HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-04-23, Page 1VOL, XXVI.---NO. 1315. WINGUAM TIMES. 81 nYEA1i IN ADVANCE WINGTIA.M, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1897. HOMUH & BOV?L1I' WE SELL CHEAP wire MILLIN1 t Y.—Now is the time to order our Spring flat or Bonnet. We can show you all the new novel- ties in Color, lfaterial, Shape and Patterns and we will aim to please •y'ou. MEN'S PURNIS[IINGS--Our Tailoring Depot twent is steadily in- creasing and our stock of men's needs conn tt be 1,ti:tied. All the new things in Ti.',esCullors and Cuffs, newest shaped in Stitf and ]" edit a flats. BOOTa .1 N 1) SIIOES—This stock is the Finest., Largest, and Cheapest in Wingho tn, a speci.zl linf Men's nes Plough loots tellable goods. them. OUR DRY °ODDS, STAPLE .AND FANCY is without exception 'the finest sliIwn to -day in town and the prices nil iean your way. Special 1;'rit a at the Grocery -counter, I+'re�tt, Pure and Depend- able Good. It ,t 25d. Tett in Wing- 4am. Part', r.1 non. l8ple Syrup -Nome, made at i per Imperial gal- lon, Goods dellvered proiuptly. . WE S:.LL CHEAP, RO Ti3 �'a BOWLES Marriage Licenses —Two gentlemen of rather foreign in town Vie- appearance are engaged ed in business _C ai , � No23,V g g AT @' nSU. . 1' ItAtVK P 1 Issued bP s Y toric stroet,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses I The McKinlay face is not in it with these required" gents'. Parlez-vows (repeals? —The Dominion Express Co. have got out new and reduced ratesfor money orders. PERSONALS. Mn. J. D. Long spent Sunday in Gocler- ioh. Miss Matheson of the Publics School staff is in Ayr. On their card they give also other valuable Mr. M. Norden spent his Easter itnlidey HEADS WIN IN BUSINESS. I information viz a list of Counterfeit Can-' out of town, adian notes and a list of failed banks and D. McAsh, Be]grave, was in town on banks in liquidation, Wednesday. —It is scarcely necessary to remind our readers of the lecture iu the Methodist Mr. Allan Bainton, of Blytb was in town church to -night, by Gustav Henry Selaoof Wednesday. Ex -Sergi. -Major, of the Buechunn honed J.Watson, of Listowel, was in town on Mounted Border Police, Wednesday. him Thursday evening will want to hear Mr. L. Jackson, of Brussels, was in town hi again. Admission lOc. Good Friday. Mr. Samuel French, who has been en- gaged with Wm. Messer. Bluevale, has Mise Bella Markley is the guest of the taken a posit]pn in Mr. Geo. King's Dry Miesee Begley. Goods Storey Notwithstanding the cry of Mr. R. Vanstone, of Hamilton, called on "hard times," M. King does not believe in friends in town. employing junior or inferior clerks, Mr. French being the fifth senior clerk now in Miss Carrie Wheeler bas been visiting t store. Mende in town. —Wingham loses a good citizen in Mr, Gordon Williams spent the Easter heti- . F. Bet* who is moving to Harrititon this aveek. Er. Beek and his estimable family will be greatly missed in the Methodist church, in the welfare of which they have always been deeply interested. The young ladies have, since coining to town, :igen members of tine choir. A peculiar accident CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE D. IC f4 DON We till heads with practical knowledge The leading commercial school in Can- ada to -day, Nine beat tiful college rooms; excellent teachets; Moderrece rates; studente assisted to good positions eujoys splendid reputation for superior work; enter any One. Write fen. par - W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. New Ads. Chisholm's—loot Tooth Brush. Colin A. Campbell—•Sprit g Goode. Gordon it Co.—The Phre•\oline Medicines. M. H. McIndoo—Five Bargains for Sat- ur lay. Wiughaie Farmers' Flax Cornrany, Ltd. Notice. SOMVIGETL ING NEW T. . 1 1 1.A \G 77 EEK .AGAIN - LOCAL NEWS. t —Campbell's headache w�trers guaran• teed to mire 11e.Ldaclaes. —Tuesday night April 27—Daniel. , Ni—dirs. H. F. Gordon is seriously 1111 —Fifty voices in the Cantata Tuesday night. —The wise man or woman always reads the advertising oolunt::r. —Bring your friends to Rh you to hear Daniel, on Tuesday night. --Mr. J. E. Swart& running horse, is in Toronto training for the May races. —Flannel),Manner, Montgomery •tepid Last wook i' ,war. the latest and best in 1)u t;V Ifstl 0 tsona')le :and stylish Dc e43 t_1)')�i 3. D. not fait to 'see our I):•b;e (a »ai b fort: giving your ord.tr fe' v ; le id the trade in high clam 1);•ci - floods at very -1'1117•:[7:.S r�w[ sty r ..:tcy7" a occurred on Vic- toria street one slay last week. Melvin Kerr, who is employed with A. 13• McDon• ald, flour and feed merchant, was driving his delivery wagon down the bill near the Catholic, Church, when the horse stumbled and fell rupturing a blood yes 1 from which it died in a few minutes. Nonce—Wm. Orr, Superintendent of Experimental Spraying, carried on by the Ontario Government has sent out notices to the fruitgrowers of this distriot that instructions will be given in the prepara- tion and•application of insecticides and fungicides at \Vingham on Tnsday April 27 at 2 p. ,n. in the orchard of Gen. Moffatt. All parties interested are respectfully in- vited to be present. School Board. The uoard met in the Council chamber hers ,. t the members _ ni . A 1 OY e n hot Tuesday da g present. 1Miiputee of last meeting were read and adopted. In his monthly report the Principal suggested that repairs be made to the roof as during storms it leaked --Report adopt- ed.. A report was read from the Boiler In. Spector—Filed. Also the following report was read from Inspector Robb and on motion filed' Clinton, Karol' 2eth, 1.:97. To Tun Bonen OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES, WINDHAM. GENTLU:tt:N. —I beg leave to report that I visited your school on Feb. l0th,17th,18th, 10th and March 12th. The rooms were all warm, comfortable and clean. The sweep- ing and dusting were satisfactory, and I found none of the rooms overcrowded. All the teachers seem tobe doing good and sun- cessfn! work. Miss Reid is getting along very nicely, and will give excellent antis - faction to all. The addition of Miss Gray mill give you a staff without•a weak teach - Fresh ":�` t q.tyC_15.:3 er. laverythi.,g seems to bo running quite Fresh buttci end ep;'s at days in Toronto. smoothly. le t NO C rmcicnr. Master Re Millard spent the Easter Inns, gentlemen your obedient servant, le For nobby Csltt's I'nrui�Lings and the D. Roan,• latest styles go to Cleo (;,r 'e. 4•af holidays in town. I. P. 5 Last Huron. y 11.1r.Win. Campbell, of Blyth, was in The following accounts were passed and North % Grocer•,+, Well •sc p i,•.o p.ud at town \Vednesdny, recommended to be paid: Thos. Pocock, Mrs. R. 7. Ranciman and children are wood, $11.80; Geo. Clelland, wood, $O1; Forlir t (.ln,. nystet; ri:h r in ',stilt or Elmer Moore, piling wood, $2; Jobii Cor• serves] try 3IcK..rxc:'s a' ' in Stratford. nyn, printing, $3; Alex. Boss, ink, $3.85. See Moai:;tie'a richt.', Been' betel •g, 2 Mr, Musgrove stated that the Teachers'bottles for 'l:, ecut�. 1 �If Convection was to be held in \Vingham on FRBIT—Oras ea lemons, bananas and Alay 21. and 22. The teachers of Winglaam cocoanuts, chem at 1lclielvie's. 4-2tf intend to give them an "eat Home • on 1 wt the evening of the first day and he on be- ' your lounges covered and )our pict- Airs. Williamson, liiuowrcline, was the with themf of in achers making sked the the eve Board a success— Bridge ureExt a quality of faamed at rmers' make of maple. guest of Mrs. Vanstone. Laid over till next meeting. syrup at NORTH ENP t;aoOtenY. Mrs. Duff and son Bert have .returned On motion of Griffin and Iiorouthlc�et Bridge castings and bridge iron of every Chairman and rs description at the Ontario Iron Works. r ers , 4.2tf d. Mrniur, Proprietor We are showing the latest novelties in spring suitings, workmanship and prices all riot. GEO. CARR, 4.21f Opposite Queen's Hotel. Ireland de Britton Practical ITudertakers. Prices reasonable. 4•l:itf. —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try. 1Vchstor en Co. Remember the place, in Queen's block. Epicure brands of meat at North En d G rocory. \'c ANTED—Eggs 10 cents, and the balance of your dried apples. We are headquarters for clover and timothy seed &c. • 4 Oc G. E. 'Cum Sudden Death It was a great surprise to the people of Wingha,n avutn it be crime !mown on /inn. day that Mrs Margaret Dodds Ives dead. Airs. Dodds haul beers in bet• usual health and on Thursday had gone to Kincardine to spend Baste r Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Drew. tieturtiay eight elle retired about nine i.'elock but got up again almost immediately, complaining of her heart, and saying that she could not lie, teed in less that an hour he wad a corpse. De- ceased was 61 egers of op ,L'Id leave,t four sons and five daughters t, mourn her end - den death, all nt whom were Lome t' tho funeral ex•scpting one ,hiugl,ter, Mrs. Sam• nel Dodds, who lives in MMT'antana. The body was brought to tt in;;ham uu tbs early train Monday. A. ptivate servi,se was conducted at thellouse'J'ucs•iaj• um, sting by Bev. D. Perris. 'the funeral in the eftetaotu was attended by relatives farm doeferth. Ciin• ton and Blyth. 1),ace•an d .' ttie•d id Wing - ham about 85 years Age, waning from the Township +'f Tuckt'rstuirh. visiting S Will Gifford, teacher of Forest, is spend - elin * bis holidays home. Mr, Toe Carruth. of Mount Forest, was in •to i Good Fridaaytt�` St. Paula Vestry Meeting. The annuli,' Vestry Meeting of St. Pauls was held on Monday evening . Haarlem returned 'home elundr y evening.' The Warden's report was road anti on _et bt said that wedding bells will bot motion aclopted, The salaries of the offi- ringing at (:lenannan dnrieg the coming-) cer fort the oensuiicers elected.gyear w were fixed and the creek. Peoples' Warden, T. L. Jobb. Miss Ella Cornyn e1'ter tained her I Rector's Warden, Samuel Kernighan. Sunday School class tend others on Monday t Advisory Board, H, Kerr, tv, Corboald, E, L, Dickinson, Thos. Bell, A. E Smith Auditors, W. Corbould, ,T. H. Hiscccke Vestry Clerk, J. IL 'becomes. Sidesmcn, Thee. Ball, F. H. Rederus, Thos. Moore, W. J. Fleaty, F. Shore, L L. Hauser), II. 0. Bell, A resolution was passed expressing the cotttidence of the vestry in the incumbency of the rentor, Rev. Wm, Lowe, and their high appreciation of bis untiring zeal in advancing their spiritual welfare. Votoa of thanks were tendered to the ofVicers and choir for their work during the —Hear the Solos, D.t its, £ los, Q uar- tettee all . Choruses i:•, t„ o Presbyterian Church 'Tuesday night, • —Without any doubt, Daniel will be ono of the beet musical evatlte that have been in Wingbarn for many 'eon ths. —To guarantee its suceeee it only needy to be known that the Cantata Daniel is under the rnauagemeutof Mn. G. W. Cline —ea resident of °Hower, declared he fr m a visit to Seaforth, Secretary were instructed Ail Lack Kennedy, Clinton, was in town andeeue Olii ersforfther ttnonth of March. gantries of aehe Meeting adjourned. on business last Thursdeor Messrs. Hanna and Sullivan were in Teemed er on Gond Friday. Mr. Jos. Vanstone, of Hamilton, epent 1VEWS NOTES. Easter with his people hare. , enuelt,h'e etttssiticatrtn Pus been re Mrs. A. McMurchy, of Itipley . spent :licca ;auto A to L uy the tire under - Easter with Mrs. 'McTavish. , wrtteis. Will Fyfe, twitter. of Kincardine, is The German Consul at Quebec, Mr. hyle for the Easter Hollirlays. (;Hoer. 1'at,, dropped settee in ore ec, of v MPTP. II. B. Elliott, of the agersoll Heart u:searte. C ,'onicle, spent Easter in town. 1 Turkey sue declared war on (arises• spentFarq tharson and \i'. fi berrsnn y"tgretlug ear the tr•outtet Joie wean. vigw•- spent t. cod Friday in IiarristonN uudty weir men. Mr. Thos. Hutchison, of Ford Molt, spent ;yl r. Henry J. Medlin, of liamtlwu, is a few clays iu 'Toronto this weak. dead ad rue ted„it or iewanowing, a uruea- Ad.im Melded. And 1Z dpi O'•r. of Tees- ueaceu mutt wry yeats ago. tenter, spent Good Friday it, town. f Alive Mary itiuvuard was burned near - heard the sound or echo of .L steamboat ! past year and for the 1)1i111.feet intone whi.,tle off &a:Aerial lust 'Thursday morn- they liad taken in promoting the interests it • o1 the church. The meeting adjourned for il.Mr. ,John Chilton, formerly manager of two s'+ecks to receive the Auditors' report the Heron Steant',Landry, left on Friday . hast for Mount forest, where he It:L9 53001• Easter Bri; htnssa ad aL p;rsilion.�/ • 'fy will Loa e 1 The Dentate "Easter Brightness” was —t f the 'Methodist Sunday Schoolas Sunday 3 lb box Jersey Cream Sodas for 2de at North End Grocery. 3-5t£ Epicure brand of meats nt NORTH END GROCERS'. MIPs. R L'luff and Mise 't ttlia, Ciin ton, 1y to ueat.0 at, ie itttuy uy ho. ulottung Get your Mattresses, Sprint; Reda, Cur - spent the Easter vaeatinn in town. I c.atuniug tire trots a tams,. Lames Poles and qurtaiu Stretchers iG Inn She Misses Robertson are spending the ! 1Vlr. 1V u1. (aiUson, M. P. sur Lincoln The rigbb luau in the right place. Gives week at their home near Goder)eh. I hied the uiasony uuutraut for the \'tuLuriu 11icAlpine a trial fur an up to -date meal at ;sir. Wm. Walker,, of Port Barwell, is bridge eulargotueut at :uuuti•ctil. lei cents. Spetiai arrangetil tt eau be made renewing old acq'atintanoes iu town, I The li�oxhoruugh block at Norwich for board by the weelr. ;Ire. Glazier, Clinton, is the genet of Mr, !avis dedtruyetl by lire', LOU se,o101 ot`vlientpt bailclmg lasbe tal bl li`etauraut, INT a nnvate,l eKenznut and Mrs. H. Kerr and oilier friends. ! uusiaie.s establishments ! and every ennvtnre:lc,•v h•'s limon Added for Bert Chapman, of the Chatham Buai• 1 away, the itrnns' comfort. Meals at alt beers. cess College is home for the holidays. i A tar e mass of rock tvetghing several Oyet rs served in any style. Assn agent for Reid P'tnn pal of Owen Sound' tune, telltru,), thu chit duav0 un union the llnrnn steam Lni'i ire wide); *erne T. A ,tutu target, Qttebeu.:i couple of lauuses out work equal to aasv sit, e•un,ir•s. Lr ave .,lode] School, was hoarse during the week. t 1 were dammed. orders at any eters:. ;Wren Me \ i r• s• Messrs, Smith MOFadelen and Fleet, of i ` l'ro;nietor, Kincardine., were in town ria G• ed Frine y. 'Rev. W. T. Rutledge, of Fr€int&ard,l;us I reaSOnfl1)!C. prices. MLPs Wm Duff and family Y 1 An [intidotcior Aat'atnx -e eav of i given by the members o r 1\.1 Albert Llai,). Anvils, Ont , a r•s for +� L b,t on Tuesd.iv. HIi,. Ii 1 1 t afternoon The Miss Minute Higgins, of II•tcri,t l ire 1 in (JhsiCc I,EIIiAmittun,)suLyy.ctthe tto dee a anc a rbr 1d ntto 1 C School, is spending part of her h church was itilecl to overflowing. P tion of the Hamilton, subject Uomto. tee. over two yenta, €t sufferer ti ern :\r tt ma. { to D. . c:... ! A half bottle of Yellow 011 cured hint :no:} A hrofeseiontti hypnotist I completely and althemeli was drone de5elvcs credit for Lle. Heyde -nen, on eat ( is six foot d� -p• he'll 1'•crY t n 1 0 r. curl Mrs, H_ dhis sit tins Fever c n tt(.t. ,. . i t it ,..eel d ate in attendance Ai 119sled sae of time nt o, he 1 S to call a t 1 neve who i3 A• d. f to h r g 'n we desire—rl, H. 19 us., , our to tr••nil:C ia;t -d te. '" at thuProvi wee ,read r'a erce: efore ill 1 The fu which each part was given; Iridnywit M , and AIe L(l:t•e The prof e e and officers aretie talon notion tion t) n 1 " :t lel tip to'19iC 1 u' 1 this week, recd a pierce before the I'Slto folloo i was the program th gr1LY given ; Ulintnn. V to St, III the daregetuue exhibition. Of h t W 'White:church will tale: Mi^'i Ditf'S pltyi0in the office of G. N. W. Telt gra] la Co. T to an tate:wen prepare& under the directorship of T A. orton, who with the same oe,i pi not *alive. 7Qtner ors t, , for e C S hatet'Tooris. . Public) School Department on \Voduescbi'. I Consult Y y Ln Soldiers 'tIrs t•,pooa9r w-.. the r, ie, Guelph I)r,atu,, and Onward Christian and , ' `1 of the is p 1 > 1 1' • \Vlr brggtvTl7 I' Swalts• A p •� e the puttee of a genertil meal of the Reading "';• 1; el i ter &G. shnrehnlclera of the \Vinrha,tn Farmers' ,,,, uothor .w t:c.chu, lots good. -•-\\'e ctl.11 the attention of our readers to acs c n Pra er Gy the Pastor dies. . a eoa and w there t hft'; e; The Royal city horse shore, under the [aunt If lie advises „t n llvtun nnsptua: +'on td \Vim o e s "-t Duet ... '.• Dnet......Uh! Cross aeon 1Ionilt Calvary ' Miss lT�Lttfa Itod4'us, t,he,h Club incl the Entno Horse 5500/5/1 met as i1 : n t i<tt opened, Tuesday, in the Victoria Risk 1 All u faeee is got t t' UI.QBS �'� `� ► Ltd which appears en a S f th I the Net f ( ]ph +� s Flax Co. t , h uc i n .. . Tho Pastor log iii ,, u t of ) t '> Guelph. 1 cures coughs, colds ae If yon cannot 500 in our window oolumu, Scripture Reeding r arced eomr.� i rGhishchu s Drug alto Tho twentearnett annual meeting of the , , display just, what you want in style„, —Some weeks ago, Mr. Pater Dean's ( Quartette :t PenTa, RL+IN(tT.ItS Btni ncIi'Pfl tV A. L. omenv11 r,lit 11 of sl:.•lt;ctt, \Vomon's'1'urotgu'Iisdionary Sudety of into the store I sore] driper fractured the pelvic Lone and A11s5)tn eES a Iteadiug J A. MoreroN, Stand:Lrd ,rod 'ir• itr L lai,t :;tt.• ,t t=':> i ! the .I'resayterinu thatch to Canada. Tho p rclttality of itrict, stCp las. I from that time was unable to stand. After Scripture Who is This? Irrdday in tow western, cliytsion opened at Hamilton on and w0 wi'1 t:t ;e piety -lure in snow great deal of suffering she cried on Bata- Solo. R G LB AITIi t Flan d tlil '1'uesdny• ung �"Ou e:et title jtt +tbCk. day morning. I Scripture heading '1Ta. SrAittaxcs Mr. Victor Bendel et het.+l•tva, t ff I's 1 7' ph F Kelly, who was arrested at MISSIES R1:iD AND liIT(1Itn: n we. rcronl es Preprints ion ev tenet that ie 1 and strength wan mg disea.'es at ``- 3 "if Cheapest in the County Tl Abraham is prepared to half sole Men's boots and shoes at from 40 to 45 a ,re onT. t cents a pair. Ladies shots celnally as ' •tOr Iia CU Pi C• the E' ' ' 1 , tc,wc ,^r, , .• osocheap The best quality of ]cutler used Air Arthur Wade, who has been the Chorus O b t1 �;rr't% �'a ��O �� NOT :. fi - - � [ 1'ce ith .tn�•k I��r �u I buy .v i BEEN C � and Mmnnei Al pk. :i debts to eellle Ring Happy Bells staff, , Teems cash. \\ hit en,lb t.S alt to eat Oh! day of all Days with his aunt, ;try. Sin; th• } Montreal, on m charge of mor arint; l s Hftnnnr:v Ilt:t:x n rib, ut morsmith, i\T. fI„ prices so low is that I have 00 rent to pay, Ali C' i•c'• c f I'ee•cr tans in t,avr: nn ; C -shier tickney, of the Great Palls is to settle and I bop my stnc•lc for wt couple n change Hotel, for the (� P Y gong... Oh Glorious Lrelee Morning ,raasdav nn l�r way lune from Virg.+=..+�, National Ua no months, wont w Kincardine �•n Tuesday hua confessed the erima cash. The oldest established .NST �" w' guest of his bflr, J. E. ti.,,, of ilio Ex- Recitation chaugo IIotel, for the past c�tuple of no deL months, went to I{{ncar,ltne on .Cnesday Song.:.. Oh Glorious Easter 1F1.orning TnoadAy mn llNr wcLy ilniltd frnen iSru�.,r.a, j✓nttunal 73a -I ensh. flat oldest established shop in town •••,;,,, has confessed thtl cr imo. E TO B ,g,-I1i,.fC"i where he has secured w situation. F:xam� FAt Baste) Ld �vl�rt e xhe Inns Leen �� i I 4l � vre�nr��vA n�6sen ���.to:ia street. Melo, M �: Tho ridiculous s or, many t9inel�iunlYes Breva Ito:ssi�.u.� llr..:.,i��i\Ii�r;rr i, ii�Tii:.ni:e.. this: �. ��• I w .......� _._ ....... ....... ...., i.���.c LAND .e i,.:..,...;��ihu Cabmen culminating to The oniifleeae Enemy. u s. ,roc.•., uu taG1 ro he assay a itigli tui klxe:iron At Easter ltd ayhrie she has Lttn a ! 4 ,)d A}ArD • i I Tho ridiculous story regarding Bissau t Victoria street. --A great tutLuy 'lVinl;hittnites drove � Ito:stsr,r.'t Cuildrenr En"mr. r tree • t,: the Tndnc• I II:ELA::D, ALICIS Cn»D AND Lt'CY LANs ,lir. •!„iint�Ie•:r7;ian•rta11 �u�� rti{,I, of the! e'•ioti;; in the Cubtue,�, calm}Hating in the evale on ! t y Laster Flowers atteucling /la la often s tit ' Seelig:; l;bb•ls cheaper than t,nu servBtces at the Presbrterirul church. ltecitatton r Scrofula, AbG t !pater tllnttat, alld la characterized by RWF•11}riga. nbsvesses, ufacturer,' prices, beet we do 1 The W{ngllanl Presbyterian choir furnish• levee I3tncnox.Drn, LAURA Ill itr„ Aut.Ir f ) Manufacturer,' meeting. i hip diseases, etc. Consrmp�+ion is scrofula ass of 1Cec::sn, Liner, 1;u�.r.+aa• \\'ALi(Ln, Is 1FC..r. 7iT+LI. diseases +nu of Sir Richard Cattright, Sirshows itself in elrly life • assure you that o will not b0 un I ed mesio for the evening n,ee g Chores 'Tell Good I r y byany house in the traded,/ --Un Saturday evening le horse driven Scrip ui she the f ur{e•Cxranter libel c I o£ the lungs. In this tt Inegti,mably the dersmat \V spent Lt{Ste t L ck to no no matte t what pretences they may Jas. Minns, reet, le, king up n row II me I { was unable to pin most __ ill Josephine street, breaking away from IIs dlod ni . a { I t wn r i '1 the litntstei of male. the buggy to which it was attar ed but Grand Ce.wp Sons of :• ootlan•1, test; ,; t ud Mr, Sifton, is laugh - 1 t r.. Miss Bella MoI enzie, c Rill, `'. Lp.•: ' ed at to Ottawa. the sweet story again ,idea with her Rived, Lieeie L,a- 1 , , ase bus been t rt Roadie Dn. Towtasn moat miter wow to Ilt•ut•.sels where. Scott's Emulsion is t Thou art tiff liy t. se t term as 112 r. (1i renier y , d,*t'htroc he cued with reh,hla niediait.e. Ltecitatiou • ' out Mr. Punts, while a 3�Oar. t et e who , M Ira Lava ) a r, ' OD •- ,eta - r Llu) 10 T. 1 tbusyleave ' to \V town, �t•`i TIto '., t Works Cr , , , ' i\4 1, , 1.tooi IMI is t, lack Chorus Hallelujah! Christ is risen s]aendmt+ the , , ..et h ' L'ubhu .\ breisLua'ra-•-On Sa nrd y, April U .h, a b Recitation tunnel lignin tit'7[ltto;Lv i,t emetetey with i w0 at yresent. i enllie bitch, with hr rt tan And wearing a her fa lend, 1, 11 ars Nellie a itis+. ltheren el. wile ha, loon "mine, Telegraphic: communiontion with Em- sera) with tit ttachrd, hinder will miss .)t , ,hen! :itctff, erson has Laeu cutoff nod further de- w° by leavin. avot with, a ntembe e of the. Tobin; will !Is of damages s caused by the high 1 4-1(ic. I) rixvutr '� been --- going on I''ri,lAv for Stratford v;lr•rc'r.il+ tit _ tenet a fe•w doer- will, f1 it tidy lid atoms to i water r ann t bens also bleen serveredlroaPe(o)111. ORRENT�ita ham �!ilinf; to I.)11011) , }u teb`ul, town eltr will for four deys. Two bridges at Morris Hater To 13aent' In I enter g make her home, were carried away. The Red River is Terms easy. A to 4.,. slowly risiug at Winnipeg, 1•!1$r AI t' n:aruN. 11otrst, 'ro II NT._-•-Frat)TO dwelling on Albert street apply to this cities or to Peter Imlay, Winghallt or V.bitechurcla P. O. I!'u ssc Mnettet Fon Stereo— Any partied wanting froth milkers should apply to, 4.10c D. Serevearr, Winghamv ,4, ,.•...-r.• was stopped be£foro it had run Eters EERY DEPARTMENT —On Wednesday evening April 28th a special meeting will be conducted in the Iliarraoks, by Adjutant and Mrs.Taylor, and br7'Z�e jammed 1 Captain Huntingdon, of Pabnereton There will also be an enrollment of recruits. i est ro- I ' Zi✓r7,�h LO' b p It as \\i not often that ngham has a ' �^,��� ~, of �% o many "fright fritters.” Itis said however, that Lift up your eyes LILLIAN Digin Qnartette Behold He comes MISaic t PASA, BtnttitoLDN , AND VERSANT Carol Little Lambs ofJesus Members of Infant olassen Recitntiou day of joy �ane 14IA[t(€IL�'1'Ir,)t9 h r7,C -, , I i no landlord has re• Chorus I know that my h a thing did occur in town rocent]y but Redeemer hveth lands (X,r - e .� no one is migshor and Lteoitettion Or"a,�?le' O'jut: ported being shorth]srent taltich adds to Tho lGngolGlory %(X,`il the mystery. I Lrr.AI>e B ' BI t.ttLlL. Aranrn MAZY RUSSELL Ennis 1 J•Mr. Robt. McGee, who has recently Chorus n Ring 'oat the bells e one to Mallory, Blinn , writes home tint �ta��'s report for the year t. l they are at protein suff[ridg from teens do S Collection y' p de •i tom•; * ��1,„ t y the water havi q that c0•tln L' r e that itis running tilts a r:v r along r omi 73Mita enedi etion Direct Importer. of tilt streets of the icer ti > Get Ali paa•ti' r (,tyttll secured tA,:5 to appear tie c the . Coronation 1 had• at'' ,u Clerk's 1t'ilsou'e, 0.-. )t;s who have not , Choice varieties of iulport.cl early seed ,, t will L ' , i na+ted ' I )tatoes, Now Queen and Wilton at t, r 'rags at,aa ni i' 1'ETata DEAN'S lira onat Joins Flour and k c ed Store ANS,u,e. PAY, ()hief. 4.-"t'