HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-04-23, Page 7bearing the full ti Ade mark, _"Dr, Williams' T'iuk Pill:! for Pale People." Protect yourself from imposition by refusing any pill that does not bear the registered trade mark around the box. Linseed and'l'urpentine is not only a popular remedy, but the best I,now n to meshesl science for the ti et: l+•rt of ncrtouel membranes of respiratory ol;,nxn +1 A 47 H cum;,utlndcrl this valuable � . CLL ''Li syrup so as to talcs Levey the unpktt e uht Geste of the turpt7•cinc, and thecae. it ',els the 1)octer'S last and greatest rens ••'.y, and. woe, o r.f it is old in Canada than all °leer toe •1r u,t:ekancs (enabled. A Banter's Experience a:3:30 teirteA'1CR Ni INTENDS ro , Ul41-t FLILY ;monoo "1 t led :+ t til • of :r)r. ilf+n,+r' 6 •ti'TM 1 r, of Z•,..x•,.1 rt • T•, n, r, J.r.• fur a troublesome atf ,r,r• or the tb st.'•'viiu•s ManagerThonlas Dews, steel the iia„•d r t ii ,•,k,now•of 1-4 Melbourne cveun••; r„tvn t, 1 :•r •v, d chert ye, I regard the rt n• d, a 5.,, ,•'+•, amA., 41.a exceedingly good. It ira• 1. u+, to bee , n1-= habit to c •nsnit a physician is rr '1-k f 1'ii<n•i•n ”. II•.reaft r, however, I i.it::••, Lobe uy a. "et 1-,.....:y deet.r.' iV AS SLOWLY DYING. THE RESUV.R OF ATT ATTACK OF LA GR1 P'PE AND,P14 EU - 15.0 ] I.E, THE WIN (x llAA TIMES, APRIL 23,1 s97. oat upon the half. This Is a hard lens A. Healed Herald TIIIN)emmumnism I& 141ICN UT T1114 LOWER IIEOIONS, tlur rltoerAree. eot)T1I Amen -nets .t _• 11.AFt, !AV 3IQ s)EN1 I. L coin 1-J l J t •4tA'1•it: (t A 1 IEP t, • Henry Humphreys, East London. Bends his unsoliotle(1 testimony ; "1 was seized with pltiuful rheumatism in my left toot. I coulc not rest with It slay or night, the pain Was so. intense. 1 tried twiny remedies, but they had no more .z effect on Isle than tenter an a duck's back I was persuaded to try South American Rheumatic Cure. 1 toll ,wed the direc- tions oloaely and in ti very short time this wonderful retnedy affected a com- piete cure, and there has t.ot been the nlightest hint of a return of the disease. r ht t n delight I d erred and g ftiBasure remedy „ herald the goodness ell over the land• Sold at Chisholtn's Drug Store. Title STRANGE. CASE OF MR, JAUCEs Old i:v,, Ol+' JUfT1IVILLE — DOCTORS TOLD DIM TI XS LUNGS WERE AFFECT- ED AND ill; COULD NOT RECOVER— SOW I1 GO:)r) LTE11'TFI. From The Sherenhe G tette, When a iu:,tt (':tees what ire�licel !alai orities tell hire is certain death. ;and regains health and strength, he is naturally ;:reteful to the medicine that t estcred I,in1. Such a man is Mr. James Olsen, one of the hest llino\\n farmers in the vicinity of' John'ille, Que. Mr. Owen tells his 'story l i sha'tCt•t;,t health and renew ed tar:tlglh NS fellows :—"On the 17111 of Dt ec'i er 1894, 1 wam attacked with La Grippe. A week ntomauh,and cures dyepepatn, hilt later the trtauble developed into I new, bad blood, sick headache. etc. One pneumonia it, its worst forth, and I • :mut a dose and every dose helps to cure. did not leave 1u bed until the first) that of Meech, 13', e and then I was so leCak that 1 was unable to walk alone. All winter my life bung in ticket office. 'the balance. Summer came, and I I Somebody outside told him that of our crops, but they must be was still weak end feeble, though ! present in sufficient' quantities or .with the my u were •t scalper p ,tillto grow properly. If little strep on t() learn. U Yo J Is there some crop to which }our- T' IUMV S self or yam' farm is well adapted, a I w cheaper or * dF* crap woe von can grow Electrifying Resells of His Hew better, or which you can soil to better advantage than yoar neigh- bors can ? It there is such a crop it is your best bold. Sticl. to It through thick and thin. * r , Manner Mary �o d January or li'ebrunry? i in the Most M WHQ KNOWS? le when the yellow „ututnn time ie Dere, Each tree end ebrule not dbubttul o! the sprint;, Puts forth new buds Whose hope the wituing year 1 Rae not the bower into fail lee!' to brin xe- Ia a 1 so wo who sadly tread life's dewnwerd Alone, t `' Ck,ili blooded, feeble limb4;l tinct boat t.nd. System 0id�Cln I Cray' Put forth, while passing, each his bud of hope Viet we may mine nguin to ,'otttlx and Atey. to Thi, The !; Lire i •a : sin. ,� obi! 1 k•, p �q p /. ,r,.; An , kirk! Ih 1 t ewes U U yl, �. Ee` a�,' !K '�" � � ',p Fl}••kes off the frost] fetters it luoi worn, V M ! vM W' f. F\- . 'Unfold 'rcioicing 11g in a from rithengnewborndreamr c. Lull the ecu, i end prophesy 1- 4 y t o Skl -J. feI,?catou ;:4; cloy come n,eTho Quilting ricee" Did you prepare the summer's iii stove woo in nnul)t F 1 , Ti d it now b all means. Is all fly 11LIUyOli s F0•Illt£O;lat c the machinery in order ? There J'1 hour's dila~' \viten Remedies should not be i l U i So t r spring work opens. ,�O many ; things eau be done now which must EVERY DRIVAI,3t' HAS t be Clone sooneror 1 { THE PAPER'S VALEDICTORY. I A erareweil" issue That need I,1ko eu Oracle to survivors, later, Several years ago 1 was the Omaha * * Mr. 11. A. cliusou, ;`�1c int I3ridgas,,Rcplblican's correspondent in Lincoln, 1ScU. the state capital, when the paper country si edify Ont,, says : "i d.luir,r.,d with many t oliau�„cl !!seely. The Iue\v prnpllcturllad The forests of out c ( y €, „ toit than the mere j doctors and used t ti years 41- for remedies du r• ; much more . ing the tit sixteen tars for ueur 1 ri t a policy in two words, "Reduce sale - Will b * converting 1 P y 1 1 grid u1 iic5'” 111 a few months ho was himself 5a Will Strike Back The people of the United States AM beginning to learn that they cannot shut their ports against foreign goods without danger finding at least some foreign ports shut against them in return. A despateh to the New York Herald from Washington says the German Italian and Dutch Ministers have lodged protests against the measure proposced under the Dingley tariff bill. The German ambassador has Said, in so many words, that if the bill passes in its present form, Ger- any will retaliate. France has al- ready taken steps in the same direction. A taeritf league may be formed against the United States if the pleasure now before the Senate becomes law. le' n. Inv ue ,1-•l 0 money I ,•J d i in he couldn't accumulation It brat t ( , 1 able lumber. 1 d iti wav to env s•onaot,. I reduced to the poit:t where the trees into nlet chat t !Wally vrollce Their to the "could net rat relief u mil I tree 1 xt&uu- I pay any salary. Ile aSl:ed 2110 to come to recti n of destruction may lead1, Omaha and take the etlun'a1lhip at lbo of forestryyou'•a Neural„ul C'trt,. i w, 13 'Wei of as reporter. Ho with on tr a department uured ins three salary1\waas receivingt that wuudt,rhtl routed./ 5 with control over all tteei;reniaining' (months ague toad 1 haae had no return of would cut my salary in two if 1remain- Rich and Bei. Rich red blogd means strong vigorous health. Bu rdock Blood Bitters enriches the blood, stroaethens the system, regu- lates the bowels, livor, kidneys and So mote it be. I the pains, * * *I 111tinyon's Rheumatism Core seldom o, comes in act 11 feat pro- fails to lelteve 10 ane 10 1- 4reOchuttre and Daityaf c g Duret; in 1v few days. Price 2). motet of economy In marketing Dlunyun'a Uys;,at,six ljUl'e (Yua111veIy products, for the condensing of bulky t sures all forms of images. lou floe stoat - products far shipment is necessary to I Itch trouble. Pritra• 2at,. pr. Sortation is one of Munyou s Cold Lure prevents peen,. along somehow, Hurl ti:en the cp..l(tcr success. Transportation Lemic and l,, Puke( 014 1. cunt In 1: few went into retirement The Republican. the massive greatest burdens, and hours Prins, grit • had tllo Associated Press franchise.. and , sto s (0oglis, c and mlatellda\LOTTl1,.,N0,0O0. massive crops have a small value , lilnnyou s , t)oah Cllre n I had p -es sea a comparatively. 1 ni, ht sweats, nilil}•A eoreee$s.:Lnt'1 epee II It ltsd about 8,000 phi subscribers. I F .* * 1 ly heals the 1unuts. Price, 'elle. had tried to getsomehoc:y LO buy it, and, The farmer should know fru' better I munyon's Kidney (lure epeeibly (sures•in the hope that somebatiy \S !nide we than the agent what his farm needs ! forms iof ,110 back. .!leans oins or uroiusprice 2Jt'14d ail contiuttecl to get the paper cut. At last in the way of plant food, however ;viunynn's HP:tt1,nP::. LPr scups head thtpi lers4announcedy Ihat heycweelld well informed the agent may be. nuke in three Pilo on Pile ()lute+'1-t ie. hl►itrely them to work that night, prevailed they' Thefarmer mut know for himself � II f' f n►PQ pru•P .,at, agreed to help get on cd in Lincoln. 1 arr•e ter! relnetantly.. It was only a question ref a few weeks when the paper \wc,nlcl haws to suspeud, and there was little honor or profit b. guidingthe wreck. - For three weeks we managed to get uuuii1141 1 uM L c u1- ►4w . 111unyun s t o '' ). t o farewell issue. iLl'I cures a ortnq of and there is no escape. It is a lesson, Mniivialts Bevel tears eradicates all It was a unique (specimen. For weeks which no one else can learn for impurities er the 6'0(4 Pritte. `'25o. Mr. Rcse\eater, the proprietor of The him 1 �Junyon's 1' 0104 tel F„etueclu's are a Bee, and Mr. Hitchcock, the proprietor ;h ,I ,F boon to all women. of The World -Herald, had beer. evaitiug Moo; nn'S Asthma Remedies rrifPve to for The Republican's demise -with eager A farmer's prosperity Can be minutes:.nd cure pr'11Uancntly. Price. expectation. They knew wo had Lcc11 pretty accurately told by hismannerh' gl. to of caring for the tools with which he I 1,3un1'nt}'s (`aturrnhUe�eln priuP 2i^•�� pari es•,tAancgi 1 paper i;ivu them: works; and, again how many need_ i eradran.'etit K the disease from the system, a Kelm_ vicissi- less fences he (night remove altoget 1 and the Catarrh ' eelets--prlr,e • ,:••— In au editorial rt 0411' loglheubiieall her. The growing Seal city oftintber t cleanse and I)'r,1 1h, parte. tnciefi through which rtainly leads t0 a Closer considers- Mnnyoe's Norse Uwe 15 it a'on,lt•rfttd ' had pereed I said that at 1au the. pa- ce nerve Gonda., Prtt'...S,s. per's troubles had cents to an enc(, `old tion of the fence question. I alunvon's Vitalizer restores lost vinc,i thcyhad. ler scare v;ccLs, the editorial * " t Price yl.C11t On to say, the future o, 'Lhc. Re - Price fieparsts a os lv 1u. a ial:easP. Al�t lublicauhad bceuproblemtttic, but now alldruggists,l rete 1 ?:m:.1 1'tll. I Personal lettrr4 tri Pr, if. elnnvnn, 1� the suspensein store for the paper, anci•tly \ve Albert St., 'Potent.o, answered vvlth what wt't free median' advice fur env disease. be rivalries sand enneyauces,clbutujitor The Republican all that was past, and 1 What made to tourist have two The three forms of plant food— policemen come in here with bile? nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash sakes! the proprietor of the cut-rate i —really form only a small portion arm weather t ;Life(+d t `go ' eros failhetv.faIrnorsC:,n >tlf,ntl to il0 t"' lt�as. 'however, but ;elle or two, or all of them, are • miss• terested in +4nv business het their own i I learned afterward. that there \•pas strength, I h4ul Who has moved . power legs, ani! 1 i Caller—rhe lady lug, we must call our land poor. If 0u hues sit'•pia+ manly ;I, inv::-r. I coustcr}raairnl in The Bee and \1"(1-:(I a< I herald civ:: (s the nest (ley end that. it pisco it whelp 1-t \Li I be cafe'. te,t In nest door' to you seems t0 have all 1 kinds of clothes. 1 Constant vigiliance is absolutely draw a ;,lir future -t• witllonsafe. land was act t.t.iil LT scecmu night, when a—PGs, bat slip wears too essential to SUCCCss in the orehal'd. fear much attention ; (1r it t- pi*'llhi0 1 everybody lmcw the tad l:epnblicun held Ilustes gene uvctcr, tllrt c ;1-r Cv)a'c ;:ur;u'ics imany kinds s1- a time. --Detroit Insects attack foliage, bark, root and it can 1-)C eml,l:n art in u),Ikinl; the News. fruit. When the orchard relaxes his !farm better and more productive. I wopTe1C•—'etv _cl;> ilial! and ---d----" - watchfulness he is surprised to find —mr� Greatest in the World his enemies have taken advantage of s• , t him and done irrepareble injury to t For a cold in. I t Loran 1:•. Adatlis, Deep Brook, N. S•, i • sa)s: •`1 have Whet( Norway Pine Syrup some tree or plant. with "rand results. I had a verybad cougl, for five weeks and could g _.- relief, flat after Lakin,; one bottle of. I r i book atFiu;tetl WO I.0 a long tame. but S I e't:s entirely cur-, WAS TIRED now f oro fres from the;l4. thanks to tut • ead Oh THE Great Offer) OF •1° Free London The Press cntl' The a ren Press, desiring to },t > ,C increase 114 subscription list. make, the (~ following great offer to tllo farmers and stockulu,i of Canada whereby bulb- Press Will gc 1 n 0 • '0 4'eo ;l z e t_\ • hexa y seri One Year's Paper Free. The Free Press has made arrange, }ncnt,; with the Vc•terieery ''clause G Publishing Co. for a number of copies of their book.. "The Veterinary t,elcnec+." This n1- ., i Thi b which is $2•a( • 4 [1„• price of • rJ,•C Anatomy, 1i�:cas1l3 and language a•1 ;wnxr;tic Animals and Poultry, . at;o taint ,ruin1 41 £all d°scriptiouof Medicine .1 and Receipts so that every farmer can _,t b his v torinary very little in my A SplendidMedicine the t::ce apply to the D^Iter Sum.—I hops that this letter I a piece cf cotteet vet.;ippll a mix - 1 leo of some IISO to those who e;nffer gum1 `from headauhe and have not yet heard ture ct laudanum m tto • 11Th ne , nsinof 13 B. F. Hea=ler:he and pain in the two pests cam- phor. For threatened ivfdrinm tion cf the stomach take half a loaf cf stale bread, wet with hot water, and spri11kle thick- ly with ground ginger. Apply to rho stomach while -waiting for the doctor's visit. Fe: a cold on the chest there is no better specific fcr most persens than well boiled er roasted onion, both for a cough end for the clogging of the bronchial tubes, which is usually the cause c1- the cough. If eaten freely at the onset of a cold, they will break up even a 3el•ious attack. How to Breathe.—A11 children should be taught to breathe through the nose and to keep the mouth tightly closed. Many disease germs enter through the open mouth, while, if the mouth is kept closed, tate air becomes purified while passing through the long, moist passages turd tempered for tho lungs.—Philadel- phis Record. u , , own e 3.00 $2.00 E The Weekly Free Press aur1. Karn) C and Itornofor oneyear tpriec $l.11ul npd ▪ •t golly of the Votelinatg• Science (price 2 (al). !loth vei11 be mauled to any ad- d 140 iiiir 1Iineie recilutof TWo a eltnilot • +from 1-.0 cuntinlin tbiseftor iudoanitol3. Our ()eject in making it now is to secure un immediate response which a less ▪ lilt rel offer night fail to attract. Ito - member, by sending $2.00 for the book 4 lee' mand Homo ONE YEAly R FREE.ess wanted everyWllero Address C ,til couunnnications to 1-110 Free Press Printing Co., London, Ont. ai?ii wvil)1F9li YTITTIM1111/1i ITYM11fl1Y1TVG Norway Pine Syrup n vv 1 rd. It id the greatest cough medicine ia' SHE ALWAYS se of one bottle Rod a half of fiurdoea 1 the world. These lines of American origindltuu i Bitters. I in p II 0 4 splendid. medicine and written nearly twenty years ago i and I reu,4ntuen 1 it to all sufferers from Farm Rotes). I have started on a flesh round through , bendaub � r painJAN vic�lr.(the ac hack. r�lmunte, (felt could not ride a toile in :t buggy c rpielchances hfn. i' '•'o make do mit 3311 money by t doniTmestin answer t in a cot respon- owing 1 pain thcv • Wined me. ..p((1- ) The dent's request. r from your O1v17 r� to ail `' and away i l'eg'ion.o1- Full Tet. My lungs ciao troubled me i tiara lies a poor woman who always was The world is by no means full up yet. raised a great deal of matter. I then ;same opportunity exists right where tirotl, Queenslandwo has still au arca of ll u ye ,,':the lived inn house where help eves not .population a. about 0450,- help 0,- consuitt dthe hest ntovinee.rty c IleJtol i found oillyl a thousand milesin 1 hired, 000 acres to a pop 1-! ' fun of the 1 }Her last *orde on earth were: "Deer ; 000 people Its government. has lately this 51 c, er as w me C8l4(lIdl.1 that I was past medical i been offering more tempting colu(liti.vll l He 6tti(1 that my iet't lung 1 There 19 no fords, plainer ultivatlea wheat t To whereoh aro 10 going cooking, no washing to settlers, who may now hold conditions he p nor sewing; land for 20 years ata rental of thrc r p was iu 11- state of Golbtl,ae, and than t yon cannot afford to The onlywise myinary ri••I,t Inttzr was also affected.' for ail average Crop, r But •eyorvt.hin'� there is enact to toy t per acro, while "scrub land” May he se - 1 I This was in .1uty 1tlt3a. For the next � thing to do,. evidently, is to fit your tvishe9, l3U ears :it all average 841113 per Tl day seemed 1-0 land to proclace all exceptional crop. For whore they dr.n't oat, there's no i leeteilimareasuptolU,000arresalldhc•lc Hirst n e lien t \(11,1 Ltd. This will eerfaiinly, pity, a'id' it can washing up dishes, for y • ; t,(tt t (r and nearer the e 11 111 be where .loud anthems veil! always ' acre oou;;ht much less good. mews furan a tlnau (list\\ is t be T,i11L in�r: I Was "fir t:± (toll f,,' breath at tunes he done. But bnv)C no voice, I'll get quit of the I struggling fora bate living in the 1410(11- 1 er country. Of r nurse the climatic con - that 1 omit' not walk any distance methods. When the DOn t m011ru for tee new -don't mourn 1 ditiotls in ninny portions of the colon? William stOepi up; to rfgain it. In Lite 1 \l e hardly realize how few farmers �u=nRln+; I aro trying, but so they are in western fvr ire sorer, lnontls t f ;4`cnrlttbrt I began It take, excel t�n pcoducts of our farmers Dila going to do nothing for over and Dr. Wiithinn.:' 1'•tile Tillie. „ I Australia, which at the present (1111(! ii adding i6U Per to its cut time i eertelt l: 1-1 1-r„ hail liege end I admit I a111l1Cich thetbe bet ecble tof feed eat '� The�eootzing, washing and sewing i• and the revenue of which has been In- a 61 w C it from IC outstripping 101 fennel's 1-t. • •fi f fr Ir of g tt' 1 I1 c1 ft benlu rate, 1:11, o t n 15 n1- l nearlyit I did u,,1-. tet I:. c o le 1 are obselete now, of , creasing (hent, l u1- 1-..r them t athet• to please bast four times as many p • pcalculations of its treasurer. But this w do so, I , we. now feed 1 women are ,just AS tired as ever,v and t be only tr mpcll:try, clic! it play be a fell t:tl tvi t, t, _.t (1 n1-( iH the plaint will here to be revised may 71-111. •1 incl will be the home o:f believe 1 \\::- rill pi it c (t when I found 1 something like this perhaps: that t, : L ;n r n.c, for 1 thought If ewe will rotate Itrcl lvee.:' otI t. vales s was. mullions of our fellow countrym en after they eters h, :1 {, but 11 .. r Here hes a poor woman wh 1 the golds!! age in the west of the colo - I \\ 11 Jeger(1-1 i l r lid (,i` medicine, grass of out. !sect in wi lov r r andvial golconden 133 passed tttaf sok - con Intl 1-t:(= I h + 4 D id. and 1 t lacily � all Life time, 0won j busy: her diizy miuster Gazette. CUntiltne tin i,' u:•r, The result l f � ttbletto llS !than' more ehJi b 1-1 retOfOfC I she ltvPd under pressl}i•o that renders whole 0f it Let re•Sae belongedBrBrowning t(1- ton clubs and read Ancient Wills. they have made a o (11 lean ofre I foulelroguing by en c have as a pati(? about nlr, id. breath •don! upon tutu!\old ways len there! Sliolrecd at luuchevns tad teas, nod' The antiquity of legal methods iA comes as freely as it ever slid, and I not stick to I tvvltld vote if she might : curiously illustrated by the recent dis- cls strong mid vigorous, 11'ly 1 aro better ones. She served on school boards with coiir- i cowry of 1-h( oldest will extant. This can be !trier. sltnit►ted tip t out I ago and zeal. t at1'iquc' document was uneetth(:cl by Case CaSome men are slow to id 1 , Si a golfed told Ilodaked and 1 Professor Petrie at IZaI , i;yl in a few Words, Tar. briefly. Pinl:l Pills 'r • r: :'. e'44 fee a new lease of life and I am glad to let 'everybody know it, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create new blood, build up the nerves, and thus drive disease from the system. In hundreds of cases they 11aYe cured after all other inedieineci had failed thus; establishing 4l c e •,int that they but \viten they once' g thoroughbred blood its like the bulldog„, never 14 get a bet'.el+ hold. Wh there will be in this dir the next generation! * * Cheap lands are it own large farms -'-'too' are a marvel ant ' ; 11.0 triitl cpl geon- l • g i t ofwthe yield do a tedern medical 901f"'"'''. uJne Pink rills ;l• e Id only in bo:ceS profit, if the labor and Pods! On it ,lam Y ) , hold of ' \vho°I. 1 is at least 4,000 years old. In its phrtt- Ocl:, they, • 5{ao rend Tolstoi enc! Ibsen, tams, m,Y { neology the will is singularly modern in i crohes by Hume, bo ()stride I Approt•ed of me."rte was "Deemer I form, and it is said that it might be ad• 1-L • witted to probate today. tion duringi,•ld Deme Her children went le for the top eduea� The llntateur Nertorinancc. tion. y 1 natural in the sleep- 'tilled ill Spain. x11(1 Italy 501n0 (11110 ' Herb usband wont seaward, for nervous • s prostration. to ' One day on her tablets she found an 1 theI hour free. rice The book was too great. and she died �..el- cts T 9 •;' A 3 .1 A 7 'T� f .ie. I, ;l~ LO f I D io fTi•iL••tr*,-,o �/ s YeETES: �'a••••- _......, ;, rAo3T F2�alA:'T ......-= MOST PEFRESH1`lc ^L,,•. AND ENDURING Ore ALL a PERFU LES FOR THE���'., FIANOKEReNI4F, • To:LET o7:?' ��ATFI. 1' L lifiP!SI $, PERE n1E. fl GE EFilL DE 1LE1S. Tool: Out the Starch. 'William E. Curtis, the newspaper correspondent, tells the following story of a Washington colored woman: "The wife of a naval officer in this city, whose husband has just returned from a long cruise, is fixing up her home here mud sent her lace curtains to a colored woman to be 'done up.' Tho `washlady' returned them on the day agreed upon, but apologized because they were so 'linpsey',and offered to do them over again if she were allowed a few days' time. `I had 'em jus' as stiff as you like, honey,' she remarked to the naval officer'S wife, 'but my husband's niece by his fast wife died ins' ate the time I got 'em ironed, and uuthlu'll take the in a house." R.•I•P•A•N•S The modern stand.- 1 arc! Family l,�cd:- 1 cine ; Curesthe 1 common every -day ills of h Inanity. 1;,^ctc:.9e:xN, yacc �ltelxc, Kt£:1I le. L o �Ls. `drtar z7rtc n n1r1S, Q ria•-. tit the Mac, etc. ¢7 r:omruy Twt:evet arra Lured kl s The `� 13 01-1 el 'Rating uerd tmrr D.I&7. enht' t' ,t•1 .? euro 41418 In t), f Ir Po 1 4. . • 1-r. , ,nn u+ C� in 41- U r D• ,s;,besitai t; . �•j latneap 1-.—k. al'ulS •K, ruL Lcwti',.u,`Oat.' ,c Price 21e. (i `CaJ DAVIS & LAWREVCF, Cf,, is --'. t� 1'ro2rielors, ,fot:TBS.: coutpuu� y�m>➢ wR.sa> � sac 1-+a , sin dice. s Cranny mets'.) d 5.1f0 Itenxedy in lli her. lout of things so much as a corpse every ease Another trial was given her. _ .. • : ' r Thi ; true statement and it caret he Made w Coxks for L'ottles were first anufac A Euro an kiwi of Bowe Compltuntis and every itr 3 5 a int - o strong or too emphatic. dttr• It is n simple, safe and quick cure for Cramps, Cough, Ytlxoumatiam; Colic, Colds, l.`tcurnlgln, OA' 7Jlarrlwea, Croup, "toothache. TWO SIZES, 25e. and 50c,. Gnaptation age for most c ble the net I instantly. The American. t expense laid She. ane t she na 1 Ing steno? ing the fourteenth century. Corkscrews ('r. She couldn't were eontemporaueotts with corks. ' e,� Her husband . �' y have been mime natural uulesS elle suer- ed.—Rrool:lyit %ifs. The ence in Dc ma1'k is t\ e capital, Copefortress of nhagen. Hagen. I '