HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-06-11, Page 5a HE WZNGIIAM TIMES !JUN lish X Dress X Ptthri a 4,11E ENS GM IJuugo atuvac Dress Goods, brocaded way special, pretty eireots 30o. Congo Black Henrietta, beautiful ! niish. 42 inches wade, acid proof, 400, Congo BlacktCaxhmere Serge,gooaibsithart will give every satisfaction alit 'wool, 'verspecial y SUc. Congo Bladk Henrietta, in blue for jet blank, as good as usually solei ifor tido, but prioe is now 50c. Congo 1$laok Soliel, well fie beg and •makege beautiful costume, 50o. N -eat patterns in figured goods, elegant .effects in Lustros, etc., 50e. We manse a specialty of Black tGoods iu the.better qualities; special .attention 'is culled to the lines a;, 75e. ,Blank Birratz Cloth, a splendid style of goods, finished on both :sides, one side as a oord and the othere silk fin- ished Henrietta, pride 85e, In :'Black Silk Grenadine, we :have some natty goods. priPe 75, 85 undlOOo '41JhetBlaek Goods we show'un••still hatter :lines are marvels of the weaver's art vice s1 and 81.25. YOU SEE 0 C ro ka Ea O ca cd .4 , b a o o Colored Dress CoQds Fancy Figured Goods in popular colors 25 and 30ots. • Fancy Mixed Effects, in beautiful color- ings 40o. We always strive to seoure a large var- iety as well as stylish goods, to sell at III.a1f-at-Dollar Special lines in Tweed effects and mix- tures or plain goods 50e. Slaott.ffects, very stylish goods and make handsome costumes, in idre,ss lengths, no two alike 000. Silk and Linen (1oods,.a new dabric and makes a Very pretty dness'7.5e. Some .pretty goods .and a, cry -stylish in rough makes 80e. :Some Elegant Dross Staffs in newest shades, 85n. —0 -- 8V7, s or kledloinal value 1n a bottle of Ilood'a Sorsa. parilia than in any other preparation. More sidil is required, moro earo talion, more expense incurred in its manufacture. It costs the proprietor and the dealer Moro but it costs the consumer leas, as be gets snore doses Tor his money. Mote curatsve power Is securest by its peculiar combination, proportion and process, which make It pecuUar to Itself. people are employed and more s,,ace 00- eupied in tins Laboratory than any other. wonderful cures effected and more tes- thnnnlal:s received than by any other. sales and more increase year by +Fear are reports, by dru rqfists. people oar taking flood's Sarsai,atllia today ftThtn nary ether, ami move aro taking today than ever before. and sTIr.r. brortl4 reasons might be givess�why you should take More More more More More Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. .'$l per bottle. Pills cure all 7.iver Itis and Hood's Pills Sick Rea€lache..a'senna. MORRIS. -- i BELMORE, :®DESS TRI MI.NCS Wby pay particular :attention 'to 'Silk Cba[lon, Gimps and jet "Trrmtnin.gs,, by the yard and in the nnaaament. Tubular braid anal everything necessary for a Styissh Dress may be procured 'here. IT IN OUR, AD. IT'S TO BE HAD." G • tf`__l[_�1LT��•I�/�'IJLa31'L^'•' La�J,U� maR suiTTNGs r u11 o—o—o—o—o—o—o—.o We are prepared to give you something 'nobby in S311. - Summer Suitings and of excellent Value. We turn out • (only First-class Work. k. -WE WANT YOl1JR TalAli1111•4==2..-- itarGive us a call before purchasing. LOWS LOUGHS. Spell it any way you wish, either Iri I is correct and the correct place to get Ir Tfrvin's old Stand. W. T. SULLIVAN„ • t+� a FA9 b7r �K- -�rr -��.--fes'-r -5-a E� ea. w rois i Did you hear that times are going tobe better in Wingham. iIDS p►..-, is oua eck to help you out. Large.consigntnents of Spring and Sumrser Goods in all lines, at prices never yet approaehed, and Offen the greatest values to his customers and the public generally in DRESS NODS, STAPLE AND FANCY .consisting .of CASHMERES, LUSTRES, SERGES, and PLAID GOODS in all qualities and colors, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, ZEPHYRS, MUSLIMS, DIaL INE8,, etc. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS & TOWELS A large and varied stock of Tweeds of all kinds, suitable for Spring and -Summer wear, at very low prices. Ready Made Clothing for men and boys, Cottonade, Denims, Flannels, Flannelettes, Ct.ttons and Shirtings at all widths and prices. • If you intend furnishing your house or a part of it this Spring, call and inspect our stock of CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS CHENILLE CURTAINS, OIL CLOTHS AND STAIR CARPETS before purchasing, where you will find a full and complete stock in these lines at prices that will save you money every time. In addition to our immense stock of we have just received -find passed into stock ten cases of the very latest slylos of Shoes and Rubbers at such prices as will insure at fit to your purse as well as your feet and our stoek of plough boots 'and other heavy lines for rough work is worthy of the closest inspection. Our Stock of GROCERIIS is always fresh and good, at as low prices as first class goods can be sold. Long experience in Seeds makes this store THEADQUA.RTEI S for the SE ED TRADE at lowest prices far first class home grown Seeds of all kinds, free from foul weeds sub as foreign grown seeds often contain. Our seed list con sists of plover of all kinds, Mammoth, Red, AIsike, Lucea,ne, Crimson, White and 1;3..tnfuine, Chicago Lawn Grasses, Timothy Seed, 14 different varieties 01 Seed Corn carefully selected. Millett and Hungarian, "Little Giant" eedcr at manufacturers pri.ees. Bear in mind, our seeds etre hone grown and selected by ourselves with all the care that our experience of many years in the trade convinces us to be necessary and you can rely upon getting fresh, a )lean and reliabll Seeds at elon' t possible prices if you buy front T. '.Yui'.., 4 a correct plow at a correct price is at the—..s,as, ICH},.X.PZt7.91ZJ.L E '[D • J of T. H. Ross. They say times are very, very hard and no doubt they are. I can make them a liitle easier for you if you buy your Implements here. I have a few slightly soiled plows I will sell for $10, payable October '97. I have plows with 1410IJLDBOARDs 4 UARA NTBED American Soft Centre, Cruciable Cast Steel, will clean in any kind of soil, which I will sell from now till 1st of June at from $9.00 up.' Come in and get one. I have tons and teas of PLOW REPAIRS made from broken car wheels and canister, hard and tough and can fit any plow. Will sell them in lots of 6 or 12 for 35 cents spot cash. I still continue to handle the BELL AND MORRIS PIANOS I can save you from $50 to $100 if ycu deal with mo and give you just as good as you can get from those oityplug-hat dudes. Patronize your own town and doti't'.forget your humble servant T. II. ROSS. P. S.—Good Organs, Sewing Mach- ines, needles, Oils and Repairs alwa.vs in stock and at right prices. T. H. R. Order yaur 2 FROM HOLSTEIN' DAIRY. 1Ya wanosh at X3elgrave on June 7ti1 t.. arrange ea.pendsture on West gravel road. ---Carried,. Cade—Kirkby--.That the reeve be f instructed. tohave si.deroacj at lots 21. and 22 repaired not to exceed $20. -- Carried. Cardin—Coact—That we expend ego on South boundary, ---Carried Accounts were ordered to Le paid as follows: - 0, AleOlellandl funeral expenses of the late George Goodfellow, $21.74 ; Robert Stonehouse, repairing culvert on gravel road $1; B Farrow cutting brushwood near railway crossing, $1,75 ; W Sellars, repairing culvert, 500 ; James Laidlaw repairing bridge $1 ; W, Clark, part salary, $40 ; D. McLean, taking eare of John Hays $2 ; Geoigo Kirkby, taxing John Hays to the house of Refuge $4 ; George Christopher, tile drain across road ea ; • John Weston assessor's I salary, �, G0. Cardiff—. Code --.That this council do now adjourn, t'i meet ag:tin after Court of Revision, on June 28th. W. CLARK, Clerk. The Court of Revision met ansa Owing to the illness of Mrs, W p the leader of the Japaness drill, t .ant to advertisement, a:idi the mem- ladies will be unable to hold the 'hors subscribed to the oath as re- ' Japanese tea on June 6th, as stat vuired by statute. • ' in last week's issue. Futher not' Appeals were disposed ofas follows will be given. W. Jackson complained of being too highly assessed; reduced $1 ; Janet GLENANN-4.1 . Campbell entered owner lot 4, in .V place of D. Campbell; John Coiclough • itiessrs Robt Baird and Georg entered T, 5 half lot 1.5 con 8, in Clellandlfleft on Monday last f place of John Burton; John McCut- Rainy River to seek their fortun entered IP. S., N. W. quarter, We wish them success.' lot 24, con 7; Edward Moss entered Miss Margaret II. Scott who w M, K, N. half lot 20, eon 8; John laid up with a sore arm is able 1t1,eCutcheon entered T., S. alf lot attend to the house work once mor 24 con 6; John Hall entered 0. pt 1 Miss Barbara Fortune who wa lots 31, 32, and 31, con 1 in place of visiting her parents for a couple John Gardiner; Lonald McCallum, weeks returned to Toronto la entered T., S. halves lots 25 and 24, Monday to resume her studies at th con 6; W. Hill entered M. F., S. half Business College. lot 8 .con 2; Robert Elston, e1tered 1 ,Colin Eadie's barn raising .whit F. S., S. half, lot 8 con 2; Alpert was to to take place last Monde Hughes entered T., S, half lot 20. after noon was Postponded ti con 2; Chas ISlaguire entered T., s, Tuesday after noon on account o half lot 28 con 8; Noble, Johnston, the wet weather. and Alex Kirkpatrick entered ten -1 ants S. half lot 26 con 2; Jonathan 1 Lina Stook niarreta Dulmage entered 0., pt S. half lot I 'Toronto, June 10 —Trade at th 36 con 1; William and Hugh Hanna Toronto cattle markets today wa entered Ts., S. half lot 10, con 6; quiet in everything hut hogs, whit Duncan Campbell entered T., S. I Here at Tittle firmer. ReceiptsG half lot a con 2; Chas Campbell ea -,cars, including 11G sheep stud Iam,b owner S. half' lot, 5 con 2; Robert 1 1,300 hogs, 85 calves and 14 mile Astel entered T., S. E. quarter lot 8, cows and springers. and 8. half lot 9 eon 2; Jaanes Camp- J Export cattle—Calves were clis bell entered owner, N. half lot, 5 con couraging. Buying was slow and R Thak A CLEEtatYae'.AN $l` aes.L U' 0? 'setrlt1r'UL, PEOPLE. DR. WILLIAMS IINK I1IIJ,4 REST Timm IIBALTII AND TREY ma OTHER SU$I•X;SE $ TO ENow IT---.- A LETTER TrI.tT 1FII,L, nRXNG got'I TO 'N T. The following letter is written by' Rev. Wm. Lawson, Methodist minis • ter at Riebibucto N. a 3., attests in the strongest manner, the merrits of Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pink Pills, and a perusal of it wit suggest why this medicine is so popular in thousands of homes in the Dominion —it cures. when other medieine;; fail. 1 Richibubto N. Il., April 26 1801. Dr. Williams' Medleine Co., DuALt SIRS.—I am glad to furnish you with the following voluntarily- given oluntarilygiven testimonial, with the fullest, permission tri give the names anclr places they do this au a thank of=• We fering to God and your medieine. he Mrs. Wm, Warman of Molus Iiive', it a near here, says .her son Alden was ed; sickly from birth. He could hardly ce ever retain food, and his parents had but little hopes that lie would Jive long, and the dccao''s 1 h'l ttttfn4{ctl,, him were of the sante apiuiun. :°ilk - e i seven years of age be eentinued i" } 1 the sante condition Then the use- ne , use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills wale , begun, and under them he res' vered as and is now a strong and healthy boy to Mr. Warman, the boy's father, also ,e adds his testimony to the great value s of Pink Pills, saying:—"I suffered of for years with a bad back until I us- st ed Pink Pills and they eured Hie." e' Miss Annie Warman, adds this evidence with enthusiasm and free - h' dom. "I was weak and sickly and did i.ot know the blessing of good 11, health till I took Dr: Williams' Pink f pills. I used eight boxes and have isince enjoyed the best of health. In fact I ant never sick." Here you have three members of e' a family restored to hen th by the use of your medicine, and you would h almost covet their good health and 3 genial ways, largely resulting from such heIJJth. Tliey wish you to fiee- h• 1-v use these facts to help other suffer ers, and l aiu able as their pastor to certify to the facts a bove stated. a Since' say yours Wet LAwsoN Methodist Minister. 2ueorge Cruickslaanks, .entered F. S lot of cattle -were left unsold at ' the' S half 6 con 1; Thomas Jacltlin en. close. There were a good many ,• N. halt tut 24, con 1; Jas. rough export cattle of interim Wallacoente.ed T., S. quarters, lots quality offered. Prices ruled from 59 and GO con 1 in place of .Tames ale @ 41.-e per lb., and 41.e was paid r 1S'R OKETE11 A Paulin is on the sick list Snell; Alex. Eakett, entered owner, N. E. quarter, lot 26 con 2; John Reid entered owner N. quarters lots 29 and 30 con 3; Bennett Farrow entered owner N. half lot 22 con 4 W. Turney entered M. 1+?' lot 10 Bluevalc. The following persons had each one dog struck ori : — A. Proctor, W. Elston, G. Meaney, 0. Campbell, W. Youhill, iY, McCrack- en, S. Caldbick, I''. 13e11, W. J. John - sten, F. Jackson, J. Siritti, N Cnni- ing, 1). Kelley, and W. M. Scott. Isbister—Cardin'--That the Court of Revision Adjust a to meet again on 28th of Jane, at 10 a. in. Council business was then proceed ed with as follows. Kirkbe--Isbiatcr—That Thomas Code be instructed t., examine road at lot 14 con, G, and have the same put in a prober state of of repair.— Cat r:•ied. Isbister—Kirk by—That Thomas Code expend $25.00 in repairing sideline at lots 5 and 6 con 8.—Car- ried. Code—Cardiff—That the Reeve have sideline at Lots 41 and 4I eon 1 repaired not to exceed, $30.—Car- ried. Isbister—Code—That George Kir- by expend $30, in cutting down hill at lots 20 and 21, concession 9, -.—Car ried. Kirkby--Isbister--That Thomas Code, expend $8 cutting hill at lot 12 con. 8.—Carried, Cardiff -Cotte ---That Win.Isbister have culvert at lot. 6 properly, repair ed. ---Carried, Isbister•--Code-.--'hat B, -Law No, as now road be passed.—e arena, Cardiff--Kirkby--,That the i eeve meet the Rees e of Turnb: rry at 13iucvale on June lst iri reference to boundary expenditure.—Carried Kirkby—Cal rdiff--That Themes Code expend $10 repairing sideline at lots 5 and 6 concession 10.—Car- ried. Cwt ; thick fat, $4.75 @ $4.90; sows Cardiff— Iii; kby — That Messrs 3e ® 316 per 1h.; stags, 21e per i' . i Code and Isbister, meet the reeve of' All kinds sans wanted. only in a few cases for extra choice Mr. Gold, of Boston, was here, and .bonght about a dozen cars to ship via that port. Canadian buyers were James Eatkins, of Port - Hope, and Me. Snell,- of Galt, "and they sent through about 40 cars via Montreal. Butchers' Cattle—The offerings were not as heavy as of export There were quite sufficient for the demand, but - more could have been sold. Cominon cattle ruled a little lower, at 210 per 11). Good to choice sold at 3c @ 31c and extra fiance' at 32e. Some picked lots sold at a little higher. Por medium cat- tle there were some deals at 3c. Stockers were a little off, at 3c per ib., as a result of the slow outside demand. Feeders—A few head were bought for Walkerville at 3c per it), Bulls—Export sold fairly well at 31c @ 4 o per ib. Some choice are wanted, Feeding bulls are not in demand. Odd ones sold. at 3c @ 3:Lc Sheep dull; those sold brought 3 is to Sic per lb. Yearling Lambs Choice weighing from 100 to 1101bs., sold at 5/c per Ib,; ai'ything heavier sold at 5e @ Spring Lambs—The offerings were light, and more choice would have 'Sold. Prices ruled at $3 L $4.50 eh. Calves ---Choice veals sold readily hut acpoor calves were not wanted. Prices steady at V3 @ Se each. Mile;' Cows and springers ---'There was a fair dernanci for good cows, but too gnarly poor were offered. Several dente were at $3411 $36, Unless good there is no use sending them here. Cornmon cows sell at $19 .7) $25 each. Hogs----0fferinga were heavier, but on an active demand. The market was firmer, choice selling at 5,'.c per ib„ weighed oft" the cars. Light $4 ® $5.10 per .1 A chopper is being placed in the oat meal mill. ' The bicycle race iaat Saturday was won by Geo. Wilson. Wroxeter will celebrate Dominion Day in a royal manner, games, races etc. R. Miller, Esq., spent last week at Goderich, attending •he County Council. Wroxeter won the foot ball match defeating Attwood by n score of 1 to `0. Our boys stand well tip in the league now. Mr. A. II. Moffatt 1 see, anoved his tools into the blacltsnctla Shan on the main street, leaving the old cor- ner stand veecant. This leaves a good stand open for some man. An Antidote for Asthma Mr. Albert Reid, Angus, Ont., wa a for over two years a sufferer from Asthma. A half bottle of Yellow . ilii cured him completely, and although that wag sometime ago, ho has never since ween troubled with the sawe complaint, a Which would you rather trust? An old, true friend of twenty years, or a stranger? You may have little health., left. will you risk it with, a stranger ? Il• you have cough, are losing flesh, if 1 weak and pal; if consump- tion stares you in the face, ,i lean on Scott's tmu1si `b. It has beeii a friend to thou- sands for more than twenty years. They trust it and you can trust it. Let us send you a book telling you all about it. Free for the asking. scar & Down's, f3etlevfl1e, Opt.