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The Wingham Times, 1897-05-21, Page 5
edee OT ING. TIO!,' \A/ING RA i" 1 TIMES, MAY 21, 1897. IS CHEAP THAT ISN'T GOOD 10 Every Article Sellll Alleve has our'RnatirRsttee with i1. It i6'gI1ite possible once 'in a while something will go contrary to ex;pect- atiome,, but let us know about it, we'll make it. right. Mark Twain says; "Difference of opinion makes a horse race," 'Quite truce. If all thought alike everybody would trade hero, But as matter of fact •a.good many people ;aro changing their ,opinion, and buying at this store—doing business on aeash basis. One thing is certain the lion'.s share of the business is done diene, and possibly is due to offering reliable, sep-to- da'te,goods at TOMS 1._111M Ladles Cotton Bose. regular 10c. a pair, four pairs for 25o. Ladies Black Cotton Bose, very heavy, speoi,ti, two hairs for 255. Corsets, sizes 19. to 241.1vrab Jean, 25c. Corsets, sizes from 19 to 30 Drab Jean, well diniphed, 40o. Special line Sunnier Corsets, worth 05o. for Seo. 20 dozen White Handkerchiefs, colored borders, lo. each, !'able Linen. some more new hues at 25c. All wool Dress Goods, double fold, in blue, brown, black, garnet, a snap gat 20o. Lace Tidy's very pretty, worth 25o. each, bought to sell at two for 25c. —Q— 1="_Ei.R..A.SO-Ces New .Lienee of Dltiiiisnelr•y rare A.rrr^ii•viaag Every Illus. . Sailor Mats in blaoti or white, 12%c, 20e, 30o. Seo tha trimmed hats at 21 50, 75 and 02 00 PARASOLS—New lines at popular prides "LVEF ,�1'L JP Y"S EEEP H USTLT.N"G." • eKinnon 3E37L1'°I1E-Iv pring . uilin s We are prepared to give you something nobby in Spring and Summer Suitings and of excellent Value. We -1 turn out wily First-class Work. ' WE WANT YOUR TRADE. • W. T. SULLIVAN' Irvin's old Stanch farGive us a call before purchasing. Did you hear that times are going -to in Wingham , ;:. . is- on deck to help you ou.t_ Large consigaments of Spr•iug and Stunnter Goods.In all. lines,` at prices bio never yet approached, and otters the greatest values to hie customers and ',BELL Ai3 MORRIS PIANOS! the public generally in Blood means sound health. With pur4, rich, -healthy blood, the stomach and di- gesiaivn�tlrgana, will b© vigorous, viand there win bo no dyspepsia, illheun)atism and Neuralgia will be unknown, Scrofula and Salt Rheum will disappear, With punt O Your nerves will bo strong, and your 'deep sound, sweet and refreshing. Hood's Sarsaparilla ?makes pure blood That is wby it cures so many diseases. That is why so many thousands take it to .cure disease, retain good health, pre - Vent sickness and sufferng. Remember . Sarsaparilla Ito the Oh., True 131ood Purifier. $1 per bottle. Hood's Pi➢Is ctake. e:tsynre ltooperate. 96s, L'>tj S Spell it any way you wish, either is Correct and the correct place to get a correet plow at a correct price is at her IVIa)esrt*, and if they are counted the..,e. f rvi" Killed By a Steer. Mrs James Ilaya of McKillop m with a ver, - sudden death o Saturday night. Mr. Hays wa returning from Seaforth when ' it saw some strange cattle in one of h fields and set the dog on theta, lbi:t Hers lead also seen the cattle an was going to the field to drive the oat and was met at the gate of th field by the cattle, some of whit went out of the gate and tile other turned in. In the confusion one o the animals struck Mrs. Hays knocking her down. Her hen struck on the ground with grew, force, rendering her unconscious She did not rally and died ,t fe hours afterwards. She w,rs 66 year of age and was very highly respected in the neighborhood. et n s e is 's d m e s. f d w s Foul. Generations of Royalty. In the coming Jubilee procession four generations of the Royal family in direet line are to be present:.—the Queen, the Prince of Wales,the Duke of York., and Prince Edward of York Their ages are.: The Queen, 78. Prince of Wales, 55 ; the Du York 322, and Prince Ed ward of York 3. Prince Edward of York's birth- day will be the day after the Jubilee celebration. It is more than proba- ble, too, that some of the Queens' relatives, other thin her direetdecettd. ants, will be' present in the Jubilee 'procession. "There are" enys The Daily News, something like 160 cousins and decendants of cousins o% Dui GLI+ NANNAN, Etre Steck **rue; Mr Rolston I)unlo is visiting at Montreal, M'1 ) `t , p g )• �.i?,----A, aa'Izle • re- Mr. John Scott's this week, i ceived by W. G.Enka Liverpool to. Master' wet Duneau is engaged I day said that Oartacifan steers sold at. With gr, George Walker for the i Sad• They were about ,;,50 hettd of Stemmer. l butchers' cattle, !00 cafes; 120 Miss Mary Wilson School Teacher• 1 sheep and t; (1 spring larders offered Zetland spout last .Sunday at Mc, for sale at the East lCrtd d Irattoir to= Iticltards WalJaees, }day. Tfic: i'rutuhers wcrr,; prestrnt in Mrs. Gilbert Stevens went to; large n.wubers and trade was fe,ir, Lueknow last Monday to spend a few ° with the prlcea ruling ret a.lbnut the weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs sartle rates as on 'iTnt•srlay. A John Huffman. car load t.f superior weer:; were On 1+'ridgy of lavt waelt rt. Inge } bought for ellip,net t to ( m Britain nu' mbcr of men atherecl ,tt .l' ti 'rid X4.55 per 1(u) )tis : p, itne butchers' Weir's to raise his new barn. e4a )• ; stock sold at from 4�.e 1 4 *-r; and the timber was fill pat togee-et/Ivey); tht r. Prett} guuci animals at fr(,nt au to sides were chosen ivy Mr, Masan ; nearly 4c per le); eutitteon rough incl Mr .Jho. Porter, but lit•, Pot•rere i half -fatted bents :gold et fwnr '4,e men was not a match for lir, Mason's ' to 3c and some of the old dean rows as they beat their hada r. As ,t i would not hring over 2e pet• fi). reward for their labor the young' Calves sold ;i.t from $1 toy elrch, people vrero given a dance. Quite :1• I but there were no extra venin on the numbcr of Mr. Weirs friends front' nlai,isetrShippers are paying about Corrie and Seaforth were present, 4 per %) fur• good large sheep and and all sec eSfei to enjoy theist at:h•es, i the butchery pg;.yQ ;run! 3',;e L 4 c The beautiful t:roonlit;ht ni,4•ht of pet` -`s for the others, btr. liourassa last Sander cn'tsed sort1r) of ; .t;.1 bought seven good sheep at 5 each 1 young men to gander away from' fink 28 spring lambs at an average; " h of home. They had better be careful , of $4 ea "ala, ;Some of the 1an)bs were• 4�tlliJ .4i �` cr STWIE of T. H. Ross. They say times are very, very bard and no doubt they are. I can make them a liitle easier for you if you buy your Implements in here, I have a few slightly 'soiled plows I will sell for $10, payable a.r October '97.. I have plows with haI the Queen's own children, grandchildren and greatgrandehild- ren, the number of the royal Family 1 is inceased to no less than 320. EAST WAWANOSI3. Ft uit in abundance this year. The farmers have mostly all finish ed seeding. . • Miss Wiiliamsen of Gray is visit- t g at her sister's Mrs. Geo. Walker. A. number of people in this section e sowing flax for the new Wing - m flax mill. Mr. J. Coultis shipped a car lead of extra fine cattle, to the Old Coun tr1y, on Tuesday. A number of young people. gather at the home of Mr. John Shiei4t t Monday eve, for a pleasant time d to say good bye to Miss LL Her- a, who leaves fee Mieh.gan on May ch i s Bertin evil: be- greatly ssed sit the League, as she took an ive part in the work. We wish • every success ni. her future. ne. . Mr. James Walker and, family of ussels visited his parents tile first the Week. • The young yeople 'of the Brink thodist ehureh purpose hawing a wn social at Mr. Wm, Deacon's on nday, May 31•st. lessrs. Jonethan and Wesley Patti , have each purchased a fine top gy • . that they dont get lost. rather see, II sed would scarcely'- 1 bring' over 42 e,t eh. Pat hogs sell at I at from 5e to 5tc p.7 lei. Stare hogs TURNBERRY, 'brine from 3 to 7 e ' h, according ; Miss Gemmill and Mrs. McMeekin 1 to size, and small Piga se.'t at. rq'' " - of Seaforth and Bright, r Bolt'ively I ''- tach, !returned to their homes, after spend • ing a pleasant time at Mr. Bolt's, nr i t ' r i;. Mr. Weir of Glenannan, intends having a barn raising on Frid:l v The Butter factory finished its. eight. I Spring Season last week. It hale been Quite an excitement was causer? running• six weeks and in t5at tittle near the Glenfarrow Poku Office oto•, manufactured over 8,000 pound's of evening of last week, when one of Mr. i butter have been made. on Wed, e'` Eli Bolt's cows got stuck in the Beaver moadow, It took several men about an hour to get her out. We are sorry to report that John Fyfe is very sick. Miss Louisa Higgins is learning he dress making in Wingham. Mr, Davis had a' ploughing nnatch on his farm last week. About four teen teams were engaged, so that a large amount of land was made ready for use. :Mr..Paul `Powell has a rather severe attack of la grippe. We hope he will soon be well again; one Mr. Arthur Bickerstaff of Toronto skim milk and h is visiting at James Wyleis, skim milk is carried to a vat near the )1It . G. E. tiViison of Na. 9, has , ceiling wand conducted by a, hose purchased a_ Cleveland Bicycle Iiiod- I into the emptied ' niiikcans and re el 29: R I turned to the patrons, for their calves VMrs James Wylie' ,has received 1 an'i Pigs. • Hr•at.iri� the creain makes the sad intelligence of'the death of it ac pirate quicker. The sep;btator her sister, Miss Thomas Francis; �tj makes 6,50() revolutions in a minute her residence, in 1loutrtpleat`sant, Ire- I Two separators are required to lail4v 1 handle the large quantity of milk. Mrs. Wm. Geninijli is recovering! `I'he.cream is kept ?4 hoots after be from an attack of t beu,natisut. frig• churned. It might be said Chat Mr D, W.Gemrnill is. busy buying ! milk is like cream, the cream like. grain for a company fn Guelph, butter and the butter like gold, Mi • George MaDoneld is assisted in the factory, by licesrs. James 8urg•ess BLYTII and Lad Warwick, Visitors have of the Lord's Supper been et the factory every day sine the new utachinery was put in, ' A arty r..AJJ UARAPiTEED American Soft Centre, Cruciable Cast Steel, will clean iii any kind .of e soil, which I will sell from now till • las 1st of June at -from $9.00 up. Come an in and get one.: • e rid I Have tens and tons 'oi" s . 25 mf PLOW REPAIR,'' set made from broken car wheels and hot canister, hard and tough and can tit any plow Will sell them in lots of Br 6 or 12 for: 35 cents spot cash, , of • - — j Me I. still continue to handle the la • DRESS 000.DS, .STAPLE AND FANCY consisting of CASHMERES, LUSTRES, SERGES, and PLAID GOODS in all qualities and colors, PRINTS, GING HAMS, ZEPHYRS, MUSLIMS, DELAINES, etc. . TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS & TOWELS A large and varied stock of Tweeds of all kinds, suitable for Spring and Stemmer wear, at very low prices. Ready (lade Clothing fur men and buys, Cottonade, Denims, Flannels, Flrannelettes, Cottons and Shirtinge at all widths and prices. If you intend furnishing your house or•• a part of it this Spring, call and inspect oar stock of• CARPET'S, LACE CURTAINS, CHENILLE CURTAINS, ®Il. CLOTHS AND STAIR CARPETS before purchasing, where you will find a fall and complete stock in these lines et prices that will save you money every time. In addition to our immense stock of I can save you from $50 to $100 sat' if you deal with me and give' you hug just as good as you can get from 1 those city plug -hat dudes. Patronize BELGIlAVE. your own town -and don'.tforget your• David ,rad Walter Scatt were in humble servant- Halton last week attending tit T. R. ,ROSc. funeral of their brother -in -lase, D. McCo11 4= we have just received and passed into stock ten cases of the very latest s.tyles of Shoes and Rubbers at such prices as will insure a fit to your parse as well as your feet and our stock of plough boots and other heavy tine•: for rough work is worthy of the closest inspection, Oar Stock of GROCEIIII'�$, is always fresh and good, at as low prices ;is first class goods can be sold. F Long experience in Seeds makes this store 1EADQUAwr.ERS for the SEED TRADE at 1o1ve3t peices f�.r brit Claes ]wale grown Seeds or all kinds, free from foal ,tied, smelt air foreign grown seeds often contain. Our seed list can slats of 13lover c•f' all kinds, Thrum rrh, Rod, Alsike, Lueeano, Crimson, While and S�tnfoine, Chicago Lawn (;-rasses, Timothy Seed, 14 different varieties of Seed Corn carefully selected. Millett and Hungarian, "Little Giant" Seeder at mauufiteturers prices. Bear in mind, our seeds are home grown and selected by ourselves with ell the &ire that our experience of many years in the trade convinces us to be necessary and you can rely upon {vetting fresh, clean and reliable st:ods at ciusist possible prices if you buy from P. S.—Good Organs, Sewing Mach- ines, Needles, Oils And Repairs always in stock • and at right prices, T. H. R. • Change of Business Having purchased from D. I. McDonald his Butchering Business, I and now in a position to supply the public with 3h)E i1EATS a: lowest prices and earn- estly solicit a share of the l)ati'•)nagtr, e of this commun- ity. We will always kce 011 hand` the best mea that can be got for money a� • G.1+11DD trSSeeee . ) . r•t' 1 d stand, John Ross left on Monday. for Montana•, where he has secured good employment, his brother-in-law being road cemtnissioner for a county besides having large busincsc inter- ests. The mill is shat down at present and a number are out of work in consequence, VSydney Farrier.left last Tuesday for Northern Michigan, where he will settle on a farm.V D. Meiklejohn has about recov from bis recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. McAsli attended he faneral of the hatter's father a rucefield last Wednesday, Tobacco users here, now pay si eats for plugs which were forrnerl ive Cents. John Scandrett anticipating an in tease of the duty on liquors laid in small stock a couple of weeks efore the duty raised the price of hat article. Mr. John Coultes shipped some ne cantle from this station this week n ell 41. 01 these, 2 were purohas- d from Wesley Patterson, and 'elated 2,290 lbs.; 2 from R, Coultes nd aggregated 2,750 lbs.; 7 from lZ. eo't, 13,550 lea,; 5 of his own, 6,250 `2 from Geo. Dalgarno, 15,000 lbs.; id 10 from Jno, Sheill, 25,090. t X Y i', rr .,. r,r,?,r •'F :'J alv .:.1•t':r•1 1 i4 lu 141 ,.,a: \` r'y rn 11r.) •i.:r•i:r't) ,•,,it)- t•r:;r \o, 1•, 1`.a .1.1 an, lis rr 11I'A 1 r•:1,,J i,1 Wig r! „Ir, J• Irl i=,•, \'it * :.101 1r;r•l,rry to,. • • n, nesday of last week nearly fivel hun- dred pounds of butter have been made. The prices varied from 18 to 20e a pound. The machinery is supposed to the latest and most im- proved in use, and was furnished by Messrs. Richardson & Webster -of St - Marys. The milk is list weighed. and then run through tin trough in- to a long large tin-lined,vat, and from there is pumped into a shallow pan, where it is heated by steam. From there it goes into the separator and as. soon as the fresh milk begins to pour in,, two streams pour out the other cream. Th w h Sacrament as administered in St. .Andrew'; resbyterian church Sunday. the price of button has gone down Mrs. Lynn of church oneh was visiting and the price of cheese has gone up he sister, Mrs Heron, Dinsl.ey St., the du colors decided to make cheese on Sunday. Mrs. Yiayerroi• Seaforth was visiting relatives in town for a few days. Mr. Alex. lMoKellar lies a gang nC then 'converting the old public sellout building, which he purchased softie tirno ago, into two dwelling houses. Oar woollen mill under new pro- prietorship intends to start running this weak. Wettlaufer & Willford intend start ing to rnake brick in a few days. Ye editor of the Blyth standard contemplates shortly—tee ,move Id-, plant inneeethee-builditi `' eformerlti- occupied by the Electric Light Cu. on Dinsley St. A Concert is to be given in Indus try hall on the evening of the 28th inst., in aid of the India Relief fund under the management of the differ- ent eleirches in town. Messrs. Watson & Emigh shipped and %JeDonald started on Monday. The butter factory will likely run again in the fall. Miss Annabel Frazer:of Turnberry is visiting the little Misses Patterson. Miss Tillie Russ went to Toronto an Monday. Miss Sarah. Thornton is home ff'o n Toronto. iVlVtiile Mr. Frank WrightAveas drawing milk to the factory on Thursday of last week, his lee ties ran away, but fortunately only one can of milk was spilled. Mae Scott and 'I'nrnmi+'. Diment eanght the horses and arta nr,tn them pluckily until Mt'. Wright ea me upV%And now these ho\ s are waiting patiently for pay day to get their promised silver. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will he dispensed in the Presby- terian church, nest Sabbath morn - four carloads of cattle to the old ing• country on Monday. The directors of the 13luevale Five The Agricultural Society has a machine levelling ear new fate grounds. Our poet R. Sellars has a bee ti e othee evening fur the purpose of putting up a new stable on his lot un 11li11 St. Manufacturing Co., a`: their meeting on Monday, gave the contract of put- ti,ig• in the t,r:rehintry of their raid to, Rabt, fell, of IIersall, and 11,e pnsis rein of foreman was given to Air. eorge FIudso'i of Sebri.ngrillo, Rev, Mr. l.T.tinilturt ami Messrs.. On Saturday a number of on!. •\Ifred Sebeetiau and James ling.. citizens attended the funeral of Simon '�'n, of Wirreh:)m, were visiting at Deter, the youngest son of 1MIr•, Wnr, `Il e. Walter Iiuti,eefvr•d's 00 '1'ttes- Ilallahen in East Wawanosh. day. Master Percy Patterson is down; with inti,ttn:nation of the lungs. The trial of the Molitecthon Township arson eases takes place at the Assizes hi; Orangovi.11o, which opened yosterda.. 1 ?'here are indications of the possibility The Grand Jury brought its true bine! or serious trouble between Frutice and against James .Ballard, Samoa L+' Co:- ttl,ror.••*, r),\ in-* to the ii ouraiontr of' heft aut.1 Alois• D. Smite, led are erre-\foorish trib,•.rn)ati inw Als+ort.,0 terri sicloring li at wisher of othee cages. tory.