HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-06-09, Page 5e LoQa Nms lgr. 'Richard PittiteNtibei Ott lame ti qU Nowi5the time te clean 111) the JetPl 4Umber of the ffelMiljt0Var the Wive an Friday,. The reads, eevieg to the Moment rains, aye e very muddy condition xek Tar eininber cef our villagers “teole leako Iieren en pleasuxe 140 -week. Henae-Clettiting is eVer, eled the hesband has new the regular smile on hie face. The recent showers have made vegetation advance very rapidly, And the town looks lovely.. Of course it is herd to „and A needle in A haystack, lint hew ;Omit find - dude in stylish treuSers ? The prospects are that there will be an abundance of frnits this year jialging henn the amount of latessom 011 -0)0 trees. We will at all times be pleased to receive any looal items of, ieterest for our paper It ie locel items that melte the paper. -A. number from here attended the meeting of the County Orange Lodge of South Huron, held in OM ton cm TI day last. resirhij ofetleborne WM brought before Ilney Rollins end fined the sum. 0141 and cost on Friday for 1.11invinee his horse to stand ,cin the eiflesvalk, Mr. Geo, Sanders who has been eojonrning in Manitoba and Califor- ma for the paet two years, returned nolne on Prida,y last, looking con - biddably impreved in health. judging from the number of new reside! ices now being erected in town, teat Exeter, ern lone, will become (hie of toe meet picturesque towns in teelado„ Posit and energy make neer town. • 1Vhet about a Nationalgame 'for Exeter i is time there •was it stir in this direetion. Organize a eeood, base hail emb uid join the [Laren ldilldleeex anti LarnbtoYutuig n League.. men make a start. • On Friday lastote sad accident be - fel the son of Dr. ;A W. Beowaing. It appears the lad 'was in the.' hay loft, and b,y some means accident - may fell from the loft to the floor below, breaking his left arm in two lelacee. He is doing as well as can be expected. The Jubilee of GaLLOS,0070 14:03n- A1r' will be Due this week. It Will a book of 32 paw, with, pieterea on neatly every page. Every picture to appealis either eriginat or 12 be- ing speeially re-preduced for this iseue, and there will be, a great do- nated for it. It will be 'for ,sele in 1 ad bookstores, Or can be hail bv eieu me JO cents direct to Gan' 0111- .1[1'. 33. N. Bueliabau, son-in-law of tfr. .01 '1. 0/ kins, of thee town, succeeded. in passing his examination ne etadent at Knox College mid Univereity, evith eirst-olass helloes. JIa so met, bee Rattly i.preyed the delivere appearenee of Ana prOperty b the doet..00- t art o WOOL Was d at FixOteP Wt1.91011 addition et a new picket fene Mr, Pickard, ef the firm ef Sam,: weU & Pielcart;1, has a cherry tree itt hie garden Winch ,ha? 4 fine lot of riPe eherros oh,•Alio is the first et the aettatin, Ne#1 The teachers or Wes e Huron will hold their ,smuleaminel institute meeting here, this week, on Thurs- day and Friday June fith and 10th, beginning at $ o'clock e. m. Wm. Honsten, M. A ParliamentarY lib- rarian, has been eppointed by the deParturent te act liter, and will deliver a lecture this Thersday evening ou fTdectitienal Maxims;" to commence at 8 o'clock. Chome mueic may be expected. Rearegula- tion all the teachers of the division are to be present, Trustees and others interested- in education are cerclially inveted, Two young lads by the. roune -of Flowarcleand .Phair. left here last, we* for London in/ search of work, and. both stopped at the City Arms Hotel in that city. In the evening on retiring to bed, Phaii had about $3.5g winch he tied up in the corner of his handkerphiel and placed back into his pocket. On rising in the moteinele he Ives surprised to find Howled: lted fled, and also the money. X'hair plaeed the case iu the bands, of one of the Police, who in a short time had Howard in the cooler, and made him disgorge. the amount. The P. M. gave him ten days. eA.t Osgood° Hell, Toronto, last Friday, an important point was rale, ed n regero the Scott Ant, On motion tor certiorari to bring up coeviction under the, Act, it was con- tended that Scett Act is repealed and is riot font) in at*, county in Ontario, foe the following reafrion : The Donamion statutes have beau isened in a new form under the name of the Revised Statutes of m Caeada, and by theall oid statutes consoli, dated therein lia,Ve been repealed and re.-ineeted in. revised form, but it is cleizned that the Seat Act once repealecL eyelet he re-enacted ex-. cept. by the voice of the neople, and lieving been r0p0,01.0d is not in force Mitit it has Veen 'again voted upon, The .0in:twill be argued, fully on 'the return of the certiorari. The sfepe which have been taken by the merchants 'lad badness men of the county' fur the protee.ion ef theie bnemees liene. hioe k t% ail it peddlers, and to impose a i-ezense fee of $200 Rem this iniquo us praetice, are very eigni fluent. At a meeting at Clinton- recently, Mr. Geo. Barnwell, or the firm, of Samwell Pickard, of this village, wonted the chair, It was deoided to /Lek the county counoil, now in se/ffo lea ft et, I ()route, Clic%filiesleicell'utn°deirnetrlieetself,atIl wker's Peddlars Act to $200, and a com tee Ives appointed to lay this import, ant matter befure this lionorable bedy, when the council will, we have no doubt, fairly ard imparti- ally, clinsider the matter. We be - Lee Lded. in securing the Ma. Bare it is ia the interests of all Ile Dehuld Scholarship Medal of O. Classes that the reqpest to be pre- ta.k" chavga at. Stonirville eir- ferret' by the business men shout] / ming us summer v./Leaden' Mr, Dachau= gives pronfise of mak- 15 shining mark iu lite. What mieht ha,v0 resulted in a salons and fatal accident, happelied to Mr, ROW: Hohnee, editor and neoprietor el: the Clinton New Era one day lest week, by being thrown , out of a buggy in whiebehe was ride itig, througo. the breakneg of, the L asses of the eommunity Ito intim- king-holt, ethic e allowed the front or ed, ende the revenne of the county the rig to droji 00 the road M • be eranted, As matters now.etand piri•cluisers are centieuntly, being swindled and cheated by irreepon- eible., but smooth-tongued, pedlars , , , of one kind and another • the money le tweet] OUt ot the comity, and the honest, tax -paying merchant is de- prived oil the legitinia,te businees which should. eome to him, Both liohnes fortunately escaped whh but te ruined coat aud fiefew bruiset. The following 'is the additional list of statio1e4 of the Loudon con- terenee, now in sessien 'FArnia. the same being subjeet to roision •-• Exeter Districa—Maiu W. Street. J. Pascoe, D. D ; &eta (S)sme% k treat), Jamee Graham ; Park A. G. Harris ; Eliinvilte, Wm, Pen - hale and ,T. E. efoliaes ; Centrelia, E. Kershew ; Crediton, D. AL Ken- nedy.; Birr, W. Qualm° ; tryti fi- ston, IL W. Crews, 13, A ; Alelreee, S. W. Mite -worth - LS not cxt1nueec, to any Appreciable degree, If theste, pertiee must do businees in this ' tinbusiness-like way, ,they ehoold be'required to pay hataisomely frothe privilege. 'It is with deep regret filet Nve• tire called upon ,thia week tO 011T011.iele the death of Rev. G. N. A. F. T. Dielesen, a former pastor of the eqain street lelethediet Chiltern, O.Wil/g to il.1 health, ?.tr. Dickson was- .0mi:soiled to withdraw Tema active duties and took tip his eeeiddice London,' Out, where he has sine tema'hied. ontal death remoyed bim fons the Midst of many waaan • , . ; Grand .13enfl; Wiig been in BallYslisenon, c' minty huid, Itussar. fi, 0 deceased clergymen Donegal, Ireland, in 1825 ; owning IVe call the attention Of en' le, ,to this country in 18-17 an settling tending to insure th,l,ir residences 111 St' ;John .1'. 13- where 1 to give Moesrs Weatcott 8andorS a tall as they repreeeetttlre best end. wealthiset Fire and Life' Insureace Conipeuiee in the W '1011 ILCI foe end catered the IVIethodiet min- 1st/et, being. caelai lied ha 1851 and ee- eeived tato' conneetioo at the Con/bee:lice held hope in la55 Di _leiro o. ere eree jigut fbr eee wipe rne; hie tog fled eiteceseftil eateer he Iams'e; Real Estate. Agency,or bo,. had been stationed in litoutteal, don, and have ay.,' nutribt:r of farms Hato il ton, Niagara, Oehae and ether property in any put efL5IV1 St- Joh,St, Tiioniits, ' Canada or the United State e, . l'erlde" ' t1wre 11" tha a ill, 01)0 card where. for ° sale on reasoimbl ratee and tonnstationedatExeter 18e%8. 5 .Olive w'WhiM • Goo, moir,. rormoorwincipat of the $t, Mary's' P.thlic Se,hoolN but for the last few s years editor endi peoprittor 'of the Exeter '12111eotor,. niurried te St,..Mary'S last. week, , itied intende to petinanentlyelocate he the stone Own, He etady prostrated , by hemorrhage be the wigs mid was compelled to abandon his good work,- being superannuated in 1880., Mr. Dickson loves 8,ivid- oW, the dattg,hter.of Rec.:John Baiter ,pe Brightolle Eiigranil, itn,l live 1I0 tetiset MeIl of marked. _ability and scholarly, attainment, and his deecase wilt be. 'regretted bv ' ' • J e past week, Last Vriclax night our residents iwOre forced te their doers by the IMO stains PlusiC V14ich ein- iniettal from the tOWn hand, We llndertitand Oat" Rev, W. PaSe9e, oflMain-Street, Exet.eq inns'. been' 4ppohilt44 tho geuerdkoriforprwo pre4i0Pot Londowdistrict. The Bishop a Huron has is- sued a pastoral Ordering a jubilee service throughout the diocese, on Sunday, June 19th, offertories in aid. of the mission fund. Rev, Mr. Thtimpson, of Ifen- ealL'occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church here last sabbath and delivered a fthe dis- coure to large congregations. Volunteers will do well to re- member that when called out to annual drill or to camp they are expecte(' to be there, and those who are not will be treated as de- serters. Mr. ..Tustiee Armour delivered judgement on Friday, discharging the quo vananto summons against theyeturn of Mayor Dougherty„ of the town of Mitchell. Mr, Dougherty therefore retaia his seat. It is currently reported in town and country that a prominent grain buyer of this villag•e has left for parte unknown and leaves behind him a list of mourners tac- tile extent of many thousands of dollars. In the absence of tho pastor. W. Pascoe, who was attending conference, Mn John Renton, ef this town, occupied the pulpit of dai at, church last Sunday', morning, and Ilorrioe 'Pollock in:, the evening delivered an able. discourse. ' The plan for the "Trivia Mem- orial Churc1'? areeexpected to be, ready by the latter part of this week, When complete it will be one of the finest churches of the diocese of Huron. Work will be beanie at once, and tlfe btiMing ro<3fed in by the end of October.. The following delegates have been appointed by their respectiee sobools to attend the annual Sabe bath school convention to boliel at Goderich on June I51h and 16th inst: jarnes 'at., Messrs, 0. Snell, W. J. E, Roberts, J. 3. Pickard, Illessclames Gra- ham, Pickard and Miss Oke. We shall be pleased at all timet to . receive any items of iiews of Bev, kind from any pei•son,.. sci if you have a fat uncle, a lean aunt, a. short nephew on a tall cOuein, and -in fact it friend of any kind, visitineeeither at your home or away from home, drop in. at the .4‘,Dvoo.An office, Exeter, and let, us know all about it. The debt of $2000 on the *par- sonage of the Presbyterian church,' of -this town, has. (haring the past week, been completely Raid off by liberal contributions of the mem- bers. Not only -has the -debt an the' parsonage been paid and other expenses met, but there is on hand the handsome sum of .$2,00: Four members sub‘cribed the serif+ of $1,000, and the members and friends of the church. are to be eongratulated upon their success - efforts in their. unclortaking. . le Geo. Maneon, boot and maker, havrernoved his busi- to hie new etand, oho dobi• h of, the postotlIce, main st,, ; re he is showing a fine steak eady-made boots and shoes, ble ,for gonts, ladies, bo,yal and the ba.biee. Hie Store can oral neat and .his etock fully arraeged, As Got- is ninarried man, ahd not much &inted with children, 110 says he eliall.be plfatee snpply all theAlabies tersvtl feet wear. 0a11 and see •leim M shoe. toss sant of r snita girls, is el taste an n acqu cd to with 1 The Royal Templars perance intend holding it grand 'union piceie in Mr. Kirke grovo, itt Kiektone on IreidaY Thine dtle St. 'Mary's, Rirkton alid Exeter' Are going. Wee undmetand ebout eeventy-tive evil go from Exeter The ladies' are. preparing • some extra Line edibles. The pro- gramme will consist of' short ad- dreSges, skto,„ alsO (croquet- ae. 10'4 irlends, both 01 Mid 013 Of '111d other gemee 110 previdel, by ;ill. Ile Moir be renteenbeeedithe,Cintrch for which he fio• faith- ..eki Se' itqA;)t rid ti ord; tesident end lanai minister:1e fie I fatly in awed, Aire, Dicktioft mid ' ' their opponent daring the f8eott Act faintly vete o the let felt greptoy tune t.xpc..,*ted s all. Tile Ortuipeign, Prior to leaving for Tti6 of -owe .05ey friends le eete ewe,lyiTempiors* hero hava h' lieW honsel he was made the help -eat leunity, me, thalami w unieeee, fitrieng council • of nv or a puree centainieg a sum or Wotio rtoritItis Nemo, ./.1ejak.fie neqqattitOtl. 111 'With- whom lie linlittred spoelta WelidtOt Egotor, B•orse huyera tQvirn this week. Qatt the .2`,2nd inSte 4 "111 1-' „festival Will be livid under the ntiepleOS of the liadie.4' Aiti 0 Main -street Methodist „churP4, P41'0011141'4 I•101# week. The various remits Of the nubile school here will be closed to -day (Thursday) and Friday, owing to OP, absence or the teachers wile are At- tending the Teachers Conventitai whichisbeing held in the public sehoOl in: title town, • The pulpit of james street 1VIethoclist church was supplied last Sunday morning by Mr. T. 11artil01,, *Who delivered 1 a very prodictiaf and illanteative address, and in the evening was ably filled by Mr, Lewis Arawn,, both of B.2.;eter. We wait good, live and reliabli* correspondents for the following places; Exeter North, clrecliton„ Hensel], Dashwood, Centralia; Kirkton, Zurieh, Elimville, Woocihum, and Ichiva, and to whom ell enaterial required feir corresponding will bo furnished upon application,. Write at once for paper and envelopes and coln- mence work and eend us -all the items of news transpiring .in yoter neighborhood. Personal. A. RiShop, M. P, P, was in town on Monday, lootin€,,r bate and hearty'. Sam Vail lett for England in com- pany with a drover of cattle. Lawyer Collins left Monday after- noon for Toronto, dn. business. Aleeers. W. Brock end VIT. Routley, of Usborne, have gone to England on a, visiting tour, Arts. John Redy, or St. Mary's, is visiting her father, Mr. Hays,,of the .Metropolitlan house, Exeter... The Misses Puddicombe and Snell, of London; Ont. are the .guests of Mr. George Saniwell, of this village. , James Ramsay left for Toronto in search of woriq ni is an expert at the printing and we wish him suc- cess. ; e Messrs. 33enj. Higgins ,and Solo- mon Manning, both of.Exeter,, have gope to Manitoba on a prospeeting tour and if they become suited, will no d'oubt locate there. Thos,,Einnlin and wife, of Exeter, left Monday meriting on a visiting .tonr among friends in Europe. They expect -tie yfsit Germany. and ether places before rethrning. Mrs. Ohes. Perkins reterned home on 'Friday front Eurlingtbn; Halton County, where she had been paying. the last respects to her deceasect eisteeeiellavi, Mrs. Mr. Adam , Whiteford, elder of Caven. Church, ,a.xetele left Monday inerning.for Winnipeg, as a detonate to attend, the General Asseni[2ly. which it in session in thr.t place. ' Ieeven and wife, of Arkonae, ate thee now officees' now in com- mend oithe Salvaticn .Arin 7 corps hero, Oalitaiii Sharpe having gems home to: 8r. Thomas, -*for 'the re- cuperation, of health, and., the cadet has gone to ,take 'charge of corps in wyomipg... ' Feaebxeaex----Cotionerte—At. Oluireh, Limerick, on Tneeday,. May 31st utt„ by Rev. gather Kelly, Mr: te'Planeigan,,of Dakatce, to tfiss Atare.;, eldest daughter of P. Coughlin, ,Eeq.,.Khiva. Citeetesefeeexs—Rohetts.—At the • residencethe 1)ride'i fatlitie on the 31st tilt., by the. Rev. %T. Chart- ton,•Mr. G. CruikShaaiks, or Wing; ham, to Miss Cassie, seeotal daughter ,of James gegen, Esq„.„ of Stephen township, • Az...untews---CAss.vnv.—At the reei- denee of Mt Janice- IL 1paithaire, on. Wednesday, aline 1St, by the Rev. S. F. ltobinsom rector of theist elitireli; Exeter, Win, John Lousia CassadY, both of Goderich. reeeeeeteeee,,,sesaaleeseeeeeee.....eeeee,:eeeee thrrt), (II fill, full 1-11 iv 4 Advertisotnents inserted limier nes hetenek : at Throe] Contg 101e scsiinsCrtion. A fine line of tiehtthes, worth $4,- 50 tad aced, to .$3,5O, tot 000 month, SOirirre0rf8,, Main-et,Ilzeter, Vilv, Life and Accident Insurance 'on the most *walled pleas, awl ite echeap as the oheapeet IFresteott Sanders, ..A.Lents, Xx.eten 1iVP111.0 14011.1 Gra n and Insect Powdet 1.1,. Sommtpr's dtos stem, Mitin,stroet, It.:vetet', j u;i1-111. Pam ies infenlih4 pinth 001 or . tem t 1tfl el operty 0/1) re,./(0,Ated v011.01: t....)1sito4,100,1 with kt, estuott Suoiletee, Real Estate •Agetits, EN:eter, 4. J. Snell, ERCHANT TAILOR West sill e)1414-st., Exeter, Ci-ood Fit g.unranteed, Tategt Styles of ,Goods kept 44 Atock. ; A C*C „ Stittt, PHOTOGRAPHS! 'km JOSPIT SENIOR having purchased the business of Chas. Senior, wishes to. in— form .the the public that" he can be founcl At the Old stand . Main Street, Eieter. The Ilinest Cabinets in the uourre ty. Elegant Finish, Gopying and Enlarging 'done on shortest notice. J Si * New- Premises E ;Atoll]. Respectfully reminds 1 is many OtistOmers and. thev ptblie generally, that he has rfee , • nib ved to • ' 1118- H17i STACill • ' —XEXT • 312'40.M Cirgo:0* Main Wpm', EXETER. 'Where he • Ihs just received —A— . • WELL ASSORTED STOOK•OF READY -MAK, f .7"7-=10038 LSHOES• ALSO Raucl'ma'ae work of the highest Olass. A Trial Solicited; and. Satisfaction Guaranteed p - VIM ,ilf4,14.1iTra ••••••••••••••• zeseee, Jane 3, 2557. 111410 Avetat eer !Awed (1141)1 0,;1' tultsO ssl Sr- Wias:apssr.busssen„...,„... 84 to 0 rtt eeriee Wm, ha1. . • 0 SO 0, fit .1121.10y vor101010.. sti to 1:1 attt -Qgti p(rbttopt...— ..... 3) So itt PeaP VIOL • Ir • • • # 4 e. 000 0) 0 41) Ilay per 00 0, 10 ° 13utter lior „ ....... 100 to14 1142.1).cr 00 ,01 11Ides per 54. .. . .. . (NW (I 1 aloo_p .11 yyq tei ItYOUl por ,,, .'0,.D 00 to 0 0 $41tpor 05,1 ., it 00 to 09 Potatoes 1,or 0 to 05 Apple, por bosliol„„ .... (5 0) to 0 natolualVor0bIr. 1„ 55 oo to el TOkW\ • •••• • • • • • 0 t • • • • • • 1 e • 4 00 to ,ork 10s, PA.• , Qt 00 to 12 0) rtgoo por tio.1 •••• i• 09(5 .100 01) rci* 4-D PEI/a S ; IINSOft Exe —GO TO— A.. }TASTING' contra! ratt r;isfc St6ving5 Hair Cutt'ng Shampooirg, Hair Dy * , e4,c. raise Work a spothauty, 8,11MPACTION 61aUflRP1WIEED„ Paptoed Moak, VX.Irrt FL -41 04'11:11 fa' Lvtg ' 0 - 0 00 00 to" 17) cf) 4+;.1 0 • 16,7" 1 FAO 041? tee