HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-05-28, Page 7THE
IRENOLINEN (cONTINuED swot i'mat 6)
Pleasant, Pure and IteaIthfui.
Guaranteed to cure
;3oiatice, Lmab,tgo,
P�md �
R G chat and
A sure esti/ err
l; -sits ebb Dir:zinehr,
t1c,.•,tipntinn, Indi•
gestiul,, iillioasness,
Blight'. Die/atilt!,
Diabetes, Paralysis,
Co: v.ii.ivns, Heart
eke, t etc.
Manufactured on honor & Sold on
`carol din Wingham, only by Gc scion ,t ' o
To the madden 'Yeast Co„ Loudon, Ont.
nets tMr"taoMaIdenetYeastethandbetter any other we haitate l
vxett,endbighlyrecoratmendit. DEANBR°8„Baker
Positively cured by tfaeee
Little Pills.
They also relieve Distress from i'yrpepsta,
indigestion and Too Harty Eating. A. per-
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-
31ess, 13ad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tonne 1.1
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They .
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. it
Small Pill. Small motet g
• Slmai:i Price.
!:-1E WIN (a HAM TIMES,. MAY 28, oiwi,,
'n my throat, which raised at Gtr
very thought of that poor yoan
creature's battle with the Kin.;
I don't know ; but come in, do
1 want you to do something for •
he said. See here, the like you. be
of them all—all the clergy', I ilea
Will yen say & prayer with her P
Of course I will i
It's diptheria—of the worst kind
he said almost threateningly. Are
you nervous
I did not reply ; I only looked sit
him and he realized that we black
coats are not often troubled b
fears of that kind. Ile turned an
lcd the way up stairs, and I foilor't'e
Asa matter of strict etiquette,
-w ht, of course to have had pernais
sie•n from the reetor of the parish
as it was, I felt that to 'tell him
afterward would, under the cireum
stances, be sufficient.
Isaw ata glance that Sir Thoma
{ears were well founded. Lads
Peach was evidently desperately it
She did not know me, but lay ramb
ling feebiv, her poor hands stretche
out helplessly over the sheet whir
was spread over the bed, She wa
quite geiet white I performed ni
office, and as I rose from. my knee
she began to talk agaip.
Yes, be was so good about it—
some men woald have killed me --
son' like that—and I hadn't had le—
i hadn't had it a day—a year,
week—how long wan it nurse ?
Two weeks, my dear, replied tit
nurse. So you told me yesterday.
Ab,yes and you took it,you took it
He never said a word—he is so good
—he is—I told him you said.— And
then Sir Thomas, his face working
and his eyes blind with tears, drew
me away out of the room.
Come in here, he said as w
reached the door of • his own little
room. You heard what she said•
slways on about that star. Oh !
beg your pardon, I should not hay
said that 1 gut I feel savage with
the thing, for it basworried her, and
s there on her poor mind yet, taking
:flay what little chance she has.
If that did nor *orgy her • seine
thing else would. I said by wayof
He seemed to catch at the idea.
You think so ;sou really, do ? I
wish I could. You see I know how
r•11E: lavas troubled over' it --far more
than the tiring. was 'worth.
In n moment the vague hints. that
I h,tnrd concerning. the less; or disap-
pearance of young Lady Peach's
,tkaniond star all carne back to rhe
Let me see I said Lady Peach Jost a
star, or it was stolen, or something
of that kind. Has it been troubling
Trouble her ! Yes Mr. Dallas, far
more than ever the thing was worth
Sir Thomas, rejoined. Look here
cr continued, as it' moved by sonic
pedal. impulse to tell we all about
. You area good fellow and a
entletraan, and she has always Iiked
ou; I'll tell you how it was. My
vife is a lady—you d'en't need e
ougb old fellow like me to tell you
lat. She came of good old stock
nd if there was not much money,
iere was everything else that pee-
k; are proud of. She married me
od bless her and --and it' I lose her
shall just put a rope around my
c ck, for life wouldn't be was:Ss
ving without her. As I satd, she
tarried me and she had made me
appy—happier, than I've ever been
n my life before, and meaning no
isrespect to my fast wife either. If
helped her mother a bit it was
°thing to anyone, but it seemed ;c•
e a great deal to het, and she was
ever tired of telling me how good I
was—I, when she had married an
id hulk like me. Well I was tell -
you abs}it that star. You know
gave it to her on an anniversaay
ncl she valued it as such, besides
king it for what it was 'Worth, as
nc' other young thing of her age
'ould do. I happend not very long
fter I gave it to her to be away for
couple of days. I bad run up to
own on business. I was loth to
eve her, somehow, and the loom.
nt I got back, I saw that sone
hili or ether oh rhadha ed 1
n t u
g happened 15
et her, At first I could not get her
tell me what it was ; the she told
lite at lest that a young cousin of
ers, Witt) had been brought up by
e father and mother, had turned
n sir d n d
p suddenly, asking her to help him
at of a mess. She, poor innocent,
egged to waitor.t.•.
e m for my a ui n
eying she knew I would Help him
ut for his Satre. But the selfish bog
gar Would tet der that, and tttuck to
the fraud of the day. ,
Sec you get Carter's, -
. Carter's,
•1::.. , .,ted demand
. Liver i ve Pills.
TILE 't BIG” F'at11L
.Aquartette of Reanodies that are Effeot
f ng e! oaaderfut Cures.
Dr. Chase'e four great remedies are :
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, Dr. Chase's
Ointment, Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, and
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur-
pentine. his latest and greatest discovery
for all throat and lung affeetione.
" I was tsicit for three years," says
James Simpson, of Newcomb Mills. "Y
triad variotte alleged patent eures and
several boxes of a certain pill which has
been greatly evoked up. I tot no re;'
lief. Then I tried br. Chaso s Kidneys
Liver pills. %slier. I have been able to
Pork every day and feel like e, new
man. Your pills alone eurcd me at a
.cost of 25e."
T have been subject to eevere colds
-every fall and spring'." gays Mira Hattie
Delaney, of 174 Crawford street, Toron-
to. " I used many cough medicines, but
none cured me until at a cost*of 2t cents
II tried Dr, Chafes! sy
Syrup of Linseed and
" Rfy husband was troubled withJane ,worst kind of piles," writes Mr8.
Potts, of Meyersburg, " He was often.
finable to work. Since using your Cameo
Cilitmant he la eonpletely cured. , It is
truly worth its weight in gold instead
:of the price you charge, only 60 tents:~«
"7t bought. e. box of vont Catarrh Curb
lftfr 26 cents at :sr-, "oyle'e drug store
firers," says Henryr Nicholls of 176
atectory 'street, I.i' • '' . • slut. " I and
thankful to say 1 . ' •-.' lir "
• Chase's remerti' t• .1. drtelcrs. Ed-
sifaanSen,. Dates k et,. madras ':Coronta.
his point that she, could help limn
herself if she would. My poor little
girl hadn't more than ten pounds or
so by her, and she told hire so. Look
here, hesaid, you've goo a stair ole
that its itself'- would fetch more
than I want, Give the that and I'll
raise what I want en It, If you
don't, he went sin, I'll just blow my
brains out, and with that he whipped
out a revolver and put 'to his head
01.course my little girl took off her
Star at one and gave it to hila
and she had been possesed of a dread.
ever since ..that I think there had
been something between them. I
didn't know just what she had in
her mind till I heard her babbling
about it these last few days, tbolzgn
of course, I knew that sotitethicpg was
troubling her—my poor little girl
I don'tknow that 1 ever pitied any
hutnau being more than I pitied that
rich man sitting there so anxiously
awaiting the issues of life and death
there banging !"n the balance . in the
upper chamber. I watched hien for
a minute as he sat huddled up all in
a lump, and then I put my hand on
his shoulder, Sir Thomas, I said, God
is very merciful.
I wish I dared comfort myself
with that, Mr. Dallas, he replied.
1 left him then, and twice . every
day I went round to'enquire how the
invalid was. each time the servant
gave me the same vague reply :No
chatnge, the master is almost beside
himself. Then early on the fourth
morning before I was out of my bed
in feet, I received. a line screwed
on a piece of paper and hastily twist
ed into a note, She is out of danger
now, It said God is merciful. Bless
you for having cheered me.. Yours,
T. P.
For Over Fifty Years.
Mts. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been- used fur over fifty years by mil-
lions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It soothes
the ehild, softens the gurus, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and is the best
'enaody for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to
tae tatate. Sold by druggists in every
'tart of the world. Twenty-five cents a
.ottle. Its value is inoalu,ible. Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup, and take no other kind
Advice is one of the unpleasant small-
er vices that the truly good forget to
Don't persist in error—after you
are found out; and don't be found
out if you can avoid it by
persisting hi it.
Paste this in your hat: The
easiest way to become immortal is to
be the first to say what is self-ev'dent.
The average Iran feels compli-
mented when you call him bad in a
laughing sort of a way.
In taking the chances, first look
out that they are not against you.
A lightning oaculator---the
weather prophet.
A inan is known by the umbrella
he keeps.
Money talks occasionally, but there
are times when it is deaf and dumb,
--The Jester.
The following history was related to
our reporter by Mrs. James McCaw, wife
of the well-known shoemaker, of Oahe-
awa. This is what Mrs. McCaw says:
"I was troubled seriously for a long titre
wish wy heart and nerves, and had a
very severe attack of la grippe, which
lett we ranch worse in every way. At
ti•uos the palpitation was so bad that I
feared doiUl . My heart seemed to go
rigor up into my throat, and caused a
feeling of su6'ocatisn most pain£'l to en-
dure, Then at ostler times tbere was a
greet f1ut,eriog of the heart followed by
a sink',o`r feeling, dizziness, etc.
! was hailing extremely miserable
when I got a box of Milburn's Ig'eart
and Nerve Pills 1-ron Mr. Dvlev'S Drug
Swore, nec'1 commenced tak'og town.
From ; he first few doses I improved
r•ap•dly, and am now moeh he,.ter than
I oavebeen for a long time. My tippet'te
is good, and I am w•inderfully itsg'•oved
in every way. I can recommend tnese
pros very, highly, as 1 reel tha,tno other
remedy could perform such a marve'ous
change id So short a time, and it gives
me please+re to let others know that there
is a remedy easny ob5a:ned which will
cure 113en a.,d that very quickly."
IA:to- riwar ?itis °urea constipation,
b' i uenrssr asdeik headache; he, 2fic
,tyet xteetly 1tigh.'
'rhos:•ands of people n*A 't this rod••
cl',,•no. T'ney ase not sick and yet blies
aro by iso arcane well. A. s •:Sae bo;. -'e of
Hood's Baser p rills mottled do tion a
%orld of good. It would tone •oe a;ctn«
eels, creates an appetite,pte":",f eon en -''eh
the blood antl give tvoa+der.•"ai v'got and
i'.oal,ty, Now is the Caw to take h.
ITnorl'cs Tills -.are bfusea, elek boaslaebe
'udises;,on and bi'iousneeL; All drug-
50,QQ0:E QitSES,,•
, T04;0I7= AFRICA,:
News CMOS this week which
seems to indteate that all danger of
war in South .Africa is net yet or er.
The British' army officers now. in
South Africa are instructed it is said,..
to purchase 40,000 horses for mili-
tary purposes, and the animals, it is
reported, are to be shipped direct to
South Africa, The horses are of the
kind used for herding ostriches is
Argentine and the British officers
say that these animals are superior
for use on the dry and almost Arid
plaids of South Africa to any that
could be purchased at present in.
United States, They are more in-
sured to rough hard riding, and are
cheap. I3y malting the purchase in.
the Argentine Republic, also the
transportation of this enormous
freightage of live stock through the
tropics will be avoided, which would.
mean greater enpense.
I>r TIM PAM =AN TSaT?--'rri1CY A8$
Don't dally with heart disorders,
There ie but one cure. "I bad been for
a number of years sorely af£iieted with
heart disease. At fillies my life wag I
despaired of. Doctors bard prescribed, !
and I bad taken eery known heart rem-
edy made, I bed supposed, and did not r
get asy benefit. I read of the wonderful
cures wrought by .Dr. Agnew's Cure for'
the Heart. I procured a bottle and in
less tune almost than it takes to tell it, t
the distress was relieved. I followed the
directttens closely and to -day I am a well
woman again, nod! 1 shall do all in my .
power to make known to every one eu£-
£erieg as l did, the wonderful cure it `
worked for ins. Mrs. Wm. Burton, Dart- I
mow, Ont," Sold at Cbisbolm's prug
� lizarka
POQTo•I.ts COULD r It1` e7.' AGUEll
^•FFi:'REp FOR 30 MRts--
I'hltALT IS.
Frq,n the ti'aodatoel•, N. 8., sonttnrl,
Mrs, P. P. Ross, of Riley Brook.
N. 13., says. --"I have been a suffer.
er for over thirty years, and I aria
sure I would be its the sawn lament-
able position had it not been for Dr.
Williams pink Pills, I was married
at the age of twenty, and I inn now
fifty one years old. I had always
enjoyed good health, until after niy
first, child was born. .About a month
later an illness attacked lite which
has since made my life miserable. I
consulted different timers, but they
did not agree as to the nature of my
trpuble. One said it was a species
paralysis, others said symptoms of
'of fits, I would he feeling very well
when I would suddenly have a sensa
tipn of partial blindness, and every-
thing before me woald glitter. Then
my hand and arm on one side would
become numb, and after about ten
Minutes this sensation would pass to
my lower limbs,and then my tongue
would become affected, as would also
my hearing, Voices no matter how
close to me would seem ditty and far
away. These symptoms would last
about forty minutes, I would have a
violent pain over the eyes, whieh
would continue for twelve hours or
Reflections of a Bachelor,
No woman ever really thinks she
is homely, and Iv' man ever really ,
believes he is fat. : 1
The average man's idea of luxury
is to own a house with a billiard
table in the basement,
Understanding' a woman 18 easy �
compared to knowing whether it is •
time to let the furnace go out yet,
Probably the reason why babies
don't learn to talk sooner is because
they think the women are guying
If the flood had only lasted a few
days longer Noah's wjfe would prob.
ably have insisted on housecleaning,
A man with a lot of virtues and
no vices wouid be about as much of
:t success as a fresh salad without
any vinegar.—New York Press.
Proof frothe Doater.
!.ir. Geo, Buskin, missionary for die
International Mission in Algoma and ,
North-West. He writes :—"I wish to say
that Dr. Fowier's Exi,raaot of Wild S.traw-
berry has been to me a wonderful, soothing
speedy and effectual remedy. It has been
my companion for several years daring the
labors and exposures of my missionary
work in Algoma. Well it is for old and
young to have it in store against the time '
of need, which so often comes without •
warning, Geo. Deserts, Missionary,
A Misnomer.
William carne down to the office
with a woebegone expression that
would have invited sympathy from
a castiron stoic. The expression .
was supplemented and rounded out '
by a network of scratches and several
bits of court piaster. •
"What's the matter with your
face 13111?" inquired the assistant
William made a hoarse sound in
in his throat, but said nothing.
"Been tattooing a map of Cuba on
your physiognomygassied the en-
try clerk.
"Racehorse Charlie ain't been
eatin' you has he?" put in the office
"What is the matter, William ?"
asked the cashier.
"Shabed myself.". was the sullen
The bookkeeper looked astonished.
"I thought yon. said you used a
safety razor P" • '
"I do I" was William's vicious au•
saver,—t Ieveland Plain Dealer.
A Wee From VIrdiel
Gentlemen, --I have itsed Ra- yar 'a
'Yellow Oil for the past ten yetis.), anti and
it a splendid remedy for eerie, nettralrt'a, '
bronchitis, orris, papas to the back, ulcer-
ated arid a
, tet, oat
r *reins, Cltl!1ai
ate., in fact we npn is frr almost every rain '
and it alwaxn rulleVes t;uictkra, T can safe. ,
ly ray I keen of no otter reined y of the
tort that men r•,lna' it. 'i't atlWnvs kcal) rb
good stook int tee besse,• .
Mrs..', T. ?ttAnex,
more. Notwithstanding' all that was
done for me, these spells were corn-
ing more frequently, and at last 1
woald sometimes have two attacks
a day. I was also tro shied with
bronchitic, which added to my misery
I could not sew or knit, or do work
that required close attention, All
this trouble had never left me for
years, and at the age of 48 I consult-
ed another doctor.. The medicine
he gave rue however made me worse
instead of better. Then I was ad-
vised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
I was using the third bot before I
found any benefit but then there was
a deeided change. By the time I
used twelve boxes, I felt as well as I
did in my younger days. Every
symptom of the trouble that had so
Iong made my life iniserble had
disappeared. For eighteen months I
did not use the pills and was as well
as ever I had been in tray life. Then
one morning l: felt a -slight attack of
the old trouble., and determined to
try Pink Pills again. I got a box
and took an occasional dose and have
never since had a symptom of the
trouble. To say that Pink Pills have
done wonders for me is putting it
mild as I strongly urge their use on
alt who may he iii. Pitak Pills were
also of great benefit to a niece of
mine, Miss Effie J. Everett. Her
mother died when she was quite
young. and naturally much of the
care of the household developed on
her, and as she grew up she became
weak, easily tired, and subject to
seiner headaches, and her complexion
pale and waxlike. .A young lady
teacher who was boarding with the
family, and who head used Pit it Pills
with great success urged her to try
them. The result was that. she 'was
soon enjoying the best of health, and
is a fine robust young lady, who
shows no signs of her former illness
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills care by
going to the root of the disease.They
renew and build dp to he blood, and
strengthen the nerves, thus driving .
disease from the system. Avoid imi-
tations by insisting that every box
that you purelia.se, is enclosed in a
wrapping bearing the full trade
tnark, Dr. Williams' Pinlt
I'l 1 Pills for e People.
vi alar:4 x;. • • ,rf the 1Iartfoatd
Qonrart, ,.s* ,. • icr ; r, its •.'+-'exieq,
writes: "(me .1 ,.. ,tY! ;1,/ 4l:g or this
road t1'8' 'i' a i,,., • • 1'yy,, la pg nri;Cd
tor (:t''ta,e• • :.1. •»aa ti • . 114 a
masts *Ise t'" t s'!• 4 '•. , a ae ,s tea
them ma .r:, , y ,.. t€:n. a, a, re
1; et t'r:F r; • + ,., . }.: r. , r•itrif•Pti,
cut, 717.1.1, 1t. .m. , ' r • K,., t ;'• • . ‘4.
its n' a n,µMI t?ulths,raawr, eines i't'xcarc long
we wsuutt have ►rub ata array o crossoa
that the ,grade crossing would boo to
go. .acre', of course, the road is the
rarity. eio fent. pens in the railroad.
If anything ie on the trt ek, the engine
renxeros it. A train band told Inc that,
,one trip being late, they hurried, and
;in consequence killed three steer's and
'Are burros in eight hours. All along
the track ere skeletons stripped by the
turkey buzasards and whitened by the
Sm. But cattle are as plenty as they
are big down this way,"
Qualtfled Zneourag,ment,
"Young .man," said Senator Sorghum
do the protege who had been promised
its appointment, "1 shall not congratu-
late you, but there is one thing Ideally
✓-0ts say."
"What is that?"
• "If you display anything like the en-
iirgy and anxiety in ening this position.
that you showed in getting it you can't,
help being a brilliant sucrose. "—Wash-
ington Star,
Mehananted'3 Mara.
The mare which convoyed Mohammed'
from earth to the seventh heaven was
named Borak. She was Imiik eviaite, had
the wings of an eagle and a human face,
with horse's cheeks. Brery paoe she
Iodic was equal to the farthest range of
human sight. This was one of the tea
wirnale admitted to the Mohammedan
Kero.ene for SR vow.
The use of kerossno :3reoatly faoliitateet
the cleaning of silver, Wet a Ilan nett
Moth in the all, dip it, ',try whiting and
thoroughly rub the mate or silverware.
Put it into hot sees, wipe with a softs
flannel and polish `rich a ohamote skin.
pp�RR and
osoATE"D F Z LI Lt S
The Greatest of all Liver,
Stomach and Blood Medicines.
Rheumatism, Gout and
Chronic Complaints.
They Cleanse and Purify 'the
Blood. •
All Druggists and
General 1fDonlors.
The modern stn.ncl-
arcl 'iazar_yr Medi-
cine: Cures the
common every -day
ills of humanity.
w:.•M.•."^,r'�.'n+�r»L=1'o�,r�i:M^.'r,d,e�4„�,.,'s;��.t ,
`�*e+ •a ascan •:.,-4a pan .n„; `r.. •.: '-..-' r,
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.5 •.d'jnaax..zw-v • pun 4'azttxxarrrx prig
-WO t•,arn'ra /Watt)
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ouxim eng stoin�, `epts'oms V
ST.1tttVIVICCID '/2"//0 1,1 ere put
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►' 51 NTS
("y `liner,,-Cre `icti'u • - tires• Inn r..n:•yttrt `✓i
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d; .lir arutac r:,ennut:cm, ria 3.11
ad tet cv,,, r.•nse
•a. apnvealmnbtenat. tr!nn,1t+•rm•,rrntteLer,
• r Gere^ Erlat#ra.iestirt�n• Nr•r-
,tri, rants teat .snit or orris, or " --- '•� +-- - .- n:, lttesbat ter rates. ., +,
1 Whoa you are "teak, timed tied lifeleest 1 ' ..' • • 'Dove;tt if airaw`nea L'tt x t I,
Vixdels, 1'sn. a bl d
on rt l'A enrieia had telarity 3,e•i
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Ll00 t; ars
r eeerilla. • ..4 4 a;