HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-07-07, Page 1- , - OL. L EXETER, ONT TIJtXRSDAY _t ..,....._ tip. 110 fxcitv Advorate . ,., .. ,... .. le petlAislied OtTry Thursday nioreing, At the bfftee, corner el John. and Main-sts •, Exeter Ont. . 1 ...... - • I • - - - . -..... . TUTS PAPER, . .. ..., .. „ wee BE SENT - wee) ANN, Apr) KrEss 'm tee unite' states ee America, From now toJan Tht 1888 zurigh, . --- DefectiiT Grahatot 'of 1,..,and 0,, was 1, Ztlii°1, last Fria#, wor.t.i4g PP further evide,nce in the Stienhaeh e'obbery case. ...1,4e mid he had secured daniagieg testi- molly ageiest A ,Sipple wee, has been conimitted or triel at the Goderich 'es, sites there le 4 woman in the ease teed that the. otolo property will 1,10, reeovered ilia few days, ' , .h., m. vile E...4). . ,1 „:_,__ar:. NI Mr G- eVe i 0 has. hem. 1 le.i.el up lvi'tli 'eceelet fever, le ebIe tO gee ,tereente •"P'-''' lelreEtlinued Liddicott is seendine a iz,yeelee_fir tWQ hi lisleiree for the beeeilt of '''' he'llth' Pee. Me. Penewl Was met OA IlIA 'ereiv- al of the personage by Aeveral of the Mere- ,ber,9 ..... ,,_ lasTiTt§uleYsae'dQhalle;:tsreY' ‘t VIII Q' 1 ' eri 1 r. ef '1:°e11' gn. gli ‘Te'odefT14.i:14'1);..4et? t,, of Iiiim omen, , . .. A heurelerope AttachWAS mad' e'e feet nights iigo . neer the sceee of the Den - nelly trapAiy, on A. 'poor, simple Iris], immigrant and his family, named Con. wale e sceemster suusettleneeei One dollitr a year it paid in advance; Sees° if .not so , luta. . elifeerieeel.liqtes :o.ii AprifIcialfm, --- . FOR ONI#Y: - it • „......... Centralial . - - , Cfops are ripenthe fest and evaything gives the appearance° of' an CarlY harvest, Bi the itinnyille clonal. . . The dil'ectors of the Ilullett Agri Mr, Robt. Herecuan is erecting e - "".• °Wailed Society, ;Ave decided on hold. li 0 use, -, ine the Fall show on Tuesday o.nd ,lh'e. itea'arlf•t,etr,"4._)0,'F.Y. Ae,sitive4/ l'...°111 in Nfeednesday, the 27th and 28th of Sep- 01, the eiiiinvnie a. a. was • • ' IcUparter Biscontlikedvolil all turrearages Are paid, Advertisements wiBfent specific directions. will be 11011.1)10 till itorbW4410-1-014-tgetl accordingly. Liberal ltscouto. made for tritna tan advertisements inserted fur long periods, Every description of JOB PRINT- ueu weed, out in cbe !theta. atylo of the art and at moderate. antes, Cheques,. money ordain, J:e, ler leveret -Imp', euliseriettees, tee., se be madepayaLde to TH08, PASAIORE, Editor and euensiiee . Fifty Cents. . Subsetibe Nawr. ' • , . . .szeedgiirzi.,:goorotdhley uitlettinii)lictsoriatttelyteiroreuaet heee le.et Sendey evening, to teeter, to en addeees by the pastor Rev. R.'Kerelutw. liTthteletestirliCal Suilla0iidCGi.inn theflonilitoeleisfifibollf Lxv iatahitlahrei ECO:leill,eCti10111,ivt. , tulleoebbde,sIttileidi.ja7ettlheaf .any fbr many years. tetnh4. seemetianrocitnlistitiveil.eoapaility, Blyth Artt; i,crwhich t theoolc. brider)lac ewarecentjy tainc toted into with zest, Runcline jumping . - . A ma .e i • veliltine 4,4 tugs of war nitua the after-' .greoCr.pliellt ,eolfltwhQifehSocnia.ein' evi'firuciai413leild1; 1747:0t.136', neon pss it'll too quickly' away•. A plet- .e... on- UROH DIRECTO ilffr. ' 'pelmet; eareete-eav,llohinkli, Inctunt helm seettie eerviee, ii tIN in, and 7 P, VI ; Sail- item echeot, tee 1..t. tu.. seteeiliee etery,--eevetie services, e te nee le in. gee e p. ne, services ciers. Mega during the week, it s eettece, Ilelifti'ssaineeting itt't I u.. in. on fincIfty. menteeen anew:me-James - se, ietv. J, Groftain, easier- eeneay sceolees, 10.30 a, tit. and 6,130;p. in. wee:cot school, ..9. '44 M. Pray or ' meeting Thursday arening ut 7.311 Nees tentele.--nev, w. D. ifasece, voter. titt• day servieos, 10,30 a, ,,nt. and 8:30 p. tn. Sabbath lichee, 0,30- re 111. ".0't;4;;ernwailig, Thursday eye,. mg at 7,30. Y.oung peuideit Inver mettle; noway eyeetne le, teeo. eiteseerealee clientele -nee w. et, martin, ,Paseer• Sunday servieos, 11. a. tn. and 6:31) p. in. seeteth M -151t. ta. Young peoplos'prayer meeting, at t 45. t.teirseav evening, praycemeeting at 8 O'clock, their practice liaMediately allot*. Business and .other Cards. . . , e . A J Snell it • , $ , the Leper. Settee iinportaiet truth') were seat haale with great e"rnestriessr ar4d we trust the girls wiel notiOrget the discourse Width WAS listeleitel to with iapt, attention. him meeting was 'held, wbee addresses 'eNorthewest Territory. ,. Were delivered by Rev. Holmes Godfrey, A WGIARD 1S- geing about the country gee penewl. Sieging bv the 4001. . proving the falsity of ths.assertioit that 'etiettres ' M West lk Latest guaranteed. . side-Mlain-st Good StlYitS . tA , n e ( .. of .stbek. :MUIR, Goods Fxetei; ‘r e... . Fit kept in . .e ., The beautiful lawn of the Methodret, Parsonage was a seene of' unusual bright. - ness end activity on Friday last. The oe,-. casioi, tieing the seveuth annual tenniver%, cell Qf the Methodist Feetival. It was one grand afteril0Oil of fen, everybody seemed bent on iujoying theinselvee to the fullesti extent, lied your ce.ereepend. ent is dieter tee impression that they Stle med. ed in doing so, Though some faces were ,ttit:sent, that ware there in foriner years, ter places were filled by strangers from. Londote Olintoo, elissenri 'cued other par ts tithe county WO round about. An. evidenee that good places a amusement, are sure to be sought 'out, and the coin- mittee seemed deteeenineti to make their I aennel gatheriug Mere .tettractive year by( seer,eni idea. we heartily endorse. , , 0 - don't lie," • he is a dress re: Grand Bend, form lccehrer.and tells how the female . - . .fieuree are eaten up Spring crops are loolciog' voill. • Johnny Whitfield, a bright little. boy Farmers are busy haying *Adele is a f2 years. of age, left his home in Bran:t- good crop. ford on 'Wednesday morning-at'9"6'cleek . .poOol'S.Z.'doysl cTiiisyi.ted the Grata Demi on eines which time nothine has 'been . heard or seen of him. Falli , ' ' ' e met is threing to the gblden, and A few 'clays since Mr. Gee. 'Ca.ntel- . will *atm be ready for tile ceekle. on, jr., of 'Goderich township, came Tetelestivel given under 'the auspices heroes e full grown. porchpine in the of the Presbyterian churcli in Thilziere oreharei, and almost before he thought grove on Dominion day, Ives ltergelY Pat- what he was doing, he killed it with a rohieed and proved a most successful . amen club buch an animal is exceedingly The day bele* fine all .seelned to e . eejoy themselves to the 'fullest eeteee rare m these parts. • Attelepaying tell expenses in conneetion The Methodists of Holmesville eir- with the aft eir, there is etill on hand the cuit raised the folloWing amount for J S. BROWNING, M. D., M.. G. P, A. eradeate of vleteria university. einee and residence- mammon elberatory, Exeter, Ont. June, 0-`87. , - - , •• • . A Ca11 . Solicited. . --ere Jihiva, .L..- handeorne some of $120. ministerial - support, during the past Matthew Winer, general teamster of year, at thIt. several appointments te- jeliN GILL, 1,106g8Eft AIJOTIONEER. - • • e'er the Virlage of it.iXeter, and the county of Hymn. All orders .MotoptV attended to, Exeter No., vat. . it. 4* SNELL, ' :Miss K. Collins. teacher ef 13ornish is Winding her holidees, in this vicinity. Mis.s M. R O'Leary of Stratford Con- 'rent school, is hoine spenditee het \eacte- CittiitOD, while whippine one of the hors - es.for misconduct at Greal Bend on Do- Holmesville, $653.0a Ebenezer, $110 Sharon, $100. Sturdy, $74.50. Zion million day, the other horse kicked him. ,. . keieekee, men $59.96. Total $99/ 49 twice in the breast and . seeseless upon the ground. elediell aid • Clinton seems to be infested by thiefE t BIREOP LIOON6'ED.ItUCTIONEER, ex. • ' Tor the Township:, of Hay and 1.Iftb ,4e, All ordiirs protnptly titended-to Exeter p.o., Chit. . than. . . Was Lltiliteflidtely summoned, and restore.- and tramps. A few weeks ago a bon - he H.' OOLlaistri BARRISTER, i ' t,) •Shlicitor ot, SuPrem&ilurt of Ontarin,„(301mulFshMir, eativey,•nticer, Mt., Olite---Next doorto Stt771N ell A.-, Pidk- aYJ, eeettee, ma. Willey solo= at very lowest rat. 0 PROTOORAPHS , , , f eitte,en attended. the A .1 hi thee o onr I s . grencletelelyeation of the 1st of J tilyeet the twee applied and soon recovered con- net was stolen, from. the bedroom of iousuess He le doily, well se ' e ' Mre. Swarts, at 'the Prince of -Wale$ : _ . . 'MR. 'JOSEPH SEkIOR haiLeeing purchased the bUsiness of elitt,S. Seniar, wishes to in- form the the publitAluet he can be found ''' ' ' termed. Bend, , They elle report a glorious Utile. .. Our school 'closed on last, to 0-0Pen on the:15th oPeeeiguse Daring the past term the scholars have mule re- nierkable progress. Thetilee to the elticen- cy of their teacher, Me H. F. Kinsuitee and their own indeetry. • Died June 29th e after a long and pain- ful illness, lefise Katie, daughter of Hugh A. lively time was witnessee at the eels- Hotel,- but since the facts have appear ing of a barn, 42x64, for Mr. Thos. Turn- ed in the papers, the bat hos been re .the teppointed time IVIessrs. hell. ekt turned to where it had been taker end. M. Crona,n we.•e selected ,.. W. F. Follis ... • -. nein. to net as captains, tend choose. up sines, which, al'ter a hot contest, Fonts came out The clops11 IT 11 tt t le' . a., over u e owns ip, victoriotie. In the evening the bow and look wonderfully improved since tin fiddle were introduced and a. Meet c?njoy- last rains. There is now a good pros. able thue was spent till four o'clock in the eeee fee them if nothing comes adverse . • .. ' the r i t f t tie " r • meeting, et teeming ie ig 1 en as . ly• to them. There are,compleints hove - Ile 'KINSMAN, DENT.1ST, di. r.,,, R, s,, extraets teeth 'without pain i'.y giving VitiniZen Air, or using the neviltalul Antes. thetie matte gums. :Jukes Gold Pillfoo, ufitl. elle/tiler notal ,...-ork the best possible. Goes to Zu'rIch last Thfirsday in &deli Itiont-11, EAST AIDE' OF MAIN STREET, •EX.E'TElt. -- re to seem:11s, INStIBANCE, LOAN, iliv ESTCO0 At the Old stand. , . Main Street, Exeter. The .1 mes a ine s in the come- . " I'' VC b. t ' tl • ty. 4.-?,legclut Finish. ' lel cCerimele, Miss l'ileCormicks death al- ever that ;there is not much promise e.hough not imexpected has cast a gloom Usborne Council. of a large crop of winter apples. Peale overt he whole neighborheod and the be- -- give good promiee so far. reeved family eiave the heattlelt sympathy of the connunnity, Useonee, July 2nd. '87. On 'Wednesday of last week a severe . et to -clay Avery plee,sing event took place last The council m , storm pressed over the western part of week when Mr, P. Hall. of 01fit, awl IVIiss All the members present. the township ef Blanchard. The Wied Real &tate ena stormatut Agents, Wealthy and re- liable n re o.nd Lb Insurance Companies Represent- ed, Any amount of fnonev to loan on IirA OM MOrt- kages at lomat rates' ie interest. General Agents for Heron Co., for A. E. Williams At Co., real estate agts, leueee. .Beaver Line of Steamers represented. ottlee-emees et,. Exeter, Ont. .,M9.2.7 _____ , • CoF!sying ,and Enlarging ' ' . . done On'ehorteskiidtice. , . aillrbn 'SEMIO'V -- _ _ _ 4 - • .. ,-.. 'K. McLeod of Park Hill were ina,ke ona lelinutes of, previous meeting read blew A hurricane, and rain, teeconapaiii.' . , Mter the marriage ceremony was perform- and confirmed. ecl with hail, fell in torrents. Much of ed, all. the guests retired to the xesitleace Mr. McLaren Reeve of flibbert o.p- the fall wheat has been literally driven of the bride's father where a sumptuous neared before the eouncil with refer- into the ,e.rouree, and greet claMage has breakfast was partaken of after which the. '. mice to the statute labor. clone on the been done to the crops .generally. happy couple departed on ten extensive . , , boundary uetween. s cone anc %wedding tour, followed by the (rood. wish- • IT b • 1 ]Lib- D f W. 1 f 1 . et e. Gunn, o mg tarn, per ormec es or a host of friends. berh It was then moved. by •,T. Shier, tucceusful operateen oe the hatlel of T o. L NO, W.I. . Imets first Friday iv °veil, mOntlt, hi Jollies Bloek et 3 o',. lock. • '410110 linthreti Welcome. ... , Jong &AMMAN, W. M. . .721ix Wmic, Secy. '..r 0. v. xo. 123. et., , ii eats the second and fourth•Frlday of each luonth, li'l Fanson's 11.0!, ut S o'eloelet.t. 80. • .Visitingqtreth- ren cordially invited. E. 3.003) lo 0. 11. • j; PICItakkb, $305. . , ---_,......................-,--..... by W. Kydd,• that after hear- ''''„ey.r. . Ne\x.r Premises ? ',' . - .. NEIN a ., 0 4,,,- * seconded M. J. Patterson the other day. - Hensa)J. inn- Mr. MeLai•en's statement, we re - e • tolterson heel been troubled with: - --- e,ominend that the Reeve ascertain the eancee.wart on the back of his left ames tonema o one er le number of loads ot grave , num er of ears. and 61101 spending a few days with - - I hid on .the . . e • hes Iteenels in . . . - . , p 1 - '. and • ' e have ' boundaly by Usbeine at ineasteis consenter.. to it cut out. The wart town: , Hay Farmers' Mutual fire - lngurance Company.. penetes DESIRING 'TO /INSURE IN TIII03E,ST tee cheapest Insurance Company in the Dominion, can do 10 1)) apt dying,pertionally, or by n3013 Willie enamel:nod. All upinieptiohe promptly attendee to. else want tor tbe Wellington +Company of Guelph, else euortoeteee. for the•County of Huron. E, BOSSENDElaw, emcee. June:MT. Zurich, Ohf. il e ' ,e Mtspectf Customers !Vim . Whexe WELL READ? • an I ' Satisfaet kpjE gOneettily . VOlirt --,--".B .a -taa Trial . 0 LI 11 --NEXT Street, he . , .. -MADE------ -a-- , y moved . has .......&_.,.... STOCK e wor f4 ren and that *fel' • ASSOR 0 AtSti ,k, °lag S6ileited AliiSAN) inds lis the he has to • TO---- . . , E ETER• ' • St ju . OF . , OTS &Snuto. - _ ..of the Guaranteed Exeter., T--Te- many public re- ' 1 04)* rOceiVed ' r iet-e 1 .1.41/ - omen ., _ ._-_ --- highest ) mid 39 ' . e .. . er • • • - - that the Reeve be also impowered to The farmers in thie vieinity are very • : ttl • 't1 If-bbert according to agree- belay with saving their hay, which is a went. Oarrried. heavy crop. Mowed by W. IslYeld seconded byl, ' . ' - ReV. Mr, Mustard successor to Rev. R. . -.' Hans, that E. tone be pa $ ., , S ' la 14-00for • H, Barn ey,. wit i es mot ier ant sts er, d . . E T 13 tt , ,,,, elide arrived last week. board an care o .. eerie , a gent, , „ Mr. Davidson, B. A., and wife of Strafe being pavinent in full to date. ,. ford are spending a few days with his Cal tied. , • 1 Mrs E. A - Peer Moved by T. Cameron, seconued ov '' 618Reer'sr. E...A., Fee'r; Who. succeeds' Rev, W. j: Shier,. thet Thos. Brintaconthe be ' ' • b • and care of A. Totrence, on the Hensel' north circuit, paid *6.00 for wed a , arrived on Wednesday last. We heartily Catntichel, an indigetit. Carried. welcome him te our -village. . t lees wee issued for the followirer ° c • ' '. . bs h • T Veal, • 9". • Ezeday, Jelly 1st, was o rved her ree amotints, viz :-.--, , al, $14, eo, J. A public holiday. Out streets were al, Shier. $5 00. 't Stone, $14.40; T. Bri- most deserted, owing to the huge number maconthe, $6,00; a Oodholt, $:.?e00; d. who left town to spend the day elsewhere. T k.. ete 7 - . j le d ' "dlte e5 M ,.. . uc ete , • O., . 0 ernis,, ,,, ...,...., , On Wednesday last Res W. fr ,•,' . . orree....0 e . • • e 0 ,,t , $06 00• P Kern - . ' teatime...1, e ceuG1Si ,-, . i !. • t nd family took their departuee for Wia- 6, a . I- 00' T IT 1 ' .1 $0 50' J Sto ). toneto width phew he lies Wee stationed ?''-- - ,,,),, . ' Sa Gil mine A10 00' t methd co,foreitee; Darin, lions, 0 I 0.00; ,.. S. ... ! .. ro to,- by the las ,, 0 , , , e, 0- c' j Webber, $G,00; his three years stay here, Its has by in.S J . neat -nate *tee , . '56 51 - . . . . . . . , . ty stAllison, '1,00. .F. DaVie a . genial ten\ social disposition, Ins ea ne J. lit. , 1 . i ehristicte walk eiml conversation. made boundary appropriation ;. , t- T MeCurdy ellitilY frielide. . We with hire euceese iii $20:00' I. P 1 40:6 00. W''. Bray, lilA new field 011Ilthor.. $18.00; S. Hewitt; $1,50; X. Pybus, . . ' "' 4 - ' t' . 1 ' t' 5 .. 31,160. ' 1 1 - ' ' ' ' • A very plea I-. ne (-vent doe piace in Len t . e. A. Mel Preabyteeittit Chitral. ell Wedhestfar • .' ' 1 - • • ' - Se 00 a r. , . - + c t $1-00. morning. lesteewhen Mr, it Onn. PtIttetanii d" AA', i.... „k,e, 1-1,\, i ELS. IlEtWitIllgt cry,,,vv.t . i oritodgervin(4 and miss mary Reid.„ niLte 9*. Yu '' of Mee. Janice Whitee of the same pleee, The above ottlees were veleta.; for In gredieg, g .. - . ' t 5' OtIdg Woke by Rev. A. Y. 'elionmeere. united carolling, c Averts tele e• the Ifoly bonds of matrimony: geite a 'And Chttrity, . _ numbee of out villegers melt. to the 'chinch ole eletiee ee e.„ Rejig, • encehded by t) s0d "How it is clone le vie py T t.,. . .` .'' Ti 1 ‘' ) .. . Oa - ', ' . h il..,.. tin . Menem that t 0 do 0 adjoin le conple raptured. to the genet,. it el took he e- - i. r- • . - n . " ' • to Meet agent. tee erse .,eetterclay i train for Detroit where they intend spend , mg A IOW t.tayA, AMA. A SAO *BP ot rice„ ‘e- • from, their weil.,wisliers, l Gm, \AT. ROLMANv OlOtity was fully three inches in 'circumference a ., . h thick. an neat y an mc The lelrAlioclist thureh on Londes. . .t. . .t . . ,.. , 3 , bio calm has on t s teresteis 3 L i mes at the three tippointlente 11 hes raised for numsteeirel support am 1 , • vet. the neseinei. expenses, N, 80t). . 3. ' ty • ' ' • 2 e rannuater tome twee $ Oe. For supe ministers' land, $44. For Sabbatt 1 '1 1 . $100.. For connexiona 6 0 S' a >Out s- dollectitens, mote than any preview . y ear, tend for expenses 0 . , , . -. , , churche% patsonage fund, etc., oNe v-'"-•' e of In. arts eree to a knock, the wif _ nentlieman in Clinton weet to the frou , . I f - d - 11 'doe the other dey tem otin . . , _ OA 0, i bodied tramp, wliont 1 ' 1 ' 1 " 1 1 tothinc, for hin te line int s le lac i . , * , ,..e, , . te Going to the back cloot a, fee minu later she found the same fellow !else N • 1 ee. el } .tir It ly lacing tip Ins s toes. tot , told you to leave,' was I n et he y c .eo, - -.1 t le re it't tt;nd the tramp ., 1 y let a fellow lac Tr' " . i can t ou , p 1 is ghoes," She intimated that b was to be oft res soot' as he got throng I -film moved, Some time latc anc e , . t , a tram h , wei Whon ht husbeine earnh . hoe Alla four d it 'OItt. to change his e si , . . t 8teaa of the new pair he lied left titer "mind an old petit thee ha ne the leo e„ ' - - ' ' ' • eviactitly seen tett yWit's eonstant so . , I e , viee. Itiie neW Vete heel gene On. tramp, oviasEt, Leo, Vedi S 20,71.0 Iseuer • • 31 1 $ Acetic:it, anti I ire west sue ec Main street . Zw. Zoo. of .. . . -- • I Insurance agent. . " Exeter. - . - ____ tr G . BUGS f 1113-G8 ! B S ! . , nuog Bee ttitinp tied you must tt play Paris Green if .yott want • to make a. point- ' PITEt EA.,_RIS GREEN --ee'e THE-- DOMINION LABORATOR aite0 - - r Hollebote od Ply atder, . . 'Always a full supply ef Mugs, Dyes, and Faney Goode- , ' ... 'Ity' I,' ' '- Pl. Tishitg tacklo a spe a ,, . , ...... - ' • - 81101/VIVINI1 4- tV • , - 0 ri Y') ri 75 r) t turn n 1.