The Wingham Times, 1897-04-23, Page 5-J 4 4.1rew Corset will enable your dressmaker to fit your dress far more perfectly than it can be Atted over your old corset. We are ready to furnish the corset in any make' or style you desire, at a price just as low as you can obtain it at the largest (city store. Perhaps you are a bit par- ticular about your corset -many ladies are, --if so, we shall be pleased to order youjust what you want if we cannot suit youfrom stock. These are a few of the popular stocks we carry. ley -Is a lane 'we eareesettleg for 25e, D---Isia Drab Haan Corset, very well gotten up:and:all:end we sell a lot ;of, ;Flee 40e. c --11s;RIVOIldernay :peefeet ,corset for the ;money, Long waist, see -1B, ;1O, :2a, 2.2,724 and rap to'30, ipeiee:50e. 7a -418a 'fa-se:black comet, ;perfect fitting •and .suee to .please, long waist ; 65 oen•ts. ±!j -A long waist 'Comet, perfeet fitting, as igood :as formerly soldat :$1 ,for 85c. p -A dollarcorseteis sate we pay special atten- tion to. We -have all the best ,rnakes in stock en tallseizes. Look theough;our range at one dollar. rff‘you would likie :something 'that wilq give 'you perfect -satisfaction, a model in ,every inspect, see what eve;are offing .81:25. !Probably you waited %Ikea corset :a irC:79 171 alljt :41-2 11111r 111 4,11 Irvin's old Stand - ttlEWIINGIIAM TIM ES, APRIL 23, !bin. .1111•111110 Spring Suilings 0000-00-0-0 We are prepared to give you .something nobby in Spring and Summer Suitings and of excellent Value. We turn out ohly First-class Work. WANT YOU% TRADE. IM -Give us a call before purchasing. ,11110::5, W. T. SULLIVAN. ti hamesaeteereterielienSearatiraaarial•-siWia&teaaUtreareteritteretaliseeleteereselea. If SG ATAe will take your meassee :and have ;gene an shortest possiftele time. 0 MILLI NERY- We not only sell styiKehatlielenery., that is becoming to the wearier. "We are after business?" ES3.-411/7-7C-417:7-N, Did you hear that times are going to be better in Winr, am . j' on deck to help you Large consignments of Spring and Sutnmer Goods in all lines, at prices neer yet approaehed, and offers the greatest values to his customers and the public generally in DRESS. GOODS, ?STAPLE AND FANCY eonsistleig <StOASHMatlatES, LUSTRES, SERGES, and PLAID GOODS in all qualteioi arid colots, GINGHAMS, ZEPHYRS, MUSLINS, DELArnis;, e. • TABLE LitENS NAPKINS TOWELS . , .9 A large and varied stock of Tweeds of all kinds, suitable for Spring and. Stemmer wear, at very low prieee. Ready Made Clothing formonand boys, Cottoned°, Denims, Flanitels, Flannelettee, Octets md Shirtings at all widths and prices. If you intend furnishing your house or a part of it this Spring, call and inspect our stock of CARPETS, LSE -CURTAINS, jELLE CURTAINS, OIL CLOTHS AND STAIR CARPETS before purchasing, where you will find a full and egrnplete stock in these line3 at prices that will save yoa money every time, In addition to oar immense stock of 113COCV-1" egFaK, pLOWS .Nery LOUGHS. People often wonder why their nerves arc so weak; why they get tired so easily; why they start at every slight but sudden sound; why they do not sleep naturally; why they have frequent headaches, indigestion and nervous us Spell it any way you wish, eithee is emrect aid the correct, place to get the aeerrect plaw at .a correct price is at h 0031.;XQT) IMPLENEENT streux of T. II: Roes. They say times are very, very bead end no doubt they, are. I can make teem a little easier for you if yen buy yonr Implements: here. I have a few slightly soiled plows I will sell for f$10, payables Dyspevia The explanation is simple. It is found in that impure blood which is contin- ually feeding the nerves upon refuse instead of the elements of strength and vigor. In such condition opiate and illOrgtecUrial."Iiggdlengr d:2;illean4tildds the nerves pure, rich, redblood; gives natural sleep, perfecedigestion, is the true remedy for all nervous troubles. Sarsaparilla Not LIDBOAIR3044 October '97. I have plows wive 1 CertgAlt.A.NITEEla, American Soft Centee, Crucia,bee Cast Steel, will -deem en any kind a soil, which I will sell Teem now tilt 1st of Jane at erom $9100 up. Come: in and get one. Is the:One Mlle Mood Purifier. 81 per bottle. Prepared onlyby O. I. Reed S.: 00.. Lowell, Mass. cure Liver Ilia; easy to Hood's Pills tak.f3, easy to oporstte. 23o. .‘7""'" "5'..1"!!!7.7`•_.1 NEW EPOUNDLAND'2; BAIT WROXETER Rev. Salbine, of Drew, is the guest • of Mre..Jolin Bray. J. H. Fisk, of V. F. Salley 8.4 Co., Hamilton, was ia town Wednewlay. R. Black, is in Toronto as a dele- gate to the High Court,. Sono of Scot- laill.'A. Gelder)) repres nting Bellew, CO., Hamilton, did. the village on rush Wednesday, E, W. Hazelwood, Toronto, anil Miss E. Gibson, Niagara Falls, , we: c home for Easter, C. W. Andrewssnpplied pulpits on Belgrave circuit for Rev, E. A. Sha w, last1oarAcIkSsi. .0. a Ibet i t i Chas.\h Teks with a very ste e 'Baker has been laid up I Ma John Hooey bate returned front Montreal. Ile has exported two cars ut horses to Glasgow ;luring the last fortnight. Miss Sarah Bray accompanied liy Master E. Bray and C. Sebine visit e,s4c.lekfr.iends at elount Forest Easter a/This weeleee. been tt chepter of accidents iiir4WvtA P. Meleeen I,.. J, Taftetaae been a su .erer 1 i t; g 1 W M 13.11"1. cut one er r r t..-,0 i' n -I •I•et k front spin d,ireii his feet very badly and there hove n - qlos I I.. jon4t: :....1.4.111ileil:(5:111.7(7 ei rt go h. y , er.ca, been eeverid minor accidents.. Mists Mary B. Yen, who has bete. eet al; heee , n .4,ZyKI 11,1.1181Ytesot.nf-:.. BLUEVALE. t( r with 1' lends hem,. reseeseaw Hopeese hoe visiting her shame in Turnberry Morris, rctureea tQ Lietewet trne ti /." 1 '..r'iP.p.tie. rnmp2.1etiln(t, opfns3ntof.bri.i.ttl,et bc.,,ytean, st ronea,' week. - * failed te put in an op - day, to visit, friends in Preston til -a-', 1 • -7%.""ce Qr 11'4v° " MM. Albert Cornell lef. on T1,,, .". 1 711:.7". r, ,„,,, t j m. .‘4ocifi:tw, of Toronte-1„; • • 13erlin. ells' Minnie Ross of Winglike'', ie IPIf"cci. " l'elutir (*r '11° I"t6114.1t-' visiting at Mr. J. Celtics. '''' res$' "rs. T°ff.4.. Sine tw .11tY or ..' i more witnesses we e examinee. Qadef Bliss Cowan of Michigan, is tl it not one had any complaint to make' ! revarding the Itt.tnagonwot of tl.e P. 01 st of her sister errs. aleKinney. b Mr James Crawford4i.started this 0 tate or ei e ).., 0 le ..e week for the Lake Dauphin dierrist I wherehe has 160 acres of land, a ' 1 C Tooth Is not as go.41 as a 25e, one. It is not expected to be. At present however we are selling a 10e. brueli that is better that" moat 15e. ones. le I. Medium PA EittuSli Good Bristles in Bone Handle and well finished, at CHISHOLM'S .RRUG STORE W114641/01, on. I3ELOIlekVE. . present from his brother. eiss. rloois I have tons and tons ote". ..e3T. PIERRE etaranemes ese eon Ora wfold will not join him for seine ! aEmerall. FIENOIF WARSHIPS '10 em o ereeT THEM. tillle.4 ;a -s. gun -al , will maw live. in- the i M --- Rev. r. ale.Donald le .,. ft for Mi 11101liOry Of Eerso mtia eitieens as amide from broken cer wheels and . home in Kincardine this week, to the • eviler one of the wieleit experience .canister, hard and. tough and can fit • Halifax, N. Y., April ese.-A proregret of all, for during hie foils • le their live'. The water. which . land Legislature in littliatx to -day . weeks stay among us, by his templet. ha; taken reaeneelen of neerte the minent member of the Nee feund any plow. Will see' them tie tote of 6 ee 12 for 35 cents spot cath. enroute for St. Johne, Nfld., mid the 1 ity, kindliness and good preaelliee . entire habit tile tartinn I if the town, he has endeared himself to ever - i ;„Niv,'ill:sefernIzlilii rdneettitt:I e s". " 1.(et1P 1111.a..:tatiI north - 1 ill- ... --enthreement of the Belt act. woule I:toady. t stillieontinue to hondle tbe i be the vete thing ti' Newainnalend V Mr. McDonald editor of the Oho, ! west pie ebnrred the; small lake t that hod been aecOmpli.,hed for N Pl.r8 BELL AND MORRIS MINOS He ex 1 i 1 , 1. t p.a.nek. t.ra., .t ‘v,,uld ch; -foi- 1 can ,save yon from e50 to .SylOotti.i riin,ielensitii,it..(1,intieni4ligneeettortFtiptionleelctl ilt(1).tericIeltvse. if ycu deal with me and give attar herring bait hy Mee 1 at the ,fest as good as yoe. can get from latest, but by the operation of the whose city plug -hat dudes. Patronize your own town and don't farget year el3elittellient tiliteiswaTeril?ibriedfeein•e rlti(e) nli'incitcllea humble servant ;of Nitty. T. H. ROSS. i A pt•oteet hes been sent -to the Imperial aovernment by the e rencit P. S. -Good Organs, Sewing Mach- 1 consul, and it is understood that the itiry, the home did not un away lea : aeir's offioe. Weltoe'e settees. The ines, Needles, Oils and Repairs ' St. Pierre a athorities Ito ve asked the welistel quietly home tvith 110113 ..I. i lemier yea! ef Vmwe & co , with a • alwarsin stock and at right . T. H. R. 110111e governtnent to send werehips behind 14i 1 rge stock of In in bor. was swept front France to protect their interests W. H. Kerr of the Brussels le . t ; e we v. Tee ieilr,,.1 ,.P, . i , %.!::„:1,),.ratord cr:iIre 1 The St. Johns' men said that the attended the inductien on Tueedie ! for 0 mile is, laet. ! 1"i' I!.(' over the fired:tat Coulee Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lea., . .i• i eeethed our Ne eeie ieee were heldin Detroit spent Easter at Mr. Abet:dee:1 ' Emereon et:iv-rata ei ea:, , en beteg Jackson's of alorrie. ! rider weer exeept the new' Preeby- The induetion of Rev. W. J. lea, .-e! !(,Alen edifice. M. A. to the pastorate of the Did.. I .... ... .... and Blnevale Presbyterial" cone- c 1 gatione took place of Tuesday nil, r I LOWER WI N :'i HAM. 110011. Rev. Mr, McNabb of WI le, I (Me of '.hem “t ''.4 Y.,',4111 exam - church. Moderator. presided, Rev. ' Mr. Miller of Ashfiold preached. Pee. Mriaes of Brussels addressed ii 0 new Minister, and Rev. Mr. McCaw of Cranbrooke, addressed the congre- gation. All the seeaking was t cellent, and. was listened to with clese attention, throughout the long H:e. corme : Mi sA \V1tton, Zetlai.0 1 :••,t vice. Other members of the hinie Johnson, Will! 1n): Mise cue& tee., land Presbytery present were, Elea. ,,r EtNt wn wo,,nsh, jlmns V ,w,qii Perrie of Wingham, Whaley of S. qatrebeete 4 Jelin tied WOl. Itertley, 'Helens, Anderson of Wroxeter, nue }Howe 4 Loeis P. Deft, Fest wawa.- via T0.5(;e red Anseae ',ewer yeinahrunt Ballante ne of Molesworth. l Te ordination of Mr. West took pi 1, (e +John (4 ilmone. 1 ;101.-itolen. The ex - before the induction . He was exatninetion of the eleseee begen at 1 amined in biblical histoese Hebrew o'clock and lasted moil eve, during and Greek, by, Revs. Whaley, Miller and Ballantyne. In the even - we have just received and passed into stock ten cases of the very latest' - ! ceive a positive aseueance of trial and ing a tea meeting was held. Ton tatfluision aS only for those who have consumption or 1 ;Nifty assizes, and he must ask that in a, programme wa.s given in the PLOW REPAIRS t ley Enterprise, Mrs. aleDonald 01.31 Pito e seta full of' children epent Dieter with Mrs. Mc- drifting dm -Adowniks Donald's patents, Rev. Mr. and Ma, told ettier brie Tee river is over elesseeeV I olio eat t unlee wale, end the rs. White of ellenallon is visitirg ' t, wee driven alio tee teven hir eisrer Mrs. Frank 13. Scott. . 1.1 011 t.doOS dOlOg great er W teriSing from Winghanirreet ; 11.1111-2/0.1. Amontr too hnildings Sato; d nytt their Cart ht oke, a ncl ei is. Irreeti 0! e t' ''$I Ntls,..ev Hants R, • G. Cteemore and Miss Jamiast eee•ehettee, Pen a eietall's were- weie thrown out and received -1 u Joen Carinieheere residence, good shaking up. bat no serious Ivereteas rteederee, lehristie J) have sold out my old stand and 1 have started up in the shop across' from Swarts' 110tel, lately occupied by Jas. Inells. and am prepared to supply the public with all kinds of Pumps, both in Iron and Wooden as, usual. All work guaranteed. All new work given on 30 days trial and if not satisfactory I will take it out, I intend to continue in busieess.. I also deal in --- -WINDMILLS and -SOFT wATER TANKS. Thanking the public for their pat- ronage in the past and hoping to get 0 share of it as usto, DADT.1 S B 0 WERS. St. Pierre fishery wee A nursery for seamen for the Freoce Davy, and that the British Governmeut would be elate of a pretext to ha in pee the business. uns. STERNAeareIve TER Us. FIER LAwvER ENDE4WORISO TO SEC- URE sPEEDY TRIAL AND PERItIs• SIO N TO DEFEND HER. -• Buffalo, April 201:h. -Correspond- ence has been exchanged between Mr. Wallace Thayer of this city, ;counsel of Mrs. Olive Adele Sterna - 1 man, charged with having poisoned her husband, and the Hon. J. R. Cartwright , Deputy Attorney-Uate end at Toronto, in IN hich the oropo- sition fur a return and the practical !acceptance of the terms as nerds • al • Thayer wrote again to Mr. Cart - might this morning, and told the You think of Scott's Crown's attorney that he must re. !speedy; tt al }tee e been git en. illations in the eatei• v a Lower Wingham school wns 1101,1 00 Thurs_ day afternoon Alai! 1 rah at which the following, teeeeere were present and examined :he dilfe,vot, beholarA on the v11111111:4; etF C id] s'iyles of Shoes and Rubbers at such prices as will insure a fit to your purse final determination of the ease at the was served in the Foresters' hall and aa well as your feet and our stock of plough boots and other heavy line for rough work is worthy of' the closest inspection. Our Stock of GROCERIES is always fresh and good, at as low pieties as firet elm goods can bo sold. Long experience in Seeds makes this store HEAD QUA R TE RS for the SEE]) TRADE at lowest prices far first class home grown Seeds of all kinds, free from foul weeds such as foreign grown seeds often contain. Our scd Iist sists of Blover cf all kinds, Mammoth, Red, Alsike, Lampe, Crimson', Whit o and Sanfoine, Chicago Lawn Grasses, Timothy Seed, 14 different varieties of Seed Corn carefully selected. Millett and Hungarian, "Little Giant" 1 Seeder at manufaeturers prices. Bear in mind, our seeds are home grown and selected by ourselves with all the care that our experience of many years in the trade convinces u to be necessary and you can rely upon getting fresh, clean and reliabls seeds at closest possible prices if yon buy from T. A. MILLS. who have inherited a ten- view of the financial inability of Mrs aura.. Rev. Mr. McDonald was personally defend Mrs.. Sternornan terian church choir, under the leader mination was over tea was eerved. which the pupils acquitted themselves in quite a creditable manner,from the wee mites with their cat, rat and hat to the larger scholars who fathomed she mysteries of Thomas Bailey Aldrich's exqtrisite poem "The Face Sternaman hire other emensel to chairman. The Wingham Pres ty Against the Pane." Whi n the 01- dency to it; Almost CrCateSt use fbr thoSe obtaiuing an order to that effect front arranged Mrs. Sternaman will volun• Miss ,Teesie Gray,sang two solos, And tunate enough to partake. Tea paired. as not to be able to tarily return to Cayuga, Ont., where Revs. Ross, Moss and 'West, gave acing over Mr. John Currie was get the good they should out . her husband died. Attorney Chas. short Addresses. When the program voted to the chair and an excellent -d* • f d i J. Thomas said yesterday that the was over, hearty votes of thank e erograna was rendered by the pupils, were tendered the Wingham choir to whom the Bluevale people feel truly grateful, for their services: to 'Miss Gray and Mr. Cline for their solos, to the visiting Ministers and lastly to the chairman, who by his humorous remarks, gave the omit- rtunit to laugh a little ioi ling Wood and went !PIO Vie A rliturton Itt what ins Othertviee a serious Thai* is exoitement at Honolulu over 1 few te in tams life tee ext inet. thecharch was ceowded bothafternoen soid""'s vo 110 10141'6 00M6 roto ht., fell to tho floor inio;vihately ene in a 13 of Me. George Cline, earl in the school house VVhich was very xvhose condition is so im- ' the court. If these terms are at once ssehyiPeral anthems very acceptably. much ,enjoyed by all who were for- ot t lett • • , extradition was certain, but that nearly every case with these, 57101c1sevnacye omeisscion:.: Scott's Emulsion of Cod- thatemi.galsttastPainedeeinf victim; the wi man. She is at ). re - liver Oil brings back appetite, I sent in the Erie county jail. stimulates digestion, restores color and plumpness, and. Mr. Thonstid McGillivray, an old ger- controls the diseases of thin- ness. Book about it, free, socts. anti $1.6e, at all drugaists. SCOTT & SOWN% Belleville, Ont. 1)6111Pal Or XOtrilWASOVII, eliteati into ence an oppo consisting of sf»igs, ehoruses, recita- tions, dialogues, Lac. ititermingled by addresses by the chairman and visit* big teachers. Altogether the affair was a, decided success whieh refieWs great credit on Uoth teacher and ' nee ing. ine thea-tivel these al a large number of Rotel eft titao room. ta rotlitig doVt n t t The weather being the (want ry tiee guise of etudenta 1 nd evening.