The Advocate, 1887-06-09, Page 1TIM PAPER,
.4x,0 AIPPIMS*
.j tes United §tateeprAlnerlea,
Fifty Oents
Subsornt_ ,Now.
6!vtor Nrociff,
pablished every Thuredayoznorn.
lug A tJU3 Age, Omer of
John and liain-st Exeter Ont
One dollra, year if paid in advance; $1.60 if
not so paid,
Advertising Rates on App//at/on.
No paper discontinued until all arrearages are
paid. Advertisements without specitle direc-
tions will be ptilallehed till forbid and tharged
at cenlingly. <1<theral discount made for trans -
tent advertfeements inserted for long periods.
Er ety deserIptioh of JOB PAINTING turn.
iin fin
nt out the est style of the art and at
..iltoderate rates. Cheques, money orders, .tc,
for advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be made
VsYsJile to
... ,
Editor and Publisher,
girraGinnt Cnonen.-James street, Rev. J.
4Srahant, pastor. Sunday serylece, 10.30 a, an,
mid 6.80 p. m. Sabbath school, 2 p. 8t, Pray-
or meeting Thursday eveniatr at 7,30.
iilArs sixeitp.-...Rev. W. H. Vasco°. Pastor.
:,4untlityzervices, 10.80 a. an. and 0,30 p, m.
Sabbath school, sew p, in, Prayer mooting,
'Plittretisty evening at Too. Young reoPies
prayer theetingTbureday evening at..7..10.
PILloirrEILIAN eintneti. -Any, W. If, Mar-
tain. pastor. Sundayan
serViom. 0
es, 11 a. and -
.30 p. tan Sabbath school, 10 a, . Young.
l'outas ilraYer tu6s4h174'. Whttratlay evening, at
5 41.;. Bible, TufesOov cram ng, tit suelock. •
EPisCOPAL Cnracti.--Rev. S. F. dtoblhron,
Iticfnobent. Sunday Services, 11 a, tn., und
'7 p, la ; tiahbaut benotd, 2;30 p. ah,
.•At V.,12110X ARam.--stthdaystomta ees, 7. in.,
3 p. m. mipM
d 8 . ., cervices ovary uhrbt, dui,
lir, the u eelt, n't, 4 oVIOCk, noiatoes tneethnc
t t).1 a. naen fittunity.
Business and ther 'Cards;
T W. liRCIUNING. M. 1)., M. *C. 1', S.,
U alt<1.1.117ATE of Victoria University. °Moe
and rwldenee-.11otainion Laboratory, h'xetur,
Ont. ' June, 9-'S7-
for the Tillage uf Esetor, and the County of
Huron. A.1 orderepl0.ttpvt1 attended to.
meiotic, P.0 Ont.
A. Bislrop,I.,It'ENSED AuCTieNEER rou
the Townshbos of llay 'and Lisburne. All
<orders promptly „ttellued to .
SIdieilor of Sni'ircoie Gourt otOnittrio. Cr3M.
M68101.02% Co n V11(.01Oinit0,—NOXt. dour
Sj Pickards. 'Exeter, Ont. Money,
to bran at vow hownnt, vnt,Ps.
tit, 8,„ extracts teeth
it ttnettt poin by airing Vita*,
ellAir, or using the new hod Anmethetic
tki gums, Mame Cold Fillings, and all other,
,,,tiittil wntk tho posb14,e. Gees to Zurich
.11;4 Thursday in each noAnth,
1,,,aa, Real Estate and Steamboat Agents.
We,day and relthio .Fire and Isfe Insurance
Cumpbuice Repre,e.nted. A,ty. amount of
molter to loop on in•st class mortgagee at -low-
est rates of inter.-st. General. Agents for
Huron Co., for A. 6. Williams Pc Co., real es-
tate tnrynt s, I.Onden, nearer Lineof Stonmen3
epteso ,ted, Wilco -James St,. Exeter, Out,
Hay. Famers': Mutual Fire
Insurance Company
3- beat ttid 5110aPeat 111Snnunne Company in
the buininion,,Oall do so by applying person -
illy, or by mad to the Undersigned. All sp-
.;...neations promptly attended tu. Also agent
1m the Wollingt(ni Company of Uncial).
Also AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron.
RV, An
June. 0-87. Zurich, Ont.
issuer of , •
VOL. 1.
)""''' •
. Sottespon.41once.
Very warm weather main.
The water io the river here, is
very low,
The flax crop in this vicinity
is supposed to be the hest ever
F411 and winter crops have
'greatly improved during the past
week owing to the much needed
showers ef ram.
FamUy pie-nicsond aocial clubs
ean• be seen mostly every menthlg
on their way to the Grand Bend,
where, no doubt, a my enjoyable
timi is spent.
The lad rain has had a benefi-
cial ellect on the •crops in this
neighborhood. •
A bra.0 new baby boy adorns
the home of Me and Mrs. james
Mr. G. Thompson has done it
at last, he has tied a knot with
Lt is tongue whiell lie cannot -untie
with his teeth, and put his foot in
it. His bride was Miss Moir, of
Hay, who looked charming. The,
ceremony was performed by Rev,
S. Aeherion, who la no novice at
such work, May peace and hap -
pines be theirs in their journey
down life's' turbid stream, May
storms or tempests never cross
the threshold of their domestic
happiness, and may their children
arise and call them blessed.
- Since the Late rains the crops in
this section have greatly improv-
ed, aucl-the prospect' for rt 1,,,•ood
yield of fall wheat is fairly el-
couraging, some pieces are already
heading ,out. Hay tplomises to he
et fair crop,
MATRIMO.NIAL.— On the 31st.
tilt, the nuptuals of Mr. F. Flan,
nigan of Dahotaeand bli,se Mary.:
Coughlin, of Khiva, were 'united
m the holy bonds of matrimony
.by Rev. Father Kelly. Although
the weather was unfavorable, , a
large number attended. The
couple after taking an interesting
and zetnewhat lengthy wedding
trip, intend to'repair to Dakota,
where the groom is the proprietor
of a large hotel. • A large number
of beautiful and valuable presents
with many wishes of joy and sue-
ceas were peesented.
' Stephen.
Miss May Rogers, teacher of
'Music and drawing, and cousin of
the bride, took the train the next
morning for London where she
purposes spending a few , weeks
before going to Winuipeg.
HVIVENEAL,—Al Gerrie, on the
31st ult., Mr. Geo. Cruileshanks,
f Wingham, formerly from near
oburg, WU married at the resi-
enece of the bride's father, by
Rev: J. Charlton, to Cassie,
econd.daughter of jas. Zagora
Esq., formerly of Fairfield, in the
: township of Stephen, in the
presence of about' seventy wit-
nesses. Mrs. Cruikshanks was
Made the recipient of a large
number of very beautiful -and
costly 'presents. After a eump-
thous dinner the newly, married
oouple, aCeorupanied by their
friends to the station, took the
train at 3 p. fer Toronto in-
tending to go to Coburg before
coming hack, The friends return-
ed 'to the house of Mr. Rogers
end saint a very pleasant time,
Life, < C.:1• rire b.:at:ince ;anent.
(Thee: West side of main -street - Exeter,
•i w8MOWING,
Main-st, Exoter.
Mr. and .Mre. Stinsore of
N.evada, U. S., are visiting friends
A mother of farmerein this
township have lately lost their
spring delta from esotee unknown
THURSDAY, J,UN .9, 087*
The cellar walls on which alh.
D. smith's new house 'is to be
erected, are all ready built.
Mr. Geo, Baird has purehased
the west half of lot 20, 3rd con,
from Mr, Thomas Fraser, and Mr,
Fraser has purchased the home-
stead lot 18, 3rd ion,
The following is the eerreet ac-
count of the standing oi the pu-
pils orS. S. No. 3, based on re-
gular attendarree, proficiency and
good 'conduct. The names of the
best three in each class is given -
4th class—Rechel Richardson,
Geo. Daintry, Ruth 1Licliardsoe,
411—Aueie Reid, LeniS Wild,
Eliza Reid. 3rd -111 aggie Scotch -
nom, Alfred Scotchtnan, Robert
Reid. 2nd—J. Peck, T. Reid,
Ed. Peek. 2nd part—Sarah Reid,
Marta Richardsen, Richard
Court cif Reviiien,--The Stan-
ley Council inet as a court of Re-
vision at the township hall,
Varna, oe. Saturday last.There
were no appeals against the
assesssment rel], and. it was ae-
oordingly confirined and The
court closed. The council organ-
izing the followiug the following
sums were allotted to be expend-
ed in improvements on s the
several roads in the township:
Concessions 2 and 3, $100; con-
cessions 4. and 5, $100; concess-
ions 6 and 7, $60; concessions 8
oncl9, 41,60; concessions 14 and 11,
$80; concessions 12 and 13, $80;
Sable Lino, $100; Parr to Gosh-
en, $70; Goshen to Bronson, $60;
Btonsoa to Sa,uble, $10; Camie's
side line, $15; MoGregor's side
line, $30; Sharp's side line, $15;
MeIlvin's side line, $25. Boyce!s
side line, e30; J obease's side line,
$10;a3.11eSair's side line, $20;
Baird's side line, $10; Reid,s side
line, $10; Beytiold 1004 ; 5 ();
Soeth boundary, $200, providing
Rey township gives an equal
amount; Dayfield boundary, $20,
providing Bayfield gives an equal
amount. Council then aljoureed
to niett again on Saturday, 18th
June next, at ono o'clock p. stie
On monday last ooe-of Mr. H.
Happle's fine sorrel, lihrses died,
He has the °mitredof drawing
70,000 bricks from J. 13, Foster't
brick yard to Seaforth, and after
toterning from the trip cso Mon -
clay, the horse 'died — Mr. Abra-
ham 'Wambold and wife arrived
bOme a few days ago frpro a trip
to Waterloo. --Mrs H. Heppel is
having his barns, sheds, and
stables painted. • Messrs, U. Rao -
doll mid F. Boesenberry have the
contract —About twelve o'clock
last Saturday night a tramp call-
ed at Mr. Wm. ,Voelket's house
and asked 'for, lodgings. Mr.
Voeleher at first refused to re-
ceive him, as he thought there
was not None but the inati plead,
ed so bard that he was at length
taken in. He remained over
Sunday and until Monday morn-.
ing. On Monday morning Mr.
'Welker, as is his custom, got up
early and waited it considettable
time for Mf, Tramp to get up
also. 33ut failing to put in an
appearanee, Mr. Voelker called
him to get up foa breakfast. This
he refused to do and :coninieneed
abusing Voelkeia using the
most obscene -and aboemrabel
language. At last he got up, and
as soon as he came out of hisetom
be attaeked, Me. Voelker .teost
savagely, and although he was
thrown upon the floor several
timea.during the tassel which -eti-
stied, ee refused to give :up until'
a eottple of the neighbors mole in,
%ben he hastily took his depart -
Mie Volker got a warrant,
for his arrest from Mr. Reith and
had Win hauled up and fined $5'.
The 'ungrateful wretch thould
have bete well flogged,
'Why not have sotne sport here
on Donsieien Day? We would
like to see Wm Inotte, say it base-
bell'Inatth be pats eway the day,
). .
I 0/i1ton Wanta /Mile. faetoky,
and 'expects ton uliaVe %one inex
Coureroir R1.1v4ion. --, Tttej 5q4solt).
ceunoil mkt ae n Coda of Revs - It is reportedibet that the
ion and Appeal on Tliersday, 11lay P, R,. telegraph 'line will b
26th, The inemberoS Were all ithrougli Cliutoe ewer) time till
present. The appeal of J. Rab' I year. •
erer in respect topersoeal proper-
ty wre coneidered,•,aed on motion
ltis Assessment wes ioduced $100,
The following ebaregea were -merle
'in the resident r41 : Part of ]Qt
24-,, Werth &nuclei -7, was teken
from W, IeWot and charged to W
Agnew; lot 21, North Boundary,
Wes charged to j*, 'Thompson, ia-
Messrs. Coverolock 'Winter
sbiPPed it large censigement of
fat cattle from Seaforth on Wed.
nescley last.
Mr. Thomas Livingstone, of the
2ed coocession of Hallett, his a
cow from which 7,:te lbs. of butter
were made iii one week, NS ho
stead of X, Weir ; part- of lot P..4, I "4 na
North Boundsrr, was taken from
, Wilson.,
The egg tette)
J, Tie:email and chnrged tp j-, of Seaforth, took frisiht 011 tile
of D. D
• .
Weir at $250 : iota 76, 77, '-•
no, streetof 131ytle mid rat away.
and 212, Petty's Survey Hensala• Beyond upsettleg R .few egg boxes,
were taken from J. Evans and as 00 sorioils damage was shalM
eessed to W..Raeson ; the owner: Messrs Statibury, of 'the Loa
ship of lot 6%35, at fee Bonsai!, don road, who are exteeelve cattle
was elasegell from R. Reynolds dealers, and 'rive shipping -nearly
to j. ISteeelea; the firm of Du- all the time, Ita,,e now over one
inert ik Hardy was changed to huedre'd head pasturing an their
Dumert (a...W(1410h ; and property farms,
sn dogs was stiuck off from the. - . ' •
Dr. ot Olintoo has
essessment of the following per- b . • ' •
sons ; J. llingey, A. MeTaggart, ecil uu-IY sworn in before the
Rev R. a.loclf... y and T. Ootisit, Al. -County
di OW)I AttlarneY as Police
agietrate for the county, and
Lots were taken from the eon
resent —
&Tense %hose decision in Scott
idAna pleeed to 'the eredit A' •
of the following persons.: West ct trials there earl be no appeals.
half of east half,of Id 5, cantos- Miss Green, of Clinton, met
sion 13' to W. FL Merner at $500; ',with R. painful accident ou , Tues.
day nieht Teethe' aapliesiOn of a
lamp. .1.1er clothes. took .fire aid
her legs Were sevelely, burned be-
fore the flames could be 'subdued
by a neighbor, -bite whose house
she ran for relief.
south Jia.f of north half of lot 4,
coneesslon 16, t 1. Miller 'et
$500 ; and east half of lot 16,
Lake Read Rost, to Peter Bow-
man at $1,500. Moved and car
ried time Rev. T, Rauch be plac-
ek on the Toll for income; W.
Hood as tenant on pant M. R.
Hensel!, and T. &twaiu as ten-
ant on pelt of let 23, South
Boundary, Moved by Ms. Kai le
fleisch, seconded by Mr. Heyrock,
that the sc a.i nou-risitictiI
rolls as now .reviseal and dorrected
be the assessment rolls of the
township of Hay for tlie year
1887, and that the court ,of Revi-
sion be'now eleeed
Cooeote Memaixet—After the
eloseeof the. Coo& of Revisiou the
council met and transacted the
following imsine.seee, • Moved by
Mr. Kalbfleisch seconded. by Mr.
Surerus, that tie- proposal of Mr.
,J, $packnian,' of the Can-
ada Company, itt reguad to the
expenditure of the motley charged
to said Company in commutation
for statute :labor, be accepted, .A
numerously eigared petition front
Dashwood, respeating the appoint
ment of another pathmaster in
plate 'of 0. Miller, was grantee.
The Reeve, Mr. 5, Rennie, was
authorized to get thelieceseary re-
pairs done on., the tbwn• hall be-
fore the 2bth of June neat, Mov-
ed by Mr. Kallifieisch, seconded
by Mr. &torus, that the sum of
$25 be granted to the pathinaster
of Zurieh for repairing sidewalks,
and also the sum of $25 and $8
to Hensel' and Dashwoocl, respec-
tively, for the same purpose.
The by -Jew prohibiting cattle 'and
sheep from running at large on
the highway arae read a third
time and signed and sealed. A.
few accounts were passed, when
the council adjearned to meet
"agaiti on Thutsday, eaaignst 4th,
at 10 a. ni.
, °minty Huron News.
ar, T. Hicks, of :Mitchell, ship-
ped a load of horses fi ore G'oclettch
to AlgoinaMills Saturday last.
The spring crops around Atli -
field are growing very likely, and
look. well; but thefall wheat in
moat places is a poor crop.
The wheat crop in the vrcinity
of Paramount ia looking vitIr
poorly. A number of the tarOnees
have ploughed parts of itelp, and
pleated other grain./
The other day someerm entered
the bedroom of,..Mre Swarta, at
the Priem of Vales hotel., Clinton
and stole therefrom her new
spring bonnet', the members of
the house beipg ia the yicinity of.
house all the itime;
Robert Ireland, the champion
piper of America,. will attend the
Goclerich Caledonion games on
July lst. Willie McLennan, the
champion deliver of Scotland,
who is nowdn Ne w York, is •aleo
endettveming tb'a4ainge to be at
the celebration. •
There is an old country, super-
stition that it is sun uelty to kill
a spider. lf 'seem medical lights
of New Yorleare right, tho spider
should be treated -with no'such
compenction..... The case of a boy•
who .clied from the bite of one is
recorded in that city. The bite
°fa spider IS said to be much
like that of a scorpion, and liable
to be fetal.
Mr. J. -C. Stevenson has been
appointed by the Ontario Govern-
ment to the position of InSpector
Anatomy for the town of Clinton
and the townships ,of .Goderich,
Hullett, Tuckersmith and stanley.
This appointment is .macle un-
der the statute entitled "au Act
respecting the studY 'of anatomy,'
To this Lispector musabe report- .•
ed the finding of the body of any
person in the territory named
who has died without relatives or
friends, or that reniefni. unclaimed
by any person entitled, to the
seine. The Inspector take's poss-
ession of such body, and deals
with it as directed by the Act.
- ems
IV7/4 1E jUICE:
A large quantity of lithe juice ,t
has been exported front Trinidad e
in recent years. The simple juice a
finds a marled in America, and
thit condensed juice in England.
A tree yields On an Average about
ten gallons of juice, The limee P
are allowed to drop off, tied then
passed first' through the outter
900 Circulation..
This paper' td
d eta tie Milted Stges.`01:
•CIoitulivt9 Tan, 1st, i8S,
FOE elnoT MIT 04MS,
TIM OlOric of the orown
,ohancery who huraied Kt the
gazetting of the supporters and de
delay that of the members of the
Oppoaition hes beerogiven an N-
ei:ease of salary We the ;motion of
the Government Coe of the
membas,df the Opposition lost
hie temper and claimed that he
had little respectfor.a House that
would thus reward "a rebel, a
coward and a base falsifier." How
did he earia the title of a, TONI ?
He was only. too loyal tie the
neett eal the day
JJi DeOsion laf the Police
Couetilissionerinol ;to 'hold ttoy in-
veatigation into the ;O'Brien riot
because ;no 'pomplaint had been
tirade by any.ereepposible ci.tieeu
it a most ;bone and impotent eon-
At:as-ion. 4s that the manner in
which the .CoMmissionets- treat
other teat -tors afrecting the dile,
eipline, and disposition of floe
force? Do they never 'deal with
anything except on the complaint
of sonic .responsible citizen? It
„looks Vory nmeh as if the Com-
missioners were afraid of finding
out something they do not want
to find out. •
Tunas is some penfusion ie
the iron trade, merchants mcarceiy
knowing as yet' what advance
retest be made in some cases to th
give them fair profits. But e
prices of all kinds of iron goods
have been put up. The Mout/ eel •
Herald states that a prominent t'
=porter in that city informed 'its
reporter that cut bails have, since
the change beim pieced open _a '
basis of $7:0 cash, and bee aisine;
on a bags of $2.-: The. Seereasiee
on the price cif l)ar free is
twenty-five per cot, and the
erease in the price of cut nads
124. per cent. • The duty oh g1111-`;
erSr shovels is now 88 per cent:
Putting the facts in another way,
the importer said :—*"Out nails
are 50 cents per keg higher under s •
the new tarifa Spikes are $10 • ,
per ton higher, bolts and 1,11qA are
about 15 per „,cent highee f,A
horseshoes are 50' cents hiehee.”
Peoa Charley T.i.osihae been re- e
feerted discovered in so 'many tue
likely places that it will sUrpriee
no one to learn that his •fatheis
who must by this time be get -eine
a decided sceptic regarcline tlei-
itlentifying power of • hurnanite,
has just been. told'that his son i 3
in the State Prison `of Conneeti-
cut undergoing a sentence, of .
prison merit. The authority ft
the,statemerat is the chief keep& ,
°wfetultiedPorwisii911';owtjrie t
idene,,o of
aL. Ross in Philadelphia with, „
the stoey, but redelved. very littlo ,•
atiefactioe for t
ether of tate hani-lett Olfilfloy,ladg:- •
)een so tiatielt distreaed
,h 'else ep 1,iring,
lie .thirteee. ": years. Ayltieli.,
leaeeed -since hie lreY, diecippotred,
nd Inca spent a- fortune 011oWing. • ,
p clues that ,peeved
the wisps, that 110 is aaw loth. •to
• 11
1400 4ki:til in any ones aeory.,
The Saott Adt Omni' to be toter.
bly well entoreed in the) uoigh:
ening County of 'Middlesex.
ccording to the. Iolieo' Magie- :
ate,s return, .124 inforinationa ••
ere laid and heard and 110 eons
lotions secured 'clariog the pri0
ret morithZ. The lines collect.'
1 for the same: period amounted •
$5,500, At this rate of gotta:::
le would think the law breaker'
cyttld fiestl• it no profitable e,
andon the contraband part {Ji
tittir besinea Ff, wider the
tlice Magletreto in &eon ed
trolly good result can he obtain
, the appoiettnent will prove::
profitable one and Scott Att.
ock come op, seveisal d
which 'rips them open, and next; b
through rollers and a press to sep
orate therm These crattera, real: A:
ers and press are construeted in tr
it very primitive Ways end /admit, Iv
of (treat improvement. . The juiee v
is &e.sts exported either as it is
aesdeedensed by hailing. Abtf•-
,. et
'Sol of Ihnes yield seyettearallona or
ice. The cosy of precluding lime to
julee, including poolcages, shoeld
not exteed si"i
kpence per tillon, tit
Thaessential oil of liirieS ie nob
tooted from the rind befiare
tithing by grating on rasps saitis
the hands. The oil thus eater/tot- tict
ed hand -matte oll, ed
hundred galletis juce will yiekl it
by distillation about thee° emette
tbe tieetitial oil, gr
•4444444vh...,44, „