HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-05-07, Page 34
W. Ge T. U.
ween A MORAL.
lir TAl A SD:ogQAN.
The Newman Df, l:, March is tb
hugest in the city of Blootnsbarre
having over 800 members. Th
Official Board is in session.
A very etnimated, discussion is go
in; on over the withdrawal 0
twenty-seven members of th
eh arch.
Dr. Williamson, the ekquent pas-
tor. ie speaking:
"I admit that la point of Lumbers,twenty-seven out -of over eight hun-
dred would make but very little
difference, but see who the twenty-
seven are—the very ones who ca
carry on our prayer meetings an
attend to the spiritual affairs of th
(amokIt is true they are not th
wealthy part of our church, but
church crnnot be run with tnone
"Brother Williamson," spoke, u
the Hon. Charles Smith, a tnewbe
of the Legislature, "I say let the
go; we will get along much bettet
without thein, They have grown
crazy over the Prohibition party and
.right here in our prayer -meeting
sone of them have groes n so bold as
to declare that qtly man who did not
vote their ticket was supporta b the
liquor verde. Now I claim to be as
good a prohibitionist as any man in
the Prohibition party and indeed a
better prohibitionist, for the reason I
that I had the honor of voting for
the enactment of our present high
license law, which ams done more for
temperance than the prohibition
party will ever accomplish."
Then .Judge Grant, one of the
county Judges, -.poke up: "Gentle.
men, this recent dicuesioti about the
ehureh being the bill work elthe
liquor ti titlie,is nathingshort of bilts-
heniy, in calling the faithful''"follow-
err of the Lord Jesus C,,tiist the
upholders of the rum-tFaffic, the
greatest curse the wa •id has ever
seen. I agree with 1 Pother Smith,
let those Prohibition ef.aqks go, and
our church' will then go On in peace."
(Applause from the . other members
of the Board.) `
"Of course" said Dr. Williamson,
"we will havi, to give them theirletters, for We can find no fault with
their Christiana character, But we
have tio0 to take their places in the
public prayer service. This is one
of the evils of bringing politics into
\. raga* they won't mix. The Grand
Republican epublican Party is a good
enough temperance party for tae,
and while it i3 not up to the stan-
dard on the temperance question as
I wonld like to see it, yet I am not
going to throw away my vote on a
party that has'nt a ghost of a chance
of electing candidates." (Applause.)
' I dt nit understand what these
fanatical .tt,rohibitionists want," said
the Hon. lila. Smith, "Our church
as a church Chas declared that the
'liquor trafficri
c not be legalized
without sin' a
than that coal
man who sells 1
nothing stronger
be uttered. The
nor for a living is
worse than a -t" Just then there
was a shareenoclsa on the door.
"Come i ," respo ded the double -
bass vote of Dl. \ klliarnson.
The c or opened , • d the portly
form o the saloon-keter across the
street ppeared in the doorway. Ile
tivas a first to break thoppressive
silltee; "Gentlemen, lowing this
to' your regular meth night, I
decided to come over and 1 form you
that I and my family have made up
our minds to join your church and
help along the good work you are
This speech wade greeted with
dumb astonishment by the members
of the'Jioarcj. Dr. Williamson was
the first to speak: "Have you given
up the saloon business?" "No Sir,"
replied the saloon -keeper. "Are you
rine el? "Nu Sir, Iant conducting
a raffia estble pl;tstetnd see n'.) reason
Why .[ should." "Wet ll,'' slowly
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headed o, cense,
pation, sour stomas , indigestion aro promptly
oared by hood's fills. They do t kir worst
easily and thoroughlbe
neat atter dinner pills.
%%Bents. .M1 druggists.
Prepared by C. I. hood & Co., ]Lowell, Mass.
'The ants+ Pin to take with hood's Sarsaparilla.
replied tate Doctor, "our church rules
prohibit us from taking in dealers is
liquors, and for that reason we must
refuse rm." "Oh," said the aftloort-
tceeper, a tiusti of anger coaling into
his already fioried face, "I was not
aware of that. On. what ground
does your church refuse to admit
"On the ground they are engaged
in tt business that sends souls to lieil"
replied D. Williamson. 'The bible
says that no drunkard shall inherit
the kingdom .of God, and therefore
no drunkard -maker can. More than
that, our Board of Bishops has de-
clared that the liquor traffic cannot
be legalized without sin" The
saloon -keeper was throughly aroused
by this time, and in a suppressed
angry tone he asked : "Do y.oa know
that a great many of your members
are regular easterners of mine?"
''I have hestrd that some were,"
said Dr. Williamson.
" Do you know that two of this
Official Huard, now in this room, are
among my regular customers?,'
No reply, but two very .red falces
showed who had been hit.
"Do you know that I got my lic-
ence from ,fudge Grant, who sits
right here, for whieh I paid the reg-
ular license fee?"
"Hold on," said Judge Grant,
"Yon are going too fast my- friend; I
do not make the laws, and I am com-
pelled by the license law to grant
licenses; therefore I am not respon
"Well, the law was enacted by
Mr. Smith, there, and other Repub
"You can't place the, responsibility
on ale." said lir. Smith, "I carried
out the wishes or those who elected
me. Had I been elected on a Pro-
hibition platform I would have voted
for a prohibitory law. My party
stands for high license and I voted
for.,rhe law."
"Fuuderstand that fully," said the
saloon•Aeper, "bait 1 voted for you;
so did Judge Glrant ; se did Dr.
Williamson; OA rest of this Board
and the give ii jority of the voters
in your chur h. I took itfor granted
that all wl voted for eyou believed
in license. , Now, I am politely told
that I cl ,not join this heaven -bound
band a d that I shell go to hell. Dr.
Williamson here, voted for you,
Snaith, to pass a license Iaw which
compels Judge Grant to give ' me a
license—to go to hell! 1 am the
fourth party to the agreement and
without the consent of you three I
r+ Ilionitltula lady undergoes a♦n ttxpar
tenue and rela„es iiia brswry ot a Never
ttirs. dames es Graham, 2J O Jardees•$tru.
rzort4, kiawtlton, wife uL the wetr-haow
y'ruvol' at Unit address, rotates the fel
.owing ttlr'nionbtttlttil,d. 1ylr. :INCL iYir4
txt•akttttl nava resided in liawiitua to
we poet i years and are very wail and
tosurabiy itnowu,
�vlts. tarurtatlt says: '.During Ilio st
menthe prior to tatting Llimurti'd rider
amu Nerve fats 1 Hari a tiurtuus troauio
u'e tub tient wrung u(tlue or. .the. clean
true uyythu syniptuws was that 1 coot...,
nu,, ate us toy 101.6 eine, tor if i old du in)
[wart throbbed d4 Vturt:Lady ad to give me
great paw. lent) timeliest, umee or toe
align test exertion would start my near
palpitating terribly, It Was 1mpU$utnle
tut ute to go ep m boort iltght Ui' stairs
wit/smut Stuppiug to regalia my breath.
A wee u>.•ueeetve1y ueryous,mad my Moroi
Weiner tremble au it whit ague. AVIy
needs and Net were uuneturally uoiu,
mid 1' uiterett 1ruut altar() pales 14 the
wok of my head. 'tine elusumino of a
savor would nearly eel, use WW1. 1're-
9.uautly I wuuttl i'raae up trrghteaed and
Lien wan nnable to get to sleep again. 1
Just 11ssh and became very weak and de-
epaziue lt. 1 felt unserab.e in nand and
leer six months I have bean constantly
taking medioiue, trusting that it would
help ate and tor a time was under the
care of aspuystetarl, but all the efforts A
Made was of no .ayllil, My phyetuiau
liaelly told lily Husband"You know there
is nu cure ter heart disease," wham
made ane more despondent than ever.
rim weeks ago 1 was induced to try
Milburn's Heart and Nerve kill$, and
from that time my restoration to health
dates. 1 have taken four boxes which J.
bought at John A. Barn's Drug Store.
These pals are the only medietee that
has doue we any good, or given me re
het. 1 ata nappy to say that they prov-
ed that ttie duoior was mistaken in Bay-
ing that heart diuease could not be our -
ed. Since 1 commenced taki*g Plilburn's
kleart and Nerve Pills 1 have been -daily
getting better. 1 eau now go upstairs
without trouble and attend to my duties.
without the slightest distress. 1 have
gained is flesh, health and strength. My
btoud etroulates more freely. Lying ou
my left sideoauaes one noiououveulence
or patn,and 1 enjoy health and restful
sleep. My nerves are strung and vigor-
ous, and there has been suets a radical
(Mange for the better in my condition
that 1 can say that these wonderful •
pills have practically made a complete
1 recommend thele without the slight-
est hesitation to all sefferers from this
or similar comlaints, (Signed) Mrs. Jas
Graham, Hamilton Ont.
4 Great ilutlustry
Pittsburg, Pa., April 29. ----The
f'ouunerelal Uazette says: "M. Ji'.!
Derrick, tit Montreal, Canticle, has
e been !ti Pittsburg' lieveral days.
studying. the steel mil's in this viein.
ity Anel looking up sta'.ieties of the
. work send inethode emplieved, rxr.
Derrick iiaicl !get night atilt a coin.
puny of English and Cunadlau eap•
itali,r,4t, tit; troller with two Chicago
millionaires, are going to e'•eet a
, steel mill not',Ids of Dtontreal on the
St. Iatiwrenee i.itvei' to rival the
largest rteel mills 111 the world.
Titin company has been ot'galtized
for :maty onto lvith a capital stock
to begin with of 41,001./,0 )0, and-
(' several
ntitseveral Militias in sight. It will
take practical steer men from Pitts-
burg to eulse.riutend the building of
the works, as the members of the
compiny are SO I; ted that Pittsburg
turns out the best eta:et and itra.ctical
worker:e in the world, Several men
will also be brought from England,
'rite company will Ont only make
steel and wife, but experts to erect
an arn'1•r plate mill in convection
with i a enterprise to r'ivlrl the best
in the world. 'Phis will not. be
established for some time, and
experiments in. the art.nor plate
industry will be made befure the
mills are erected.
Bile is an LL D. " 1
Kingston, April 29.—Queen's
Universit a was crowded yesterday
afternoon to witness the proceedings
eould not engage in the whiskey I at convocation. Chancellor Fleming
business. You three are bound for C.M.G., presided. About 90 grade-
hea,von, where you will wear crowns ates in medicine, arts, science and i
and play on , golden harps, while I I theology were laureated, The
am to suffee the torments of the decree of D. D, was conferred on
dammed! Gentlemen, if your bible
is true, and I go to hell for selling
whiskey, you will go with me to hell
for voting to give me the legal
right of doing so. Good night."
With that he vanished, closing the
door behind him with a vigorous
slam. •
The members of the Official Board
looked steadfastly on the floor. each
one seemingly afraid of breaking the
silence. They were Christian men ;
believing the)r were doing their
Christian duty. But the saloon-
keeper,' in his fierce arraingement of
those present, had placed a tremend-
ous responsibility on their shoulders.
Each one was doing some pretty
serious thinking, when Dr. William.
son ended the silence by saying slcw-
ly : "Brethren that saloon -keeper
told us some terrible truths. Breth-
ren, our hands are not clean nor our
skirts unspotten. Let us go home
'and pray for light."
The thousands of epees that have been
helped, and cured by the great South
Atnerioan Kidney Cure is the best retinnl-
tnend of its curative qualities. The 1'em-
edy is a speoiflc for all kidney troubles.
The formula is compounded on the very
latest soiontifle discoveries in the tnedioat
world. There are thoasttnds to -day who do
truthfully say "i am living beon.use T used
South American Kidney Cs*re.; It relieves
itt six hours. Sold at Chisltolm's Drug
The Bishop of heron will cross
the Atlantic on the Parisian in May,
in order to attend the Lambeth can-
ference. ri'he bishop was aecompan-
ied by the other members of the
Anglican Episcopate, an with them
will participate in the Queen's:
diamond jubilee celebration in the
British metropolis,
Rev. 11, Chambers, of Turkey, and
Rev. J. 1'. Campbell, of India.
Lady Aberdeen received the
degree of LL. D., and accepted It as
a recognitioh of the rights of women
by the university unthorities.
Lord Aberdeen, Rev. Dr. Barclay,
Hon. G. W. Ross, Dr. Grant and
Chancellor Fleming made able
addresses. The chancellor, on be-
half of Queen's University, pre-
sented Lady Aberdeen with an
address, to be by her, as the latest
graduate of the university in the
year of her Majesty's diamond jubilee
personally presented to Queen Viet
toric. After being charged with
this important mission, the countess
planted a tree in front of the arts
A. Summer Specific
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry cures cholera morbus, diarrbcea,
dysentery, cramps, colic. summer com-
plaint, canker of the mouth and all
bowel complaints of ohitdreu or adults,
It is a soothing, effectual and tieverfail-
ing tnerlieine, which gives immediate
relief and speedily effects a cure.
Mr. Charles Dawson, cf Seaforth
an employee in Ogilvie's mill, met
with an unfortunate accident on
Friday afternoon last. He was
working in one of the upper stories
with only a dim light, when he made
a miss sten and felt ten feet into a
bin, breaking hie right leg at the
April 'wisdom.
Be cure thntyonr blood is pure your
appetite goal, and your digestion per•
7'o purify ynnv blond and build np
your health, take Beed"n Sarsaparilla.
'Itis medicine has necout lief d re-
markable cures of all Wood dieerrseta. It
It is the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood 's Sal'sapatillti hag power to
make you well, byperillying and enrich
ill'„ the blood, giv!ng yon an appetite,
and nerve and mental and digestive
We are sorry to learn that lila 3'
Porter, of Bgtnolldville, was prostrat'
ed with paralysis on Tuesday.
Burdock Blood Sitters
Burdock Blood Butters regulates the
stomach, liver, bowels and blood; curing
dyspepsia. biliousness, sick headache,
rheumatism, s,:rofula and removing all
impurities of the blood, from a common,
pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. As
an invi,�nrtttnr and tonic, B. 13. B. is an
unequalled medicine.
At Loretto Abbey, Toronto, last
ThnrAday eight young Ladies were
received into the religious order of
the Ladies of Loretto, being invested
with the white veil, and nine made
their final vows and donned the
black veil. Among the former was
Mss Theresa Pridinviile, daughter
of Mr. James PridinviIle, of Mitchell.
who will henceforth be known as
Sister Mary St. Edmund. Archbis-
hop Walsh officiated and among the
clergy nssisting was Rev, Dr. Kilroy,
of Stratford,
Kagyard's Yellow On
The great pain cure. Used externally
tures rheumatism, swellings, sprains,
bruises, stiffness, pain mad sureness of
every description, Internally used it
cures croup, colds, sore throat, hoaraness
asthma, bronehttih, quinsy, etc. Price
25e.,.alt druggists.
Mo:tey-Market in Canada.
)Vic Mcinnes, one of the British Col-
utnbia members, has given notice of
a resolution declaring that the gov-
ernment should at the earliest pos-
sible date establish a mint in Canada
for the purpose of coining all the gold,
silver and copper coinage necessary
to meet the commercial requirements
ot the country.
The resolution ought to be abopted
and the Government should forth-
with carry out its propositions.
Canada has for years had man-
ufactured within her bounds all the
banknotes that she requires. Why
should she delegate to the British
authorities the work of providing her
with coins ?
We hate within our borders
mines fr.tn which we can draw all
the gold, silver and copper necessary
to annually replenish the public
purse and meet the demands of com-
merce, and it does seem foolish to
delegate the task to another. Not
only that, but we have in this pro-
vince now the best supply of nickel
that is to be found in the world, and
we believe the time has come with a
portion of our coinage could well be
manufactured out of that important
Let Canada mint her money from
her own metals. It will be one of
the best advertisements of Canada's
mineral resources if it can be said
that we make all our coin out of
in[nerals within our bounds.
0f Dr. Agnew's Liver Palls after'
dinner, it will promote digestion
and overcome any evil effects
of too hearty eating
natively vagetab o -De not disturb the
Sift, prompt. aotiv'o, pain etls lEtit plena.
This efl'e>tiye little pill is supplanting
all the old as'hool nauseous on motives.
Thi deenani is hard to ltoett rip with
since planing it on Ulu Canatli*it market.
Take no;subatitnte. 4010 a vial,', ?0 eta.
So!d at Ohlsholm's Drug Store.
.M1.tY '�•'plrlri MW.11�PN'�t 7rt
NauPtll nuu1i111IIIIIIIII1111111:1111141111M1111144IAWi1u
T -1-T i ,-«..�•
J egetablePreparat!oaforAs --
simittatlnjs theFood an7c!13e ;1 ,i.li,.fa-
ging, (ti's. Stuns etas a ii i3c els oi
Promotes Dig,estion,Cheerful-
Aessand Rest.Contalns neither
Opiurri,Norphiite nor Mineral.
Iiitt97181.AncOT Imo...
71krpaofOMZ.'g47FlAAZ1' i 4
J3rmplo'n S rsi- l
dieser-na •
iNgeMc S47is-
1 tv ae Sean:
%1 .prra nR
grhonara'ai.a •
711117) Sced -
AperfectRemedy for Conslipa-
iion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoeaa,
Worms ,Convulsions ,Fever'ish-
totss and Loss O SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
,...,sO.'tt'a .a IJ#la-%,t
0.1' Tr TEilT
Oaaltorta is pat rp in + 're''ottlos only. It=
Def}is not sold is bulk, Dont allow anyone to aell-
•ti$.lyonanything else on the plea or promise that it:
"just just as goods" ani answer every per -
pose." ' See that you get 0 -A -S -T -0 -R -I -A.
xho tso-
..- 4 --
•: CJ S
We do neat work in the Job Printingbusiness and at 0
prices as low as the lowest. If you are in need cif- any- •
thing such as
Or anything in the line of Printing, call or it rite to the
old reliable TIMES Office. Wingham.
Lozivia.AiksAvizoteiveivowe'er ` • rt,o► v4is.toil ase "mt'i .
I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me
Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run as well as,
or better than ever.
Josephin' St., Wingham
Opposite Macdonald Block.
511 CONSU1LT. 5ON and 1511 LYING
®loz+irnspiS, t311 I kiTio tl Uir /311,00D, t�
t(.OU(.11i, It1Das e41 Atl'IFS 1 IT1s,
• »EIIY6U% the benc'flta of thio
0 article ore Most mttnifest.
by Lho aid of The '•D & 1." Bmntnton. nave t401
•rid ore backing sough ttht4l had troubled tee for 0
,Ever 1 year, sad Lave gained e0nstdernbly Iln
ctght, third titin iglin On no troll I fres gI111 0.
1, 4 ,0 140 luno 0100 around to tak0 lt,
• x 11. WT1CHAM, C.r;.,Montmal. •
met. and Sit Per bottle
• DAVIS & LAWRENCE 0., 1.11., MONiREAt •
*•••• to • •••M•
' positively Cures
in a auttnisingty 1hort time, It's a itl-
entiHccertainty,'irred and true, soothing
and healing intim.,etfects.
W. C. MCCounea. 'tow ,
1reit„-t Inaltter that tBofettal nuer ;l
C. e.,.eel of cLiiinie roil in rhlnt an i btonehut
�rubra, .n,Nt 11 , rn res It. 0, Id:Comber cr a
. Iuub•itxin 0n,, , oW
S i Mn. 3. n. 1" 511, Chemist,
s2F .lonrc St., Toronto tried:
.L -A,,,, goi,oraboanoL and lung syrup sa, :
, Pectoral do n 1"L0L Tuvalu b
Las given 'he •armor adtbirt'tion to elinin 0
!./ Lave triutti:t, riiany3avhtg npok0n t0 n., o:4',.;
1 i, ,,fits d .1 r Croat 1 in nee In tit it fami'ie,,
pt MI ttatAestro ior llsuuaa, 4 i1 11eanr.t0
ih01 tat0. tteaa:0aritll cin 11 • b It W'n.lertul,
tJa.al t , ,a annoy, r,,ronituond 41 na A s;uro ang
Xou.blo ceingIi metilriu0."
Z1iig0 AlotiiQ, ,RY atehi
DAVIS et r.AWRENCE CO., I.rtr.
5u. • Proprieto s