The Wingham Times, 1897-04-23, Page 4Springy Goods CAMI'.I-IOR, INS( C:'I' POWDER MOTH CAMPHOR, CIILORIDI LIhIE, BLUE STONE, CO PP E RAS. C(:alnnft:e.t tits: rely Lett awl et the lowest prices. we ar. selling reliable goods cheap. At COLIN A. CA11PBELLS', 2 doors S. of P. 0, Wingbam Eke ill an times FRIDAY, APRIL. 23, 1897 EDITORIAL NOTES. 10.1t0NTENAO Liberals have nomin- ated Mr. Duncan McRae, ex -Reeve of Wolfe Island, for the Ontario Legislative Assembly. Tile. Huron Expositor thus discu ses the Premier of Ontario :—" ----swim of the Legislature has bee completed under Mr. Hardy's gui ante, and elthoeigh it was, perhaps the most trying session for many years, and there were a greater number of deliea:e and troublesome questions to deal with than have came before the Legislature for seine tithe, the decks have been in lin and the work has been as ex pedith-usly and as efficiently accol plished as ever ti'fore. Indeed i has been demonstrated beyond th peradventure of a doubt that the affairs of this great and important Province are equally as safe uncle the guiding hand of the new Premie as they have been under that of th old,, It is only just to Mr. hardy to say that he has developed a strange and power of which his nroet an•den friends did not consider him c:apabie He has proved hinnsoIf a1 judicious skilful and %yam leader. His uniform courtesy to both political ff fend and opponent has made him (anally as popular a leader as his iliustrions predecessor, while his ability on all occasions to defend himself and his Government against the attacks of opponents has inspired in his followers the most implicit confidence and espect. We knew whereof we speak when we say that ` Ontario's new Premier is a success in every respect IIe has won the respect of his political opponens in the legislature and the entire and implicit con- fidence and esteem of his followers, while he has shown that he possesses in an eminent degree the character- istics of a successful and popular party leader. We mean no disre- spect to Sir Oliver Mowat, and we in no way undervalue his long, able and valuable services in the Province when we say that Ontario has not (uttered to any appreciable degree Ly its change ox Premiers." 11114 WINUIJAM TIMES APRIL 23, 1897, SG Brown, that we the Liberals of East Huron, desire to express Our huh appreciation of the Ontario Government, as led by our present Premier, Hon, A. S. Hardy, who during the session jus•. closed, has shown himself fully tulle and com- petent to MI the shoes of Sir Oliver Mowat, and wo feel confident that under his able leadership, there is no fear that when opportunity 1 • as s affords, the Electorate of Ontario wil fully endorse the change of leader slip thus made. We also desire t express our continued confidence i our veteran member', Mr. Gibson who has so ably represented us fol I the past twenty-six years. Moved by Mr. Sinclair, seconded by G. F. Blair, that we the Liberals of East Intron being assembled in our annual meeting desire to express our continued confidence in our member, Dr, Macdonald, whose absence to dot through illness, we sincerely regret and in the Liberal Government of Hon, Wilfred Laurier, who now that opportunity is given hina,has realized the very highest hopes formed of hien white in opposition, we desire to congratulate our Honored Leader in the excellent progress that his Gov- ernment has made towards pure and progressive administration in this Canada of ours. We trust that his Government has only given us a foretaste of the many good things to come, in the School Question, Civil s• Service Reform, and Abolition of the A Franchise Act i i n On motion it was decided to hold !s A LIBERAL VICTORY. 1 Tr ONO The result of the elections in itioN Nova Sootl t as mora favorable to the Liberals than could have been anti-' a'1L'Ih'lt''4'9,'4,',O+t'11,7u'1t1'yni,ga,t capated. In the general Local elec., TRS' S, G.R .oEy ON pR tions Mr. Murray, the new Liberal Premier, though a young and almost f untried Haan, has swept the *evince 1 obi ` of he I ARE YOU WANTING TO GET atning a following of about 34 in a House of 38, There was n very serious charge against t Government, but it must be borne i Mind that the Government was vi tually a new one and that the Liber. jj alt had suffered a very heavy loss in the removal of so able and experi. enced a leader as Mr. Fielding, Mr, Murray is to be congratulated on his brilliant success, and we wish hint a useful and honorable career in the public service of his Province. The Conservative party, though it had also a new leader and though it was peer in campaign material, ought to have inade as better showing, and the disaster would indicate that a ort of paralysis has overtaken .the party in the Province. Another emarkable event was the Colchester 9101,'tl,'!lr9tdpt,eseiib'ItuesU� leotee'4Pttilldtr' 1011' Bed Roo Couches at new N FOR AWE KNOW -PT. Suites, Sideboards, Lounges, Mattresses, Bed Steads, etc,, ash prices, Pt•l,or Suite this Spring, if so we have 1 21 and will give you special out prices or ti ash, $36 suite for $30; $30 suite for $24; ', 24 suite tbr $19, WE ARE GOING' TO S " L 1] 'UT PRICES WILL DO IT. —0-0—e—e-0--0--i -e-0 ; All kinds of Furniture Repaired nd Re- Upholstering • le neatly. We call at your hour for any such work al deliver- the sante any wh; e itn town free of charge. 0--0 )..—O.0.0—O-0-- 0.0.0-0.0— 0 WE 1-IA�'E AN EXTRA I.AI:(GI' STOCK OFPIC7'1'1:1:4a, i:I:11)1' MADE l RA\ '.5 :1NJ) O1 1.I:I\(:ti 1.. AND LIKE THE I'URNIT[1RI: WE 2 E GOING, To SELL THEM ('lH1:AP. FRAMES 5 LOW AS 25c. WE IL\_VE ALSO ACADEm ,()ARDS ANI) CANVASS 1''t)R ARTISTS, ('ANVASA 'i'T ()N ST1:1ST(•1IEI'.S ON SHORT NOTICE. election for the Hoarse of Commons - xaiee line sr At the time of writing it is uncertain Nice Eookil whether the Conservative candidate s defeated or elected by a very mall majority; but in either case the result mutt be rather depressing to he Conservative manager's. The d" the Convention. for selecting a can- didate for the Legislature on May 28 i t FARMING ON A LARGE SCALE. �c 'There is at the present tiine a � great tendency for undertakings of, a character too great for the resour-, t ses of the undertaker. This mistake e prevails among all classes and pro -1 • ! bably not to any greater extent; nn- among business men than among .1 farmers. 1 c Farming — successful farming— ! F e requires today just as much careful' S study and sound judgement, as any !E other calling that a man can be' en- p ounty has been Conservative for many years. In 1891 the majority vats 803, in 1896 it was only 177 nd now this smaller majority seems o have almost if not wl7oilyGdis- ppeared, - MARKT REPORTS. wl:�olln s. Wingham, April 22nd, 1997. orrectecl by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. lour per 100 lbs 1 50 to 2 15 all Wheat prino Wheat 0 70 to 0 72 ats, new, .... 0 17 to 0 19 Orley 0 20 to 0 80 039to037 utter 0 7 to 0 11 ggs per dozen 0 u to 0 8 ood per cord.... ....•.... 1 00 to 1 25 • ton, 8 00 to S 50 070 to 072 ✓ gaged in. In fact there are few 1B ✓ avocations that furnish a wider field i E e for increasing the profits than that of• farming ; P Many farmers, however seem to T 1 think that in order to make money ff I ato'toen, per bushel, 0 15 to 0 20 allow, per lb 0 :l to 0 3 'led Apples, per lb 0 2 to 0 2,1 opt 19 to 213 t it is neeessal 7 to cultivate a large , area of land, Now this is certainly , a great mistake, Look first at the result oft farming on a large sct1o" on the emigration of our country. A farmer who Ins already one we hundred acres of land, buys another iv 'hundred adjoining.Then his neighbor' °API; must move out and locate in the ; at. EAST HURON Lii3 b:,Il ALS. East Huron Liberals "let in Con, vention. in Brussels on Saturday. In the absence of the President, J. A. Morton, Second Vice President, A w Dames presided. The following oflicei'S and commit- tees were appointed, Com, on Resolutions. -- Messra,1 Blair, Sinclair, Miller, McMillan and Brown. President—A 0 Dames; First Vice 'a•esidelat, II iililter; (second Vice President M Mnrdie. Chairmen of Divisions.—•flowick '1' Gibson, Fordwich;Wro:cetc:r, Alex Munroe; Turnbcrry, JasF,Iliott, 1311w vale; Grey, A Hyslop. Walton; Bros sols, G lit 131air; Morris, 1i Smellie; "W'inghann, J A Cline; Myth 1'. Dickson, Mullett. Thos :si'eMilian; lilnliillbp, Geo Murdie, The Committee on Resolution brought in the following report which was unanimously adopted. Moved by i . ]Hiller seconded by FOR SALE OR RENT. FAltti of 00 acres, Iiinloss township, Bruce Co., acres cleared; stteatn of sprit g water, two good Ile; nes: wind -mill, good house, large bank barn, eri sabres; tiro acre bearing orchtnd,.2 mites from hitechureh station, 4 from i uclsnow; en oxccHmtt Portunity for doh•(; a proittable dairy business. plv to Mrs. A. Stewart, Lucknow, IT, A. Stewart I:�omes a• A, -G, Ston'art, Teesaater, `. erritaries or probably leave Gana• i the .American Republic. If he VIIINJ dian soil and become a citizen of �Ir3�lla chooses the former, of eourse we have not Iost a citizen, but he must ter tainly face disadvantages and diffi- eulcits that should be considered be- fore the step is taken Social ,end educational side. With a formation of the colnpan)•, of a•eceiviu denser population come greater orders for seed, and of collenting a eall . of 15per cent. of the subscribed stock educational and social advantages to a on seed. A Puit representation of the Shareholders is requested. Orders for seed can only be received Prong those i ,r' Czaiie1a es Sinsit received and 'will be sand ca , l t ;r tirt'ave; pr•iees4. Chairs for ladies for 99cts, at Are You,_ RUPTURED ? If so it is your advantage to 1 call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Wingham. They • arc the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. WHY THE WETMORE 6S THE ONE FOR MO y 1. Because it is dangerous to be a moment witaout one, :2. It will never rust and is conse- quently durable. 3. A person wearing a Wettucrn does not find it a bother. ;e1. We will guarantee to hold in position any reducible rupture. 5. This truss cannot possibly hove after adjustment, 6. Some of our townspeople can testify to its merits, - 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the Shareholders oC The Winghaln Farmer's Flax Co„ Ltd., will Now that the Spring has be held at the Town Hall, Wingham, on opened ttp , there is a good the 20th inst. at is o'clock p. tn., I Then consider the result from a of importance in connection with tho for the purpose of considering business CIeJ11atICl fore Better fiehoele can be maintained at a less cost and :t higher education imparted thus giving a higher tone to the whole community. Men to day are not judged by the clothes they wbar, but by the gener- al intelligence they possess. Our Canadian nation is made up of units of Canadian people and the greater the intelligence of the indi- viduals the higher we ;stand among other nations. Add to this the social advantages that a dense rural popula- tion paseess, advantages that are ap- preciated most when inissed altogether; and it wilt be readily conceded that the more homes on every concession, the better off the people are in the advantages of an older country, Now wiry is this not the ease liecattse of a mistaken ambition to farm on r, large scale, instead of on a careful state, Let the farmers cultivate care fully every foot of soil they possess; study well the rotation of crops, find Out what he eart possess to the best advantage, and stick to. it and he will learn that his profits will bejust as great as his neighbor, who is farthing more land to less advantage It is not a question as to how much Land he can manage, but how much he eau produce on a. small: faint that wo want our Tamers to study. The Mother Earth is the source of all wealth, and the more eaeli farm -l• er can 9oeure from her, the more wealth the people will possess, holding stock in the Company, and the Stock Rook will be open for subscribers until tho above date. By order of THE PROVISIONA1. DIRLOTORS, Change of Business Iiavktig purchased from D. E. McDonald his Butchering Business, I am now in a position to supply the public with CHOICE MEATS a e p t t lowest prices and earn- stly solicit a share of the atronage of this cotnnaun- ty. We will always keep ren hand the best meats hat can be got for money D. i. GEDIMS, 141e1)onald's old stand. MILLINERY MISS I-3OYD would re- mind the public that she has an EXCELLENT STOCK of carefully selected goods. Call and see our latest designs. MISS BOYD. Tl PHRENOLIKE MEDICINES TIM 0\LX AI33OUITELy It RIJN BLE PREPARATIONS 0N' TILL; MArt1 'r, Pleasant, Pure and Healthful. .Phonetic pecific PXREp4 PILLS Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout and Neuralgia. A. sure cure for Headache Dizziness Coralaiirttlion, Indi- gestion, Biliousnoss, , Bright ti Disease, Diebetee, Paralybis, Canvttlsions, (kart Disease, etc., etc. M ai ufaefurcd on honor & werdon Merit. 1 swain Wingham, only Gordon & £"o. t"1141 9_11 celeieetolereeeneelLt-etlereiseaTastele AETIE. 1` We maintain aS leaden ill WAL s sual our hositi0n oda ilk' E.�. r Our oxeccll nt line is admired by all incl from tar stock some of the hai,dsonicst 1 on,es in Iringhaun will 1)e papered ,lih1 seasol We have suited other and can stn you. Still a f v of those Cit pants left. They are going Inot Initis l IIS Opportunity of sonic of ti ern. Entire best in special vi O p Rem - fast, clo curing Ill w. hers in efe,11,4. Pet m3i.unt work to those kg f3j r ..rladdressa re, dyed from local adrertlitinr,, to rti re.1 he forwarded to us (lady. Ivo cattrassing. no .trt LB moose exneristice required, but plain Pi ..91(t1 Octet to earn i-".0 or iim, e weekly in spare :1.1 pa time. apply V) WARREN Ptli, Ou., London. '1 TNE HOLSTEIN DAIRY SYSITEhl Are prepared to supply railk of the very best quality, These cows are ask. - clean now and are always kept as clean as mos% cows are in June. Milk from clean cows In 11 clean stable is generally considered nicer than milk from cows. that cart') those evidences about with ow BUN SI -J1 y new stock, cheapest town. Call and see Inc) at 45 and 50 cents. Latest ut in window draping the Popu ar Book Store. 11' ALEX. ROSS. Gregory 131oels, TO THE PHU' The Whighain Platiing Mills are now runnieg ;wain in full blast— Parties wiehing to have Lumber Dressed or anything. in the planing mill business such as- -CASI NGS, On MVO thf 01 141 t41virt notice nnd at lowest pi priees. have Ines which will enable me to do work cheaper and better than ever, S. BENNETT, saceessor taelati 04* CD idea ,(1 to have one of 11'1•11 if you don7t et 11:1' other fcl- 1 mill be ihe lucky PIN n. Pre —OPALS hi N LE etalline' the two Jeweler told Optielith