HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-05-07, Page 1VOL. XXVL—NO. 1317.
Vientiane e
i �ausedstibs rW+izh�an'E,On ,N hT
,a vl{"ri jr�.� d� II�� X�. ?�.�rr
lYil ..•,,CA?•"`"Mi'fVdc.H •M1( ,tie-...
-the past t,wo weeks. has exceeded our
.greatest expectations. We have
never been so busy, there must be a
reason for this, yes there is, never
was the stock so large, never so
a and neve • as uch '
rho e 1 m m your
favor in price as now.
SPRING --House cleaning is again
here and we have anticipated your
wants in brace Curtain Nets, Art
Muslins, Carpets and Oilcloths.
Call and see our stock and,get prices
we will cut and match the carpet for
you and save ';you a world of trouble.
See a line of Blouses we have got
at 75e. they are well worth $1,
season has been most aatisfaetory
we never did as large a business.
our hobbies, we keep the best goods
at the lowest prices.
BOOTS AND SHOES of the best
- kinds and prices lean your way all
the time.
S eelal Grocery prices, get them.
BUTTED, 9e. EGGS 7c.
IMP'Shop early we close at 7 o'clock.
Last week it was the Retest and
best in beautiful seasonable and
stylish Dress Goods. 1)0 not fail to
see our Dress Goods before giving
your order for we lead the trade in
High class Dress Goods at very
reasonable prices.
T11-1/8 WM IC
i, we desire to call verv;,speeial attan-
tion to oar magnificent display
of handsome up-to-date
White Goods..
If you cannot see in our window
display just what you want in style,
quality or price step into the store
and we will take pleasure in shotiv
ins you every line in stock.
'About sealing goods cheaper than
manufacturers' prices, but we do
assure you that we will not be un;
dersold by any house in the trade,
no matter what pretences their may
Is liberality dammed
-with that; Nest pt'o-
duots of the many
1•1.72CZs Gt%72t -priceO
favorable to the
D. Y
Direct Importer.
We till kends with practical knowledge
The leading commercial school its Can-
ada to -day. Nine beac.tifui college
rooms; excellent teachers; moderate
rates; students assisted to aeod positions
eujoys spJeudid reputation for superior
work; enter any time. Write for par-
W. J. ELLIOTT, Ppineipai.
Ice Cream and Cream Soda
City Restaurant.
'Macdonald Block.
Telephone No. 35.
New Ads.
J B Fergueon-Notice
Geo Carr -Summer Suits
J A Merton --Farm for Sale
Homatlt dk Bowels -Millinery
MEL t 14Icindoo-May B+trgains
Mark Cassels -Bull for Service
G McIntyre -Another Cut in Prices
Peter Deans --Unreserved Auotiontl Sale
Robinson, O'Brien and Gibson --Auction
Township of Ternberry-Court ofRevis-
1ifcKinnon a Co -id -Summer Dress
Goods sM1
-The weigh scales were leased for the
ensuing year by R. A. Graham for $54.60;-
-Mr. Geo. Russell has charge of Occult,
No. 16368, a find • black trotting stallion,
owned in Clifford.
Mr. J. Swots' pacer has gone to Brom
eels for training under D. Roche, the well.
known horseman. ,
-tfonday saw many anglers after the
speckled trout, thefirst of May being the
opening of the season.
Senee SHIPP=S-McDonald and"Burch•
ell can hogs; Andrew MoKague, car cattle ;
Page and Wynn car cattle.
.--The Wingham Lacrosse Club has
trade arraignments to play at Walkerton
on the Queen's birthday,
Halsey Park, jeweller, bas rented the
centre store hi the Shaw block ttride will
take possession about the 20th lust.
-Mc Messer and L33 Duff whoeled from
Binevale to Wingham Thursday morning
in 14 minutes. Considering the condition
of the roads that is not bad time.
-Instructions given in the preparation
and application of Insecticides and Fungi-
cides at Geo. Ivroffatt s on Monday ltlay
10th at 2 p. tn. by the Government official.
Dan McKenzie's driver broke away
frotin its moorings at the farm Wednesday
night, and ran to town. The baggy was
badly swa bed and the horse considerably
'cut up.smie
-Two Iiincatdine horses are now in
i training at the track; Zelda, owned by Mr.
Adams. has a 2,40 record, the other a
green horse owned by' John Gontlee, is
doing good Rork.
-Demo the well•known trotting stal-
lion, has made his initial trip over tate
ronto that has 'been selected for him.
This year he is under the management of
lir. Dm= IrtePlterson. Horsemen should
t sec his oariis.
, ---The merchants liavo shown their good
t+e*se in bringing about oneo more the early
1 closing system, The town and country
people will aid ynaterialiy in the success of
this project by making a point of doing
thew shopping early in the day..
-The first of May brings its usual quota
of tnoviogs. liar. E. Beck moved to Her.
riston ; Mr. Flood moved to Mr. Beck's
house; Mr. Thos Moore to the house vacat•
ed by Mr. Flood. Wtn. heck has moved
to IIs riston at and nd Lonitt Will
Janie* r
move into his hones.
--rhe first football match in the Matt.,
teed League will be played here on Saner -
day next at 5.30 p. ne. between Listowel
and the home team. The home club will
1 conitist of Meters, Allenby. C. Stewart, E,
Coultes, 7, Hartley, W. fitawart, W. Bart.
ley, W McDonagh and Mo. Messer, A
good genie is expected
G. r, Bobbins hes c3iapotted of hie
laundry busirlese •to 3 S Weir, who has
taken possession of Barnet/Mr. Weir hes se-
cured the services ofJohn Chilton, a practio
of laundryman, whose work is favorably
known in Wingham, Tinder good manage-
ment a lanndry shonld be a paying instil,,•
tion and we can see no reason why Mr
Wf it cannot snake the business a success.
11/-� Mr. Chisholm, who has been errr toed
with Mrt Hailey Park during the winter,
left for Hamilton on Wednesday?, Mr,
Chisholm intends to spend the summer in
Baltimote. Maryland, Since coating to
town Mr. Chisholm has male himself ex.
ceedingly popular with the young people by
whom he will be missed. As an entheafae-
tic hookcyist he was of valuable service to
our local team.
-W. 11.t Herr, Reeve of BruRsels, has
made arraneenients by which A, W. Camp•
bell, 0..13,, Bsq„ Instructor in road mein
ine, will address a public meeting in the
Town Hell, Brussels on Thursday after,
noon May 13 at 2.30. Members of Mnnici-
pal Councils. nathtnasters and others are
cordially invited to attend the meeting and
hear what a pr etical man has to say on
the very important subject of roadmalting.
-The assessment roll has been returned
to the Clerk by Asseesr•,r Yonhitl and navy
now be seen et ehe Clerk's office. The roll
is very neatly gotten up. We notice that
a summary of emelt ward is mole which itt
a marked improvement on the old plan.
We ere pleased to note that there is an
increase of about $5000 in taxable property
over 1806 making a total of 13555,500.
During the year there were 50 births and
26 deaths.
-A few days ago a resident of this
m unicipality noticed a certain make of
pi11 advertised at 10 cents per box in a
Toronto store. As the nsual price per box is r
25 cents, he thought he would make sixty
cents by buying font. boxes. In the usual
box he counted I0.0 pills, but in the depart -
mental store bores there were only 25 pills.
In other words he paid 40 cents for what
he could have purchased at home for 25 I
1 cents. This is but a sample of the bargains!
people think they get.-Pickeriug News. f
! -We ere in receipt of the Presbyterian
Year Book for 1897. It will prove a vale-
able of reference on Presbyterian
matters. to business men and others, mud '
will be found quite indispensable to office
bearers and members, of the Presbyterian 1
Church all over the Dominion. Fine pnr- 1
traits are given of the Moderator, Rey. Dr. r
Gordon, of Hallifax, and Rev. Dr. Warden, '
•thc recently appointed Western Agent of .
the Church. The book is exceedingly well
printed. Price 25 cents. Presbyterian
Publishing Co., Ltd„ 6 Jordan Street, To-
Y -We regret to learn of the (loath of Mr.
Tames Mo1wen lot 4, con, 3, Tarnberry,
which took place on Tuesday of this week, .
Deceased was in the 83rd year of his age
and had been a strong hearty men all his
life. Aboutseven weeks ago he fell nn the
ieeinjuring his hip and confining him to
his bed. ...
lx: • nd the -close con.' e • .nt to
which ie , we sterned, together
with the sheckeefierrer In7refall.irnecl to
bring=,, Irgerreritttlreitivingup. lth
He gradually grew weaker
until released from his suffering on the
above date. The 'funeral took place..0*
9iihttiAttioirto the J3luevale eemeiery.p Mr.
MoEwan is the last of a large family of
brothers, A sister still remains..
-The Underwriters' Association are
about the coolest customers that have any-
thing to do with the consuming element.
Their demands on the town as contained
is the report of the Inspector are exceed-
ingly modest indeed. In order to retain our
present rating we are a;oquested to i"ttke a
few trifling changes, viz; To lay branch
water mains along three or four streets ; to
have a brick fire hall; it. better system of fire
alarm; a permanent engineer, instead acme:
as now employed; 3 firemen to sleep at hall;
the chief have no work to do outside of his
duties as watchman and several other such
minor matters. ".Chess, with a written
guarantee that Wo will have no mimes fires
for the next twelve months, would probably
be acoopted as sttflieient inducement to
that modish combine to retain Wingham
in its present plass of rating for another
year at Ieaet.
Sale Register.
Saturday Mt.y 22 -There will be offered
for sale nt.tito I3ranswick House on the
above date at 2 p, In. 80 acres being part o£
lot 4, eon, 7, Turnberry. Jona Oman;,
T. D. Bnzzeli
Will open a repository and auction mart at
730 to 740 Dorchester Street, Montreal, on
May lat, with stebtitgf for about 100
horses. Auction tales will bit bell twvk . a
week and prtvate sales every dry. They
hevo the best line of onatom in Canada and
want horses of all grades for export and
home trade, Special facilities are given in
patrons to diapone of their horses to beat
advantwwte. Charges moderate. Write theta
for terms and particulars, 4.80e
Mise Teresa,, Collins is visiting in To,
Miss Ada Cline is viaitinn the Queen
City this week.
Contractor !Graham, of London, was in
town on Tuesday,
Miss Annie Patterson,. of Lwe1tnow, in.
y siting at Me. Grierson's,
Y Mr. J. I3. Reynolds, who Was fo terly in
business 1%ere, visited with ,hie people in
town this weak..
A, E. Stewart, of Owen Sh'end, a
bustling member of the baseball drib of
that port town, spent Sunriay at bowie in
this town.
TOWIlt cti1mTO L
The regular meeting' of the Council wee
held Monday evening. Metnbsrs present
Mayor, Reeve. Deputy -Reeve, Counoiitors
Reeding, Johns, Robinson,
Shaw and Hanson.
Minutes of last rweeting were Bead and
Beading communieati'ee s :
From John Faxon, Tororto, re ;interest
on deposit of A. J. Linton uf: Co , ma.4e as a
guarantee wizen the company was eon.
strueting the Winghant Waterworks -Re-
ferred to the Executive Committee.
The t'reasurer's report o3 reoeipts for
April was read and receiyed.
From the Toronto they Connell askdug
that a petition be circulated praying the
Governor in Council not to gime the Bell
.ti'lremtim's Concert. Telephone, Co. power to increase their rates
The Alert Fire Company tura to he' eon- -Referred to Bxecntiye Com.
gratulateu in the large audience which From Duncan Stewart re exemptions on
tilled the Opera Haitt en Tuesday eveuiuug his farm property within the onrperation•
on the occasion of their second annual of Winghtena-•Referred to the Executive
concert. The stage was tastefully dr't ad
pith Union Jacks and decorated with, ap-
purtenances from the hook and ladder'
truck and lire hall. Hanging conspicuouaity
in the centre was a large photo of the
Queen, The q
e rain consisted principally
of solos and utrtettes each part ending;
with a farce. A noticeable feature was
that the program was given entirely by
local artists with the exception of 'Mr. Mtt
Moran, of Luoknow, who played acceptt-•
ably on the mouth orgen, accompanying; and Patrick streets asking that a granolit-
hirnself with the hones -and guitar, respect- hie sidewalk be Laid along that portion of
ively in his seteotions. A mandolin solo' the street --Referred to the Public Works
by Mr. MuMoran was also well reoeived.
The prooeeds of the concert will be appliedt
toward purchasing suits•for the firemen.
f•Iansou-Shaw--That $300 be placed, to•
the credit of the sohool board.
Court of,iievialon, under Local Tmnrove-
mens" Act, consisting of Met srs. McKinley
Reading, Shaw, Johns, i;,riausort was op.
poi nted.
Courted adjourned.
Tesehere' In stitute Meeting
The Inetttnte meeting of the mothers of
East Huron. will be teed in: tete P-nblie
School, Wisghere, on Friday amid ci+ttnr-
cley, May Ilan *tut 22urd, corner eetcing on
Friday at Iiia. m, Every teacher in the
Inspect•rate is.smemhorof the Associa-
tion,. and is in vited to come and talterpart ii
the aisetweions, km Friday evening an
"At Home" wilt be given bienhe V�C%trghant
teachers atm F. S.1 'erd in the Temper-
ance Tfall• k'1•itt,cipal Cameron, of Fisiesels.
;is the President. ,tnd A. H. Pitnutovr, of
t$Iyth, Sta.-Trees. Following is the pro -
Com. rem :--(3!renntii• exereisne ; spirioitittiM)t of
From the Underwriters' Association committees; President's ,tutltvse, K. H.
containingdveplieeteoopyofthe 1nepeetor's Cameron.; "Entrance Literature" 3. T.
report-Refat'red •to the Fire, 'tuner and Worlds; •'T hrutij h Parte 1 t uti a of 1st
Light Com. Book ins; Mont im,".l. Dearimee, I. It 8.,
Reeve reported Water lying gontits street
East Middlesex; c;elp,;ntrs report, W.
in front of Mrs. Ilf:oBurney's property and Stewart;. "Notes on Brims ry Arithtnersc'
thought there was need of a, drain -Refer- Ttlias C. Annie Taylor;"Home \w ork." "km-
red to the Pubdio Works Com. Watte•s; '•.Nature 't4ttritin the Pubno
Petition from property owners along Sehool," 7. Dearness; '1'r,•,t.rurer's report ;
east side of Josephine Street between. John efeotioc) of of vers; Dist melon uu Teaching
of History--oieeed by R. O. Cheswrigbt;
"CbiIistitenice" Miss Hattie Reid; "Arith-
metic ,1t 3rd Glass," A. H. Aiuegrows; •
"Written E:atmivations, Entrance aed•Pt. -
S. LI' T', G. Shillinglew; "Composition"
from 1st to 5th Classes," J. Dearness,
-Merchants who grow: eloquent in de
onnoi those patrooize n ss who n tro izedepartmental ,
g i
-1 treport e
Hanson -Share -Than the e r b
stores should seta good ,,:sample by setting l Hasp
(Committee be adopted. --Carried
their dogs ort et putting, the boots to the Hanson --Johns--- rhat Fire, Water and
oily printing fakirs who, periodically turn l:.ight Committee lie instructed to pur-
up in town and aconic orders for
prinLing chase 14 coats aur? i�tgtts fur the :fire de -
of different kinds which could be done prrvtetent.-Carrierlla,
better and more cheaply right hero at .. Councillor Eemr1'hi'gg"Oltairman of the
home than in ed d
Toronto. Let us stick to our Property Committee, recommended that
town in every respect and mattere will 50 rn
soon go well. What dose the city fakir pay Rtrees be pnrchasedi for the tnry--
ed eport adopted.
in taxes io the town. or of what advantage Public Works recommended the
is be to the man of business here? . The
merchants are not the out victims of the purchase of e roads' shine, the building
city monopolies, but they will aid in effect- of a t;ranolithic ewaalk long the east
*ally crushing the latter by sternly preens. atwle of ie stye ;geweeaVictoria and
ins what they preach• -Brussels Peat. John streets.
Right you are brother Kerr. Moors are
not the only merchants who do Sticks like Shaw -Robinette -That the report of
Gommittede be adopted.
that, There are some not a hundred Miles rhe Reeve was opposed to the purchase,
from Wingham who seers to think the of a road/machine. He thought it would
be dead stack on their hands before long.
Councillor McK;nlay was in favor of the
purchase, Streets were disgraceful. 'Some
of ahem had not been' graded in 20 years.
Mr. Gregory thought it time to grade
streets when people ask for it.
The Deputy -Reeve was against purchas-
ing the machine. It was ton great en.
expense, In the work done the streets.
were too high. Some one' would be upset:
acs d the Council let in for damages. The
streets were high enough. They needed
The report of Committee was taken up.
and voted on in sections.
Section 1, for the•pnrchase of road mach -
hie. Yeas -Mayor,. Robinson, Shaw, Han-
sen, Johns, Reading, MoKinlay-7.
Nays -Reeve, Deputy -Reeve.
Clause 2 was discussed and passed after
which the motion of Shaw and Robinson
was finally passed.
ritensee noon'
Tho following accounts were received
and considered: G. T. R„ freight on hyd-
rant, $1.45 ; Jas. Brock, work on streets,
$4; Geo. Hughes, do., $5.00: joint Forster,
repair W. Works, $3; W itghpm Electric'
Light Co, lights, $34,02; Mrs. Saint, draw -
Fire, water and Licht Committee recom-
mended that $h-emeh be supplied with.
rubber coats and tbat a water main be
laid frotu Shuter to Frances street along
]?strick, Street
town papers exist for the purpose of giviug
complimeattery puffs and then seud as ay
as. yuo have said for their prixting.
As was announced in tine Timm of last
week an exhibition 'of grading and road
making was given in the streets here Iast
Saturday by the representatives of the
awyer-Massey Co, withtheir machine,
'1'he New Western Reversible. Although
the date for this exhibition and contest
was fixed for Saturday the first of May by
the representatives of the Copp Co., man•
nfaoturers of tee Champion, for some
reason their machine and men did not get
here until Monday on wbicieday they also
gave an exhibition. Notwithstandiug the
rain which ooutinued.atmost all day Sat-
urday the Sawyer -Massey men went on
witty their work as they had agreed to do..
Owing to the muddy state of the ground in
consequence of the rain neither machine
wast-bie to give that finished appearance
to their work that they would have been
able to do under more favorable cir. um-
stanoea. The majority of those who
saw both machines work, among whore
were re resentative men f cite townsbipa
in•} hose to Inspector's test, $1; John Carr,
d themselves in favor of the Saw. h P
expresse charity order, $1.50; 0, N, Griffin, charity'
er•1tTasse machine. It is
evident that this 4
machine is capable of doing all that is
eleimed for it. Both machines were test-
ed in three classes of soil the test an
Josephtue street being in almost pure
gravel. It had been said by scene of our
citizens who were opposed to the perclueso order, $11.20; Chas. Barber, teaming, $caro;
of a road machine, that it wattle not work John Wilson, night shelter for chief,$5.
satisfaotortly in gravel or hard clay, but C. N. Griffin's, Mrs. Saint's accounts re -
the work (Ione an ,Tosephine street should ferret! to Council.
convince the most sceptical. After having Tilio Committee recommended that tutu
' r i] ,tt fotinwiltb accounts which weer,, pat preseut-
eri for payment before Mr. Dickson, the late
Treasurer's rotn'ement, be peid, viz., Hom-
uth rt Bowels, charity, $rr; Elliott Bros.,
tile for drain, 63c.; Jas. Angus, exemption
term property, $3.30,
Robinson--Johns---That the report of
tion from it utajority of those who took the the Financo Com. be adopted and that the
trouble to ingnirc into the relattve merits a^,emints of C. N. Griffin and Mrs. Saint
of each tttaoldne, he incorporated in the report and orders
Tine New Western Reversible Steel Road ah•twn fovr thesame----Carried.
Machine, which huts been purchased, was By-law to procure money to meet the
formerly manufeetured by the Western current expenses. of town was read and 1
Wheeled Scraper 'Co„ of Aurora, III., out is passed.
now mannfaetored by the Sawyer-ilassey :li'r, Reading gave itotiea that at next
Co•. of Hamilton, Ont., who have percbas•} ueeting he wotild irtrodnce a tnctfon to
ed the right of this machine for the Donnn 1 regulate the sale of tobacco, cigars and eig•
order, $1,25; Thos Moore, work at W. W.,
lis,13; P. Deans, drawing hose to Herds-
man's fire, $1; T. Manuel, salary, $8.34;
V, Vannortnan, do., $344 John Comm,
printing. $7.50; Mrs. Leary, rent charity
seen both man mien wotl., the Lour e
Monday night's meeting derided to pun
obese it machine. the responsibility of mak-
ing the selection being relegated to the
Ptiblio Worits Committee who have, we
believe, in purchasing the New Western.
made a choice that will receive cotmtonde-
ion of fianada it is therefore a purely
Canadian machine. We hope that the
Public Works Committee will set to work
et once and have our streets pttt in to a re-
spectable condition.
House Cleaning is on
Perhaps yon will be wanting some ling
in furniture, curtain poles, pictur a or
Were framing, ironing boards, bake
oatele ao.. Prices as low as the lowest at
5-7c S. GitAct i'a Furnitnro Store.
Go to hire. Green"mt opposite Bank of
Iiau s ton. for cheap and stylish millinery.
Always good bargain; to millinery at
Mrs. Green's, c pposite I1at?tk of Hamilton
Famines -Butt highest price paid. at •
Nor thE nd Gro
Fs.•mmT-Oranges, lemons, bananas, pine»
apples and cocoanuts, cheap at
Jen, McKeofzaere
See•Mo5elvls's pickles before buyin4-251 g, 2'
bottles for 25 cents.
Get your lounges covered and your pict-
ures ieatned at IxEraNn BurroN's 4-16tf?'
Bridge castings and bridge iron of every.
description et the Ontario Iron•Works.
4-2bf ,l. meaner, Proprietor
Ireland dr Button Practical Utdertakers,..
Prices reasonable, 4-,16tf.
-For first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster dr Co.
Remember the place, in Queen's block,
The seed for
arrived and may
dh Paulin's Hard'
h flax company have
got at Messrs. Young
Store, 5.30b
WANTED --Eggs, butter and dried apples,
Why give them to pedlars for half priest
Tiring them to G. E. King. Wingham, and.
get full value for them. 4.30tf
WANTED --A good general servant girl..
Apply at this office.
Get your Mattresses, Spring Beds, Cue -
Iain Poles and Curtein Stretchers et, NZ -
BAND & BUTTON'S. 4•lGtf.
Choice varieties of imported early seed
potatoes, New Queen and Wilson's Fire&
Choice at Penn Dux's:
4-230 Fite and Feei Store
Go to Central Re"taerant for fresh fruit,
ice cream and creast soda.
4.30•tf .T.i'asis Melees rt-'
Call and see "A Novelty" at Fen -igniter -
son's Grocery, it costs yon nothing to ex-
emine and the settle price to procure nue..
The Cheapest in the' Comity
Thos. Abraham is prepared to half sole -
Men's boots and shnes at from 40 to 45',
gents a pair. Ladies three equally rest
cheap. The best quality of leather need'
Terms cash. Whet enables me to out
pricee so low is that I have norset to pay,
no debts to settle and I buy my "took for •
nash. The oldest established shop in town.
"Victoria street. . 4-9als
The right man in the right place. Give
IVIoAlptne a trial for au up-to-date meal at,
16 cents. Special arrangement can be made
for board by the week.
COLT --Two years eta, sound. blocky
build. 4.30tf T. R. Boss.
Boat and Beat -house for sate, cheap.
Enquire at this office.
Advancement is th or er of the dray.
Almost every departt of life has been
revolutionized. Titre. addin's reset bide;
fair to revolutionize th making of tread
tato light, white and at t leaves. Th is
Yeast should be use y very progressive
housekeeper. Land w' I he. For sale by ell
grocars, 647
stetter, i
hitKinlayol1eadiug-That the 1xectt• i
tine Cons. be instttrtad to exa9tine into
the advisability of liconeing drays for the
Hanson -Shaw -P. W. Com. bet instruct-
ed to pet in a crossing over John street on t
east side of Josephine street• -Carried, I
Henson -Reeve --That the Fire, Water
and Light Com. beetepowered to lay water
train on Petrick rt, between Shaer anti
Frances streets -Carr ia d.
Robinson•--Bhttw---That the salary of
Ae;essar be paid it the roll is found by the!
I aorutiyo torn. to to satisfactory --Car• +3j
Itobinson•--Johne--That Pnbtie r'C'orks .
Cpm. ba ompawatroi to perchaso a road i
That Vale Esoe
Far Nervous Preetratinn and Ametriie,
there is me medicine that will so promptly
and infaNibly restore vigor and etrongth ase
Scott's Emulsion, 5.7b
There is stilt a splendid range of Toilet
f iton a
Sets to chooser t
A.7b N. A. Fett4ttttaitsox'a,.
The tamest and most durable article Ant
putting ender the carpet is 'The Velment.
(hun'n•r ISrttn c, Everyone who h
t.peak hitthiy of it; alae the tame in
rs,ds. Ladiee before yon pnt down
t•.atpete call at S. Graoey's Fai'r
Store s,nd seethe newest thing cwt.