HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-06-16, Page 811111.1•111111111MIC 'GENERAX.4WF Tim (been hag 4PPePtPt11:11P „Albert medal preSented by the zSoeiety a Arts. It is aalculated Oat 5090 families have been aluined ly the floods in Hungary. elms, D, Miller was yeeterdaY allecteci Preeident of the New York Cotton Exchange, A largereduction to the British Army of occupation in Egypt is -expeeted in a few clays. All differences between the stove manufactures and moulders at Pittsburg have been settled. Te Brantford •School. Boa.rd has deoided that prizesaliallmot be awarded to the Public schools. The Manitoba Government is calling for tenders for thacon- ' atruction of the railway to the boundary. Mgr. Galimbert, 'the new Papal nuneio at Vienna, was consee1at- ,44.1 on Sunday inthe presence of the highest court:officiials, Wm: OIuho1rn, i Kingston ruffian, will be pnblicly lashed at the Central. Prisonon the expire - sof his term of imprisonment. Countess Magdalene t on l‘folthe, ,claughter of the famous field :marshal was married at Ber- gin to tihe painter Senbach, A man named John Holmes Jas been sentenced to three Imonth's ipprisonment for stealing a ride from London to Sarnia. Mr. Ismay, .of the firm of Ismay and Isrlse, London, has offered £20.000 to start a pension fund at Liverpool for disabled seamen: Monday morning five hotel - keepers of St. Thomas pleaded ,guilty of violation of the Scott 4"Aet and were each fined $50 and .costs. , Work on. the tunnel at" Sarnia has been suspended for the pre- sent beeause of accumulations of mud and sand at the bottom .of the shaft, W. Corcoran, the aged millionaire, was stricken with paralysis at his home in Washing- ton yesterday and his condition is critical. Sir Evelyn Baring, British Consul General at Cairo, has been summoned to London immediate- ly in connection with the Egypt- ian convention. The Hamilton Spectator has been boycotted by the Hamilton Branch of the Irish National League because of its attitude to"-. wards Ae. ator O'Brien. Mr alentin, an opportunist, bas een elected to the French Cha ber of Deputies from the Del Went of the Isere, defeat- ing. e Radical Candidate. Th value of the produce of the slieta of the Dominion for 1886 was $1 , 6,283, an increase in the value the produce of $956, 000 oompart with 1885. The will of I Ienry Wood the authoress, has rove( She bequeaths £36.000 1 shares to her children. Her son is appointed' her lit'erary executox.., The cage in one' of tlie coal pits tlt, 'Motherwell, Lanarkshire, fell 360"feet yesterday Ith 'Ea: per - Pone, Three wer aed the other, t injured: King Humbert Italy has de- corated the arclibi s of Milan. This isregarded further in- die,ation that he is in vor of -ef- fecting a reconciliation th the Vatican. News has been receive Mauson, Iowa'that Rev. Reid, who left that place last win- ter, to become a missionary in Central Africa, has been killed by eannibalS. Med, outright were badly A ArMssels leltetiqr Irilled a Spring lami that- dressed forty- two poexidS, This will be hard to beat, Green peas 'lave Made their ap- pearance on the iestate'of a bounty Of Bence, farm, 1\ in J. Stiles, o ondon, town- ship, beeurc phased the fine brick reeidenee of M. W. .Ulliot tt Wingharn for $2.750. The 'merehants p Petrolia have commenced ,to clese their places of business at eight o'clock on Saturday evenings infuture. A Tilbury East farmer, named Walter Sanders, committed sui- cide by hanging himself last Thursday. He had lost some land. Little Willie Miller, of Ripley, aged 10 years, had his left leg broken below the knee while seal- ing a picket fence on his father's property one day last week. The traffic receipts of the Can- adian Pacific Railway for the week ending June 7th were 000, an increase of -$32,000 com- pared with the corresponding week last year. At the last meeting of the directors of the Chatham wagon works, it was reported that 1,007 wagons had been sold this year. At the same date last year the number was between 400 and. 500. A fernier resident of Gelt. named John Goodwin, committed suicide at Omaha, Neb., list week„ in consequence ofbeing "conficleuceci" out of his nioney by real estate sharpers, His body was bought to Galt for interment PROHIBITION DEFEATED. On the debate on the three amendments to the Scott Act at Ottawa on Monday night, Mr. McMillan, of Huron, complained that the Scutt Act was not en- forced, and he appealed for a fair trial for it, and was in favor of Prohibition. Mr. Porter, member for West Huron, said he believed the Scott Act should not be carried unless there was a large and pronounced majority in favor of such law in a county. He be- lieved the Scott Act would, how- ever, promote temperance senti- ment and education and ,for that reason he would vote against hav- ing it repealed. After several other members had expressed •their sentiments regarding the amendments, a .. vote was taken and stood as follows: Mr. Jamie - son's amendment few Prohibition, 701or, 112 against. Mr. amendmentto repeal the .Act, 37 for, 145 against. Mr. Girouard's amendment to allow the sale of beer and light y44,As 48 for, 136 against Mr4ffirno Coughlin, M. P. P., vOt against three amendments. now •Be on Parliame the 20th in orking hard sary business. sidesore pletethe ne - ved that t will lac) pro - Both 0111- Tun OFTI5ITAL or last month shows the gross public debtto he 269,898,877,$assets, $44,40,i2&; net debt, ,$225,476,- 946. There is an increase of $370,985 si e April 30th. .A. reductioe of 40 per cent, haS been made by the Canadair' Paci- fi&, authorities in freight trains be. tWeen Winnipeg and Varidenvef, *VicWrie. and New 'Westminster, and 1.3ritish Columbia. Karl Peters, the chief of the (lerrnan African SOciety, rated a fere° at Zanzibar to march into Africa to coMpel iiativeia to eign reatics, but a d-ermtui man.of,' war dispersed the force. The St Jean Baptiste Society of Ottawa has adopted an address to the Queen, and in the faith° of FrenOh population of Ottawa eoragratulabea Her Majetey on tainnig to' the. Aftieth year d her )aign. W11,18 1311 SEAT .4.14Ir .A.EaD SS Th ths,tinitetittates Or Airier From now to :Jan .1st 88, vot oNia, Fifty Cents. Subscribe Now, A. 4; Sne I MERCHANT TAILOR west side Main-st„ Exeter. .Good Fit c.-una-axit e ed. 'Lateet Styles of Good a kept in - stool; A. Call Solicited. 4* SELL PHOTOCAIINIS MR. JOSEPH SENIOR having purchased the business of Chas. Senior, wishes to in . form the the public that he ean be found At the Old stand Main Strect,,Eketer. The Finest Cabinets in the coml.. ty. Elegant Finish. • . Copying and Enlarging done on shortest notice. JOS. SENIOR. New Premises? NEW GOODS Respectfully re/nil ds his ninny Customers a,nd the public generally that he has re- moved to HIS NEW STAID, —NEXT To— VOW* Main Street, EXETER. Where he has just received —A.— WELL ASSORTED STOOK OF READY-MADE , BOOTS & SHOES. ALSO Hand -made work of the highest Class. - Trial Solicited, and Satisfaction Guaranteed ;4. OEOI MANSON Exeter. I/ ELIO, THERE! • ROWE & ANDREW'S CALM A NAC For 13alance of .1887. June - OIpr4yor hne weather. Mosquitoes 'throw Away their winter Jackets aua prepare for business. Great doings at the Exeter Furniture Wareaaoms ; S9veral people hurt in the crowd. We Seli goods that give satisfaction, July. wind, Ap...4 more weather Fine nights ; but bad time for front gates. Earthquakes in some places. .0eine and get a 8.4 of furniture that an eartlquake W.0P't AZQ OP: A,..ucruciwt. Hot! Hotter ! Hottest ! ! ! Don't Don't get exciten ? Try end force your way in to,buy one of oar extra cheap bedroom setts, We have 12 different, styles ip. stoek to pick from, end you can get one if you only keep cool. ept, Drizzly or pleasant ! Invisible eclipse of the moon ! Work like fury, or you'll never get through in time to secure one of those ex- traordinary hargainfa that we are offering. Furniture of every de- scaption at reduced prices. C:October. Another spell of weather ! War in the 'east ! • Terrible catastrophe in. New Irak ! 53 people. sue- cumb to base btll feverPOTice ordered' out to keep Wok ..the crowd from our: a Wareropms ; ,Several seriously jammed, ' •; • INT clvembor Look out for snow. Fathers with eligible daughters, unhang the front gate, and . buy one of our . cosy sofas, warranted to Ming the most ba,shful. youngnumiri the vaintry to timi e n short order 1,1e.ds, Spring Arattrasses„ Ltiunges, . etc., etc, in endless variety. . fleceinber. Change in the moon, and more weather. Undtari alibi= Onr Stock of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and .iitderturs, no esx:elei 1:cvdiolgrr olstu.e:loloorzlessde. and asmost people Action, (Amy are very moderate ; we understand, and make A ' specialty o r this part of our bu.iness, come and see before you buy, ,Opon .day end night. REMEMBER, the PLACE Drew's oicl stand,—one door north ,of Molson's Bank. Rowe & Andrews.' WATCHES ! CLOCKS 1! JEWELLERY !! ! PRO CLAM:A.110N 0i' R RI \KL 1410111 THE • TYRANNY & OPPRESSION —OF_ HIGH PBIOES. To the peopleof Exeter'and surrounding country :— Throw off the -Yoke so long borne by you Unclr. - your Tyrannical . "Mestex High Prices. TO -DAY YOU ARE FREE? And not with a freedom dear- ly bought if you patron- ize roe. I win keep high prices eVer in subjec- tion. •1 :Prolnige ilbsotute Safety frOM,Cal MGM ner of oter-ehargL I gupply aZl with reliable and stytislt goods. Tril TO al; OCRS, JEWELLERY, SZLVEBJ7A1u, VE'L TIES Etc., L'lo. At t Owest Living Prices. t<IREPAIRING . -A 'tfts;=SPECIALTY,C* Stai6ppoeite S. Pickard's, Main St. Exeter, Hicks, 140, Gtoy Dress Goods at 12a-, .so cheap yetso, nice. .IT WAS NO TROUBLE TO $ELL. ONCE' MORE - 4. pretty fawn at 25, With bean Wel lace flouncing for front and drapes, narrow too, so good and so good a match, ne Wondcr it sold. RICH ENOUGH— You are to get a. dress 6t for a wedding clay—all .si1k4:—.1o'vely, soft and sure to Wear, The price—an even dellatfor Path, BUT BETTER STILL - 12 yds. white Victoria gawn for $1,20, jest:10e a ydyou see; F o easy on the pocket and so cool for summer '.\‘'-r. 25 pieces, will soon 0'0 ant then catchtliem while ,you'ean for they're on the move. A MAN- - With one eye cap .ece at glce our Tweeds are riglit. ;Quality and wear is what we aim to give, and since dollars are net so • 4 plenty- by far, as helves so we mark to suit the ties. / TROUT A HAT - 110 excuse, if you buy from us, but very good if money is, sued as some of you spend. The prices you pay will try you hard, leave you without a home it may ba, Init to 'stern to the hat -L --A. new straw, with a striped band talc's but three dimes era a half. SHIRTINGS WE HAVE— Dundas h; a make you know—We've (tot it and stamped fast color, Others we have cheap at 10c r'lmt to be Liberal as the editor says his paper is, we make them 8, and stand by what we Sfly. SEE THE DIFFERENCE— A. leg of lamb—The leg so light, and the price so heavy. .,,Our Shirtings and Cottonades'7-Tlie Price so light, and the goods- .CIII(L'hVY SPEA.ALUE . We're bound to give i»., Plinth and Laces and Gloves andpare, sols, else Vrqueriee 'Crockery and Glassware. And now; al- . though you'i,e often' passed is time lcind;ly "look in ;and see avl at cash Will do at < . • „ BANTON MOS.)" , putter and eggs taken, in exchange. innommenots.••••••••slammernminneasma ••••=smosolwram overasaumr;•10; -';;;GREAT BARGAINS <!: - • —4 rv rCALI er; , A r...) I-4 9 PH F4P,t.414A1= c> 1:4 P-1 .:34 GROCEIES, CROCKERY S.c) ra„s% "at-' -ta • AND Clauswszva afa .s•c' o el, :2, • No 4 ". d • ,t,3 :0> , V' 4 ";• 00, I6 •is 1106kRTS .CLARK .ta a 0 .1,?0,. els'e Butter & Eggs Taken in q:change for gobds AT EjftARKEIiXRICEsJ. • EISSPLCE .BELONGS TO a• • e a, a s‘ IIISSITT BROTHERS, Hardware Merchants, r.CL MAIN STREET fy - EXETER. Advertisement next week. • • yi• 11 ADVOCATE. 'OFFICE. . For: Plain. a.n..d Fanoy ...ahaMaiiiiaaraw ,111.11.•1•1•11 • Corner John and Main-sts., 2E1 Xt. VaP o.