HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-06-30, Page 6est 410.i.NP 40.e. . . - ....—.....---,.. The lettee epecludes air fellows ; 0 I grieve . . ., ...., • .• , . . ... . .. ,.. —le— isesplit Pereenellen...ewined lir 'ehe. 'SheklItietee AriffelectE ..ffieNW. Togvait ImpgREDv.. T -RE wwirxg. 'irici.,i;:,:uNs, Meter eti be allbjeeted eo Perneilite 'Piet" In (1110".LAIN IIIINED. 'X 44.4119t..t v4t% Yog. !%Elip YeerS'neet, ..,—.-.1,.....,-,.. A lest (Thursday) night's London cable but my judgrnene end conscience 1 orbulit, The Passeegera Joenn !nil.? Pie ikfi-,4 gin ie. R. 'Tinlitgirk, : afternoon .COL King-fiarnmp, Tender, unfrienelY, I ill aSli yet to fergive ie." leueiliee eie 'Etietn 'eteeWneet, Member Ofthe %Ahem tettitlion 'Btebbod WS: In the HOPP of, Commons this If ,Ihievenaid, a wet,4 that seams ,hareli or ' L last (Tuesdsy) night's Cleveland *ion of Mr•YeaPer Liberal, !mid tne Govern- AN 1eleCiLISII CANON'S . . steamer Champlain.; of theNorthern Miebi- gagn ,elip;e3::al bofrou; Cohrarle;19X ysagyma: t;T•plima :04:004.hioiftlyisso•:t" ,4?Tvhenein,itgteamin4ahe4riggehtP;ivEsi. Walteee .vian murk in a storm off Black . , • , , . , .,. ,. . .. . • ...... . • . . ,• .,... ...,,.. to 'Death in London .13eoretary for Ireland, in reply to the clues, . . . .... . , . eminent were powerless to .suspend — Chicago, was beveled et midietgbe eetween WW1 lest. 'The eeeseel left ,Neebleheed ReBTICIOLAR8 0' THE BLOODY TBAGBDIT , !evictions in Ireland. They would be Powerful 'Teinarselliace •Leetttee to aa /in Norwood end cbierieeoiej at the month of Yesterday efterneee, and When nit Meek ' • ' suspended, however, during the period that ,inoirws Audiowasilailiowitork. A last (Stinday). nightie Londone,(0110:4 Parliament !levoted to the jphilee celehre. A New York 'despatch says : A large the Grand Traverrre.p,3q ' Th,e heet wee laser the. cantiiiii's WileStthe WasOn board, begged the maiterito pue in at Lorrain ' AS dt3-liP4c11 says: A 'terrible. tragedy tippe. audience gathered in Chickering Hall yes. running 'ten rad" 4" '119nt Whell Ilara" the‘threatening weather alarmed her. 'The enacted in the eastern end Of the niV lest . On the resumption of the debate, on the terday afternoon to hear Canon Wilber. suddenly hot up from .bireaeh the engine, Crimes Bill, Mr. Dillon moved to adjourn driving the engineer .eroee hie post with his vessel was heeded towards the harbor, but night, in the vicinity of the camneelt Whiche.• haecarcely turned about when she was one ot the volunteers lest his life. Le the to the Bodyke evictions, The Government, inrce'Qf England' who IV" anmunced t° clothes on fire. go ran !o the hurricane a . &Pk, and then in order to call the attention of the House speak under the auspices of the Notional struck by a terrible equal!. The wind bore excitement attendant on the ea,e oetairrencee to inquire into the matter. He was there- denominations known in connection with Am,. Dr, wows deck, plunged into stop his angles or connect the hose. The and In the absence et the :eneeisteriai hie - presided, and many elergyenen of various retuened to his week, but was toe late to filled with water whin e half minute she tho barge round and round. The hole yestigatiop, the accouetti of the afte`iir are he said, had refused to appoint a committee ell1Perilinw3 Leagi4e' fore bound to demand an open discussion the temperance cause had seats on the alarm.. was given, the sleeping passengers the captain's sons savee themselves by sank- The captain, the Mate and two of eerY contradictory. Prom parties who were present at the time, however; it is. families had disclosed featuresof the great- and rapidly for an hour, and awoke great were aroused, and when file preseevere had been fastened to all, they gathered on the learned that about e1.30 last night, Ralph., Shaw, of Company 1, Chatham Battalion, in Parliament. The eviction of thirty-five platform. The Canon spoke energetically clinging to floating fenders. This morning est harshness.. landlord Callaghan, ever enthusuiem. Among about 3 o'.clock, the teries of the ship- wrecked quartette attracted the attention i 124th), with a number of companions; • was.. mince he got possession of the estate, had were: " The ncbleot of enthusiasm is the the things he said forward deck. Two life boats and life rafts were lowered, but the "steamer was ten - Of thedookout on the steamer Pearl, bound Passing the residence of Walter Stevenson,' It was on record that Mr. Callaghan, in re- religion to enjoy the world, and too many the crew. there were 57 persons on board, including In ten and Jennie Gillespie, the master's children ; one in the house,. and at the same time . abets were heard inside. Some one incthe been raising the rents without expending a love of the Lord, and the basest the pas. nine so fast that thee'. got away. to Cleveland from Detroit. A lifeboat was 560 Adelaide !street, between Princess • end, ehilling for improving the property. The pion for -drink. The only thing teat minutes 'from the time the boat caught lowered and the ship.wreeiked marinere were Central avenues, when the party heard result Was that one of the most industrious Christianity wants just now is Christians. fire the passengers were all compelled to brought to Cleveland. The lost are: Mrs. criee of "help" and "murder" from some - sets of tenants in Ireland had been .ruined. There are too many people with too much jump into the lake. The steward says J. G. Gillespie, wife of the master; Alphos fusing to abate rents, had said that with too much•,worldlinessto enjoy religion. Engineer Peter Grines, of Cleveland ; party threw a stone at the door, whene he would have no greater compunction in I feel that in speaking in New York I am The lost are as follows : Ella Cooper Fireman John Peterson; Wheelman GUS another shriek was heard, which was fol -- putting a tenant out on the roadside than speaking to America, and America is the Smith, Robert Wilkes and George W. Itis - Shaffer, of Sandusky, Ohio . Deckhand lowed bv a volley of Stones, some of whichi he would have in shooting a bird. (Cries great Ai? gl o. Saxonizing machine of the ley, of Charlevoix ; Idris. R. M. Kehoe, R. Peter PowleY, of Lighthouse Station, Ohio; broke tile windows. just then a female - report of press correspondents and other not to let the liquor traffic control America Mcleill, Steward Bears, two children, aged 3 and 5 years, of Chicitgo ; Captain Lucas, The rescued are: Capt. J. G. Gillespie, of whole univeme, and I wish to warn you appeared at an upper window, and shouted, - of "Shame.") The consensus of the Stewardess Rate Powley, wife of Peter. witnesses of the evictions was against the as it controls England. There is an arid°. of Petoskey; Henry Brennan, the clerk and Port Clinton, Ohio; Mate Jets- Flora, of "Go away husband will kill yip." By this time some' from the door, or my craoy in this country, but it is an aristo. firernan, a 'mond cook and cabin boy, of Port Clinton ; 'George and Ikey Gillespie, police. The police had acted brutally, of the party had jumped over the fence, making wanton attacks upon women and Chicago ; Mr. Russell, of the Jackson' sons .of the captain. The survivors were while others entered the lane at the side of ' children. . Seeing the public interest in the cracy of intellectual power, of character, of beauty and;of grace. In England we put Mich., Corset Company; a gentleman, a brought to this city. the house. In another minute the front , matter, the Government ought to grant a our big brewers in the House of Commons boy from Milwaukee bound for Mackinac, . door opened and Walter Stevenson, the . committee of inquiry the same as it had instead of putting them in jail as they do one waiter and four Indian deckhands, ,a A STBIKER'S LIFE SENTENCE. man of the house, rushed out with a smolt - in Maine. In Maine they lock up the lady and her daughter from Frankford, ing revolver in one hand and a large knife.. after the Belfast riots. — Mr. Balfour said there was no juetice in liquor before it gets into a man, while in names unknown. Revaluing Found Guilty of Murder Dur- intheother. By this time all the party comparing the events at Bodyke with the Ne events you only lock it up after." ' Those saved floated an hour and a half, log tian Missouri Pacific Strike. in the yard had dispersed with the excel). - events iii Belfast'. ad asked wheeMreDil- .• . .a. . when they were rescued by a yawl and fish A Fort Worth (Texas) despatch says: tion of Ralph Shaw, who was in the act of - Ion. raised the:question at the preeeiat tithe; "CIVILIZING-" THE AFHIC4N. boatafrom the shore. Several of the saved - The jury in the .Hemming murder case climbing over the fence when Stevenson. when the niehiliere kiteiv that the ' House were 'bedler, burned: There are seven unac. rniest report the CiiinesBill bn Friday. Ciin and Rum by the Thousand Barrels counted forethe above liet-of lest conipris- came into court at &o'clock yesteiday, after. made a 'lenge at him with the knife, the The precious hours that were being wasted Going to the Dark Continent. ' ing only those known to have perished. n°°n• ' The fereman handed the iridictenent Wade Of Which entered.. ShaW's eight side • The boat burned to the hull and has been to the.clerk, with the indorsement: e Went between the tenth and eleventh ribs and bad better be devoted to the Crimes Bill. AlWashington despatch says: In a report Regarding the conduct of the police, no to the Department of Statefrom GoreeDuka, towed here. It is imptissible now to tell the jury, find the defendant guilty of mur- Penetrated. four inches into the liver.. Government could accept mere newspaper Africa, United States Consul Strickland the cause of the fire, but it is thought it der in the first degree and assess his punish. Rising to his feet, the wounded man stag. may have been caused by a lampexploding. for life." gered a few feet and fell into the arms of a reports as a basis for procedure, especially calls attention to the absorption of African .- ment at confinement in the penitentiary companion named James Ramsbury, a. when such reports were highly colored. trade by Germans. He says: "Formerly Seven bodies have alreaey been recovere . On the 3rd of April, 1886, Richard member of the same company to which. (Cries of "Oh, oh," and "Hear, hear." Americans had quite a monopoly of African The Champlain was valued at $10,000. Towneend, a deputy sheriff, was shot while Shaw belonged. A passing waggon was Be .had no knowledge of the details of the liquor traffic, and not longer than six . A TORONTMAN eileouting the law in moving a coal train on hailed and Shaw was taken to the main i alleged police assaults. months ago New England rum and alcohol O the Missouri Pacific Railroad during the guard tent at the entrance to the camp,. _1 Mr. T. P. Healy—More shame for you. arrived at Goree sometimes in quantities At maw° Wants Possession of Ills Two strike. After several months had elapsed where, in ten minutes after receiving his. Mr. Balfour—But considering the treat- of 1,000 barrels in one shipment. TheDaughters and egoento. Henry Hemming' went to Hill County and wound, the unfortunate young fellow died. runt the police have received it is not sur- Germans by establishing a, line of steamers prising if, in some slight measure, they to this coast from Hamburg hays now gottional arrest was made en Thursday night A Buffalo despatch a6rs : Quite a sense- asked employment from Dr. A.M.Douglass, The only vvords Shaw was heard to utter' a prominent physician. He said he was were addressed to his companion: "Jim, have exceeded their duty. He would not nearly all of this trade, and are besides in- say a word in support of the evictions, troducing rapidly other cheap articles of about 11 o'clock by Detective Watts. It one of the party who, with Winchesters, I'm going to die; I want to shake, which veould not have occurred if Mr. Cal- German manufacture. The Germans had fired on the officers guarding the coal hands with you." It is stated that,. • train. The officer, Richard Townsend, M after Shaw received his death wound, appears that a day or two . ago Hugh laghan had taken his advice. (Cries of began business here by sending one steamer Cameron, a c,ommercial traveller living in "Hear, hear.") What really prevented the per month, which at first did not attract Toronto, arrived in theleity and registered few wnht hour rthlaetceonal train, dropped, and died a Stevenson tore a picket from the fence and with it struck Lieut. Gray, of the 22nd Government's amending this state of much attention. Now they have eight new at.the Broezel House. Cameronet is stated, first. affairs was the action of those who inter- ones, averaging perhaps sixteen hundred up to se couple of years ego had a pleasant The defence was that the officers fired Battalion, inflicting a serious wound in the. neck. Early this morning Stevenson was. posed between the Government's Land tons each. They seem to . be gaining on home in Toronto, with it wife and two chil. • arrested by Detective Rider on a charge of Bill an endless and useless discussion over the English and other competitors on ac- dren, both girls, and now aged respectively DARING TRAIN ROBBERY. murder and remanded to jail until Friday, 5 and 7 `Yeare. Everything, apparently, the Crimes Bill. (Cheers frorn the Con- count of the extreme cheapness of their _. , the 24th inst. The post.nnortem revealed did not go just as it shoild, and he and his Bodyke was incited by persons who ought date customers. Hamburg alcohol is offered wife parted company.4 She went to s of Booty. the fact that Shaw died of hemorrhage. seevativese The resistanc,e to the law at goods and their willingness to itecommo- Highwaymen Secure About $10,000 Worth to have known better. (Hear, hear.) He nen cents per gallon, and forms the basis boarding house and he continued his bud. He was in every respect healthy and of fine nese onthe road, the twi) little girls having A Houston, Tex., despatch says: This physique, but his wound was such that - protested against the doctrine that was of most of the sparkling beverages with growing daily in the minds of certain per. which the simon pure African loves to re- been placed in a private' boarding.school in morning about 1.30, at Sehulenburg, on the under no circumstances could he have lived ... . Toronto. This arraniement went along sons that the proper way to amend the law gale himself. It is surprising to seethe Southern Pacific Railway, as the train more than fifteen minutes after receiving. 'was to break it. (Cheers.) Therefore, he enormous quantitieseif rum,gin and alcohol fora while, but it is claimed Mrs. Cameron drew up at the station two men with the terrible stab. A jury was empannelled, finally left that City axle came to Buffalo drawn revolvers mounted the engine, cove who viewed the body and adjourned until urged that the best means to secure a which block up the wharves when a steamer as the wife of A. T. ' Herr, who has a ered the engineer and forced him to pull Wednesday. Stevenson, the alleged mur-• raent needed. broker's office in this) city and several the train to the open prairie, a few hue. derer, is a painter, 30 years of age. He had remedy was to procure the legel ame n d comes in." Oh Tuesday evening the windows of the A TERRIBLE FAMINE. other towns. During Cameron's stay deed yards to the east, where a fire was served one year in jail for illegally selling Presbyterian Church at Parsonstown were —...... here he had obtained an order from the burning, and around which stood eight or liquor on the Western Fair grounds, and smashed, and the furniture in the vestry One Hundred Thousand Persons in Danger court, with .. the e sesistance of his ten men, all armed with Winchester rifles. was sentenced to another term for assault - was destroyed. The Catholic inhabitants of Starvation. attorney, Leroy Midrus, for the W. Newburger, of New York, was struck ing his wife, but at her request his imprie custody of the two li tle girla who have on the head with a revolver, and $75 in son at a meeting to-day—the parish priest pre. A Boston telegram says: The Ameiii . rnent was cut short. He has three. siding—pledged themselves to do their Board of Foreign Missions has reeek .. for some months pas been at the Holy cash, several diamonds and a gold watch, children. Shaw, the victim was , - also a utmost to bring the miscreants to justice. tidings of a terrible famine in Asia Me. Angels' Academy, on Porter avenue, Lou Mayer; ofCincinnati, was relieved of in- valued at about $1,000, taken from him. peinter by trade, 20 years old and unmar- A last (Friday) night's London cable bordering on the Mediterranean, and tending to take them to Toronto. Their 'ried. He recently was working in Toronto.. says : When the debate was resumed on bracing the ancient city of Tarsus and mother had in the meentime got wind of 035. R. L. Armstead, of New York, gave He is said to have been very quiet and on, went to the Crimes Bill this evening MreFowler. Adana. The state of affairs is so deplore- what was going the convent and up $20. A gentleman from Mexico lost inoffensive and a general favorite with his 400. Wells . (Liberal) moved an amendment requiring ble as to render an appeal to the benevolent took her children away, but only was also gone through a few $: Taro &Co.'s express car comrades. . that before the enforcing of clause six public an 'immediate duty. The harvest minutes before the officer, money -taken is not yet known. The total Stevenson stated that there was no outcry e, in company with , but the amount of In an interview with a reporter Mrs. (which deals with the proclaiming of dan. time has just passed, but not a single sheaf Mr. Cameron, arrived for the same purpose. gerous associations), the consent of both of grain will be cut on all the plain circle. This created music, and Mr. Cameron then $8,000 oi $10,000. amount secured by the robbers is placed at oi,eisturbance in the house, nothing to at- tract attention; that her husband had no Houses of Parliament be obtained. This, narily so fertile, save in a few fields arti- eivore out a warrant for the arrest of Kerr. pistol. The first they know of any dia. he said, was the most dangerous clause of ficially watered. One hundred thousand He was found at his honie, and spent last night in a cell at the station house on a The Foes to a Fine Complexton. turbance was when a volley of stones struck the Bill, and ought to be resisted to tho people are in danger of starvation. There charge of attempted abduction. He said to The fees to a clear, ruddy, smooth coin- the door. Then her little girl went out and uttermost. If there was a national danger is no grass and the ' flocks and herds are plexion, though nianifold, may usually be told the party to go away or her father demanding such exceptional powers Parlia- mostly destroyed. a Courier reporter that the whole thing was classed under the following heads : First, would come to them. The men outside ment might be trusted to confer the neces- sary authority. Feel Farmers and the Grain "Faker." was very indignant over his arrest and said overheating and lack of outeloor and other husband ran out with the knife in his hand,. exercises; second, insufficient friction of Mr. Balfour opposed the amendment. he could square himself when the proper the neck and face, with deep rubbing and with which he had been cutting bread, and Mr. Gladstone said the section of the • A Brampton despatch says : The farmers time came. Mrs. Cameron and her two m. House most responsible as guardians of the of the County of Peel, who were induced to children were before Judgi3Hatch yesterday massage; third, the too general use of that was all she saw of hi improper use of soap and water.—Dress. through the camp, and the men of the 24th Irish liberties were the Irish members. The news of the tragedy spread quickly give theirtnotes for wheat at $15 ier bushel afternoon. Lawyer Andrus, for Cameron, cosmetics and .face powders; fourth, an Was it henceforth to be understood that to the Ontario Grain and Seed Company, of urged an inunediate settlement of the case, the desires of the Irish members on such London, are advertising cautioning any per- but as Mrs. Cameron's lawyer was not Dissension in Plymouth Church. gathered long before gun -fire this morning in excited groups, talking the matter over, subjects would be sufficient to make it the son against purchasing the notes, as they ready the case went over until to -morrow and not a few suggested the -lynching of duty of the Government to provide oppor- were given without consideration, and they morning. Meantime Sheriff Gilbert takes A New York despatch says: Plymouth Stevenson. In view of such a contingency tunnies for discussion? (Cries of " Hear.") intend to contest their liability to the ut. charge of the children. Mr. Kerr, who is Church will be closed for the summer. No the London Field Battery and the Oxford Mr. Dillon declared that the belief was most. • This is the company to which Mr. under arreet in a civil suit brought by such a thing ever happened to it before. universal in Ireland that the Bill was K. Chisholm,M.P.P., drew the attention of Cameron for $20,000 damages for alienation There are those that predict that it will not Rifles were specially detailed to act asa guard and prevent any member of the• mainly directed against the National the Ontario Legislature during the last of his wife's , affections, had not up to a be opened again by its old congregation. . There are serious dissensions in the con- 24th from leaving the camp. Chief eession League. The powers which the clause put late hour succeeded in Sliding bail. gregation concerning the selection of a Williams, Sheriff Glass and Mayor Cowan into the hands of the Viceroy would be To Girl Graduates. ?Wile. pester to succeed Beecher, which may dis7 were apprised of tho stated feeling in the Be just- as sweet as you, can. The man camp, and proper precautions have been used for the suppression of the League, rupt the orgenieation. The picnic season is here in full blast. which would result in a greater crop of who doesn't like to look upon a sweet girl An editor who evidently e has been taken to prevent any breach of the peace. misery and hatred in Ireland . graduate is a villain—or niarried. Tie there" thus soliloquizes: "Now lotus to Hard Travelling for the Bummer. Mr. Fowler's amendment was rejected by your essay with a blue ribbon, and be the woodlands his where trees their verdure Gen. Sherman, in his march to the sea, THE CHILDREN'S JOY. practical in the choice of a subject. We wrap, for spring no longer lingers in old used to go out of his way to avoid a bridge. To lilac -fringed suburban lanes a vote of 233 to 161. Several more amendments having beenHe comes again, "the spring reminder," amble forth and sit beneath the trees, and army was to feed a river. For miles before And poureth forth his dulcet strains— The swarthy -visaged organ grinder. disposed of the Chairman nut the question suggest "The Coming Man." ---Buffalo burly winter's lap. In picnic garb we'll He was very fond of fords. One day the whether the clause should 'stand a part of EzPress. have oit. hides all chopped and hacked, they reached it they waded. knee deep in Ho plays fainiliar waltz and song— the Bill. Sir Charles Russell entreated the Airs tendor, simple, unambitious; House to consider the gravely objectionable A special from Laurene, S. C., reports with stings of bumble bees. We'll gaily swamps. One bummer said to another: The happy children round him throng, character of the clause. While he was that the negroes near there have formed a don our linen emits, and thin seersucker "Say, Bill,. I guess we struck this river And think tho melody delicious. y I speaking the hour of 10 arrived, The Min- secret organization to demand $1 a day pants, and it beside the gurgling stream, lengthways." ---,8„___ Plaon, oh, organ &grinder, PlaY isterial benches rapidly filled, members for fameth work, and threaten murder if while o'er us crawl e ants. We'll swallow AO The children's friend thou art alway, Though culture bath thy music alighted, pouring in from the lobbies. The Parnel- necessary to accomplish their ends. Thee, picnic lemonade, to moisten down our grub, Only Had Two Teeth. And at thy coming they're delighted: lites simultaneously arose and left the aro organized under the guise of Knights of whieh people make by soaking ono cheap Littleton Payne who lived near Klef PlWay on—In alley, street and lane; House, the 'Chairman twice calling upon Labor. An agitator nanied Hoover, who lemon in a tub. The guilless sandwich we Grange died recently of pneumonia. A ho scorn'st thy rrinsie is a flunky Th ; ee bringest us back our youth again, , them to resume their seats. Amid great was recently shot near Warrenton, Ga., is shall eat, devour the clammy pie, and sit singular thing about him was that he was Here's health to thee and thy monkey. confusion a division was ordered and the the organizer. The whites have organized on bowls of custard while a tear bedims born with two teeth, and, although 70 years —There is no rest for the man who takes, clause Was adopted by 332 to 163. The a cavalry company for protection. Our eye. ,We'll tip the mustard in thejain, of age these teeth he was born with were a vacation. . Gladstonians who went out returned after The N.Y. World balloon, which ascended the pepper in the tea, and try with all our the only ones nature ever vouchsafed to the voting, but the division having been at St. Louis on Friday, attained the height might to show that we are filled with glee. him.—Snow Hill (Md.) Shield. —Stand to reason—the gentleman whodeclared they immediately arose in a body of 16,000 feet above the surface of -the earth Then let us to the picnic hie, our basket in •bis the floor. . and withdrew, amid Conservative cheers on Saturday at 5.20 P.m" according to the our hand and homeward come filled up "The Beatrice" is a 'name suggested in —The man who e strikes oil" is never and laughter. The remaining clauses were markings oe the instruments of United with woe, and leaves 'and dist and sand." New York for a projected apartment.house arrested for asseult. then put and carried Without comment and States Signal Service Officer Hazen, who . . for Working.evomen, . —A man who wanted "little here' be. ParneWs Aea ltit. The eleotrie-light wires eke still killing a bow" went intO the newspaper ,businees. the Bill passed the coremitted stage; the Was one of the four in the car Of the .. Conservatives again cheering. The report balloon. This is the highest on record in A London cablegram says: It is stated, 09Onoedc:fi?ItahneysefiPneeopdlaeysa,lslayosvtehretphhe i I acrelnpthryi ii. in .".thte hedictionary, any 61)11ur it ite ofdistributedoolreRidni nag Mage Of the Bill is fixed fertile 271h inst. Americo.. At this point the thermometer on whet appears to be reliable authoiity, John Bright has Written to•Mr. Glad- marked 870 Fahrenheit. Hazenereports that Me. Parnell le net improvingin health.. reretr wol'tli esahpaelrl akin btu; tralwizierei- wires nviottilil Very tantalizing Meitner. tone an apology kr inaccurately quoting the 'Voyage a success. The }Allem Will he Doubts, indeed, are expressed in private The woman &Won; heard the Most, hiti Swansea speech and aceteing hien Of taken back to St. Louis' eria make another quatters if he Will be a figure in the test ef to bury their Victims.And one mostapt to stir man's choler, talking 61 Irelahd "as if theft was no PM- ascent, the session. There is, indeed, 0. statement Even the diminutive island of jersey has Becauge be ware it to hig cost, , _ 'Once of Illeter,", the fact being that that Mr, Parnell's. physician has confided its election scandals. The Mayor of St. Is, "Husband, haven't you got aeollare' Gladstone' Made lone Ana distinct refeteneee Mr, . The 24th ,Bettelion, tie which , yeeing Shittee the man WhOOathe to his eeeth et to A friend that Mr. Parnell reelly has Heller' is authority for the statement that at a late election gimes wit% purchased —A man Who gets' °Might to a wheat to:Ulster and it'd pedulitir interest in the doiner gets no more pity than the man the betide of Stew:infidel, at Loecion • 'on cancer in the stoniach, Home 'Bele question, Me. Bright" says he saturday night, belonged, paraded. yesiter. • • • . • . froen voters at 4176 a 13air and eggs at 125 with the toothache, says the Detroit Free rilaae his "somewhat inabetitate qUotiitiori day forenoon in full force and Marched to A North Careifria clerejelan not only each. Press. And he deSerVealtill IOSS: The Gerinan 'Crown Prince reviewed a , . . . . body Of echool Children at Sydenham to, —Croquet iti not ing out, One firm frOrn memory." Ile adde; "1 Still Con, Ferguson & EaSson's undertaking ware. refused to marry en elePlUit fe6UPlee but t6i4 beteeVee, that there is ree }Mee' in Mr e roerree where the body of their late eeni. arrested tha bride aUd. lelegrePhed het' sonde out 36,000 seta every year. Theballs settling the frith eitiestiOn, Mze. Gladden° ments necessery foe the removal of t e oral:lee' .. ' Above a ethisner. them from e rough stick fete feet long in made by a machine which converte ten iniiiiitee, 0,1edetone'e Proiniee to consider thei.ettse father that he held hoe taitijeot to his the. :Ulster BrOteettinte in his lelaii 'of Of rade wee laid out, and, Mier' the eremite tday..t v eigoe the: ewl ea oleid tifeor ; one eo it v t�eI.plitg'Ivas 'Illilet IMOW that Any plan of detains with corps n had bosh cobvidea,. it Was placed A fashionableNew 'York lady *Mild net Unable to 'speak of the tit &ten to it table et It dinner party until •Promineht 'p.olitielahe in Montreal. are eofoisoixcesrnsittrin,beiriedaded .by 6 staled tefreli perched on a &bind opposite Mr, Gladstone,. in reply/30.Am ineetation the Breteetents apart fret) the red of the bttthalelot°tItlielade•itah poptilittieni Of el stee is iiiipotieible. The the baiid, inaMhed to the G. T. It. stietio'n, her place, had been teeneeed. ment tie Lietitenanteetoeernoteeef. Quebec Still Confident that Me, Chtinleaten aeleeint.. freen a Washington gentlemen toildit the will be armeimeed immediately after the *United Stittee, 'eayii that his age and en, recent Mittelman* toVelatiteiti tail° by the r *here the 12.50 train for Chatham *as There is 1 county hi: rtoriatt which is gagetnente pideltide his Undertaking the 2%0g nand 'have inoteeedd the &Cad Of taken, Composed entirety of ishoi/e. dose Of the Seasione journey: