The Wingham Times, 1897-04-30, Page 7.`, i E: DTCJN E: THE ()` LY :tJN():,,i r•X'ELY I2Eb1A 11141'. Pl(1':l'AIt.tTIONS 0 THE MARKET. Pleasant, Pure and Healthful, pu1Ei 0%IjEE (3ialillft ntielcurt , ilt:fall-'11•, 1A1111)13d•). Ii ouniatIo (lent and Neuralgia,. Opecilic .>4 G Ip , E"a LL A. sure r ure for lI :td,tclt•a /Wt.!. Cur:etip.tii.ln, Iu'i lin), 1i,tioes: t•' 4. l2. ight's Disease, 141•tir°lr.'1+, 1',tt'al3gi,, ('.nn v:lei arc, 1[cetrl Disease, eta.. utc. Mantlraettu' d o'1 ho11oP 85 Soid 0:1 1Meeit. Boldin Wingham, n dy by Gorden 1 Co AgARU Mrs. of London, Ont., Cared for 25 Cents Doctors Could help, but Couldn't Cure— Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure Released the Prisoner, and Today She is as Well as Ever --She Says it is a Great Remedy "Yes, I am Mrs. Dobai'," said a comely, pleasant -faced woman at her home on Horton :street .to a News reporter to -day, "and I will very gladly tell you what you want to know. About three years ago my husband was very ill, and I had frequently occasion to rise in the night and go for a doctor or to the druggist. In my hurry I often neglected to properly •clothe myself, and contracted several heavy colds, which turned at last to chronic catarrh. I tried doctors, who helped me, but did not ,cure me, and several special catarrh medicines. I was relieved but not cured. I was suffering intolerably when Mr. Shuff recommended me to try CHASE'S CATARRH CURE, and it began at •once to help, and in about two months had 'entirely cured me. I cannot speak too highly ‘of this remarkable medicine, and cheerfully ,recommend it to all sufferers from catarrh." The blower.inoluded is a great help to sufferers. Vireo Days in the Swamp. The ecnlntry around Rfversdale was thrown into a state of excite- ment the other day by the di.ss- 1 appearatrlce of Fred P,rindly, a car- n penter. Blindly it seems was tem- porarily insane over at, love affair, , p and ail at once slier of a roof that he n V; e T..-._...,1.. i._., HAM A.ra ' i I'0, , APR.LL 30, W7. g knit kr. ClInSTXANITX OWES MUC TO HIS ZEAL AND ENDUR- ANCE, T io ?'b>ttnllnations. The following circular batt- ed. by the twenty Fell( al incicc• tor: Lrt'1 interc)t many pupils. E'ltrance �tnct public school lcav- H ing 28th June 8,15 a., at Goderich, Exeter, Zurich, Bayfield, Ilensall, Dungannon, Kintail, St. Helene, and Grand Benet, and at Clinton Seaforth, 1i'ingham, Brussels, Wrox- I'' eter, Fordwielt and Blyth for East Huron. E high School primary exaulination A Forin I, :—•lnly2nd. 8.15 a. m. at Goderich, Clint•au Seafort`l, WVing- bam, Bassets and Exeter. High school Form II incl Com- e n)eroial Diploma, July 5th; Forel III d and Form IV, ,fnl,v 7th, 8.45 it. r2), , at (,nde•fich, Clinton and Sea forth. Forel II, .July 5th, 8.45 a. in. at d n e must be sent to the inspector on or - before April )5th. The fee, 0,.i to be o paid June 28th. Applications for primary, junior Ins Lam PURI'Cct THE I:'1Jilii DAYS 0 METHODISM I*: CANADA. WAS UTE ONE OP GREAT ItARDSIIII'—'T1I STORY OF ONI, NOW ENJOYING, IIIPJ: 014D POE, -- From the Suucoa Reformer' In the early days of Methodism 1 „ (ld.l ( , Canada It the O S (,1 was gospel spree ;throe 1 in the land by the active ex croons of the circuit rider. It requil ed. at Ulan of no ordinary health an strength; an iron constitutionand a unflagging determination to full) the arduous duties incumbent on on who undertook to preach the salve tion to his f�tllowinen. It was n caiy task that these men set them • elves to, but they were strong in th hope and faith of an ultimate rewar .1lony fell by the wayside, whit ethers struggled on and prospere and few ew are today enjoying a Hp ut(1 age happy in the knowledge Oa :t lasting reward will soon be their Most of these old-timers are not no engaged in active church work, be stale been placed on the superannu tied list and are now living a quie Lti town or on a farm. free from the caret' of the world, they await th !all to come up higher. Rev. David 1Villiams, who lives two miles south west of Nixon, Ont. n the township of' Windham Norfolk MID ty, was one of these early days cirt"uit riders. He was a )pan of rigorous health, and although with Mt many advantages in the wily of Orly education, he succeeded by Clint of hard and constant study, in Icing admitted into the ministry le was the first born in the first ouse built in Glen Williams near Georgetown. 1Ii. George Kennedy he founder of Georgetown was a rother of his mother. Today he is 0 years pld and he had been asefferer iclney and kindred diseases. He from vied all kinds of medicines, and al - hough sometimes temporarily reliev- d he gradually grew worse until he vas stricken with paralysis in Octo er 1805. From this he partially ce'nt'ered, an recovered his powers f speech but his hind was badly wrecked, and his memory was so nor that ho could not remember the nine of the person to whole he ri,hed to speak. vt ithout thinking in- tentiv for several minutes. One clay driving to church he wished to speak el' a neighbor' who lived next to hint foe ttt enty years but he could not resell the name for and hour or two. teleitem to his mental trouble, he ill intense bodily sufferieg; pains t 1.h1• head across the fore head, in le temples and beLind the ears, the lower part of the skull and 1 the j„int of the neck, [Io had rt:tt weakness and pains in the back . t,, end legs. In fact s._1 much did 1"'••i' the sleep was an impossibility ,1.1 he fell away in weight until he I • weighed , t i 145 Cd 0111( #,pounds. By this .11•', I)i ember 183,5 he become '-;'tt.alen', and felt that if he did tl r• :stet c betin relief, ho would 6 till 1)141 adieu to things of this world. 01 the 'eel0 of December i) rend of :t 1 1111' in the Reformer by Di'. 1,17111 - tem , i.i:u = Pink 1'1115; 0,101 being sized with sit Wan inspiration, at Otte+, wrote to 1. •eserine for a supply of that l l t-ea.:1•:u, remedy. Immediate geed results followed their.' use and he r t improved ed 1v ) [ wonderfully cin:ul., the ;list t-cai'. He has recovered hi.e1,tetlily health and strength, is 04e:npeN Lively free from pain and :eel l fs melllOfy is nC:1l'ly 116 good as it , t l )' • was end as the improvement P ;e el. hetes the pr'ospe'cts are very ft r complete reeovcrv. Ile 11)' j'•;il:c(1 20 pounds in weight sine(' belening the use of Dr. Will hints' Pinks Pills. lir Willituns says: "I can hearLil i endorse the inane go'o'd things said of these pills lit t•!1'' pipers, and strongly rccolll 12)1'11+1 t:te in to any one suffering as I was.' I1 •. Williams' fink hills the a Mese htitltlar awl nervy reeenee Tim, supply the bleed with its life tl:,.l 1 tlIlo iving properties, th111`1 dcivi);I; dt-ease from the system. Tete are numerous pink colored IN. Ingham, 13ruesels and Exeter. Aplieations for entrance and Publie School leaving examinations e d e d e 1 s not t t c e ( e 1 h t b 7 k t t c b • was shingling, and struck for the Greenot:k ; wainp. On his way be had to t:t'os1 the river and ono or two deep creeks. but he just waded through them as though he rather en joyed the' tiling. When it had be - noised about that he had gone I Caine to the s.vnulp, a rescue party was I ti organiz.',I, and the search was kept up for three days, Altogether,about forty persons took part in the search 0,1' but they did not find their roan. " h swamp " ;The n was in an awful condi- coot 1 tion, being almost clumpletely covered h with tyl'a'r. '''here were patches of F snow.,end 1 '. •, •h i ul c -c.0,.. run, 11 1 the t . `search +, i W-)uld (1'010 cern.;•; Lrind- rl `ly's tl•t,,';�, and these signs would bl urge Lit•.::1 11:1 ton renewedexertion. '1` w'•!•d wee received that he had ftee*4'e1 up 0,.!::t farmer's house 32) Ca; ea rown;flip, :incl that to tail appease teat !':(.•, St'.l:; 1t1 his Ullal tate of h..tith. If three days and three i)i;:It : itt the et roonock swamp without, anything to eat, wouldn't are a WW1 tri an attack of love sick• ness, Co -n he would need to have it pretty 1):11; Gu tC ''1J Jinau---1a'ad £Ioart IVIS J ( I , e . ( 010 A LOV1:n 0Vt1 114 MORE .., • - 4 .1 '111+.Y %MSS ALTAC:.h-, 1:. -I: YOU fun; A 1104' rF Ir ITA4l: 1: e; 4•:'r ••+`.'':1 (9 ie; TOR TITh TI:''.'. r AT.w.; V- L. 'litl•1 ONLY 1:11 l:1L: 1.2)11 1:4 ;i.) 1UNrr..s ,t'•:: t 'a . . u .'i ).v, "11)10,: i- t (.':•t:,r,' that 411y Wirt, 110,1 been ti .::... e ' from heart disease for over t.''l't:3 ' eiti'S. After hnviug trieddoctor', .'..1 i:' tlelti.1'i I'lllumerable with. tlklt b I:.ii' 1 4.rc) lOt'cl two bottles ut Dr. A t) / ,r 11:e 110401, ltr.tl she In, 1 1 )rt l'o benefit from it than fa • .: • • . ' 4:4111180d (:ares 115t'•i herett, ,t•• a t;2) tiea'Te(1 to et)rLity to the ex o:;' . ; thi. wonderful remedy. NTCIIOL13, ''.,).'rboro' Smith Tp." Sold of 1.,, •.. •1,.,: , 1)i'ug Store. • The 1.1111 "'ditors are luzut'lat'1imitntt•tn;, against which the public ing on 44011' r ,.. 11. green peas and 1$ watriall. Tho genuine; Pink Pills rhubarb of 1::a7 growth. ;eel: 1:0 had only in boxes the wral,p +I Mr. Joan \Valise. ,:f Tucker ttnith'al'on;t:i which hears the full trade has made over 101) ;t:•'.lt,ns of syrup ' mark, "1)!'. Williams' Pink fills for this season. ' Pale Prople." Refuse ail others. leaving, senior leaving and matricu- lation (tligh Sebool Forms, I, II, III and IV) must bo sent to the Inspee- tor before 34tt1 of May, accompanied by necessary fee. No application can be received later than that date. Those who wish to write at any examination centre in the Western Inspecto'•al division of Duron, must ' send their application, giving name in full, to J. Elgin Tow, 'I. P. S. Goderich, and those who intend to write in the Eastern Division, to D.! Robb, I. P. S.. Clinton. For entrance drawing book 'No. 5, and the senior fourth class copy • book and for public school, leaving drawing book No. 0. The work in 1 these books must be completed and certified to by the teacher as being the work of the candidate presenting it. Public school Leaving books will be examined the same as in former years. M. S. James, Seaforth, suffered for yes EH with what is called Old People's Rash. She was treated by many doctors without any result. Mr. Fear, the local druggist, recommended Dr, Chase's Ointment, which relieved the irritation i at once and speedily effected a perman- ent cure of the skirl eruption. Mrs.; Jame also says Dr. Chase's Ointment' cured her of Itching Piles which she had teen troubled with for years, R. G. Wells of llarriston lost his speedy mare, Molly G. on Sunday last. She had a record of 2 : '1'llere died on Thursday last at the family residence, Exeter north, Elizbeth Freahlich, wife of Mr. Jas. Wilson, at the age of 43 years and 20 clays. Deceased has been a suff- erer from consumption for some Months hence her death was not un- expected. Her remains were inter- red in the Exeter cemetery r,n Sun- day. 0. 5. Doan, of Clinton, says not to go on suffering as he did for years with Salt Rheum, when a few boxes of Dr. Chase's Ointment will cure you. Dr. Chase's Ointment cured Hiram Frey, ef Norwood, after suffering ten years with 1Eczema of the leg• Chase's Ointment also cured his little girl of Eczema on her face. In the death of Mrs. John Mar- shall, of the Bayfield line, Goderich township, a noble pioneer woman is removed from many friends and acquaintances- She had not been in good health since Christmas and secumbed on Sunday last, aged. 82 years The deceased was a daughter of the late Jacob Miller, Sr. a native ,, of( ,tat Ir 1'1 p .:: Ireland ntl and came .o this couutvyl with her parents some sixty years ago or more. My Neighbor Told Mo :1.bout Hood's Sarsaparilla and advised 2),e to try it—This is the 'rind of;Over- tising which gives hood's Sarsaparilla the largest sales tin the world, Primal tolls friend that Hood's Sarsaparilla aures; that It gives strength, health and vigor , and whole tleigllborho0ds um it as a family medicine. Ileotd's Pills act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Duro sick head- a'?0e. 'iT!ie lIit'ultcll Advocate says: "One of our town grocers sold a dozen of eggs on Tuesday tor 8 cents to a man !firing in the east end of the town. Next day he brought one back, coin. , pl:tinitig that it was below the aver- age eizo, and had it exchanged for a larger one. That elan should petition the government to compel hens to lay eggs of an equal size. The egg and the man were doubt- less two of a kind, 1 WHAT HE HAS DJ'i! FOR 'YELL-KNO J CA 9Af JA` PEOPLE READ ' T THEYSAY ,l.iinrtisat C31a(t:l, D fSf25� sic and other aaiHm nt3 cured I by the use of his wonder- ful little Peaiets 1 Mr, A. Prior, Toronto, 5:136: ''I ware a '( rest sufcorer Ileo n dYspap,i't, cru b t l at times I was unable to al toad my duties T•incl had severe pains in my stom,tt)h• he remedies I tuuk g tvs ale nu relief whatever. `I,'hree acn1111 vittl3 of 1luu- eu's Dyspepsia 1 s YC, re 2)'t made n permanent cure. I heartily recommend it. Mnnyon's Rheumatism Curd seldom fails to relieve in one to three hours 11Lt1 cures in a few days. Price 25e. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure pusitivei3 cures all forms of indigestion and etuin- ach trouble. Price 25c. Muuyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu- monia and b.e11k; up a cold in a few hours. Price, 2543. Munyou's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness, andspeeedi ly heals the lungs. P1 lee, 25e. ltlunyon's Kidney (lure speedily cures. pains in the hack, loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease. Price 25e. Munyon's Headache Care amps head- ache in three minutes. Price25c. Munyon's File Uintinrot p,sttively cures all forms of pile Price, 230. Munyon's 131uod (In re "radientet( all impurities of 1 he blood. Price, lac. Muuyon's Female Remedies are a boon to all women. Munyon's AsthmaRemedies relieve in 3 minutes and cure permanently. -Price, 81. Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Catarrh Cure - price 25c.-- erad'cates the disease trout the system, and the Catarrh Tablets—price 25e.— cleanso and heal the parts. Munyon's Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve tonic. Price, 25c. Itlunvou's Vitalizer restores lost t•i,goi Price K. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, mostly 25u. a yinl. Personal letters to Prof. \lunron, 11 Albert St., Toronto, answered with free medianl advice for guy d;sealse. There is a rumor around that e tramp called at the reeiee ee of e Goderich clergyman recently and asked for a breakfast, which was dely given. The tramp was then shown a woodpile anti asked to cut it, which he did, receiv'ng in pay- ment 40 cents and a dinner. A few mornings afterwards another tramp called, asked for his breakfast, got 1', and then asked for some money. The 1 money was reused, when tramp No. :2 said that tramp No. 1 had been given some. The rev. gentleman answered that N. 1 had done some ' I work and hadbeen paid for it whereon the tramp said he had net 1 been paid enough. 0.1 the minister saying he hadItid all the work 14',11 , worth tramp No. 2 cabled hint a liar, 1 but before the use- of the ch(,iee language knew where lie was lie was knocked down. He quickly jinn pad up, rushed at the gen th'• man and tried to st ike hi'n, bat th U lettCl'S 1J nitC:tSlly 10i1:11111,T 141F again to the fore, and ti-itop No. 2 was again laid low. When ho rose for the second time he rna le .-.':ii'3 0,1 Mil, RUST GETS A LETTER, 13CInyed Because Addren' t'd to Ilam Under. His Chemical Naino. 9s eurieus a letter as has been re- ccivt td in Kansas City for many months teael'c d the 1:06101110(+ recently, and after tgreat display of 1karnirg en the part of sone of the clerks it was finally cde- lit (i c ti to the 2)1101 for whom it was in- ic•1,i:. 11. The (lir'tribating clerk who 121.1=1 get held of the letter looked at it in i (Irs',:(ir. It was plainly evident that tlie. t •tit:1' of the letter had been burning , ttie3 i blight oil in an attempt to baffle t t 11 stofilee force. i fi111I1 line contained the letters i "J t'. F''.E2013." The letters were plain • cnotgh, but what did they mean? Tho l t 14 (n 1 1 1 e" b 111 • r.• . 1 with th u large there VMS 11 Carefully excreted cit • • •= i ci t, htit; hlid the ttlpoaran. a of. C her's comb, thou a small ay and 1.1 a lei'1•)?(nta:tion of a hat;se, drn'ilt by 1 one whose early education had Leen sacl- 1y 2)t elected. What should have been the third line of the leddi't•ee wes 131 the ::ll:tpe of a mere or lees a 21C(ltrat( map of ty. Miming' the junction of the Streets in that vicinity'. The last lint! Was a11- 1 other map, ehowing the boundaries of the state cf ddb ouii. It was: plain ei:('ttg11 that the letter Was fo • who y t some one t3 Lc livrd in the a'•• tl,te I Of 11115?11111'1 and in Kansas City. It c:icl not ta114' a great stretch of inutgination to discover that the comb and the (ale tell of a louse had some *r1:gee re .( relic c to the Amnia building. Se far it Sva:s tu-y saint €;.but who was the mysterious "3. S. FE2013?" After puzzling his brain for a long tiinc, without any goad result, the clerk. took the leiter to Night Clerk Canfield, who is supposed to bo able to guess all sort's cf conundrums. "1 ('101 tell you u part of it," said he, "I can tell yon that `FE:203' 010 the chc'niical symbols for ferric oxide. stow if you can find out who lie is you are all right." Still the distributing clerk was unable to )ioiv0 the question. He went about asking every one what he knee7 abtut ferric oxide. He finally encountered One maw who was. Intro of a chemist than the others, and ho imparted to him 1 he information that ferric oxide in common parlance is called "rust." That is hest' J. 8. Itnst received the letter ever which his friend in C: net p - tion, Mo., had spout so much Kansas City City Times. 111411ut111111IAE4Illi11A W11U Read =::.1 01.THE -4110 Great Offer 1 gyp► OP ,� The LondonE Free Press. ' ,-�4 • The 1 roe Press. desiring to greatly 0u-reae�e its ni:h44('tiptioa list, ntakei the re following t a of� r offer to the farmers :1 i, 0., d t steclonou of ('aaadiL tivherobv sub- ;4 seriherd to 1'F ee' 1y Tree Press W111 get One Year's Paper Free. g 9 The Free Press has made arrange. . 4 mcntl: with the Veterinary ,.1:4iezico I'ilblishing Co. for a number of copies of r( their book. •"1'hc Z'et.erinary Science," t 14 0.,• 1,111.4; of tt•1aolt 1,1 t,"I?JiU. Tlx.k book �' ! •,,.•4>, fully .Our in plain language th. ttl r rl 1 t$4 . !'k awt 'rICat.Inent .'C S-1 i)o•00•1 t .\nin,als 0,1114 3'onitr3, •also 1t(::raining:1(tilldes.?riptiett%Inl ieino .,Xl1•t /-ft .:, so that e; LI) farmer cite " to. l.i., 0.4 n retmi::ar • 00 E I] l,r A.�, c w '4� ..�— 52 n � '1'ii.• 'd'0,( ,,, ant El Free I ter, au l J''arm 011,1 lloruc 1111'otu't•e:'r Inrico $l.fi1)) sad a rn,,y of 1h. Vo!1'ritl11ry Science tprice C ••L 104. t:••t I: wtll L,+ ntliled to any ad- (l'.'.')(I L••- r'r ••1,) 2)f' Two Dollars - 1):r u.') ))4 _ 11,45 )1,,nrl., t%0 (1100ot 'K"i :,$'ctrl (.0 oo: 1.,.!0' tl,iynft"r i:ldettnitely. �` ('ure44al-„t 4,;,,,;,1,,,! , 1':1k'ugitnow1tt.)secure nu ra1ioili'r 111 i31hl (x.41 lotattra ctich tt I10- less r 4 nus ober, ay Fendiu(; S'2.Ob for tbo book you gra tine Wet 1 iv Free Pros, and 1'1111)1 a:nd [Tome ONE YEAR FREE. Aft 4)145 wonted everywhere. address all commitrtication l tonic) Free Press Printing Co., London, Ont. g TYVTITTITP IlMYYT7Tfiri vrfl}rrrll 'rrnnnE i } is HE GOT HIS ANSWER. But i1 Was Very 1)ilrorout From What lie 1iad 2:x3.ectod. As the train ptl?1c(I cut ef Chicago a quiet, gentlemanly it liking ma:1 (n1(r(11 111e buffet car, i:1uI, (1::coLe13 g l)ilneelf. in a cornfcrIa ic• chair, laity Dat a loiig cigar and (111(1(•0 et( ply into bis! paler. He renit`ln(l1 4,0 Tact and rtteinec1 his Seat 60 1CLr( that tauCtl:(r vmstnger, whore bc'al11:4( (.istlllcily st:input hila as a commercial traveling o.,,,_, 0124' (-.f the kik t} full cZ chatter aid curiosity, could no lerg(r restrain t:it::s0]f. dressing the quiet €;;Lt:;(nlau, ho in- quired, `Traveling cast?” Slowly removing his cigar, the g(n- tlelnan turlx (1 r.::,l ice.keii tit his ques- tioner with art l.;lltly elevated cycLrows, replying, ` `Yc:." "Nes; York?" "Pleasure?" "Yu: 1:31(} i:o." "Grua pla:ee, New Yuri:. Ever been there 'afore?" . o c." "I'nl [;oil:; 11o1n0 this trip—New York, you k1:ow." .r• il:e nc2) lc luau mare no reply, }Aft ri>sunie d las; pillar. ''Ilion a lit:2e silt'I:(e the coli nx 1(it1 mail to gap again "I'm with (1. &. Co., Gin Lrer,tc.r::y. If yea deep in, I'll axe); you ov(r the city." "Ti.::mk you, it will not bo neces- eary :" l'Efcu60 Ine, but might I ask 'what you're Ageing to New York ler?" ]3y thie time Tuc:st of the other passen- gers wtri interested. The genti(mau, who was exti(Illely unmet d at the for the gate, au 1 is now 611;11) 1•1 drinelller's ealicsity, laid w his pa- be making his way south It'ilt .. hi, per taal cxelaim(tl: chutns to give GALA fell the : ,tet "I'm gci1:X to New York, first, be - calve the train is -Liking Tee there; are- C1:d, 1.:1 (1111se. I've get lots of money and can 141)11(1 it, and, last, laetm :0 if I like the 1...eve , inte1:d to lacy it,„ 'd 1:e commercial mail subsided amid a rots of laughter.—Philadelphia Times. nariock 331301 Sitters Burdock 131o.41 li ttors )t'24t!otc,_, file stomach, liter, bowels 11011 hit 1.1; rc,'01., dyepeps`,a, 1:111004101'.5 •riot; i:,,• ).0 rl'1eu(uatism, sorotu1.4 :•11 1 1'4 11104. 11/ 1.11 impurities of the 111,0,,1, true, a: O''0rltna: pimple to the wort s •1',fn1 1,11 : t ,l. 11)1 1Uvinl)raltOr 01111 1011it:, 11 11 11. 1.1 0 . unequalled tnedlcino. A. E. Scott,, wit-) e.,fablf,t'etl 0 laundry in lane ( Is it ;ninth or ?e, ago, has decided to rem )•0 L' Win: 1111111, where bit t1'tll 0e11et' ire, t l'al't- nership with (J. 1'. ii ,10,111.1, who i.. conducting a similar l,tt.!i"'.. la !hit town.c!We are sorry to lose air, Scott, ee ho Pr,tllli7141 1'), •; -•I•o a flrstclass citizen. --13: a„clM I' :,I,• Iiae^.yazc-'c X:41151” Cl:l The great pain cur). 11 . . stere ly cures rheumatism, EW1lill1 ;1, $i314(, s. bruises, stiitneee, 1 tit t:'moi ,11 every description, tn oter-. it 414.• 1 it cures Croup, c01'Is, Sots) 10 a)at, 11.4.11'0110,1;1 weenie, brow:hiti', /loins , et.) 1';'iee Zee all druggists Tile Center Table. Some 0140 recently has spoken a word itt fervor cf t1.o old time center table, anti. it `arezid indeed he a, good thing cot_1d it be restored. The very presence (f iislsightlump, itsperiedieals and its IA (I.: 1az.Te1ts sociability and delightful it: lase. The *rely opportunity it of- fs: (t i the drawing Up of many chairs 1:0, a Fi'c )1 111CitatiOn, and 1t F'0 peNSesses 1 1 Ile charm that is all its own. What we levet 131 ed 111 Our modern SOeial life 14rt' i1:1e1Tial gatherings IS11(re 001m111t11- ic t:11p (cul be enjoyed without the 1'rqnsatic•n toed the fussatteudant upon a (lima r or it retept':on, And, as the C:1:111' tal)I4• may properly 1)0 Called a /at inctt1• of just M1('h happy homes, it le well were it (lien more given tt pll:cr.---l'hlltdeil ]110, Ledger. 'f •i i,e;,uli.r leliof that th0 sap of t . • , '.(4i: cit v:11 into the roofs inwinter t:gain in the sexing is false. ..._nnFSTOL5""'-'1 .BRISTOL'S: re.) Tr ▪ -It f "" l"'PrlG 74 1.7—P• :5arsa. a rilla and ^ t'; ".`7F+ 63 A T C 0. `' .rte. Z N ,Ll_: The Greatest of all Liver, Stomach and B:ood Meiicines. A SPECIFIC FO) Rheumatism, Gout and Chronic Complaints. They Cleanse and Purify the Bloo.i. All Druggists and General Dealers. R'I-P•A•N•S Thc modern stand- arcl 'arily Medi - common Cures 1 cine �.. es tl e y -day ills ofI::tnanity. GED p � 6l-.,ASe1�: lnrj;fi e,3 J I1440 4'14"0 ''l t t:••1 ^.a'rrin ) 00 - .24 t• 0r r, Itr4•' i 6 : Ct t 1 ,, 141-,1 : -..•v v -1 pl9ant 4•••4;:, + • (.111114aft, • 110115tH,' 1.11 , • r 1 l :a F • • ▪ tl•tr 13mt.t 11 ;. M111,•1.:3".11, i:1r S: -.e.. +i,•c i:.0, •.. .a •-„- 1 1 asp•3'e43*''F3**3 **a>,43s..*;t0k3>t3•+,r?," *30- DL4RRI'U A, .DY'S NITRIY M7ti a•ad:til .830Wart Cetsri'. 41Nr„ .,j A (ire, Safe, Qniek ( twofer these treub:es is tiOT7 is r k4Ay" TM9 �{ G•� i►�3 9 1 11� v;>< o til .7..w (i' :1lt' LSvi;'.i 5Ir t ri'o: Infe2'zally.:......1 ':f:. r0 Sizes, Cramps, Calle, Colds,