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The Wingham Times, 1897-06-11, Page 4
a• large 1(t of good TOILET SOAPS which we are selling at 10 CENTS A BOX This soap has been selling at 10 cents a cake. Call and get what you avant before it is all gone, COLIN A. CAMPBELL, Druggist. 2 dors 5. of P. 0. Wingham, Cledittingilamr;C FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1897 EDITORIAL NOTES. Ala. WFITNEY, the Oppositicn leader was introduced at London and elsewhere "as the next Prereier" These were the exact terms in which Mr. W. R. Meredith and his successor the discarded Mr. Barter, were invariably introduced. The Oppos- ition policy in this respect remains uncliangech appointed Secretary pro tem,. The first order of business being the president's report, Mr. Bailie gave a 'very full and elaborate report of the work of the Institute for the year, membership, ;attendance and meet ings, showing' that the past year 11ad book one of progression; be threw out many valuable suggestions for the benefit of the ,Association. After some discussion the report was re- ceived and adopted, Owing to the absence of the Secretary, orders No. 3 and 4 were dispensed with, and order No. 5, auditors' report, was taken up. The report of the Audi- tors, Messrs. Jos. Mallough and Hetherington, which was in writing was received and adopted. On motion the accounts were itemized. The members suggested that the regular two day's meeting be held at Dungannon. The points suggest, ed for supplementary meetings were Homesville, .Auburn and Wingham. Messrs. Mallough and Hetherington were re-elected auditors, It was considered'advisable that the direct- ors be elected from each municipality which resulted as follows; Ashfield --Messrs. Hayden, Girvin, Hutchis- on. West Wawan<,sh—Messrs. Bailie Young and Howatt East Wawa- nosh—Messrs, Lockhart, McGowan and Currie. Wingham---Messrs. Grierson, Clegg and Wheeler. Blyth —Messrs. Metcalf, Hamilton and McQuarrie. Hullett—Messrs. A. T. McDonald, Snell and Jackson. Clin- ton—Messrs. Tiplady, Forrester and Plummer. Goderich Tp—Messrs. Elford, Walker and Tibbett. God- ericli—Messrs. MeD. Allen, Warwick and Saunders. Col bor.ie--Messrs. Young, Dustow and Kernighan. Turnberry was over looked. The Direetdrs met at the close of the MR. I` nrr r says he would if he close of the session, and, elected Mr. could abolish the new county coup- Wm. Bailie. president, Mr. Jas. Snell 1st Vice, .J. Hutchison 2nd Vice and M.•Lockbart, Secy. Tress, At the evening session, Mr. Bailie again presided, Mr. Lockhart, Secy. An excellent programme, consisting plank in his ` platform. The result of music by the Nile choir, recitations was that while the late Hon. Mr. amid addresses, was carried- out. Mr. Heaton's subject was "Making home attractive and educating .the boys along agriculturnl lines;" Mr. McD. Allan gave "Fruit-gr.iwing,• manur- ing, pruning, spraying. etc;'' both o these gave good speeches, and judg PREMIER HARDY of Ontario, is ing from the questions put to M reused of a heinous crime of permit Allen, much good may result. 0 ing the Dominion Government at being introduced by the President, the newly elected Secretary offered a Ottawa to appoint his brother judge of a county court. It is not alleged that Mr. A. D. Hardy, is nit an ex- perienced jurist, and in every sense fitted to take the position. What 13ELGRAVE the, detractors of Ontario desire to VA very interesting event tool ave made, is the false impression place at the residef.ce' of lir. Joh has the appointment was by the Bell of Belgrave on the 2nd ..ins 'o ernment of Ontario, whereas it is when hiss eldest - daughter wa _Dominion one. united in the beads of martimony t 1\Ir Alexander McGee, of Bluevale Ic oil scheme. The Opposition leader put up a candidate in south Essex election who made opposition to tl.e County Councils Act the principal Balfour was in the habit of getting from 200 to 500 majority in tie riding, his successor obtained a ma- jority of considerably over 1,000. a O �1 h t G a of a 'owing friends to .mourn the los t' one wh') was ever ready to len a. lielping.hand to any one in distress and many who have in the past benefitted by ber kind advice or charity will silently mourn her demise. She was a member of Trinity church, Rev, Mr, Higley conducting the funeral services. "Peace to her ashes," HURON COUNTY PARLIA- maNT. The June Session opened on Mon- day last in the Law Library Asso- elation room the court room being occupied b,; the High Court of Jns tire. All the members were present The following communications were read and referred as stated. From the Mayor, of Clinton invit ing the Council to attend the Diam and Jubilee celebration, on June 22 — Filed, From J. T. Dickson, re percentage of registry fees due the county claim- ant that there was nothing due.— Sent to Executive Committee. From. Sherrif Reynolds, asking for repairs to his office, --County Property committee. The following' memorials from other counties, in which this county was asked to co operate, were sent �o Special committee ; from Wentworth for a better system of auditing muni cipal accounts, from Welland to re- duce the cost of selecting jurors, from Simcce to relieve the counties from the support of boys sent to the Victoria industrial School. From Wingham Public School board asking council, to supplement legislative grant to schools where continuation class work is taken up. Education committee. The following petitions were sent to same colnmmittee: from Ratepay- ers of Gray, asking that .a new School Section be formed out of Nos, 3, 4, and 6, also a counter petition from. U S S No 12 Hensen, and 10 Hay, against the award of Peter Douglass, R B McLean; G W McEw- en and Inspectors Robb anti Tom. The following reports were read and sent to the committees named : 1, County Auditors, that of clerk re f i assessment of treasurer's securities, - I and treasurer's statements, to Pfnan- i•• ce committee; 2, jailer's report and n that of Inspectors of prisons, to Coun- ty Property committee. The council decided to visit the jail Monday eveni -g, and then ad- journed till 10 o'clock Tuesday. SECOND DAY—TUESDAY. ' A letter from the -county of Sinm- f coo stating that a deputation from I c their Council intended to. .visit the n "Huron House of Refuge, was sent to t` that committee; a request from Col- s borne township for a grant towards 0 maintaining gravel road from Sl1ep• . pard to Goderich, . to Road and Bridge comtilit'es/. A. By-law of Hullett elesing up a road was sent to Road and Bridge.comtnittee. f I A large number of accounts were. s i sent to Finance cemmittee. On resuming, the first report of House of' Refuge committee was read and considered. in committee of the whole, and then adopted. -It was a reconrnlendatien that the inspector be instructed to receive the Sitncoe deputation and show them through the House of Refuge. A motion of Messrs. Cook and Patterson to repeal by law No 3 of 1892, adding $150 to the salary of treasurer of the county, while hand ling the sinking fund was sent to the Finance committee. Messrs Mooney and Snell moved to have Inspector of I•Iouse of Refuge placed on the pay roll while attend. few remarks, and. a most successful meeting was brought to a close by singing die National Anthem. ' THOUGH HIS HAT. At Aylmer, the other day, Mr. _Whitney the opposition leader, said that the new county count% legisla- tion was the silliest thing he had <TS i �a#,s Meiklefohn and Peppery . t bridegroom' k mAle • John a .cl David Bell, bro. • and cousin, ofthebride /The bride aTia-tri- 'f wnteMea ever heard of and that the smaller- oral) i. The bride was crowned ? .vitii orange blossoms and carried a sized county now conducting county I beautiful bouquet of flowers. Whilst business, " was only anaditional Professor and Mrs Jackson of means of finding an outgo for the Brussels rendered ibe wedding march people's money." Zither Mr. Whit - party stirring organ strains the bridal ne did not'know what he was tag• Party appeared underneath a,.beauti- y ful arch upon the lawn inhere the ing about, or he made a daring at- tempt to draw on the credulity of of his audience. Every one knows, that there was a public demand fcr a reduction in the size of the county - councils, and that the legislature, in passing the measure, but responded to it. And though the law is capa- ble of amendment, ana will no doubt be amended as the public welfare demands, surely it can not be seriously contended that the county councils of to -day, cost the taxpayers of to -day a'i much as un- der the old system. It is a libel on the sixteen representative men of Middlesex, now in session, and effici- ently performing the duties formerly accomplished by 18 county council- lors, to say that they are more Costly than the large body of men who pre- ceded them. Mr, Whitney is talking his hat.- -Advertiser. nui•lial knot was tied by the. Rev. E. 1I. Shaw of Beigrave assisted by the Rev. N. S. 13urwash of Greenock. c nl Trit,'ulating the ha . - • couple, surrounded tlie,beau filly decorated and heavily,,ltttleii'rttble,-.4x.texiylad open. The presents were numerous and valuable, one being a beautiful Caibinet organ from ]lir. David bell of WiughamnIr. Brower of Brussels brought his camera and put into abiding farm a view of the guests seated at the table and also of the many friends grouped upon the lawn in the light of the evening sun slightly veiled in a thin gauze of passing cloud. lir. andlirs. McGee are accompanied to their new home by the good wishes and earnest prayers of many friends for their welfare and happiness in this world and in the great hereafter beyond through the bounds of earthly :He. Mrs. Jas. Archibald of Seaforth was visiting at Mr. Sproat's a lbw days this week. D. Sproat was visiting acquain- The annual meeting of the West tar<ces in Atwood on ltlonday. Huron Fatrmers' Institute was held '/The funeral of the late Mrs. Fell in the ball, Nile, on 'Tuesday, Jute, took place last Sat..nrd,ty and was 1st, commencing at 1 p rn. Mr. very largely attended. She ltad Wm. 1Wlie, President, in the chair, been ill for one week. She leaves Mr. T. Durnin, Dungannon, was her aged ht baud, oi.e son and a host PA1 UUIER5' INSTITUTE.. ing the council same as with the members of the committee. Sent to the executive committee, Majors Varcoe and Jordan, and Capt Young, as a deputation c f the 83rd batt., asked a grant of 25c per day to non-commissioned officers and privates while in camp. A mo- tion to refer the grant was sent to the executive committee. Connell then went into committee.' on equalization of assessment, There was the usual debate on, this subject, and when the committee! rose it was agreed that the assess - went of Ashfield, Colborne, Goderich town and township, Clinton and Ilul. I lett, to bo the same as last year; that the village of Honsalt be equallized at1.` 5,0(J0, and the township of Hay be reduced $1 per acre, and 10,000 in personal property from last years' assessment, • The Council then adjourned till 10 o'clock *Wednesday. Don't be Delis ed INTO BUYING A. BICYCLE MADE BY SOME- UNKNOWN MANUFACTURERS WHEN YOU GAN PURCHASE THE WORLD RE06 NED DUST AND CL1!' TF4.11 PRS- 0 FUR $75 AND $100. PR BYCAED STRONG HOME C ARAME NO VEXATIOUS DELAYS AND EXPENSE FOR -EPA( RS. X—X. 11'0,R01\T^_ ©_ J. CLEGG & CO., AGENTS WTNGH AM. � �- � lid- �- lam- �- - �- �- � � �- - •- �-- lam- �. MARKET REPORTS. WINGHA31. Wingham, Juno llth, 1897. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 1 50 to 2 00 Fall Wheat • 0 68 to- 0 70' Spring Wheat 0 68 to 0 70 Oats, 0 18 to 0 20 Barley 0 20 to 0 30 Peas - 0 37 to 0 39 Butter,.... ........ 0 12 to 0 12 Eggs per dozen 0 8 to 0 ].0 Wood. per cord.... 1 00 to 1 23 Ray per ton,.. 8 00 to 8 50 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 10 to 0 15 Tallow, per lb - 0 3 to 0 3 Dried Apples, per lb . 0 2 to 0 23 Wool < 19 to- 21 lb BLUEVALE. Mrs. Warwick of Hullett is visit- ing Mrs. Duncan King. Rev. J. W. West. preached in Teeswater last Friday and Saturday and inBe]grave on Monday. Mrs. Moss was visiting near St. Thomas this week. Mi -s. James Maxwell, Mrs, Hugh Ross, and Miss J. Ross drove to Brucefield and Seaforth last week, to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will Maxwell of the Bluevale road, are on a driving trip visiting friends at Milverton and other places. Miss Kate Anderson arrived safely in New Denver, B. C. her friends have learned through an interesting account of her trip which she sent home. Mrs. Anderson and children of Dresden Ontario, are visiting at Wm Andersons on the Bluevale Road. Mr. Thomas Stewart has found his cow which has been lost for over three weeks, at Mr, Charles Hender- son's on the Bluevale Road. It sometimes pays to advertise. Mr. and Mrs. Coad of Trowbridge spent Sunday with Mrs, Coad's fath- er, Mr, Edward Leech, Mr: ,lames and Mr. Gilpin of Ger- rie spent Sunday at Mr. Abram Jackson's in Morris. 1tlr. A. McEwen is preparing three classes fur the summer examinations, a primary, a public school leaving and an entrance class. Messrs, Duff & Stewart are build- ing a bridge at Sunshine, Mr. W,'Vrn. Pugh has returned from Algoma, after an absence of three years FRUIT CLCULTUREitrhooreperofitah,ern„w tell ton mfarm h is other crops, Brown Er 'Co„ the most exten- si re nerser .house in Cunnda, have a vacancy in th rs sectio,. Write them for thei,'terms: 1rtOMa' SUR S1 R 15 . Toronto Ontario. FARM of 9e acres, R To acres cleared; stream wells; new wind•n ill, go goon stabler!; two acre 1 W hitechmch station opportunity ;for Apply to 1]frs St, Thonl 1, from •g a profi Stewart, Luck A.G. Stewart, Tees up, Bruce Cp., water, two good se, largo bank barn, orchard, 2 miles from cknow; an excellent le dairy business. w, n, A. Stewart ter, NOTICE: Having left on business for a time, I have pieced my practice in the hands of G. D. k'ortune, V. 8., a gradu ate .of the Ontario Veterinary College. Calls by night and day will be prompt- ly attended to 'at the office. 6 11 JOIiN W ILSON,Z. S. STRAYED. Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, on the 15th of May, a red and white cow, no large spots of either color, star in forehead, 4 years old, horns rather straight, small sized, Any person giving informatien as to her whereabouts will be suitably rewarded. THOS. STEWART, Bluevnle, Ont. VALUa BLWOODED FA SALE. • WINGHAM 'rT-r l �� , LL All kinds of rough enddressed —I�11M13ER, • ` .- — SiIINi`rLES, OOD, iIIld —CEDAR. I'O.STS, Ere. : kept.constantly on hand and deliver - 1 I ed on shortest noldee. Call' and get prices .as . we are determined not to be undersold. ,joscLEANNN -&. SON. • WINGHAM, , WINGEala STEAM PUMJQRKe Lot Number 3,1in. e 8th 0oncossicn of T'urnberry is fo er e. The property is 7 miles from ing►•m and about fromWroxeter splendid - wooded with Pine, Maple :irch and H:'.Ionic. There are 16 acre: cleared,the rem finder being first ala-: timber. Applicata is may le male i J. A. MORTON, 6-7b Barrister, V. .gham. IT'S NOT NECESSARY.... To lay aside your soi:ed or faded suits of overcoats, but take them to the W ingham Cleaning and T.y ing Works, and have them olefin - el. dyed and repaired to look like new. J. W. SNCLt. 7'roprietor. Having purchased the entire business Trona iylr. Daniel Showrers,.I ani now prepared lo supply the public with 'Vocal and iron T'opee and Lift 11•Nitup i, ilrafas an(l Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed .1lror,4 rs llib3aMa. Cisterns, Water r)1'nroxng1at1, Kinks, 113aatlaGs, ?ipe`. L+'itttiiing, Well Digging r.r rl cord thing in con- nection with to.lior supplies, Galvanized Steel 'V'i:;dmilla for power and pumping water. Deep well pumps a f-uteiality. Repairing promptly al tended to. P,,rtwws writing .or information or ordsring by nia,l ghoul, always state alepth of well. Ml were; guaranteed or no tale. C. MORNIN'GSTAR. I3oe 1•SO Wingham, Ont.