HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-04-23, Page 3iW
Prit as long us there is work in the week*
WI 'inc. tom for the hands and brain of n wlfling
'I h;l.ve. been thinking,' said Asrs.
Stapleton, whose fuse brightened a
little at the braver manly wor1s,'tla*t
it night be better for us to leave
Oi•ahaul--hotter for your foam, i[
mean dear.'
don't think so nio;het. let us stay
here :f we eon live down Lite misiror-
ttilte•s th.tt lirl we come upon us. I
don't like the idea of flying b.ef'on o
A inn: ter and unmerited condom pedal)
I would utueh rather remain tierce,
but if you prefeir--'
'No, 11o, Laurence, I was but think
ing of you.' she interrupted..
So it was understood that they
\'y{'.k'e ti) remain in Graham, where
the widow i't.'1lected they had yet a
few friends, who retained the, kind.
, est feelings toward thein, and stem
after that", toured into a small but
d'scent €ottago in the suburbs of the
town, where they were themselves as
eon rtable as pessihle under the
ci untst:tnces, and took up the
nits of life frond 1,t new and strange
'standpoint with what cou"ago and•
hope they could muster.
The little to town at f;rahattk teles
1i 3'Ow0 into considerable exeilemeet
when it was reported that (George
fita11teton one of the leading :'itizens
and meet .jli'nrninent lil7Sirl(SS men
had failed fin' a 1',rguesum and then
'committed shield 3 in eouse(liit't',0.
(,rave eherges had t,t:en whispered
titin.t hint for sante moptit5 in eon.
neetltln with 5t)I))F of Ilii operations
in the 1))In('S$ tl'uril(. Heid now 1(11
vane the ruin >(nd (nitafiy o . of the
firm, ii '1tediatol ' followed by the
tragic; eil(1ing Of the erk'iu and un-
fortif ride Ina O'8. lire,.
There were but few who ventured
to raise void;' in extenuation of
Stap1etons errors, or offer a word of
kindly human sympathy to his heart
broken mother and son. These
panted out the 1we that his hook.
koo 3r and clerk taking advent:Igo
of hie emplover'e unbounded cpnfi-
•denee,titl(1 his 1veil e.entails(ln0esftioln
the city on bIl int' , haft tnistnanag-'
-ed the affairs of the first for emus!
tittle, 1-11'e;ipit:4i1)g the ruin of hoetae
which all tzipletune' efforts et 1,c
Rework:* to avert.
It was known that the b )0k keeper
Jiuurs t,illln; had th1'owne up his
position some mouths Leiore the
trash, and betaken himself to
parts unknown, but those who had
Wet money by the failure would hear
of no exctt•le, and much bitterness 1,•f
sentiment prevailed even among those
who had iiufft'red no direct hiss to
complain of, blit who mei ely looked
on the su1'faee Of • 11)1)1'3. pr27S(:(t a
condemnatory verdict in eenera1.
Some do ;s after the fane rrt1, Mrs.
,Stapietots, fiat one fllul'Ililltr ill the
dining roots of her once hippy home
gnzing blankly •tut at the sold Seerte
preden'.td from the wirld:)rti. llrf
pale haggard nice awl sombre attire
looked out of keeping, with the
bright summer day, and she seemed
to realize it for she lowered the cur-
tains. There was a sligest noise at
the door of the room, and she h•tlf
turned in the great arra-chair, his
'chair, iiltt) which she had thrown
and tried to senile --a poor
frozen attempt at a smile -as her Son
Ln wrc.r>ee entered the room.'
lie !rt'.1 a era:llpi0il :1ew.t)wee in
his haul. There was It stern look
ythout his beau•(lle;i m>ttth and thin
'1Nhio11 gave 11101 a strong resent bl-
ese 1lbi-
ance to bis mother. The pictured
face of the dead husband end fetticr
which looked down upon them 0.•0111
OD wall bur, tt•ttce, of tc,u} .I rl 1).:n•
' weakness, t kLt t 12s loci ell f,1) in
vain in the frank clear cut titre of
>...ilis son Ile wus but a youth, scar-
cely more than cightceu years of i
age, bit there was alre.uly promise
of a gratin ma shoed about slim his
mother thought, as she lifted her
her weary eyes and surveyed tete
supple young tigare and ihandsome
few of her bow.
• IIer boy with This back to 1110 Tan.is l; Stood facing her fur sense mem-
mite 11) silence evidently kl8khlg to
stifle some inner feeling-:. She sow
that SOn)Otlitlg-W11 i 0111153, but wait•
cd for hint to speak. Itis roit:e
vibrated with anger and pain as i.e
said, with 0 gesture toward the
newspaper, which he had Omen
'I suppose you know something
of what they are saying about him
'Yes. I know.' she rejioinedi
sadly. "Alley do not un(ierstend
the circumstances tit rhe case. Your
poor father's greatest fault was too
great trust in others -in Gitlin.'
'The unprincipled villiitn!' cx"laim-
Lawr•ence fiercely. 'Would that I
could meet hind taco to face, And deal
with hien as 110 cls. )rvesl lint never
mind little mottair he c intinued iu
4 a ::often tone 'we will make the best
of things. \Ve must give up this
place to people who lave lost motley
by the failne. I know he would
wish it . We will begin the world
anew, you and I, pennilsse to be
suet; but you shall never know want
When you take Iiood's rills. T13' big, oltl-fasltt-
toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to
? pieces, are not in 't with Ilood'S. Easy to take
and easy to operate, is true
of Mooers I'llla, which are
u to :late in Duel y 1
Bate, eerkatn troll suer,. All
.druggists. .'RC. C. I. ilootl & Co., Lowen, Mass,
The only Pills to take with hood's Sarsaparilla=
Early one morning, Lawrence
Made This appearaneo fn tf>e'ef'fiee of
Herbert Marston, the head of the
leading mannfactaring business in
Graham. and requested employment
el' s )nl0 kind, that would enable flim
to Support llfm tend his mother,
1Marston had been his fathers friend,
and had stood by them hi] through
their afflction and reverses. He sur-
veyed the young fellow with an al-
most admiring and fatherly gaze, as
he put a few questions to him relat-
ive to the matter of employment;
'You would not object to a little
hard work, 1 presullie,' 110 said pre-
sently, with a searching glance into
his young friend's face, and then at
his shapely well -kept hands.
Lawrence smiled, and his frank
gaze met that of his older friend Os
he answered: •
'N0, Sil'; you may put me at any-
thing within the limits of my strength
I am not asking for a sinecure, but
will earnestly endeavor to fultiul :my
duties that may he assigned to me
whether requiring' effort of head or
handy or both.'
A pleased smile eagle over Mar-
Stull's face at this reply, and it was
soon Ile eided, that Lawrence should
take position at a very early day.
He left the office feeling hopeful for
the future, and resolved that he
would make ills way up the ladder
of success if there, were yet virtue in
human effort.
Success getlerally follows unrClnit
lnclustry'. During the years that
ollowecl voting Stapleton's advent
into the business world, he justified
all belief and hope centred upon hire
by his friends. 13y the time he had
attained,'to man's estate he hacl be-
come at}, important factor in the eon-
ceir'n wii:h which he was •connected,
and Msrston felt that he had done a
good thing for hinself when be 00000 -
his Services.
'Ili✓ is the most remarkable young
fell9w I have ever seen' he declared
to ,this wife and daughter. 'liis
character has developed exactly in
accordance with my expectatiots.'
••Helen Marston, a lovely girl in her
tens looked up brightly.
'I have always admired Lawrence's
:courage,' she said 'Why dons he so
seldom come to see us, pipe? He is
more than welcome here.'
'I fancy he keeps pretty busy, his
mother tells me he studies every
evening. But I'll speak to hint about
'011, needed, I'Ielen, with a vivid
blush. -He must please himself in
the .matter. No doubt he wills come
when bes'feels inclined,' and -she hast.
ened to Change the subject,,rleaving
her father a trifle puzzled by what
he considered her contradictory
Again and again was Lawrence
promoted by the firm, until he be-
came foreman of a large division of
the works, and found }himself at the
age of 24, tbo recipient of a handsome
salary. There were some remelts•
trances when Marston made choice
of so young a plan for a position re.
quiring in its incumbent so much
judgement and practical knowledge.
13ut he replied to them with charas.
teristic bluntness and emphasis:
'That young. fellow,' said lie,
knows more about machinery, even
the most oolnple, than any other
Ulan in the place, Do you suppose;
I would have kept on promoting }tits
for no good cause? And, by the way,
Ile had been working for nearly two
years on an invention of his own,
that should he succeed in carrying
0111: W 'NU KAM TIMES,. APRIL 23, 1 b97.. 3
;ottt 1215 ideas, is destined to work a
alen'Olutlon 11€ .one breach Of cion 1)11PI
11055. 'file saving of material alone
under its operation, will alltOU11t to
thousands annually.'
it was true that Lawrence Staple-
ton stood on .the eve of a great
mechanical discovery, over which he
had spent ninny long months, and
upon which hie h0ptie were becoming
LJroi'e and more lixt'd, For should
he succv'rl did it not mean wealth -
rile tthility to pay evert' dollar rlf'that
o'111 indel'trd.lIOS5. He had aiims
(dI{'amud of some dry being nide to
=them his father's moue entirely fr'uln
avert' hint or shadow of repro:tele It
ll,caut a1$O 0ulnl'urt for his mother's
defining years -ilia ruble patient
mother who hall been so stIICken
with sorrow and misfortune. And
last of all died it not promise happi-
18'55 {'ur hi:1Mlf? HIS face grew
111'igllt end tended' as his thoughts
turned to t21ir• sweet Helen Marston,
:40 who. had been the ar.1111fration c,t'
Ing 1, hood, t wasnow
L 2
u and ( 1,l(.secret,
Iv worshipped idol •u! hfl tuanhooil.
Not that she should look upon.
wealth as a necessary qualiffeation
in a Inver -he knew her bettor -but
Ile was too proud to go to Marston
with empty hands, and ask hint to
receive hitr, as a son in -iia, and so
11e saruggled and worked on in sil-
ence, while other suitors, for IIelen's
11at:d:came and went at her fatbe_'s
house. Helen l'ad always been a
great favorite with with Airs. Staple.
ton, and in her visits to the cottage
she sometimes met Lawrence, and if
her eyes sought his at times in wist-
ful questioning when she rallied hiul
011 leaving forsaken them, 1,:o rarely
1,J:d lie call he feared to believe what
they seemed to say. On the subject
of his own hopeless honor, bade him
to be silent. And so he worked and
wailed, hoping for the clay when he
would be free to seek the woman he
adored and win her for his own.
Thus matters stood when one
morning Lawrence surprised Mr.
Marston, b) bursting into his private
office with an unusual Show of ani-
mation, and almost boyish precipita-
ti n.
'Came!' be cried. 'Come and see
it ! It is wonderful -it is perfect.
Marston tried to questium 1)1111.
but the young man half dragged
hien from the room, repeating, 'come
end see it!'. And Mar ton followed
him to an apartment adjoining the
main wing of the works.
A small singular -looking machine
stood on a rough table, to which
Lawrence directed h'°s attention. It
was a working model of the inven-
tion, over wnich he had labored so
lung,a1)d ha now
began n to illustrate
to his employer its perfect successful.
working. A[alston looked on, was
struck with the marvellous ingenuity
of the machine, and realized that it
was destined to be the cleans cf fame
tied fiches to his friend. He took
the young itaventor by the band and
warmly congratulated him with
every expression of pleasure.
'Tbat will bring Wealth and fame
to you toy boy' he said as they were
leaving the 'room. But we shall lose
you,.I taippose-in the works, I mean
---and I. have cordo to depend on you
as though you were my son.
Lawrence impulsively seized his
'Mr. Maston-my friend and bene-
factor -if only 1 might become your
sen in reality! This has been the
sweetest dream of my life; may Iseek
1101011 and plead for her favor, now
that there is hope of my slaving
something to offer her?'
'Something to offer,' repeated his
friend, blankly. Then collecting
his wit 0 little, 'D, you mean to
say that you love tity daughter, and
she has refu,ed, you, because ot your
!Ne, no!' replied, Lawrence, 'I have
never mentioned love to • Ilelen,
though surely the must know some-
thing. of the state of my fcelings.How
could I seem to take advantage of
l oyes a111.1 her 1(1181ieeSS to 111e by
offering myself 221 her husband
elle Who 81it; look :v much higher.
'1 see --1 see' said Mr. Mal sten
thougltlfolly 'I understand just
how ytlu felt lay (.lent' boy. And
you I,I\I` 1141'11, 111(1 Want her fol
\'pili' wife, I• .?
'Heat en knee's how much' oflSWOt
ed L. t:crc'nce. 'I ant unworthy (.f
111'r-.-1l•:almost, rily 1t'an mad 1 C'
Yet -1
'011 ves, j'u't, 51)' inter ritnlrd 'i:C
older man, with a slight stuile.'N"oyer
mind that Lawrence, bat go to her
51111 0•; you will. Zoll have my
good \t kit s for your success. You
are a gent etnan, sir, and I siren be
glad to alt its you as a son.'
Two n)''(11.lis later, Graben] Socie'ti*
was thl'()0'11 diel, a shite l,f excitement
by lies a tlnultit('('I(,e'llt ti.at i[(tlerl
11nl'stin the (full l,tel' of the mil liutt-
2)ik•t3 i1(1nuta0t.nr0r, 01) 1 n18l'l'ied 1101'
fa i.ner':; fort urn n, [,t, .Vi e.u00 Stapleton
, who was ,liin)11'if'fu1 the 'high 10811 to
fort one,
l;('f'ire the t tot of the ) ear Laer.
r('1)" e It' 41 },',1 1 up the last dollar o:
his 1'Itt herr (lout, Ili,ll,-''ht hack for
iia ulotli 9' iter''11,1 h"ole and built
's ;111811 11)11• It:noisome, residence for
hiul,elf x1,11 [It'letl. As time pn5`1.1I
WO (110 t.'url'I M8w that Damm For.
;time colninlitit 1,r, a2t)i1tt on ileo
iSrnpletons 11,)t11w 11' tit'- friends so
!called, wi'11 bed 19Iti0'1 their hacks
lIon them i1) the diets of their 1(115rur-
I tlle5 and ht, Ll,:,; les. cane fluttering
11'otllled again. Rut the widow could
• nut forget the emit a 1,5.117, 01111 the
young wife under-neei Ler. feeling's
1and sympath tied v, 1111,1)011)/0 such an
iextent., that the rate 111ng ffltel' of
I the World tris :teem ill (l 1) wet y cold
ltly story a simple and uneventful
one, but it conveys 11 moral too often
lost sight 01 1liis day llt.d generatful:-
that only by unr.'ruitlil=(.; and honor-
able it'dustry can at 1131 n achieve
!xenon; SnCCCSS. '
For 0var fifty Years,
Mr's. WtuE10w'A Soothing o)rup gas
been need for over fifty )ears I,y not-
lions of :lathers kr their uul,t.irau Ntow
teething, with perfect auceeon..L . soutnea
the cLiltt, seilh.t'nS the tiLluc, ,iii:,) s fat
pain, cores w 1)d eolie, and is ma best
.ended)' for riiarr'heL(,, is 1,,,;cttaanu to
tIto tine. o, So'd by Jruggibts ery
prat of the wul'l.i, 1,1 c+..6j•ri.0 Oui.t3 a
l,ottle. [1,5 w1.tUq 1S 1ueOt4..iJ1e. 1.1,3 eheti
and ask for Mrs. 1,t lualvw`cl So.:tl)!ng
Syrup, and tally' no other thud
Prospers Under British Rule.
A special cable to the New York
Times says: "The interesting dis•
COvel'V la made by 1110duS 1,,1' new
census that 11111., pt to -day has Pre- ,
eably the largest pupul'1110n it every.- o' rF?rEty ���.✓�'i ,f s •
contained ucmurdlut; to careful esti
.• 1 .
• .. ).; ; �ii''J•44- rye.. .._.-_.
/ .,., . •,c..,,...T .cam.!,+S
�.t^-•.51• .naph LIIl! Itlhul9NeU1<alliWl,lu�n�r,•"•'nF'•s i
I T , 1 P ,
lmil tli1 Ltcl't'c,lled ;zed
iii .sn�I`leSt teatie;feesi..,.ir:......
�..'... .'!
Promotes Digeslion,Cheerfl 1-
.l Opn.tc , -7(torphine nor
4' L91rb"i s�.tliii v'oTw`",.
f0.te e h
a' :pwa4Aot -
�, cH<,t,;kssw:. .
.4r,^O." .
I l.p^';:'cIremed for Cansil1k
i tion, Sour S tom•: Ch,liiurrhoea,
'Worms ,Coiwi'-sions,Feveri s1l.-
ll} ;1: -ss an1Las g or SLEEP.
%�:Slihttle Signature of
NEW YI➢Ilka.
' .44
-.,�. 1v.,M,t�
,." '4
A,,..•' ;4..4
• ,''set..,s-setaM74L T
L _;A%tkr die +
T• $ !<.- el�A.olj,,..w� oscula`•
t iw tax' w5 F•
see'( se its (,,• : 1)'71,1)67
e :x
1 ¢Y3
=`:2 nail`^ -1: 1 rt rr ; .�?s' 1,.µ15a only, i1)
is not sold in b1)?,., 1)na's ri.avr anyone to i;e1i
tyou anyun.n, t:is, on ._e r?s'. •�r promis3 that it
"jut as Zoo.." a' i 'et'.11 M1 a 'or evely per.
•peso," «" "' S.c tIst ;:a t •t C 3 3-y-0-Ii.I-9.
reeve ee
sees -i r a a.
is oz
'� si att'uret5-4rlpi, 1..41 A.r(w4r4jn3" 09817
,•,.. gin: r •_' Trappe:.
matesculhhal'1.Uha• :1-lleiellt writers
maximum population under liameses
the Great, Wiled was the most
flourishing 1X1100 u1,' old Egyptian
1)151,01')', at ate, titan eight 111i111OnS,
When 13onaperte went there a cen-
tury ago all Egypt had scarcely two
millions, and the 1,e.,,t fifty dears
added oniy one u)iili„u But it is' a
fact now rllalt au), tlelLa1 count shows
about nine million,.
Ohl Thu ILlstry.
YltS. (i.ILTSU.41'J'ti O1 n)J11L13L==11,Nk. ONT., HAS A
O11II:At nu'•ralt,..i J:nuSI i\irtl 5)(V1O:t, TI(S
RANG OF 1(3 311\Y l,i,•aS•- ik.0ii( 131.1.21 (CAN
1i 1:1:VtNL J:l 1..,.A1,1:1) 17'5 KOLL,-•11 111.1 IEVEN
Ilio\E 1)U.
'• [ sae tar 1,l It.Lg tune a al eat sufferer
iroln miligor,tl0u. 1 osterieuced all the
Misery and euu'nauuo so common to
this ailment. 1 tried tawny rernedicsand
s,,eut u great, dull un duutors' bills witn-
out receiving any permanent benefit. I
was strongly recou,laeudeu to try
South American \ervlue. 1 procured
and used it. '1fler using only two bottles
tam fully
L Lr5 11 1,1'151, 1
L rim pleased u t
restored to heel:h, t,bill 1 have never had
the sl,ghtea1 wt.Ici1L0ou 01 a return of
the trouble. 1 recommend it Most heart-
ily." Soid cit Uhiehohn's Drug Store.
She -0, that dug.
lie -What's the matter with the
She -Papa has taught hien to set
up a huwl at 10 u'uloek and he keeps
right at it till all the lights are out.
The: LIN or Dr, Chase
.As a 0o11:Vilur u1, Curie's Recipe Book,
1.118 Ottani is lawlu.tr 10 every he.usenold
lu the Inuit, ...hue a; a postman his
works On slWpla tura, utab lett. an imprint
of his nita,u Luis 0111 .,e ),.ended town
from generation to generation. His last
great tuedietue, lu t,ue' Mut of his Syrup
of Linseed and 'Turpentine, is having
the large patronage that his Ointment,
Pills and Catarrh t;ure ,,ie caving. Dr.
Chase's Syrup et Ltuceed and Turpen-
tine is espeulally .u„1)ted for all Bron-
chical and asthullois trouble,
Work and Worry
Over -work, worry and mental strain
last spring caused heart truu We, necv,
p,3Sueee, s1eepit.esu.ee, eta. lYiilhUrn'f3
tlsart and Nerve Yn,o helped um at once
and finally cured iue. 1 leu! like a 13019
Luau UOw,
8,111010/3410 liiilthler,
Yoar little boy's long illness was
rather cxponsil e MIS. Yellowby?
Indeed it was: every time we gave
hiin a dose ot tlledicine be flung the
bottle at 1) miller or lhr1.ngll the
Do en's 1.Doan'u 3
Doaa's Milner. Pills mire backache,-
ackache,is k bail:, rilo'1-111`1(t1m, clinhetes, dilzi-
1105), briigi:i'o •'SA 1 '. -•.:.•'• le 41.0ST an 1
ill ku1n0y, huh. der 111.11 1,x.01) a ditifctttt-
ia.l. Price :ins per Lox 111 (3 i oxss for
$'2,110. Ho:11 t •) all dirt 1,;4 ars.
' i •1'!
We do neat work in theo) '.;1
prices as low as the lowest. 11 •1,1,)11 ,ti',: lid licc:d (.f any-
thing such as
{ JT {n
:.:..:vines and at
Or anything in the line of Printing. c.i;i or v, rite to• the
old reliable''.I IMFS Office. Wing. 0m.
.1 41/eyE..'t'o'000/itk Fi zrz, `r,"tF' ' A gar,, , . ,. , r /1411,."0
t. -
It) CeeKie,..
I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me
Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run as well as,
or better than ever.
11,1 ALS ��
Opposite Macdonald Block.
s. \
Jo:ivpiii11 :,I„ \' ing'ltani
• • • • • • • • • • -
n ,1� 0
®-elief for
o Trozzbles
two"' 0
Iia d'dls'iir-01t rIII •i 19:)11 till Itt:Nai
t (2Srim +1:31.1,5, R 'IT 1IT1 ai• (DI•'t3LOOD,
caLI'C=.I, 5(18)1 <15' stP."'II*V.':'TE.
tSr,11311.11TV, the be:tenl f or this
rrtitaen •dleiOoIstialttrtAt. 0
Py n51°t411 D CT.."fmneatm•1have got
.0 rid ora'1,3. king rough atire had troubled loo for
over a Year. And have gained euua:derablY in
uct{:hf, 1I1l.ed tnta i.raf l.,tutt 1.0 nMl I Kao 41.
l •
(� ,: hen 1(io tim0 ennm Around to take it.
TA!, WING1111.1, CU., Montreal. •
,50e. and (I1 Per Bottle
•ti•®• •1 • •04100
Positively Cures
1.1a surprisi"-,ly short lime. It's a act•
cittif,c certain,y, tried and true, soothing
healing is !1,s effects.
Nouchette, Son,
repo' 1 In it latter that Yyn7.Yeetotal rmed 11'1,.
11.1 recto ,Oro..loo, in ,•11est 119(1,,,:.911,1 1
thin 34. nod a,o owed IV. O. 116:Comber of a
long.staodln,, tut0
;.i:•, J. II. h rel, Chemist,
AAagenrenl,.,i ense 5ail4lunsyrupTipip.
Portoint 39 a r 1,E 11vallrai.lo preparat(mt It
1:,9 trim rho 1111191 ,uth,;action to AFI tabu
Iwo t tad 11, many h.tving spoken to m0 or 1,1 a
doriv.•d neem its us MTh. 1r families.
1t1,9s't,tuinfor (odor young, trite p1en,antto
, i' 1 I r'o. ,n s1t+s,ven. 'watt n t.Rt01 it as A Ps out
ischi o 000 ' i 3,01), (00."
Large 2°n;t1e, 23 Cis.
I), VIS iC T.AI'.'ItI:NCII CO., Leu.
Sol, Preprk t0'•ai