HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-06-09, Page 8•
A new gold geld is repotted On
The crops in the neighboihood
Of lIamilton look splendid.
Clatoleur .defeated Meilen
the te,ee on Unmet Lake yes
The first regular passenger
'ttji t45run front Leaden to
Woosletoek•ou the new line Fri -
.\.i fa Mattittmed J
P,;eliartleon was found dead
leie Led at" the lionse of Ref
Ilentilten. •
LimaNovfle, deughter of
S'eloe Neville, Leamington, fell
rrotu ,wagon recently and free -
eared her arm.
thonght probable 'that
prelheinery drift at the .Ser
vanuel will lie anou
e dbded, and
tuitIVI‘ proper put through
W. C. Garner hes been ,00tu-
witted to jail for ten days for
'contempt of Court, having iiglect,-
eel to answer a summons •of the
l'iret Division Court.
- Chatham 'doctor tos 'boon'
committed on theeeherge -of Reus-
ing the ,death o tgirl,. Bath
Rarlow, by;.‘bortion,
llaitou {lood Templet's Ilaye
contributed 151D3,44: to Mr, jat'lleS
ot Glenwilliams, whose. barn was
flred .a short time ego,
The itenual eonvention 01 the
Greed Divieion of the'SOna. of
Temperance of Ontario Will ,‘TPP
in Brantford -P4 44110 51.st,
..Cherles Aimee Smith, the ;$cat--
le.od nem accused of stealing'
in cider, hsen
as been tenced to three
tige, weeks in jail by judge ,3 epos, of
The Paris council bee donated
.$100 to the Nenaimo mine suffbr-
ors. The disaster left 39 widows
mid 106 children witheut meees
Bruce is atilt without a Pol
Magistrate, though nearly all t
OMIties in which the Scott A
its from have been sPRIi
:dr. (jiffies has refesed the
pui Lain mit.
to support,
.Qtt'Appelle dispatch says the
Half breeds and Andi4lis in thet
imeality ere Owing very bold.
Gabriel Dumont is suppose.d to be
stirring them up,
ie Alexender Campbell was
sworn in at Toronto, Wednesday,
at the Attoreeys General's Mike
as Lieut, -Governor orOutario by
ice Chief Justice Hegarty.
The deed boby of a .man waset found on Peter :Doyle's Lori,:
ed.near Maidstone, Tuesday It
V- was badly decomposed, and sup-
posed to be that of a tramp.
A Stratford hotel man engaged
two .dieing -room girls in the city
s- f London, and was Ab011t %%board-
ing the train, with them, a't the
Ifinion stetion, when their big
brothers appeared and prevented
fe them keying the uity,
at Robb Young, a man who lives
e_ near Kinlough, was brought before
re a .magietrate reemitly, charged
with the offence of cruelty to ani.
mals, having left hiseteam tied to
a post night in open-air. Be
as fined and wets; anieuntine
in om to
i„ The best protection for theatres
1. from fire will consistein rows of
1windows cOmmunieating with
each tier of seats, and balconies
outside, constructed of iron, on to
which the people can step through
- the windows. Most theatres have
a blank wall in the rear and steps
g of iron ghoul(' be provded against
this wall, outside, one above
another, communicating with the
gods of the balconies. Speaking
generally, it is not so difficult to
; save life by forestalling the dog-
er, if we may give the seine Wen-
' tion that we do to moneymaking
- enterprises.
Millen seems to have lost his
s grip. His defeat by Gaudater .must
convince his friends tbet the To-
rontoniae hes arrived at it time of :
life and a physical condition when
he insist take a back seat. The
champion -ship --still' remains id
oJans.da, however though lad'
Robt. Watson, the alleg
c'eild murderer, came hefo
tetire Corniel Saturday, W 11
l‘fwr being a couple of witnes
13, sent the accused for trial
'the Jtitle Sessions,
oei was stolen from the sa
04 the Alion House, Hamilto
Five men, who were boarding
t'm house and left during Thar
,Sesy Light, on tho early train, a
euspt eted.
At the Chatham police coin
te, f,reesday„ D. Bright, who wa
essiegeled on the chars:re o
tiei, end murder, 111 the
Ruth Harlow, of Head
ei, wes duly committed for tria
fermeeeresiding near Ethe
‘i.s driving to the station with
Lore: and buggy. While nea
'.1hee•e. grist will the horse be
eeteed frightened and jumped t
eio side of the road, throwin
Roee out and killing him inetant
A girl named Jennie Rattle
who says she belongs to ,Kincar
dine, has been arrested at Hann]
jn for coneeseling the birth o
e• it:fent and depositing it it
'en me:house. She ,wenLunt to 'n
ton from Grimsby..
The total amount of custom
41,144 received at the port Stmt.
ford during the month of May
'yeas $4,8584 64. Lest year the
amount was ,$327. 64, and the
year before, $2,479.26, Inland
leventie collections, $5,271 49.
M. Noble Wm. Collins,ei
Lambeth, anc'l James Creighton,
•t)f Birr, were found guilty of vio-
lative, the Scott Act. .Colins was
lined' $50 and -Oreighten $100
with costs. Robert Paisley, of
lidprton, was fined $50 and costs
it similar offence.
Mrs. Mark .0t,le, of Menet
S." melon, 8th concession, of South
' doubt our UnitedStates friends'
will eedeSeeor., to secure the honors
dubbing*Gatidaur • "an Amerie •
"ISeei." It would have bean betti,4r
for Heiden if he had retiseekaf,Vr
seeming the world's chelnpiem-
, ship, bat the professional oaee-
man, like the profesSional politi-,
Mau, rarely gives up until he is
compelled to do so,
keesrchester, was, buried on Satttr-
ty, her 'husband having, only ME IIALFBREEDS iliSr-
i•er dead •aeve-ii days.,, The EASY.
1)1.1 els: were old, 4.seine ieb'eat
There are egain Almon of dis-
content among the halfbreeds of
the IsTorthwest arising out of the
condition§ ori whibly seed wheat
for their farms are distributed.
Mr. 13urgese,, Deputy minister of
..the Ititerior, has gone to the
Northwdst to look into the /natter.
An outbreak is- hardly to be look --
ed for,
but none' the less it would.
be mgretable should neglect .or
ieu rid erstancli ng it ter fere with
the adoption of habits of steady
industry by the lialfbreeds. They
arein no rnoocl, we nuts, be sere,
to rebel now; but the very best
security we can have against fu-
ture clisterbanees.is the complete
abendonment by both lialfbreeds
and Indicts of their roving, shift-
less way ,of life, and their setting
down in .earnest as fatinsre and
Stockeraieere. Te this end both
classes should be dealt with gent
'erousty by the Government In any
matter effecting the tenure or eul-
tivation of their .land 8' AC pros -
permit farmete, with 'something
to kiese by it disturbance, they
will give us no trouble, but so
lOng as they live from hand to
mouth, we cannot put'much eonti
were among the first settlers
eeed were highly respected.
31r.Norman McIntyre, .an cjcl
tette who has reached the age ref
tO years, is working for 1V1r. John
eegate of 'Norwich, arid a few days
eittce did 36 rods and 15 inches
.of ditching through heavy clay
groulid in one day, The Oki man
as stuart as a whip.
The Canedian minieter of jus -
lice hes, tiot befoeel time, taken
e,tepsto discourage the circulation
<V counterfeit bank notes, 1 -lis
3411, ilow before Parliament, pro-
1,i(1es that whenever a counterfeit
4.)r fiandulexat note ,it presentocl at
se bank the bflicer to whom it is
;presented shall stemp or write in.
e hall letters .aoross it the Nvorcl
" altered" or
s•wortlilese." 11 any such person
tsty stamps a gamine note lie that
eequired on presentetion tet ees-
eteern it at its face value, The
tsarne id11 provides that any person
who issues en imitation .if a DOM -
hit% bill, or ii bank twee, ae an
.tadVartiseigient, or for any other
1-mpoSe, Alan i!)6 liable to a fine
d *100 or throe months'
4/h2neut, or •both.
ArrengementS, 4x0 1.),Pilig made
for a ,grazid OrAugc (Icnioustration.
qud plehic 5trathroy, on OP
12,tli a July,
114011ciieurned Seett Act paw
4g444.Pt. „john, Wennacott, ef
Thamesviille, game at.Clietitam
the otbereelay, when he was heed,
$1•09 And .coSts,. ose will be
4.residellt of Wallace Town-
ship named Thounte Nerridge is
eonfined Stratford gaol as a
lunatic. Rumen!, ..tieys he is it
victim of religious mania, caused
by attendieg Selvatien .Artny
Whet do onr temperance
friends think of the i.tein in the
public acour te of $100 for supply-
ing chanipagee, port, sherry and
whisky on the occasion of Gev.
Lansdowne'e visit to the Mani-
toba peoitentiary.
• James Marshall (colored) -Coax-
ed Rosa White, little colored
away to the woods while go-
ing to school at noon, on the
promise of money. When he got
there he gave her a cent, and at-
tempted to empmit asseult
Tb6 girl's cries frightened him,
and he ran away, and the little
girl came home crying, The
police WEir0 put on his track, and
he was arrested shortly afterwards
and put in jail. The littlo girl is
ten years old, and lives with an
aunt Marshall has recently re-
turned from the United States,
and is about 80 years old.
Kate liamilton, the young girt:
who, with Joqcphine Arnold, es-
caped from the Mercer Reforma-
tory lest Sunday .eight, wilS taken
back to the Institution this more -
leg to complete her six Months'
term. The seory Of their .escape
is a somewhat peculiete one. The
two girls ivere kept in the same
warde• and Kate Hamilton, by
means of button -hook, inece,eded
iit pieking the lools. of her cell
doceeee.She than picked the, leek'
of Arnold's cell deer, and utilized
thelmok on all the loeks leading
to the yard. Hove a twelve -foot
well confronted them. BLit no-
thing daunted they went back to
the building, secured two chairs,
and with the aid of these scaled
the obstruction. In getting over,
Arnold lost one of her shoos, and
because she attempted to go beck
Hamilton attacked her and beat
her in a most savage manner. ,c
. Tr= Montreal Methodist Con,.
fereuce lute spoken oet in ite
Temp-erance resolutions ein quite
teatuista'hable • teems, Sft does
not wish to be inisuparstood,
and than is'Scareely,a poiibiJity
that it should be. It is for Pro-
hibition pure and simple, •and it
intimates.very clistinotly that any
Government , peoposing either to
,repeal or to in utilete the .Soote
.A,ct may reckon on a very solid
and a very adverse Methodist
wt. never do, and. never have
.clone, a stroke of work upon the
Sabbath." These. words, • in sub-
stance, .are reported to have berm
uttered by Mr. Gladsteme. They
go far to explain, as it seems to
us, the remarkable vigor with
wh'..ch the great statesman in ad -
veined age eonducts the affairs of
the empire upon which the sun
never sets. The temptation to
undertake pressing business of
State on the Sabbath has no doubt
matey times been very grog.
But it has been. resisted. The
Sabbath hours have been kept free
from labor. Hence there has
come not ally mental refresh-
ment, but that nivigoretion of the
spirit that has enabled the great
leader to sec clearly end to act
wisely. When we put out ef view
entirely the claims of the Sebbath
as a holy day, it would eilverthe-
less seem that men ought to recog-
nize its value as better fitting
them for their dutiee during the,
rest of the week, and \wield ante -
fore eeidously guard it frOM Secul-
ar encroachments. We plead the
divine sanotions for Sabbath keep-
ing, But we plead also the files-
erable law which the God of the
Sabbath hes written upon men's
nature, that enintermitted toil
must result in speedy destruetion,
And we plead the experience
Sabbatte,keepere, that the more'
closely the day is kept as holy day,
ie better iteetsults reet and
zeobperatioil ,
enco itt theirpaciile dtspositit. JEt
1.7,14 ANAC
For Balance of 1887.
Oloudy or One weather. Mosquitoes
throw emus, thuir winter Jackets
and prepare for business. Great
doings ut the Exeter Furniture
Warerooms ; Several people
ilurt in the crowd. We sell
goods that give 'iatiefection.
Wind, and more weather I Fine
nights ; but bad time for front
gatos. Earthquakes In some
places. Come and get a eet
furniture that an earthquake
1Ven't laze en.
Hot 1 Hotter ! 1 Hottest 1! ! Don't
Don't get excited ? Try and
three your way in to buy one of
our extra cheap bedroom setts.
We hale 12 different styles in
stock to pick from, and you can
get one if you only keep cool.
Drizzly or pleasant Invisible
eclipse of the moon I Work like
fury, or you'll never get through
in time to seem° one of those ex-
traordinary bargains, that we are
offering. Furniture of every de-
sciiption at reduced prices.
• cr.,43,ctober.•
Another spell of weather! War in
the east! Terrible catastrophe
in New York ! 0 people ERIC -
011111b to base ball fever. Police
ordered out to .keep back the
crowd from our Warerooms ;
Several seriously jammed.
. ovelribe*-.
Tioa: out for saow. Fathers with
eligible daughters, unhang the
front gate, and buy one of our
cosy sofas, warranted to Iniug
the Men bashful young man in
the warntry to time in short;
meter Beds, Spring Mattresses,
Lounge's, ate., etc., in endless
• 'vatietSr,'
/Dee ember.
Change in the moon, and more
ItT n a- s all it* :—
Onr Stink of Caskets, Cuffins, Itobesand
Trimmings, aro uheseelled. Refurined
undertakers, uu itiig, uo Cliques. lie Ilse
all alike, Our prices we goveru ourselves,
aud most peo d.e know they are very
niuilijjeo; wu Lllldor8tatnd, 111(1)11MM a
speolalty o 1 this ; art of (-Ur Init.illess.
Lolee41.1111 see before run buy ,
awl flight.
a41,11.E.ThiBB.',R the PLACE.
Drow's old stand,—one door
north of Molson's Bank.
- • Row.e & Andr6ws.
To the people of Exeter and
surrounding country :—
row off the Yoke so long
borne by you tancie.r
your Tyrannical
High Prices.
And not with a freedom dear-
ly bought if you patrou&„ ,
ize me. I will keep
high prices ever
tion.iti ,
Polnise Absiute Safety
frq* aa 9nanney of over -charge.
I supply reliaUe and
stvlish goods.
E(c,, Pc.
At Lowed lonig ?meg.
Solid oppogto 3.PiektO:CTS)
AtalA St, Exoterf
' • R
1? yds. OM Dres$ 60ods ot 124, so 'cheap & yet go nice,
sAohl.:re,tty nfawil '2,6, with beau tifel lace lmiouo Ong for Nn't ancl
drapes, arrow too, so good and so good a etchn
, o wonder it
Yon are to get a:dress fit for 4 'Wedding day—all silk—lovely,
soft and sure to weer: The price—an OM dollar Ver cash -
12 yds. White :Victoria,gawn for $1.20, just 10c a yd. yon see;
eaSY en the pechet and so cool for summer wear.. 245 pieces,
will soon g� DUt; 010 CgtCh 'them while You (ten, for they're en
the move..
With one eye caj see at a glance our Tweeds are right :Quality
and wear is what we aim to give, and eince dollars are not so
plenty by far, as halves, so we mark to suit the times.
Is no excuee, if you buy frein Ps, but very good if money is
spent as some of you spend. The prices you pay will try you
hard, leave you without it home it May be, but to return to the
hat—A new straw, with a striped band takes but threo dimes
And aohalf.
Dundas is it make you know—We've got it and stamped fast
color. Others'we have cheap at 10e but to be Liberal as the
editor says his pilfer is, we make them 8 and stand by what we
A leg of lainb—The leg so light, and the price so heavy. Oar
Shirtings stud Cottonades—The price so light, and the goods
so heavy,
We're bound to give in Prints and Laces and Gloves and Para -
sole, also Groeeries Crockery and Glassware. And now, al-
though you've often passed us by, next time kindly look in and
seo what cash will do at
BANTON. Aleaer
,Butter and ernebr3s taken in exchange.
4 ee 4/0
e 0 e -e
it,. 0 '140
p=.1 r,L1 c
rxl tr;
P-1 r, c.x?1 t>4,
P4 t,,i;411:Z
41 g:41'F:-1
E.?4 0-4 cz)
cr, pi
•ttl 4.E.54
46, 4:1
4.4 NC)
044 1"0. 4,C1N7.3
0 (11
.0 N.N.
• •
Butter, & Eggs
Taken in exchange for goodsi
• ‹,..s."
r A
( MARKET f.(121_110E-I.)
T..17-1:TS PAOE
Hardware Merchants,
Advertiseinent next week.
•Fot ,P1..atil and Faucy
Corner John and Main...sts,