HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-06-11, Page 3111114YON
eJt illi: WLN 1.1AM. TIMEs JUNE 11, l3.i•7,
-_......_:.. ]i;A-.T IIURON 7'�+.I1MES�t' INtaT.t
Tire following is the standing of
1I11AtiUl 'ink IApt'•
Huron Fttinet's' Institute, was held
thepupils of S. S. N. 8, for the r43trG tt].►dl.MltN k f n 7' .; :nk4, n<tW
The ettnldattll meeting (If the East
tai Tot of 11 o,
Areatorth lady wives an aretiutlt of as per ttalntc, on 'I'uctvday afternoon
The Learned Professor Creating Total , Jai
1V J es Knot, 403 Annie rebCae'fr'UtI! a lifelong it°IIn4r l er I have selsli tldt, �►,t Yaisl trttatrc'ntlt�tl�. 11'u•�
a Sensation
an All Farts ot Canada Conine
the Most ConlJ,ni Eli
alids Tnat They May
Yet Enjoy Health
and ilappi-
The Glad Story of their Relief
From Suffering
WINIMI oe,orn axa,,uuwnewpmu uatusut+� lOpmm
Sr. V , ala. , , ,v,ttr .twee 1 ,'1111 remek 1 1 ,
nut, 397; Lottie Errington, 397. t7feled f. at weak notion of tkte+team. Strachan occupied the chair and art
Jr, IV, Arlettta 1 at rend, • l� st inti n! e i fly his of ening opening" t,drlrt i-;
81`x. su ai met
'Sr. III, Robt. McAllister, 38;
Lorne Knot, 388; Robt. Farrend,
s.��5, Chas. (;arnie's, 301.
Aliddle III, Gordon Embury, 379;
Pearl Embury, 320, Win Thornton,
Jr. HI, Ruby Forbes, 425; Etta,
.agar, 40; , Alice Paul, 380: Ven
Knot, 370; Martha Ingram, 315.
Sr. 1I, 1+]na Souch, 389: Xarifa
Fraser, 389, Fred Pugh, 307;
Garni,x:l 300,
.Jr, II, Dora McAllister, 393; Olive
Fitzsimmons, 374; Alex Rutledge„
Sr. Pt. 11, Total 400, Emma
.fermyn,. 272; Annie Garniss, 150;
May 'Thornton, 102.
jr. Pt. II, Total 300, Hazel Em -
'bury `240, Chas. Agar 150.
Sr. I, Harvie Knot, Wm Jacklin,
Thos. Jermyn. Sarah Agar, Fred
Jr. i, Norman McAllister, Wm.
li 1tisilnmons.
The average attendance for this
month was 35,
D. L. S'rRACxATeaeher.
it t row const,a:
'O.L 'r tlt't
wort -e., J. frequently
my hratth to ai it very ow work d l.kd by
aitzrtie. 1 frequently had such ilt.irp u i Iint.rt the rhanrt ire the ,orifi,
psite; uuc;er my heart that 1 ware fearful Inslitnte, r+
of Ldrew a lout; breath it would Amuse
the riecCasiry of adopting kl1,.Cterlt
dt oh. In going upstairs I had to :stop n t thuds la Yat,ulna; , t1te. ,
rt:utia'k) breath. When my children %ebe so i a Discussion f.lruwed in ,which T.
o�eutcume wt , nut '
mess •3 hit I caul+1 nut do anything and I'u61ar41 A lizit'cljrter, l; Iliad. had to sit down to regain composure. ! '
Ato>gruve, b 1' Blair, an others look
O#1�.atitut•s nay helot would t,t:eseri to limbs },art
sw,Fll ,and gtve me great pain. My I'tn r}'be Report of Lxretttivc was rear.(
avere uunaturally cold and I was subject I
otoNe-rvous headaches and dizziness. My I, after the mjuutea ot last annual
memory became uncertain and el'eeP Iuteltl�g nd<I.itd.
deserted me.
J. have been ttaking Milburn's Heart
d Nerve Pills, w Moll I got tt Mr.
Mrs. D. Davis, Trenton, Ont, says: --
"Mine has been a marvelous cure of
eczema by iMunyon's Remedies. When
I began usiag these remedies I was cov-
ered from head to foot with scabs. I
suffered the most intense agony from
•'t the irritation and pain. I felt so bad
that, I believe! it ur.possible to ever ger.
well. ] had used a number of remedies
to elfect a cure. hut instead 1 was get-
ting worse. I was in (.araoe Hospital for
three menthe bet, they could not helf.
me. 1 finally decided to try Munyon and
after usii,tg t�tunyuu's salve and outer
remedies I received immediate relief.
The medicine seemed to cool the irri-
tation. 1 tun happy to say now that T
have uot a mark
• ditty to tell others of my ythe wonder- and fest alderman of KKetopty;lie, an, the eOnt o says:—
tut cure which has been ,,fleeted in my "1 Cl• Lorne years � nhaa rocs beenetnY back.
case I have unbounded faith in Mun- troubled w 1th pa
• yon'. Treatment and heartily recotn- of sleep, tiaed bleB cauned
sufferedt a from tireds
mend his Remedies."
Munylelis a onee-to t Cure ours and 1ldom worn gave me relief in a short'time.d The pain
fails Lo :eheve in .Price back has disappeared, and I feel
wrung net LO
cures y a few dais, aOe in my
Muuyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively that 1 would be doing
did. 'They are the best tr suffering
1 have
eures all forms of tndigosuon and stow- recommend them to others eutTering as
act) trouble. Price '?5c.
Muuyuu's Cold Cure prevents pneu- ever used." _ -�
mania and in eaks up a cold to a few Mr. Dryden'. Home
hours. Price, ' 5e.
Muuyou's Cough Cure stops coughs,
Master -in Chambers Cartwright is
eight sweats, allays soreness, and npeedt-
ly heals the lungs. Pi tee, 33c. being asked to decide whether Hon.
Munyon's Kidney Ours speedily aures.
,i art i 117E Dryden lives in Toronto or
1 .nt,iee while pia�ini; ttou t `
tt utouNluers and weak- ,melijlI". (i min.dje, J I:lliattl 1\l
SIMilatinb theFood and Reg ula-
ting the Stomachs andBoweis cf
Dleetings W i e Lehi at Ilruroel:-.
IBluevale, Ethel, 1'4 ruseter, andl'orll-
axr ►m the ytar and wurc rt;•
'cry .•drug store, and as a result I WICK during t
,._ Pried to as t;itea,utd by : i.;•1 eat
heal h ttiti better. I have improved aro I
health -and iE treatment.
entdly since The aueurl+ut' It1
The bl sin mC•t•�llre of sticccs•,
u elect g tl1lE treatatent• rho es t; ' has in ' -. ,.. d from 109 to 171.
w[:tateefp is rer•tortd to me. My heart is
L„a: 4i strut.Rta•. and the oppressive titin-
The treasurer's report Ebutic'd the
tt iu it hos vanished. I can now go receipts to be „238.0t), and tht: expo'
F'ti119 r
upstairs without btvpptn[, and with the
grtateEt of ease, and 1 no longer suffer
frons dizziness or headache. t it seems
me the eirculatton of my be-
htfl mt etir€rs 101' the lit xt year the cit c
ret ing the t oldness from my Iambs. T
eau trt.ly say that Milburn's Heart and tion t'1' Dhectol•s followed and t•csull.
Neive•PillsLavedone me a world ofledas/Ida tt•r:
go S t) Mrs James Constable, I II0e.lel: 'Thos Gibson, Robt. hal-
Cor:st al•le, tt he Las been a re
over t.'5 years, and both he and his l; Sault
estimable wife Etre web known In
Seuforth and the surrounding country.
Lase. Liver biliousness and s! ck headachels cures ;, 25crtion
ditute of L108.95, leaving a balance
of $09.14..
After au;; gestions for places fir
(thy and normal, thereby re-
— U F--'
e ti Cheerful-
'�xomotesDig s on,
Hess andRest.Contains neither
Opium -Morphine tiorHi'tneral
Q OTIC. rr
td” (' 1p1ec !
onto, th.'Ont' Jas. gat'• , ('
1trs, fbtstr.ble is the wife of resident
Gibson, M 1 P,
sidentfarl Wroxeter, Thos G' :- ,
.. a • •
Turuberry, Thos Musgrove, James
Morris, Joseph Smillie, W II Fraz-
Grey, Thos Strachan, Bubt DB
Brussels. G. F. Blair• and W. II.
.pains in the back, loins or groins ran
forms of kidney disease,. Price 25e,
M.unyon's Headachy Cure stops head•
.ache in three minutes. Price:no. jl
Munyun's Pile Ointment p sitivelY
.Cures all forms of piles. Price lou.
Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all
impurities of the blood. Price, 250.
MunyOO's Female Remedies are a
boon to all women.
Munyon'a Asthma Remedies relieve in
3 minutes and cure permanently. Price,
Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never
i< fail. The Catarrh. Cure -price 25u.—
erad:Cates the disease from the system,
and the Catarrh Tablets -price 25e.--
eleanse and heal the parts.
Munyon's Nerve Cure is a wonderful
nerve tonic. Price, 25c.
M.unyon's Vitalizer restores bst vigor
Price $1.
A separate cure for each disease. At
all druggists, mostly 25c. a yial.
Personal letters to Prof.
Toronto, Albert St..
free enedi •al advise for any disease.
whether he resides in Piekertng.
The question comes up in the suit of
Dryden vs. Smith. Mr. McKay, on
behalf of fair. Smitl'i, took out an affi
davit to examine Hon. Mr `Dryden
at the Parliament Buildings, Where
be often sleeps and eats during
week. Mr. Holman is asking to
have the appointment set aside chief-
ly because Mr. Dryden must bp, ex -
hi s redden. which is
Teaoh Your Canary How To Sing.
Perfectly imitates canary song Ion„
• birds
duce the lovely, full note, so delitlht-
of Ore
jirmpkin S• L- 1
,ra -
Rnduua Sek: -
"`ppn nnint }-
yY reerbonaaleads• •
PI:rm reed -
C u�cr -
It9 iaTImror
AperfectEemcd rConstipa-
tion., Sour Stoinaeh,Dlarrhoea,
Worms ,C onV ulSions ,Feveri sh-
reGss and LOSS OP SLEEP.
'y„ c simile Signature of
and teaches ordinary b 1 to pro -t AieI ill�}i, Ce•o Murdiv, A Gardin.
Mullett .Tits Ifiuchly,
ful as found in theGerman and lielgia
birds'. It affords amusement (0
children and pleasure to all. Any
singing or whistling, birds can be
perfectly taught by it. It will be
sent, together with a sample of Dr.
Chase's Ointment and Pills, by- en-
closing five cents in stamps and
mentioning this Bates & paper. ,Tot Address ress
Edmanson, •
W H Kerr asked the Institute to
make a small grant toward a speci-
al prize orjprizcs far tle Riding Fa'1
Fair. -
A meeting of the Directorate was
help irnnlediately at the elo;c of' the
annual ►ueeti.ug, and the following
were chosen:
President, Thos Strachan;
1st Vice Pies, A Gardiner;
2nd Vice Pres. W II Kerr;
See'y-Tree ; Geo flood, at a
salary of $20.00 pcs annum.
Auditors, M Black and J B Me-
On Motion, 1V II Kerr was in-
Council met as a Cot.i t of Revi-
sion. The members after taking
the declarati.in proceeded to hear
appeals against the assessment roll
from Ed. Plowman and Ed. Gaunt.
•hearino the parties the court
amined at Aftel r,
Pickering. I agreed to make no change in assess-
A Woman Sentenced at; Goderic'I
Elizabeth Doyle, who was found
guilty of arsot, was b; ought before
Judge Masson for sentence. At the
time the charge was made there was
some talk of the prisoner being non
.compos mentis. and the Judge dealt
with this before sentencing. He
Said that the prisoner's counsel had
not introduced this,• and that had he
done so it would have had no weight
as there was no doubt of the prison-
er's sanity . After saying that
l e the
evidence, though entirely
stomia(, coof ld guilty,a to he sets sentencedo tion
but that of
prisoner to three years at hard labor
in Kingston,
A number of names were added to
The meriot f hood sSarsapanlla
Ithe assesmenr roll. Court of Revls•
Is literally .the vin blood i ion then closed and on motion of
It is millionsiceo of vitalhu hfluman
Webster and Plunkett the assessment
Of the human race.
Its positive medical merit roll was received and adopted.
And curative hart , n d Ris en up The agents of the Sawyer & 1
U pen the minds hearts, thousands
n upon se and the Austin road machines
Mas -
The peoplewhom of tasacue Y
Of it has cured presentedllinesto the merits Council their ma -
which they
And given god health
1V hen there seemed nothing Wore agreed not to buy at present.
'Them but ilea darkness a°dgespatr.Dodd and S Kerr asked Coun-
It cures all diseases arising t put its some culverts on South
From or promoted by i
Vit_ it.. -
Castor:a is put up in ono -size bottles only. It
1s int sold is b~.'1:. Don't allow anyone to sell
Toni, anything olso en the r,lea or promlae that it
is "just ns good" ani "will anower every p8? -
.r Bre that you get t7 -A -S -'r -0 -it -I -A.
.; :'ho tar- ip as
w `D
EXACT 'COPY Or WRAPPER. e?tea:c:a t�� C�� rscappo7-
�,�, ...r'yr•S.Vtr. )11,%
, r
do neat work in the Job Printing business and at
prices as low as the lowest. If you are in need of any
0 thin such. as
st:'ueted, to receive tete books, papers iBILL.HEADS, j
and casts front the late See Teasarer i 4 LE TER nS, NOTE
and hand then over to his successor. t
NIurdie—McMillan--•That 810.00 i 0
be granted by the institute for speci- I # O anything in the line of Printing. call or write to the
Fall Fair fort 9 ES Office t� to ..elm.
L. ing tl t' T gt;
al prizes to East Huron
mpure ell o p
it as Boundary. Council agreed to attend
to the same in connection with Col•
bourne if necessary.
A petition was presented by Jos.
A. Alallough asking to have road
repaired on con. 2 and 3. Council
agreed to attend to the matter.
A grant was given of 1'50 to
repair Saratoga Swamp on motion of
Medd and Piunketea
A Bill was presented by Alex'
Rose of $14 for culverts. Left over
for consideration.
The following checks were issued:
Wm. McArthur, tape line, $3; H.
Towler, repairing road, con. 6, 75e.;
° W. H. Wilson, plank, $8.14; Newton
Campbell, repairing culvert $1; D.
Phaten, drain on con. 2 and 3, $2;
Jas. Ryan, inspecting gravelling W.
B., $1; W, A. Wilson, assessor, $30.
Connell adjourned to meet on June
Blood by its intnnsic mer
The One True Blood Purifier.
The following is the School Report
for S. S. No. 9 East Wawanosh for
the Month of May. The names are
arranged in order of merit ascertain-
ed by a system of daily markings ;
deductions being made for lateness,
bad conduct etc.
4th class Jennie Rintoul, Lena
Salt Rheum Cured
GENTLLMErt,—•Your Burdock Blt:lod
Bitters cured me of salt rheum three
years ago. It was so bad thatylost I I
linger nails, and I can truly st
(know of no more valuable } a ee had no
icine in
the world than B, B. B.
teturn of salt rheum since.
MrtS. JAS. t7ANDEa9, Man.
all a ,4 old reliable TI lei
d that the president and j
Sr. 3rd, FloreLee Sheill, Maggie
McDougall, Mable Sheill, Roy/ Mason
M Abranain
When aman grows up and falls
in love, he never feels the thrills he
did when he was a boy and first put
perfumery on his handkerchief --
New York Press
uch Little
1897, an t a ®®.�reb�1.
and vice-president be a committee ' � � � ®® �
to arrange what it will go for.-- I
Brussels and Gerrie were agreed
upon as places to hold the regular
meetfngs of the institute, for 1.898,
and supplementary meetings
B1uevale, Ethel, Lcadbul•y and Cot:- ;
Meeting adjourned.
Was Bound to Bill.
George Beon, an Albermarle farm.
er, is under arrest charged with
shooting a neighbor Wm. Liversy.
Beon and Liversy met in the road
and Beon charged Liversy with kjll�
ing a colt belonging to him, and op
ened fire on hien with a shot gun.
The first shot missed Lid ersy, wn. ho
dodged behind' a wagg e waggon
chased Liversy
and beneath the horses firing at him
with a revolver. The second shot Opposite Macdonald Bloch.
struck Liversy in the shoulder,break I Ops
ing his collar bone. Liversy
refuge in the waggon, behind Wm.
t ns
ary Fik
Leslie nMihir
Jr. 3rd, -Alfred Ritz, t
'e Decacon, Alberta lntoul.Alez
McDougall Alfred Hodgson, Frank
Shoebottom' Mott, Roy Deacon
alisbury, Herbert
ougall, Ethel Hicks,
'tymond Elliott, David
'We Hicks, Alex Rintoul
is especially true of
eat etrlatfor
peoMe t -
•o ever Contaispace. Bare a '•hole medicine
so s,rtail space. They
chest, always ready, al-
ays efficient, always F
Sr. 2nd Willie E
Jr. 2nd, Alfred '
Sheill, Bella Me +l
Ida Abram.
Part 2nd
Roy Anderson, Andrew Casemore, �
Beatrice Casemore.
1st class, Howard Sheill,
Ne Carrie
Deacon, John Abram, FrankiCase-
bottom, Leamon flicks,
L.33. DUFF, Teacher.
fsiaotory; prevent a cold
er fever, euro all liver 111s,
sick The only tills,
t stakes with meundiceed s Sarsapariila.
Are you one of the eighty i' Foul
breath, pains over (be eyes, drooping in
the throat and headaches
denote it.
Have you these symptoms?a to a I
Catarrhal Powder never disappoints
"For years I was a victim of c ronic
nder, said the young man catarrh. I had
tr tried
kind umbers os oe f
Iwo , by
who is able but exceedingonions
isun of and had been
but no cure was effected
ions, why it is that a g until I bad procured and used Dr. Ag'
appreciated news Catarrhal powdr, 'Tae first
et' iapS, until after he is dead. ,
Perhaps, was the colt( blooded` ave me almost rnstaut relief
answer, it's because, a his friends
sO Many
eases he insists on boring
up to to the time of that occurrence.
—Washington Star.
I will give :Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me
Watch or Clock I cannot -repair and make to 11111 as well as,
or better than ever.
Josephine St., Wingham
Douglas, who was driving, ba
Beon threatened to sboot Douglas
if he did not get out of the way, he
shoved Diversy away. Liversy ran
across the field pursued by Beon but
managed to escape.
Did yon hear that
stenographer broke
No. Holy was it?
him over
application R short ,anis I was
and in 511 incredttibly
absolutely cured from �tl is distressing James tres
and disgusting malady.
Dundee, N, Y. Soli ot Chisholm'. Drug
L. ' Weak Up a Coid in Time
The D ■ &•gY USING 4
the ch am pit -n
• down last
They se
a Sorosis meeting.
Yes? ,' the experi-
they were trying ex p
ment of limiting the members
to five
to take down
L. Emulsion
Is invaluable, if you are run
E down as it is a food as well as
a medicine.
"ild you up if you, generalea
Tho D. & L. Emulsion
lathe best and most palatable preparation of
Cod Liver Oil, agreeing with rho most deli-
cate stomachs.
Tho i'. & L Emulsion
The ®. & L. Emulsion
minute speeches. He wen t is prescrtbed by
pieces at the third speech. --Cleve- E Cresert
i The ®. & Le EQgtult3lon
land Plain Dealer. is a marvellous flesh producer and will give
Tall; about luck, why everything ' yon an appeiito f per Dottie
touched seemed tobo „old mine. Mc
Poor OhapI And he sunk. et er}* thing
I ntoN7R
thing he had "?
,leading physicians of
he dib ag
B0 Lute you get DAMS Fs 1AWflEtECAE CO., LTD.
th c genuine
enuane i uaaa
,a ani
'143s' cul c Cure for COUGUS, ,.
i;oL•.'a, CitOC1', ."•,Ito:
r ..,
.'-:s::13.Sn, etc t:.. '
a :IzTz?, IIrJ. -
Atnc• ]osr..t -. Torouto,•t*•t h• `
b J t i S .rnur a At -•,
Prue -ie at is r^'.er f,tt:a i c=
,y i.lreno_tro ter 1 few dose. r•
, Vit, arca u,oeritc ai •vtor;ateg coup,.« Eur
11113 r other renrcdlea hod tint✓., It hex
Mss, proved a t o� concnt tv,nxh two for int
',mai Y. I prt for it to am other medicine
kq for congas, croup ;:mb.mrsenue.'
IL O. BA Hues,
Ir•,y of Little Rocher, N.B., Writes:
t• 1 "Ada 0114. for canghs D nr•rectorat is
a..f the h:yet r.^ t„r.t ,nodi. the I ate; My mm.
.vnuri w11: hate to other."
Large iiottie, RG eta.
Prop:ietor9, MONTREAL.