HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-04-16, Page 8\YI Ui'1, ►M TIMES, APRIL 161 WK. Y4".��•Wh!MIM.I.•N'R4.Mr lM . • t.,I.ENAN , 1.\. K. s1�� L/\l, I tttu. ii';,liau�lt3ala rowel Mr. ? .1,,,... s Earle e,1 the. ninth, and is going try .s v his hand at farming --`� 1 am iitf gee k to ,liar, be (tad ! � ler ; dreg. 1'..,he•i lief+• ,,, t. tttt1Eith t�, 1 t�'ittt tatty had ai sNr'c't,• ilitack of its a.1 ,flainatory il,ra[rnnt'h,ni is reetaielingi N' n ..r,1 1 :t ..a4..a4tkth, :'salmi who ha, been ,, ) +��1 viAtiu Wilds in Culross returned h ne least•wee1.. > The ordination and induction of One of the pleasures of Easter Rev. iieiltiant .1. ii'e.t, foto I3lnevnhe is the o;:purtantty to wean" and Eadie's eltnreli t..11 take phtee in everything „ • a20 new "from Hat t0 , B tevale• on ;�}n H 2 .la.V Shoes" that yutt may think of. t C+:liu Faulk `t' gradually rvcover- -GLOVES & IARA, � l ing and will seam he. sable to be about z ' SOLS, 2. again although it wilt I,e some time before he can do any wc•k V Rev. Mr. M&.D malt!, of Kincardine who has been preaching in i3luevale and 1`:adiu'4 church for the past four Sunday's, will preach Ms farewell sermon next Sunday, Mr. Mcl)ci- altt is an excellent speaker and he itis Made for himself, many Warui friends hi the eang, c'gaation since he ca iktrys. • IIdilwho hast hada severe at- they prefer the Durhan[s. They are tact: of lei atu•tti,r;i of th lungs all Durhatna. Thee "et•itters" that tot Neck or two are all Darhatns. Ye • ' r Gods!, its enough to snake 'he Bates 1„„..., TUFT{-' INVITED and Booths Of Oki. turd ill their gravy; lel D Eht:son t, Macedonia, April 1•E.Nuoit ee Baine this g•ritnd breed of short- CHUB —CAPES & COSTUMES, —SHOES & HOSIERY, —MEN'4 CLORHINO, —HATS & FURNISHINGS. No matter what you require, iJ You'll find us prepared with an immense variety of all the very* latest and d•tintiest -styles and novelties. We have made it possible toi' you to meet the ' dress requirements of the day") at little expense. It will pay I you to i cid these items for Sat- nt day. Easter' Capes, regular $2.25 fore $175. } Easter Pa aso1s, regular $2.00 for81 00. 2� Easter Glove;, Fancy Iiid, reguler ?i $1 far 75c. ), Beater Hosiery, regular 50c. for" 40e. Easter Dress Goode, regular 50e for Sf 4'2.c. Easter Silks for Blouses; regular 50 for 40c. Easter Shoes, Black or Tau regular 52 for 31.50, ' . Turkish arms in force. It is not yet fed, (most of these cattle don't Easter Hats for gentlemen, regular known whether Greek troops wereFO $2 for $1.50. f P look as though they bad been fed act Easter shirts. White or Colored 1 amoi:g the brigands who have enter- ,ail), and therefore cost much more to 4 reeular $1;?a for $1. I ed Turkish Territory - , produce than prairie raised Cattle. Easter Ready Made Clothing, for f Constat,tiut•ple, April 14.—The war On the ntitel hand we are so much boys, regular $3,50 for $2.50. i : preparations thr,)nghrxat the Turkish closer to seaboard, that Out' SPRING SUITS' Easter Carpets, Lace Curtaints,s'! Empire continue. to be steadily press , cattle ought to cotfilli7iid D. tt'TIQN. COMMUNIC !DARKEST AFRICA 'rt, the Editor et the 'Dom Dear `editor, --The annual meeting: of the tlolstien Friesian Aasoeiatian of America was held 10 Buffalo on (larch 17th,whcn the prenniauts were ,awarded to the official batter test offered to the above Association. Competition was open for one year to all cows registered with the Asso elation, and already slaty cows wore crate, ed, 'Their records. were for one week's titivation, and made by state officials. or Experimental Station,'t'he first prize was awarded to cow, De I~wol, 2nds; Pauline, who. made twenty-seven pounds, (27 lbs.) 11 oz of butter in one week, the milk avcr3ging 9.39 % Babcock Test. The second and third prizes 20 Ib 10,t16 ozs, and 251be, 11,1)6 ozs., were also from the same farm, as ail the COWS are owned by Mr. Henry Stevens, of Lacona, N. Y. Now Sir, ;,:.J up-to-date farmer in the vicinity of Wingham, does not like this breed of cattle. Oh! no —MAIM': LIMIT I3' - "- MAJOR a•. H. SCHOOF, is improving very slowly. the have seen shipped away this last The Wetter. Soldier from Africa, —Bands of ()reek f3rig'tnds have en. Borns so maligned tered Turkey at Krania in the viein- The up -to date farmers in this ity of 0rebina, The Turkish troops vicinity can see lots of [Honey in have been engaageci with then and raising cattle and sellingthem at the�fight has continued since five from $8 to $12 a head, at eighteen o eloek this morning and twenty months old. It is a 1 At the Turkish headquarters,. this ; disgrace to the intelligence of the new is looked upnn as being of the country, to think, that dealers can gravest dc:cript,i„n, in view of the I conte from the cheap lands of Neb. 1 excitement here. I'Idhetn Pasha ;{ raska, and freight then( hundreds of 1 has sent orders to have everything I miles, and then make money on them. i in readiness for the advance of the I Our cattle are or ought to be hand --ON— �H, Thursday and Friday, APRIL 22 and 23 On his experiences among natives and Boers, Life in the Gold and Diamond Fields and Dr, Jamieson's Raid. AD11III9,61ON lOe. Ordered Clothing,Table l.in-1 ens. Napkins, Towlings and"' Towels, Prints and Muslims.' All, at Saturday Sf Our great special Shoe Sale all ?i day Saturday. Come ear:y if you �1 want first choice. The beat things J go first as a matter of course. v M. H. McINDOO'S.5? � ed, although there is not much higher figure, and the} do when pro -Made in.the I change in the Eastern situation. A: periy* handled. Every beast that has :very pessintistie feeling prevails here gene away to the Old Country latety a at the failure of tl.e p,m.-rs attempts; as a feeder has -lost mcney to the man Ito coerce Greece. The blockade of � that raised it. In the face of the fact !the Piraeus, seems as far off as ever, ! that so many • farmers.have Go to '7° !and the war party here is bringing been • compelled to assig- this pressure to hear upon the Govern - 1 winter and so• many more are silent, with the moth that the Porte going back, as .the. town merchants has dispatched eireulars to the rept`e-tell us is the case it is of the utmost sentatives abroad,. setting forth Tar- importance to the common welfare keys growing impatience at the pro- of the town of Winghatn and the ..� -t+ a =n'� - ---- lunation of the erisis, which Is neighborhood that the farmersshould m•-_-___-=,-=-.=--------------- pressing heavily upon an already change their ways. The. prospects ADDITIONAL L.9DALS. embarrns.ed-exchequer, for dairying this coming season are Person- als.i Larissa April 1-1.-1u spite of offs.- most hopeful.' The stock of cheese Q'iiss CarriaFisher isin Brantford. � tial intelligence received here yester on hand is pr�.cticakly exhausted, and • r,,... Meer raJci is home from Ottawa for day, saying that the powers have 12c is spoken of as the opening price lEatr%sr. � decided to settle the Cretan question With the cold storage arrangements ,fir, Sc Gifi•ord of Hanover spent Sunday ' by a plebiscite of the island, there is. that have been made the butter- 3in Taws, 1 no stoppage of. the war preparations makers are expecting a great season .m,is,cat,rie 5f aedonald of the London Troops are bc.ihn forwarded' daily to so that it behooves the farmers to be- t<Collet�i,rte.Iusti. I the frontier and advance posts are stir themselves, and enter more es T'�antt left Tuesday thoroughly into the only branch of farming that can at present lighten Heir burdens. n the dairying LATEST STYLES' eta, on last for cin strengthened. ':NewDenverWhere, lie has a brother now i l+ .,living, ` r• oiin Stewart of naz-1 lu Stratford B GORItIE. t d I -mess•Cohe„ a is spending his • Easter holidays • Maple Syrup is ver branch the fartne�• turns liis money home, P y plentiful in Hent the town, at least once a month, In raising „i, ;s Mahood of f'6..6 to wfo , turned i The farrmers around here are busy those "critters" it only eomes in once -^till at,, .l; s,l, ;,tic 6 ;, town as F. and then there is se little he can ;.to.lier4oxne. � ploughing'. Tett% and Xis. T.�t,..I3rown and ehi.'da'.�+. . We had a fele inches of snow fall scarcely see it, and he has no"critter's of Stratford, :axe spending 1±aetl3e }vigil, r'Iiday, but the sun soon vanquished to make him any more, I acre aware -:ltiends in town. all farmers cannot have such grand cows as the Ones I have called your attention to. I am also aware that they might have a great deal better ones than they have gos.These cows have got to, the height they have reached through intelligent feeding and care, The dam off the first -prize cow held the record until it was this year wrested from her by her daughter, that is intelligent feed- ing . Our up-to-date farmers. use 'oyr tai ' the cheapest bulls they can get..There malt.. is one word that our fanners need to In fleecy shipped a car of Mr.. ,tfaai t here e on Monday of last learn to spell very eorrectly, if they ourbtn = !horses+firtma ,.. ' htinson a car of wish to succeed, atnd that is CARE. bepartrnenta1 store the growth of the Week., at 'I'k7QASgds W (iOtzat 7Cti. Iowa in its w.lfie, aniiaa�aicip i uiu that fol -1 cattle'. „ that it is the [11a left for Eianitoba, intention of the Association, to hold n large ! wilt. C;;t<.i, Convention, It is requested . that emch last ,Feel . town and city in the Dominion, send one or 'rl3ride, of the Anglo more merchants to represent them at the ter. t ' lI" �` a has eatnnience Anglo - Convention. Those who are in sympathy Amerno, , hem with the movement should got together;and running; - i>t`''' r, , decide whether they will send represent- aliSs Liunn'c>f 'j c l gut is visiting a;tiers,"and if so forwu'rd the names and std- friends in town at p CSOnt. ares: es of such and thaay will be notified ee I3ittevale oe- the date of cher convent i W 'Bliss Patterson. of Imoknow who heetB ei, '1.61f 1411:1 Sti, to <1111 dell wii, has been Ache guest of Mrs. Grierson for the past anis returned home, rvorkin - in :a[ift Ste. llarfe lliich, . �l 'ar some (.;ate' returned home Satur- ----The 4(lantata, Danieli to be given hull; al. '1y. 'the' Presbyterian L''hurobf wen hap `Tuesday „Apri1,27tb, wascompfledby 0' Mr. Davil•i calla hay. of Toronto M. Cadyosais4ecl by P. J'. Crasby, Chao- Eben nerly of (Jot'[ ie, .aid his mother inuafc composed by George P. Foot and -- William friend ; in cornu. tt visit this week widliatu Bradbury of New Yorlc, all ti , Bohn Ilastcett is recovering known to the world as first class cozaa• his 4[l i;ness, piles and composers, Only a limited firottat . number at tickets will be sold, xettr is at present in the em• `-'•fir. Proweru, Secretaryof ro llr s 3hn Rutherford tin - Office Association of the whose Office ii l:,513a Canada, h sent out circulars to the Streetaing merchants and others interested in having some means adopted for _ ion. a °f Rev, ..11, MOSS the ilfethodist. _Too " C%satata of Daniel" which is to cupie/T the pulpit it, and also at be given in the Presbyterian Church, chlli'ch last Sunday; Irnoon, Rev. 'ind sou til, April 27th, is in three parts Orangehill in the aft toss' appoint replete in Bolos, Mete, Trios, Qartettes, ,j, S t+'isher t and soul stirring Choruses, by a large eherue of trained voless. Solos by Kitt N�Sbtat n•ezxar, The Queen, Darnel Azariab, Axle s Sister, and Persian Princes. Duets by Ring and Queen, Axariab and Sister; and Danis! and Ring. Trios and Choruses by dawtish Maidens ad Persian Princes. Grand bauble Oiot•neof Persians and Israelites. Soei+es eat incidents in connection with SEA 'Ofl.TITIS LOSS. tICKSO'S'S eat tSM I+ AC1'4:RIt nzsTit0X • to nv nuns About daybteak Tuesday morn- ing the cheese factory owned by Mr. Thomas Dickson, situated in the lllea'1ir.1t north end of the town, ryas discover. ed on fire. • books re- A strong gale was blowing from recently The worth neat the Borrie the east, and every attempt by the Plicrpurchased hfor placed on firemen to save the building was Public Library have been manage" fruitless. Loss, $15,000. I`nstira s the shelves, The hoard of bed 16 in the Gores District; the building for meat, have decided to pure: $500, Machinery and contents for MOM worth of new books. in 'axis $50(y: The origin Of the {ere is tIn• fevt�nty7caratepitvitgan and grouted n1r, Ilftid of Tlat t'lstbtl was , to for ]cnovrn. t 4+ •; well I:etnlly explalne d iisfore 1 vicinity last week, baying e;Attt, 1 the truce h !market. 'E13STER' S QtJEEN'S BLOCN, WINGIIAM WIN GH AM POEM Having purchased the awl named property from Mr. A. Robinson, we are now prepared supply a gr•eate variety of Ca -tin and to attend ts, all; manner of pair Work FACTORY :SAN: ,G',E11S—Coi when your Machiates. require reps' and our maehinistt can 'put them. right thus saving yen trouble and annoyance. BRIDGE BUILDERS—Come and order your. Iron froaa. us, We order diat•,et from the Rolling Mills and can quote you prices that are right. FARMERS --Come on Saturday and secure some of mar bargains in Plough Repairs and ]Roller Castings which we sell cheap far ea3h on Sat. urday. Bring your. east iron sorap Meng. IMPLEMENT repairs' here inste WANTED �--•A lii y SgtL' lY--Get your teed of sending to distant points and. N EW Furniture awl x ,era : t eras W INT 4U- X-31 Pit WI - •. ,ter --- Ireland & Button are putting in a complete Stock of Furniture and Uutlertaking cuuaisttug of BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING- SUITES, TABLES Find CHAIRS of all hinds• SIDEBOARDS, LOUNGES, SPRINGc), BED MATTRESSES, CURTAIN PO1;ES, PICTURES, PIC'I4J E FRAMES, MOUNDINGS, MIRRORS, Etc., in fact '4‘" everything that is kept in a .F'IRS'T` -CLASS FURNITURE STORE. A complete stock of Undertaking kept on hand and prices reason- able. Remember the place, Ireland's old store, opposite the Mae- donalcl Block, (Residence opposite the foundry, IRELAND & BUTTON. DEPARTMENTAL STORES ARE NOT IN IT when you want something choice in the line of TOILET SETS We have a. very fine lot of this line for you to choose from,, just now and we are Letting them go at prices that have KNOCKED OuT anything we have yet seen or heard of N.A. F RQUHARSON'S. WINGHAM CHINA HOUSE, G-oingout --� SS 1 . _r,1 ,. _T Cintas stave rn Hey, canted quantity of ;ty 21 inch Rock Biu Plank and Shy Maple. WM. E,E T:DAEE & CO. Cook's Cotton Root Compound tnou Is; thly mthe onedly safeicine, on rewlihichable ladies ..cart depend in the hour and time of need. Ia prepared in two degrees of streugtb. Nn. 1 for Ordinary Cases is by tar the best dollar rnedlcine known —sold( by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. for special cases-- to degrees sstrotnger---sold by druggists. One box, 'Three Dailara; two boxes, rive Dollars. No. 1, or No. 2, emailed on receipt of price and two 3.cent stamps. The Cook Company, Windsor, Ontinid. Sold in Wingbatn and cverywher, In Canada by nil responsible druggists from business, owing to the state :e ly whole Stock at 1 t SLAUGHTERT PRICES In order to reduce my stock before finally disposing of it en bloc 0 - wHI for"' THIRTY :GAYS give Bargains that have. not been given before in INGHAM " This is an opportunity very seldom given in the trade, the Stock is nearly til,,new and well bought aind alt must go. This is 'no shale. Give us a call and be convinced. O-. McSNTYR�+ L%.CDONAL7 I3LOCC. WI1'Gld104r