HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-05-07, Page 4' Spring
TUE ' . N U ttA.M TIMES,, MAY 7,1804
R:EUgFt'NT1�TG Of' ni'i:}�..� RAA. Live swat martens
Ther® was Holy Canimunlon ad- I'ni;.iznz•.v'rKRz'cI:zz'.i �ilal� QUEEN—. rtvslz`zi-\Rem,��l ts,I151ticars�iamar•ketC�pened
ministered on Seedily morning inti me c n To ? uR d I tv t it
' r nitr• Cllurc .
.nd fat cows and helicis ,
z.t itz•;rI•; .. 1 cls- all but good butchers' stock
r ' "aside from
Rev. T. E. Higley returned from - -'•
St, Tbomas on Satu1•rlay where he, Pretoria, ,fay 4 ---On the reopen• these prices the market was 100 r�
• .silent Krug , 20e ,surer ;stockers and feeders wore
ea has been nolo ur friends, ing of the Raprepared
d, President nth in aetive
One Saturday nail[ Sommers ItOalheo'o in great ire z s ed thedll m n as a with an early clearance ;ff reshlcows
possession of Frances tJ.o ds die 1 ) tok sympathy with t lues vie, steady for good, ones, late springer;
d intends ,[sparing � token of synip• y � ,n '4 rd.
grocery store an p --
of the goods on Monday by auction. ! tools, and appreciation of ' mlong
nd glorious reign, to de ,'tare Jane
Our townsman, :11r. Alex. Mc -land
Kellar, has. purchased the old school! 22, diamond jubilee da y, an official
grounds and intends converting the l holiday in the Trans' /sal. IIs said
building into two dwelling house , that in spite Of Urfa .rorable influences
Ito enjoy ft iend',3 relations with a
WRONF�TD'1 foreign llorvc,rs, After asking that
The Gleaners Tempa aYieb inging i provision -se made for the election of
trio are here for the week. The ; his suceC,seor next year; he said the
entertainments are good. ; Govei•,lment intended to svrnitlit pro -
away dthat ~he
ne of 8 e was -me states,• °
chin at s o1•t of the comae- i$3.65 lis
Guaranteed the re. y bast 8 nd at the 1
lowest prices. We ars+ selling reliable
goods cheap. At
2 doors S. of P, 0. W iutitat
T1, the South Afrierr� Republic continued
i TO THE P:.
'Vl!inpllttui, W'ay 6th, 1807. i
Corrected. by P. Deans, Produc
lbs.. ....•,
Q 2
k l 1I Wheaer pert......
t..100 .. 0 70 to 0 72'
Earl Wheat..,.,,
Spring Wheat 0 70 to. 0
0 70 4
Oats, new, 0 20 to 0 30
Palley 0 til to 0 3S 1
Peas .•,,,• •••,•
•o Dealer. i
' is a1t�s
Mills .un
Tho Wingham
now running again in fall blast --
Parties wishing to have Lumber
Dressed or anything in the ptanil.g;
mill business such as-
e'=-' •r`l�1
—BLINDS, `-,
can Have them on short notice and
at lowest possible priees. I have
also added a number of new mach-
ines which will enable me to do
work cheaper and better than ever.
Successor to
Butter....'• .,. .. • ...• 0 0 to 0 0
,legs per geese 0 7 to 0 7
W cord • 00 to 1 25
Hay per ton
and the inferior kind were very sloW I Potatoes;, per bushel,
and dull : choice tinished smooth fat i Tallow, per ib
steers, $4,.90 ® $5.15 good to choice
fat heavy steers $4.75 e $5 ; coarse
rough steers, $3.60 Cw $4 ; choice
smooth fat heifers, $3.75 ® $4.15 ;
I 11 tair to good mixed butchers stock,
$2.75 Oe ; 3.50 ; good smooth well 1
fattened cows $3,40 (ate $3.60.1
Stockers and Feeders --Native
Stockers; good to choice, $3,85 @ $i'1;
do. light stockers, $8,65 @ $3.80 ;
pro -
Mr. James MeE en passed quietly ; pos els for the faciltation of traffic and do., feeders, good o best, $3,90 ®
on Tuesday evening, at dile I th,e iiwolrlution of trade with adjjoin• $410 • Canada stock steers, good to
ag 3 He much reapeete I I and he added t ra t� c4.1fe .80 : do., e light stockers
-- -- -
by all his friends.1 Govei omens hoped as soon as possiw o en ie $3.80; do faders choice to
.... 8 00 to >3 00
o 10 to o 15
0 3 too 3
0 2to02i1
19 to 23
Dried Apples, per lb
� �� � ,� 1iZ ,�t, J��Q�y l There was a grand wed g Ito subnit the I ep prune $4 i� $1.17 export bells,
FE/WAY,:1'[AY 7, 1207
1 is proposed to reduce the
Sic:anted Police force to 500 men.
TTuurRE was a large increase of
immigration in Manitols for April.
Nnw South Wales leas been
.iltleed oi; the minimum schedule of
[[lent' tariff'
Ayton on Wednesday when Archie 1 sem appointed to inquire into tlx
smooth and fat, $3.50 L $3.75; much
Mogatt our popular blacksmith was conduct of the Transvaal coining in r; cows and springers, strictly fancy
unitedin the bonds of matrimony, to dustries, with a view of adoptln1` milkers, $36 d $45; good to fancy
Miss Sarah Thompson. There were I such measures as might seem desire
laro•e number of invited guests in able. The Governinent recognizW springers, $34 @ $43. Veale and
•xcalver—Good to extra choice veals,
FRUIT CULTUREthefanto°`now'than
his other crops. Brown Bros. Co., the most exten-
sive parser,• house in Canada, have a vacancy in
thus suet[ 0, Write them for their terms.
n1tC5YN ' NURSERIES, ntario.
THE Senate has passed a bill to
Make the 21th of May a perpetual
holiday, in honor of the Queen.
MRS. MCMANiUS and her six shooter
caused as much trouble at the Com -
mom ae the Urow'a Test Pass.
N oeiti ,tea �s foe the Quebec Leh
in attendance, and the presents were
both numerous and costly.
The Old Story.
An old German retired farmer
arced Ilanzhaff was victimized to
that the general welfare of the courts. $4 25 ® �34.5Q ; prime to extra veals,
try went ,land in hand with the.165 ®x;1.55 ; heavy fat and butter
prosperity of its mining interests. Imine calves, $2.50 rc $"3,50. Hogs
In conclusion, Presider}t z rugei' --.Receipts, 100 cars ;market opened
said : "It w,uld Mage bee ht ,cruse with a fair demand, but prices fall y
of heartfelt joy if She ,Govekhu111fjt 120e lower than the high prices of
could give a frank as tiled
'Saturday and ruled later in the day
FARM nt 00 acres, Kinloss township, Rouen Co.,
'.5 acres cleared; stream of spring water, two ,root
wells; new wind -mill, good house, large bank barn,
good stables; two acre benriugt orchard, 2 miles from
Whitechurch station. 4 from Lucknow; an excellent t
opportunity for twee a prolitablo dairy business. '
Appiy to Mrs. A. Stewart, Luckuow, If. A. Stewart
St, Thomas or A. C. Stewart, Tceswater,
n st}t niJ nI th
liaJt� ea' U -._.a
the extent of five hundred dollars, by 1 the olitical horizon was uflclorlcied, -ry al L. a� j "" -"
of strangers at Dunnville i but we must grateft+.11 t[lllli5 that, prices deelinin{ 1SC <. lt?o from the T � _' �%i '
a Collpas. It 's the old story of y +; b t erre --" sal • &Oa i;i ehoiee 5 ul l's � SPA TIME
A Thoroughbred Durham Bull from
one of the beat milking herds to the
Dominion of Canada.
TERMS -51 cash at time of service or
51.50. with privilege of returning if
necessary, if booked. Maga CASSi:La.
May the 4th ' l ,,^ that m lav
light -giving points an a $d o0 o, mixed packers' s gt ac a ui
buying be big Qi lllu. ; d and we are animated with I
3 all rights+4.1J L X4.25 medium weights. ,,oTln'isdsimplot�titin tt¢rcibusiness
, to
ro r � C'•
t �
"could used here firm resolve and an earnest wish 1 lU td 20 heavy hoes,
$4.10 s. �' I l received irons local clnertlsinC, to few Hundred dollars of (% tQ d4 yrllaC lies ill Q 1t' POWCr, while ` ' e; r Cs) , ,gs, Sbecp I
a„ 'i-1.15 1011glls �3.J0 (�`� u) i eeperience required, but lith
bank notes, rolmrt e. back, and uarcliufr slit° iodic jit'yactice to -L ,orbs hs 8. 0 68 cars of fresh t ori, to fhoaa
his money f break up the clouds, which seem to I and eight lo^cl thivv held Over; fair
into the countrynwith one of the menace the tiyllole of $ouch Aft'ic`„, 1 detLi1111 fel' bLl`IC't!y fancy iambs fair
strangers and was met with 11e etuffMan and to hake the way cleric and
�,00dl handy sheep, at prices that
after recons the strange mon-y p ation. look to the future o $` rn
ieeerne , $4s
" for a •
Canadian l a
Jaddresses r
e he forwarded to us dally. No canvassing, 1,
J1 prer sus
�J writers ,referred. Permanent tr
-r`1 content to earn xd or more weetdy in spare GA
is time. Apply to Neons'; Poi, Co., London, l
j Nit,
$5,.10: common
by the partner, rVIien the old e pack light by means of peaceable cooper=
heel`, i#Ll'e fully steady ; native lambs,
4 `` sal rt -led in a tin box, made the ;ata, ea_ a ton. choice to plisse J.
j fully and fearlessly,' trusting to Codi'' to good, y$1.40 n' °$•175 culls to coin.
` ! change. The box for greater scour who holds the fate of all peoples in mon lambs, $2.7a 4. $4.35 ; fair to
There will be a contest in every 0011- -e taken to the buggy by one his hands, and relying also upon .�
y choice mixed sheep, $3. r o ® $1.25 :
stftuency,• ity wt, yrs, and wrapped ir, a
of the robe, then carried your hearty support and the eight -
culls and common sheep, $$2 to x+3.50;
-Till; de ate On the budget and small robe, and cults opened the f export sheep °4 to $4.25.
•thee `�a� `I'di it'F, finally narrowed back
� efinto of Police, ce itS;%11C.I1 ops. ,r, , 1 about 400 head of
islature were held on
1 Montreal. Q•, May 6. --There were
` was found to cost -
butchers' cattle,
dvli to Mrs. }.tc,Canoe, a bue some Iain the conventional trr o pieces' O. I,ONDr;SI30it0. 1500 calves. 16 sheep and 20 spring,
MR froth W.
J far west. wood and a stone. lambs offered Mn. R, Jameson, the recently 1 butchers' wet e
�a was t
i.ar. R.Boweock is improving slow
]:y. He is now able to sit up for a
while each day;
Mr, G. Newton of Wingham was
in town Saturday.
H. Lennok of Clinton spent Sun-
day With R. Bowcock.
There was a large turnout to the
d for sale at the east en
abattoir to -day. The
present in large numbers, but tr tt
in cattle was slow. as the drovers) UNRESERVED AUCTION 5���.
were asking considerably higher
elected member for Winnipeg,
introduced in the ];louse ot Commons The Dreadful Earthquake.
Within the last ten days, the *1,n• Tuesday. ward Islands' have been tie•'aetat-d
THE Government have decided to by earthquakes, which have caused
inerease the pay of civil servants by the death of hundreds ot the inhabit
merit only, and to abandon the ants, and great destruction ot prop
statutory increase of $50 a veal', erty. The Leeward Islands were
hitherto in force. named by the Spaniards in contra-
LARKI` of St. Cath'iril:ea diction to the Windward Islands,
has been awarded the contract fo r Which are part of the same group or
the Iroquois section o? the Lawrence chain, and lie in the Caribbean Sea
Canal deepening. The amount in- of the northern coast of South Am -
volved is in the neighborhood of erica. Leeward British possessions are
a rnillio
in Islands the group
n dollars. embracing the following: Antiqua,
EUROPEAN COMPLICATIONS. St. Kitts, Dominica, Montserrat, and
others. The British portions of the
The war has takes, a strange -Virgin Islands, with their depend -
turn during the past few days. envies, include many islets, and the
Tarkey surprised the world by ask- whole embraces a total area of more
ing for a five days' armistice.^ The than 70f0 bout square
miles, and a. pobus
fact is significant. The Turks have discovered Antique in 1493, and
proceeded cautiously in this war; named it after a church in Seville,
they etre still cautious. They have Santa Maria la Antique. It was first
Greece as good as trounced already. sett'ed by the English in n 1632, and
They continue to make elaborate is tllopty the seat of and the Governor -in -Chief of
preparations for carrying on theelthear
hthe islands. This Governor is ap-
�ti'heu they have „aloe 1 po'.nted by the orlon, -has subordin-
Greek strongholds, they will declare ate to him five presidencies, and
their terms of peace, and while the there is 00�additid addition tom a lekegislative
European countries are Tonkin;; an counc1i of 20 members
they are putting thetncelves ill a for the people of the/ ishuecis.
pesiticn to demand[ these terms :end
to resent out hide interference. A Brutal Assault.
The Turks are fully alive to the post-
osi Tuesday evening Mr. "Wesley
s u. They well know Chet it is abso- Bissett, who lives on Huron street
lately impossible for Greece to pay a about nine o'clock heard a sharp cry
Take notice that
the Court of Revisio
Roll for the Mun'
will be held in
on Tuesday
at 1. o'clo
first sitting of
be Assessment
palit of Turnberry
utland's all. Bluevale
o 23th day o May, 189''
,p. in. X111 part[.: will please
ice and govern the -elves ac-
JouN BURGESS, p. Clerk.
E_ L+ 1 O N S
Will stand wear and tear for
e ears. No better proof can
be given of their durability
than is shown by the fact
that some of these pumps put
in wells 25 years ago are.,
still working,
Supplied to Order.
Repairing promptly attended to..
SKOP —Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's-
Wingham, Ont..
prices than prevailed last Thursday
Prime cattle sold at about 41c per the I
and some sales were made up to near
,;e ditto ; pretty good stock sold at
Unreserved Auction Salo of Town
Property will be held at Swarte' Hotel
on Thursday the 20th of May at 2
o'clot.a in the afternoon. A 1?• storey
frame dwelling and lot No. 10 en the
north side of Victoria Street, of the
Town of Wingllam.
TERMS or SALE—'20 per cent. to be
paid at the time of sale and the balance
twenty days after day of sale.
PETER DEANS, Auctioneer.
Wingham, May 6th, 1897. „
1 meeting ill the 111ethorllst 14r
Quarterly official board met here on fat cows from 3c to .ic do.: c
quarterly The
Church on Sunday morning. from 3$ c to near 4c per lea.. la] ge
1st eek including bulls of various sizes
Monday afternoon.
Niss Mattie Brogden is visiting
friends in Clinton.
Mr. Oakes . the singing school
teacher did not show up on Friday
Dame Rumor says there is to be
another wedding next week.
money indemnity, the other alterna- and a few misuses later heard people
five being territory which shewlllhave l into his woodshed. crying
because of the jealousy among the 1 runningoc help, Heoarosew and found ;Sing
that these Turkey is the chip Cookson, a farmer's wife of the. 3rd
that these countries put on each "Cookson,
of Stephen, and her
others sl to,knockldere ac.ff,nd dand while oare their n Idaughter. also a Mrs. Cookson and
portents to Bothe all in a state of great excit-
and degrees of fatnes at from 2,,e to
ate per ib., Calves sold at from
$1.25 to $7.50 each. Sheep sold at
from 3e to 5e per , ib, and spring
Iambs at from $2.50 to $-1•.50' each.
Fat hogs ate less pleentiful than on
last week's market, and sell at from
51,e to a little over 51e per ib.
1i.nclt Business Trans:toted Without Ono.
rrivila'gwa of ite;?resentativeo.
In "'.Chic; Country of OBIS,". in Tin
Century, ex-Prr.;ideut Harrison gives
this interee tiiig view of the workings of
can ;ices: •'A majority of each house,
under the constitution, constitutes s
qucrure for tl:e -rausaeti0n of business.
11 ,: gem.= is not present and that fact
is di:aloi:e�d by a yea and nay vote, busi-
ncs,; y;u; t .top until a quorum is Secur-
ed. But the numbers present are empow-
ered by the constitution to adjournfrom
day icclay and 'to compel the attend,
awe/ c -f tthsent members,, iu such manner
anal Maser such penalties as each house
Imay provide.' A great deal cf business is
dolts' In Loth the renate and the house
when at gnosis is not present, tho ab-
eelice. of a quorum not being officially
diseloCCd Ly arollCall. Ti:c sergeant -at -
arms ie: not an infrequent attain -taut ut at
s<.cia1 receptions: and dinner:, belt al- Your anxiety is for your'
Way:. all unwelcc,:ne Dar v:1:C11 h0 comes
i delicate child ; the child
to d;'maul the attendance of truant,.e
ators or members; upon their rue+pc'etivc t that ill spite of all your care-
bouse . One-fifth of the nwmben 1,res- ; Ul over-rvatchinb, keeps
ant may demand a vote by yeas arae] 1 ,
nays rind the vote must he reeordc'd in thin all, pale. Exercise
No\ that th Spring has --
opened ip, the e is a good
demand f
mind the p . •lic th
of carefu y selected g ods.
Call an see our latest ds signs. r
Tlae following property will he offered i supply the public
for Bale by Public Auction, on Thursday pumps, both in fr;
Awful Holocaust.
Paris, May 4.—Fire broke out -at
4 p. m. in a .crowded charitable
bazar in the Rue Goujon, at which
the Duchess D'Uzes and other well
known patronesses were present.
Many people were burned tt' death
and there was a terrible panic, dur-
ing which a large number of persons
were injured. b
Thirty bodies have. been recovered
and 35 injured people are being car-
for by physicians, and many
reported missing.
would re- -
she has an
I have sold
have started u
from Swarts' lI
by Jas. In' lis. a
out my old' stand and
in the op across •
el, lat ly occupied
&rl1 prepared to
Wail" all kinds; of -
1 and Wooden as
on 30 days
sat factory I will
the 27th day of May, at 12 o'clock noon.
at Dulrnage's Hater in the Town et
WIngham, under the power of sale con-
tained in a certain mortgage which will
then be produced.
The north half Lot 4, in the 2nd Con-
cession of the Township of Morris, con-
taining 100 acres more or less, now or
lately in the occupatic,n • of William
TEnas—Ten per cent. cash at time of
sale. Liberal terms for payment of bal-
mier) will be made known at time of sale.
For further particulars and coudttions
of sale apply to
Vendors' Solicitors,
5 7,,, 71 Cb arch St., Toronto.
journal whirr each house is required
- i of its receedinge. This journal. i seems to weaken her and.
is "afraid all, the other dasnlad icor and with i\Irs. Cookson jr. I tokt ep . include the debates, rchich are, i Food falls to nourish. That
Turkey is doing es site
bo pleases. Iia, sobering from a badly inured face h
England. d adopted a bold and defiant n• a large ash inflicted ri
• 1 ,.,1 ,there being g g• ConKI•<+i5rnnal Record. bri a rIv- Y hp �13,tCS--•�
policy and s , rr ., i over one of her eyes, i i'
yonerer, ltutili:hed in full daily in T e chiid.needs Scott's Emulsion
ummarily dealt with
, It appear ` "The senators and members are p 1 with the Tr ypop Sp
Turkey for her Armenian outrages
they were coming horse from town Ileged from arrest, except for treason, i ht have been a little bluster- they were attacked by felony "lir breach of the peace, while in ,not as a medicine, but the there nr g Ion foot when
iter from the pEmperor
ini, r and uttscrniy a tall powerful man, who knocked i attendance spoil their r<'Ni —sive houHes a food containing- all the
bions nglan would
havef hadrtrighr Mrs. Cookson sr. down and dealt M'rs.; and rvhile €;slot; to anctreturnin„ to the ,
England wUUtd right meetings of e<tll,^.,Te 1. A nlinilt'r ray elements of growth. It
butt g f
'' i r Germany
1 espe • �_..-�..�. digestion. o child
estimated that a1N,nt :�i0,000 , • t It is
Cookson jr. a heavy blow on the ago - r 11
o-rny <litelr. As soon
to the
Le punished by the hove to rNlto
belongs for disorderly behuvlol, :lineal by meaI1S r#Ch hies , strong
a ton -thirds vote of the 1 c ase may 'be 1 healthy nerves, sound
interfere 1 „
scares r ,
justice while re
on her side and neither knocking
nor Russia would hove dared to as possible they sought refuge in the,
n a work of rnerctr and p t house, and although the l d h'ld refuses
t sympathy of d•1 summoned orad
Turkey neighbors were speedily
house bones,
y sur it is
no trace colt,, be round of the CuT" worth of meat and $20+000 rveirth of ocott S Emulsion.
usual. All work g
All new work g
trial and if no
take it out,
, I intend to e
I also deal in
Take notice that tl}e Municipal Cci.ua-
cil of 1,ho Town of Wingham, intend,: to
construct a grauolithic sidewalk along
the east side of Minpie Street, between
Victoria and John Streets, and to ap<-,ss
the final costs thereof upon the proper-
ties abutting thereon and to be benefit -
tad thereby, and that a statement show-
ing the landsliable to pay the said as -
easement and the names of the wners
the of,as far as they can be ascertained
from the last revised asseSsntent; roll is
now filed in the office of the clerk of'she
municipality Any, is open for inspection
during office hours.
The estimated cost of the work is
$332.61. Pereens desiring to petition tbo
saki Council against undertaking the
said proposed'wcrk must do so on or
before the 14Th day of June next.
bold in
A Court of "Revision will be i
Town Wn of
the Town Hall in the said Lo
Wingham ne. Monday the 21th day of
May 1897, at 11 o'clock in the forenoo>a
for the purpose ot hearing complaints
which persgtls interested mey desire to
make and which are by law cegsizable
ltiUW , business.
—S0 T WATER re, NES.
Thank in
renege in
a. share o
the public for th 'r pat
e past and hoping,; a get
it as usual.
My -
would have been sec ? by the court.
lost, her own way then. She will ret. Strong slttspieion perste to a bread are daily consumed in New York ,Pleasant send palatable. J, R. i+'w.sr.t•spN, C1a'1*
Have her own way now and have a eertAin individual who was in town h city, while for thita e1 tx the er lac score rt riorvtae, Belleville, Ont. ,Dated at b�iitiu . B. glassLrU11,ivy Clerk.
81100 cf Greece unless the+e is an and, left for home about the hour of ; spends [not more than, •$$0,000 per day 1897.
entire c'aange of poliey en the part i the assault.. ---•-Fleeter Times. et the theeteee.
o` I"ingland.
T., lay es,.ie your soiled or faded
stats or overcoatq, but tape them
to the Wingham Cleo nip t: and Dy
ing rV o. ke, and have titer, clean-
ed, dyed l.nd repaired to look like
wixn -•
9'r 5r RIS
Are prepared to supply milk of the
very best quality, These cows are as • 1.
clean now and are always kept as cleat
as most cows are in June.. Milk frost
elean cowe in a clean stable le generally
considered nicer than railk• from cows •
that carry those,eridences•• about with.
if yi