HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-05-28, Page 3T. N Fear of ctfl'endirtg, ezzaI:vee us s Others' evils, It we have faith, sooner or later God will test it. It takes some ttt>ue t i ase whisky, but it does not tat.ke long to age the Mart who drinks Wine 'moveth itself aright," but those who drink it, never do, Many a Iran who does not believe In a Trinity, three int ane will have the world, the flesh and the devil in himself. $on. R. J. Seddon Premier of New Zealand Speaking in Ottawa said: --- `x was rather surprise,' just after I had entered a British country aG Niagara to see a statement in a Toronto paper to the effect that women suffrage in New Zealand has been disappointing because it has not conquered partyism, promoted social reform, or pure administration: The facts are all against that article. In the first place woman suffrage was introduced in 1893, not 1894. Mr. Ballance, the then premier, had given bis pledge to bring in a. bill conferring the franchise on women, and althroegh personally oppoeed to it, I felt hound, on sue- oeeding biro, to carni out his pledge The remelt nes been stieh ars to change tnsr views on the question. I feared that to glee women the right to vote would tale them 1..1, Way from home lite in a tnv.t-;tire, nn;Hr them and being tftetttxlown front the place they angst tr) ewe: 111 rate heart :111(1 • home. :Now what lets h'Ipf)>ane'1 ? The women of Nlew Zeal 'rite, who,(, drawing ri'orlad were before that time like drawing rooms all over the world, peaces where chat :revers were talked of and dresses eriticised, where there was enuuh srnall tack that did not meati anything or per- form any helpful facncttau, are he - coming lees frivolous anti very much more intere:ated in questioni of great social import, and especially i'1 those involving parliarsontarjr uctiou The assertion that they have been casting votes for shady eh:trio:Vi ers is somewhat of an insult to oar lruiieii. I can put my hand on my heerr; tend say that while politica- are keenly foug.fat, ere, have no gentlemen in the House who could be e:a.11eef shady ettaraeter*. Our women vet•.A51•.4 seta decidedly hl;,■h et:aeti:v.4 t' , rte• J' Mendi'eiJl'e:ieret.ltix'�s ••-;'c.)'i 'moral life, aud if there- is;;r1 uvii ; • believe, that a Gandittiir.tl.l '10tt at ,! y x; a,rt *ell, there le ane. teed of eitr. And Choy- aro nut t teuiT+pn;ti r e,e.r•, with {good morals, tee,' wee. „•, trnrid Rid rall atftrast ivacf110r•vv.11•t Yon( have noticed how Weele.s at a man's quielities. • Yoe rt•ese,) said think, and, uu:sztu over to t;illrt' feud eon a to d sOttntl CorrcluaiOn after glutei care. Your wires or ':,tsrtter• Coulee to the risme eonelneinn very • mach quicker- :and by a proitees sue cennot very wall explain, It i5 her woman's instict 't'ltaa, quality the women of New Zealand eterei•ee in eiiootting their r•eprtssbrttt.ativ.'•t, autt they are jest ass ertgter t s star, a;.r members of the ffease at; teed husbands. There are, a( v ,unto, o' women members, nor dtr trate s'a'eriteet deteire that there mould be.. .tf.aer four year3' experience tor soman suffrage, I have decided thet tC not a mistake_.l:o„ r•atur, it, awl f :ihoutd certainly sae "Yee" to ai question as to whether a;at(a:eat go and do likewise. A GBAli D T.a UN (C 132, k tiv e3 .e2 ate. NT 1 \\' (fl,s T1.1iJ? ;IAY ' . ' ' Wg USE IN'CtJBA- *'Nrtt1 otos. r TORS. t 1 Ztetring, Buraipg fAtu Diseases W , 1 lits pointy l; the must vttltiable Relit:tea in ra eley, , beeeve, •: shit /se a e, II, TIECE .( »:MANTA-•. . BY if. S. BA COCK, PROVil)rtNCE, R. T. The first sod most obvious advan- tage of using the incubator and the brooder, is that the hatching can be done whenever the brooder wishes to do it, If ane depends upon hens, he utast own it their pleasure in order to employ there They wilt sit when they get ready altd not before They Consult their await feelings, not their owners desires, It is true that care- fal nlanagemetrt, (ten to some ex- tent regulate the broody instinct, blit it cannot do it wholly, But the incubator ts-al ways ready. The second advantage; is teat tine incubator hatches large numbers of eggs at once. A hen will cover, say One dozen ; one ineub;ttot' will. inn - "bate one btuxired two hundred, five lnindred er More, tlecording to the size of the inaehinc. And there is not mach more tabor in taking care; of the incubator and its la)•ge num- berof eggs, then in caring for the hen and her smell number. Inother words the znaiehine economizes htbor and thus seduces- the cost •of the productions. Profit depends • either upon getting• a good selling price or in rieclueing the cost of what is sold. The selling price except as to wisdom is putting the goode tnpon the market at the . right time, is lar„ l,y beyond the •con - Iwo! of the iprnd'neer, hilt the -octet of p +r,latetive.] we cao re'grtlate to a (0 (tell grotto extent. The labor of ot40111n.rart• tis t:'Iertrter than the ilabor ed' man., :and 'it Is \ fee to substitute a nutchirretfer a Oran,—or in this 'case i for a hen—wherever and whenever i it can be atone, To the large pro dueer we regard tie) incubator and brooder, :not merely as helpers but I a r necessities. Success in their busi- ness depends upon the abiiity,of the produce rehickensat the most advan- tegeoi a thne and to rear .them tit the 1e tsteost. Without the 'incuba- tor this %would be impossible. A -third advantage is that the chickens can be reared with abse- ittte freedom from vermin. By a carefnit inspection of the eggs when they are gatbereu or before they are put into the machine, the dagger emit dice .tvi:t:f t,' reirnoved. Ben to reltoet cheer e t Chen ',with great eare, often 'hr.,t;ttrne le,t1'y1' to their ser i 'ui; detrf:,i mt. (, ro.wth is arrest- nr"li rfei.ate!le/patio! t Itiut•lft. rod, and death often en suers. • flet wring ata incuba.- ter end 'brooder .era used this should never :he ;found atu,lne artifIcialiy ,chefami brooded cieterrene; .il. fourth (1(1 VLentegis ie that' the broiler chi-a:en'a, kite:riderri far' broil- ers , eau% .}tit forced a+ilyeaid mel penia: rigidly than tbneis reared un• der hen';, ;at eight weeks of age• tees' will he ;a't [;Argo as those raised under `lens are:,.tt Lerarr,rtwelve. weeks Par broilers and heeler :t *ising, Hot only .00 c-icec'nor, of h.(vh r the int el.: er; `rea+dy at seen rl.ghr, house, but alsr, t un atrcuitalt elf ••rc tir't ng he beet atiz'1 g most prof:foiblte 'ltosort mnet p bo made to the ;trtitleiel a arpose, A tIrth advantage is that ohiekelrr•1 (' produced aartrticially are tamer and. mere easily bendlett teen those pro. duce(' lna.tel•nellye,,e'rhits is no mere scntirnentat :advspltatgo hitt a real peeriniary ad' angors, staring in food .aid securing both growth and fewer broken eggs. 't And finally, for we must not allow, this article to becorite twa Ion;, (.he ht Vegr.t.able WO have and n0 ,pains : herr•+.eyrie' hula, rt,td :l 5,i rhe alsiri tiufctcly r.'havtad ar.fi setsoared by Dr. ;tt;uutv'a'tllnttueot. 1. aIll give iatatauteuler"vrt, to C,it•tie of ,la't,1ng, blooding or Wind pilf,s, ratlt,I will (etre' in Iron' (hale to tux nights, Y,it (Tots. Sold r,t Oalt aotni'r Drug ewe). should be Ltpared in eta Cultivation, the (ivality depends muell Upon the Errol whet o it is grown, Very heavy. clays and low wet soils cannot pro duduet)a mealy ti;be-r. * * * The farm and the work must be studied, By i.utving the labor pro- perly ii• sy eteniized and distributed less hired Itibor will be needed, Only taking' every advatnage to produce resalL3 at tthek,westi cost, to a profit possible eftentirrles e It depends wholly apart what et; dein is inaurrvd for es to its wisdotn. It is foolish to give a note foe a fast twee))fur or ,r a luxury, but when the dein will help one to make more money, and :to to become indepen• dent S,10{tel', it is a -very different thing. is ;,i• ,a ilave% two shaves to. each plow,and I, 0Lt will teen thoseave W neither stop Work .n orderordertr,,go to the bittelc• senile, our hatbeer;!i'e7,e(,lltinne nsiug as 'dell. 1.',.,l, Extra( ;expense ? You will save mole•reattl.t the ,cess of tete exert.: sh'•1t'e;t c'lr season. •ii• * There arae t'01515 which year after year are 'fee teen of fruits or vegeL- ts bles, yet an ,ei;; eth of an acre of garden, and a half acre in selected fruits, wise sufkply a large family' abuildaL1tl with ifresh vegetables and fettle Why are then so short sighted i' * Theleii'ief reastali for the rotati,rrt of crops is that land.may recuperate but one .serious:objection to planting the same ground year after year is that the insects •and and diseases affecting the crap at`aek it year after year with inetteased levee. * * *• However low the prices may be it will always pay to do the best we can. If the profit from a good crop of wheat or corn, or from a good beef anirna1, is small, remember that it would have 'been much smaller still if the ,erop'er the animal had been a poor one. * * * It is well to harrow meadows and pastures, far it tears the roots and tends to al'tisken the grass. It also destro,s moss, which may grow badly dratiaged or cold ground. It 1 eo metirites as essential to harrow these fielels.as it.is -to eultivate the cern. 1113O ): setter 11 filharn'alHeart and. Ntirve Pills a..`r, onriog hoary :aryl nem, troubles in av, eery, town eed y.11.1;010 C:anadn: ?ilry. F Abbey, Taranto, say";-Miiburu'e Hear • lipid Nerve Pilus Strad my husband who a•.d for fifteen years r,tffiered with weak nerve, ceased by hears ;trouble. 13e was subjco to pains in leis Bead, dizziness, fainting spalls, sleeptes5n'r.4, et,:. He is now en fr fro,. these trmtiblea, toil feels Ib0% better than when he began. tisia;; the pills," Potaateoes are ntsurfer .h injured by he shade, itEs1,, area good crop to row in a yeaa.tig.,-or' and ; iinil' the owl', which is a od fertilizer foe his erop, is also g d or the trees, orn.is also ago etop''ate grow. there, and it cans, e grown two or three years in 54.ICCessiotl. Canotr cal ba Cured. vo For six yerers I suffered frons cancer and got no relief until 1 L180.{ Burcioak Blood Bittera. I used wren bottles faithfully. when the cancer gradmilly dried "p load renally rfisappeaa•e 1. I am now nniirelt well and rejoice that by using B. lt. IL 1 e•maped death either from' the snrpn. i neubtator is a great saver of man x'Irt thus a great saver of man's feel - nee. It' r here is anything provoking n this World it is ail unfaithful sit- ing hen. She will desert her nest he will break her eggs, she will be- nn1 her q ar•ter's, she will kill the hickens. Some or #I1 of these roubies anise every year, and when hey arise, he is a wellibatanced man who does not''lot "hi&angry pessions ise," to his r,*nIef aired his mortifea- ion.. At such s tittles the petteefuI neubator is a jewel in het. eye. "hernia s Medicine Nature's, rnedielrs for constipation Ivor csrnpla'nt, sick C, headache, bilious- fro Esse, j'tundlics and sallow coin pleeiun is axe -Liver Pills. They are a perfect aeattsr , never griping 'or ceasing pain. ne pill each night fort 30 nights will ore tonstipation TXLta TUC irTO.'(Y O7, I4I3 KYro4115.'t- rNe,7 TILtT Orr+L peri, ANL) 1rON 11; IY,43 XNLCRVSn 1 OF 4rI3 9tIC1r.1tIVQ11 W. Lavelle, G. T. R. br?akrltrl++.n.:111m)- a 41510, Ont,, says: "l'ltroegle e.t;,,,cure 1 1' c contracted that dread litseas.- r•r11.,:e: h My case beenme chronic 1 tva., reset .i - mended to try Dr. A new's 11.t'•,rrr,•t1 Powfor. In ten minutes tri.- toe ;1 5i ap0,I.t.ltion 1 0 t.l rtit.n° a, t .t) almost, i te','rli',Sr it'ir•, 7 .i .::trip tonna halt these )t%,.'S•. , i:t't t speak ton to Sia• in r.•,' este remedy, Et td .t c,t •:r:•te!. .e c i euro'' :3•'11 at (hi IN.) t nn a knife or cancer itself. Mug. LLrz.t J. Tal;conn, P,vria. .,1lthouerh land may be used Mere- ly for pasture, do not let it go un- drained. Dratired land will keep a thicker soil end grew better grafies and more of it, than that which has not been drained. Wet heavf land wa',es a rank growth of grass, which is scant in nutritive qualities.. Tho Wonder o^ the Age 1)r.tn Fitts, -I must itnnestly sa,v that T kava t*f"r1 von• vn'ti 1,i -t medicine B. P. 11 for the ai,:rase esllt'd prairie itch, and irnv(' fonncl i 11le remedy t be the wonder of the age. I tnnk only t11t•en bottles and to inv great satisfaction wan r•ampletely cured 3 can highly recotnmen 1 it to all who elutb t m any skin disease or impurity tf flit blood. Okeetn Dzx, Rat Portage, Om Is °mieet by naiad liver, which prevents dlges. n tion net permits feed to ferment and petrify in L the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, I 1 0 0 insomiz a, norvousnesg, and,III I 11 n to not rot eyed, bilious fever or blood poisoning. HoodsIIIS C n Ville stimulate the stomach, tt rouse the ilvor, cure headaeho,ydizsineats, et)n. Thi e only riles to take with Eraod'8 Sn sep�ttee 0 Grocer 0. Connelly, of Rich mood Coe. era, N. D., says of Dr, Cameo's Cure; ' X stn3Ifsa ed used Ir. Chase'sZ nes ,, iL ore. I had it in a very severe forth for early five years. I used several sa•eall- d cures, but got no relief None of them id me hely good. One box nt Dr. Chase's atarrh (, um completely oared 311e. The leaven of intellingenco is Working, For a long time it was n lamentable fact that those who atten ded the yearly Institutes were thele. who ne , coed rile least stin7tiltls an(1 instruction. Those wllo howled calamity and luta no pride in their calling wore Seldom seen in ti err a'. Ix' ivzlitea and stra:llY,:1t ,.,,,..1t „u;; thing tc ndallce. tI1at ho didn't l:9ct'.'' • :.,t t.;c;:t 1iree A man may succeed ' it on 50 or lee acre e 01 hunt ; lie duul,le;s Lim size ef kiss r:tr•tn, hut it is outs to fit;d that he utttkee nu more nta,r4t'1 than he slid bete,( 0, tar tele theer ra t et stilt 11014.1 in 1'reeete', 'I tit. r:.feit..iVII. e011106 Li) t111(( %Ow ae,eete, �tt•t'lt• fta it+i t1;� , ` her,Yer the Alt It 8;7 i.a ver 11r. t 3., ii•b „ retnet:ties ere anew°. earn 111, r'I,24.t,: ,e 5weeL L., if 4Lty A p or tat 0; au +'•N ., ,n,: or et•j•43. ;L'py t,Yyr r4,Ourea,t.,., to . , in i,:aft ir;,a irk 'torp A4lc 11.33r 3: tnt1r•: i r tr•..yt r ,.tt 1,113., t.0 1't!,n, .341 sa• i + • „+r•t1a:«t, h.' .nr tri t!r•, 1,'i , ,.. • i wtai .t t:.3 a.• ,. s:a..: rt•.,.: t. ,.,, ,.1 •'el t.e,,. "., (relit: e 1. 1 FERRYBOATS. The Mind That Were Di i's$ u Hundred • Years Ago.. The hprse boats between the cities a New York and Brooklyn may be eite as early attempts to solve the proble of transport by water, An interestin feature of these early cortstructious we the use of a water wheel 12 feet er so i diameter, with 24 fleets, the hitter in elined slightly to the radius' so as t avoid the lifting of the water, which i 50 troublesome a feature of the radia float. Theo horse boats appear to hav been of tbreo general deti1.:.ir5. In th erut a frame, shaped somewhat Idle th letter "At." cr an inverted "1;;," we mounted to turn around its vertica lexis. Four of these frames, dividing th circle into eight parts, made a sort o skeleton cone, and this cone was cause to revolve by eight horses moving in horizontal circular path about 20 fee in diameter. The face gear, 111 feet 1 diameter, (trove a three foot pinio mounted upon the axis on the wate wheel shaft and the wheels were within the frame in 0 4,�,�� an opening between half f ci g s n 0 e 1 0 e e s 1 0 al. ti ni r;- A*egeiableP piarationror,: l( Senuiating thaootl ar llIcg'u',u- tit Iu>$ die Stall+ltsrilsand13owcls cel' SEE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE C)l=- -. Psoinotes Digestian,Clwer fol-• fess and Rest.Cuntains neither t 'tttrs,Naorphine nor Antral, e OT? A:111001'1C. -04* iseCidlirrVIISZFI.ft= .ikfyuios SA,rd' - ..eitv;. gto-sa * t dieragase Xstoised eaeseeeserehe Aperfeet Remedy for Constipa-• lien, Sour Stotnach,Dierritoea, ,Convulsions,Teveri sh- !US$ and ss OF SLEEP. Tat Simile Signature of I$O.NTHE WRAPPER OF £VBY BOTTT 7" EXACT COPY OT WRAPPER. ,.A.>•rMINrcvaIN,av a,•1arwwna.rrOMP,M0r put ,'` Oaatoria isn in oeo- ' ll L'tit !'o;tlea ,:ply. Dire } ;a not sola le balk, Dawe; (.new eepelo . eel: Y' yen aaytbiag else on tis idea cr premia, tt.att is "just as good" and "will tZSIMIZ ororcp,ta;''' acne,' —) Zee that you ;;e. C •.x -b °-c -$,I-il5 :ktfaa- Iloilo r is on signa.nru ' overt' of • yapper. The second plan was of a conics skeleton frame at an incline of abon one in two, so that the borsos had to travel up this inclined surface, cansin it to rotate with their weight and trao- tion. is the third plan --a smaller design— the paddle 'wheels were brought into a Well between the two half 11111.5 of the boat, catamaran fashion. aaa in the firstra aanga'naent, and thefrsuce was mount- ed above the whinge, and its rotating motion wale transmitted by intertnediate idle wheels to the water wheel shaft. Boats of the BratBratand second ease seem have been about 75 feet long. It is interesting also to observe that the swini<it3g bridge/or ferryboat serv- ice had been already thought out by Fulton early in this century, with its 00014 terweiigbt Construct ion and eta Windlass for snaking the boats fast. Such beats.secin to have drawn a little over two feel of water and to have bad perfectly find bottoms, like A(:OW'A.—Pro- fese,or F. R. Hutton iu Cassier's Maga- zine. SHELBY AND THE PRESIDENT 'LATg 'Haw He Clinched UM 4p+porwtanent as tatted States Marshal. "Olin of General Shelby's saving traits Was his ability to say oxsctly the right thing to the right roan in the right place. A: heavy eight was made on hint when he was a candidate for the mar- shalskip. His opponents had told Presi- dent C1cvektnd that Shelby had been concerned in the assassination of the of- ficers of Cass county who had issued some railway bonds against the wishes of the people. Shelby prepared himself with aifYflda,:vitsfrom leading citizens and went to Washington. Disdaining assist- ance, he obtained a personal interview with Mr. Cleveland. When he, entered the executive office, Representative Dockery, the banker at Gallatin, one of his bitterest opronenls, was potent, "'I have been accused of assassina- tion, Mr. President,' said General Shel- by, 'and have been informed that the appointment to the 'United States mar- shalship for the western district of .Mis- souri hinges upon tient charge. In jus- tice to a Democrat I want you to eaam- in0 these papers at your leisure.' "'Ycu have been correctly informed, General Shelby,' said the president. 'That charge has been made, I will look at your papers,' "Congressman Dockery interjected a remark. 'I will bid you good horning, rrr. President,' said thegeneral. 'There is nothing that man' pointing to Dock- ery -Wean say to me in this office or in your presence. There are many places in which he can meet nae if be desires.' "There was a distinct ehallenge in hie manner and glance, but it never came to anything. Withal an hour Mr. Cleveland caused General Shelby to be informed that he would bo given the appointment. The entire business was settled in Less than half a day. It was the guiding principle of (1 Chzerel S1zoI- by's life to go straight' ft 1 ! t i:zr; that q�ur , 1311 T „lee A We dowork �► neat in the, Job t rt;ttttl!; business end at 'O prices as low as the lowest. If you arc in need h.ny- thing such as I/isrER HEADS, NOTF. HEADS,', BILL }IEADS, ENVELOPS, POSTERS, DODGERS BIM/ ••w'; • Q1 CARDS, $ Or anything in the Iine of Printing. call (lr •:•1ti1e :(• the 0 old reliable TIMES Office, WingritXm.' $50 REWARD • 1 will give Fifty Dollars to any, person t'.'1'r, y'i;l :•-Ing me Watch or Clock I cannot repair and snake to rreu .a, well as, or better than ever-. 1:1;r '; '•:1. :)'.. bt'ir1?ham Opposite Macdonald Block. ' Break Up a Cold in Time nv est,YG PY Y- PEn'e L • The Outok Cure for CO1iI£'r.TYS, COLD'S, DROl:.i , B11»; - \ a CBYTTS, a nOAr,.StPIE..S) oto. bfes. 'rearm% a rol'NTCX, .•, of 0.7 SoraurenAve.,T.rontc,ivr' tits : • ryny^eetnral has anter f.41.0 11,7 h:Wren of 3."1' nh.•r a tow d t: ,1i. eta 34.0.1 nty,n,to( alot .etandirr 0 1,(l uh.•^ ('4nr.:t other 141310 e 3:1d fait.d• 1t 1;04p0,01.4 an 0X044:.3. 1R•,h try-ar.-ray 3 url,,•.' I p•.•t. ' 1t to env t,3,0r 1ne4a'1nt1 for (ought+, croup or tow.e.l,C01,' II. 0, r'%t:l:ntni, c: r ittie Redix.r, a.b., wt• ite0: .,.ts a rum tn. er•,¢),N I'rn('Portnett rte 3.434 in35 1'(4n4 toedi.lne 1 brew; ,ny. eta. •LS " h11,6 he other." T..cr'a !cttlb, 145 Cts. 1).W18 & i, knNCE CO., Lte.. Proprietors, i)ioN'RBAL g �4 ti*)"4.0400101.4 sa Mte,1+.4 i *TTTTTITTTTrrrTn•TTTTTl T11111111.1 11tTtTT The D,derL. Emulsion woo onomorm••••Fmnowormmumml•• Is Invaluable, if you are run down, as it is a food, as. well as: a medicine, t The D. & L. Emulsion Will build you up if your general health is E impaired. tr The D. & L. Emulsion E Is the best and most palatable preparation' of Coal Liver Oil, agreeing with'the most deli - The Tho D. & L. Emulsion is Isa.prescribanada. ed by the leading physicians of 4 The D. & L. Emulsion 1 Is n marvellous flesh producer and will give • YOU are appetite. I. LilaWO. at $1 pot l3alfi1a3 t yeti 5L3. fi;,)1!e & LANSEnet Co,1TJy, t .........1.4.&.1.4 41.1..t U3.41 804ArLt6..e,AAAa3AA 31a, r'k