HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-05-28, Page 44 TIE W IN GH•AI( TIMES, MAY 28, 1897. •,"--..••-. resentatives, axe Tar latest phase of the dispute be cur into effect• ust arrived atm'' between Turley and Greece tell lYll 1�ULlr'S D U STQF'�, Moved by T. that wAnderson,t seconded C,� R , rates that Turkey is determined to by H, �I Doti, that we, the Liberals `� �exaet her pound of flesh from ]ger; of w t iluron, In convention aseem- a large lot of good vanquished fee. In a significant + bled, desire to express our admiration telegram from the Sultan to his otf, ndoconfdenn. e, in our urior. i Premier, r:. feliotr-Turix, rnaptlror of Germany, ' coming into power, he and his gore �'`r� �� °s�al�6l ithe letter is asked to show "Turkey ern maent have succeeded in redeeming ;the way to obtain the full recognition ' many of the hnporttant pledgee they , of her rights as a victorious Power." ' had given to the country, and we which are are selling at of I The end of the eastern question i; loot: for a continuance oG rota s e, opportunity I CENT.-; i '' , apparently is not yet. It generally', wort:. pl 0 �.,`, ,� A. �Q pp' Y happens with powers, as with; express our pleasure in the proud { position to be given .Oa.nada and This soaphas been seilinty i eeopie, wl*o neglect to per-' p . 7 • forts their platin duty for fear of ; herPremier, Hon. Wilfred Laurier, at to cents a cake. `possible consequences to themselves, I by her Majesty's Government, on the Cali and get wls at you Want, l thataulbygrealbwt r trouble than would; and run they are Gwe -further jubileecelebration, ourelloyalty before it is all ts, have come to them had they faced' to her and pray that elle may long CAMPBELL, I the situation courageously at the I be spared to rule over otir beloved �QSIN A. I first, There can be no permmanentcountry. We express our approval Druggist•• i peace in Europe so long as a Christian I ofthe e nti �ltariff, and ed especially cially w1 2 doors 5 at P U. e iVinge,-tn Ipp population is only allowed to exist on i p' hen the — , , �,a..,. = ",. �,, terms of subjection to the l�lnssui I believe, of`uuion between this Land the , man. I mother country. By the prompt ' a� ; r settlement ot the I and compintr F' iiL�� ..tilt t , 'z.. , es. ---state School Question, n, settlement Laurier has _ _! WEST HURON LIBERALS. proved hiulself to be a statesman of __ t —�_,_--_ superior ability, and one worthy of itZr..wr.e. ALAI' 26, 1897 ��_` J. T. (x.1FROIV US t'0\lI\'ATED the entire confidence of Canadians I UNANIMOUSLY.UNANIMOUSLY.of the race and creed. By the El)1:':,1:1:�L NOTES.1retrenchment that bus already been Mn. Jostten Bee e, of Saltfoid was A thoroughly representative and err e.in many departments, we are chosen by the Couse'•vatives of West; well attended meeting of the Liber confident that an era of economy, as els ot West Huron was held in Dun -well as of progress, has begun at Ilul'un, on �ledua-da., as their e<a.n- Bannon on Friday last. The ,meet Ottawa. dilate fur ilia I, ,cal House. int was called mainly for organiz' Mr. txarrow addressed the electors DR, al,onti of P•trkdalu, forru,u ly . ation purposes, as there had been' dealing 'with the legislation t • • ! • no organization for some of the Local House daringthe past session. He showed that Ar. Hardy , was a man in every respect qualified for the position of Premier —a farmer's son, who, by hard study and perseverance bad pushed his way to the front; that he was entitled to the eonfidenee of the electors; that THAT DO NOT TAX PEOPLE'S STRENGTH TO RIDE NOR PEOPLES INGENUITY KEEP IN RUNNING ORDER. THE of Blyth, tuts been appuinted phi re- I Tract Mr. D. McGillicuddy, Goderich clan of the Central Prison in su(•ce+5s-; it.n to the late Dr. W, T. AikillS. I was reelected president, R. Holmes, ' Clinton, 1St vice-president; M. Dalton THE "furl: refeees to give up the Ashfield, 2nd vice-president; Jas. claim to Thessaly and has sett in • Young, Auburn, 3rd vice-president; 70,000 additiuuxl troops to emplee T 'ecntive Committee oats, Clinton, t -Treas. The ,o b compo ed size his claim. Who says 'Sick ltau of the officers of aha. Assoetarion and he was absolutely free from corrupt now ? • - the representatives of the Riding. ing influences, that his ad.uiinlstr:axion Tlsz new British Ambassador at The fallowing were appointed Chair-wing beyond reproach, and that lie , P•rie Sir EJulau i .L.utsun, recently men of' the respective sub -divisions: had not the slightest doubt but that delivered au address ou the Que. u's ASIIFIELD—No. 1—H., Girvin, •Mr. Hardy would be supported in the Nile;No. 2—R. Harrison, Lucknow; Provincial elections, come when they reign, in which ae pointed out first No. --I Andreas, LueI now; No, 4 may• *that 'daring that time the popu}aLion —John Long, Kingsbridge; No. 6-'x iii Cameron followed in one of of the United kiu„dual has i;•ruwr. M. Ferris, Lanes; No. 7—John Me his characteristically vigorous speech - from 26,000,00 ) to 40,000,00u ex. -es, He showed:, how the Liberals• Intyre, Lochalsh. were redeeming their election pledges eluding 10,000,090 who have emi BLITA—A S. Dickson. Hill, Ben CoLBoeem—No. 1—W.by curtailing unnecessary expendi grated beyond t•lt•e seas ; 1 •ritish miller; 2—John Sands, Saltfurd; 3— tare, reducingthe to-iscs, in •which de with furei;u countries has by young, Carlow; 4—D. Culnings, directibn they were likely. to go still 0 0 0 lltultipllect in a atue six -fold ; the Dunlop, (tarrying porter ut' to. shipping lass EAST WAWA NOSH --•-No. 1—R. B. Increased truly a nude less 'table McGowan, Blyth; 2--W.•Bone, • Bel - 3,000,0000 nets to a little more t"n grave; 3- -11. Currie, Wingham; 4— .7,000,000 ; tvl,ile tee 13iitisle s•yal'e R. Streets, Fordyce. . of the Carry lug waste ut the e el Id WEST W.1:V 1, OSIi'NO. 1 -reit ii• bas L iet;u ft•uua 27. per eeut. to 5-' pC1 Crawford, Dungalanon; 'When the Queen aseena:et the McCabe, St. Augustine; Jas.•Younge cent, v theme there Here ()ley 110 mile, of Auburn, 3—D. Murray, St. Helens; Tail way op'.0 in the Uuited Ki11;:11U111 4—John Webster, Fordyce; 5 --Jas. in 1895 theta were 18,000. - 'lite Gaunt, St. Helens, increase of s cal:.r lower hasavereged GODEBICtt Tows—D, Strachan. f20,000 hurbe•pueel' per annum, the i HULLETT--NO. 5—Jas. Snell, &— tutalS stauciiug et 600,000 in 1810 , M. Braithwaite; 7—A. T. McDonald. 'and at nearly 13,000.t;0U in 1395:: WI:IGHA11—S.Graeey. While the. untuulatnere 'of textile I CLINTON—T. McKenzie. fabrics has been nearly quadrupled. t Gover Icr3 TOWNSHIP—NO. 1—Jas farther, dispensing with unnecessary officials, 150 et whom had been removed from the Putti; Wbrks Department, without a solitary elan being put in .their place; retrenching in different, branches of the punlie'ser vice,al 50,000 alone having been saved in the Postal department in the last 'nine months. He conveyed: the idea that his . own reported retirement was without a. shadow of foundation. that, he had -not approached the gov- ernment, nur had the government approaehed him on the question, and 'he was likely to be their member "until the Lord called him hence." Notwithstanding the fact that the Salkeld Goderieh; 'L—Jno Torrance I Convention Was not specially called IN view of the attempt made by 'Porter's g to select a candidate it was decided Opposition journals to make this Porter's Hill; 3-0. ilicGre or ,•Clip ton;4—B. Switzer, Clinton. to nominate one for the Local -House individual a martyr, it it as well that t was decided that -the Executive', and til • Garrow was uuantunusly the facts should be generally known, should prepare by-laws, etc:, to be chosen by a standing vote, ack. ow' The Montreal herald states theta in submitted at the next anneal meet i ledging briefly the honor that for the this brief manner : itis;, which is to be held the last: third time had been accorded him. `Tuesday in May; the Association to The tsual cheers for the catndidat- W. P. Killaekey, of Chatham. Ont be known as the West Huron Liber-! es, premiers and the Queen closed'. was apo.riutedauheollector of custolils al Association, and to embrace the � silccessfal convention. at windaur on flat' 12 last by the representation for thebotlhHouses. 1 • ® 0 O O RRIG 75 AND $100. The most Beautiful, Symmetrical and Easiest iu3afafg Bicycle in the World. )- = ©'�St•'lltj0�' O he ��Hick.:.te 9 � R e ''w Durable and really superb Wheel—Few better at $100.- 7111 E3 yMABlKET. REPORTS. yi'IN6IIA9I. • • Wingbam, May 27th, 1897. . Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs..•..••• •• 1 80 to 2 00 072 to 074 072 to 074 0 18 to 0 20 020 to 080 Pall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats, Barley Peas........, •• •..... to 0 33 , 0 0 87 to 0:18 Butter,... , . •• •• ''•' 0 Eggs per dozen 0 7 to 0 07 to 1 28. Wood per cord.. • • • • ' 0 100 to 1 20 Ray per ton, 0 10 to 0 15 0 3 too 3 . 0 2 to 0 2i to Potatoes, per bushel, Tallow, per lb Dried Apples, per lb Wool.. - Tupper Government. Mr. Killackcy's The fallowing resolutions were i About 250 Chin'aluta l alto are tinder services were needed in the contest passed unanimously.. l contract so go to Cuua to labor on the That this Convention desire to ! plantetiune thea,, arrived. in Montreal in Kent, and so In arrangement place on record its unbounded faith; over tbo C. P. R. Mutually satisfactory to the apt virace and admiration for the able mitnner I Dr. Blanchard, a prominent Winnipeg and the Government, was ef,,•eted in which the Hon. A. S. Hardy has; physician was sandbagged by footpads whereby the letter notifying hi a1 of conducted the business of this Pro- : but noot seriously injure,l, .Tho assail- ed. his appoilitumit wits mailed to \duce We believe and know that tants escap—..,_.,e.�.._. 'Windsor, and allowed to remain in it would require a brilliant and able;' ------se ----y— the postoffree there until a day or two man to succeed the late Premier, Sir i Scott's Emulsion is Cott before the election. In the mean- Oliver Mowat, hut we have good liver Oil prepared as a food tint° Mr, Ki,lackey was in all but reason to believe that this Province. h tine and poe ethook the the Con- i liar secured a worthy successor in At the same time, it is a • 1lerv'a.tiee '••'ntliclate in Kent, and 'tile Ilotl. A. S. Hardy. The new; blood maker, a nerve tonic when itemised through the press and, Mining; act, we are of opinion, will and an u builder. But on the pltitf•rrm of Having an appoint- be of inestimable benefit to this' up- builder. persistently denied it. On Jane preview, and we believe the bust - principally it is a food for 25, two days after the election, he ness of the Province is being conduct- f tired and weak digestions; went to Windsor and entered upon cd ably and economically. for those who are not getting the duties of his office. On July 1.1 Gloved by R. Holmes, seconded by g he was paid out of the Dominion II, Morris, that we, in convention. the fat they should from treasury for the full month of June, ' assembled, desire to express our full thidillar food; for chil- during two-thirds of which he had' and entire confidence in the gentle- er ordinary done nothii g but campaign for the' men representing the West Riding dren whom nothing seems Conservative ean,lidate. When the !of Iiuron in the Rouse of Commons to nourish; for all who are Laurier Government took office, Mr. i and Local Legislature +M. 0. Cam•, fat -starved and thin. Kitlackey,was tnade to disgorge his' eron, M. P. and J. T. barrow, M. P. Jane rotary, and the Controller of i le, respectively, and in the faithful.; It is pleasant to take; at Customs has now asked him for his ness with which they have adhered, least, it 15 not unpleasant. • resignation. It it is upon finch in- , to the principles enunciated by them' etanees as the above that the Tup• ' and the Liberal party during the • Children like it and ask for pei•ite, hope to nnatl:t; the; Canadian many hard campaigns which they; more. pe :pie bt•,ife%e tail'. the spells system have fought in the interests 0t our Some druggists have. "just ra good” kind, isn't 11.1,4 I), r',t 1 r' • r, I li.e' ' i h,1' t lura conte . country, and carried. Out those prin• ykpdet others try to equal good enough for you to t: t. .,,'•V i, .,t 1r•u 1.'1 Ir• 1' '"eclttlults ciples in the legislation that they as BULL A Thorougbb one of the bee Dominion of Ca TERM6-$1 $1.50, w n . ry, 5-7tf R SER d privi! ICE. am Bull from king:herds in the a. - time of service or e et returning • if if booked t N T J.CL GC & GO., • Age ts, W pghOnt MAin CASSELS. STRAYED. denieweemiesanaterressanseermeszerromessoneeessmazseoniM oo FRUITCULTURErs the tnrepfarmerroftahlenowthant his other crops. t3row:u ;,e Co„ the Most exton• sire neraerr house in Canada, have a racancyin this septi -n. Write them for hheir tonna. enter tare ci•.ltit:Cl2• Toronto. 0>ttaril: Strayed from the promisee of the undersigned, on tba 15th of May, a red and white cow, no large spots old, hams r color, star in forehead, 4 y Any p®orns rather straight, small sized, rsOn giv,inginformatien as to her whereabouts will be suitably rewarded. Tilos, STBluevalo, Out. TOR SALE .6R.RENT. T. FARM of 90 acro, liiuloss township, Bruce Co., 75 acres oleared; stream of aprt'.g water, two good yr•utle; now' vriud,mill, good house, large bank barn, good stables; two acre bearing orchard, 2 miles from W hlteohucch station, 4 from Lucknow; en excellent opportunity ler doing a profitable dairy business. Apply to Mrs A: Stewart, Lucknow, 11, A. Stewart St. Thomas or A.G. Stewart, Teeswater, MEETING u RON COUNTY CIL The Council of a Corporation of the County df -Huron • ill meet in the Coun- cil Chamber, in a Town of. Goderich on Monday 3lst oat at 3 o'elona p. Lta. W. LnNn, Clerk. bated May 17 . 1897. • 5-21 b A. 'The Court of Wingham, for tb: y. t L its first Meeting in t h Town, on Monday le 31st •day of Maq, JAScl�Il�E, sit 7.30 o'clock p• 11 persons having business at the . id b •urt, will- please 1115 MC- entral rant. gdvern theme! es acro ingly• J. B. •RGusoN, Clerk „--ti" '..r- 'L r�__,asarTe � 5 S;1C, Dated this 20 dray of 14 Ice Crea We make a specialty of lee Cream and are pre. pared to supply it, in ' large or small quantities and of any flavor desired ^t_ to families, pie•nieing parties or by the dish. We have a good fountain and, also supply Cream Soda of any - flavor. hi BANANAS, PINE APPLES arid 0 r Fruit and Uonfeetionary of all kinds. n of the Town of i Give us a trial and we can • 1897, will hold please you. e Pall o the said VALUABLE WOODED FARM FOR SALE. Lot Number 3, in the 8th Concession of Turnberry is for sale. Tho property is 7 miles from Wiughltm and about 4 fromWroxeter, splendidly wooded with Pine, Maple, Birch and Hemloctr- Tbere are 16 acres c1 ared,the remainder being first class timber. Application may be matte to •.t A. MoitTo.r, 6-7b Barrister, Wiugham. IT'S NOT NECESSARY... •Li. OP VALU ©r 13L y,1897. 5-21a AUCTION SALE G PROPERTY IN THC VILLAGE L:VALE IN THE (4011 TY OP HURON Pursuant to • power of solo contain , in a certain mortgage whir will be produced the time of sale, there will e offered for sale by mblie auction at PUTLAND' HOTEL in the yi age of BLUE - VALE m, Satu •ay, .the 5th y of JUNE, A D, 1897, at i o'eto k iu the after oon, the follow, ing village property that is to a • ALI, AND $JN'4 LAJt the certain parcel or tract of land and prey 'sea situ, e lying and being in the Village ot 13100v to in th County of Enron and Province of Cutter' and obit; composed of a port6ou of village lots nu the foto' and lire, Dun. can's Stirver, hi the said it •ro of Blaevale, des• cribed as folhbws: Conner • ng twenty flue foot six inches south of the no east corner of said village lot number five anfollowing a lino in a southerly direction along a westerly limit of Clyde street forty fiyo 1• •t x inches, thence in a westerlydtreetlon at rich any, es to, the said limit of Clyde etreetienrods, Inc northerly northerly at right angles to the said wetter line orty, five feet fix iarho , therm in an oast 11'. lir ,tion and painllel to tho said westerly lir . ton NI s to tho place of beginning, containing went), se n and one halt rode of land mere or le On the premises is : anted a goo' Immo wagon can have them on short notice and Whoa :3,' nd plastered t. nd is the l used t ll paint r of tshopl and a frame shod n ached 18x32, all h mod rolaair. at lowest possible prices. I have The property is CO Jrally situated in t e said V11• also added a number of new mac lege of Bluovalo, The nroporty w 11 be gold subject to a r. errebid ines which will enable me, to d' T1:RY8 OP 8 B.—Twenty per cont of ho our, work rhea er and bette;l • fihan- evbi chase to be paid to the Vendor or his Salic or se p , t the ddy of the ale, and the balance within verity : V da1•9 tb.toatto , Further particular and tend ions ; Jt' ? ' 0f sale will h- 10041. known on the day of there ,or „tool t ,9!'.,,,-,. QRp190�` 11 ;.. '$ may be had n appiieatlon to the Vendor's S.lio or at his assoc. is W18115aw, ' ooh ,M.,t° ' j, n' °, r , A ryy e r YA atalla n. WSnilti f 1t1;n407 p"'I'll it" S' , a,'.11;atiJ .;l (41'; ' o ,;t"''p t' ,i�"SPX Dated tat 1Yi»glrtw. tYi till ,•- _7sillt.ar.Wi nl: > g . ,! ! ; a.t .. . To lay aside your soiled or faded suits or overcoats, but take them to the Wingham Cleaning and Dy ing Works, and have thorn clean- ed, dyed and repaired to look like molt J. Ws Seem,. Proprietor. TO THE PUBLIC The Wingham Planing Mills are now running again in full blast— Parties wishing to have Lumber Dressed or anything in the planing mill business such. as- -SASH, —DOORS, --13LI NDS, —CASINGS, —MOULDINGS,