The Wingham Times, 1897-04-30, Page 8w a EARLY ULOSING• On and after Monday, Aley 3rd, we n ill close at 7 o'clock sharp, each evening except Saturday. SATURDAY,-- BARGAIN DAY THE WINGHAM TIMES, ATM BD? 1897. The Electric Railway ar Arbor Day, An item appeared in the Bruce Herald to the: effect that the eleetrie railway project was. dead., The Telescope says that Void inlay be true I so far as as the negotiations with Millar Bros. are eeneerned but we learn on good auther itv that nego tiations are in proe;rees with an English syndicate, for the completiun of the line and with good prospects of success. Pew has been dropped The present negotiations etre being carried cin through George Kilmer of We trust that School teachers Ieverywhere will grange for the 'pro- per celebration, of Arbor day, which, ars usual comes with the merry month of May. Tito planting of trees I wherever a tree can grow better than anything else, or where a tree is needed for shelter or 1i'u went, should be encouraged, o Much timber is being cut for coin- + mersial purposes, it is a patriotic duty to provide for the future by planting j I trees for the use of the rising genera - 1 t I than, Many an old man who finds ' 1 it difficult to make ends meet today, would have been well off if in Ids early life he had planted trees on the waste lands around the place of abode. The ground was waste then; it remains waste to-dae, when there might have been giant trees upon it. If you aunt to hay Reliable Goods of a quality that will give satisfaction, you'll Lind them in this stock. 'i'i e ni t1 to give all-round sat- isfaction, even to the money back if von say so. F, TJRDAY la Big S'i t+' Sato', ever" buyer delights si with quality and price' 50 pale ladies' Fine Shoes, reg- ular 74.7 5, Saturday $1.35. 95 pale Children's Tnn and Black Shoes, le;niar $1.00 Saturday 85e. 75 pais glen's Shoes, Oxblood, 1 Black and Tan, regular $3.00 Saturday $2.45. `q ; sI ; C SUITS, • OVERCOATS, HATS far men & bags'' Suits in fine Imported and .l Canadian Tweeds and Worsteds t Hate for spring American and English styles, at reduced prices. r SATURDAY'S SPECIALS Carpets Gloves and Hosiery, ,.Laces t: and Lace Curtains, Ready-made Capes, Dress Goods - Parasols', land Embroidery, Ready -it 5 Made -Clothing. C t Big Shoe Sale all day Saturday. at M. H. cIND O O'S. 1'i ROKF.Ti~ R Thomas G. Hemphill has returned hoarse from 'Toronto where he bile purchased another half dozen of bicycles for the seas:nee trade. R. Black shipped ti car of flour to Toronto on Tuesday. Dr. Gifford of Winglam passed through town oil Monday evening. I. M. 13rovu of Toronto is visiting ' day his sister, Mrs. C. lV • Jindrews• belonging to D. D. Campbell and Lathes etc. and is now prepar- 1 er Gitt1'ited in the rear cf his residence, ed to do a genera] line of re - Toronto, and have reached such a stage of ecmpletinn that the president has thought it advisable to call a meeting of the directors to be held in Toronto this week. LIS7.TOWEL. Miss Jones of Mount Forest, is the sHop ;nr of lits. J, If. McDonald.INES m ND1 Mrs. Iiilvert, of Hamilton, is wish- ing relatives and friends in town. Mrs. and Miss Forbes of Nov York who have been spending the winter MR. JOI-I 1 MURRAY with itis. Forbes' mother, Mrs. has opened out a new machine IIendcrsen, Main street, rcturncd I shop, thoroughly equipped ho guest of Mrs. (Die) Rutherford. New Outfit of aohinry About half past two o'clock yester 7't r dav'l afterneon a stable ncludinr an Iron Planer, IT PAYS TO Vit CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM„ ONT. Is the trent supply schoob fk,rthe best business arStudentserachtnting:,t thia.sehool are sura of good paying employ trout. Our 1u4 Creeks puttee cantaitt9 the placing of four pupils, two Stonmlraphers, 11 book.keepur and 1 teacher. Since these we Bassi placed: Albert Wallace as nssisu,att bucic.koeper with i,,.i; CVS rah Di<Gtw as obook* l"(taper with the Banwell Printing; Co„ Chatham, Wo expect to pineaa stenographer next woutc insi choice position, COLLEGE RE -OPENS i*1ER EASTER VACATION 0)0 TUESOA"&;PPRIL 2Qth, For Catalogue, add,nss, 1a- IIcLACt1LANC' Co., 0 'Wilk 4lt0 te' $reamitare mer ` kin: me yesterday. t with a Miss Trow of Stratford, is the R. Black is in receipt of anon car of Manitoba wheat. Carpenters are at work erecting J. A. Barnard's kitchen, Mr. Dobson, of the Dom. Ex. Co„ was in town Wednesday. I Born to !firs. W. II. Kerr, a flue son on Monday evening.. ~ John Hamilton is shipptng a car of hogs this week from town and a it ear of cattle from Teeswater. Detective Ross was in Wroxeter on Sunday and arrested 3 tramps up it I the track. Raglan St., was almost totally des- troyed by fire No cause can be assigned for the blaze, as for some years past the building has only been used as a workshop and wood- shed, but the supposition is that a spark from a passing locomotive ignited the shingles which were very old and dry. The loss will be about 200 with, we understated, no insar-1 ante. M. Morden of the Bank of Hamil- ton, Wingham, was the guest of J. H. Stuart over Sunday. KINLOSS. Mrs. Page, relict of the late John + 1 Page, `lied ill Listowel on Good Fri- J Atkinson ha; moved on the Ida y Deceased had been in poor Carlton farm. health for a considerable length of I R. Hall has moved on the of Shoebottom farm. Dick has bought 1 this place. We wish him well in his !new home. a husband died about four years ago. John Smith has taken possession of One soil, Thomas Page, and two I the Roblin farm and erected a new daughters, Mrs. Granger, of Moles- ! Go tom" house. His advertisement for a worth. and Miss Page, survive her, good cook will appear in next issue. Deceased was a kindly old lady and S. Moulton has gene to Montana to was much respected ley all who wind up his late l.n•other John's busi- knew her. At the annual vestry meeting of I Christ Church Listowel, the follow. ing officers were elected fur the en- suing year. Wardens, J. H. Gunther and R. C. Rantf'ord, sidesmen L. S. Hunt, C. rrabbereer, II. B. Morphy and A. St. George Hawkins, vestry C. T isbberner ; Lay delegates to synod, L. S. Hunt and J. H. Hunt The question of renting the pews in the new church was discussed and u was decided to adopt the pew rental system. The vestry adjourned until the 30th, when the auditors' report will be received and ,other business transacted. The sad news of the death of Mrs. Draper, wbieb £centred in the Strat- ford hospital early Monday morning came as a shock to her many friends as it was not generaly known she was ill. It seems the deceased bad been troubled with a tumor for some time past, from which she must have suffered great pain, although she never compiaineci, and it was to time. She was nver eighty and bad been a resident of Lietowel for be - men thirty and forty years. Iter Ireland le Button are putting in a complete stock all Furniture Ua iertaking consisting of. BEDROOM SUITES, PARLDR SUITES, INNING: SUIT3a, TADLIRS snit CIIAi1RS of all 1t Inds„ SIDEBOARTIS* LOU.NGES,,SPRING BED MATTRESSES, CURTAIN PCLRS,, PICTU$ESL PICTURE FRAMES, MQUNDINGS, rano:A% Etc.,,123 fact e terything that ltppt lnza,, d RSx-:.-..aLASS FT.J1I1ITU R ST <' i. l pairing. Engine and Mill Machinery repairing and pipe fitting a specialty. All kinds of shafting, gear- ing, iron and wc:oden pulleys, brass and iro:i castings sup- dlied on shortest notice. JOIEVDT MURRAY. SPRIN SUFIS Made in the LATEST. STYLES Thomas A.. Edison Hess. It is claimed "hitt Te rotas A, l:cu- t •I• D. McLean bas settled down to work on the lictdgins estate. John son has „even the problem of cpat+'• has a cols that is interesting not a sting iron from the sand in the arc i'ew of cur young folks. by demo -mechanism. The engin-A. J. hunter, M. D. is kept over eerinn and alining Journal predicts busy these days. that his wills a` Edison, N. J., will be turning out the best Bessemer ore; Anderson & Black are stocking up the farmers in this vicinity with corn ever mined at the rate of 1 200 tons; cobs Joe. I'uilem is on your trail, a day. The mills are described as - meehauical wonders. it is a familiar 1 boys spencer is lifting a lot of cattle of mystery that the genius of midi s! around here this week. He is taking complisies so much in the field of !around out west to his ranch. He of turehauiord invention, and utterly; them about west chi loads, The fails when att.emptiug to preventmoney ft has taken to buy these economic and monopoly in the `cattle should awake itself felt through economic ur;e of its products' I the county. BELGRAVE. ( (quite a t enation was caused in e ODERICII. senverageelly-quietlitthete.oathazal it A special troth Stratford or Fri. was learned on Friday morning that 1 day say°:—James Farewell, who es - George Uuc: dfellow of this place had l caped from constable Gundry en been found dt:,ld in D,•. MoAsh's route from the Goderich gaol to the stable. I ecei ed was working for Kingston penitentiary by a daring the doe,t' r ui,c; left the office to do; leap from an express train between some work around the stable. Going Toronto and Kingston a short time out a feet moments later the (lector ago turned up at St. Mary's on Wed - found und laitii lying dead. Coroner nesday eight. It appears that his Towler c,f Win, lam was notified at I wife had been living in the west for once but upon le•trning e, particulars some time. Recently she received a of the cane be did not think an inquest necessary. Deceased had been under the dectoys care all winter for heart t.i•oui.,le.✓ letter from him, informing her that he would come after her on Wednes- day night :•the informed a friend of the foot who gave the information to the police, and as a result oft}eer 1%l:si' WAWANOSH, Wm, Gundry cit' t,oderieh, county constable Shand and special constable Oil Friday morning last fire des Copeland t.f St. Marys, lay in am- tl'oyed the reeiidence of Mr. Arthur bush keeping at the satne time at Haines, lot 27 concession 0. The sharp lookout at the house for him. -fire was caused by the explosion of During the night Farewell drove to a lamp. Mrs. Haines had got up to the house with a horse and buggy, fix a window, through a brokenpane which he tied in the neighborhood. of which the wind was blowing: she The officers started for the house, lit the lamp and placed it on a table and had not gone far before they near where she was working, when came to a fence. Farewell rose up it Suddenly exploded. Mrs. Hautes on the opposite eide of it. Constable) Who wits in the house alone with the Shand made a dive to catch his mala younger members of the family, but was struck hi the abdomen by a pluckily set to work to rescue these heavy wrench, which laid him out. About half of the household effects Constable Copeland who saw the were saved by neighbors who blow struck, and fearing Shansi had come to the rescue. The los is been killed. Mk to his heelsshouting partly covered by insurauce.l for help. Inti 1 1 Hess 'Farwell A complete stoclesof Undertak,trg':•kept,.t.rl:hitted and prices re. aonr able). l"Remainber•the place, Ire3and's old! staaa, detsald Block, (Residence opposiae.the foundfiyt.. opposite the Mac. BUrJN is stu .Ras" 'ca/,' #3'' r'bit/W ar@i'rhAtr'Fi" r P.'s ... ' f'bCtt' ' ' •"@b/P: Wia+"8/tti '' m - DEPARTMENTAL STO E .-- ABE NOT IN IT when you want something choice i:n eb.e line of OILET SETS We have a very fine lot of this line for you to choose from. just now and we are letting them go at prices that have KNOCKED OUT anything we have yet seen or heard of N.A. FAR U HARS ID'S_. CHINA HOUSE, - - WINGHAM QUEEN'S 1I.cJCii, WINGHAM 1 311.i.4 G1 " A ,M 'a:i sr Having purchased the above named propel Lt. from Mr. A. M. Robinson, WO ate now prepared to supply a great variety of Catlings and to attend to nil manner of re- pair work FACTORY :.IAXAGERS—Come when your Machines require repair and our machinist can put them right thus saving you trouble and annoy ante. BRIDGE I U1I. DI:RS--Come and order your Moat from us, We order remove tate growth, which hacl direct from ti:e }tolling Mills and can assumed large proportions, and was quote von ilii: es that are right. slowly but surely killing her, that sheentered the hospital last Thursday. The operation was performed Friday and the patient appeared to be Hold- ing her own until Sunday evening, when she slowly sank, passing peace- fully away early on Monday morning, Deceased, who was in her Goth year was ane of the early settlers in the district, her husband George Draper, who died about five years ago, being one of the first merchants in Listowel. The deceased was an active member of Knox church. and was highly respected by all who knew her for her many sterling qualities. Floods continue to do much damage in ad Quebec, 1.0 ray Bay houses beteg logs being set adrift at River Dt etnin. 1-- .tram -13011,7.C. emobe --- i)onnrenrol—In Ilowick on April 21st the wife or Mr. George Doubledee of tyvip daughters. AltETT--In Mortis, on April 2f, alio IOU er Mr. Thou. Barrett, a daughter+l ientI.ATtet—In town on April 24t the wife or Mr. FARMERS ---Come on Saturday and secure same. of our 1 argains fn Plough Repairs :and Resler Castings which. we+sell el.c;ip for cash on Sat. tu'day. 13i ing yr,:ir cast n iron scrap along. IlIPLl.1i l:iti'I' MEQ; ---Get your repairs here in itcad of sending to distant points end tuns save m+tnoy. WANTED ---.'t litnitecl quantity of Dry `2'. inch Flock Elni Plank and Dry Maple. W M. R sI`TDAL & Co. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which i ladies can depend in th-e hour and time of need. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. NO. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known NO, for special cases—ro g mg out c Having decided to retire from business, owing to the state of my health, I will commence,. on 9 to clear out my whole stock at e l LAURTE In order to reduce my stock before finally disposing ofit en bloc I will iar'7 THI D1YS,a give Bargains that have not been given"before in INGHAM Jour Liaklater; a .son —sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. D ATUCia'D 2 de rcc This is an opportunity very seldom given in the trade, the ti / bydruggists. one ,well bought and all must go. This ay 28 Ines by Rev. Stewart Wedntts stronger—sold day ` inet by lieu. Stewart of Beltnore Three Dollars; two boxes, edo iveeDollars: i Stock iS ileai'ly %lll nf.'W and Give us a call and be convinced. trict5 and two 3 -cera stamps, ''' '`' h0 f:GOIS Windsor, Outing. M C ■ !'' ..,.,I1 .moi.., Jamas Hastings, Orangeville. to Bella I No. x, or No. 2, ma p I is no sham. Clic t nr: A oldest daughter of Mie, A. Anderson escaped and has out been seen since Glenatinee. jI Constable Shand was Here yesterday DZID • Chief C f Police M Car interviewing t✓;MoDoiseen-- In West Wawanosh ott1 Sold . C4"f Wednesday April 22. Janet McDonald r in Canada ' ie U o ice ain nt+h 1tn and CVCrywher" ' thy his objeet being to seeure a blood hound to trta+ek Farewell, q by aged 85 eon.a all i-espot+sibledruggists MACDONAI,D BLOCI . 'INGTIATA. 1