HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-06-30, Page 4.„. • rdit•tri0F+4 The Exeter Advocate THOMAS PASIVICHF,‘ Erma Asa l'aorrraor., , 0111/0E: - Main Street, ..-4.teten THITIISDAY, JUNE 30, MT. — TO TILE ruaria Owing to the increasing eirenlatiOre of this paper, we shall be unable this week- to Ail all ordars,. The suceasi. which the AuvopxrE h...ets. met with has exceeded our most sanguine.'epec- Wipes, We have had Ce ingrease our already lilt go circulation bythe addi- tion of five quires. If hard wOvi'l,c, gence in business, and a good Hegel re- liable, live correspondents, who keep our readers well informed. as to what is transpiring th their neighborhood, ii the road te seccees, then we shall have it. Nearly every :mail brings us eiders for subscriptions. We are high-, pleased at -the success of. the „Mayo- cAgE, and the matineein whieh the public appreciate,. a good paper. In conclusion we wieh to tender our sin- cere thanks to. those who are so ably helping tes, And our correspondents who so no,i2...), responded to the call, have also ourhearty thanks. PARLIA.mwr Hes been Prorogued after- the most barren session which as been held ,for many years, With the exception of: thenw ieon duties, no impoetaet,measure has been placed on the statebeebook. The whole idea tot the. Government appears to . have been to get through the session as quickly as possible with .their majority iatact The questions of real impor- Once which might well have occupied the attention. of the- legislatore, hey° been ignored or postponed,. Nothing has beee done te•allar the growing dis- conteet in tne Maritime Provinces and. Manitoba --nothing in the direction. of tt. rearrangement of the terms of the ..4.1edera1 compact betweeu the provinces whie-h experience has shown to be radi- eed.cy,defective. The party mejonity has been held together by the old de- vice of .subsidies and the hestowal of patrotiage, without any attempt to per- fect the system which is being mom severely strathed every year, by the growth of autagonistio interests and in- creasing seetiqoal mitagonisin, short, the methods of the _Administra- tion have been those of hand-to-mouth politicians, anxiousmerely to temper- spily tide over diffieulties and. make themselves secure in their positions, rather than to statesmen with, an eye to the future well-being of the country. TnERE APPEAns to he almost coin- pleiCimanimity among the farmers of all Sections of the Province of Ontario fe,yet of unrestricted trade between the United States and Canada. Al- most every. day a meeting is held in some county at which resolutions are passed apparently without opposition, detnending tlen.temoval of the barriers to commerce between the two nations. A Short time ago we noticed the de - ration of the FarmersInstitute of Toronto, which is the eentral orgaeize tion of Ontario in' favor of comtnei'M"' union, and of those of two ok e branch organizations In the coianties. Since then the farmer e of Prince Ed. ward county met and discussed the questioP, all the speakers being on one side, and the number of these who wished to speak was so great that the meeting had to be adjourned before the reeoltioltions were paseed, though there wee tan opposition. Ot . the day follow- ing that of this meeting on the ehores of Lake Ontario, a meeting of the farmers of dm two ridings of Oxford, in the heart of the 'Westeen peninsula, took 'place; and at this resolution in favor of "unresteleted trade between Canada mid the United Sates , Continned /Tom .117..51- page. . sVitiaAritninal ealehdar, and trot etaebittreounty vi1t always be noted f .r,jts 04b,senee of crime. We rejoice , with all other of fler Majesty's loyal enitiects that Rev Graitiouts i\lajesty has been :spared to• reign over Ile so long, anl trust that she will be oar 40vereign fOr many years yet to „come ....11 of which is respeetly selenitted. 0. C:WreesoN, Foreman. AN 'N.P.1.4A.N..A.TIO11:: To 14 Editor y the,44voccite, PEAR Slit; Noticing in your issne or, Jime 23id, the communication ' frinn teacher,n• and the reply to it by' yourself, and fenrieg thee it might reitch. some who (to not know me personally, beg leave, through your columns, to inakO an explanation.. .As minute eeporter of the late teachers' institate I handed my copy of the report into the Timcsolliee and on Monday evening got .the 'iproof=sheet" .corcect. At the saint time 1 saw you personally bout it so that ,you plight cal-. ciliate upon, fr. copy for yottr next. igen°. Yoe informed me that you weuld require, it Tuesday morning, At yoar request and to oblige yon 1 promised to procure a second proof -sheet, correet it for von mid hand it to you Tuesday months,°. On go - lug to the Timo office I found.the type was wet and I cupid not get -a second proof -sheet. When handing in -my cor- rected proof -sheet ou Tnesday tnOning spoke to one of the Times employ4 about getting a “galley slip" its. yea, al meet, ing Mr. Milier Wlute, the editor of the Times, on the street shortly aftereterds, spoke to him about the seine. Oittrettirn- Ng to the Timc,9 Oleo with envelopes al. dreSsed to the nelvspaper offices in the neighboring towns, I found you in the of - lice, and knowing thee you wished a galley slip early on Teesday morning1 1 expected you were there to get one. 1did nut see �0 y of the galley slips myself and 'did not know until your paper was issaed that you did. not receive a copy. GnEcKatsr%,II. Tog., Exeter, Jima 205, 1888 • 4hiva.. Angusd140oemick of the 12th con. of Stephen,,sokra-enug trotting horse last week for .$142. ON Say John, who at your hair 7 Why our new Klieve borher, Jodie Holt ! How is that for .a.tPompidere.7 Immense. .I'll got mine cut there too. Several from thi,s. eectiop who rout te Parkhill for the games on the 23rd, came home in a rather crippled up condition, owing to the lolling of the grand stand; on the ground, with a large number of people on Zurich. Mr. Jacob Houch, student of Napier- ville College, Illinois, is spending his holielays4fere with Mends. 1Ie testunes his studies areir holidays. • • The teachers, children and friou3s of the several Sabbath schools of Hoy, dis- triet of the church., hettleheir mutual festival in MW r- in cKie"s grove, half 1lJuiie west of U. Lipperd's, Sun, day.The proceedings Of the day •consist- ed bi!raddrow.;:3 by Bev. T. 'roach J. P, Orta 'am, and other Sabbath school work- ers, and niuske• dialogue e and recitations by the ehildrea. Aflee collection in aid o the Geneval Mieeiour Vend was eaten up. The oceasion, was a profitable and enjoyable one. • .• ..teooter Bidclulph, The Spring crepe la. DeddulpIr are all that could be desired., Mr. Samuel flodgins of 2nd concession, Biddulph, is now flume to Scotland to purellase some clydesdale horses. A little girl attEnding school'. at No,e2, named ;Taney Carty, swallowed 12 U1 she foolishly put, in her mouth while playing. MT. eneey lute returned horn . a seven year sajoutii in Tennesne. says, "Ormada, yet with nil thy faults, ..tg love thee still Mr. Moses IT.o.lgine end • Anthony 0. Dewire, have3 ust com pie! est two immense baille. barns. Mr. M. Shoults hag, aeother in course of completion. There are now, two cheese factories in fisIl blast, anti hens et all they ears do and farmers all say it pays . better thar working the milk into buttero The parentnd children or school section No. 0; held their annualpicnic in Corey's grove; on Wednesday last.They hada very enjoyable thee. OeUttalia. BuSiness et the railway, which has beet rather gitiet for sonic time past, is beginr. nine, to reviN,,stgain. tiotite tliat Mr. ltichatd wire Ininitht out the grain laisnyos of Mr.',..tobn is busy at work graaing and gra- letting the approoch es or tilt; Woo 'house, This win he a boon to the fartriing eonie enmity who have felt the foconvestience or this IllttiltlY spot for some ti 50 past. There is not a better kept store of its size for ninny voles round, than the ttrio ocenpied by A.. (41tuiville,. In Clothing', leas aud other groceyies Us, 61,- °Mem special bargainsi ami. it will be to the tesest te sil 1 the fru:tub ni ont loeality,_ gi 1131/1,11. enil it rote purehaeing else - whore. Dig 'rot.), the geeird host auto 1)tacen had a vita IWO -him by his father, the 'other day, The tneetit,g or &thee and son wits hapt)y ahd, elieerfel. old. gentleman Woke well,, and 'Torn 4g IA° prige Mtn eepeeielly for the hande eonte present of 11814 raelt bran tic.1 are not 1 eftcn.,scon in tis locality, •••••••••144.••••.....•••.•1.01,....IYMORSIIMMIII.W....1111•I'MAIIMM40.1•1410,1111.41......101013,,. All the artingetne4glowt Imo4 ;nude for A bit; Fridey,;juffi 'let, 11,1' 04' MelliodIst ii4S," A istrge P11.01.bei'lfteo, ele in expected frum``e„ ,distatioe.Op" that dity, and itn Pall:r. do Much blittspftlinir taking 0 Ili]) to Centralia,. Plenty of room - Mr the pLoide, and ample aceoutineslatiel lor their horses, The LEst,el,r bend wilr o present its full eteeeelle,, And A 0004 time is antieipated. The .natuir frion‘ls of Mr' 0, W. lielutan Witt regret to leern that he wes taken sick with. fey.or 011 Smulay last, Rey. W. Id. Cope and family moved away on Wednesday, followed by the best wishes of their mem, frieods. The frame. woek of Mr, jamas Rcweniro,s hare, 53x60, with ft nine foot wolf ender was erected on Moodily aftentoon, Dur- ing ow erectioneseveral aecitients happen- ed. Dir. ti„ Ouui tie eel d 811. Jp1. had their fingers hadie sveeeed, and others were i.ittrt ili4e or leo serioudy in other 41y5(. re'lee parsonage wav-the scene of it ant SOClui gathering on Friday evening last, when some tiiirty young peopl9.,41 Rlintville cow:1.114410n asSembled as a prise party att'tho invitation and ltutler the inanageinent of Me. John Shute, tyke ison experienced and justly re»owniail conductor ot: such ati4im. The pmeeger reed an addle:is to the pastor, ancl peeeente ed him a purse. Mr.' Gime made a Suit- ably reply,. after, which the night was spent in singing etc, guaie was tarnish, ea by a string baud of ergo), violin and cornet. A Wellston, time was spent. The 'Sunday service in .connection with the Einnville S. S. anniversary, passed ell very eeceeesikaly. Rev. w, Down ticetv pied the pulpit in the morning, and preach ed an excellent sermon to the Children in the afternoon. A. mass meeting of the scholars were tubfreased by Rev, W Madge of 0a1if0rnit4 and; Mr. Will J. Clarke, of Exeter, Mr, Clarke said he • came as a 'last extremity, because no ose else emild be got. We melt say, he was one.of the best extremities we ever heard and lie may expect a call fro& Elimville often. , IV, a Game delivered his last sermon;as..,: pastor on this circuit in the evining to 1 crowded house. 4 D0114 fOrget the festival on July 1st, " ileusail. Our "Sebilee Spuetieg Club," recently organiee.d, is meecing with good succese. The eords, sheds and streets around Carmel Presbyterian Ohureh have been emp1ete13, gr, \relied and adds greatly to the.appearance and beauty of the place. The different reports sainitted at the annual mewing Carmel Presbyterian Church sithweit She congregation. in a, prOsperons condition. The new .:church cost S10,000. On Tuesday evening of Ibis week a very exciting foot hell match was played in this village heteiden the Ohiselhinet and ' home players, rt4MIting in tv victory, after a hard coin, st, the former. Dnring, the past few Weeks out viroge pat1iiiateis 11;k vo been on the war path warning cult all between the, age of 4 aint ee, to help relativ the 1liglywa:,t,s,-01. give -an equivalent with the . nen t. That the plank walks hove:1)0o) repaired, and gra- yel placed where, nooessn, on the streets, We cannot lint think that if it tax Were levies!, mid the money so raised and spent in lotting contracts, that much mere good rould be done. The Sublet -eh School Plc nie helcl in 0051 - fl 5.C1 ion th the Presbyterian ChM:eh on Thursday last proved a meted saccess. An i.aely sent was made for Lake Huron, The rain, of the day previous, settled the dust and cooled the air, so that the drive Wail immensely enjoyed by all. Arriving at the lake, the time wee spent in eating, strolling, boeting, betiting etc., untiletlie shades of the.night begen to fall, When, thi'l.sfarfed ,for home each feeling thet.a eery p1( nen-Way lea been spent. The returMng matah between Chisel- lints:Laud llensall foot ball team was played on Tneeday AVening in the field of Mr. Wm. Davey of Oinselhurst. The fele lowing are the umnes and position of' the teams Lia CHISETAICRST. 00A1?. „ L. Ruedding, W. IV. Taggart; intexs. s. IrCIOLOl, G. W. Wroni, Stoneman, .T, Robertson. trahr 3L1CiS., F. E. Godfrey., A, Me:Kennon, 0. Ingeate: R, Newell. vortwenes. 1). lInchenricti, A. Robertson, Torrence, 3 3.1clem7), E. Roeddieg, J. 3hn risonj, W. 1)svey, 1. ifierond. Britit well,. J. C. Stoneman atal W. McTaggart aeted fth umpires, F. E. Godfrey, capetia fot If ensalt ; -A. liebertsen captain. foe Chisel - buret. ribber Wan Started at 7:3:10 Chieellterst taking the kick oft, but WAS at OneV 1)a(;k t thO Wood very skilfally 1151(10 a fiy t01' gQ01'„liut tile sphere Wits very d ex- inisi y t I 1151(101)1 goal keeper Mc. Itiggartfs hostilities continued with vigor finch onslaught being boldly met DV the opposition teller tia ludif tint* was „Affeetive ininetes red, both team woe-, toetvork with rma\tted oncruy. iFot twenty ininutes, both eltibedie their beet, and it, we,* t11t}t1gl5tT0iJtl1Ot teelleeleyeurd Mavo 41 1St wi 001 , 1011 lfetohl flCi&1t1fl5':j,1180 passe( the splicte to Wends, who dentet(gtsly pnt it through tbo gosj, .rsluy rc:us,ut oncc ro. sinned, eacli club poithen:4'10#, lien - pall iaktn sevetal'hot slung for goat hut 010 110410 team Sticdeadotioirt half from passing battroul ileg until tituo was called by the,,..nontilto, tnatck was tiociticci in fay* oy. IXosalt I 1GL 4 t During -the Month of Jul -y, —0 ii'1141.1.1 • /let...Faced 31.--rit•eg-4 TEE BALANCE , OF PAINTS, DRESS 111USLINS;, "WHITE„ailla COLORED." PIQUES, C1-IECKS,, AND STRIPES, AND ALL. OTHER I:1115IR DRESS FA:3RIO:8. CALL AND ..EXAM -INE An. GET PRIOES . otAss- 1&13(m‘ ...m:1730.3FIL. .30 Will be 'takes in Exchange for above goods, ,. ''and highest ' Pricp paid. fu. tlio. $51440, • ' N. B,—Nothing but an a 1, article.in bt.ftter. is desiredbutteL bought according to Qtra.ki.ty, and Color. • ) 71/4 SAMWELL IND I ICh ALD aft CREAT CLEARING SALE S pring Sumrner goods' For the next thirty days, wlfen,.we shall Offer N.ew Silks, colored and black; ;New. Dress Goods, , shadesill: New Prints, New Gingains, New Muslim, Fancy and white;.. New Scotch and English Tweeds, New Hats and Caps,. New Boots and Shoes, New Ready Made Clothing, NEW. MILLINERY, ALL.. LATEST' STYLES.. Full line of Groceries Az Crockery; thaqtbave goods will be offered at greatly reduced ratesj, so;as to clear and make robin for Fall importation. Wznift4. 30 M.Rtheson,. EXETER NORTH.. Our Stigek Is wen amoited for the scasene • theta. Cow erees stin maintain. GROCERIES ,-16 ibe sugar for st.00.; 13 ibe; white sugar for $1,00. 110 itiSit he undersold in Tees from 110e to 75e per lb, Boots & Shoos 0080/0 at few, firiO.Os. A nicely escorted stook (.4.. 1:4&21aliVa2740117.1 NA' FORKS; sorrnEs and -c,11.4AS$ • 41 sizes (cheaD,) llord, )lachine, Otis ' 00o, psr gal, Coal 011 as IOW ILO the lowest, nibTea Sea of 44 pieCOS .•' .A good snit r,t 110arly-mado Clothingjor 40. Ordered Stilts .got up hi good style, oties bode aee ralark- td down t,o tho lowest ri te 1-1 „ MT:POS.-20 yds, for $1.00, klionsonid tot, nice (04 81410, to JOHN MATHESON. . a •1Y pesteffice, 1109I TII1 20,000 LBS., Wanted. at. lb° Exeter WWI( n " Mills. To those wishing tO manufactureo their wool -we would say that our priees..are lowor than, '4 'Mr 65,54 year. 1,1tunifiteturinz all wool 114Mikets •Teduork, front $4,00to $1,50 por pal'. • To patis wishinto.cxefivege, we eyelet! 851)' (151 151 ;elrhoevy atoele of medium wee,s,of 4150 . -BEST ,8t;LiECtED 041i'NADIAN. Wr., ' Also thie •Tweal, Grey! an& Checked Flannels, Blank- ets, Yarn, Shootings, etc. We also make a, special feature of FANCY'BEI)SFBEADSC Give is a call and inspect our stook bolore going elsewhere ; FdAVE YOU MONEY. ' Oh.ti8tie't CO'r'raTtertiat, -V*I. : I Z:1171:4/1": -A. '* htfliCl' iJs !IV° e4tei et. tett OrOckkteft, itt,the rfewitclieWlifontle, er thp rtaft',6 will 100prohIptl$ 44 tefida 1.01 TEU:Stftl, IM1SONA11112,14,, Nefr4. e '\,