HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-04-23, Page 6`I 1I 1{ W I G11A111 TIMES APRIL 23, 1507,
cZdintilmi gimes
i~'`.1tIDa1.Y, APRIL rte, 107
ED Nt)Tb;h.
IT will be received with general
satisfaction that the legislature, in
the supplementary estimates have
plated tt sun towards establishing
Normal Seho:ll i:1 London. As has
been shr)w:t barrow through the cul'
ums of the 'nun; :l Normal School in
Western Outario was badly needed
and this step ut' the legislature is in
the right direction,
IT is little wonder .that Dr. rl'rlidel
The Liberal ;':tlhdidalte in the Caln-
•q align iiz t 1; scutes met with defeat
tiest week;; when be allowed himself
tt) beeome aL linens t,).,1 in the hands
c e the Bishiep, as he did by making
the feIle+wing deet:tratio,l . "I
hereby deaetre most solemnly
under the sil:tcluw of the
Cnlireh, that although I
the S h=)til Settlement as
11r. Laurier cls being the
B.E.-President' Harr.0 on's SUeoesi
US an 1:.u:lttor
president Harrison will con-
clude his series of papers on life in
the White House in the May, Ladies'
Ilonie Journal and take a respite
front Ws literary labor whish have
so profitably and so congenially oc-
etrpied, him for • iuo'o than a year
(general Unison is the first president
to show the public through thr
'White House, "upstairs" and "down-
stairs," etc. and to detail the presi-
'tcn'': daily routine, and the social
ed domehi•ie 011e of life in the
Executive Mansion. Ile is also the
tint ('Viet' aia;i<ti' its to crystallize
Hs knowledge and the experience
gained as thief Executive in 0. series
ut' lucid, instructive and and interes-
ting magazine articles on the funct-
• Pee.; of our government such as were
"Tide Cutuhtry of Oars," pipers,
i 1`iT Chase Cares Backache
Ki.'.uey truubloirener:illy begins with
ring to ltxiu in thl+ t, cat, rind in ria;e
t't veltlps !(.to 13rIT11t s 1'1Seas(t. P<topio
satnpat,e,e o t\ f -stir or a f,:*qua41desire lir
walls of the . gtir/r+te at night, writ Tina 1)1'. Chases
approve of KidneyL;vrr Pills ablessing,. Ore
Is aand if taken ovary other night
effected be' ; will peeItivety cure kidney trouble.
best arange
vent thet e',tlid be made under the 11
seircun'ntances, yet if the delegate of
The Boycott Etter Lei
The Retail Grocers' Association of
the 11oly Father new in Canada ;'Montreal have started the boycott of
condemns this sett'lolent I will also the departmental stores which they
condemn it. If the -Papal delegate have had under consideration for
will declare that it is impossible un -some time. At their request every
tic r the existing conditions to be a I wholesale deniers in the lines glen-
Liberal aril n Catholic at the saltie :Honed except three have signed the
time, 010.11 :hull cease to be a Lib- fulloll•mg resolutions : "We, the
oral, and shell remain a• Catholic.
I undersigned wholesale grocers, imm-
oral, ufncturers and provision dealers and
But if as i believe the delegate win
declare that it ie possible to be at the ` piicket'nd s e ltlthe e(pnesei Icing ofllioCf reign
sante tinge, Catholic and Liberal, I i
shall. remain :is I am, a good Catholic ' bous-e• exporting their goods, wares,
eta, to Canada, do hereby pledge
and ag'L hemi." , ourselves not to sell directly or in- great service m the field of science
directly to departmental stores in but its educating powers arid cis iliz-
zi%s'1'Yf '91L7 7Fa IN SNAKES. Montreal, and Viet we will protect, to Ing tendencies have been the metras
A MARKED D ESHIL'ITio\ OP IT SEE \ IJY i the fullest extent in our power the of the founding of the corner stone
;legitimate retail grocery trade." The of society. Now since it is the life
\ xt'rc1tAl.hT' association has also decided to have of society, so to speak, it necessarily
deli and clam- ',000 circulars printed, giving the follows, that in order to insure the
Even the (:old biro andof t'1wholesale dealers w to best results, theyshould co -exist
my snake evinces maternal affection
names the 1
and 1 am fortunately able to produce ! have signed the agreement, tinct of and assume the form of the literary
those who would persist in refacing society for the purpose of acquiring
Literature and Society
Obvious indeed, has been the ele-
vating and inspiratin,g influences of
literature upon society.. From the
most ancient historical ages up to the
present day, we can trace its marvel-
ous effects upon humanity.
Alark the wonderful advaneernont
which has been grade in all branches
of sciences during the last tew cen-
turies. To what must this be attrib-
uted ? Is it not the ultimate result
of the recording of the scientific pro-
ductions of the great musters, Who,
by diligent studs, research and ob-
servation, have laid bare the pro-
found and insolated secrets and laws
of nature. whieh where heretofore
regarded as bewildering and fathom-
less mysteries? It was not until the
twenty-eight year of the sixteenth
century that medical practioners
became aware that the blood circulat-
ed through the human body. And
so impotent was the materia medic*
agency, that it was of doubtful sig-
nificance as a means of assisting in
the preservation of `mens sang in
eorpore sono-' But let us note. the
rapid stiides of advancement which
have lately been made in science.
Physicians of today are capable of
performing astonishing medical and
surgical achievements insomuch
that it is believed that the time is not
far distant, when the life statistics
will exhibit a wonderful advance.
So likewise all branches of science
present a similiar aspect. For while
the knowledge which our fellow
scientists, who have gone before
possessed, has been recorded, • and is
accessible within the limits of the
scientific library, our modern scien•
tists having availed themselves of
this precious store;, are continually
experimenting, advancing new
theories and making grand discover-
ies. Not only has literature been of
evidence, corroborative of this state-
ment that is fresh in my memory,
sees the home magazine, On March
20, while seated on my front porch,
I noticed one of my dogs a yearling
puppy, acting in a peculiar way on
ay lamp, Ile was circling around
a, small cireum cribed spot, every
now and then thaaasting his nose to-
wards the ground and thee. quickly
iLunping black.
Ort approaching the animal I dis-
covered that the object of his playful
assaults was a bunch or ball of
snake:,, a three or four year-old
mother and her last years brood. of
young. The day was clear and
bright and these creatures had em-
erged frau their den or nest, in the
ground a foot or so away from the
spot where they lay Funning them-
selves. Wilen they observed me
they made ars attempt to rt gain their
uest ; I killed two of them however
before they could enter. I had read
somewhere that if a snakes young
were taken and their bodies dragged
along the ground, the mother snake
would follow the trail and if she
found them alive, would conduct
them back to the nest. I took the
two which I had killed and, after
dragging them along the turf, de-
posited 'item on the pavement, some
fifty feet away. I then resumed my
• seat on the verandah and awaited
(levolovments, In a short time the
mother snake emerged from the nest
and, after crawling about for a
second, struck the trod and at once
followed it to the pavement and her
dead young. Fortunately I bad. a
evilness in the person of my iceman
who was delivering ice at the time
and. who was dumfounded at behold-
ing such intelligence in a creature so
low in the settle of animal life. I
killed the old snake (for these snakes
er4 arden meccasins--become harm-
f'ul after the third year,eating young
birds etc.,'; and ten of her progeny.
leaving two pairs to carry on the
perpetuate race.
their support, the said circulars to
be distributed arnongst the grocers
of the city, requesting the latter to
patronize only those who supported
An Antidote for Asthma
Mr. Albert Eeid, Angus, Ont•. was for
over two years a sufferer from ..thIna.
A half bottle of Yellow Oil c, .1 him
completely and although that as ROMs
time ago, he hes never been troul,led
with the same complaint since.
A. $10,000 Blaze at Teoswater.
At 3 o'clock Wednesday morning
fire was discovered issuing from the
roof of the ball attached to the Com-
mercial Hotel owned end occupied
by Joseph Brick. The sparks were
carried directly into the bay plow of
the stable which was blazing in a
moment, and then to the hotel'. The
water supply was slow in coming,
and had it not been raining heavily
all day, a large section of the village
would now be in ruins, The build-
ings and contents were completely
consumed. All the inmates escaped
with but little loss. Loss on build-
ing and contents will amount to
about ' 10,000, with insurance in
Western, Queen and Manchester
Insurance Companies to the extent of
r lsril Wi'xlonl.
• Be sure thrit)•onr blood is pure your
appetite good. and your digestion per-
To purity your blood and build up
your health, take hood's Sarsaparilla.
This medicine. has accomplicltcd re-
markable mires of all blood dit;eases. It
It ii¢ the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has power to
make you well, by purifying and enrich -
leg the blood, giving you ne appetite,.
land nerve tied mental and digestive
A Subtle Tinel'
KT3,N::Y TiVranns It'r>rAT. ON ONE INtiID10CULY-.-
EhiltATION-TIIEN Tari EXAMS 3r stio,
1111IriFIT'4 DIs1:As1:-tiorTli A3IP:r1I(lAN KIDNEY
Mr. James McL'rine, of Jamestou n,
Ont., says : "I believe South American
Kidney Core saved my Life. I was so
severely afflicted that my friends had 10
attend the daily to take the urine from
Mr. A. Williamson, Customs Officer,
Kincardine, writes: "1 can highly recom-
mend this enrcific as the greatest of
boons to suffering humanity for all
affentions of the bladder and kidneys.'
Sold at Chish ,1m's Drug Store.
A lady stepped into a bieycic
emporium the other day and asked
one of the salesmen to tell her the
best way to clean the chain on her
bicycle. "Just wash it with coal
ell," lie said. ''I thought of that the
lady retorted, "but T fear to use coal
oil becatt a there might be danger of
the chain catching fire when I
scorch." Then the lady quietly went
the development of the mental
faculties. How often do we find
people, who, although being highly
educated, are utterly unable to ex-
press themselves in public and shud-
der at the thought of having to say
even a few words at an assembly
and because of their diffidence are
cnupelled to labor forever in some
petty office in order to avoid coming
in contact with the outside world,
when perhaps lie is mueh more cap-
able of managing public affairs than
the fellow who has acquired some-
what more brass 0n account of leav-
ing had experience on the platform.
Now this etate of affairs should not
exist. Every person should be able
to diseoursein public without experi-
encing that feeling of nervous agita-
tion so prevalent in uncultured
society. Many of the most imminent
Hien in the world to -day whether at
the bar or on the bench have receiv-
ed their primary training in tfe
Literary society.
Finally in the mind, as in the
body the law of development is the
salve, strength tai do comes by doing;
exercise is the only means of excel-
lence and power, and there is no ex- 1
cellence without labor.
„ n Stratford, Oat.Capital, X1,350,000, hest, §650,000Pive years ago I began to suffer 'from
symptoms of kidney trouble, such as
acute pain across the small of my buck,
dizzy spells, pains in try limbs. palpita-
tion of the heart and restlessness at )ara,zu'rens
flight. `.!'hese 8ytnptoses, together with. roux Pennon, Use, Roman, war GrnsoN, 1', A. T.
others of a distreseing,r nature, prortel Woon, A. 11. Ian (Toronto).
beyond doubt that my kidneys were not
performing their proper functions, con• Cashier --J. ruItNfl I.L.
sequently the poisonous matter was dig- SSavi„fo., Bank -n ours, to to 6; Saturdays, NI
tributed through my entire system. My 1. Deposits of sl and upwards received and tercel
appetite was poor. I became ver weak allowed.
and lost flesh ra idly, In fact felt ° rates Spraofoial
it-.rDoust.pootts also received at current
generally miserable, both in health tied I meters se erste Britain and the United statte
spirits. When I stooped it was with boughtnistemd
painful exertion that I again stood erect. 1 W. COP,BOULD, AssnI received no prectionl benefit from E. L DICKENSON, Solicitor.
any or the remedies 1 took until live
weeks ago, when I commenced taking
Doan's Kidney Pills. They seemed to go I
right to the seat of the disease, restoring: GRAN D TRUNJ RAILWAY.
to a healthy condition, so
y performed their natural office nrtl'Aar YOU ARUM F11011
in removing the poison from my system. • Toronto and East 0:50 a 01. • 1:15 p.m
As a result my back t,onbles and all ! 5:15 p. m.••viaOlinton
other distressing ailments I have men- 1'tilluerston Mixed 5:110 1' 10:d0 s•m
tioned are gone. I have gained in weight London stud Sour11 (1:50 a.m. 11:10
Prosidunt-JetiN Sria¢T.
Vice.Preeldent--A. 0, Rdn3at..
and strength, my appetite is good, anti I
can truly say that I reel splendid, all ala- tiincardina
ing the result of taking Dorm'e Kidney
Pills and all have been dons in ;live
"1 sate by the papers that the agent
for Doan's. Kidney Pills was to be at
Messrs. J•. H. Nam) 1)l & Co.'s drug
store on the 27th Inst., and so left my
work expressly on purpose to see hint
and give this voluntary statement as a
small return for the benefit 1 him) re-
ceived, as I consider it only my duty to
malign others acquainted with a remedy
so efficient and l,} ompt to relieve suffer-
ers from kidney complaint. (Signed) J
A. Watson, FIuron street, Stratford,
Taxa Liver Pills cure constipation,
bilious.teas and sick headache, 25e.
Struck By a Train.
Kingston, Ont., April 12.—J.
I.)aring, nineteen e ears old, jumped
on a G. T. R. freight train at Ganan-
cque yesterday. He jumped off at
hingston Junetion, and because of
the swiftness of the train was thrown
under the wheels and had his leg
crushed. De lay beside the track for
an hour before he was discovered.
IIe was removed to the General
Ilospital, where his leg was amputat-
Humors, pimples, boils are very an-
noy ing. They quickly disappear when
the blood is purified by Hood's Sarsap-
3:15 p.m.
11:10 a.m.
1:15 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
(1:50 a.m.
8:80 p.m
5:30 "
4,0N d, .,I1
Monoyndvanced on Partners and Business men on
endorsed nates and collateral,
MOnoys to nittcd by draft to all p,rts of Canada and
• thu United brutes.
Net.); rwl accounts ciFct•tud on reasonable terms,
Attempted IMurder.
Vancover, 13. C,, April 1l.—R. 0,
Hall, who runs a small fruit end
candy store on Hastings street, this
city, shot his wife this evening and
then tried suicide by shooting. He
also hacked his throat with a knife.
Both are olive, but tile IVO man's
recovery is said to be impossible.
An Ohio eaves.
Castalia, Ohir., April 12. ---The
discovery of a vast subterranean
passageway here has caused many
visitors to inspect a new cave during
the past few days. The entrance is
as yet made with difficulty, but the
splendor of the interior as marvellous
shown the illumination when a sown by11uL llnation of
torches. Tho state geologist will
inspect the cave this week.
Lock the Door
Before tho horse is stolen. Purify, en-
rich and vitalize your blood and build
up your physical system before diseaao
attacks you and serious sickness comes.
I•Iood's Sarsaparilla will make you
strong and vigorous and will expel from
your blood all impurities and germs of
disease. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla uow.
HOOD'S PILLS are the favorite family
cathartic. Easy to take, gentle, mild.
25 cants.
Money to Loan on Notes.
Notes CJ3keo6A.fa.i.ed
Money 1.14 1,41 1 ,; iiortaa,4%m at 51 pet eunta•i11t
privi.euc ul lf.pl.h .t chs 1.1a of .ray yuan. 'uta
141111..2.en,,t0 COIL., L,.t.
Tt'33:. 'ZJI.oDO
Beaver mod, IFIInrirun, Oat
1 *A
-P3 PUnl.lt`111.0
EVERY P1tIDA1 :1t0111r'INO
Subscription Priest, tb+ irt'1 :'a t.x,_r. a8yaiioe•
el.pvr.itTISSI.0 I; t'1'i:b: "e"‘
Space lyf. 1 rnu. 13u0, g Imo„
One Column £rn nn i 34p 41 1 .$1203 00 I 6 00
tial( 111-;:r...)
40 UU 7n u0 1Z 00 a Oa
tluurter ' 20 00 I« 1" 1 7 00 3 00
One tach G •.0 :t cu f _"_e_o I i o0
La'al111111 other ea91,e1 adtctttsemeuts, 6e. per
11)10P)r tire: insertion, awl 30 per line for01014
subcegn3nr in eat al. Me 8.304 Hy nonpareil sa.Ile,
i Local noticue 1Ut•. pull! o for Unit insertion, and
16.:. per Ih1(3 for such dubsequolit :uwrtkr.
Advertisumotts of Lost, 1'annd, Swaged, Situations
and Business Chances Wasted, not exceeding Ilea
aollp.weil, 5L tot' first nwntll, and 501). f it each
subsequent month,
Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 41 lino•
vr. for titer ntontit, 100. Dur 8nbsoquent m)ntb
Largo, ad4ert1$eiue,t8 311) epnit1.,n,
IThese terms will b0 strictly Auhered to
$p'+otel rates frr lArne t....sise:l:untS. of for
tenger peri0us.
Atli crtisements and 10aitl 1. ,alt :A without eueelau
Iftdirections, will be inserted till toabid and charged
accordingly. rra,1ltuiy „dtoil. ,u.nente moat be
paid .r•
11 U accordingly.
Changes for contract adt nrt4suwuntr must be in
the otic° ay Wodaveday noun, in order to appear -
that week
3. C. 1tliUWYII'AND 7 UnLIenB
! ANTED --r1 nuns' sone 0 other ii (111 tri)ds
1V• person.; of fall education t3 w110111 (3310 a4 41,01th,
' e uuld be ail iuduco1..C1.t. 1 0,0 coital engage a
few 1.adies at their own }tomes,
T. li. LENS() )Tr, Toronto, ,
E g h 1111i( 311.5 n.cu 4)!311 ;,coal
1 % 1 -""!lel
r', caul u, w1 o went to butter
their 1 .F.1 .3 s, Ll d 3 a.t.,d be c t.to:t 1cr a year
1 ,•ith vet 1: r., U 4X} .1111. 111Itc us, with au:1110)h
11(1(1 L133}04,31,, .id \ll 31:1 13 me a rlet 04i1i0n
for 1 1 v. ... :l c il.)L.;•c. Alio 1.3 . dr d, I Cliable men
' for ftiiii;h. t 111.3 tet ay ,ler me ale in a burn.
(.Till: 4,L1, LCILI:, ':0 1:1.1 11.113. 1'L, 13 Let, Tm•cuw•
1ELEI) ii1J Alt 1 —_ C13 crlia5lle, .,13.0'11 Victoria
- WIi01 , - a 9 is 'lic.t• lite and rri;;u, has trptnr
eat tee 1.13(1.34 whit'. 0 1124,41:01111,1,1 )' testiluonisis
(Intended for last issue.) •001 the great men; send far copy free, S(ats}u?s of
Lorne sr.; s, 'rhe beet pop tiler We of the queen 1
John Hayden Toronto was in town }gut a K,,,." 1101• Majesty semis a hind letter of up•
yesterday, • p.m lair 1,. CCat a cant of survey, but large drew,
halo, justirw ice l of 140, b3, Lots of hisroric i11n3-
Tbos. Gibson, 111. P. P., is 110111e tultol.8. Lnice b'•ck-.liver all 2s01x1I11, inches,
Men and wame0 01 standing In the community
making 613 to >i:) a week, Exclusive tat•.itory.
b'uoka on time. Prospectus free to canvassers. "Tae
Bradley G.41 rutson L'. 1,td. ,Toronto Ont.
rrotn Toronto.
R. Illack was in Brussels on Mon -
The funeral of the late Miss Whit-
worth took place in Wroxeter on
Saturday. Miss Whitworth had ,
been Iiymn in Toronto for sonic •
time past.
T. W. Gibson, of Toronto, was in
t wn this week.
Messrs. Black and Barnard have
dissolved partnership and Mr; 'aril.
and has entered into a partnership
with R. S. Gibson to ran the oatmeal.
mill for a terns of years..
Air. J. 1'. Black is making exten-
Sive alterations in his store.
aMr. T. V. Dickson has a gang of
men men employed fitting up his
summer residence on Howicl( Street.
Mr. John I-Jooey is shipping a car
of horses this week.
J. S. nnderson, of N. R. Co.,
was in town 'this week.
Willie --Papa, isn't a Monarchy
the best form of government ?
Papal --No. A republic is.
Willie—Then why did they say
"the kingdom of heaven ?"--New
Yolk rl't•il)tire.
Tottie--What do you think? Dolle
Cheekeigh is engaged to :t real
French count, worth millions, too.
Pollic• (enviously)—I wish I had
her Gatil.
Thera are pills and pills—but Di.
Agnew's Liver Pills at 20 cents
lead in demand. The sale
borders on the phenom-
S1nggrett 1i;ter, eonatirtatioal, or Y"rogttiar
bowels ore the precursors orliearty
pbirnteat dteorcters
These lIttlo wonders remove tho canoe.
' ' iia ` 1,
'(' Tho Germicide Inhaler cures Catarrh and
tieatarllwl D3afnyte It is 'nowt, pleasant l3
' •rod p1 , ulan'ut, It is'asy to 1180 and cast' to) 1 j Cli N "ri
' hay. Yc a 1,1,e no chances with this remedy, eP
The pl•i, a is 53, to be p id only when the )1 I.
1emetly is successful, not before Poor or rich t
tan cal: on ma3epresel.tat4re in Wingham,
( Str. C,,l .boll( and proem° this grand reined)-
( withouth having. to pay one Cent in advance.
.g Apply without lclay. Those who cannot call
( on our representattre dau have n G1rmiicide
i, lultxler, 3+•4113 frill directions for use, aunt to
'; their homes. by addressing the Medical 1n• C
t halation 00., }.tri.. Tmrolt0, Ont, .Just thank ,
of hex ni 0111011 eI C tars h for $I (3(1(44,43314, 0(1
sue11 reasonable terms.
DP. `T. AfACUUNA1,1),
W,g,n nal,
(BARRISTER, b0LJC1•i'ult, Etc.,
Private aid Company funds to loan at lowest o•
interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, towr
and farm property bought and sold
OFFICE—Beaver Bleck 1111vuma31
A. SfORTu)`,
BARltilTda, Yn,
rt Ingham, Ont.
Office—Meyer Block. Wingham.
Otticc—Codger 1lanldlton and St. Andrew streets.
Opposite (.chub,( HOtti.
Gunmen, • ONTARIO.
q'1,ENT1STRI.—J. S. JEat)))O, L. D. S.,IYINouxx
. J 1r .uauutaul ura.4 dr0t•clasa dots ct
..,i.., tarlh as 4163.1}, .,.. th.y eau be made .0 t e uuu::u,,.u. '!'wail exLlactod
,AhaVintef) 3, iL:...ut pull., by has new
process, guaranteed tett.. L -.y
OFLYCi1: 1n the Baa,..r Block, opposite thy.
Brunst.,uk 410118(
1V[aU11Aat, -
.Ja., ', Jae (Llt,
Y. 1'. S. C E.—Meeting in basement of
Presbyterian ehurch every Friday evening.
B. Y. 1'. IL- -Meeting every Tuesday
evening in the Baptist Church.
EP WORTH LEAGUE—Meeting every
Thursduy evening in the Methodist church.
For TIv;= sty -seven Years
t-ARGersv ' AL,C: I N CANADA.
They ,are entirely vegetable. They For Infantn and (hii .ren,
act en :el::: r and bowels without dls-
turbanthe system, dint or °coupe- +3UA(' It it
tion.o\et .$;'rips find act relies-
at 9 r
ur vI
••, r
Oi ani l or. cents, anti . A n 0 nts, Sold at
Y r
Gthisiroltn's Drug Stare. •
Sales at
j OIIN- Ct7RRIE, 'Yrxertaai, ONT.,
Sales of Farm Steck and Mani Inlplemi urs
All orders last at the Tinge office promptly atoms
ed to. Terr31,, realonablo.
1p g `= h.tvii,t0ht (11051 43144) 0044(1 0tlurt
i 1 IJ'_ t.n tuuh,:4,,.neuforu,d e:p1r:-
.es to, ,,,,. 3, at, y earw Wit be an Inducement. Write
With fail rurllcnl , 3, The Nur..(,cr, )u Richmond
St, ti, s., 1'ut,n.t•.. (0 t.
I7WLLD1N0 Boas, Patnphintc, Peons, 110
beat's, Ciecuiars, 6c„ Sc., executed in the beat
sty10 of the art, at moderate 3Ml408, and on short
notice. .Apply or address
b. (1 t1N1t11N,
T tars Office, Wingham,
Wt. a,3' p4 .s. 3 io auuouecd lin., a11Y 0)0't9
Mogrzineo leu 1141, 3 11.1* 411(1441.),44111 have our
prompt atitnti.n Vi ccs for 13....11.410 any sty!
will be }:33 e1( 04. dry,».1,t1..(. Il 1'(31 1..311‘14 ()41;30,
til 1 C,Cd
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