HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-06-16, Page 1oprlattw000rlote,•,ararla,
VOL. 1.
TZItc .0Nacr dro.cov,'
published every Thursday ,e1C.411,
iiIg at. the aloe; eoreeteet '
ijohn, and Main -s, Exeter, On..
.0iic dollar a )car if paid in inivance; 51.20 if
uot so paid, ,
Advertising Rates on Application.
Noletper discontinued until all arrearages are
.ttuts will be published till terbid and charged
Ital.!. Advertisements without speeifie dime -
i 1
necordingly, Liberal discount leach; for trans • ,
tent advertisements inserted for long peried, I
Eyeilt description et ,101.! PaplTINc turn-
ed out in the tineNt style of thwart end ut ,
cpoderete rates, Cheques, money orders, cc,
for advertising, subseriptient1 i etc, to be made l
• a okble to
THOS. PAS.11011E,
Editor and Publisher.
nvisenvm. ceviwn.- nee. S, 0. Robinson,
incumbent. Sunday ServieeS, 11 u, m., and
t7 p,ttk ; Sabbath School, 2:30 p.
S/i.v.tiinx A RMI,'....S1.1111.14X SerVI'aC'
S :7. It.
.4; p. itt. and8 It. tn.; sertjees every nitritt
nig, the week, at jiteloek, .110lineas,inoutine.
tat 11 a. itt, o 1.1111.13.0..
• •
METHODIST thtCtt,ot, Jaitittt Street, /tar. d.
•Oraham, pastor. SuudUerViees, 1040
and (./.40 aY Saldadli tallIQUI, 2 p. in. •Pray-
o.n. meeting Thursdayet4.ilitig at 7,x0.
MAL?! Slimr.r.-Rev. W, F. f5aseoe, parltor.
Suittlay back:es, 16.30 it, in. and 8.86 p, tit.
•babbath school, 2 Se p. ni, Prayer meeting,
Thursday evening at 7.30. Young peoples
pr,tyer meeting 'llinratlay evening at
PlealilifinEMAN Cituiton.-Ilev. 1.Y. it1 Afar -
tilt, Pastor. SuadAy sun:lees, 11 a., nt. and 0.
(1 p, m; Sabbath soiled, 0:45's. 111. Young
,peoples prayer meeting, 21 045. ',I'hutstlay
u clung, prayer meeting att 8 o'elook,-Clutir
practice Immediately after
Business ana other Cards.
TW. mower:ea, M, D., M. C. P,
• tIRADUkTE of Vieterls. University. ()like
and residenee-Dentinion Laboratory, Exeter,
or theVillage of Eltoter, and the County of
-111trun. Ali orders promptly attended to.
EXETElt, P. 0 Ont.
../1to Townships of 'lay and !laborite. All
%errs promtI
ptly attenLd .1
F.XETER, 1'. 0., Ont.
R If. COLLINS,', ...0111,18TER,
ekkieltor of Seprene Court of Ontario', Cain-
Inissiutier. Conveyancer, &c,, Odic:a-Next door
to Sanwa At Pickards, Exeter, Ont.: •Money
rto loan at very lowest rates.
eremr-I-les H KINSMAN DEN -
'es., 5. D. ts t eta
ttitt11(114 pain by givillcgVitealizi•
ed Air, or tieing the 1)0W rose eeseeetis ott
the gums. ..Makes Col(' Filhngtt, aad all t;ther
dental work thebest possible. Gott; to Zurich
last Thursday In each month.
Loan, Real Estate and Steamboat Agenta
`Wealthy and reliable Fire and Life Insurance
(lompanies Repretentel Any amount of
money to loan on first Wass mortgages at low -
.?est rates of interest.. General Agents for
Huron Co., for A. Ec Williams* Co., real es.
;tate agents, London. Beaver Lino of Steamers
epresonted. 0diee-.1ames St,. Exeter, Ont.
flay Farmers' Motual Fire
Insurance Pompany.
3; best and cheapest Insurance Company in
eseessen, cte. db so by applying person-
•trIly, or by mail to the .eintlersigned. All ap-
plications promptly pAtplldtal to. Also agent
tor the Wellington tempaay of Guelph.
Also AUCTIONEER for the Comity of Huron.
Statute labor or road week: is
now the order of the day.
Mr. Jelin Caldwell hes rettll'll-
ed frOal an extended trip threugh
the. States.
'Mr. «Tan McNevin, has leased
Mainwarieg's flouring znill in
Woodham, and will run it •here-
Me T. Brinthell had the mis-
fortune a few days ago to slip ins
to a pan ef Wilhite brine nnd was
sewerely scalded aboet the lege;
he will soon recover eufficiently
to be able to resume work again.
A. grand jubilee and concert is
proposed to he given in the Cele
teneial ripk, under the auspices%
of St. Paul's church, orethe-eeee-.
uig o 3 inee 16th inst; the'pr-e-
eeeds to be applied "fel- ;liquidating,
chuech imeneeihednts:
_ • . •
.v1t sst s J BlatehfOtel. S1%, Jebn
'Scott and Sathuel :Huston are
use vlLltage patlimasters; end being
all mon of good judgment and ex-
' f
perreece, and rem f u 0 Ainty
and enterprise, we confidently
expect to see our •steeets aud
sidewalks iv first-class order,
•On Hensall North eircut of the
Methodist church, the. different
appointments contributed the fol-
lowing amounts during the past
ecclesiastical year, towhrdsmmis
tttrial eupport:, Chiselhurst $232.-
00; Klppen, $202.50; Sexsmith,
$162.50; Hills Green, $152.50;
Pineville, $227.50; Lake View,
$82.50; total, $1,060. Diebdree-
nierfte, paid Rev. W., Torranese
$700: R. H. 1.3sa.nby, $360.
ITUMber from this village
spent a pleasant time at the Bend
last week. ,
Mr. Philip Sipple's hot* to now
ready for shingling.,
• .A. nod gravel pit has been
found on the farm of Mr. Wm.
Schwalm, a mile und a half south
of Zurich.
We have thisweek to ehroniele
the death of Mrs. Christian Os-
wald, which sad event took place
on Tuesday night after an illness
of About four weeks. She was a
daeghter of Mr. Surerus, Council-
• lor of Hay. She was 39 years of
age, and leaves a husband and
four young children to meurn the
loss of a faithfel wife and loving
tender mother. Much sympathy
es felt for the ebereaved husband
•and motherless little ones, as well
as for the family and •friends of
the deceased.
.June. 9-87. •
0. SELL,
Issuer ot'
Life, Accident, and iire insurance agent.
.0Yrter.: West Side Of alain-Areet • Exeter.
Main-st, - Exeter.
Mr. Salta Johnson sold a three
year old gelding for which lie re-
ceived the surn of $200.
;Since the late rains the'ctops in
general in this vicinity are doing
well and give promise Of an abun-
dant harvest. The hay crop looks
well, end the farmers are wearing
6eir usual bright smiles.
Mrs. Christian Oswald of the
Bronson Line, departed thiehe
'on Tuesday of last week, after an
illness of four .weeks suffering,
The deceased was e daughter of
Mr, Surerus, councillor of this
township. Deceased was 39
years of age and leaves a husband
and four small children to mourn
the loss of a faithful wife and
loving mother.
Tlie farmers are •busy hoeieg,
and gettiug roacly fop haying.
Sprieg Or ops eve looking well,
an promise a geed yield.
The flax erop in this loeality
very hertry aed well :advanced.
Some etalks taken from a neigh-
bovin.'e -field to -day, measured'
efeet1 four inehes,
Ce Thursday, 17th inst., a
large bank barn was raised for
Thee. Clark, Esq., of the lOth
concession of Stephen. A large
number attereled. The barn went
tip in a hurry, •awl without an ac-
Since last Thursday the boys
say, Mr. Dinney gives the best
loging bees in the section., for they
never miss tlie honey in the eyen.
41a,tteis 'Before, Cotnoillors'
at the. jiine Session,
letter from J., W, Ferguson,
leantrector, was read and 'filed.
4PPliCAtiOn fraai the jailor,
matron Mid turnkey, •that their
salaries be Paid monthly instead
of quarterly was read aud referr• ed
to the finance committee. .
• An application from Fraser •&
Porter to furnish the books re-
quired by the registry efliee, was
read and referred to tee finance
An epplieetiort from the jailor
for dialling, &c,, for the prisoner's
was read and referred to the
finance committee,
.An application from Lieut. -Col
Otter or a 5.rae_G of ,i10 to the
Oniatio Rifle •Association, was
read and •referred to the financ'
• Adjourned to meet Wednesday.
at 2 o'clock.
• won/ DAY 4
• 4 . • ' Wednesday, June 8..
reuse Div.
.• Tuesday, June7s 1887.
The council, met •pursuant to
adjournment, the warden in the
The minutes of the last dee? of
Jaintaily ,meeting were read and
,appro v ed. •,
The warden addressed the,
council, stating that the congrat-
ulatory address to .the Queen,
ordered by the council had been
forwarded s and also :that -the
petition praying, that no portion
of territory be taken from the
county of Huron for the purpos-
ed formaticel of a new county;
that upon being informed by the
clerk that Helps' bridge was car-
ried away by the flood, he sem-
monest the warden's committee
together to take steps to replace
it, and they recommended that a
cedar bridge be erected, which
be completed by the 15th of
July next
A communication from J. J.
Hawkins, in reference to Brant-
ford & Lake Erie R. It. charter,
was read and ordered to be filed.
The report of D. M. Malloch,
inspector of public schools, . was
read and referred to school coin
A circular from the county
council of Ontario in reference' to
the Dominion Government main-
taining the volunteer force in a
proper state of efficiency, ,was
read, and referred to ;Special core-
• A letter requesting the council
to appoint a high school trustee
for Clinton, in place of Mr. Bay-
ley, who has resigned, was read
and referred to finance committee
A petition from D, Cumming
and othets of tho township of
Whereto, in reference to the for-
mation of a new school scetion,
was read and referred to the
school committee,
A petition from T. Nairn and
others. in reference to one Charles
Lingard, of the village of Cen-
tralia, an insane and indigent
person, was read and referred to
finance committee.
An appheation from license,
commissioners of West Huron,
for $1,172,64, towards enforcing
the Scott Act, Was read and re.,
ferred to finance committee
. -
An application from lie:Lime
commissioner of East Huton, for
$1,381,42, towards enforcing the
Scott Act, Was read and refeited
to the finance committee,
Applications from W. rtussoll
Bishop of Grey, and Frederick B.
Linfield, of Colborne, for admis-
sion to agricultural college, •were
read and referred to tho finanee
The Nay make of creamery
better hag been sold for • 18 dee
per ptemcb
Me. Browning, ieepector of
creameries, paid this thaeefacture
a visit and highly eoteplimented
our butterateker, Nr Pard, up-
on his success and general appear--
ence of the place,
,V1t, Xdi
. The condi met pars,uant to- ad;
eceirrenene,• :the werclen in ,the
. ' •
-TEO.ntinutes of yesterday reed
and approved,
petitioft from Albert Sage
and 2150 others, praying that the
fee for a hawkers' and pedlers'
licence he raised to $200, iita
that the hawkers' and pedlers' 1,)Y -
law of 1887 be amended •actcfrd-
ingly was read.
• Moved by A. H. Manning,
.seconded by M. GeOarneron, that
the hawkers' and pedlers' bylaw
be arnended by raising the license
free from the present figure to
$200 per annum. Referred to
special committee. '
Moved by 0. Eilber, 'seconded
by J. A. Rollingse. that 13y-leev
No. 1,1887, be amended by add-
!ing thereto, that it shall be lawful
for any justice of the peace con-
stable or 'peace officer having
jurisdiction within the county, to
seize and detain any: person or
persons Who shall he found teed-
ing as provided by this by-law
No 1, of 1887, who shall refuse
or neglect to produce his license
'vlien required so to dos mid to
carry before the next or any jus-
tice of the peace in the said
county, to be dealt with according
to the provisions of clamse 9, of
the said By-law No. 1, of 1887;
erid that said amendment shall
come into force on Jan. 1st, 1888.
Referred to special committee.
A communication from the
seeretary of public board of school
trustees, of Winghate, requesting
the council to furnish diplomas
for those pupils who pass the en-
trance exareihation, was read and
referred to the finance committee.
An application from the license
,commissioners of South Huron,
for $1275.33 to enforce the Scott
Ade was read and referred te
finance committee.
A letter front the county tree -
surer, accompaned by schedule of
collections en account of non-resi-
dent lands, was read and referred
to finance committee.
• Report of John Ainsley, road
commissioner, was read and te.
erred to road and general bridge
A petition from J. McDonald
and other's, of the townships of
Morris, Grey and Meleeillop, pray-
ing that a hawkers' and pedlers'
license be granted Wm, Stewart,
free of expense, as he is unable
to Work. The prayer of the peti-
tion was granted.
Moved by W. Milne, secondecth
be Wm, Oliver. that tire county
engineer be lestructed t eeamine
thf3 bridge at lienfryn, on the
boenclary between Grey and Elm
aid have the necessary repairs be
made, hi tonjunction with the
eegineer of the county of Perth.
Referred to the road and bridge
by 13, S. CoOlt, sec'onded
by J. W. Jacques, that the road
and bridge commissioner be ill-,
structed to examine and repair
bridge on the bontelary line be-
tween Howick Wallace, as it is
in an unsafe conditien, itefeered
(;. rout and bridge conmatee,
• A 1.nniber of aecounte were
presented ape refereed to finance
, Moved by joint Qox, secenaed
by Jos. Whitely, that permission
be given to the mueieipal couneil
of the tosenship of Goberich, to
Open a reracl from ,the :Maitland
concession, through lot 3$ iri said
concession to the road leading to
the bridge over the Maitland river
to the township of Colborne, of •a
uniform width of 54, ,fect, pur-
suant to Sea, 545 of the Consoli-
dated A.ct of 1883. Catried.
Moved 1),e jos. Whitely, se,
condecl by B. S. Cook, that this
council do now euljourn to meet
tomorrow at 2 e'elock p. 01.
1 submit herewith p, Statemeet
eolleetioeS from non-resident
lands between Jan, loVatic.1'4pril
slOtli 1887s also a statement of
eaell ort heed evaileheec to. meet
. •
currene 'expenditerees Since Jan-
uary !meeting there; has been Sri
vested on real estate mertgages
the E'Lirn of $16,750. It wiii -be
necessary- to borrow money to.
meetsexpencliture before the twees
are paid, and you will pass a by-
law granting power for that to
the extent ef $20,000.
Of 3ol1ectious from , non-resi-
dent lands, between San. 1st and
April 30th, 1887. Ashfield,
$17.86. Goderich tewnship,
$12:95'; Grey, $275,31 ; Hay,
$740,25 ; Howick, $6O5; Mor-
ris, $38.25 ; MKillop, $158.13 ;
Stanley, $55.46 ; Stephen, $20.32
Tuckersmith, $27.58; Turnberry,
$4537 i; -Osborne, $3.99.; East
Wawanosb, $19; Blyth, $5.76 ;
13russels, $27.17; Exeter, $2.08 ;
Wroxeter, t$22.52; Total $1478.-
The • committee reported that
they had examined the books and
vouchers of the treasurer and
found them correct. They show-
ed a balance on hand of $1915.
50. The statement of liabilities
and assets of the county show its
liabilities to be $282,799.64, and
its assets to be $93,864.79. of
Which $71,850 is invested, leav-
ing a balance available fecir invest-
ment on the 31st Dec. of $22,014-
79. The treasurer's books were
found to be well and neatly kept.
seems'. COMMITTEE.
The committee recommended
that the pedlars' • and hawkers'
license by-law. be amended by fix-
iriet the fee at $200. This was
lost in council by a majority of 3,
and an :Intendment to li the fee
at $100 was also lost, by '2 of •a
The commintee appointed
Judge Toms, .I. Tom, West Rid-
ing Inspector, and P. Adamson,
as abitrators to consider the peti-
tiop of David Cuming and others,
relating to School Section hithe
township of Colborne. The com-
mittee accepted the resignation. of
Mr. Bayley, as High School trus-
tee for Clinton, andthe council
apipovianotaend1.111. r, G,. E. Pay, to fill
Theestimated eXpenditure for
66 eurrent 'year amounting to
$54,T68,05, exclusive of the equi-
valent Of the Legislative School
grant require% a rate of 1 3t5
mills on the $ on the equalized
assessment of the county. The
estimated expenditure this year is
over $6,000 less than last year.
'County Huron News.
Om clay xecently, a complete
set of burglars' tools were found
in Lower Wingliam.
The town of Seaforth ofrere „
prizes ler a band competitiort
there on the 21st hist,
biterngeeyareOne ntri
'daily at Londesboto creamery.
Two car loads of 'eggs, valued
atabout $3.000, were shipped to
New York foal Brussels last
Mr. Jos. WhitAead hat been
elected Mayor ef Clinton' in the
place of Mayor Williams, by ac-
The Clinton Driving Park as-
sociation Offer a peso of $200 'foe
a stallion race to take place Oa
the Driving Park, on •Thereday,
Sept 8• •
rileorsentei Mreaeleeete.
let11.W1ettt, • $ 0,89 to $ 0,00
Spting wheat 0.f,fi to OM
Oats 0.35 to 0,35
Peas 0.56 to 0.57
Batley 0.40 to 0.e5
Hey per ton 0.00 to 15,00
Better 0.10 to 6.18
Potatoes per beg 1,10 to 1.10
Eggs pee dos 0.14 to 0,10
Dteseed Hoge pet 100 ',',00 to 1.00
The new woollen mill, at Blyth
undee the management of It, Fore
eyth et Son, is reenieg in fuil
blastnow, and is leapt very busy
with custom work.
13lyth Lawn Tennis Club, or-
ganized this Spring, has a mem.
berehip of nearly forty, and are
open to reeeive challenges from
neighboring clubs.
Zie G. A. Deedman, of Brus-
sels, paid eight dollars for a queen,
bee. Outside of a be -keeper thie
would seem an extravagant figure
for so small an insect.
R. Irwin of Clinton, shipped
10,000 bushels of peas (25 care)
to Montreal for export last week;
one car for Buffalo and one for
Cel:11g° are among his otrier ship
Mr. J. Calbeek, probablythe
oldest local preacher in the County
of Huron, occupied the pulpit of
the Methodist Church, Holmes-
ville, last Suiclay morning Be
is eighty years of age.
On Thursday niglie some con
temptible sneak or sneaks broke
into the Army barracks, Brussels,
and out the heads of the two
drums in pieces. This is a very
small trick and shows very little
The employees of the Doherty
Organ Company, Olinton, have
formed 9.1'11013g themselves a Mut.
ual Benefit Association whereby.
any member, disabled through ill-
ness or accident, will receive mee
sisbance during the time he is till-
able to work.
The Postmaster -Generals report
• slimes an inerease in the returns
for Clinton of $200 over the pee.
vious year; for Staforth, au in-
• crease of 74;$for Goclerich a de-
crease of $31-; for Winghain, an
insrease of $35, for Blythe an in-
crease of $60; for Exeter an ire
crease of $55,, for Brussels an ire
crease of $38,
The attendance at Clinton I ig
School during the past term has
been the largest in the history of
the institutes and the prospects.
are that when it is converted into
a Collegiate institute, as it will
bothis fall, its sphere of useful.
nese will be much gteater, and
the ettendanee proportionately
The people of Seaforth intend
celebrating Her Majesty'f Julelce
day, Tuesday, June 21st, in a
right royal manner. The "Mayor
has peoclaitned the day a pubee
holfday, and the town has grant -
the sum elf $100 for the purpose
of procuring fire -works, inakilig
etches and in other ways beautify
itig the place.
A few mornings ago while Mee,
E. Everett of wingham was eating
an egg for breakfast, she Was
earnewhat startled to come aeross
another egg in the eentre of the
one she was eating, It Was about;
the tike of a bitd'S, Was petiecIty
formed mid had a hard ellen on it,
Mr. James Howard has sold h1.4
saw mill en thy tewnship to a.
Mr. Richards, of Strathroy, under
whose control it will /C41110diattq