HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-05-07, Page 8W I \ G RAM TIMES, MAY 7 1897. ILMON Stere will close at 7 o'clock every evening except Saturday. MAY BARGAINS , Pleat>te who do their shopping? herd say they buy to better ad- vanrage and get better goods than they find elsewhere and we know if you try it you will say the s:ttne thing. We., have' got the beet stock that brains, energy and cash could gather for your inspection. DRESS GOODS Thi,, i; the best of all our best it stock. The stock is overflow- ing we ith choiee goods co mmeue- ing at 19, 22, 35, 50 and 75c, up to a2. IVEl al OOPS' CLOTHIIC New Spring and Suttlmer Clotl;Is'g for Men and Boys. Special drive in men's Suits ren nler price8 for $6,50. Specks 1 line of boys', regular ;. *f $0 Saturday $2.25, 9110E Ladies' and Gents' special Shoe Sale on Saturday in all the leading makes in Don- gola Kid, Calfskin, Oxford . Shoes, Goodyear welt sewn soles. pointed toes, coin toe, all at special prices. Special line of Oxfords at 75e. regular $1.261 SATURDAY'S SPECIALS Dress Goods, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Ready Made Clothing, Gloves and hosiery, SPECIAL IN GROCERIES 50 bags choice Potatoes at 25c. per bag; choice roll butter at 10 cents per pound; choice fresh eggs 7e. per dozen at M. H. McIIntDOO'S. "I Am Shot." A very sad and distressing acci- dent happened a few miles from Mt, Forest, in Proton Township, IT., which Mrs, Dean, a widowed lady met her death. It appears that while visiting Mrs. Jacks a neighbor :the bubjeet of how to dispose of, !tramps was being discussed, when! Mrs Jacks said bringing out a re- volver "This in how we do it," and . in answer to Mrs. Deans request to take that out of her sight said it was not Ioaded, Mrs, Dean finally pro - ceded to examine it and as it was pointed toward her and being a self- coeker, it exploded, sending the but - pet into her body. She jumped to her feet and exclained,'-I am shot," and running to the door fell dead, The sad affair has cast a gloom over the entire neighborhood and much sympathy is felt for both the Jacks family and the family of the victim. A Veteran. It is, perhaps, not generally known that we have in this town a respect- ed resident who has in the days gone by distinguished himself in the British army, says the Seaforth Ex- positor. Sergeant .Joseph Herbert, who has resided in Seaforth for the 1past number of years is in his 78th `year, and rejoices in the same birth- day as Queen Victoria, and is oneaf the oldest servants of Her Majesty in Ontario, having enlisted in the 20th regiment, on July 6th 1837. He held all the subordinate positions in regiment, and in 1862 he was given his discharge, holding the rank of Sergeant. Ile exhibits with pardon- able pride five good conduct badges, ,awarded him at different periods during his term of service. Sergeant Herbert was on duty with the 20th regiment at the coronation of Queen Victoria, in London Tower in 1838. The army and navy veterans of Toronto, have, under consideration, the advisibility of holding a celebra. tion of their own on June 22nd, one of the chief features of which will be the parade, headed by three men who took part in the ceremonies of Her Majesty's coronation, namely: - Peter Shephard, of Niagara Falls ; Sergeant Major Hubbord,.of .Pari;=, and Sergeant Joseph Herbert of AN AiN A➢tl10E. BROUGHT A YOUNG LADY OUT OF THD, SHADOW OF DRI.I.TH • RE`IARICABLE CAKE TEIA'r vIr'IOL'1 SHOW'S THE WONDERFUL HEALTH• IahSTORING POWER OF DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. From the Orangeville Danner. There is no doubt at all that many people are prejudiced against pro- prietary medieiues and equally many no doubt look upon the testi- monials published he much in the nature of au exaggerated puff. If the Banner has been tinctured with this f4ciing it has, so far as one medicine is coneerned,hed its doubts remove'rt;, We refer to Dr. Williams Pink Pill` concerning the curative powers of*'hick,"strong elaims [lave been grade gild proofs ad‘ anced in • the support sIh• eh seemed equally strong But'it* when one genies across in their own locality a case rivalling any that has been made public, that doubt disappears and conviction follows. Such a case the Banner came across and investi- gated and now gives the facts. The ease is that of Miss Sarah Langford, 'oaneestimable young lady who resides in the neighborhood of Camilla, We were told that she had been brought very near to deaths door, and had been restored to health through the agency of Dr. William' Pink Pills. We decided however to east hearsay aside, and investigate for ourselves. We found Miss Langford the pictule'of health and in good spirits at her pleasant home in Camilla, in response to our enquiries as to her ill- ness and the cause of her recovery, she expressed her willingness to satisfy our curiosity, and as she • added, relate her experience for the the good of others al -fleeted as she was. Her story very briefly, was I as follows: - "I had la gripe in the spring of 11894. I did not seen to get over the hack, and as summer progressed Seaforth. Sergeant Herbert is still became weak and listless. Any kind bale and hearty, and can get around of work became a Barden to me, more actively, and seems to enjoy! After pumping a pail of water from Mo1iR:s. life with as much relish as most men ( the well, 1 would have to stand and twenty five years his junior, That I hold my hands over my heart for a Robert McBlain and sister of Grey he may be spared to enjoy his well', moment, it would flutter so violently spent Sunday at Quintin Anderson's earned honors, is the earnest wish of; I could not go upstairs without ditti- 3rd. line, a Iarge circle of friends. i culty, and towards the 1as3 would The Sunday School held in S. S. have to rest on the steps, and when No. 0 was opened last Sabbath, T, I got to to the top lie down until I Strachan of Gray was appointed Sup- would recover my breath. I became erintendent, the teachers for this a mere skeleton, my cheeks were year being Messrs. Strachan, Curtis, like wax and my lips colorless. I and Mason, and Misses Ireland and lost alt appetite and my meals often Mason. went nntasted. Medicine seemed to Miss Eliza Currie of Hamilton is have no effect on me. I was getting visiting her mother and sister on the weaker all the tittle, and at last 4th line. began to give up hope of recovery. Richard Armstrong of the 3rd line lily parents were in a Bourse of great finished seeding. f distress, and I knew by the looks Mrs. John Bowman of the 3rd line and actions of friends who called to was under medical treatment last see me that ` they thought I was week. D. of the 4th doomed to an early death. Then a MSine ris visiting Cruickshanksher sister Mrs Clarke th dear lady friend died, and I manag- ed out of love for her to drag myself of Toronto. la to her funeral. The sensation of The following is the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 8, for t!<° seeing her laid away, believing that, thu t f 5. I soon would follow her, was a month April.number of marks given 600. strange one. Shortly after this an Sr. James Knox, giv ; Lottie aunt of mine, Mfrs. Wm. Henderson Errington, Sr. IV,a43 ; Annie 518 ; 335, of Toronto, came to visit at our place Jr, IV, Arletta Farrend, 398 ; My. condition troubled her very P much and she insisted on lay trying Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. To please her I consented, but without any hope of any good result. The effect however was wonderful, and a a pleasing surprise to me. I soon began to feel more: cheerful and seemed to feel stronger. Then my appetite began to improve and the color returned to my cheeks and lips Front that hour I steadily gained strength, and was soon enjoying my former excellent health, and I am sincere in expressing Iny belief that to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I owe my recovery." Enquiry among neighborseorrobor ated Miss Langford's story as to her illness and recovery. In her case at Ieast Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have given a striking proof that they possess vvonderful merits. Dr. Willahas' Pink Pills cure b going to the root of the disease, They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves thus driving disr,ase from the systen, Avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a 'wrapping bearing the full trade mark, Dr. Williams, Pink fills for Pale People. The Medical Association. The regular meeting of the Huron Medical Association, was held in the house of Refuge Clinton, on Tuesday last. There was a large attendance of the Medical Igen of the county present. The president, Dr. McKay of Seaforth, presided and in a neat opening address, set forth the great advantages accruing to the profession and through them to the public generally from these associations and the meetings held under them, in which practioneers can confer with each other, exchange experiences. ire new ideas and enlarged views on matters appertaining to their professions. Dr. Shaw, of Clinton, gave an interesting address on fre- broid tumors, and Dr. Sloan of Sea - forth read an interesting and in- structive paper on appenticis. Both papers elicited a lengthy and instrue tive discussion, which was partici. paced in by nearly every practitioner present. Several interesting cases of the inmates of the house of Refuge were shown, thoroughly considered and discussed, Votes of thanks were tendered Dr. Shaw, the Surgeon of the House of Refuge, and to Mr. French the Manager, for the kind attention shown to the meeting, and for their invitation to hold the present meeting there. It was also resolved to hold all the meetings of the Association hereafter in the House of Refuge. This will be alike in the interests of the Association and for the benefits of the instates of the House of Refuge. The next meet- ing wilt be held on the second Tues- day in July, George Garness, 180. Sr. III, Lorna Knox, 412 ; Robt. McAllister, 331 ; Chas. Garness, 277; Robt. Farrend, 273. Middle III, Gorden Ernbury, 341 Pearl Einbury, 322 ; Willie Thorn- ton, 104. Jr.11I,Etta Agar, 373 ; Alice Paul 370 ; Vena Knox, 322 ; Martha Ingram, 280 ; Ruby Forbes, 262. "Total, 40. Sr. II, Bna Souch, 369 ; Xarifa Frazer' 340 ; John. Garness, 324 ; Fred Pugh, 253, Total, 400. Jr. II, Dora McAllister, 285; Olive Fitzsimmons, 215. Sr. Pt., II, Banta Jermyn, 235 May Thornton, 275 ; Annie Embury, 261. Jr. Pt., II, Rant Frnhttry, 285. I Class, Harvey, Knox., Tommy Jermyn, Willie Forbes. Average attendence, 30, D. L. ,`'rItAC1tA:7, Teacher. The Eden property in Harpurhay was wild recently to Mr. Alex Neltans, of Roxborough, for about $11/0. Tho children's Zneluy. iserofula often shotes itself in early' life and is characterized by swellings, abscesses, hip dis;asts, ete. Consumption is scrofula, of the Mini=s. In chin clans of diseases Scott's EnItlision is un,lutstions.bly the most rolirsble mcdici»e. DitrF lull 1';w1,� - In Turnberry on the 4th • inst..7arrcc. I!4Ic'T4 vera aged 82 years 9 s& month' CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE OHATHAM, ONT, Is the great supply school for the best burbleee. firma. Students graduating at this school are sure Ot god paying employment. Our last weeks notice contains the plaeng Of lour pupils, two Stenographers, 1 baok.keeper and 1 teacher. Since these we have placed; Albert Wallace as assistant book-keeper with 1), W. Earn & Co, Woodstock. Sarah neaaw as book.; coper with the Banner Printing Co., Chatham. We expect to place stenographer next week in n Chole, position. COLLEGE RE -OPENS AFTER EASTER VACATION ON TUESDAY, APRIL 2Utk. For Catalogue, address, 0. DioLAOFILAI' ti CO.: Chatham, 0 MAENE HOr1 MR. JOHN MURRAY has opened out a new machine shop, thoroughly equipped with a New Outfit of Machinry ncludint an Iron Planer, Lathes etc, and is now prepar- ed to do a general line of re- pairing. Engine and Mill Machinery repairing and pipe fitting a specialty. Alt kinds of shafting, gear- ing, iron and wooden pulleys, brass and iron castings sup- dlied.on shortest notice. JOHN MURRAY.. SPRING NITS Made in the LATEST STYLES Go leIantaaeaSetar;116.<,iellie441.111111,„en_ �, your SUITS When purchasing. Summer Suit of clothes remember G. Carr keeps tin stock the largest as- sortment of new designs in Canadian and imported TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SERGES, Fancy Vestiugs, Also the most up-to-date ll GENTS' FURNISHINGS We can give you the best of Workmanship. GEO. OA.RR, Opposite Queen's Ilotel, \ti inghurn. Are RUPTURED ? If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon 8z. Co.'s prog Store, Wingham. They are ttie agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. WHY THE WETMORE IS THE CH FOR YOU 1. Because it is dangerous to be a moment witnout one. 2. It will neve,r rust and is conse- quently dueable. 3., A person wearing a Wetnicre does not and it a bother. 4. We will crngrantee tb hold in posit; eny reducible rupture... 5. This truss cannot possibly move/ after adjeetment, 6, Some of our townspeonle can testify `o its indits. 7. Satisfaetion guaranteed or money ROM WE QUEEN'S BLOCK, WINGHAM , Having purchased the above named property from Mr. A. M. Robinson, we are now prepared to supply a great variety of C'tt-tingS and to attend to all manner of re- pair work when your Machines require repair and our machinist can put them right thus savi-ng you trouble and annoya nee, BRIDGE BUTLDERS.-Come and order your Iron from us, We order direct from the Roiling Mills and can quote you prices that are right. FARMERS -Come on Saturda y and secure sonic, of our argains in Plough Repairs and Roller Castings which we sell cheap for eash. Sat. urday. Bring'your cast iron scrap along. repairs here instead of sending to distant points and thus save money. WANTED --A limited quantity of Dry inch Rock Elm Plank and Dry Ideple. SU Packages Guaranteed to promptly. and permanently cure all terms es gerVOU4 atotrhea, Xotpateneit and cal. Mental Worry, excesnits toe fIrmity, insanity, Consumption and ats early yrace. Iles been ptcscribed over Mlyeers in thousande of cases; is the only &liable and itottese Xedietut known. Ask druggIstror Wood's if inclose price in Wier, arid We rvill send by return mall. Peen, one package, $1; six, 05. Ond leat Atom, six tent 4108. Pamphlets fret§ to eni address, The, Wood Corripazir, 'Windsor, Ont., Canada. W11.-Wfiar-Rit 1W Ireland & Button aro putting in a complete Stock of Furniture and Undertaking consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING sums; TAI3LES and CHAIRS of all kinds. SIDEBOARDS, LOUNGES, SPRING BED MATTRESSES, CURTAIN POLES, PICTURES, 'PICTURE FRAMES, MOUNDINGS, MIRRORS, Etc., in fact everything that is kept in a FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE STORE i A complete stock of Undertaking kept c n hand and prices reason- . dabonlea."'ld Block, (Residence opposite the foundry: Remember the place, Ireland's old store, opposite the Mac - it Mier tti Wt give special attention this week Felt Hats from 1 to 2 dollars now Straw Hats frora 15 to 20 cents nw 10 cents. , Straw Hats Porn 50 cents to dollar DOW 25 cents. Boys and Girls' Sailors were 20 cents now for 10 cents, T‘ Boys and Girls' Sailors were from 35 to 50 cents now 20 cents. 1Pritits from 7 to 10 cents now fo 5 cents. I Prints from 10 to 12?i. cents now fo 7 cents. Ladies' Vests now 6 for 25 cents. Lace Curtains at one half price. Gents' Ties at your own price. Belt Bilekles were 25 cents now for 15 cents. Silks per yard 10 cents. 25 cent,. E E -LACES, -TWEEDS, -DRESS GOODS, -FANCY TRIMMINGS, and everything' else kept in a een- oral store, at prices to capture the trade. OUR the past twe greatest ex never been reason for tl was the s choice and I favor in pri SPRING - here and w wants in 1,4 Muslins, 0 Call and set we will Gut you and sea at 75c. they OUR DR seaeon bas we never d' ORDERli GENTS' F our hobble's stt the towel BOOTS ieinds and the time. Special HOM D. At less than wholesale priee, by the pound or in the caddie,s. BUTTER and EGGS StAIGO as ca,sh, MailcirITY:a2M efee We are prices in L 'very fine regular p $1.50. Our cur the regale See the selling at As usua best ma.de pair. Ladies' price 25c., at 20 and Lodies special at Ladies Cotton, v regular r Ladies apecial .41 spee Please loan 25, We Sugar f We pa