HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-06-23, Page 11 VOL. 1. Zhv EXETER? ONT., THURSDAY, (TUNE 23, 1887. NO. 3 it: ilvoratv. Is published every 'Thursday morn, ing et the office, 'comer of JOU and Align -Bt., Exeter, Ont, TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: One dollar e year if paid in advance; $1.50 It not, SO Pfda• Advertising gates on Application. No paper discontinued until all arrearages ara 'paid. Advertisements without specific diree- Itions will he published till forbid and charged liecordingly. Liberal discountmade for trans- ient advertisements Inserted ,for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turn- ed out in the -finest style of the art and at •Moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, &a, ,for advertising, ,iiiiibscriptions, etz, to be medo ,payable tO 'PHOS. 'PASAVORE, Editor Old I'ublisher. • CHURCH D%RECTOflY. Episcopal, Onotten.--Rev, S. F; Robinson, ,Incumbent. Sunday Services, 11 a, in., and p, ; Sabbath School, 2:30 p, m. SALVArlort Aasly.—Sunday services,74 a. tn., .2 in. and 8 p, in., 'services every night dur- ing the week, at 8 o'clock. Holiness meeting .at. 11 it. tn. on Sunday. , M=1101)191 C111111.011.--3411108 street, Ttev, 3. %graham, pastor.Sunday services, 10.30 a. m. 'and 0.80e. m, Sabbath school, 2 ivtit. Pray, 'or mooting Thursday evening ut 7.80, MAIN Srasam,-.:-Rev. W. If. Pascoe, pastor. 'Sunday services,. 10.80 a. In, and 0,3( .p. nt .Sablatth school, 2.80 p.rn. Trayer' Muth/8, Thursday evenIng at 7,80., 'Young peoples prayer meeting Thursday evening* at 7.30.. Passarraman Cuenca, —Rev. W. H. Mar- tin, Pastor. Sunday services, 11. a, tn. and 0- 80 p. tin Sabbath school, 0:40 a. in. Young peoples prayer meeting, at; 6 46. Thursday evening, prayer meeting at, 8 o'elock,—Ohoir praetice immediately after. IIMINIM•11111Mr•MilliSnaIliergrIMIZJIMII.113,1C/VICri•11•111111•11M,11 Business and other Cards. T W. BROWNING, M. D., C. P, S., '0 GRADUATE of 'Victoria ,Clnlversity. °Bice and residenee—Donainion Laboratory, Exeter, Ont, Juno, 9=87- TWIN GILL, LICENSED AUCTIONEER ..._,..-- . ,... for the Village of Exeter, 'and the County of Huron. All orders promptly attended to. exeeett, P. 0 Ont. .A. BISHOP, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR "the Townships of May and. Usborne, All ordors promptly attended to • EXETER, P. 0., Ont, THIS PAPER, TC.ANY Atop/mss In the United States or America, -11 H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, lSolicitor of Supremo Court of Ontario, Com- missioner. Conveyancer, e, Office—Next door to Samwell Pielcards:•SsExeter, Ont. Money to loan at very lowest rates. H. KINSMAN, DEN - use L. D. S., extracts teeth without pain by givingVitaliz- bil Air, or using the now local Antesthetie on the gums. Makes Gold Fillings, and all other Aluntal work thebest possible. Goes to Zurich last Thursday in each month. EAST SIDE OF 2.A1N STREET, EXETER. From now to Jan .1st 1838, WESTCOTT R: SANDERS, INSURANCE, Loan, Real Estate and Steamboat ,Agents. Wealthy and reliable Fire and Life Insurance 'Companies Repro:tented. Any amount of money to loan on first class mortgages at low- est rates of interest. General Agents for Huron Go., for A. E. Williama ,t Co., real es- tate agents, London. Beaver Line of Steamers represented. Office—Jamee St,. Excitor, Ont, Hay Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. vou oefLY Fifbty. Cents "Subscribe Now. A. 4, MERCHANT TRIUM, West side Main-st„ Exeter. A Good Fit tiPARTIES DESIRING TO INSURE IN THE IL best and cheapest Insurance Company in the Dominion, elm do so by nuking person- ally, or by mail to the undersigned. All ap- plications promptly attended O. Also agent tor the Wellington Company of Cluelpli. Also AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. E. BOSSENBERRY, AouNT June. 0-87. Zurich, Ont. O. SNELL, Issuer of IL MARRIAGE LICENSES. Life, Accident, and Fire hiserance agent. °Ms: West Side of Main -street, - Exeter. THIS SPACE ItEt,o,los - Exeter, guaranteed. Lated Styles df Goods kept in stock. A Call 'Solicited. 4. Stitt4t, ...••••••Own PHOTOGRAPHS . (borrespondence Bayfield, 'Crops look beautiful. Potatoes are in blbesore. Two American sc'hoeners are in port. Fishing and 'boating ie the order of the day. Miss Duncan has moved into 'town file new house. James Armstrong is Slowly retov- aring from a very severe 1VIr. Carrie, from he Grand Bend gave a good sermon on compassion. Arr. Gee preached an eacellent eermen Sunday evening on bypo- trisy. P. Culey, E. Castle, and E. Spew - ver attended the sessions last week in Goderich as jurymen. W. W. Cornor has eeturnecl from Florence, where he spent some weeks with his daughter. Ur, Davison is in London having his eyes operated Upon; he has been 'unable to see for some months. • Mies Craveconl has gone to Bruce ciounty to reeide with a niece ; tte lately lost all her furniture by fire • Hundreds of people from Olin on Seaforth and other neighborins towns visit tie (laity, and. Sunday is no exception. Our beautiful lake' is the attraction. • Xhiva UR. IOSEPH. SENIOR haNting purchased the business of Chas. Senior, wislees to in- form the the public that he can be found • At the Old stand Main Street, Exeter. The Finest Cabinets in the coun- ty. Elegant Finish. Copying and Enlarging done on shortest notice. JOS. SENIOR. New Premises? G10008. Respectfully remit ids his Many Customers and the public generally that he has re- moved to HIS NEW STAID, ----NEXT TO— Mr. wo. ars L. 'Flannioan leave Elimville, the Furishine Sebbath Sehooi Ait niversary lield on Tneedey peeesd Off :Verypletisantly, something over $40,90 'being reelized„. The beneficial. effects of the -SeOtt Act hove beep, plainly momirestoa ,.111,412 the period of statute Wier There was very little ming, no. yell ing, cola. only little "gouging." Excellent eerreoes weirs preeched at Zion On' Sunday lest by Bev, 17. Georg, of Iona. At the evening eeeVice A lArp lonelier could not get Ineide. The :Sueehine ehoir render 7ed ea;celleet music, large nuMber Of hands collected at Mr, James Aoceeliffe'e on day afternoon mid put together the foundation fremeWork of his- new frame -barn. The remainder of the 'frame work Will be erected in a feW days, The Elimville S. S. anniversary and strawberry festival will be held on Sunday Juno With., when .the Rev. X Kershaw, of Centralia, will preach at 10 o'clock A. and Rev. W. IL • (lane his farewell Ser - mor, At p, m. lit the afternoon a public review serviee will be 'held, and An address will be delivered by Rev. E; Kershavi. 0 the ng Friday a public tea and strawberry featival will be served in Mv- T. Andrew'e plenic grounds. Address- , es - will be 'delivered by the new milt- iater and .otheis. Grounds open at 12:30 p. in, • Admission 25 mints,. 'children 15 cents. • • , the bride's father for 'their future Centralia name itt St. Thomas, Dakota, on Wednesday, lune 22nd. May every sticcess await the)fl, and every joy 'o'er take them , Last week statute labor on the 'roads of this section was well and faithfully' put in by the farmers. This week many are starting 'clover baying, which crop, —thanks to the timely rains, and eefreshing dews — promises well. Mr. Joseple,Shopp, the aged father of Mr, John Sliopp of the 11111 con- cession of Stephen, died very sud- denly on Saturday last. About two weeks ago the old gentleman add his time was short, but there was no outward appearance of decline, save his depressed spirit. On Sat- nrday Mr. John Shopp, on going out after dinner to hoe his potatoes, received unasked the help of his father. After hoeing for a short tbne the deceased dropped suddenly down. lie was at once carried to the house by hie son, but was hardly placed in bed before he died. The remains were taken from the houee of his son for interment in the Limerick cem- etery, at 0 o'clock on Monday morn- ing. He leaves an aged wife ancl, several married children to mown: the loss of a loving husband and a good father. Much -sympathy is felt ler the mourning wife and children , and the friends of the deceased. Plost *ea**. Main Street, EXETER. Where he hag just received WELL ASSORTED sTOCK OF REA DY -MADE ---- -BOOTS & SHOES. ALSO Hand -made vvork of' the highest Class, A. Trial Solicited, and Satisfaction Guaranteed GEO, MANSON, Exeter. There is a good opening here for a dielg store, and book and news depot. We were pleased to see our old friend rind neighbor Mr. Gilchrist, wh.o has been confined to the house since last fall, able to be out attend- ing to the duties of his farm again. Hensel' has a sash and door fact- ory, two carriage shops, one oat meal mill, a grist mill, peek factory and ealt works. Few villages in the county of Huron are making great- er strides in the way of improve- ments than mar quiet little town. This This season we have a good many buildings under course of construc- tion and improvement Wm. West - cod hes the excavation made and the material 'on the ground for a large brick residence, also a good frame barn, pride $1,600. J. P. Marshall is building a frame house, price $1,200 ; Brown and Blatchford a frame house, 8O0; Win. Kerr a frame holm, $700; Roland Cud - more, a brick house $800 ; Wm, Col - will kitchen and erandah. George Metweit is building a frame hense, $600. Frank Blatchfoed Henry Horn, Jainea Workman and Fred 0engengh are each improving their, ]louses by adding a kitalerl. J. Sutherland, express agent, ie im- proving his home by putting On a new roof. lefties Beery is buildine' neW stable, 1. P. Marshall con- templates Imilding a large brick store. Our city fathers are improv- ing the streets and sidowallte. The Presbyterian chin& would do credit to rcity, and if any village of our Size can thow a better record Rev. Mr. Hillyard, who form- erly resided at Auburn, died at, Riclgetown, on Tuesday, and on Wednesday hi$ remains Were in:- terrecl in Ball's Cemetery, base line, by the sicle of those of his first wife. He was a Baptist well and favorably knowe, The many friends here and else - Where of the widow of the late Rev. Mr. Turner, have shown an exemplary spirit of liberality itt proposing to present her with 'a comfortable home in Manchester village. The lot west of tire tem- perance hall has been 'secured and thereon the house is soma tO be built. Police Magistrate Williams Sii.t ittiudgbaent on five Scott Act cases at Brussels, on Saturday last. T. O'Neill, J. Stretton jte, and Goebel & Koenig, all of Brus sels, plead guilty and were fined. The cases against Thos. Hall, of Brussels, and j. Kennedy, of Wroxeter, were dismissed for lack of evidence. The Huron Ootinty Lodge' of the Orange Association have de- cided to celebrate the coming 12th of, July at Goderich. It is ex- pected that this will be the larg- est demonstration in the Province as the Orangemen from West Bracey South Perth, Oxford, London and East Middlesex will take part Our Methodist friends are hard at work completing their arrangements for the , Seventh .A.neual .Anniver- saay of their Strawberry Festival. Everything is being clotie that will tend to the, comfort and pleasure of their patrons. A hearty invitation is extended to all. Crops are lookingremarkable well coneidering the outlook one mouth ago, and a fair 'crop inay yet be re- alized by our worthy farmers. If prices keep fair and Chicago behaves herself tor the next six menthe, there -will not he any reaeon to mourn.over our approaching harvest. • Statute labor has lately been the order of the day. It is high time this i•eminisence of olden times should be done away with, and the work done through direct taxation. We would then get full value for the money. The present system affords many vpportunittes fur killing time. Daring these very wam days the village is calm and peaceful. Not a sound to be heard, saye the "strik- ing of the iron while 'tis hot" by our neighbor, Thos. Handford, who in connection with Geo. Essay is build ing a boat swing for the Methodist festival on the 1st July. The bop are apparently baud to make a good Joh of it, feeling that their reputation stands or lane, by the boat that will be viewed by the large numbers, that come from all the country round on the above occasion. There le much unnecessary and foolish gossip going the rounds of the country, having reference to the cases of Diphtheria lately in Fairfield A great deal of exaggenition has been indulged in, which is not only anneying and hurtful to the inter- ests of the Locality, but in some re- speets decidedly untruthful. Yam correspondent having made careful inquiries finds that the people who have had'it, are all around again, and using every reasonable precau- tion to, prevent any possible out- break again. The talk that has been going round as to its extent and re- sult, is nonsense in the extreme and should be considered by all right- thinking people. • County Huron NM, The .aunett oromety Is this year Meg, a much larger Imsiness than last On Tneaday of last week the laree ammuit Of 1140 lbs butterl'being tattled out. B. Evans, of the Heron read, has a watch he hel carried steadily fdr 16. years Itt all that 'time it has only boot elearied onee, and it has heardly varied one infinite, Winter or "summer, Died Satiirday, jitne 11, Step- hen MT, Galbraith; taitor,akid pro, prietoe of the WinglntrnTartesj at the early age Of 23 yeate. Me, Galbtaith was a Man of Mere than Ordinary ability and of broad lib- we 'eould lure to hear froth. it, etal and progressiVe thought. • A •-•••em•111, • •••••••••......-. Fortunes In Printer's Inks. Don't expect an advertisement to beer fruit in one night. Bread is the staff of human life, and advertising is .the staff oE business. You can't eat enough in a week to last a year, and you can't advertise on tlmt plan, eitlrer. A thing 'worth doing is worth. doing well. A thing worth ad-, vertising is worth advertising well. The enterprising advertiser proves that he knows how to buy., because in advertising he knows how to sell.. If you can arouee curiosity by an advertisetnent it is a great point gained. The fair sex don't hold all the curiosity in the world. People who advertise only once in three months forget that most folks cannot remeaer anything longer than seven days. Quitting advertising in dull times is like teareig out a clam because the water is losv. Either plan will prevent good times from toming. ' A constant dropping will wear a rock. Keep dropping, your ad- vertisments on the public and they will soon melt under it like rock salt Trying to do business without advertising is like winking at a pretty girl through a pair of green goggles. You may know what you.are doing but no one else does. It is a iniStaken notion that a fine store in an eligible 'location, surrounded by attractive signs, is a superioradvertisement; for the expeilence of most rnterpris. ing merchantis tho.t it pays bet- ter to spend less in rent and more on advertising. Enterprising people are begin- ning to learn the value of adver- tisieg the year round, The per- sistency of those who are intimi- dated by the ery of "dell times," but, keep their munes ever before the &bile, will surely plaee them on the right side in the eel A man's sign Offer§ a mute in- vitation to those who pees his place of business; his circular can only reach those to whom person- al attention is given; but his an- nouncement in a newspaper gOeS into the highways and byways, finding custeneere Mid dettepellinet them tO citheider Ina argemente, A Sample Customer. What is a right goocl genii ty of on -bleached muslin wuth to-day1 she asked of the clerk. Prom ten to twelve cents A ye -"d, he answered. Is it a yard wide 1 Yes, madam. Is it wuth any iess by the hull bolt / No, madam. Well, I wusn't 'ivantin.' any no- how. I see some on the .counter and jist thought I'd ask. I'm after caliker to -day. Yes, madam, says the clerk. What kind Of calico do yon welt. don't hardly know. It ain't fer myself; it's fer Mary Jane Dixon, 'one of out neighbor wiramen, or soit o' cousin o' mine, AEI I'd better say, What kind of calico did yoti. you say you wanted, madam 1 Well, I don't 'zactly know. Mary Jane come a-runnin' over jist as I was startin' to git ready, an' 1 had the chickens to feed yit, an' so , miny things on 111(3' mind, 1 didn't pay much 'tention to Mary Jane, She's a sort o' secord cousin to— Did you want light or dark prints '1 Mary Jane didn't say 'specially which. I'd know right off, but seein' it's for Mary Jane Dixon, and her bele' own second cousin to my man by marriage, it makes me a leetle partiekler. May Jane ain't over easy to please no- how, an' I often says to her, says Here are both dark and light. pieces, madam. Well, I know she don't want it too dark nor yit too light, 'an as to whether she wants a figger or a stripe or a check or a plaid, Pin sure I don't know, itif she wasn't 'our second cousiin by marriage to , my man, I would have said rigjil1. out to her— ' ' Here's a pretty plaid piece, ma- dam. . Yes, so it is; butI do' no as Mary Jane wants a plaid, and 3 do not remember that 1 every se0,3%;, her wearin a stripe, tho she has got a rapper that's a sort of a / stripe too. But for an' out an', set strtie— How would you like this piece, with the little vine in it 1 I'd like it well enough, bat Mary Jane she's sort o' eurious. wouldn't say it -so it might get to her' that I said it, but she ia curious like., , Why, I've knowed that' woman to— Then you do not like thie piece 1 Why, yes, 1 guess I do, but I don't know what Mary Jane would say to it. I tell you what you can do. You call give me ten or fifteen Samples and Mary Jane can pick out the one she wants. I am comin' itt agi& Saturday and can get it then, Mary jarie will want as much cte three-quarters of a yard, on' I do' no but she'll need o, hull yard when she does buy, for it's a kit- chen apron, and she is a tniddlin' size Woman and —Detroit Free Press. i4 The mobbing of the Salvation „, Army in Quebec by a number ef Fretich Canadian toughs, result- ing in Severe injuries being inflict- ed On several Of them, is another evidence of the grow d - learrodanre and ftoleratice of a section Of the French Canadian people. The spirit of intense big- otry which finds vent iui such eowardly reffianiste, is not by Ony Means confined to the uneducatect class, any Mere than was the an. imus which found vent in the as- Senit upon William O'Brien. Tho supineness of the Quebec autori- ties, who, although sonle of the vietime are SO SeVerely littri; that their recoveey is doubtful, Ims-e made no artestS, is exceedingl, diSetediteble.