HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-06-30, Page 5,
What*. the AvroCATP, would hke to
An editor get 44,
Vews in abundance,
Geochzess conquer bete,
Virtue bele Above ptieee
.A. let 'Of Jely celebratione
A lively trede teieson.
•All streets hi good.repair.
Our alleys cleau of rubbish.
Large crops raised this year.
isees cultivate more modestee
-Every women dolls she pleases.
Beliefs that never ciy iu eherch.
Bee levee, wsflflflcl with honey.
,A real eetate boom in our town,
Somebody to come in lied pay up.
Beidf heads all covered evith heir,
Natteral gas la the heart oft/wee.
Stint lamps On.ev•ery cortilerin town
Afore job printing and better pieces.
A Reform couneil elected next Pen%
Ali patemie-of the Anvocales pros-
Or ehitrchee well filled on.Sanclay
Beery Imeiness man in lexete,r to ad-
ele Collins loans more money
theerany agent in II tieen county. which
provee Unit his 3.atee are lo.weet, for
people go wh•ere they eau do the best
Applications were tecently elade to
the 1\ est lieroe License Commission-
eTs fozean, .additional store fiCense to
diepenee-liquor, bub wo uederetand
thee; the eatne was refused.
Lawyer Dickson is the liepeiest man
it Exete.r, Caese, a 'fine boy at his
house. L. 11. wishes his face was big,
ger, so that he could smile more, e Tee
pees emend the cigars and we will help
you lough,
Remember the entertainment straw-
berey acid fee main festivr1 to be given
on the grounds of Mr. D. Braund,
Exeter north, tuenorrow (Friday) even-
ing: An exeellent programme has
liezez prepared; eor the oeeasiou. Ad-
lflitSOit 15 cts.
We notice that a number of our,ex-
changes are quite jubilant over the
cipt of strawberries w•hich measured
four, five or eix ibehes. Why bless
your heaet, wo have Imd strawberries
which tneosured inches in circum-
fPrence, and thought it lutally Worth
while to mentiem the face Exeter
heads the list for large strawberries.
Wee care how you hit any pitiable
oil er lubricator come le contact with
a cut or serate,h on your hand or ere),
es serious blood -poisoning may result
an the manefactuee of' softie of these
Meeirine ils fab from diseased and de-
composed animals is used. A11 physic-
ians know how poisonous such matter
is. The only safeguard le not to let
any spot where the skirt is brokea be
touched. by any machine oil or lubri-
When. an editer nrakes r mistake
in his paper all the -world Eees it and
calls bitn 0, Nat. When a private eiti-
eenmakes.a mistake nobody knows it
except a few privatcefteeees and they
(mem around and ask the editor to
keep it out of thepaper. When a pri-
veee citizen dies the editor is asked to
write up 'all -his good qualities arid
oet the bad:. When the editor
dies the private citizens say,. "Now the
liar will get his cleSerts.." •
Now cloth the giddy, youth arise, for
gaudy donee he measures; and for-
ward. looks with beaming eyes to one
long round of pleasure.. His day dream
pictures twilight walks with on hell
meet forsake, he thinks of Kimmel'
ovenine talks whilo. boating on, the
• lake. 'nfee .holds a pen while mankind
slime and writes a •-elecentim.e sonnet:,
to tha beight maid whom. he • adores;
tie girl with Ailpsy: bonuet. Ito asks
-diet maid tcebe his wife, while they
etre playing tennis,and fee the filet
time in his life, he fiede his name is
in another column prs 411 Axe
preeetefe: .feene Me„ •firegere Tefpe,
The cerporaticee thistle °peter mid
weed destroyer has teken ethe hint
nee goee, to. work. e•
Our poi( club ia eget foe. •preiotiee
oeaely every evening. They.will. seen
be epee for ehellenges.
The font .oelefr. Beeeyi•es furniture
-store leis been improved by lievieg the
foutc1aton rep erect and put in a pree
per etete.
We understand thee dining thiei
summer and fell, Me, Rebore Sanderal
will visit Sea Preeeieco and yarionei
other ectelfernio.
Teeelest necv potatoes of the seeeon
were reeeived lest .Satercley, by M.
eiereey, p min street, lilxeter. They
were exceedingly fine epee,
Two' ear loads of fot cattle were
ehipped from Exeter statiotz on. Mon-
day hy Messrs' Oahe and Prier, local
buyers, to Montreal for transportatioe.
The work of repairing feed gravell-
ing the streets and sidewalk.s a the
village has comineeeed mid will be,
pushed forward with all possible speed,
Mr, Seems Miller, accompanied by'
his wife, left by he Afternooe train on
Monday for a visiteeg tout.- among
friends in Loeclon, Ont., St, Marys end
other teems.
. notice by last weeks Expositor
that 4 young man had molestedlome
of the resideuts pear the race,coeese.
'We would advise the young mail not
to imbibe too freely the next thue.
All members of fhe Exeter Loy]
Oreng“..odge 14. 024 are requested
to atteeed :the regular meeting of the
above te-morrow evenipee(Feiday) July.
lst. Wpm:toot busieesz; to transect
Te Impost in the case of Ralph
Shaie, the murdered volunteer, the
jury brought in a verdiet of wilful mur
eel. against Walter Stevenson, of Lon-
don. Of the fourteen jurymen only
one disseeted..
Owing to inability occurred by an
accident which happened last Thursday
Rev. I F. Parke Incumbent of Trinity
Cher* Blyth, was ueable to fulfil his
engageinent in Christ Ober* Exetez,
last Smedayeas announced.
. e• •
rheee is. said to be some trouble
brewing:between parties in Huronwho
are st,tier to have sold a stalion with a
false 'Pedigree to a .gentleman in this
neighborhood at .a high, figure. The
animal ie reported to be•ealtnost worth-
less for eetieo purposepe
• The Salvation Army jubilee and
strawberry festival lase Vridey evening
was fairly • well attended and proved
very successful. A. number of officers
andsoldiers from other corps were
present and assisted in the proceedings,
On the whole a spiritual and profitable
time was spent
If you have loet, anything that is
worth recovering, don't scribble out a
notie,e,a»ckstiek it up in the post office
or op cetelegrapte pole, when you call
advertied for "three couts" a line en the
Exeter Anvowere. The day is past
for manuscript hotices ; people won't
stop to read them.
Don't forgot the Pesti:vat to be field
on Mr. tigory Brews Jawn, Friday,
July 1st The ladies have made pro-
vision Lor eonveying passengers to and
from the grounds. The cotiveyoesce
will 'neve ifeenes Street Church at 3
for theTeeueds and will rue at
regular intervals difr;ug the afternoon.
Every.00ey will be glad to know just
valet marriage is. Non.e• but a lady
could have told, ue it�1i glowing
weeds as this 'from; the Oereent e --Mate,
leap is 'the blencline of tWe:t existences
r.Phe business erf the Coenter Court
and Quarter Session lust week consist-
ed largely of Stott Act appeals, In all
these appeals excepe one, judgmeetwzie
reseeved pending. a dieesion upon the
point now before Mr. jhstiee Amalie
Judge Ton% heard argunient epee all
thatecheieel points and neeepted as the
evidence in each case the tkvidonce
en befOre the Magistrates. Ho will
give:inclement at a tin e to be fixed
1. ,
'te one apas
peel case, that was heat1/41
1r0.8 tried liefortttt itut,tp and tverdict
, of:guilty was brought A, that sttsttutt-
og the conviction. ti the appeals
there appeared as eeitheil in the VW.
anus- eases 141#S014. 11.01 .4 We die Cemp-
i6Tif MiSitingSilind Dickson, uoll foe the
theleve el. 'V, fliteeow; fe, 0, ;red einmee,
Scott. ' The Iattetr hakl n'earge of foer-
teen bride mei acted le the (,use that
wee won teethe Seotte Act befoie tte
into one. so. eomplaely that all fedi,
vidualityis alseerbed, and the idea of
peesonal profit is imposstble ; the ce-
menting of a• union so perfect that
every light, or shade that fang., on one
mutt reflect on the othee, the turnitig
of two rivers into a lake, where they
must flow asethe forever, the altar 08
• which the light of our purest,. holiest
Self should evet be beritinge This is
marriage ; the marriage ortlAined by
hesA,en, bleesed by Chiist aed7treverene-
ed by our father.
• MisS, Sophia Daft tamiltoe girl,
and an eflicer in thef,..-341Vation
WAS recently stationed in Strathroy,
where a young lateete hauled MoDoe-
gall fell deeply ie love with beze Rio
rteention waS reeiprocatod,Cand the
W day was 0.4 foe this
week, J uet thou Commissioner Coembs
end the Army elle:acted; and a tete
iibie aid teartul-aceno (melted .at the
barracks, .w here the WAS •inaueod to go
to A peleette meeting, 8he was finally
• persuaded to reliminish imarinantial
• joys, though .she \'o -Ws that she Still
1(iven McDoogrdl. Come. Nem he says
ho .wilI 8(11)d 1'1E2:1;4 Did No*Beetia,
where, far 1:1-418 hor 1OVO sTiwi1i nOt
• he in dative of hiving her mind dig.
tu rhea ‘‘.vtJi vai dreates of earthly
..1.Pine :hay :weather,
The livery ImIse is not SO 1.10-1o1/,
charger tie the chap who. runs the
A411,11).er Of farmers in this section
ha:Ye :ceoupeneatt Lay4% id Avert 4
very heavy crop. •
Will .Seutecotee •who lies been
visiting in ,I31Yth, raiirned /WM yes-
terday, accompanied V he Sister Miss
large deg with 4 tia can fastened
to •his, matlesome long jumps down
'Mehs street on efendey morning 00115-
ing quite en excitine timeespeeially
for the dog;
Last Saturday Mrs. R, :Seldon re,
eeived o, telegram from Ingersoll an-
nomming the expected: death of her
hesbandle brother, and left by the
efterneon trein for that town.
• The ecejoereed liquor cases came up
.Tuesday befeee Police Magistrate
Willem% the eese agaiest Pectice and'
one charge against liawkshaw were•
dismissed. • One caseagainst gawk
slew, was settled ozze of:coed.
Ice Captairarvia has taken charge
qf the Salvatioe Army corps here, his
elibete pet foeth in the cause a hie
18ueter1 are bearing fruit, end already
spine ,seven QP eight persons have pub-
holy.annoeneed their intentions of lead-
ing better Km,
At the regular meeting of the 1.1..T,
of T's 'Monday evening, the following
were the officers dected; S. C., J. E.
Tom; P, Q., P, Clarke; V. C.'Miss
:E. Greharne Chap., Eiregoey; R. S.,
11 0ollihs; F. a, IL Oridley; Treas.
4. Bell; feeraki, R. E. Pielcard; 0,
Guard, 0. McLamehlia; Sentinel, W.
Menuing; Organist, Miss E. Bell, The
Order is ia a flourishing condition,
new members being. admitted at eyery
What terght have been attended.
with seriousresults and loss of property -
happened to -one of the lady teachers
of E----- public school one day re-
eerrely. On going to her desk, and
just as she was about stepping on the
platform, the strings -which connect
that hieclous bustle to the beautiful
feral of womare becamadisconnected,
thueiallowing it to descend to the floor;
buts luck would eave it, unaecom-
panitel by any telriflie explosion or
enusnal noise of any kind, mid neer a
and all said they would
notiell, but somehow ot• other, the
tiiihg has leaked out.
Last Saturday theintelligence reach-
ed here that ,INTA Bolkwell, of Port
Huron, had seceetbed to that fatal
disease, coneumpfron, Mr, Bedewed
was a resident 41 this locality for a,
number of years; ane was itighly re-
spected by all with whin Ple became
acqueinted. lie was a carriage maker
by trade, but owing to ill health was
obliged to give it up. His remains
were brought here arid interred in the
Exeter cemetery eloreley evening; the
proceedings being witnessed by a large
nu Ober of friends. Deceased wee
marriedtwice, but leaves an only
daughter to mourn an affectionate
father and loving parent :Miss Balk -
well has the sympathy of this column,.
uity in let sad bereavement
ToWla Parliament.
EXE.Mt, yfuwp 24, 1$87.
Tho poancill net, imDr. leollin's °Mee.
All the, inembere,prek:teet- the reeve in
flmin Mee elinutem,eftfekesious meet-
ing were read and epprov14
An Order WAS grented teiAtees Tay
ler for $225, estimate on material and
lebor for town hall, and Win. Weise,
$20 for hispection.
Tames Beer was granted en melee foe
$50, salary as asseSSor.
The reeve and clerk were iestructed
to !haft a code of generel by -las 'end
submit tbe same at the next meeting
of the eouncil.
The council adjoureed to meet at the
call of the reeve,
What ow. Exc7iangeshavet0 saY about
'this new Liberal paper,
Tho ADV0OATE is the name of a, new
leeform paper started in Exeter, to
take the phew eif the old Reflector. The
publisher is. Mn 'rhos, p4stuore, nd
the peper is fall of local pews. Inger-
soli &Wiwi -Review,
The Exeter Aperooeen is one of the
latest aspiranto for popelar support.
It is Reform it polities, has already a
fair emount of advertising patronage,
and bids fir to become e permanent
success. Mr. Thomas Pasmereis editor
and publisher. Berlin Te/eseopa
The first issue of the Meter ADVO,
WE, a new Reform paper, has been
received. The publisher is Mr. nos,
Pasmore, an old East Middlesex boy.
It is a decidedly: ceeclitable; number,
well filled with. interesting locafenews.
The influence of the Anvocenitill be
used to promote -the moral progress and
general elevation of mankincl. May, it
prove seccessful. London Advertitwr.
The Anvooeme i the name of the
new paper which succeeds the Thylecior
in.Exeter. The writer, as one of the
feenders of the Refteetqr is confident it
had a future before it hacl its manage-
ment adhered to the, platform upon
which it hitherto stood, but its epos-
tacy to Toryism and the liquor interest
clestroy,ed its usefulness and left it n:,1
excuse.for existence, Mr. Thos. Pas -
more,, the editor et* the Anvo0A.TE,
gives no uncertain sound as to the
emerse •Heevill pursue and we trust he
will be accorded a generous support.
C tham Banner.
Mr. 3. Part, late of Toronto univere
eity, who has been visiting his Sister,
Mrs. Will J. Clarke, during the past,
few days, on invitatioe by. mite paetee,,,
occupied the pulpit of. James - street.
Methodiat church last Sabbath evening
and delighted the very large audience
essembled while speaking from the
Words which eonstitute the 120th verse
of the 110th psalm: "Thy Teetimonies
are Wonderful." The distoerse was
Clear and logical and was listened' to
with enarked attention, Dis excellent
reediebe of the hymns and scriptural
lessonetere of the tryst order. We
understane Mr. Parr has ails year en-
tered aS il probationer in, the Niagine.
conference of the Alethodiet church,
and his first stetion is let Catharines,
Niagaea-greet eheech. We speak foe
him -a!brieht future.
On aceoent of rain, the, fitre,wherry
festival m1(11.2.00 vden perty, to lucre been
held on Mr. Trickes IftW0, under the
euspices of,the, Ladies Aid, Alain st.
on Wednesday evening eof lest week,
„w‘vlai8erit',[akili Tonniotyhttelitemeliliei s6 6> Ckitill ti i itliglti011 4 tl:
spent. Largo tables wore spread and
Matted WAh the most sumptuous pro -
\islet% calculated VI tempt the meet
epicurean taste. 'Mere was not much
temptieg requited, however, for all did
ffeiple juetice tie* bouneiful spread, 1
them being ahunchuoa f'or an alai to I
apare, After etifisfyinet the inner maul
the audienco wee feeated tt1 SrittM 03. I
1001101i13 AddrOSS foul an alma:mon of 1
8110500 muttio rendered by the church i
eltoir, and t.11ita1i0 for tee oeoaeion •
•levetetbrees ban 1 ems it ettenclemeee ;
end the ohoico and livety sehietiOn 114)0
&reit 11,y them, addtql greWly to 63'1
,sul.,;:cas ef the oeereeIone i
DIED.' •
Betrewere,.—In Port }throe, czn. Satur-
day, june eeth., Mr. , Batmen. aged
56 years;
At the regular meefing on. Saturday
evening twit, of Court Urediton I. 0, F.,
the following officers were elected.
A. D: Nasmith, 111, V..c: R., it. L.
Carter ; Se. W. lei. Kerr'; F. S., A.
Switzer ; „,Tretes. C. Beaver ; °hale, j.
Yonng; S. We, W. Clarke ; ,T. W.,
J. Salter ; 5..11, It. DOlvt.t ; J. 13,, 11.
Switzer; P. S., 3. Swirzer ; 0. D. 11.
J. S. Young ; Delegates to 11.
Court, A. Switzer and IV. H. Kerr,
The Sunday pima convention convention will- be
lreld next ntrviay in the Evangelical
Ouch: A large turnout is expected/.
Spring crops look well..
Farmers have started Intying,,which
an excellent crop.
The union school picnic helfl. here last
Friday was well atte.tided‘ rad proved. a,
grand success, and enjoyable allier. The
good things 1)1001,10(1 by the ladies for the
occasion, .was of the highest meter of the
military are and was-geeetlye enjoyed by
all preSent. In the evening an entertain-
ment held in the.school house, which
was largely attendeJ wed inimeteely tne-
joyed by all,. The' programme NV I I Ch 0011
eisted oktialegtleSe TeactingS, recitations
and inusie„.wits ably and well rendered
tied met %vitt' the. most hearty applause.
The song ItIglored in Scotch diateet.by
eir..liugh Stewart, Was the WV of the
eetertebaneut 18141 desezycs special men-
The family of the late 01100100 le Mit
Ot', of Welkervide, who died about two
months ztko, bas roceiVed frOte therik,
0, tr, W., $2,000, that, being the ate`t
of his ineuvaace ia that order.
Vilit 3 1111 I:
Advertisements itisettett Iloilo' 0,1$ lied tig 51
Three. r•ovt.' par Hue 0301. mittiaa,
Pure Pais Green Ana Insect Pow-
der at 11, SOARIITTS Drag Store,
• A lieu tine erpelitiegs, wadi $1 ee a–
etteet1 to el en, for, one mouth, , W„
iipt•Iricoxr's, f Flvter,
•1-t-dee'eePee0 reeleeleeeee,
Alicilt • 5 0.89 to 5 0.00
44N; wheat 0.b9 (IOW
tfay per ten
0•56. to 0.07
0.40 to „0x5.
0,00 15.00
Butter 0.10 to
Potatoes per hag 1.10 to LIU
L.&i.ts per dos 0.1.t to I
Deeeeea Nogs per 100 7.00 la 7,5o,
VIE AriumEzs,
EXI'MV.SC, Jtine 10,1SS7.
White Wheat per boiiitel ()tow) 00 00 W Si
Rea )Vheat per 1as))04.,.......„ 04 zr,, 0 St
Spring Wheat 't ' 0 30 W 0 14
Jiar1.-.7 per bushel 0 11 to 0 30"
(fats iter butihei . ,, . ,,,, „ 0 30 to 0
Pens Pilr , ,,,,, . . OQ to 0 AO'
Illy per too, „ s tiu to 10 (4
030t3er Tor ,,,,,, 0 00 to 0 10
liktirti per .tinzett , , p 00 o ir
melee per Vt.,. 0 00 to 0 11
.Sbeep ,,,..,. 0 00 to 0 10
Wool po ....... 0 00 to
Salt per bbi.... o 444 to 1 111
Potatoes per busbel.„. . . 0 00 to 1 00
Apples per . ... „0 00 to o vo
Oattnem per „, 00 to 10
, „ 0 00 to
Pork per 100 lbs 00 00 to 1.1.0
i)er,111., ... . ... .„.....„ o o0 to 00 10
900 Circulation
This Paper Will be sent to any e,t1.
"dress in the United States or
Oeuada.to• fan. Tht, 188$,
, FOR. 0.1.11X MIA' OWES
1-0-0 'P0-
Arjst:c Shaving,
F.lair _Cutting,
• Shampooing,
Hair Dyeing,
etc., etc.
Ladies' Work a Speciality,
nos ales
4 EXETER 10nt.47.
Are the tilummer
And if eeez want the 'beet goo( tel
and a perfOct fit gurtrantotil,
leave yonr measem with
• Inc and smite it.
Merehatit leeeter.
IVA ttlt
PLOTT1t and..
of all hioas,
:Breakfast Ovals,. frIP eakete
Crewed Flex end lempip
elettie Pheed alweys oee
ole.)4t?8 PIELIttkArD y itt,
. p14.4wit.g.
jotiN t
,r ttov. ,Ntv Oft
ika 11 BXIMatI:s.