HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-05-28, Page 5IIE WINWIAM TIMES IS CHEAP THAT ISN'T GOOD .Eyeery A rtiele Sold ilio re :as onus Guarantee with it. It is gatite possible once in a while• something will ge contrary to expect- attons, but let us know about it, well make it right. 0 Mark Twain says: "Difference of etpinion makes a terse race," Quite; true, If all thought alike everybody would trade hare. But as matter of fact a good many people are changing their opinion, and buying at this store -doing burliness on a dash basis. One thing is certain the lion's share of the business is done here, and possibly is; due to offering reliable, up•to date goods at PB Zoo't,sr4t: a, `.i' *l`;S Ladree Cotton Hose regular 10o..a pair,,four pairs for 25o. Ladies » aok Cotton bio e, very heavy,,speoial,two pairs for 250. Corsets, sires 19 to 24 Drab Jean, 25o, Corsets, sizes from 19 to :39 Drab Jean, well finished, 40o. Special line Summer Cossets, worth ti0o. for 60o. 20 dozen White Handkerchiefs, colored borders 10, each. 'fable Linen. some more new lines at 25c, All wool Dress Goods, double fold, in blue, brown, black, „gannet, a snit '•at 20o. Lace Tidy's very pretty, worth 25o. each, bought to•se11 at two for 250. MIT.J G1.+T r --0-- P.,AR.A,so.Ls New dines of Millinery are Arriving Every Day.; Sailor Rats in black or white, 121c, 20e, 30c. See the trimmed flats at ill 50, I1 75 and l)2 00 r4RASOL3-New lines at popular prices "FE .,ILY'S .EEP H US7'LZXG." 1 Ca -sC�� 6 .1� �14�.�,•��,�^r...4�,J1`�,�r`r? ,�Ja�. art ...��,�, ,c�,_.6,��,,'"�.��^rat..-,�L'� JprissgSmith/0gs 0--0-0--0-0-0--0-0 We are prepared to give you something nobby in Spring and Surfimer Suitings and of excellent Value. We'j turn out only First-class Work. • AVE WANT YOUR TRADE.. Give us a call before purchasing: . Irvin's old Stand. . Ww " ", SULLIVANr ,��..�iElir=1 .' �7' tee.. r`_I _ .• .. rr-� 5 • r, `a -r,1- t � •1I-„ 1Cat7-0-giatli `i'ra.;99:er' 9 1 • Did you. -hear• that times axe going ' to be;;tetter in Wingham is on deck to hekp. you..ou, at Large consignments of Spring and &teener Goods in never yet approached, and offers the gre;tteet •valour til • . the public generally in • Jr tell lines, at prices his. customers and DRESS COOS, STAPLEN 'FANCY of CASHMERES, LUSTRIBS, SERGES, and PLAID GOODS in all qualities and colors, PRINTS, GIN(; Ii.te1S, ZEPHYRS, MUSLIN'S, DELAINBS, ete. • TABLE LINENS NAwitiS & TOELS "A Iarge and varied stoek of Tweeds t,t''aau kinds, suitable for Spring and Sumner wear, at very low prices. 'Ready Made Clothing* for men and bora, t c,ttonade,, Denims, Flanttels, Flannelettes, Cottons and Shirtings at ail widths and prices. •If you intend furnishing your house or •at parted' it this Spring, call and inspect our stock of . CARPETS, LACE C WTM a, f f1EMLLE • CURTAINS OIL CLOTHS AND S Ali C.A PET ilefore purchasing, where you will find ,t suit and cotnplete stock in these lines at prices that will save you honey evcrry tfine, In addition to our immense stock of we have just received. and passccinto s,ou . ten eases ez of the very rarest s;lyles of Shoes and Rubbers at soil) prices es will insure a fit to your purse se well ae your feet and our et.'ek of phri:;h hoots and other heave elinee fur rorigh work is worthy' of riot iiiyilection Onr Striek of G1iOClslitT 1 is el ✓rays fresh ,and geode Wel Motabs as Gist t 1» goods t OM1S earn be Rohl. 4 t, $y ,ri s,.a. tF t• r Lent; experience �; ✓t,.,4; ah .{�j? ! ,.,:fha �f .lt. t1PtC+*1 ent ill Seeds t inekes this sew, eI ': •*A , tt r•r EA T ) r w . • 'T) v i 1aj?J�' t..«�` 41 + .:::i+' ;i:a :,d •t!�in If + AD U.A,.I?, • t, ; S for , <t, 1 i o t {, is s f •r first ol.rei hoer amen) See ojjrr .til ,t 1 ;55 ,, . , , ..l4.ir •.:,�* fl ��i �`te� �i;Lain foul we, 0.1 traria( fix• t•va •a'•,:l1 0ftept:etreitr, � jl: ree'se ifflt;',ebb SNN f.•dit�ic>r,rt f all kine), tiara, ,1 •: 1, 1Z•id. 1sif>i1, Ltig slip(;', C"kitriabll,. V9hlee find S it i„rriei 011ic ,.;ii Lawn 11.-A Pilnotl0y AE'e'l,. 'd1.6rexit varfet ee Of Sipa;d fatten enrefully selected. • .Mtllei;t and Ilung ial,"Little Grant' Stiki1'ea', at manufacturers{ priee.t .,at eete . :13.t': v in mind,ti' b(A1(18 AN; home r 6wu,ii4 $46t s;by oulaaNies ;14.4fh ztlf the care that oar experieeee r,e'' veiny years in the trade eonvinees rib to'btetteetieSOry and .volt enrt rear t,:qtn ,<<t sting.;freih;?• Clean. and reliable seek at eitt5iitit` possible p"riet'�t it y1,11 ►nay front j .see: r 53 .. whattelvos llood's Seaton n its mat popularity, its constantly increasing Ionic*, and enables it to weeompllsh its wonderful and unequalled cures. The .combination, proportion .and process used in mooning Hoodi'ie sarsaparilla wrs.a.mirnown to other medicines, and 'mike aeod's Sarsaparilla dam iliatr to 'itself •curse *wide range or diseases because otits,•power as;t blood planner. It acts diredrly and positively upon the blood, and tare blood reaches eaaery nook and ,the nerves, muscclles, an bones and tissues m. Thus ,eome,asnder tho benbrreent;influence of Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Ruttier. Si Per bottle. How's11„ Cure Liver 111d; easy to b 41.1"°take. eusy tc operate. 250,, LWS Spell it any way you wish, either is correct a ad the correct place to get a correct plow at a correct price is at the ,...se:v 'itt EltO at4ClEb ,albvlatiel,RZE slti •Lb STOUR of T. H. Ross. They say 'times are very, very hard and no doubt they are. roan. make them a little easier for you if you buy your Implements here. I have a few slightly soiled plows I will sell for $10, payable October '97. I have plows: with. 1 O117LD11 odumDS GIIAlANTEED American Soft Centre, Cruciabie Cast Steel,will clean in any kind of soil', which I wiil'sell from now till 1st of Jane at from $9.00 up. Como in and het one. I have tons and tons ot- PLOW .EPs ;y\( f made from,broken car wheels and canister, had and tough and can fit any plow,., Will sell them in Iota of 6 or 12•,for 35 cents spot cash. I still continue to handle the • BELL -AN MONIS PIMssS I can srtve.you from $50 to $icg of you deal with me and give t'ou just as good as you can get from those city ping -hat hides, Patronize your own town' and don't forget your humble servant T. H. ROSS. P. S.-Good:Organs, Sebring Mach- ines, Needles, Oils and Repairs always in stock and at right prices, T. H. R. Change of Business Having purchased :£rein • D. E. McDonald `I i.s.• ` r 17thchering..fiusAne.�s�,,I: am 1 now in a position to supply the public ;with • ' r , �r` EA 'ad:•r `1iCiGtiest' prices. and eftrus.• sr.:;.•r . esti solicit a share z Of the tl'ot1lt esof this optni-nun.. p � ii aELL; 'will always �":,• beet's' 1. 'oiy hand.. the best. " meats' .,,� 11 lye got for money 3. D, GEDDIIS r< Ifel)ona;3'cl old stand. OUR OTTAWA LETTER, Throughout eastern Ontario and the p+vovinee ;it Urge, funtners and fruit growers eultfvate and annually harvest large quantities of summer and •early winter' ripples. Even though the fact is so plainly under- stood by groweret, that these varie- ties do not find a profitable,' demand in Canadian tuartets, or cowry well enough, to allow ,of exporters placing them successfully on the foreign markets, vet they are produced each year ie incretteed quantities. Probably with the advent of eold storage the soft apple of a; better quality than the ordinary early vari- ety, may be exported profitably. In the meantime. to aseertain the rela• tive values of the seaeral varieties of early fruit, for evaporating and The fortieuitu.rist• Oen Ushered rite into apt ,sn:tail store room • which. had been especially ,l oustrueted so thin by 4t system or ventilation plan- ned by himself, this chamber main- tainedat all times au even cool and drying. atmosphere, Here he was experi*tentinguport the possibilities of keeping fruits ander different eon- ditienr. Apples were chiefly the eta) jeer, of experiment, although grapes and ether fruits figured largely upon the shelves. One half of the sampl of each variety were wrapped i tissue paper and the remainder t the spesituens were exposed to th atmosphere. Thus experiment vv; duplicated, in another department i the cellar, which possessed the sant degree of temperature as the firs ehamber referred to, but having tni important distinction, that the attn drying purposes, suatle forty six krn'3 phere of the cellar room was charged were experimented with, by Pivf, with a greater percentage of txro(sttu e Craig, the Horticulturist of the Ex_ The tests indicated th;1t the varieties perintental farm, last autumn. Tak- ing a stated number of pounds of each variety, and subjecting theta to the process ofevapora.tioit through t! 1URN1;tI7i'1.'l:i> DiliC3•tiO' RSV.. A LOTION 'rsr.t r WAR To• an r,tg1, TFt ITRITI4.OYlf WOMAN .CRITICALLY Some throe ago wae.a, $river^ treed: at Norera s, Ga., a lotion that was guaranteed to turn :tutored pen• pie white. The. first one to invest W5* at sftrY brae.') yc„3ng roman w'hiY is then ,mita of <111'ac:el l;trt1e :r, w•ilu es peratetr a. creamery near Norcross. n She re'enr.d a eirxaanrfty a.f the, stuff 4' and following die dire•eti,ei on the c bottle rul,l.,:d it vigereiuely into her 1, »skin. Tire operation caused inlenre n suffering•, because the lotion was as r> hot as cayenne pepper. but the t woman persevered, ar,d in eines her s skin changed color,. as the advertise, os- went saidit would, but it turned red instead of white. Ugly se erlet spots' appeared on flet Titre and body, •and her hail.• came out. She e.ppealed at Jest to Dr. Rticherc{sc,n,•,a physician, who found Ul.n,ireet'eel.•+ie etideneea• of poisoning. Talte Won}an is now critically ill, And if she gets well wilt be die figured fz'r life. Iver case has rounded an alarm aertng the negroes, and nearly a score of others suffeliitg from the same trouble have gone to physicians fur ,areaatnteet, contained in the cool dry room be- calue shrivelled end lost in plumpness as compared wit), there 'in the cold but moist cellar. The effect of the the machine for that purpose, the paper wrappings was more noticeable quantity> of water whichwas last in in the dry. .chamber, ' thorn in the operation, and the consequent weight moister room, the results clearly ot the dried product, whichsequemain- demonstrating that dryness was MA conducive ed, were all carefully and aceurattely to preservation et' the fruit noted. experimented upon. The practical results of these ex• In respect to keeping apples, sev• perimenrat investigations, revealed eral varieties were shown nee.Anong the men al i out of burins, rgood, these keepers, and one which most sound winter apples, the pl cess f°teib.y strut lz lac as well its tickledsix to sever) pounds -tI yielded from six my palate, was a nledivan sized. russet of regular for evaporated stock ; while on the form, with tl',, other hent) it was found that not characteristic, rich, buff•colored coat mere then four or five pounds of peculiar to that family of apples. dtied product could be obtained per The oneI sampled combined in a re bushel from the large majority oremarkable degree, the rich melting' the autumn varieties. When the the of the pear,with the aromat. cost of producing this article of con lc sprightliness of the apple. It is sumption is considered, together with the low price whichevaporated ap- ples command at the pi went time, one can but conclude.•that the idea of 'converting the the early varieties of summer and autumn apples into a profitable article of commerce, by drying the same, is purely visionary known under the name of Swazie Pontine Grise, and it is known in pomologic;t.l circles as the Pomme Grise tribe, whose name is practically a synonym tor high -qualities and delicate flavors. This apple Mr Craig thinks, should be more . widely grown for dessert and home uses. It to say the least. The reason for this has a tree which is moderately hardy is easily explained, and the recent' and has been fairly productive -at the Central Experimental Farm, The experiments ot Mr. Craig have Blear- • apple is ly demonstrated•the fact. The sum• silscr one of the best "keepers. mer and autumn varieties are soft in texture and contain a far greater percentage of water in its tissues than da the keeping varieties, T The larger the pereentage of water be Ineans.the correspondingly smaller' aitiountof dried.: product ; ara,d that GLENANNAN. On Friday least bit WIIL R.oleinsonK ad ti•e mleforttane to lose one ef his working h:+r:tes ; ho was hauling out ma.enre when it dropped dead in the barne*e ,fames Pox has , moved with his wife and family . into the Riverside liancion, on Gilbert Stevens farm Mr. Neil Reid of Paisley was visit- ing friends in this vicinity last week. The Masons have commenced to build the foundation of Gotha Eadie's barn. Our town was pretty quiet on the 24th ; most of the citizens being tory enjoying themselves elsewhere ',Miss Margaret Fiamilton•Scotthad the misfortune to upset a pot of boil• ing water onr arm, scalding her self severely,She will be laid off work for seine time. in Friday of last weak David Weiison of Robert Weir of the 9th cone ssionehappeiied with a very MORRIS, • painful accident, He was utthitehr er rain of the..past week hasIng. the horses from the plow,. when a hindrance to the late seeding, a twt,r ,,.t. the rope line got around Irs. John.Bowmala of the 3rd line tt'e meet) of his left and Reverie it is very poorl;,-:Pe •• . , comp'eteLy' from the hatted, Dr, is the d.ili'erence between .the profit- '+�Riehard i1%tehell •of the 3rd linea is' Chishnlrti dressed 'the little fellows bl d 1 • i I s• p hand, d a 1.• busfnass of drying apples. illness.w ..ing Mealy.nan•ufectur•e of dried apples, is at Richard Armstrong of the 3.rd line 0g 1 anaact vii in the coveiin fr ole his Bellow, pots he was do- pP . Thee • the' preeelet tiinie:a very extensively 1 had it bairn raising.. on his farm inLive Stookim.te)rstas worked industry bathe state of New , Grey lust week. Fa,t Buffalo, N. T. M.aY 07 Yetis. In one county .alone last sea- J 7'. Curtis is spending the , 24th son, no less than 36,000,000 paunch of ,tsar, at )lis Koine in Ltstotref. Cattle • Receipts, 125 cars. inelndiW 1 37 cote "of CanaAdes on 's'ale•':t market opened with a fair lith411ttfa i demand fbr ail kinds of eattltj; l I particulai•rly for good handy. (int firers gt g' of.dried apples... were . manufac- tured ; the product probably of from six- to eight millions of bushols. 3�•• Apples which were used in Inanufac 1 stock, and the good utedilair r Bei • f3ELGR AVE. (Intouded for last issue,) turiog this article, did not. net the Belgrave has become one of the grower any ,more than from . ei h- liusielt shi 1n steels, and far thrt,r, kinds %Tjt l g pp' g points in Hu1on.. were fully lOc @ 15a taller ati 'elf teen to twenty-five cents per bushel This week Kpeinisra Clegg & 1Ja iu ,nine eased more.; oortiworeer i'ti g • giving outside •figures. A point there shipped one ear .export I+ogs, and one al safe ' h g 1 �r stir fruit growers to remember is the car export eattle. J CuuItes two • �`sme Rai steers, c 1O Elul } d` necessity of increasing the number ears export cattle ; Caseixtore Arnie caai'r:e' rough steers, �.�5 @ 54,65e� and variety of the winter apples strong.one car export cattle and one . turxed lots, fair quality cows $ IP and also whether it will not repay ,ear stockers to Iowa, U. S. heifers, X2,75 G `13.ti5, gr,i 1 ' them to plant new orchards of such ! C. McClelland and J. Coulees have < Ye trees as bear more of • the keeping ; y wellfatfenec'{,,,fcowri,' e3s�� 0 about lift heard of cattle delivered: 5t,eltrrs,•,mgi ttgcicrgii *,rm f'liki7" sorts ; and whore Large numbers of here to be fed on their pasture lands, suppt� fit+h�ircC°hnld:t `ai�cits,il mat trees are set which bear more of the Wta• Clegg has shipped three far , b. M .. i lv„to soft suminer fruit, to introduce the • oats.bed` • , 'i ei' • . dt ibl firth 14. in 'l4 ,,,.e�e , e ct+ee ell�ttc P tir'cirral'Le' 6f 1` •'r 8 ,winter kind by top grafting% It linty.� The Alethodists i V;.te aeyed;, leve ,ereeelielstteeareetiatehrtea shale Cepa ifftt/t also be neer variety isnot remarked hat esa stoic bra i baa grw 1 a& goi e l,seihereelq tliAoRftti I t �•• willL •feledrrtr i ,> *to hist; " 'gi.4o to ,' for cider making as.the winter variet; eriihe, ire srptf gtopyi 1$p ;Qpfi &.: fur.•: eet eon. asi,i arta Jit #e g etc i7 t '13 5t) C i� 5 o girt s I' 1b d� les, on a account of their containing' a lie .se anaintlle 1llottletlhe : rgtgliv @ 3'12. iipj ,•r , t ••, g illi a'ci;C r ,tiirau Nii(a much lest percentage ensugar: that);' Itis t of:,� rye PQ141:1�ar}a esllpe tlla ere., r: ill 4?ip1f;t:l;atcrli+lt<l: $1f?: ±^3x.�it 1 }' the latter varlet r .: ' t ! ,, ... t r. .I{ct� pan„ it; t tea r sho d , vo ,,11:3 75, Jli h^tcsar end5`tlri re�i'e`x .Thera is a very, Marked )'dif eretl e..succes tii4 se' � t 1; t. i .c,c i r.. aceoCding to Al;t•..Gt�atgr fletryveetts,.tlle: � ' 1 l,e?ner,at desire to WA' 1r�1sN?it i�lf p p and th.e..rad. fashioned. cir'ied',applet In '.drying a + less e It h. l , , � o d f,'u�hi pp lined way • the' writer, was gradually tvithdireitvn, br ••I'• t1hr f, ,,. `, :.i i'Atrec•riiiifite is ` :`7 Cryo 4(l,;tr:40:0 evaporated product z#tOn r, VIIU I+3TB�rti :rl, t X91 to fdi a; :iioqta ,�4 ,:e po'd'46'11 I.f r, l : s. v-r.z,�i ':t.t u..itr c�.r, � '!• � i)r'rn�ers fw �5 :‘61p:::141n7, °�� ", Mr. R. Black and Wrn. Knox we-rii (•;itty a'-„ 1 -'° e , e .tvraEi`1' ; oi,ch rue ve `•t l -. a�` h.�it a o a.t•t th^ r r•:it � ttSI 1 ,> e:i:4 �.oil r,qE.el•nlI ,�• Cw _5O' fstI ItL°'• the: slow; pr occess,,an,ir.uo eherrge•.was Mr. A rdreWe ads steacif $olther-'w ri ;4 a r, , b dlk C yes 2 heavy fe i nittrl tt> ftnt ,. Made itathe compositien of the •fruit, visite visited ;tl{elr; br cher : here ,lone lyllik kgel ie -s X2:50 e- f 2tV.., : Ld. In thp:t;alse..of•the .`evapottitee apple Saturday last. i . �, t . .digs ' ••.. i iteceipts•'•'3•.0 �.ers tr►tlrl:etit st8'4V an�. it is '• •subjected .;ti) a, tett w,er titure; i • : R. £Iainstock : left leSteerday for ; weals- r-.ngingfrornz t2 tot2;•10'rttrwrees of illanitobee ,,.. ,•.: :�. ie and 1148d 'td,"ti`. httt;t; The reason why the fruit rice .Otte fico °, c{c'(.tintY cf=1,,t; rr, is{�c r,11 11„ht' `gt<ar3e •, g p Y y* s tball,,team was. defeated.' mut Yorlte:rs earl a full clitre'ter' tfi�,i v, nt>t•scot eh at this high: temperature atura b 1`Y' «h f ix'tyect.tise.the'prbt:esS of eveporatiOut 1i,.11rller,'of, Toronto, .s Pent :the n st.ago' ,t . is•a. eaoling oue,:a,nd- the air reined- 24tli - among his relatives in Wrox- t hr d Yrirl;og, le13,90 71 �d t5 e, ilii�ed 'Itt►trltr�i R l„'"raC(N6, ,.yi "1:) nir:tlidt iately:,sart'ounding 'the Arnie 'and.etcr. :vel,r,{' ..i ,i • .� s, • y tt9 , ,,lc} . --- ' `Itt-ey , . ci �ilj close ei„ toia�', y t itc,(n �. r. ode a s thl cooler,' gr. .A,. ':lr r� y e� than P : . ,sol��t t 'bought fines r•• i n )zrg'it a rid rr(3w •31x0 at' iti t .."3 2r C' 43:40.-'� [matker e• lfin trader J ei Iia„ itlitealga on Saturday ' •° I•c'alviet i"r'c1 rt ediulti k' tl �} t . that:' of the c' aput ttirag. chatxrbe�r bugg', or his ltvexy..yhis;,wee'k. Ab.i v' :• o t: 1s z ,r arse enet!allv. ! has 1 alio • ' lanibli- [iecr!ip,s, f,71 k,ett fs Ys, �; ,. t s a Line icit taf I•i •tti�d ,hltrses, r � c •d Subjecting the prepared parts of :1•WWo tare pleased, to itote that Giflrs. nee lambsceho e_, nr v• en mos, the apple to this high r ' .Bak � i. t fir. t levee X5,05• pp h gh tem petatur a Baker; Who hIt bevit SOt'1011Sly all is .l C,,• S,Ib'; ts,d` ttttchoke :"}4.8 Y ei vs If has the effect of coagulating the ate reaovettnti, ,• i �-, c lYnairft-r: good d clo., $1.25' ` 4,401, hominoids•of tt:e• Elaut, and it) this • `I`he 'bills .are euts nnOnneing thrteenns to e.ommott lambs . ? rr, fotatl they, tier' p.racticiilry xterflieed 'GI'roxeter horn fair to, lr ; l+e1d ortze.•,• a� _G p, S•i f�fi't choice mix(d h p 1 a g number of bxyere will be ods. r. " ••. �, which aeIcotents for tsvepoa•etterl .ap. Tt►ursdtty, Junei1Qt1Y 7t:iseltpeicted; 't,Jtt't„ t y4 40 ; rl ilh and common ptt,ta keeping sit: much i.,etle' ill n the .a - lar e • -,..t to 4 5; Hlwl:te1t sheep, (' etuaau Y dr iod product. , presoart. ,•1.•';r to 44,60,