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The Wingham Times, 1897-05-21, Page 4
111E: WINGHAM T1MES MAY 21 1897. Spri o(3d I Tory Policy, how can it /no- o a "free ti Acle trend" or r i ential clauses,"or if Sir Richard Cartwright has "gonad the aacendeney" (which the never loci) and the taiitf ltas } a "fre td trent)," how harp the Grits stolen the Tory policy. 440 -"' 7 :thing is inexplicable, CAMPHOR, The THE TWO EMPi=,IUORS AND - THEIR WHITE ELEPHANT. As `night have been expected, the Turks are unwilling to leave Greece pow that they have been victorious, unless they get their pound of flesh The sultan wants a large sunt of money, the big territory of Thessaly and numerous other advantages as an IN SEC 1. I'O'l\'I)ER 1 Ili/PROVED BILLETING. indemnity from Greece. If he does I I L)T ii CAMPHOR, i Itis not generally kpown says the not get what he wants, this Master C i.} 1,0 al DE LIME, ',London Advisitor that the Dlethodist Turk threatens to make trouble. The I3 i.. u I STONE, 'body have an arrangement in regard two emperors who have stood at his COPP2.RAS. to billeting which does away with 'lack in resistance of the claim of the rmuch of the friction that formerly Cretans to be joined to Greece, and G.rr.iu>v..ra, thou++, hest and At the cut in their lut with the Moliammc- lowest I•itc•e:. SVG ar: a,uing reliable existed. When application is made goy:ia t:l:et.p. .t t Ito the local authorities for a billet duns, niay not appreciate these arro- C 3L1N A. CAl'1P31E LLS',' for a conference delegate, $2 has to gant demands, but as the late Boss 1 be transmitted or no attention is paid Tweed asked, so now asks the t 1 t +tn to the notification. This $2 per head Turkish Sultan, "What are you . enables the billeting committee to going to do about it ?" Unless they 2 Isere S. Q. 1'. provide for all reasonable cortin- are prepared to go to war to coerce r� �i t n` 1` ' geneses, and to find temporary homes Turkey into withdrawing awing her claims :mg delegates unplavided for by the on Greece, and unless Greece herself generosity of friends, The arrange- agrees to those humiliating terms, 1'rt11JAt..a ; 91. i 17 meat is said to have many advan• the conquest of this Christian nation tages. One of thein is that it pre- by the Mahontmedan powers may be EDITORIAL NOTES. !vents any one from applying for acontinued to the bitter end. It may IF there is a creature in Euro. Jct id !billet unless he is reasonably certain happen that the powers will not be 1 , of attending conference. It has able to agree on the course which a "jubilee" mood it is the Sultan. • ) worked well in the London Confer- Turkey ought to pursue, and will THE By-law to allow Sunday cars 1 ence„and has been strictly carried : separate. It that is the ' outcome in Toronto carried - with a narrow f out. xnajo ity uwu II three and four hundred, The reetI}t vi the day's Votie ' was the largest vote ever 1 t subjects of the suJtau pulled in Tui irlitu leaching an ag;;re Premier Seddon of New Zealand ' • will be worse than the first. The gate vi' 32,386,who. is now the guest of Lord Aber- outlook is not at all reassuriu°' —Ad- ! Turkey will anti herself, for the first time in nearly 50 years really .independent and correspondingly VISIT OF A PREMIER, elefiant. And the last condition of ' the C vis ai n Mu. 1ZtrXYAP,D KIrLI\C bus enjoy t deep and Premier Laurier at Ottawa vertiser. ed considerable tloturiety as a writer, is on his way to England to partici- i f t and of poetry, and it is , in the -diamond jubilee, festivities. both o prose Mr. Seddon is a strong Liberal and because he has not been recognized prrJuc- . ' \etiv Zealand is the most advanced as -a prophet, that his latest has colony in the British Empire. They tion "Our Lady a the Snows” .have woman sufferage there, and the met with such a storm of criticism. system has worked well. The dis• , There can he no doubt that the ; tinguished visitor has worked his phrase is a covert and apt allusion to • way to the top by sheer force of the great political snowstorm in1 character. He is the son of an Eng- Quebee which followed a few Clays I lish school master, who went to New later and was nut intended to be Zealand in search of employment, .taken literally. I He went to work as a miner; be- came secretary of the miners' anion, TFui Conttuissiouers appointed to , took a strong interest in local affairs investigate tete workings of the and was sent to•parliament as<a re= Kingston Penctentiary, brought in' presentative worker, His in acme their report at p1rllament un Monday j amidis puted ]eadersiibe clf ttchi©ed arty The Cc minissioners have gone tally which now holds the government of into all the affairs connected° with that interesting colony. the penetentiary, and presented an _-.- _ . •_ elaborate report• in which. it is shown � !millions of dollars, in consequence that t most dis;t•aeeful state of A RECORD OF FRAUD, WASTE t of a •prohibitory law, there affairs ekisted. Everything was 1 THE PLEBISCITE,. Before this had appeared a plebis- cite bill will have been introduced at Qttawa by the Minister of Agricul- ture. Already a strong feeling has been worked up against it, in antici- pation of there being attached to the question of prohibition, the question of direct taxation iu order to Make up the deficiency in the revenue, ' which would be the result of a pro- hibitory me sure. Should we as temperance people take up this cry, we will to that extent' show a want ' of sincerity, for notwithstanding the very sanguine view that is taken ,by , 1 sante people in claiming that while I the revenue would fall short several ee s. fe THAT DO NOT TAX PEOPLE'S STRENGTH TO RIDE NOR PEOPLES INGENUITY TO KEEP IN RUNNING ORDER THE EIRIGE 75 AND $100. Tho most Beautiful, Symmetrical and Easiest Running \j Bicycle in the World. - - AND MISMANAGEMENT. I would be a corresponding, decrease transaeted on the "go as you please" 1 d esulr rho most• The commissioners appointed to the expenditure on account ,o he fif• prinCip e, an �s x t inquire into the affairs of the King- lessening of crime and insanity, we ••,• d •t •tniouo-theoeers i aisgia efu1 prevailed, l:xu avat,�:ince incom- Ston Penetentiary report that ,the pettiney and lame of all discipline 1 Business management and the 'disci•. prevailed- The warden, deputy- pline of the institution are bad. warden, storekeeper engineer aad • Prisoners 11 steward will have to gu. P1111191 never wa, a titre in the history of Britain for the past twit land escapes have occurred through I still remains several millions ot dol- lars to be m ode up in some way. If do not think that such would be the case, but granting that the cost of suppressing crime and other expen-. ave been allowed to ses incidental with a liquor. trafpio • 1 keep lockers, in which saws, knives should reach only 50. % of what it aLd files havo been stowed away. now is, as;a result of prohibition there centuries when she ueeupied a more the gross neglect, if not the connir- humilittng positiur thAu 8118 does ance of officials. to -day. That. Britain should stand 1 Supplies have been purchased at aside and allow the Turk to do as , far beyond the market price, in some ... r r n j if necessary. The country is heart - is crud nature lc g,5 Rus- sitz, a nation looked upon as being; a more, i• vtickste 9 R/ CMC) Durable Durable and really .superb Wheel—Few better at $100., Before 1.CO., 6LEGG & GO., Agents, Winghaxn, Ont MARKET REPO.3Z_ TS. HIt.O1 -. . Wingbam, May 20th, 1897. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs• 1 50 to 2 00 Fall Wheat ... •• 0 72 to 0 74` Spring Wheat 0 72 Id' 0 ?1• Oafs 0 1S to 0 20 Barley 0 20 to 0 30 Pena 0. 37 to 0 38 Butter,..........., • .••-• 0 9 to 0 10• Eggs per dozen........ 0 7 to 0 8 Wood per cord.... • 1 00 to 1 25 Ray per tor,-........ 8 00 to 8 50 Potatoes, per bushel,. 0 10 to 0 15 Tallow, ,per •lb 0, 3 to 0 8 Dried,Apples, per lb 0 2+2 tto 0 2'1 o Wool.. FOR SALE OR RENT. FARM of 90 acroa, Kinloss township, Bruce Co., Iii acres cleared• stream of apriug water,•two goo wells; new wind -mill, good house, largo bank .barn, good stables; tyro acro Learing; orchard, 2 miles from Whitechurch station, 4 from Luckuow; an excellent opportunity for doing a profitable dairy business. Apply to Mrs. A. Stewart, Lueknow, 11, A. Stewart. u`i. Thomas or A. a. Stewart, Teeewater. we are'�sineece in our advocacy of prohibition we rause be willing to show our sincerity in a practical way wasted and h' 1 t dictates until Rus ` cases 200, 800 and 400 pe cent able measures. We have had Dun- a ceutur bets}unl the age is forced to I Storesn'aha recklesslye e , Y tcan'S Bill, Scott AAA and Local Op machinery has been sold to friends tion and because they were clearly ' } to make B+lash f official; at iuinously low prices.unjust and because they were ily sick of half-hearted and unwork- NOTICE. The Court of Revision of the Town of Winghasi, for the year 1897, will hold its first meeting in the I -all of the 'said Town, on Monday, the 31st da3' of May, at 7.30 o'clock p. m. All persona having lousiness at the raid Court, , will please interfere, 1 enough m n 0 t b subject bow his head in shame. The , Stores, machinery furniture find govern themseire) accordingly. soon got rid of. Unless a law i5 J. li..FEROL'SON, Clerk British ceryl l'Vatie e party as a rule, ; other goods have disappeared. backed by the wholesome sentiment Dated this 20th day o. May,orsO . Clerk• had usually had a more aggressive ! The commissioners recommend the of a majority who desire to see such -- foreign polio: I hart the Lioerals,butin removal from office of Warden a lure` Majority ed, it is not worth the MEETING OF HURON COUNTY h.s uealings with the Eastern Question l ])Metcalf, Deputy Warden, Sullivan, a er it is written on,and does harm P. OD 11 Deputy p p Lord Salisbury h:t•1 not beok'1 true his ; ' T , ' COUNCIL. Storekeeper, Donnell, to the cause it is intended to help. The Council of the Corporation of the S. party traditions ; las policy has been Storekeeper, N. I . Wood, andJ, The temperance measures to which County of Huron will meat 10 the Cuun- �� Cil' Steward carried ci . inc commissioners to mark their "A GRIT paper remarks, that, 'the ! opinion of the methods pursued by country has paused a verdict on ; Engineer, Janies Deivin in the pur- their (the Cutr81tratives) policy !' I chase of supplies, recommend that he Quite right ; the country approved !be sun rnarily dismissed. their policy at four general elections, ` It is advised that an early retire- and etire i to have the law carried out, when and now tate Grit party with covet. I ment of Dr. Strange; the prison sur • O ' ,pous hand has stolen it for the lil- I germ, would be in the interest of the once it came into force and in seine 1. r : cases opposed the effectual working selves." ; institution, on account of his advanc- of the law and were glad when it The following p "It now appears very probable, I ed age" for sale by Public was rt:pealed. that Sir Piebald d Cartwright has It is stated that Chief Guardllughse Unless a plebiscite can be the 27th day of M fully regained lris ascendency it the I is a zealous, active and intelligent at Dub -name's s I' carried by a majority of votes Rringham, undo Who are practical prohibitionists to men who practically sayg that they weakness itOc:if. { we havo referred were by it Chamber, in the Town of Goderic reason of sentiment. Many persons on Monday 31st inst., at�6V. LANE{Clerk. would not vote against them becauseDated May llth, 1807. 5-21b in the abstract they they thought temperance a good thing, but at i the same time they would not help A VALUA1L . TOWNS TION S LEY ARM P'OPERTY I11 TI1S P 01d MORRIS. Grit party, as a tia•cal authority. It is to his ltilluctiee th:.t the country is indebted Ibr the five trade trend of the tariff, and the preferential eitet,es." 'i'hc 1 umber of guards shoulel be The above paragraphs appeared I reduced, in the stone toluene ot the Louden; All persons ranted, are not found Free Press, one is a very fair sped, guilty of the graver offences, ; uhbi+h men - men of the. 1 t.lr;lr. rr men- tioned, and the warden is described s indul� ed as a well-it.eanini; man, unsuited for in by jottrn:tls o. r, ot" such high { the position. standing our esteemed contempor- i The ails: es have been going on for ary. If t -t. ;,i'lt party has stolen the) 11Y Vwst. 1. officer, but in view of the friction in the prison, between the officers, it is suggested that he be transferred to scute other institution. tained in a car then be produ arty will be offered notion, os Thursday at 1+2 o'clock noon, et in the Town ot the ower ofealecon- lin m. t, ago which will ed, believe prohibition a good thing for cessiion oft 1 Townshi' the country and are' willing to pay a taining 100 acres more fair price for a good thing, then We lately in the occupatiu are not ready for a prohibitory law martin. and if thelpeople aro not ready to take rem'A . Ten per cent. c ®aie" hero) terms for pa such a stand then we do not want apse w• I be made known at any niilk and water measure. For urther partieulara an ofw sal • apply to Edhetn Pasha has moved on from point to point and finally ocoupied liomokos. Tho Greeks have austaiaed 5.7e, A Crushing defeat, 'n the 2nd Con - of rvlorris, can- less, now or of William h at time o- ment of bai. time of sale conditions onlrwov, O'Eaxrr & Gil sorr, Vendors' Solic'tors, 71 °heirch St., Toronto. is eloreprofttnble to FRUIT CULTURE tbo farmer now than his other crop:`, lrrou a lir Co., the most exten- sive !rosary house in 'Canada, have a vacancy in this secti•'n, write thein for their terms. B11011• YUti 15111(; 8, • Toronto, Ontario•. NOTICE. • Take notic= that ties Mun oil of the TON of W.ingb construct a gr toolithic s the east side o Minnie Victoria and Jo n Stree the final costs t.ereof ties abutting the eon ted therelly. ane' he ing the laadp 1iabl sessment and the thereof,ae far as tb from cite last revi e noir filed in the • • e. municipality air is during•offfoe ho The estirnat $332.64. Per said Council said propos before the A (lour the Tow. Wiogha oipal Conn: ,.intends to ewalk - along reet, between s, and to assess pon the liroper- nd to .be benefit- s statoweat show - pay the said as - rues of the owners can be asoertainea assessment roll is of the clerk of the o en for inspection rs. cost •P the work is ns dosiri 4 • to petition the against u . • ertaking the work must • o so on or 4th day of Jun= ext. ot .RONiBion will be bola in all in tbo sai 'lbws et on Monday the 24 day of May 18 , at 11 o'clock in the orenoon for the purpose at hearing co•• plaints wbioh persons interested may da -ire to malt* and which aro by lave ocg*izable by -t o Court, J. B. Frr ousox, Clerk. Dat:, at Winirbain this Oth day of May 1' AUCTION SALE OP YALUBLa PROPzaTx IN TIili vII.LAGF, OP inz•svALn I( TRIC COUNTY OP IWV RON Pursuant to a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale. there will bo o1;erad tor sale by public auction at PUTLAND'S HOTEL in the village of BLUE. VALE on Saturday, tho Stir day of JUNE, A D. 1897, at 2 o'clock iu the afternoon, the follow• lug village property, that is to say' ALL AND SINni;LAJ1 that curtain parcel or tract of land and preidises situate lying and being in the Village of llluevalo in the County of iiuron and Province of Ontario, and being composed of a portion of village lett numbers four and five, Dun. can's Survey, in the solei Village of L'luevalo, des- cribed as follo"st Commencing twenty Live feet ' six !natio south of the north past corner of said village let number five• -and following a line in a southerly direction along the westerly ilelt of Clyde street forty five feet, six inches, thence in a westerly direction et right angles to the said Wait of Clyde street ten rods, thence northerly at right angles to the said westerly floc forty five feet six inches; thence in an easter)} dlrtctiOn and parallel to rho said westerly lino ten rode to tho piano of beginning, contaieing twenno ty Soren and ohalf rods of land iuore or less: On the premises is situated a gond frame wagon shop 32 feet x 51 fee', the upper storey of which is lathed and plastered and is used all a paint shop, and a frame shed attached 10x'-2, all in good repair, Tr•e property is centrally situated in the said Vil- lage of nluevalo• The nroporty will be sold subject to a reservebid. T[:t1:4:S 01? SALM—I:nerdy per rent of the lour chaso to be paid to the Vandor or his Soiicitor on the day of the sale, ;mil the balance within twenty days thereafter. Further partieular and conditions of talo will be gado knnw•n ett the day of the aal0.oe may bo hard on application tib tau Vendor's Solicitor ai his o1ice in V. Ingham, YA3eJ wee, Wingkaoa, Vendor's Solicitor. Dated at Wlsghats ilia 1Sth sl gay 11ii, E,1 6-Jg-u_ aid ,. II r /,(.fie rare re m t. We make A. specialty of DIce Cream and are pre - i pared ,to supply it, in large, or small quantities and of any flavor desired to families, pic•niciag ' parties or by the dish; We have a good fountain and also supply Cream Soda of any flavor. BANANAS; PINE APPLES and Fruit and Confectionary of t all kinds. Give us a trial and we can please you: JAS. Mc ALPINE, Central Rtaurant. r TO THE PUBLIC The Wingham Planing Mills are now running again in full blast— Parties wishing to have Lumber Dressed or anything in the planing mill business such as- -SASH, —DOORS, —BLINDS, —CASINGS, •--MOULDINGS, can have them on short notice and at lowest possible prices. I have also added a number of new mach. ines which will enable nee to do work cheaper pt and better than ever. $. SE.1.v JI.V .L! A..1. Successor to WATT & SON