HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-05-07, Page 7THE P1REHO UNE
Pleasant Pure
and liealt ul.
Guaranteed to caro
ltlieu matisni,
Soiatiees. Lumbago,
Gout and
A sure cute for
headache Dizziness
Constipation. In•li•
pNrip � r gcsti , Tit hominess, l:lY• ryi', nlBright's 1)lrease,
PII Diabetes, Paralysis,
Cnuvulalone, Heart
Disease, etc., etc.
7danutactured on honor a: weld on
Montreal April 3 .
,� pi R••—
Warned Miller, president of the
Nicaragua Canal Company, was in
the city today; his visit being in
connection with his pulp mills and
water power interests in the Dom-
inion, Mr, Miller said that he antic-
ipated a considerable boom in Can-
ada's pulp and paper industries
daring the coining year. The direc•
Hon which the expansion of business
would take would be in trade with
Great Britain rattler than with the
United States. The higher duties
on pulp and paper imposed by the
McKinley tariff would tend to
tl tl td t G t Britain
crow le ra a 'o rea rl alp,
even not considering the fact that
Merit. the product brought a higher price
Boldin �4 ingbam, only by Gordsn it; Co, there than across the border. "You
have material here in Canada," said
:Mr. Miller, "and you have cheap
1 water power. Both these are lacking
1 in Great, Britain, and the British
1 market is bound to prove a most
valuable one. I believe the industry
of pulp and paper manufacture in
ICanada will see a wonderful expan-
sion during the next few years, and
will overshadow many industries
that have heretofore been looked
upon as Canada's chief resources."
Mr. Miller already owns, in conjunc-
tion with one or two others wealthy
Americans, an extensive pulp mill at
Grand Mere, Que., to which additions
are now being made. He has also
purchlsed the right to the water
power of shewanigan Falls near
Three Rivers where another hill
will be erected during the coming
Mr. Miller said he was not very
sanguine that the United States
would take advantage of the offer
contained in the much -talked -of
preferential clause. The present
Republican Administration had
incorporated the principle of re-
diproeity in its policy, but its tariff
was preeminently a protective one.
The opportunities for reciprocity, so
far as the United States was concern-
ed, lay rather with the . tropical
countries to'the south, where.natural
products were not such as were
raised in the Union. However. .11
was quite within the range of pos-
sibility that a mutually satisfactory
treaty of reciprocity might be ar-
ranged between Canada and the
United States.
To the Madden Yeast Co., London, Ont.
Gentlemen,—We get quicker and better resUits from
tieing Tirs. Madden's Yeast than any other we havo
,heed, and highly recommend it. DEAN BROS., Bakers
One Remedy which has Never Failed—
Tried and 'Tested Ointment.
ecause other alleged remedies for.
ail •S, scrofula, eczematic eruptions,
scald head, chafing, black heads, salt
rheum and skin diseases generally have
proved useless, don't condemn D•r. Chase's
Ointment. It has never been known to
(ail. For instance, Nelson Simmons,
Meyersbn.rg, Ont., 'writes :
" J used Dr. , Chase's Ointment for
Its 'ng Piles, and can recommend it
high y. Since using it I have had
Perfect freedom from the disease"
Peter VanalIen, L'Amable, Que., lead
the eczema for three years. •Ile tried
three doctors, bat received no benefit.
One bort of Dr. C'hase's Ointment and
three boxes of Dr. Chase's Pills cured
Ulm completely. Large scales covered
1�legs and body, but the Oiutinent soon
'Miura. them. He will swear to these
Chase's Ointment may be had from
any dealer or from the manufacturers
Edmanson, Bates & Co., 45 Lombard
street, Toronto. Price GO cents.
%fat'her's greatest remedy for coughs,
Cnida, broneh!�eita1 and lung affections is
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur-
pentine. The medicinal taste is wholly
Ilitgguitsed marking it (pleasant to take.
Lange bottle 25 cents.
G'OD ltxczi'POSTE, sTB,1;.. • • THE NEW TOWN OF "DRY -
When. Ontario's Minister of Agri-
culture, Hon. John Dryden, first
to establish his Ito r
undertook nee
Farm near Dake Wabigoon, eighty
miles east of Rat Portage on the C.
P, R., few wouldhave predicted that
within two years, we would see three
townships, taken up with settlers at i la of•nobleness,
that point. .L robai'ly Air. Dryden
bimself'is as surprised' as any ' one
that the development should have
been so rapid. In this as in any'
thing else he has undertaken Mr,
Dryden has evinced his usual good
judgment,but he has been assisted by
the tide of events. It was very foi -
tunate he undertook the opening .of
the Wabigoon country just at the
time when the wonderful mineral
richness of Northwestern Ontario
was beginnit,g to attract hundreds
to the district, Gold Mining is fast
becoming a booming industry,. and
every toot of agricultural land. has
received an enchanted value and is
in great demand.
The town site of Dryden, lying
opposite the Government farm was
laid out last summer. The lots in
the first survey are all sold, an
additional block is now being added,
and the town prontises'to become a
place of considerable more import-
ance than was expected.
Confusion exists in the minds of
some regarding Dryden and Wabi-
goon about thirteen miles distant at
the eastern end of Lake Wabigoon
It should be understood that there is
no connection between the two
places, as the name might lead one
to suppose, and in connection with
the latter the Government assumes
no'responstbility whatever. We are
informed that lots- in Dryden are
sold at reasonable prices to actual
settlers only and not to speculators
at boom prices. .
Such is the desire for information
regarding the locality, the following•
letter from the farm superintendent,
a copy of which has been sent us by
Mr. Dryden will be rend with in-
terest :—
Dryden, April 24, 1897.
DEAR Stn,—The 'fall wheat came
through the winter in good style:
apparently none of it was winter
killed- On the 18th and 19th we
had some cold weather which &neck-
ed its growth badly. The clover is
commencing to grow again, and I
cannot find any of it killed or heav-
ed out. There are now only two
lots fur sale in Dryden. Three re-
presentative;; of English capital from
Australia and South Africa, have
purchased lots , two of whom and
perhaps the third, will build an''
make their headquarters there th
There are plenty of laboring men
here, a lot too many until the sum
mer work commences. Five cars
settlers' effects arrived here yester-
day and two more are expected to-
day. The population of Dryden and
vicinity is probably 300 or 350,
including visitors. There are a lot
wanting to buy town lots as soon as
morearesurveyed.The sawmill isrun-
night and day and cannot furnish
lumber as fast as is needed. I have
sown clover on the fall wheat. The I on the appropriate attire for this
land will not be ready for about a ; sea on's fait' girl graduates. The I
lithographic plates show t he summer
week. A. E. �Nit'TS, Superintendent 1 styles in costuming and Millinery.
,Phe literary miscellany of the
nuinber is excellent, one of the most
noticeable papers being the first of
The Chesley School Board has a series of "Metropolitan Types" by
appointed W. A. Crowe dental in -',Jeanie Drake, author of the Met-
spector to the children's teeth, and ropolitans," One of the cleverest
he is to report to the parents period- novels of 1896. Lilian Whiting
ieally, the need of any operations discusses the social Life of Boston
required. R 1• from a pleasantly personal stand-
.xoderich April 30—Commissioner
Seager, whe recently investigated
the charges preferred against P,9st-
master Campbell, of this teibn,
delivered his finding in the ease in
the court room this afternoon, in the
presence of a large number of spee.
tators. hollowing is a brief 51.114-
mary of the finding:—
Charge 1•—It was charged that
Postmaster Campbell had aeted
properly toward Miss Bays, of Sea -
forth, a Collegiate Institute student,
one evening, and thereby insulted
her and Miss Jecky1, who was with
her on the occasion. • The charge
'was held to be sustained.
Charge 2 7 -The postmaster was
charged with placing a hand upon
the hand of Mrs. Sarah Mel3rien
while she was passing in a letter at
the wicket, and that he clid so in a
manner which she cansidered to be
insulting. The charge was held to
be not sustained, on the ground that
the action might have possibly been,
Charge 3—This charge was that
the postmaster had unwarrantedly
taken hold of Miss Inglis, while she
was coming through an inner door
of the post office after he had asked
her and a lady friend to visit the
inside department. Held to be stirs-
Charge 4—The post master
was charged with assaulting
Miss Dancoy while, she was engaged
in writing a card in the private
office; by clasping her from behind,
and putting his hands on her breast.
Charge held to be sustained.
Charge 5—This was a charge of
opening a lettter, addressed to one J.
R. McIntosh, but although it was
clearly proven that the letter had
been opened, it was not shown by
whom the letter opening had. been
perpetrated. Charge was not sus-
• Charge 6—It was charged that
the North American Chemical Co.
was compelled to post their letters
and rate cards at the railway station
for a length of time, owing to the
fact that the postmaster was a sales
agent for a rival firm. It was proved
that Mr. Campbell liad acted in
surth a capacity for several years,
but had now discontinued connection
with the salt firm.
Charge 7—A complaint was made
by Robt. Bell, a marble wormian,
that he'also had to post his letters at
the railway station because Mr.
Campbell was the financial manager
of a• rival marble works business.
The evidence proved that this state
of affairs had existed.
Charge 8 --Mr. Vanstone, of
Wingham, 'another marble works
man, had sent a letter to a customer
named Johnston, Goderich P. 0.,
and finding it had not reached its
destination, called at tbe office to
make enquiry, when he. was handed
the letter and told it had been open-
ed by mistake. The plea given was
that there were so many Johnstons,
the letter • had been opened, and
closed up again with a margin of
postage stamps. but no memorandum
had been made or whom it had been
opened by, contrary to the rule of
the Post Office Department. This
charge was sustained,
Charge 9 --The postmaster was
charged with being offensive to
persons gcing to the office, in that he
entered into an altercation with W.
L. Horton; and had called the latter
a liar, after which he had come
around from the inside office and
cli"Van Camp s
bytotl ers who d with were present. rton separated
Charge Mr. George Chesney of Seaforth, ! p° an`es :ices they Taylor for t lisicthe
sustained. recently purchased from Mr. Robert story oft], courtship as persistent as
smith,. i ea steer, rs of e sixteen etiill l months ai Tucker -
it was uneonventionaL Isable F.
that eighed over 1,000 pounds. Hapgood's account of some gifted
The steer is the product - of ,lira and titled Russian Women is accom-
Charter's tine herd cat thorobreds panied by photographic portraits of
and it is the kind to breed for profit ets.
Dr.eral ot the Ozer s fair Grace Mee 1 a n Murray sbTalk
Last, I!'riday, Alex. Orr, of Ford- on Health and Beauty is this year
vvicli was tined X20 and costs for devoted to the care of the eyes.
'selling liquor afros hours of Saturday Ladies seeking r new occupation
night. R. F. White of Wloxctcr sl.ould read Sharlot M. Hall's paper
was tined a sinilittr sums for having allow to slake Blue Print Souvenirs,'
his bar open on Sunday. Inspector
Amon» the military changes re- Miller was the pl (*carter,
eently gazetted, we notice that Mr. The monthly meeting of rhe How -
A. W. Itorister, of Clinton, has been ick Fire lnsltr:tnre C'aiti»shy was
LVuinrpeg's New Member.
W. Jameson, the new Liberal
M. P. f'1• Winnipeg, is en able man
in the prime of life, lie is a son of
the lair' Lieut. General Sir George
Janly�"n K.C.S.L, and was born in
Cape ''' tvn, Soutlt Africa(, on .July
12, lM:ii His parents returned to
Engl. ; in 1857, and their son was
sent I 'e Blackheath proprietary
schoo here he received his early
eduei t •-,. Afterwards he attended
tllege, London, and Trinity
i)ainbridge, where he took
the t)• ;.,•c'e of 13. A. Wf.en 25 ) ears
of at.:,• 'le cane to Canada, and
stu tt law in 'Toronto, in the firm
of t .•1. the present Judge Rose was
;the t head. After being adn.ltted
to tie )ntario bar, Mr. .Jameson
we it Winnipeg in the height of
the 1 • boom in 1881.. He inn tie
mt1., 'esttnents, having faith in
the ; •i••e of the country. Entering
pu' 're as an alderman, but a
shot •.ree years elapsed when ite
W.0-4 en as mayor by a large
Mr. Jameson is a go.xl
spa'a'i a man of genial tc)upet'a•
.std altogether a strong •td-
dit.:al the supporters of Iron. Mr.
in Parliament,
For Over Fifty Years.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by mil-
lions of mothers far their children while
teething, with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and is the beat
,eruedy for diarrhoea. Is pleabant to
the taste. Sold by druggists in every
part of the world. Twenty-five cents a
bottle. Its value is incaluable. Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup, and take no other kind
dy Bozoma anti seam II'ead
l r and young children are p*cu!-
iarl• joct to this terrible disorder,
an rt promptly arrested it will
ever : y become chronic. Dr. Chase
ma . lclal study of E^ .emu and dir-
est le skin, and 'e., «an contideetly
ter • 'id Dr. Our .'tt r)iutn'er,tfor all
fore'.' Lozema '1'• • 'sat apnti.`ation
Sooth he irritati.»t mei puts the little
Outlet • to rest.
A team of gorses belonging to Mr.
Thos. Williamson of Grey. caused
some excitement on Turnberry street
Brussels, Monday afternoon and col-
lected quite a crowd 11ix. William-
son was driving up street and when
he reached the Queen's hotel the
animals swerved and took a course
for Jone's jewellry store on the
opposite side, and in spite of his
efforts to stop them the team walked
up on the sidewalk and into Jones'
plate glass window. The result was
a complete smash of the pane and
considerable damage to the goods in
the window. The falling glass cut
one of the horses slightly. After do-
ing the above damage the horses
walked down the sidewalk to the
Central hotel yard. wh ere they stop-
Ili 1;'r0ANir Iroul.
Weighed in the balance and found wanting,
Weighed in the balance of morality; .
Weighed and fauna wanting.
Wanting in virtue, the;prunipter • to {;teat•
The consigner of nobleness and worth.
Weighed in thebalanoe and fuutid wanting,
Weipihett and found wanting.
Stenon the truer seutimuuta
Wanting the kindlier feelings of tllo heart,
Weighed and found watttinn. "
Light as the chaff from the tlircalting floor,
Gloomy Its the dungeon of Z.us. •
Gruel as the heart of the liaudttti,
Vile as the venom of hate,
f3uoh:is the crowded form
Such is the arena,
I'romisent Butd Of ss Mau of Pastime Cur-
Mr. Thomas Gladman, bookkeeper for
A.d:tm Hall, stove and tinware dealer,
I?eterboro', writes the following facts :--
Have been trobbied for nine years with
Eczema en my leg, and at times tho
itching wassomething terrible and tried
many eminent doctors and was pro -
The military power of Greece
Waned as she revelled, t.r til ,vira'ua Of, f
Faded as she sacrificed liar children to
Where now, Oh Greece! is the martialzeal
of Xerxes?
'Neighed in the balance and fotind,wa'itiug
Weighed and forma wanting.,
The overthrow of tha Annan n,npire,
The bloodstained Amphitheatre '
'l.'lle (xladiator in the arena. -
Arrogance lorded oyeriunocenoe;
Cruelty, pride. lasoivioosuess
Weighed in the balance and found wanting
Weighed and fouud wanting.
Look at the Wailer of Spain
Flaunting ite :silken folds
Above the loathsomeness of .wanton wrong
Fallen, once imperial Spain,
(Tloating over the Heartlessness of bull
Gone it her ooast of ps ver,
Crumbled her glory.
Fane is fled from her realm,
Shame laughs in rteriskm;
Fallen Spain, where is thy Imperial Priae?
Weighed in the balance and found wanting
Weigher) and found wanting,
And uow thou boasting Yankee,
Thju Jiugoiat of this oar day,
'Tnoa arraigner of right, -
'.Uhou supporter of wrong.
Would Argus ope his hundred eyes
Aud gaze across the area of your realm
He'd find a t ioe for every eye.
You boast your monetary worth
But they are few that claim your gold
And labile as the parachute
Your greatness is titular, your ambition is
Thos mobile people, thou Zenith of pride,
Guilt and confusion mingle in your thick
shades. .
Will admonition bring reform .
Oe will Pluto triunipii on your throne ?
You welcome the pugilist of other land
Aud you alone applaud the wrong
That other lands abhor;
Yea laugh at the effusion of blood,
You rejoice iu pugilism,
You worship at the shrine of Ares,
You rush to the amphitheatre,
.You crowd upon the forms,
You gaze into the arena
Blond flows from the pugilist
The shout is raised,
It soars on the breath of the morning
It echoes in the valley
It rides on the wind, hoarse andterrible,
Like sack cloth it endircles your land.
Whet shall your motto be?
Shall it be the blackness of the rayless "`""° •*""`°"
May not a hand come forth and write
Above the chalice cf your iniquity
UL Uuuul(;4116111u1WGAM► ►
es- THE •e.
hGreat Offer
The Londoni
Free Pres.
g. The gree Press, desiring to lrreatly
4 increase tt,t subscription list, makes the
z following great offer o the farmers and
stockmen of Canada whereby sub•
scribers to Weekly Free Press widget
• The Free Press has made arrange.
One Year's Paper Free. E
menta with rho Vrterin;iry t'r'ienca ,G
a PnbUshfng Co, Pur a nwnber of conierc of 1
their book 'rho Veterinary Science,"
t• reatsil! illyfanthltin pla$2.00.
n 1 tnThis
ni rc' 1.t
:1 Anatomy, Diseases anti'1'reatmenm ,.,
Domestic Animals and Poultry, elan
eentawinl, ,t full description of Medicine
•tad Receipts, so that every farmer. van
be ale own veterinary.
. , a .. a..
Thu Weekly Free Tress an'i Farm
ani Home for rrw. year (price SL00) and
til', Veterinary serene.+ (prise.
• Jt,). Moth will be mailed to any ad -
dr •M•: upon the receipt. of Two Dollars.
Do not Iris' this eit:u)ce. 44 r. cannot .
' Word to eon thtan$or iudc huitely.
Our o: j•-ei in ma king itnott is t , secure
an immediate. response which a less I
lib••ral offer might fail to attract. Ite.
member, by sending $2.00 for the book
yon get the Weekly Free Press and
▪ Farm and Home ONE YEAR FREE. E
• pAg. nts wanted everywhere. Address (~
.., all communications to the
Free Press Printing Co.,
London, Ont,
avi iMINTInll'nnr I ImmYm►nnmRYRli
Murray esz
Lan mares
Weighed in the balance an d found wanting
Weighed and found wanting.
That tired feeling is due to impover-
shed blood. Enrich the blood with
Hood's Sarsaparilla and be strong and
The May Number of The Delinea-
tor is Called The Spring Num-
And its resume of Up -to -Date Modes
includes a lengthy illustrated article I
Truth in a Nutshell
Impure blood is the natural result et
close confinement in house, school room
or shop.
Blood is purified by Hood's Sarsapar-
illa and all the disagreeable results of
impure blood disappear with the une of
this medicine.
Hood's Pills are ttte best famlly'catla-
artio and liver medicine. Gentle,relinble
and sure.
pounced incurable. I had given up appointed second lieutenant of No. 7 held in Go tic last ~,elite°day. lit
hopes of ever being cured wlaen 1 was eon) iriy, 33rd. Hui on Battalion in ,
recommended by Mr. Madill, druggist, pl ' applications were passed by the
to try a box of Dr. Chase's Ointment, place -of John Beaeon, resigned. Board. John Knox, of l ttwick, was
itna am happy to testify that after using
two 'boxes I am completely oared. 1, poach, Brussels. expects to paid for.sheep killed by lighteitirfr.
start; foitr or five horses at the The resolution itass al some tilde' ago
Mise Florenee Bunter, Brussels, Guelph races, early in June. The to only' pay of illAtie tnce for eon -
left on Wednesday for Clintonville, half utile track is in good shape this tents of buildings destr iyed by tire
where site has scoured a position as week, and he has taken his string was recinded and the full claim vvill
retoucher. there. be paid as in former years from this.
'A Group of I'.ntertainments' will'
especially interest young hostesses.;
le Seasonable Cookery the processes
of the French Kitchen are explained'
and commended. Mrs. Witherspoon1s
Tea -Table Chat is as interesting as
usual,and Mr,. Vick's Flower Garden
bas firmly established itself in his!
readers' good graces And there are
also new ideas in the various depart-
uletits devoted to Fancy Needlework,
Knitting, Crocheting, ere., and a
review of the New Books.
Trac modern stand-
ard ;Family Medi- .1
cine: Cures the 1
common every -day
ills of hl:ranity. •
j,Sttei.•.t.ch". !F':ce..Ache, ,ciente
I'A:av, Nearalt;lc Pains, •
P r: -.aa t the Ride, eft.
:.a..;.:Y i 5ixed and Cured by
1848 ea, an l„e99
■alga 1Ytkici ■ Il,i.l.SLVir
Driving nerdyour D E L. nenthot 1•to4lor
fur .gent n, n:•• n , ort k t:••t lnr,M•'n.1
nuhasttuingly ru uuinund s..1.0 as a o.•i s,
erre e, •1''."ld r mrd( 1x1 f -rt fl,^v1stl'ka
a,iglo.--A. „Arol.'ti Mu,..atht MU, Un,.
;rico n:,e.
DAMS .": • 1w..r" •CE rO., LTU.
I'ro•trietors, MONTREAL..
Pag ra' .
(eattnir DAVIS'.)
.A Sure Ansi tn,..t. Remedy in every, ease
and every k .e' of Bowel Complafntis
Pain -Ninon
This Is a true statement And it can't bo
made too strong or too emphatic.
It is a simple, safe and quick etre for
Cramps, Cough, I.lxeumatidina.
Celle, Cords, Neuralgia, e
blitrrlitea, troop, Toothache.
TWO SIZES, 25e. and 50e.