-
tetore assembled to withess, the race.
. Sunstroke§ will now be
The excersion fever is setting in
with its usual severity,.
Raspberriee are selling at five gents
per pound, and cherriee at 7 oents per
The all.absorbing topic of conversaa
tion,on ear streets is COmmercial
A. tinsmith in the country hassa sign
which reads. “Quart measures of all
shapes .and. sizes sold here
The recent copious showeas4 which
have fallen in this locality, have'added
greatly to the growth of spring crops
and roots,
A broken front wheel- of: a! wagon
loaded witheshiegles, delayed its pro-
gress for some hosts ea Mehl street,
last Saturday..
Our thanks are due Alr, Gregory,
principal of Exeter public school, for
a full report of the promotion examines.'
tions recently held there,
The China tea set which was given
as a prise by the Baird comedy comp'y
was won by 11.1e, George Weeks, he
having the lucky ticket,
Messrs. G Daw and C. Balaton,
who have been spending a few days
with their parents here, returned to
Glencoe Tuesday wellies; where they
work at the tailoring.
Quito a number of this village took
advantage of the cheap rates offered to
excursionists by the Os T. R., and paid
Sarnia a visit on July 4th, the day. of
Yankee eelebratioe,
..The St. Mary's *gm says ; . Mr.
Trivitt, of Exeter, is about to present
to the Episcopal people of that, village,
a commodious church edifice, oomplete
in all its details, .A. handsomogift."
Mr. John Gould,a prominent business
man o‘f this town, is sufferiug severely
from the effects of imflammatory rheu-
matisni. . Hies many friendS, will be
pleased to learn of his speedy recovery.
Oharles McLaughlin said he -wanted
us to give hirre a local, by saying that
he is unable to,,attend to his duties as
blphismith, tor a.few days on account
of a sprained wrist, caused by shoeing
a horse ois Saturday last. Ile wanted
ns to state this so that people would
not thinlethat he was lazy or 'foxing'.
He caeriee his right arm in a sling.
As the dog days are at hand our
town.authorities should see to it that
the number of useless dogs and curs
which infest our streets are either fur-
nished with tags or destroyed. he
owner of a dog, if he sets any value up-
on him, will not fail to pay ti dollar for
him and keep him atshome. If he is
not worth that the sooner he is out of
the way the better. There, are a large
number of dogs in town which are a
nuisance to the inhabitants, not only
by their barkings and attacks upon De-
destrians, but especially their annoying
howlings at night when the community
are anxious for quiet and repose:
The national holiday passed off very
capietly in the village, a large number
going to otherplaces to pass the day.
The most prominent feature in &pis -
Incineration of Dominion clay, was the
Sabbath school -picnic, under the aus-
pices of Caven Presbyterian Church,
Exeter'which took place in the grove
on the farm of Mr. Peter Moir, Us -
'borne township. About nine o'clock
the scholars collected at the ohm -eh,
where some five or six two horse rigs
were waitingto convey them to the
place of amusement. The day was fine
and the children enjoyed a splendid
day's outing. After a drive of molly.
seven miles over hills aad dales, and
with a bracing wind which flushed
their cheeks, the procession, with flees
waving and children singing, arrived
at the eagerly looked for spot.. Short-
ly after arriving a tempting and sumpt-
uous repast was provided and to which
all dial amble justice, The afternoon
was spent in pitchingspoits, swinging,
croquet playing, and other innocent
amusements. During the afternoon
their numbers were greatly increased
by visitors 'feornSunday schools in the
neighborhood who had been invited.
About five O'clock in the afternoon ad-
dressea upon Sabbath 8011001 work and
filled With expressions of loyalty to the
Queen, &wain to the empire, and
'patriotie sentiment toward Canada,
.werc delitered by Messrs D, A, Ross,
NV. Grigg, end. Mr. Harvey of Beth-
esda &Imlay achool. Mr. Grigg, sea
closed the proceedings by payer, after
which the National Antein was stmg,
An thhtnithoos vete Of the ii.ssembly
wee tendered Me. Mbie, for his Heel
and generoas efforts in making the
eathering what it was, a meet eojey-
a 0 tins c W (mg ye
r'1)1 ti Ti 1
membeted, ;For such a lessge gathering
of vatioue echools, the arraligements
were excellent, and reflect greet deedit
upon the management
Active preparations .cire being push-
ed forward for the celebration of the
glorious 12th, which event now bids.
fairto prove one of the most success-
ful oval' held in this comity. 'rile in-
dications are that it Will prove ono of.
the largest gatherings of the brother-
hood that has evot been held in God-
erich Letters are eoming in froin sue,
rouilding districts and ledges stating
their. intention, of being presentand
paiticipating in, the denemsteatioo.
The officers find esstemitteea are vigor-
ously engaged in preparatiopt Tor the
event, and it ric,relhumo any shorthorn-
bpln diacovorsal the 'fiveltwill: ton -
thinly not ba %holm.
The first sod of Manitoha'e propesed
railway was turned on Sat4r4ey
The summer vaeationin rural school
districts commenced last Monday, 4th
of July, mid ends on Friday, 12th,of
Aust. Waste six weeks.
Ou Monday of this week, two oar
loads of fat cattle were shipped from
Exeter station by ]jeers. Balkwell
Woods to Montreal for exportation,
Last Sunday was the hottest. day
of the season. The thermometer regis-
tering 94' in the shade at five o'clock
in the afternoon, and 106* in the sun,
Messrs, Dow and Celciuboun,. of this
village, left for England Wednesday
on a purchasing tour. They purpose
bringiog back with them several fine
stock horses.
Mr. C. Snell cuts quite a dash with
his newly painted express wagon. It
is a piece of first class workmanship,
and was performed by Mr, D. Braund,
of Exetar North
The Sabbath school picnic held on
Dominion under the auspices of the
°even Presbyterian church, in Mr.
Peter Moir'e grove, was the largest
ever held in this section. The crowd
was estimated at about five hundred.
Mr. Thomas Russel, the well known
thorough bred stockman of theTharnes
Road, Usborne, last week soldia very
fine ten months old bull calfto Mr.
James Belwood, of 33inbrook, Went-
worth,County. He was purchased to
be taken to Virginia in the fall.
It is credibly reported that a farmer
livingnoar Bkrrie mixed up a generous
dose of Paris green and water for the
use ()Phis potato bugs, whew along
came.his hired man and took a hearty
draught from the pail in which it was,
and that wahout suffering any ill effect.
Mr. Davis, marble cutter, of Exeter
North, has just received a large consign-
ment of superior stone for monumental
purposes direetsfrom the United States
quarries, consequently he is prepared
to fill all orders for any description of
grave stonesaand on the shortest notice.
Parties requiring tombstones, will find
it to their advantage to consult Mr.
Davis before leaving their. orders.
The names of the two.pupils in each.
of the advanced glasses of S. S. No, 0,
Usborrle, who obtained the lexasest.
number of perfeetlessonefer themontli
of june-are as followe ;-501. plass, 1st
Wesley Harvey, 2nd. Ida Kydd ; 4th
class, let Albert Hodarsere :24d,
cia .Tory' Sr, 3rd. class, 1st. Thee. Rus-
sell, 2nd. Ches. Harris; Jr. 3rd. ()lass-
lst. Eva Oke, 2nd, Chas. Shute; 2nd,
class, 1st, Violett. Russell, 2nd. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. Seldon „ot this town,
retuened from Ingersoll Monday after-
noon where they had been paying their
last- respects to a deceased ,brothers,
whose funeral took place on Suncley
last, Decease was in hie 38th year,.
and leaves an estiMablo wife and three
small children to mourn the irretriva-
ble loss of an affectionate husband and
loving parent The family are well
provided for.
Messrs Rowe & Andrews,,undettak-
ers and furniture manufacturers, Main
steed, Exeter,,ean testify tothe benefi-
cial results of adirertising, especially in
the A.OVOCATE. Marine theepast few
weelcs, loads of furniturehaveleft their
establishment, while increasing orders
can scarcely be filled. They are com-
pelled to work over time in order to be
able to comply with the demand.
The young ladies who live in Exeter
North are -sometimes Ornpollecl to givo
necessary -hint to their loVers, who,
as a rule, are bashful and reserved. A
pair of admirers were sitting in the
parlor of a ffiont street residence, and
'she nestled elote by his side, but he
seemed.distant "George, what makes
yoR'so—so,reservedl" she said. "Why,
Annie, I'm not, ate 11" I came up in a
buggy of three and was nearly squeet-
eeto death." "Oh, how nice! How
I should like to hem come up with
you," "Mould you Annie'?" looking
tenderly into her eyes. "Whyl" "011,
I should like to be.-,beto be squeez-
ed almost to . Sho was squeoz-
The, .strawberty.fistival team' the
enspicee of the.Laches' Aid. of James
street Methodist clierclalield last Fri-
day eveuhig -ory successful af-
fair, The itsidehoe aha;grouhds of D
Braund, Esq.,. • Fiatet North, \vete
-,tastofttlly decoratedfor the occasion.
and.11.1%. Bratird did all in their
pewee f(nnake the teenieg a pleasant
one to, the guests; Set although the
weather was veil west) a most enjoy-
able time Wag vent V all: The Ittdies
desito to thank; not Poly the kind host
and hostess; but tie bend and all who
'emstriblited to the tejeynient of the
eveeines ThOprOc;odS attOUntOd to
GrtEoortY 11. Tom., Teacher,
School Report,
The following is a correct report of
the pupils of S. S. Na 3, Stephen, for
the month of June. The report is bas-
ed on good conductrand general profi
ciency during the month :---
Fourth Sonior—Ohas. Sanders,.1.72:-
Fourth Junior—Mary Sanders, 239;,
John Sanders, 220; Win. Morrison,
203; Arabella Morish, 123";': Henry;
Penhale, 120., LecietiaJory 106, Hir-
am Shapton, 86.
Third Class—Clara Sanders, 468;
Minnie Sweet, 361; Ed. Shapton, 275;
Ella Shapton, 237;„ Lucy Joy, 153;,
Jas, Sanders, 1I6i, Minnie Morrison,
80; Emily jory,.76.
Second Class—Wesley Dearing, 390;
Emma Sanders, 319; Frank. Sanders,
329;-, Jas. Bagshaw, 213; Geo. Earn-
ess,,229; Walter Dearing, 82; Wm.
Redden, 80.
Part II, Senior—Thos. Sanders; 405;
;Viet. Bagshaw, 295; ESL Harness 254;
Jas. Sanders, jr. 202; Ethel Harness,
175; Emma Penhale, 115,
Part 11,J-tinier—Wm, Siveet, 603;
Ed. Sandera1.601; Wes. 1Cest1e, 497;
Ellen Slanlake, 3963. Charlott Dearing,.
339; Henry Dearing, 330; Sam San-
ders, 287; Maud Harness, 195; Geo.
HecIden, 51.
The average attendance for the,
month of June was 39i.
Si J. LATTA, .Teacher.
The following are the names of the
pupils promoted. in the Exeter
Charlotte Pettersons Frank Sweets
Katie Grigg, Ada Treble,May Sanders,
Lille Howard,Edna Creech, Barton
Hooper Charlie Hynclinan, Willie
Fink; Mary Horn Polly Welsh, Isaac
Bissett, Jessie WiUis, Rose }Luton,
Charlie Treble, Ettie Matheson, and
>fable Waters.
raolvmiSs CROLEY'S ROOM.
Gertie Hardy, Gilbert Horn, Janet
Brown'Arthur Kemp, Roy Mattice,
Freak Lutz, Russell Howard, Lettie
Luxton, Harty Brawn, Lille Fanson,
Artie Ranaeay, Richard Treble, Sarah
Whitlock,. Hugh Gould, John Snell,
Freddie Gould, Tommy Welsh, Gertie
Hicks, Willie Bowden, and Laura
Lu mley.
Robert Sweet, Gilbert Oolphounf
Lizzie Gillespie, Nettie Martain, Fred-
die Bissett, Ida Johns, George Brooks,
Hettle Harding, Ella Evans, Elsie
McCallum, Clara Poitice, Tina,Braund,
Alaggie McDougall, Lizzie Nelson,
Mary Ryan, Fannie Fairbairn, Chris-
tina Fink,.Willie lee, Percy Luxton,
Judson Davidson, Robert Treble, Jen,.
nieSmith, and john Gillespie,
Ni Creech, L. Trevithick, 1. Tayleu,
GaIllacrett, A. Snell, 0. Earl, 0. Mat.
tide,Dorwood, B. Westeott, A,
Morgan, Treble,V. FActett, M.
Walper, B. Gidleya A. Sanders. G.
Verity, W. Grigg, F. :Term L. Glen -
vine; M, Weeks, IX Crocker; B. Clarke,
W, Welsh, and B. HblIond.
nom Atm vomes .120021.
'Ks. Balkwoll, M-Martain, S. Fitton,
J. Glanville, AL Pickard, F. Pinch, F.
IN mw.mtmony's nooSt.
W. Lang, G. Hoskin'A, Davidson,
W„ Browning,. A. Handford, E. Eno -
sett, H. McCallum, R. Iliggine, W.
Menke, A, Sutton, H. Willis, R. Nei-
sonat. McDougall, and D. Gardiner.
0[11 J, 'a COLEIB.
ilsomeots inserted under this ltendintat at
Three Cents per line each In seotion.
Pure Paris Green andInscot Pow-
Dtto. der at t, SOAPIETZS Ting Store,
Sarnox.--T cu..Th Ways Slay
lot, Seldon, urolher of Mr, It,
Seidel), of this village ie hie 386 yeat,
M A 11
0' re,x—IStcl'iree the Press
le.ter!ae 1 ittitt It Ii.ii fil, by the 1101 [1
Thompson, on ',VAinvAcblryi JUN 01,1li
.101m 1c 0Thlice, to :thss
second daughter el, dr: McNair.
soh) both4
.8.9010 line of ptort.Ingi3, Worth $4.60 re.
anima to 53.50,, for ono moth, Itt W,
bCci,"trtco'rr's, Maiii.Ati Exeter,
Lee, —About four weeks no, It red
shoulder dlawi, 0111\1:ail): strratetwoou
the Central IToted tuul txvter .N
e‘. oli):Yatietri
-f4;or*794t9 'An;..1.0g et%
.$ .0.80 to coo.
spring wbeg .0.89 to 0.0.0a
Oats: ,035 to (s35
0:56 to. 0.57'
040 to. -.0,55
9.00 to 15.00'
0.19 to 0,„i8.
SSIO to Isla'
0 Is -
Hay per Oh
Potathee per bag
Eggs per doz - 0.14 to
DceseSdHogspet100 7.00 to
TILE 111.11..1?.K.E7'S.
Exererr,' Jim0 O. 1s3$7.•
White Meat per bushel (new) *0 8+ to $3 21
Bed Wheat per 0 81 to 0 /i.k
Spring 'Wheat " • • ;;;•-•, 9 80 to 0 21
Barley per bushel 0 35 to 0 00
'Gate per bushel 0 30 to 0 .11
Peas Fer bushel 0 00 to 0 tai
Bey Per ton ........ „... 8"00 1010 00
Butter per lb.. ..... (00 to 0)4
Eggs per dozen, „.. .. . .. . 0 00 0 18
Bides per lb 0 00 to 0 1;1
Sheep Skins each ,...... „Q 00 to 0 20
Wool, per lb . 0 DO to 0 go
000 to 1 01
0 00 to 1 09
0 OD to 0 00.
0 00 to CO
0 00 to
Saltlkir bbl
POtatoes per bushel
Apples per bushel
Oatmeal per bbl
Pork per 100 lbs 00 00 to 19 0)
Besonzpor . .. ,...... 0 00 ti) 00 ID
ils•P .•••11
900) Clreu1atio4
This Paper will be sent to any aa,
dress in the United States or
Canada to Jan 1st, 1888,
Artistic Shaving,
Hair Cutting,
Hair Dyeing;
etc„ . etc.
Ladies' Work a Sheciality.
Pansees Black,
Are the Summer
.And it you want' the best goods,
and a perfecttit guaranteed,
leave your measure with
me -and secure it,
Wi, SOU r.rile(Yrr
• 1
Merchant Tailor, Exeter. .
JOHN ,,'911NES.,
Of alt kinds,.
Masai:fest Cerals, Oil i o'k tea,
Ground Flex and: Eisph
Cattle Fred always ono
petkatit Ltymtu,:b fittzt.
pRA "P\CtS.•
0,1 ,