HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-05-07, Page 511104..01.4•14•040 IA114'4 WINerTIAM. 1YIE$ MAY 7, 1 M 13.SE AS 0 N 'Nervous n;Ry GOODS SELLING Is :sten at Its best here, and now every department is crowded with ghalms seasonable dry goods, and every counter With customers, The people would not come here if there were not good reason that they should. yea come, the values you. will find will convince you that this is so. We can give you an idea, however, before you visit the•store, of what we are elmeg to attract trade, Read these prices and draw your own conclusions, Every article mentioned is reliable in quality, every price will be found exactly as quoted. .42035Massszonsiorapimea........— Ladies' Spring Capes in Black, Brown and Pawn shades, correct length, wit Ruffle around neck, worth $L 25 for Mc. Ladies' Capes in leading colors, very stylish, braided nicely, and a very pretty Cape Special at $L25. Black Velvet for making Capes, we have the correct thing, right width and also the *..* proper lining in pink, blue, cream and heliotrope. The price a the 'Velvet for capes is 50e, a yard, the price of lining for above is 14e. Parasols -Special lines now on exhibition, prices 40, 50,75 and $1., A beautiful 1 .1.1nebrella-Parasoi, steel rod, good frame and covering at $1.20 Flannelette in check patterns, in brown, blue and pink shades, very Special at 44c. We,opened something interesting in Cottonade, a really wonderful line worth 25c, but we sell it at 20c. P *Opie often wonder why their nerves src so weak; why they get tired so sadly; why they start at every slight but sudden ouzel; why they do not aleep naturally; by they have frequent headaches, indigestion and nervous Dyspep'ia The explanation is simple. It ia found in that impure blood which is °entire. ually feeding the nerves upon refuse instead of the elements of strength and vigor. In such condition opiate and nerve compounds simply deaden and do not cure. hoods Sarsaparilla feeds the nerves pure, rich, red blood; gives natural sleep, perfect digestion, Is the true remedy for all nervous troubles. WE SELL GROCERIES AND SHOES —AS WELL AS— DRY 6-00DS AND MILLINERY. Have you tried. ,our Speeiel Canned Corn at 5e. A This is a eash business run on cash basis all through. Its better for you to N., pay cash for what you buy, You certainly can buy cheaper. Pay day comes some time. "Its better to go slow and pay cash." intron ra.11g 6"01-7417r211-14 , . oll pai kViring Sul: te e*-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 We are prepared to give you something nobby in 1 Spring and Summer. Suitings and of excellent Value. We pi turn out wily First-class Work. '54 '21 -----e-WE WANT YOUR, TRA.D10.4 ....e. L'Il EITI el Irr-Give us a call before purchasing, [V,) W. T. SULLIVAN. Erl dhavires old. Stand. t VII t g -W1, r-• - V I- - c ria-ir Tea a i 9 '-...:11-0. - ..4rit. , - E -0-- -' 9 F1.- -F i E .1. - - -,' : i F 4. -.97 1-2. - 5 Fe- C'T 4.- Lc i r` a Fi Fe -..' -r 1 7.-4.-- i P.- -.9 f P -..r. i 013.1 0- .7-- Fr '. -2.- - ii'7,- E. Ir-: Sarsaparilla THE BUDGET. thief:imminent realize about $09,0001. resolution by *dee and hp , excheqaer hy that siMple change, 111 ty1)01;ALD 4S1,1 IMD. without charging the people of this JsMa m:Tr- vie women reit EAST 1 country one solitary cent in addition, immix SCORES 000D POINTS but baking this contribution out of the large profits of the manufacturers Mr, Speaker, in rieing to ninlie a or clea°°r$ 11 •-• rice. Let me give , . yoa a simple illustratfon which few observations on the questions proves this Hto a demoustration. Last which have been discussed before Is the One True Blood Purifier. $1 per bottle. Prepared only by C. T.Heod & Lotvell, Mass. this House for the last few days, / year we imported into this country with at me oott,et to otrer ley eon 7,249,000 pounds of cleaned rice, invoiced at 5122,000, on which a the tariff they WM: brought down. duty el $891614 was Paid, making a total. cost of 4211,800, which was gratuletions to the Government on It le not possible for everybody to equal to $2.92 per bemired pounds. be satisfied with ell the items ot the Of uncleaned rice we imported tariff. Very many (if as view the 13,3111,000 pounds. Allowing a loss tariff from our own partieular of 20 per cent for cleaning, which is environment; but the Government must take a higher position and n. very largo reduction, this repres- ented 10,648,872, pounds of cleaned judge what is best fur the whole rice. Now, how much did that rice country, for they do not govern for cost the import= ? The invoice a locality, but for the whole country price of it was $108,477, and the from the Atlantic to the Pacific. duty paid was $40,638, or a total Therefore they must take a wide, cost of $149,015. This made the dustrious with which they broad and liberal view of all the in - cost to the cleaners of rice $1.39 per have to hundred pound. Now, the differ - deal. Although I cannot agree with on leeisietion ence between $1.39 and $2.92 per On Qnftritntirieg .. . . . , . . ........ 36.000 accepted by all the industries of this which the eleaners of rice in Canada made out of the transaction. there are only two rice mills in ...his Now On able to end Canals, charge- /ri 0 (1;1111,iiselhletlrileere tied eosst Service, . 40,000 On Indians income Peultoliwiroreas char (man and River Service 48.000 . geable to a ...a. 140,000 eeu,000 176,000 74,000 46,477 They hundred is 51.53 per hundred, whieh Oiemeeie went to the cleaners of ricet Now, if you multiply the 10,648,872 pounds pia, all the items in the tariff, I congret- ulate tae Government upon mom- plishing with such success the difficult have presented to this country a tariff by 81-63, it will give you $162,987 task they had before them. which I believe will be generally ' industries, with a degree of favour country, one in l3ritish Columbia and On North.West Mounted Police155,000 country, and people outside of the one in the city of Montreal ; and, 1 (In Yost °Ificle 140,874 a debt of gratitude the hone - which hes not been accorded to any according to the statements made by We ewe the late Finance Minister, they cm- Postmaster General, fur the effieleut • ploy seventeefive hands, thoughiand able manner in which he tame others say not forte, but taking the administered that department der-- bigher, if we paid $1.000 to evee'ylthe year, By witteleawneg eon.-- tractovernment to friends ts which had been iv g•en extravee cure 'Aver Ille; easy to flood's Pills take, easy to oparate, DOLOWS 1 LOUGHS. deelared in thes tektatu her re year In and ear oat, that U' dee' Liberal party earne iuto power, the extravagance then prevailleg le taft management of the Goveremeet departments would ceaAe. We pro' wised to reduce the expeudirnre rapidly as we prettily wield. Many of us BM tee eo"ld WAD 40 it by ;WO millions, others More sanguine said we could save an expenditure of three millions irt a yetite tied others still more sanguine Feld ; Give us time and in a few years we will ent down the ex peneee of title eututtry without effecting the• efficiency ef arty department, to the extent or $4,000, 000. What btive We done in the space of one short year ? Let me tell yea. We have saved on the following items' the following amounts :- Merges on rsanagermat of POWs Debt, nearly.. ' 6,040 07.000 83 OOP On Civil Grcvernineut On Peneten ies other tariff since confederation. Hon. gentlemen of the Opposition Spell it any way you wish, either at times try to make out that the t a,nd the correct place to get 1Liberal party have stolen their is correc clothes It brings a smile across the a correct plow at a correct price is at . man e,,mployed m the mills, it ,woulct the _eaereeeesevamnit. history of the two parties to suppose leave 095,000 of clear profit to an genly by the G ace of everybody who knows the for one moment that the clothes of establishment which employs seven . of their own, and re -letting them, he, ty-flve men. We contsnel in the leaved v0,000, to the country'. MR BENNETT. Is tha hon. gentle; the Liberal•Conservative party are Ilarge enough for the Liberal party of past and we contend now, that these Did you hear that times are going to be better in Wingham. - 4 )31 ECT !man referring to the estimates or to proots were far too large, and that this country, and more particularly so, when they have worn those that there should be a reduction inlwhat has teen passed. of T. H. Ross. They say times are . t SICORX clothes for the last eighteen years, them either in the form MuM ODOJALD (Huron), My of decreased' , bon, friend will know that this is a * and now we find theiu oat at the prices of rice', or of an increase in the h • cut on last yeses estimetes, The very, very hard and no doubt they elbows, out at the knees, and out at are. I can make them a liitle easier ' every other place where you would for you if you buy your Implements I expect to find them out if you under - here. I have a few slightly soiled . stood the anatomy ot the human plows I will sell for $10, payable i ;frame. In fact, the clothes of the October '97. I have plows with , ;Conservative party are made up of 1110113LIMOABDS shreds and patches; patches have been GIIJARA.NTEED, I put on them for eighteen years, until I ' • • elled and spotted like It. isondeck to help you Large consignments of Spring and Summer Gods in all lines, .at prices never yet approached, and offers the greatest values to his customers and the publie generally in VESS GOODS STAPLE ' 3 consisting of CASHMERES, LUSTRES, SERGES, and. PLAID GOODS in all qualities and colors, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, ZEPHYRS, MUSLINS, • DELAINES, etc. AND FANCY American Soft Centre, Cruciabie I Y ' cent to three-quarters of a cent, and • hon entleinea-an intelli- duty • which would go luto excheqaer of Canada. Now, we ' hon. gentlemaa. may laugh, but men. than have a new , order of things, I sometimes laugh who cannot argue, under our new pollee, and that,land I think that is the poeition int policy I shall christen the Libeled which my hoh. friend is. Ile must National Polley. By it the Govern. know that we are only in office . ment has taken out of the hands of about;a year. When we came en, there were large engaecements enter - the manufacturers, $59,000 of theh• I ed into by the Govei•nmeet, which. profits by inereasing the duty on lull hail t be carried out in good. faith the animals that Jacob agreed to cleaned rice, from three -tenths of al by the present geveenment, and TABLE WENS, NAPKINS TOWELS e t4' A large andHried stook of Tweeds of all kinds, suitable for Spring and Summer wettee it very low prices. Ready Med Clothing for men and.boys, Cottonade, Denims, Flannels, i Flannelettee, ettons and Shirtings at all widths and prices. If you • iend furnishing your house or a part of it this Spring, call and yrinspect r stock of , CARYETS, LACE ..CURTAINS, CHENILLE CURTAINS OIL , • .i Cast Steel, will clean in any kmd of soil, which I will sell from now till take from Laban as his share of the 1st of June at from $9.00 up. Come: heard. And it is absurd to suppose in and get one. Ifor a moment that we are going to I have tons and tons or". • accept garments of such a character, garments across which the electorate PLO'W' REPAIRS of this country wrote on ihe ?3rd of .June last, "Mene. mene, tekel up- • • • made froin broken car wheels and ;llarsine7 No, Mr. Speaker, we have canister, hard and tough and can fit • garments a our own; they are up -to - any plow. Will sell there in lots of : ' and they ctre cif the colours, red, date, made after the latest fashion CLOTHS MO STAIR CARPETS le‘fore purchasing, where you will Mid a full and complete stook in these lines at priees that will ste4you motley every time. In addition to our immense stock of CDO (37r we have have just received. and passed into stockeen cues of the very latest styles of Shoes and Rubbers at such prices as will insure a fit to your purse , as well as your feet and our stoek of plough boots and other heavy lines! for rough work is worthy of the closest inspection. Out Stock of GROCERIES is always fresh and good, at as low prices as „first Cass goods can be send. Long experience in Seeds makes this store IIEADQU.A,111.1(.,Rs for the SEED have plaeed that sem of 559,000 into • the Exchequer of this country to be I gent gentlemen also -pretends that used to meet the general expenses of; we should cut down in the first year of adminietration. Yet that is the; of our office, as much as we could very thing for doing, which the hon. in the s.econd, he is begging the member, ear West;York, -(Mr.- Wise ,question entirely.. I night mention lace) tried to condemn the Govern •isome other items, hut shall confirm ment. If by that ehange we do not.; myself to saying, that on the e'hole change the price of rice, we at least 1 we have saved, $1,742,642 or in the obtain $59.000 of their profits tor neighborhood of $2,000,000, pled by • the time we reach- the end of this 6 or 12 for 35 cents spot cash. white and Hue. Upon these gar oar exchequer, and to that • merits are buttons which areetampedltvill require less revenue than . Parliament, I am sure the most Ban - I alternately, the beaver and thelprevions years, and thus lighten the! guine expectations wilt. be nearly I still tontinue to handle the burdens of the people. ; reelized through the ectnomy pre- vailing in the various departments maple leaf on one, and the lion end . . . the unicorn on anothei, and under- Now we are charged with not' • of the Government under tbe present BELL Ai reach the whole is written "Dieu et , • I can save you from $50 to $1001 y01111060 droit"-mY God and my coun- if you deal with me and give s, Now, that means n great deal. just as good as you can get from I try' When we titi,57 "Mr. God," it means those city pIng-bat dudes. Patronize with the Liberal party : and your own town and don't forget your ' PwitY when we say etny country," it. bumble servant . T. H. ROSS. P. S. -Good Oreans, Sewing Mach- :. • paeans pa.trionsin to Canacht, for which the Liberal party has long been ta ted. Sotnetitnes.hon. gentlemen opposite having fulfilled our proimses. 1 • I Liberal administration. It is evident remember when I satweonmatdhee motaline i side of the house, tions have largely been made, and therefore that the promised reduc- promises to the eletorate, which we li that we are not open to the charge of aid we would carry oat if retarnee. 'having stolon at least that part of • to power, and I think I can prove e, ' Liberal-Consecyatiye program. you before I sit down that we nave (CONTINUED $ ENT WEEK ) done so to a very great extent, and that where we have not carried out our promises, we are going to doeul ines, Needles; Oils and Repairs . will say we are drifting towards flee just as soon as the proper tin arriv EAST WAWANOSIL alwa,ys in stock and at right I trade. ' That was last the way Eng- ea and is et our dispoeal, letow The following is the Rehm' report Wawa - rice. T. H. R. land obtained free trade as she has , what did we promise ? Every eon. for S. S. No. 9 East . I• au opposite remembers that1nosh, for the month of April. • at lowest prices fer first class home grown Seeds of all kinds, free from ; foul weeds such as foreign grown seed; often eontain. Our seed list con m sists of 131over cf all kinds, Mameth, Red, Alsike, Luceane, Crimson, White and Snnfoine, Chicago Lawn Grasses, Timothy Seed, 14 different varieties 1 of Seed Corn carefully seleeted. litillett and Haegarittn, "Little Giant" Seeder at manufacturers prices. Bear in mind, oar seeds are home grown and selectedeby ourselves with all the care that our experience of many years in the trade convinces us to be necessary and you can rely upon getting fresh, clean and reliable seeds at closest possible prices if you buy from T. A. MI Chan u of Businesz it to -day. She did not take one big bold step towards free trede. F'ree We promised to Settle the school i The eepert is based on a system 0 trade went ou developing from tte q . I made for bad cendut, laent. etc. • yeer 1842, when the duties on some day mid night, we f .ught the late 1 artieleS wete reduced, until 1885, I GoVerninent. on that question. Evers.- , IV, Jennie Rintoul, George GoulteS when she removed the last vestage of Ione remembers that when the late" lame Deacon. Sr, III, elezeie MeTemeenil Roy the duty on sugar; and if theiGovernment was determined 1, i Liberal. party are retained in 1coerce Manitoba by forcing on thatiefesee, maw sheen, elneenee eheill, I power, as I hope they will' province a sehool system against Itie ry A }we ni .. l• we as the Liberal parte, Deecon, A qrecl Hodgson, Alfred h. a position to tell hon. genlemen stion.Every one remembers how daily markings, deductions • bee* _Having purchased from , be, for the next forty years, and if I 1 which they rebelled, and sought Sr, Ill, lerenk Mille. Alberta - I am living at that time, 1 may be in 1 ! Vehrust uptinehem a Dominion educe. Rintoul, Aiex Melemeall I eslie McDonald , !". • iuu Butchering Business, 1 am oitppisosinite4taz have free trade as while not denying to theCatholies that I, Ritz, Frank Shoebottom, • which they are entitled to reeeise I Sr. fl' Willie Elliott, Roy Deacon. I. now in a position to supply Then, again we are told that we maintained that any legislation toe Jr. II, Herbert Sheill, Ethel Hicks 'are going to destroy the industries relieve them from the grievances. , Bella MeDengal, Albeet Snlishary, the public with 1of their own friends? A majority of that they claimed the Manitoba Act i Reymond Elliott, Devid John f th - Ithe manufaeturing industries ois of 1890 had imposed upon them, ston, Willie Hicks, Alen. Rintoul.Roy 8. county are conducted by supporters should come from the tranitohe Andersen, of the workmen engaged in those if we came into power, instead o. EATSof the Liberal party, and a majority legielatare. And we pronaised Oar LOMA Dcvy, Ten•Iller, at lowest prices and earn- iedn'sl'ries today are Liberele. settling that question by coercive Doc. estly solicit a share of the i Therefore, while we require a re- means, we would settle it by conetle„ '\\*Parwick of 131'04§eis?ins. purl venue tariff se high es we do, it will Mien, Did we not accomplish our 111:haentnedl esoet:litnrsieeet7,1; patronage of thismm coun- An t.roire an inoidental protection which, oh:lett ? °Today that question le rrom Reeve Straeonienf Grey. psying al y •opinion, will enetain dila SDP- settled. amicabp ly and satisfactorily that can be got for mone Y 1 that .the Government made a gre • • ,. d l'be f I 1. • eince, and the dam is from Lord at _and commendation, not only or d at New York a couple. of years 11colt is the well bred stallion, (11;081;=er, the property t f Messrs. ity. We will always keep ; port any incluse y that is adapted to and yea will never here more of it this country. 'Phe hon. gentleman inside this chamber. For this thel Ori hand the best meats who preceded. me (Me. Wallace, said Liberal party deserve the gratitude Senn & Warwick, Brussels, pnrehae. i D. J. GEDDES McDonald's old stand. slandet in ineleasing uty on t c ra o t coma ths • riee claming that that was detri- of every free Man let his politics bei Ferguson, a fleet footed horse owned • meetel to the rice inters of this coun- in lestowel. Dr. Warwick's new what they. ma!, . nlanlis.tbe$1 in! da fel.e;h ; Paers d4st try. Bite Sir, the plainest celcalation, 'We made another promise and Pi to If lie had made it, would show that ad it frequently, We made it by n7he: t