HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-06-09, Page 4" Th o ixefor Advocate., TOMAS PA$11101iF,, vanaeevellataeaerroec an /CZ 211444 &met, .7e,reter: TFIITRSDAY, (311V,I. 9, 1887. atiL UT4TORZ. We begin, the, publication of this paper. in response to many Urgent requesta,. and beeeuse we bedew that there. is le, field for a Journal whielp shall serve as-. a. fru as for frehli and r'eliable home Lew s and opinions relatina to all ithUesiuotions, one a which is the great movement, that has eommeneed, ler the. annihilation of the liquor traffic. by the advent of total prohibition, We are quite rognizant of the xesponsibility at - (mein er the management of ft newspaper, and. sSue •this, the first number, with thaprenounced bitrUor o ectnauctthg and pub-. liehing, a paper which will meet the wants of the peoPle of Exeter end surrouneliPpe country; The paper will Lem:Inducted 'on -Reform prineiplere mid will give that p a hearty eupport; believieg t principles adVocated " by party are hest calculated to varice the interests of the eoun We'shall ebstain from publish Petty personalities or reflect upon private conduci, and cons hJi only be meted out. m hen it is de=erving anchvben the cause is sufficient to justify the action, Every meanie) which has for its oiject tho proaretionof virtue a the elevation of mankind will fi in the AnvocATE a cordial at warm Suppere N-Vill;accord every man the right to. think f himself, and no iv* shall et degrade the ,eolumus of this pap to the.level of a vile accuse 'We shall endeavorto condu 'Abe paper by the same .rues o arty that' that ad - try. lag ion ure Tne St7peesTeON o Aiderma4 As TIM 14:11.1111 &at c011y Of A. TlIZ BiPX:011. 14 Agali.4 gUrrent- INper,orTerento, thatthe P.overn- ItOW Liher41 neWapaper whieh bas that 3Tr, Plalwis going •tq retire meat, of Canada follow the ex, just been sterted in the thriving from the leedee-ghip of the Libeaal Ample otthe Goverpment 0 India Ind PrOsPereusvWge of party, 14 is not hard to apt we preset it tct the puhlie and ramor of this lcind, nor is it dial- aele their support and co -opera- eult to Lind reasons why Mr. tion. The paper is pot all we in- Plake would desire rest and free, tend it to be, 9s the difficulties dem from the harassing duties of convected with “getting' into the leader -ship. gr. 13141e ac- 8114pe." are ineny and greet. ,We eires to see tnings done deceetly who had been a leng,time confined expect, howeveke r,to mamaterial: and right, and if he had hie war, and ;whose .familiea had suffered. improvements from .thoe to time, would give the country a. eleen In such, cases. the Government be- end .premise that if SUCcOSS shall p,"017134.00101.1t. fore ordering their 'release paid be attained by hard arid faith their debts.. -eoliticitl offenders fu l work in 'looking after'the Tnn'eELEoTIoNS for the Legis - also were ia some instanees re- generelinterestS of the community lature in Eastern and Western leased. Fortunately, Canada li4s then we shall have it. •The sub- Al oma. take 1 and eelehrete the iebilee 1)7leasing a vertali Pumber9f prison - era, is a bed on% In India the prisoners released were flebtors,• not criminels, and were generally debtors foe a very small amount, •p ace on July Ith, f cm if apy such prisoners. U.'he scription price, of this papers will the 0Q1Ifinations being 04 June releasing of.prisoners is only pos- be one dellar ayear, paid in ad,. .23rd, These elections were not sible, as a rule, where -the govern* vane°, but to meet the hard times held at the time of the general ing and gpveraed classes are epa- and ensure for it'a general cireu- elections, because the law pro- rate, as ie.i1Imore.or less despo- lotion, we will send this paper to vides that for the convenience of the electors they, shall be held in the summer menthor The Liberal candidates are the. ex -members, :Messrs, Conmee and. Lyon, and it is likely they will ho re-eleeted. tically governed countries and do.. any address in the 'United States or the Dominion of Caneda from now to the first of January,I888, for the small sum of fifty Lsents, postage paid. he make the jubilee year any- Tun "OstuPArox" of, Mr. W thing but a happy one for the. liam O'Brien in Canada. is at teerteral community, end. Beginning with a wretch fizzle, its history would have be Tire RRPORT of the Ontario a series of Bzeles, scarcely heal Bureau of indastri"s for May as of except through the shamele to tire conditicel of. the .crops, is lying -of certain news -papers, b fairly: satisfactory in regard to peedenema. The Government seeks to make itself iopuler by this.ineans, and to reclaim politi- cal( offenders by kindness.. TO turn loose 4 lot of thieves would an ed en to forsake their allegiance and rush into the arms of the 'United ss States. According to the Meet - reel Gazette the effects to get up even a public meeting on theedie- allowance question proved a fail- ure. The pews we read is much safer guide to what the papers that publish it would like than to the actual facts of contemporary history, the mo'boof Toronto and Itingeton - inost of the agricultural staples. came to itia l -aid, stoned him into Fall wheat, however;is an except- notability) erie gathered a crowd ion,pinch of it having beeo win- .pf eight thousand peop]a. in ,Mon-. ter -killed, The frequent faiLuie trete, one eight to hear- him, In of fall wheat is no doubt clue to spite, of the Ontario riotees, how. the climatic clanger, caused by ever, at the end of Mr. O'Brien'e the :makes !thinner in which mission the position of oanadiaes etocoapiso To Tee AMerican papers a civil war is brewing in Manitoba oyer the disallowance %motion, and the people are About rid latr Perti°21s'a the countryhave on the Lugeacurran eviction ques- nd I been denuded; of trees. cT The. Plnx” tion xemains exactly what it was 'imity of -.F.,,,msts is a peotection to t° youog trees in more ways than at the beginnieg. We have heard or one sidof thenase, stated in the one. They prevent the snow from rn (nu violent way; e the other side drifting, and distribute moisture. is debarred feom entering intr?the whit.1). itt.&'6 Man 'WOVE regula his cowl tiet, and shall not wittle ly give, ,currency to an untrutl but if we inadvertently do so, wi endeavor to repaie the wrong. 'W will endeavor to be; fair to oppo »ents and true to friends, We d not propose to inake everythin that shall eppeae in these column square to our Own theories, bu 'will he willing to give place to views which may differefrom.onr own when Attay, tere-So stated as to waithy of consideration. ly0 linpo to make this paper the wor- thy exponent,. and ADVOCATt of that reat metesment—Probibition --that isnow begienieg to form, and at the stone time to make its eontente svatied• and luteresting , net(' insure for it, a..„general circu- lation There is a 'tiite eleld for melon and. eveeymie 'eau assist in the onward merch to, Victory. ftek for the Anymereethe ective aid of all who wish to see such a paper firmly establislied, and trust they will not be satisfied with or- deri»gehe paper themselves, but will try te obtain foe it other subscriptione and order. We will die out utmost :!t� nthetnee the interests of Exeter peeticulatatod the sttrrounding. cottutry in gentral,eand solidit the hearty eo-op.,anation arid support of the public. Tszio1Ltg IiAtgOrin. Net Beefee took the emend 11110 Tensible view in objecting„to the Adjournment of the liouse for the ,puepoae O .evelcOming Governer Laiiclowtie back to Ottawa, The members ef Parliament are there to do the bueineee -"ot the aountry, /Mt to fool 6.Avay valuable time in *rarity fottnalitlea, ThOte le;v ho are partici:dal:1y aexiotes *leetvry their adthitatiOn 'of the tot.Pntor will have plenty of op( Typt;:ir it% tO do SO Wittiont inter. itoi. A 41301 publie beleincete„ evenly. The sooner tekindiscrim- controversy, and the jury to which ieate destruction of. what. timber .1.1.r 0.13rien: appealed cart aaly, is yet remeininge in:the • settled' eondemn himself for making ac - part. of Ontario is :stopped, and soMething done to repair the dam- t7,11,:tsi7.reewyhi.eioreu'iltinntolltei-;emtiu.eprel.eoefi, age by extensive planting .on. land to that is hot well adapted for crops the. better for.our.agriculteralin- Me, Tnomesox's oamend.11 terestse Ib the meantime it is the Feanchise-A.ct turnseettt to 1Je surprising:, in view of the irecplen t a ,most untust and iniquitous pre- C failure of fall wheat, that farmers pose]: The whole•country know.s k will continue to sow this,uncer-. that by Stuffing. the preliminary tain crop so lar el kNoTritit ease of mob violence mising put oPthe enforcement of the Scott Act is reported, A crowd of two hundred persons at Arthtir obstructed and assaulted ; with clabS a party of constables e who went to make' a.seizure fee a 0 P J. .l)(JR140 17,UZ. M.Q.N3-1-1 .OF JUNE', W. _S19,41; pf EA DY - MADE CLOTHING,. Collsistillg of laN'S AND POTS' OVERCOATS AND SUITS, Also YOUTHS and BOTS! Suits, L.. above will be offered At nost priees, for prompt ea$11- Don't fail to see, them. This offer is ,O make room( for coming Fall and -Winter Goods. ..SAMWELL: AND PICKARTYS,r CREAT fine ;"7-1 f-% I , ne of $11N inflicted on a violator 1,0f the ant. The course of those., 1 fomenters of the connivers at mob law in Toronto, for whom the Week speaks when it save it can - tot affect sortow because a man was mobbed, had done a great teal to give an impetus to a enotal :spirit of lawlessness. Some of these men are themselves. War,X WItg...Ces-ene have as Governor -0 oneral 'one. of her own eons? .e...re there, no .thildren • o this soil fit for the positiemle Cer- tainly we could hve;in peace with either Sie John or Edward"' Blake as the dinfierliverAoeial star and figuee-head of Canadian.. affairs, At worst onr quarrels would theit be our own.; grid "ireportealeuds• would not rend the aed, political life of,this youngemtion, NS hy not cease the rain strivings and name -callings which mak e-th word.'"Canadian" a sneer and re proa.alll Mere is not in the whole • lists of the Oonseavativezi secured ``agitatqrs," and an „iormous iteeaneage ie the. re, I may yet e experience•in their own eent•elections. The country Imo' ws persons the effeot of their per - as well that many of the men nieious. teite,hing. • elected .on ehose stuffed lists, and against whom petitions a. pending, are•boued to be unseated end tlfrown, again upon the pee- Witleepe rifled and perfected: lists, some of tlise filen are hope- less of re-electiOn. Mr. Thom peoti, therefore, proposes to deelmee on the pretence of economy; that the. pyesent lists shall hold good for another- year and that the 'by- e elections shall be held upon.them, - It is but another step iti the Government's d.doperate comply( acy to hold power at. the cost, of anY,saorilice violation of right or coetempt of deeency. It is to the mantle/ that tin Opposition shall fight to the death this ne,w ()Large upon the, consti- tummies and the Liberal party. le eiow of "Bnglishrseeaking Canada, are imetalse of disloyalty to ouv native; or adopted land:: Our querrels ere largely of &reign birth, our feuds those of eentueies.;ago, our ambitioes those whichare neither local nor feeble; andethis will' nob be chateged till we, live within ourselves aria for the good ,of the land that nourishes us. Vm Tnafl3t 110LoCA:i:vr, in causec by the burniug of the Opera Coinique Coneys the old but sadly iiegIeeted Waniog of the ure"ent need for :gator math ods of construction end adequate precautions ti,gainst lire in °tit plamee of public AM tmtnenit. There are resorts aM1 puhlip 1it11§ in this village where en 'egurcily -Paris1 Tne. Merett of Torenk has written a letter of remonetrance tceMinister Carling, whose' policy as head 'of the Immigratien De- partment. appears to be to fill the , i country with immigrants, no mat - 0 ter how sick, infsrm or incapable of . - - making a livitfg on the land they i Di1Aa4211"1 IN .inay be. Theiropertetion of deef 1 ?WTI:1 and EEED, mut teetisans is the latest expedI. - iefit, one it is this branch of the 1 Of ail"- kind 8. Government policy whielthas cell.; Beenkfaot. Corals,. Oil Caltee ed 'forth the presenefprotest. I Grown] li'laxe end' Ilmpire 4 — ' ' — , e Cattle Feed away% On ..41.1Ttil*STION 15' thiLL.LI) t0 tAtt''' Are,the Summer- IN GENTS' CLOTHING-. And; if 'you want tlse. best' (mode and a perfeet lit gearanteerre. reeve .your measure, with me and secure it., Wi-,SOUTROOTT„ • Mercherit. Tail* Ex6t0r, hand' disasteous calamity limy lia . , number of fine displayed adver- i. . • , ppen 1 any day .thould a fire brear out tioetnents in ties issee, The goods r°°'s -)E.L'vt"tt% Piltkt: , during an enteetaienient; or even whielt the merchants atiyertise ere oe' peAledt,. fillOttld groUtuliess ararth ,yjc that ?verY, 0116 needs; Mel, a eo .ene shotud, fail to tea slam 4 rush of the audience to ti JOHN MoINNEg 16 am take,talvautago tdeir extra- ' cloor., ordinary. offers, ST, 1,?,,Xtrtte. Spring pp° bzii tun m er goo . For the nty„t: thirty day ' 9 , •When we shall offer New Silks, colored and black; New DrCISS Goods, all shades;. • New Prints, New Gingains, New Muslins, Faiicy and whits; New Scotch and English Tweeds, New Eats and Caps, , New,Boots and Shoe sf New Ready Made (nothing, NEW MILLINERY: ALL LATEST STYLE, Pull line of etroceries Croielizery. :AID the, above goods will be offered at greatly reduee(l'rutvs, so -as to alear antl. inalce room for Fall .Invoitation, .71740•=tfirrabwr1rwrssierMIMemfmnillMosqwWwiar ilfifiER 4AI) EViS Vf*f.tie 4.9 3. Matifieson 9 . ' EXETEA NORM - OuriStoolt is, well b_ssortert for the •settseres trade. Low ptteeS atainteire. GROCERIES,—.1.6 lbsAugar for $1:00 ':-13n5s, white sugar for $1",'00: • ohnif.beuuderselVin Tettt.frhiti• 9,0ete 75e. per lb.. Bootst Shoes (aIlltyles) at ' Wetly ussorted stoefoof $11411:4-vraals:, FOIMS, SOY-171ES and GLASS 000; LES, Wanted at the Ekerer Woolen Mills, ny them wishing to nutuurnehro Weir lenet wattltt stty that.our prieN tvo lower than' irver this s ear. ,V1211 wool Matikots roduel.a.• front .3,00 to :::1,50 per stir, parties 'wishing to ezehttego, ire Amulet' sv Ulu we hue itvezy haus; stook otittedietri , tweeds, niade out nr the ar4ST,,SEILZOTE:13 0 .`itIADIAN,.. • WOOL. Alqo fine Tweed, dry. 0nc1.1 Cheelted 1P1atners, 131anit- ets,, Yarn, Sheetinos . ete. We also mitko . . -,..• f . a special feature of . PA 11 CY 'BO SPREA'DS,-. ' Give iiS a call and inspeet • Mir • 8trie,IC 1.)010170 goilig 440Witere ; It . itil sizes (tamp ) " Best Mae blue t011; wilt ' # dOci, tut' sot, Coot Off us tow. Ito too towost, I slat YOU. MOlitY, i�e Tea.Sett oc44 pieces;. Q:75. it oi,ig:Seranii"tstiittiptsf :Inl.pituftstinn.rte' ,Clafittfir 112trii:WS1.-18t.6:6471'''.4:8116'1(1)-iddNicr'strti:i,P7.k." 'COTTalleeri.:50t.clylids' Tor et;00's• A'hatiso tined, 5Ito 5 fattri for /We. 003, JOHN,MATHESON; ky.itypostamte. Christie Commercial, LIVERY. i' -', 1,,Itt3y '1"),l132,1 77,7;1 "40 4,0:4 • Vtrk P,igs tinti fltfrathl'Prtt-oluzi. itZ'Orders loft at the Itittek ;haw ti,stite, or tli4.1iable will he prairitills' 'rgItAti3# 50 ^t: '4 r.