HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-04-30, Page 1$z 1 HA VOL. O. 13M & DOW3 • WE SELL CHEAP WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 30,1.89 i Marriage Licenses issued by PitA131C PATERSOL No 23, Vic- Coria a treet,Winghatn, Ont. No witnesses required. MILLINERY.—Now is the time to order your Spring [fat or Bonnet. We can show you all the new novel- ties in Color, Material, Shape and Patterns and we will aim to please you. MPH'S FURNISHIINGS —Our Tailoring Department is steadily in- creasing aid our stock of nick's needs cannot be beaten. All the new things in Ties, Collors and Cuffs, newest shapes in Stiff and Fedoia Hats. BOOTS AND SHOES—This stock is the Finest, Largest, and Cheapest s cid line of Men's in Wtnt,hatn, a ,pe Plough Boots reliable goods. See thein. OUR DRY COODS, STAPLE AND FANCY is without eviception the finest shown to -day in town and the prices all lean yaurway. Special prices at the Grocery counter, Fresh, Pure and Depend- able Goods. Best 25e. Tea in Wing - ham. Pure, clean Maple Syrup liome made at $1 per Imperial gal- • Ion, Goods delivered promptly. HEADS WIN I BUSINESS. Cyr—Tile dense smoke emitted by the blas - ;Will open%rzptsitoryand election mart at ing chimney in Mrs. IIerdsxmLn'e block tend , 730 to740 Dorchester Street, Montreal, on used by John Kerr, caused considerable i May 1st, with stabling for about 100 excitement among the merchants and other ' horses. Auction sales will be held twice a oconpants iu the immediate vicinity on week and private sales every day. They Thursday afternoon last until the cause have the best lite of custom in Canada and was located. The ahem was turned on want horses of all grades for export and but We services of th 1 firetneu were not home trade, Special facilities are given to required. ti/ dispose of their horses to best advantage. Charges moderato. Write them forteroms —'t°'fo hays pleasure in direnting the , and particulars. attention of our readers to the card of J. W. Snell whioh appears in another column. Mr. Snell has opened up a cleaning and dying works on Josephine street, one door south of Geddes' Butcher Shop, where he is prepared to do first class work in that line. Mr. Snell has moved his family into W. Moore's house on Shelter Street. ..-On Tuesday morning the little three year old danghter of Wm. Scott, a fanner living near Clifford, climbed from her little cot into heti with her mother. The little —Tito Gleaners, a trio of temperance ! —Buffalo Bills Wild West and Cengress workers, are o1in �meetings s intla t em- of roughhriders o E the world well notice perance Hall this week. Besides having i tour of Canada during the menthe of June solos, duets, trios awl addresses for their . and July. Stratford is the nearest. paint to program they have an excellent collection i Wingheen that they will touch. of limo light views m,Lking altogether an . interesting evening's entertainment. t T. D. B'tzsell THE 1.../ .0a,/ CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, ONT. We till heads with practical knowledge The loading commermal school in Can - .Ida to day. Nine beattiful college rooms; excellent teachers; moderato rates; students assisted to good positions eujnys splendid reputation for superior work; enter any time. Write for par- ticulars. WE SELL CHEAP. RVIViWTI^ &I- BVE S Do M. GORDON. SOM 9ttTAITi''1 irk.... NEW rf MS WEEK AGAIN. W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal. New Ads. 2,1. II Mclncloo—Carly Closing. John Pelton—Pumps. McKinnon Le Co.—Millinery. f .W. Snell—Wingham Dye Works. LOCAL NEWS. —Campbell's l teadache waters glaran- tee to care headaches. ij�Mr. Stewart McGee is mating into tow 11.16,/ —A load of 2alvatiouists drove over to epe•ial meetings in Brt:asels on 'Tuesday. Hastings—Anderson .011e prophesy made by the TOIns Last tf eek was borne out in every particular by the pleased event which occurred at the residence of Mrs A Anderson, Gienaunan, Wednesday efterno:In when her eldest daughter, Mies Bella, and 31r. J. Hastings, of Oraugeville were united in tho holy bonds of wedlock. The ceremony was per. formed by Rev. Stewart of B'Imore in the presence of about 00 greats, '4'.i $ e one nestled in the arms of the mother kiss. I •en gowaxc&benrene •`ettriteselkatrim ieg her, and almost immediately died. 1 mit earn shit S?teiah lace an The little one bad apparently been in her attendee her sister, ltlise Maga' essed in a own death is a wa. eromin it g alth and her sudden�.1'��S�t�t-�1... usual he� � ,.a great blow te, her parents. and beeewn tweed of ,,\'t'he —We the undersigned merchants hereby sVilitierand Alisaoted byr. Olive, the Ili tl agree to close one respective places of busi• )lir. lames Anderson, Panty nese at 7 o'clock p. m. during each and in nttee; making It��a,� every night of the week excepting Saturday lingtit esu—ihe screed& f r• The bride beginning with Monday May 3, 1807:— received many vLLlnab presents from her M H AlcInrloo, Ilotnnth & Bowels, I) m numerous friends. After the wedding was who f green 0010 was ll;•enlaeter hildren of 1t• also I A YEAR IN ADVANCE PERSONALS. Miss Halliday, of Brussels, is visiting in town. Miss Helen Stewart, of London, is vied- ing friends in town. Mrs. tDr.)Macdonald and Miss Nellie left on Monday for Ottawa. einMr. Naylor, of Essex, spent a few days with itis brother-in-law, S. Graney. Mr, G. McIntyre attended the annual meeting of W. F. M. S. in Hamilton last week. Mists Mattie Wade, wbo has been yisit- ing friends in Toronto for a month leas returned home. Mr, James Andraon , C. P. Be Agent, Pontypool, and Mrs. Anderson were in town this week Gordon, John Galbraith, N A at cp lei - supper the onmt :o rle indulged in the all y „1 i N Boyd, son, W T Sullivan, 3 Geo. Amazy dance till well on In the night, A Jas Duffield, Helsey Park, Geo, Carr, R A number of people from 1Vingham were Graham, G McIntyre. Geo Hanna, ?L9 'Aim- i amongthe meited curets. MacPherson, W H Wallace, O N Griffin. _r - SPRAi'.INc . —Mosera. Yonne aril 7,'.Lulin have a ' t novel and ingenious attraction in the f About 25 farmers assembled at the farm m,is —ilc. ,John Crowe. who has been suffer- window of their hardware store. It eon• , of 13 r, Geo. 3loffutt's 13 lino Turnberty, to ing from an attack of pr.euniouiit was in sista of a man end bicycle .made entirely witness the, sp,ae the( io Operatns in hie town on Wednesc'tLY'le,/ I from articles which they carry in stock, 1 ()mimed as cart icd ou d aier the supervisio„ —The firemen have their bills out an -t The wheels are grindstones, and the pedals 1 of the Cheerio Department of Agriculture. pouncing their annual concert for Tnesda9 griudstone cranLs Tho legs and artrlg of j The object of spr.tying trees et this Boweo 'ening May 4th. , the than consist of eavo piping. The t is to destroy the. tent ua.terpillar, t]i'j be.' —llir. H. A. Halliday, of Toronto, has gentlemen e centerltof sattractioher navalthon h he was i Insect sad fn wife es. The following g solution was used for this pnrpese: Copper beett engaged by Mr. 0. 11nIntyre, while . 1 was not very beautiful. { sulphate 4 lbs; fresh lime 4 lbs; Pars Frock tunnies; tunni•off his stock, l 14 oz ; water 40 gel. This mixture, minus .-Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Sweets went to 1 --A lodge of Inetructimt was held here 'the Paris green, is known as the BOr1lelLtix Tuesday nfternooli sued evening under the 15-Uxtnre. In making this t„ixtore obeeryo Leo ou Saturday last to see their 1 auspices of Wingbam lodge No. 260, A. Ie { the following instrusttons: Suspend the Er I7lE' SS LOCALS Preeb butter aeinisekge et tem% I. un Gnom n% For nnhhy Genies'' latest styles ;,o to Geo Irnisltingc aid the 'art'p. 4-etf Feneti,•ns••--Butter, Jtiieltesqlicerviid at North End Grmet y. f ,y Fnorr —0 re n gee, Iamn„,, ban nate e. pine- apples at dbocoanuts. cheap at reels, WM:LC:i:e. Ste Mcl(elvi'•',i pickles before bryint'. 2 bottles for l.tr oentF, 4.2tf Get your lnnnges covered and our pict- ures framed at Inennem &&- Iierrox's 4-Bitf Extra finality of fn ter t' make , f maple syrup at it; nni•it Ilxn t;nocl;;ww. Bridge castinge and Bridge iron of every deserlptina et Chi Ontart, Iron Werke Misses AI. and 31. Coutts, of Wingbam, 4-etf .1, grimly, 1 eoprietor spent the Easter holidays with relatiyes inWe are showingt'IiC fla,trst novel tfee in Yen --Corrie Vidette. Miss Nellie Cline, of Wingham, spent Goad Friday with friends Isere.—Mra. (ltev.) D. Perrin, of Wingham was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Kneehtel, Harpurhey,last week.-Seaforth Expositor FOOTBALL. Delegates representing the teams of Lis- towel, Attwood, Brussels. l\ roxe er and \Viughatn met in the Council chamber of the Brussels Town Hall on Wednesday evening, April 21st at 8 o'clock for the pur- pose of forining a football leagae for the ensuing season• The league is to be known as the Maitland Football league, The following officers were elected: Zion. Pres , R. B. Hamilton, Attwood; Hon. Vice. Pres., A.. A. Bamford, Listowel; Pres„ A.. P>t'ilin, Wroxeter; Vice -Pres., Chas. .,a Jack- son. .L L. S T �• e, See-Treas., ham's ec Stuart, Wingham; son. Brussels; Committee, Geo. Anderson, Attwood, Rabt. Farrell, Wroxeter; L. S. Jackson, Brussels. A schedule of matches was drawn up in { which eaelt team must play eight matches. Winghatrl pltays es follows; With Listowel, at home, on May tt Brnssele at Brussels ” 15 \Vroxoter " home " 22) Attwood " At home " 20 Wroxeter " Wroxeter June e Listowel " Listowel Attwood " Attwood July23 Brussels " home As will be seen Wingh tint has all matches in first half bat one to be played at home which gives them a decided advantage not only by helping the confidence of the Junior, or first year men, but also by helps little nephew who is lyine daueerously springsnitiitgs, mgrketau.hip tool pIces all right ,Gt ,• �,`,tau, 4-21f ppbsite Qneen's Tlntel. Irela'td ,:• II'ittnii 1' n••ticaI lCarle;tekets. Prices reasonsltrte. 4 16,f —For first -elates tmilcirneg and cheap gents' furnishin•14, ttyt''1Vehctor ,t. Co. Remember the pinee,^itt teet•t•n's hinek. The seed for the five t'enntpa"r been arrived end telly I e gut at Messrs. Xon•eg & Pauline; IILrrlera'•, Stee', 3 tih \\'.tN;'en---E;t'i. ht,tter• ct.n+ d•'iwt ep,.l'i. Why give th 'm to wailers f r 1141i tni•1e? Bring them to G. F. Tong, \Vrrtf;li on, whet get full vale, f 1.• t:•e a. 4-J0'f WANrED—A. gond general servant girl. Apply at this oflic^. Epicure brands »meat at North End Grocery. ea 3 11) hex Jersey North End. Grocer Aef, Epicure re bran .elf m p i le ° and A. M. Venting brothre l ,vete pre nt copper sulphate ie five g•Llioes of water. ing thein financially. Wingham has ih. from Lucl'now, Teeawater, Kincardine. I ;Livia may be stone by putting it in ,L bag of year, materia] for the best team since foot- -Mr. Geo. McNay, of Winnipeg, an old Wroxeter, Tilyth, Brussels, Seafnrth, and 1 coarse ruaterinl. and h tngiug ic, so as to foot—bell t+as first or yiizect in tVingh,tin. resident of �Viughaln, is iu towu this Clinton. Three degrees were exemplified 1 be covered by the water. Slake the lime Show your appreciation of pure, healthy, has sumo east to purchase sheep I by Teesvvatec , Lnckt.ow and \Vingh,aty 1 ill about the same gt,antity of water. Then honorable and scientific sport by your attendance 't the matches home ma Last week it was the latest and best in beautiful seasonable and stylish Dress Goods, Do not fail to see our Dress Goods before giving your order for we lead the trade in high class Dress (Goods at very reasonable prices. S.�s' we desire to call very special atten- tion to our magnificent display of handsome tip -to -date White Goods. BLOUSES, HMI WAISTS, &c. if you cannot sec • in our window display just what you want in style, quality or price step into the store and we wig take pleasure in sho w ing you every line ttinp�stock. y W O and the . t. enoourugoinent thus given may be one of the aiding instruments in bringing the trophy of the Maitland Foot -ball league to Wingbam at the end of the season.—Cox• week, xis for the \Viunipeg market, respectively. Visiting brethren of is enc. mix •the two and add the Iomw vder of the tion in the order were: Past District 4J gallons of water. Warm water will die —The people of Bluevale made a good. II Deputies, Campbell of Listowel, and Mar- ; solve the copper sulphate more readily than turnout to the Cantata on Tuesday even- f tyn of Kincardine. After the meeti g o. !Load water. If the lime is at all dirty, ing and were pleased with it. They know 1 2 fi bad refreshments served to ell p strain the Jima solution. If the lime is Deg god tiling when they hear it. nine the above amount is likely to be suffi• —The Minister of Eduoation hes written t~, to the Public School %selectors, enetteetinu ; tient, It is an easy matter to know how 1 n uviol, lime 18 required by using what is ` LIKE TO BLOW Mr. Alf. Sebastian was taken seriou ly ii Friday morning with heart trouble:Ve are glad to know that he is improving and will be around again in a few stays. —Rev. Dr. Gifford pre/totted the annual About selling goods cheaper tliatl Educational sermons in Kincardine on important event to iia children, The I there is not plenty of lime in yourantzture, Sabbath last, exchanging pulpits with sRev.ub- able, the Iden feint; to make the pin en an d n the test sof lime it turas Cunningham who preached on a like sub. (• of Canada o relation to 1 Tact here that Friday afternoon previoes to Jnt'e u1 termed the ferrocyanide of potassium test. be set apart in the schools for the gresltler• 1 .11ti,, substance can be got at any drug. Alton of such e7ents as the Itr,rn'ess of 1 glens, and very little is required. 'Oaks a science, invention and education, which email bottle (l oz j and get it tilled with a have made Queen Victoria's reign me.nor- saturated solutiou of this compound If xl Socias for 23o at 3.5t£ ate at Onrrt END GIIOCEiY. Get your Mattresses, , pring Beds, Cue tain Poles and Certain Stretchers at, Ion' Lean ctr BUTTON'S. 4-10tf. Choice varieties of imported early seed potatoes, New Queen and Wilson's First Choice at Perim DM:1'S 4.2811 Fleur and Fecal Store Go to Central Restaurant for fresh fruit, iceeream and cream soda. 4.30-tf :Wren MC<\.LriNv', The right man in the right place. Give McAlpine a trial for an up-to-date meal at 15 cents. Special arrangement can be made for board by the week. NEWS NOTES :Ver. A. L. Hardy, of Brantford. will succeedJudgeJones as County Judge of Brant. Mr. Charles Moss, Q. C., has been ap- pointed a Judge of the Ontario Court of Appeal 1 Anclersen'e pri- vato bank at Oakville of $700. At Smith - Get Zour Dog Tag. dogs to have not •11 be summoned yon. Tags can be fel or at John V. 'ANNen>IAN, Chief. All parties ownin secured tags by May to appear before the lied at Town C Wilson's, The Cheapest in the 'County Tbos. Abraham is prepared to half sole Men's boots and sines ea from 40 to 4.5 cents a pair. Ladies shoes equally an cheep. The hest quality of leather used Terms cash. What enables me to cut prines so low is that I have no rent to pay, no debts to settle and I buy my stock for cash. The oldest established shop in town Victoria street. 4.Od LOST. brown.of history theempiA i ted ion ore lime and stir. As soon as the hoax:—On Setrur euy, Alleit lOtk, a black tor- —White 10 Wingham the other day we were much impressed with the clean and .business appearance of the town. The granolithic walks have stood the test of winter well and are a great improvement— N ws•Record. —We regret to learn of the death of John 14icltat unci con . Oalross. wbieli 1� rs.Jo , occurred on Saturday Inst. Deceased was in the prime of life and leaves a husband and large family f young onildren to mourn Iter death. )1„% —On Saturday afternoon next it is ex- pected that tliore will bent, road machine coutest on one of the streets in Wiugltam. Township councils having any notion of purchasing a mac'tire would do well to ixtako a note of Chita aiid be present to see the working. -While manufacturer:;' prices, but we do —Principal A. II. Musgrove was ap- pointed Director of the Public School De• partment tut the recent meeting of the Provincial Teachers' Association held in '.i'oronto.4Ve congratulate air. Musgrove lin hovel a on the high distivatias thus shown by his fellow teachers. is suggested. as a anblert, and i test fails to color to coming to contact caste-cretckois robbed collie bitch, with n short tail anti wearing a trait it f each room be hung with a t with your mixture, it iudicetee there is strap with tag attached. Finder will trait of Her Majesty. sofli••ient lime present to neutralize tete villa the ostodioe safe avaa blown open oblige by leaving word with, e+'f cis of the cnppersulphate. Uso vvootl',l and $100 stolon. 4-111°• D. Srrvrtur r _ , „4. --The Postmaster General has decided ; y,Op OB _ . NT. veaeels in preparing the Bordeaux mixtuee. n r to relax the regulations on tits eu.tject of 1 green is added to the Bordeaux Mix- At the nanvooation of the facility of I Peek 6 nideperof private to post c r the faceor between n j b dinsecticidevooati•tLYaive he lust night HOIIBE ro Rx t In ower 4Vingh�in 'd of pricato poet cards passing bsttveel. i t t nrylci to �Li J \V I. tars go as to forth a tom Inc , theology in • borster's portrait of the ! Terms easy. Ap o ] int another in , • • e •• tined w, telt • . � . de, to printing designs etc., provided TI C nista given in the Presbyterian Thr�olParres o' partisanship at ne»'� II A!hert street apply to this+alli • or t'1 fetor ole s ane is ]eft for the address, ant' i p 1 'h . in the No place ob.. et c e t l t Mr.H. A.:Massey was unveiled '' arch l Iiesdttyevening by a company of lest of duty as;a!nst Captain 1 u•br,eran I,lt!ay, Wingli:tttt or t\'hitecl u ch P. U. let° jeo 11 tl fore its the future be 4-00. D. M. Ctoni/pv. out, I DA.NISiL 4 110055 To at t r —I' Pattirt tlwelling nn ma azo o that there b,' eftf for alcor apace, free : f fent cr Seeger at Uwon Flossie Mu from horsier, left the poctace stamp. Miesie:.1 Instructor, Witt neeirindly rimose;, Il before flomm eat cruiser otr 1 was Saturday ht • wanting fresh 4.10c nIL �i.1 r any parties shou'td apply to, It, r I„ . Private past cauls aro considered a good D. x TtlI tehatn advertising iteedium, and thoet.. 1ritaLilCSn tree ab)rlfilled�ttidtt 111 u ell tltlla,elll iJ to Sound on yaturc try ntfi on has con b)aalt mon who ere not nein;; them, should do so fort tear—Two years old, sonud, y e lotions are broadened. eujay the progeetti t•t !th' nreneetti .... anti 1 vi Judge hider odelamii chordae with 1 build. 4 3titf '1'. Ii. toss. now that {here„u soloistsii. were .Misses Cll Clue; by the ifothoclist elessre. Behinson, Fee Antherrrn,-nitivan, c conducting a loots o4 Arta moiling tickete Boat attd Boat-hauso for sate, cheap. --The by Major or g'vou in I.It nitre at this Oftleoe chinch lln.jnt Rrlhoof of the B"Thursday Thurs,t:t. - (Mel eTtri,i snug hp eitxjtvoung la.:i_e was rMentr nl. AOntlappeal will betakes], j 9 , tee T'oree c n L l l y� (Melee; l t, 111,11 land lett, ii1erl Pol ,. , 1U ac a , o, v and Friday evenings of last wok were ex- i exeeeuliegly sweet au 1 Well rtinde••t'd. cee._ • interesting. On the latter even- 1 choruses were indeed tool stint 11;if ills;} netted n 1.owry of mitten was to coin- ing in gclu s lPAM. q his tory of was on the Jamescet front ' (ar1-i Vise an t it (venom ;e1 wit i ' t;- Boers was traced from t"..;Leri W Fisher an,l vtr ,1'r,l:;u am ur}, mists. Rr to it�laA street collision. or tearing The nord The earliest of Cho Boe pee down earliest settlemet in South Ap trt The poop•, 11g 1' A, ,l' al t' of theLGe e:eta .I lady presented him with the remains of r pert L the . 0 1; affair; Li 1 down to the unfortunate pieof , e tet , adee of the inn evy of ; the garment taken by tho people of Johaunr: b t •t_- • ! ;, : t ;, , ,1;, : i at '1 tet i I'lhtr 1 CR�.CK;3It2RN AT WORII C. W. Andersons & Son's Private batik was burglarized Monday night and $700 in Bank of Ilatniltort bills t t • i•, 1 tit , I taken. The burglars forced their We had .laced on our desk at Satur- inviting Jatneeton to their afietstn t �e,ltaikt ' ty tet c f Ch1' t..%11 ri.t c Several disasters are reported as A i p „ entrance through the rear door, blew* a root of Alfala Clover which ineasur- 1 then in cowardly K deserting him 1 steamer loeclale went on the open the eater door et the vault, day .. __.,. We ,,.,•„ not ar.. in termsavitll I{ru�erwas told, The \Into•• Before the siuwiap; of the Dox:•iltt,ty, Rev. i ra:Iuit of Cho storm on the int. awrence g and s that there will novarbe peace in list .,1)r. Gifford exlne,aul iia t�P \Irt'i(`liut soil Tim ear Rock 'Wand light and ltnclek- where very valuable documents thinks f r t1 l ff t ea ao x. in --o--- assure you that we will not be un- (painted with this variety of cloverpllaving dersold by any house in the trade, neer seem any of it resit that it musbut wo t theymayJudge i The pretences a powers. T 1 F 1• what d winteun p no mate P possess goo litttakc. epeoimen shown ns was grown by Mr. Wm 1 indlater. We were shown a very beautifulphoto of New Denver, 13.0e by Mrs. Thos, Lind. The picture Is a large one and shows the lake on whioh the town ie built and the mountains back from the town in which aro located some of the most valuable ,nines, Liss, Lind is naturally muni in. terested in the place having two sons there, ..-Miss 1ticighinney. who has been choir • ' li1 s Presbyterian churcli here, leaver to -day for j71.: fC�•, ler home in Toronto. Bee carries with EVERY DEP ARMENT zatertzzzzj jctmimecz with, th,e best prC'- ducts a, the 7mczny 2amc s ct7 p 'zuces fav o7'c! Ze to the leader for the part two years 1 th her the good wishes eta large circle of friends � <�•� who will mire lite eery much socially. Sho . 9. y,1UL is an accompllttlteci musician and was always reedy mad willing to aeaist in every Direct X n'porter. good oaken.••-OUflt00 News-Rt•rord, u country until there has been war and they ; the chore ettt of the c•, Lri n"'Pleb iut eteec• eti a hole in her hull, Tee M. T. Com- were kept, and then blew spelt a. )al to pen. imisunderstanding oeatrred where tit, cash wasdeposited, w which aro taught to respect English power an l rs t rrcn heavily. English rule. septation of iib teal htetory n sit t an q the a tot•I, r u , lent pl• only go . II„ felt tritiai.irtd, he situ], pony'„ barges also suffered eavt y. bauble compartment giant safe anti only tin,1 c•In1t1 resins f,' tl 1 ` user nttduudarst d g i' 1 —One of the most bare -faced frau:l4 travelling through Western Ontario nt the present time, is styled "The Canada Ben - her Company" says the Neave Ilecor,l. The "convexly," comprised of two, is a men and widow. They visit the towns I and secure the good will of prominent 1 hotel men, solicit advertising which 151 almost valnolees and for which a good 1 price is paid; and thea swindle the printer. The women does most of the canvassing • And eolleetirg tend has lots of cheek for the bnefeess. In Clinton she lead several names-••Mre. Beestolle, Mtn. Mittman, and probably other names. They sero ; MVO in Godorich. She is a lour set woman of n pleasing manner, and good addreee; the mats is taller with short grey betted. Zxehant(es would do wall to pass the frauds along. ittr..'ivc form as It•ul been done by the nt Dr. McCarthy's residence, Barrie. was secured. She vault tt very pondering of that b^:Ln:iful and teaching ; Burglars broke into the house, and Chi sella. one, was pretty well shattered. Cautmmta,. lte ,hnu;ht the chriuti.tu people 1 aloetor. mistaking one o of the town Chinon do more to eneonragcunit, asked him to light a match. The The papers and documents are all. that kind of work, rte 1,,,t always, sine(' 1 burglar complied, mistaking the voice right. t n lvo tenet the hetet of for thin of hie companion. Unf©rtund- Rev. Mt'. Craig's bay mare and i recreation g , ing and c'eveting intinencrs. He had glare loft suatIonly. • ttOttlin<tf tit awn, t more of drat• loin 1 or a ntertainm, nt and atciy the denier tailed to get a gob covered phaeton,disappcarecl through whish carried tvitllt theta retia• I view Of his vieltor'S face, and the bur- the night, aeton, Civ taken th thein pleasure itt tanning that a vote of thanks I3ttt'glat•s repeated their visit of 1 •1' I the young people last summer to this village and effect- ed an entrance to the post oiliee this time tiolnpletaly demolishing the safe door white successfully resisted. tlt `efforts last time.. They got: about $1011 in money. No stamps cr I registered letters were taken. be tendered A r, (Thee and t, for the eXcell,ent entertainment they heel Provided. proved orev. , Agan o •n of whit Dr. Gifford hail said and Scrofula often shows itself in early life s hail much plecLanro i'1 secnhdin}; the n'tnti )11 , audigcit:Lracterized by swellings, abscesses, Rev. Men 014. 11.111. 11 a„•t•aa•e, anti Weal, of bill diseases, etc. Chien ptis ofon sirofula Bluevele.in short s)'ecites endorsed the of the lungs. In tis unquestionablyfdes the 1'tltbnta Of the is ohilton which was tut- Scott's I'atnulsiott SMOn i medicine. 'bl a b laced ! reliable attitunnsly al,trried, most tt I' • i. t•c•' 1 ills ap• I The Children's Enemy. I i