HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-05-21, Page 1y'. INS A I .•1 VL ---NO. 1319 • WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY MAY 21, 189 7. 1 q> p marriage Moonset' BmiztTossriva taby tF iNnK PaATOsnotw. , NNoowaVssieo- s earn.. retpeired, WE SELL . CHEAP HEADS WIN IN BUSINESS. l.J/i : *i L4it.'ifi•'••i :.y.... +.ids tli ideleeneelidee OUR MILLINERY TRAnE for the past two weeks has exceeded our greatest expectations. We have never been so busy, there must be a reason fgr'this, yes. there is, never was the stock so large, never so > much in your choice and never as y favor in price as now. SPRING--Ilonse cleaning is again here and we have anticipated your wants in Lace Curtain Nets, Art Muslins, Carpets and Oilcloths. Oat' and see our stock and get prices we will cut and match the carpet for you and save '7ou a world of trouble. See a line of Blouses we have got at 75c. they are well worth $1. • OUR DRESS G•00 DS TRADE this season has been most satisfactory We e never did as large a business. ' ORDERED CLOTHING AIID GENTS` FURNISHINGS is one of Baur hobbies,, we keep the best goods at the lowest prices. BOOTS AND .;:QES of the best 'kinds and. pri J ' in your way all i he time. Special Grocery prices, get them: WE SELL CHEAP. , CENTRAL BUSINESS CO1LEt t STRATFORD, ONT. We till heads with practical knowledge The leading commercial school in Can- ada to -day. Nine beautiful college rooms; excellent teaohers; moderate rates; students assisted to need positions enjoys splendid reputation for superior work; euter any time. Write for par- tioulars. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. CITY H ESTUHF1NT —Mr. W. P. Diasley. cif L.iecoln, Neb., has purchased a drug r;toak in that city and has opened business at 240 N. 10th street, under the firm name of W, #'. Dins - ley &'Co. Mr. i)insley'a old Winghttm friend.; will be glad to hear of his continued success in .the west, —Miss Ida Pelton, of % nehmen the Direotorec+s of Home and Foreign Missionu of the Baptist 'ohm* of this district, will address a public finis siteees•y meeting to be held in the Baptist church on Monday evening May 17t11—Palmerston Reporter. —A. tramp, who had been prowling the town for two or three dies, stole a pair of hoots frorn the front of life tars Homuth t otvolsistorellondey. Hea men arrested and appearnd before the Mayor. FIo admitted the theft and was sent to Goderich to stand his trial. I policy of the Lew umotesement. waver al lliscox—Barber—That the teachers and --The Postmasters have received notice of the nee curs have been on this route andhalides's may be observed in the post ed. eoaele—Goderich Star • ofliogrs' ealariea for the mouth of . pril be from the Department that the following present a great coutreet to the old faeutun- paid offioP; -New Years Day, Christmas Day, Meeting adjourned. Good Friday. Queen's Birthday, Dominion —According to the report of the Miuieter Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and of Education for 1896, the children attend, any local civic holiday. ing High Schools and Uoliegiate Institutes CHURCH NOTES. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Special services,are being held iu the S. 1 SOROOL BOARD to ibis r slit s here ext Sunday t 1 n of the P o Scl cal ck n bi, d a t 1 r esti 4• 13a Y A specie n !; usual hours, led by Stuff Capt 'Paries of Board was held an the Connoil Chamber Loudon, '1'he•niernber•satiu friends. of the Monday slight. arise expect to have a day's outing on the 1lMemlier•.a present: Bell, Griffin, Button, Mth and iu the evening a meeting "1'ublia i Abrahtttn, Df core, Hisoneka Barber. Auction of Children" will be bele its > he I principal's report was read..and received 4 masks when . some chih4•eu .wibl ire land his suggestion in regard to ,sending a a•rt0tioned off by Staff Cttipw, 7 artier to the 1 delegate to the County Cowneil to oenfer .highest bidder: ' with teat body regarding the ,grant to Con. —It - is the intention of the G, T. l;. to tinuation Claeses was appro'Red, introduce a new type of passenger omen nal I HfeooAbraham—That Messrs, Bell, all their divisions Several of them have Griffin and Homeith be a committee to already beers completed acrd contain the arrange for delegates.. Hiscox--Moore —That the: fallowing new feature of a smoking room built atter accounts be paid, less 40 canteen, Yount; 6; the fashion of those iu the Pullman ears. P.tulin's• Thos Moore, 2 days' work fixing The G. T It will, in all the equipment make tower and roof, X2.50; R. H. 11f°Kay, fixing many inlpruveuleuta in the equipineu:t o£ iso s, iS1- "<ouu ik Paaliu, $:..JG. r their rolling stook dating the next few vy The Treasurer reported 337.Fi7 each ou ytearsr this being one ut the }enure of hand k•AMINI FTJWD. iii The following wing persons fruit lroxete contributed to the India Penile* Fond through the Bank of IIanliltoe hest+: Village of Wroxeter, $20 ; Seueuei Hull 2t c , Joseph. Cowan 1 ; R O G Anderson 03 i 3 K Clap $j.; James W lie SI ; Peter McF,wen s.1; L Lovell Si; a sympathizer 02 John Barnard 41 ; John .Bray 50 c ; John Anderson tri ; W Il Kerr 50 ; J Vogt 25o; W MsKereenir el G McEwen 50o ; Mrs W McKerober el; PINE APPLES, et STRAWBERRIES ORANGES, I. LEMONS, 7.43 BANANAS Ice Cream and Creani. Soda W. A. JOHNS, City Restaurant. Macdonald Block Telephone No'. 35, OrWRIPKWYMOMMOIMMOPICOINKJ,111MIONMOMIIN.N1.111•011•1121101.MIVIVIMICI M OMUTH & BOWLES m D. '.. GORDON.. 'o ---SPECIALS THIS WEEK--- New Ada. J. Clegg & Co—Wheels, l' Venstone Auction Sale re- ceived v L Muaray,of Kincardine, Ire .J ceived word on Saturday that his brotlaor James had died in Detroit. The deceased wa'i a veru powerful man and had reached the age of fel years..He leaves a widow and large family. Rev. Mr Murray went to Detroit Monday to be present at the funer• al, --Both tines of railways have issued t=pecittl rates for the 24th. Single first- elms'fat•ee are good going iltay 22 to 24 re- turning May 25th. Fare and a third gond going May 21 returning May 25th. The C. P. R. have issued a neat little souvenir Jubilee card on evhich is the photo of her eiejesty, V—A. quiet wedding was 'selehra.ted at • the residence of Mrs. Lindsay, Victoria street on Wednesday, when her daughter, Millie, was united in the holy bonne of wedlock to Mr: George Baker of Mount Forest. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. A. ,Gifford, M. A. The happy couple left for Mount Foreat ou Thursday —ldr. Beek and family moved into town last week sand took• possession of the fine new residence erected byhim last season; and are now full fledged citizens of Harris - of1arents engaged in werchantila pursuits Rev. McLean, of Blyth, preached in the, numbered, 5,834 and iu persons in the pro- H'resbeterian Church here Sunday evening. c entered • autile L unerch fessious 2,0,.7. 1, OJ purauitin 1,112 returned to the farm, 608, The.Fourth Annual Convention of the. set out for the professions, 1,006 be.:atuu Ss S. Teachers' and Church. Workers' testuhera,.aud 1,807 went to other cellusgs. Association of the Deanery of Hipren will The figures• repectiug callings taken up oy be held in Exeter on Wednesday and pupils,. probably except in the cane of Thursday of next week, May 26. and 27. teachere,. aceeuut only for the boys. The Among those who are to take part we tanners• t10 not seem generally, to believe 10 the cry. eentiust over education. —In ite report of a concert given in that town receutly, the Walkervele Evening 1Lc.eord sitars of a Mrs. W. A. Gates., nee Millie lxetaud a former resirem of WVing- notice the names of Rev. Wei•• Lowe, reactor of St. Pauls, who will couduct the Wednesday evening service and Miss Ella C•,rnyn who will read a paper on: "How to. secure and retain young men in the Sunday School." horn.--alae. W. A. Cities pi ore 1 a great 'Cue• town was full of ministers. on Tues- suacese.. Her recitation 'At the telephone,' clay,. there being a meeting of tine Mait- fairly brougut down the house. She was }twin. Presbytery in the Presbyterie.' very happy in her character of 'Gip, the. Otinrele end the Annual District, meeting. Moautain Guide," also in her gorgeons, of the \\langhain District in the Methodist attire, nepreseuting The Sioux Chief's.. Cnurch. Rev, G. Gifford. M. A. Ph. D., clautnau of the District fon the at louse nt iJe,.pleasantCates expression,most keen eyes 1 year ands presided at all the sessions. The that- can hold a heaped up measure of i district now comprises what was formerly love, and psutection. Her features are l.the Kincardine and Windt-donadistricts and artistice heir figure graceful. She ie now eis• trhus. about twice as large as formerly. studying.fai:tittully uutter the guidance of i Twenty -4x charges were reprseented in Mrs. Frank A.. Reid the well known elocn- t alk Tivaeaday s meeting was for ministers tionist of Detroit."T a alone: Kin Wednesday the meeting con - V lieett.e-Bros. have begun: the work ofe tastes -leaf ministers as well as lays delegates. the" \ reoairixig and extagdiug thou livery baa Follies s Missionary Society foretlee Dietnet held their annual meeting. Tues. BUSINESS rZOt3Ja s. WANTED --A good general servent girl Apply at this office. Good Houpe . ,.. nt apply et ooruer4lof Viotpria end'T ld street. S-ltib, Something new nt Canopy -Top Bed- room suites at Ii az n 6s B1zTTON'e, 5-14tf Go to Mrs. Green's, opposite Beak of Hamilton, for cheep and stylish millinery. Pine Apples, 10c each ;Beelines, Oranges.. Lemmas, tra berries Molielviea, L w , and Cuonmbers, at If von doubt what your neighbors say aboutlreland & Button's prices just call. in and Ree for yourself.5-l4tf Bridgecastiugs and bridge iron of every description at the Ontario Iron Works. 4.211 J. Mennen, Proprietor Always good bargains:: in millinery at Mrs. Green's, opposite Bask of Flemiltons Ireland & Button has added a delivery wagon to their busines, i x will .set en goods a reasonable 'distance-,, , i-1 cif a; —.For- first-class tailoring, Met;cheap , gents'furnishings, try Webster t;c' 33o ' . remember the place, in Queen's block. Wexmzn—Eggs 8 cents per doz. Our contractidemande;.,18,000t per week. We are now getting enemy pedlars' eggs. Why not save pedlar's profits. Geo. X. Ens* • Choice varieties of imported early seed= potatoes, New Queen and Wilson's; at • Choice at ee I'ZTan Dxax'a i ; 4.2811 aw •Flexr and Feed Sere A large and beautiful collection of flowering plants now on exhibition in' the Shaw Blook. Don't fail to see it. Will continue till further notioe. 1. 0 Gitsi ax, Iron. Bridge Green House Lower Wingham. The nicest and Tem, FOLDED PAPE under car ets. B ost durable article is hi H H1cTndoo—Saturday Bargain Day ton. Mr: Beck will open up in a few days and when finished it wilt be unsnap t,rs at da also at the afternoon •session Airs. Lax o for putting a fall stocl of harness -makers' and shoe• In thie part of °uteric. in point of coma I y p one who has it W Lane --Meeting ; of the County Conn- nrattera''snpplies, which he sells wholesale, emu.oueuess. and convenience. The presentt Cnnatiu.ghaxn, Organizer for. the district speak highly of it; a e same in stair MI • only. This will he another important l barn hes beets raised and a stone amble!. Presided and a public meeting was. held pads. Ladies be re you a down yea, J. B. Ferguson—Notice of Court of Re• branch of industry he Ha•riston,• stud one f will be placed under it with granolithi.. to thti evens ig at which Mrs. Tennant of carpets call S. Grao 'e Furniture that is y hilt to stayandgrow herger Avery I g g It,oudoaL read an interestinn paper an t Store and the newest telout. visicn i fluorin -8, The stable and cleaning room : work. g Nonce: Thereby give notice that I will'. McKinnon lk Co—Nothing is• cheap that Mrs, Lt ay t 1 e rtv teal U b ----- not be held responsible .tor any debts con= traoteddn the future by my wife Margaret Imlay, ERTEN IMLAY year, 'Ilse Tribni o extends to lift - reed • Beek and familys moa t e - cot'stP to the prosperous town of }Iarristoo. —Tribune. wits be open 100 feet in length. What now; rttlzatoyenry censtituses the stable win a overhauled? ants wilt be fitted up as a carriage room,. • hey snow,, feed hutting room and wasning, metates . well will be sunk outside and it wind mill erected for pumping water and oh mug aud`grioding feed. Tee water will be kept 11, alerge elevated tank and be• sides aein.gusea for watering and cleaning pervades. will be se source of protection iu 0,1:14: ..f .ate. . isn't good. LOCAL NEWS. ' W e are offering extra special prices in Lace Curtains this ~eek. Examine the Nottingham Curtains at $1 a pair. They are 3l yards long; very fine net, and pretty designs; the , —The Tennis Clab etre trying to arrainge regular price of these eurtftins is a match for May 24th. $1.50. —Campboll's Fteadaohe Wafers- guaran- teed to cure headache: —Teachers' Convention will be held here to• day. —There are at present 0 horses in train - 100 8t the track. Our curtains at $1.40 -are equal to the regular s line. • ground for the erection of a grand stand at See the regular $3 Curtains we are the track. Felling at $2.` 5. —The Wingllaln Citoilsteta —The Lacrosse boys go to \V .11certon on Monday and the Firemen to (Mosley.. —Tho Tarf Club have material on the will L give A's' ustatwe have the prettiest and Ithe Cantata Daniel in Teeswater on, There - .best madecurtains in town at 25c. a ' day May 27. pair, —\Vo understand chat tut 'syndicate of Ladies' Fine Cotton Vests regular townsmen ha s purchased,„ a tnit4i. claim price 25c speeial this week 2 fo'r 26 near Roseland: pents 4—Mr. R. E. Simpson bas 'See the beautiful line of Vests Laniont's town property 1411 into it this week: at 20stn os. d cents sect Mr. moved V On Monday, Princelier PJ.P II. Mus - Ladies issue Jottoll Ribbed IIsi -e rove slipped on the stepeetehe school and gpacial Itt 20 cents, sprained hie ankle:/ s Ladies Night Dresses. very heavy 1—The Canadian Eieeress`Co. have fallen dee ",n, :With litten lace trimming in tine. with the other cortlpanies and have }'edtx}t1l• price ase. special 50 .cents. reduced their money order rates. Ladies' Fine Oxford shoes, regular II -Mr. Amos Tipling laid on °or desk the nianers. Carson's many friends were shocked to learn of the sudden death from braiu'fever of her youngest daughter, Elia, evhirh occurred on Modday morning. The little girl was a bright and attractive distal and was kunwn by almost evee one in .the wn, toT-' els p tealate ,i rs funeral took place on Wednesday. leer—rite r e- ruin„ Greta the' othei daughter aged 10 is else seriously ill with the same disease, and little hope is e,iter- tanned of her recovery,1/ —The annual meeting pf each Farmers institute in the Province of Ontario will be 111 thin year on Tuesday Juno 1, corn 1?OOT.aALL. • Some ohanges are made in the Maitland: Leanne. A. new sehednle has beau deem= epee follows: H2ev. 21 Wingham ve, Wroxoter et Lone ' 2g. .. ' Attwoud done, +'3 " Wroxeter at WI oxestle t0. •' Listowel at hone, e.,; ld at Vetoer held ie Attwnnd at Attwo •i meacingiLt 1 p. m. in each of the respective JttlY. 1 " distriets. The program will he as follows : ` 23 -" Brussels at home " " at Brussels. 1, report f's repo ex 2, executive thereon;dThefirst game is on oar home ground en 3, report of the executive presented in g writing by the secretary.; 4, Treasurer's Saturdiy at 5.30 y• ;n, sharp. :i. goad report presented in writing . 5, Auditors gameis expected. repot•t presented in t'riting; (3, suggestion • or points at which to hold regular meet- . in;;s; 7, suggestions of points al whine to hold supplementary meetiuge; 8, election t -NEWS NOTES The bog chattiest in Western Ontario has already cost the Government $5000 Thotnas Summers. an, inmute of the asylum at Brockville, hanged himself in the cow stable. Mr Fielding announces) .that the tariff will be again brought before "the Hoose of COMMONS on May 25. • • 'The story of a cotnbinatidn of Ger-. many, France and Russia agalnat• Groat lerita:n isere,ived again, Itis roperted that a. plot to murder King George has been discovered at Athens and that many arrests have been made.' , LafOrae Langevin,.Sir Hector Langevin's truly ecu. committed suicide at his father's house, Montreal, Wednesday Morning about 11:30, • The Czar made a diroott *peal to the etoltau to order h,istfoopa':•iso• cease hos• titstteea and arrange do Airnetstice, and the litter at once cooaplied StJDDE:q DEATH. The Queen oG' ' Portugal bas decreed • that in court cintles the corset must go. f directors, election o£ auditors. .. The ninny friends of Mrs. John Stern sf-A trio of l y Sts were going down 1 >orn sudden death n LQ° mowing Josephine street sit braketiock speed on ,fohbinher what see,,says goes, anal so must the of East Wawanosh were grieved, to learn of wrest. Onteat, must go. To resist would be waistea .effort. House • eaning is on Perhaps you will b in Furniture, Curt Picture Framing Boards &o. Pri 5.7c S. w: 0 este ng something Poles, Pictures oz. b Boarua, Bake as the lowest at arniture Store. Handsome reatures Sometimes uusigusl7 blutohes, pimples or sallow opaque akin, deatreys the dettiieet- nemeaeS of uailtiealue ieiatai'eb. .1.n ail suan L•wbua aJtt's Emulsion. win timid all tea system and- impart reduces* and utfauty. I, Os AND PO 1 ND. other clay several stance of lee 0 is.ye r sliebiet °IP doge. dust -Alen horrtelo'no cloths wondering iliferes; °Alpha Shoes regular graN what had liappeued to the he. practice epeeda.l *1,65. --A. nnuiber of spells go to Toronto on of "Boos eleing" ou our front stts et, stipeoial- bok, J. E. Swart& home, le enterta for mon and menace to the public ettfety, pattutts,y night, we will give a those races. If it es not c isoon :nue le spoalal discount of 10 per 0. A.. Campbell, of the Telephone bey° to be taken by the authorities. • largest ever seen in tide viebeity, the cor- funeral an Wcdnetdey, was ono Of the tege extending over es, mikes( ed of her heert trembling her and before medical aid could be secured she had petite of her age and leaves a husband end grown up family ef sons and 4 &mei- tees to mourn her sudden deeth, The etilt, off Alen s Hats. Druid Store, has received license torn e Pa011ioe Department giving him poiver sell post stamps, • V—We regret to learn that Mr. Senn. French, who had recently teken a position with Mr, Geo. E. King, is\lit'd off with an MOO Dote that our Teas in Blacks attack of Typhoid Fever. Young Ilysott, and. Japans at 25, 35, 40 and ,50e a pound are unequalled in. Yalue We givi 22 lbs. best uanulatai. jewelry and repairing business m elm Sugar for $1, and. 25 .1bs good Coffee i —Wild geese end cluoldi examine ntimer- Due on the pond lately. At night the geese amen ttp a continual !Wanking that oat be hoard all parts of the town. —Mr. Morley Park bag purchased a • --The Street committee had the new 4.....,,,,......... Prances St, The entire street irOn the We pay i 10. tnr Gott Dauer and se. Elnevale road to retrirk street will be I —.Ann Martin, wifo of "gr. ;rale Ander- ' n. NE. ..1, - •.,i.r.)40N s n, who formerly coneu3tecl a Furniture .3-0 and Undertaking business in Wiggliest), —The Brussels Post ranist—"Arrange- ments wore rnade last /donday evening at the Commit by which Brussels will havcdan aro and incandescent plant runniest early next fell. It will be operated by Brussels Electric Light Co., undo; the management of W. H. Green, of Wingliam, a man of praotioal experience in the businese and who bids fair to run our light with the same satisfaction that he has met with in Wingham. A building 40e00 Will be erect- ta for the plant Ama the vverk will. be inert. ed in a short time, so as to leave the lights reedy tO start in September. To give Asir piety to all parts of the town, threeaddition• lights will be planed et the places 0011. eidcrecl by the Conneil to render the best service to all concerned. The aro lights be 2,000 candle powder and will be run on a separate circuit front tho incandesoont so that the abutting MI el eins will not inteefere with the Other. Mr. Green is erreinging for a teen engine and boiler end is going abontthe work in it thoroughly inibineraplike manner. We wish hire suecees L. A. Brink, Teeswater, spent Sunday J. Gientles of Rio ieroine, eva 1n town on Tuesday. yisiting in town. Mrs. J. R, Munshaw is visiting en her old home III N 01na. Mr John McHardy, Teeawatet, was in town on le eettalay Mr. ma Men. Olive . o' Brt seek, Were in town on FAturday. Messrs. J. E. Swarts and Geo. 0,w were in Toronto last week. Messrs. Alex. McDougall and John Mr. Ben Gerry, of Drussels, was in Miss Houton, of Witigham, was visiting Twelve firemen were feightfully burigt1 be the explosion' of a tents oont °ening 80 gelloes of gasoline in a Chicago grocery: rile explosion was heard far several blocks , send leeway windows in flee vicinity were,' A suit has been entered on behalf Of Mrs. Caldwell, the) well known Toronto voceliet, against the tdivn of Ingersoll sew natated dameges for injuries caused b',J defeotive stairway in one of the vu's concert halls. • Losr—A gol actaolted having 1'nider will tug at this aril° LOST—A. brass tap o the rear of John. S Finder will pleas leave a G: E. King's store. :r pin with dangle rue name "Eva." rewarded by leav- 5-21b lies 'street at livan'e residence. tnis office or at 5-21a Would the petty who found a plain gold bemiring in a parcel got at G. Molneyre's store on Saturday May 15th please returle end,he rewarded. Oape. Empire at thi e' street, a ladies The Governor.General has received a letter of thanks front the viceroy of India, in which it is stated tha t Canada 9tood next to Great Britain in her con. ,inutions to the India famine fund. lite worst of the famine is past. \Ira Thomas Russell Of Brantford attempted te drown her live young oh ran by turowing there bate the cistern. Neighbors rescued the little ones The unfortunate woman is insane. She after- wards strangled herself in the jail cells. Mr. liuthoriand's bill to provide for 'die inspection by tho Government of he boilers of stationary engines and for 'he examination ot and grantieg or cor. !ideates to etationery engineers wee read urat time in the. House, fielcourt, of Mama has drawn lees seeity for the erection of a national m ..ron to preeerve the very. line cols Its great power to purify and enrich, bite end suggest the boarty co -event= of our fr tov.n the latter part of last !notion or epteiteitins Of various kinds blood end bui'd up health, is one 0. (Means in the metter. ee ealses-Fixpotitor. now indifferently Oared away at Otte- facts of 00tutri00 experienee. Saturday for sale e,t the above date a lot 4, co 22— P. re will be offered swiok House on the . se aores being part of . Joint Cunene Saturday, June 5—There will be aold by public auction at Putman's Rotel, Blue. vale, ist wagon shop and lot. For further particulars see ad on page 4. Thursday y 7—There will be old by Wingham, 100 re fermi, knoWn me the Mftrtin farm weithip di Morrie, For further parti dal see ad on page 4..V, A Man Who is Tired All the time, owing to nneMeekialeell blood ahould take Hood's Saree,parille to purify atia enrich the blood and ghee bine vitality said vigor. Thts condition of weeknese and litek Of vigor is a nature' consequence of the rowing of warmer weather, which -Ands the syetern debiliteded and the bleed Im- A good spring Medicine is 0, neoesisity inn la Velvtt the millions tele in the wing