HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-04-16, Page 7111. ill �1r1N G HAM TIMES, APRIL 16, 1897 . TEMPE11 CE COLUMN. .,W. 0 T.13. He's true to Oo'l who's true to man; wlnrover ,:tong is dime, To the la ieht and the weakest, 'neath Hi hta the all -beholding sun That wrong is also dune to nn, and they tt st base are slaves t o `Whose love of right is for themselves, and not for all their race. --James Russell Lowell. * * * How It Pays IIe was seated on a park bench, a delaplei.otcd 1oc,king fellow, and weaned to be reading a piece of paper he held in Ids hand. 'You seem to be much interested in your latter," I said as 1 took a seat en the same bench. "Yes, I have been figuring out my account with Old Alcohol to see bow we stand" he said, droit Millen and confidently expect from all parts of the country large delegations. %'le will give you, as time passes, the splendid plans re- garding music, entertainment, billet- ing, etc, Without doubt this convention will he the best yet, That We convention may be the impetus to our beloved work it ought to be, it behooves us as Canadian White Ribboners to give laving loyal support to those whose hearts, beads and hands are busy in this service. Mush hard work presses on those who have charge of the ar- rangements and we ask you to rally to our support and hold upthehands of the committee by constant and earnest prayer. Our plea for this does not mean' a little, for already into our hearts have crept unexpected blessings "And he comes out ahead, I ven- which, we believe, were answers to ture the guess." , the prayers of our friends for us who "Every time and he has lied like sixty." "How did you conte to have deal - stand in the front of the battle. With kind and loving thoughts, On behalf Ings with him in the first place?" Of the Convention committee, "That's whet I have been writing, LoTTIE E. WIc:Gtas. You see, he promised to make a man Intense Pam From. Sciatica, the of me, but made me a beast. Then Mystic Remedy, South American he said he would brace me np, .but Rneumatie Cure Conquers it in he has made the go staggcrieg Two Days. around and then threw ane into the ditch. He said I must drink to be social. Then he made Inc quarrel with my best friends, and be the laughing stock of my enemies ; he gave the a black eye and a broken nose. Then I drank fur the good of my stealth. IIe ruined the little I had and left Ilse sick as a dog. He said h • would warm ala up, an d I was soon nearly frozen to death. He said he would steady my nerves ; but instead he gave me delirium tre- mens. "fie srid he would give me' great strength and he made me helpless. He promised me courage but ht, made me a coward, for I beat my kols wife and kicked my little girl. sice said he would brighten my wits Hut instead he made Inc act like a bool and talk like an idiot. He pro- fmised to make a gentleman of ane, but he made me a tramp.,r "Then you. quit," I ventured to ask. "No," he answered sadly, "I drink now to forget all the other mean things he leis trade me do. Say ! could you let a poor wo"kingnlan out of' employment have ren cents to buy bread? " "I see he has also made you a liar," I remarked. "Yes, I forgot that. I must put that dua'n-''—hd d Carswell. MINISTERIAL TRANSFERS. ARRANGED BY THE CONFERENCE PRESI- DENTS OF TUE METHODIST CHURCH. The 1 of the .i he conferences presidents Methodist Church held a consultation on transfers Rev. Dr. Carman. presid- ed, and the; following transfers were made : Rev. E. J. L'adgely, D. D., from The following come) from the wealthy lumberman of Jlerrickville, Ont., Mr. E Errett: "For a number of years I have suffered intense pain from rheumatism and sciatica in my left hip. It is need- iess to say I have doctored constantly, but without receiving anything but temporary relief. South American Rheu- matic Cure was at last tried and its effect was truly magical. In two days the pain was all go. e. and two bottles of the rem- edy cured me completely. I was so bad that for two years I could not lie on my left side if 1 got the universe for doing so. At present I have not a symptom of sciatica or rheumatism, and Bence it is with much pleasure that I recommend this great remedy. I know it will cure. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. 7 Spring Oteaning The housekeeper givttb a cheerful hop, And we bear the "Ambient fippety•11op Of the misty, moisty. maddening mop. And low, the mmddmnin i horrors ru.h Athwart our souls at the Enapy gust, Of the slippery, slimy,scrubbi:ng brush. till•v loom From early morn evening g We hear the snratching in hall and broon Of the bjisterons, busily-babbing room And now there cometh a woeaome wail ---- That augurs a„ ea'r.rlly fusty gale--- = in the scrubbing - Bay a man with his 1 b b pail BBay of' Quince to Toronto. Rev„T. H. McWilliams, Japan, to 'According to theosophy, Jutta, we Hamilton^ are just the opposite of what we were Rev. W. C. Beer, Bay of (,minter' in fernier existences' 'My auntie! What a beauty you must have been. ---Detroit Free Press 'My pound of flesh ! shrieked Shylock. 'Give ole my pound of flesh 1' Portia frowned da tatty. 'Certainly;' she answered, 'but remember that absolutely nothing goes with it. Don't get thinking that it is a pound of tea that is com- ing to you, this is no gift enterprise. —Detroit Journal. Work and Worry Over -work, worry and mental strain last spring caused heart trouble, n' "•- ousnes:,, sleeplossnes•+, etc. Milburn's Heart and Nerve fibs helped me at once and finally cured me. I feel like a new man now. 'Lite,. Stwrzrar.. Wholesale Clothier, 'Toronto. Von Miner—Smithcrs is really a re• markable amateur meglcian. I so. w to London. Rev. J. E. Moore, London, to bay of Quints. Rev. W. 13. Tucker Bay of Quints, to Montreal. Rev. G. H. 1I. Davis, Montreal, to Bay of Quints, Rev. W. E. Wilson, Toronto to Hamilton. Rev. G. K. Adams, Toronto, to Hamilton. Rev. I Tovell, Hamilton, to Toron- to. Rev. J. Van Wyck, Hamilton, to Toronto. Rev. S. Cleaner, British Columbia, to irfanitoba. Rev. G F. Turk, Manitoba, to To- ronto Rev. J. C. Spees, Toronto, to British Columbia. Rev. G. E. Smith, Hamilton, Brit- ish Columbia. Rev. C. W. Follett, Newfoundland, to Toronto. him transform a tall still' hat, into a Rev. Joseph Rawson (superannuat• crush hat, last night. ed) 1lanitoba to London. Van Wither—Is that so ? How did The "Lavely" Word "Haase - keeper" I atn glad you haste discovered how much that, i3 lovely as well as useful that word house- keeper means. The mere providing - of beds, meals, etc., is a very small part of the work. The home mak- ing the comfort, the sympathy the atmosphere that a true woman CdO provide is the noble part and em- braces all that is helpful t•) the soul as well as to the body. I wish our girls would see this and set about being the true housekeeper. Mrs, Ripley, used to rock her baby's cradle, shell peas,' sew, er fit a class of young men for college. One can i war xrswe discuss Greek poetry and chop meat, * * * as I s.tw her doing once with Mr. Emerson and Margaret Fuller, and W3rz-1' t N T U Convention I 'Toronto '97 the one task enobled the other, be County Treasurer Wright of la - sex, six or seven years- ager MIS 10- quircd to pay $13,000 alleged ahnrt- age to the municipality. Ilis nephew, Walter Wright, has discovered tha t there was no shortage but a mist allit •l • .1 t c l 1t in book-keeping, incl the nl int if y will be asked to reran(' the i1,'•13,0.iu. The latest arrivals at the House of Refuge are John Mayes. from Morris, • and ill urcloeh McKay, from 1 u.r lzel•- smith, Andrew Wester has reeover• ed the use of his limb and lei'[ lest week for Auburn to go to work. 'I4he . House of Refuge Committee met last ; Friday and dill a lot of business per- taining to the institution. The eon -1 tract for Greeting a hog pen and poultry house was awarded to Gut- terage and Mastard, their tender fur eoncretL building being the lowest The c n ont'act for supplying fruit and ornamental trees was awarded to John Stewart of Benmiller Nur ser- j ies, The contract for building re- frigerator was given to Dymond and he has the material here and is now putting it together. The inspector was instructed to have sidewalks made around the house as soon as possible. The following from an exchange will be of intrest to our rural readers: There bus been a great improvement doting the last twenty years . in horses in Ontario. There are a number of good saddle horses, which for the most part, have been got by thoroughbred horses out of big cum• mon mares. They may be called hunters, and for this class there is a fair market in Canada, and an excel - The following superannuates were; he do it . lent one in Britain. A good horse of transferred: 'Sat on it , I think,—Cincinnati this kind can be sold for $200, and Rev. George Healy, Toronto, to Commercial Tribune. if extra heavy woight carrying Hamilton. Judge—have you anything to sayhorses of this kind, $250. A good Rev. D. Cattanach, Toronto, to prisoner ? I thoroughbred stallion that would Hamilton. Prisoner—Yes. I'm engaged to bei weigh at least 1,200 pounds, and Rev. George Browne, Bay of Quinte, to Toronto. • Rev. Win. Beek, Montreal, to Hamilton. 'Toronto '97 is our watchword, and the Convention Committee are busy planning for the entertainment of the !Dominion and World's Contention to meet in our Queen city next October. We beg thus early to extend our cordial greetings to our Canadian White Ribboners and express the hope that many of you are planning Ito be with us. It -is toot early to , :announce detailed- plans as our plans are ant. yet in such shape that we can give you any adequate idea of the Splendid arrangemcnis we are making. Every committee is doing its best to make aii its arrangements perfection and everything that can' cause it was duty.—From one of Louise M. Aleottts unpublished let - in the Ladies Home Journal. 53329 Dan't3 for P. t'.lera , on th Farm.. Dant lean down ,o hard when the buy is turning the grindstone, this be done for the comfort and convent- is one of the cause; of boys leaving encs of the White ribbon visitors the farm. will be done. We expect to welcome to our fair Canada as delegates to the World's convention the repre;en , • D)n't expect the b )y to keep up with you curl the hire 1 man, and 1 t•t ran errand; and c trey w. 111 at the tives of at least twenty nations. Of same time. course our hearts beat more quickly Don't eapeet the boy to malatahin and joyously as we -think of our brave loaders, ;Bias Williard and in angelic disposition if, after work • Lady Henry Somerset, whose pros- I in; hard all day he is obliged to eat at a second table. each we anticipate. Then Ails, I Dant give the boy a lamb or a Slack. who r was- with us recently, calf to raise•—which would havedied will be here, and alsoSMiss .G.al- had he no'. attended 1) it—tad let it •and ore• own lira. Sanderson. Al grow up to be your sheep or cow. Drn't continue to treat the bay as if he had no sense, but consult with him oecasion'tlly; he may possibly know more than you do. Dont rave and storm because the boy May want some time to 'tinker; he may astrntslh you with some of his work. Don't tell the b )y he can go hunt- ing' or fishing Saturday, and then hitch on a days work before the goes. It is not fair. Piles Cured f .r 25 Cents I. M. Iran, 186 Drolet Street Montreal. 15 years suffered. Cured of blind itch- ing piles. Wm. Butler, Possawan, Ont. Suffered many months, cured of Protruding Piles by one box. Pabano Bastard, Gower Point, Ont. Suffered for thirty years. Cured of Itch- ing Piles by three boxes. Nelson Simmons, Myresburg, Ont„ cured of Itching Piles, Dr. Chase's Ointment will positively cure all fortune of Piles. Write any of the above if in doubt. • 'She married to spite somebody, I believe., ready delegates are being appointed From Australia comes news of the appointment of Mrs. Kirk, secretary of the Austrailia AV, C. T. U.,: While from England comes the news of many et' our English sitters whothere 'among be het at 'planning to, s Mrs and Miss Bile. Mrs. Site is the Wife of one of the leading members of the city of London corporation. Mrs, Hannah Whitall Smith, the authoe ^+ "Tile (.Jhritdianls Secret of • Happy Life," and Miss. Agnes 'Weston ;Superintendent of Temper- ance work in the 13ritish Navy, and "World's Superintendent of "Work the Among Sailors.' 1'l an across line we expect a 01 art host of dele- gates and yisilul.. -:[lib. Woodward Transportation n e'en", writes that they are Hard at work, enthusing 'Whom—do you know? •I don't know, but it looks as if it : was her husband.'—Harlem Life. Playwright (in excitement)—They are calling for the author. - What shall I do. married. I have been engaged for I stand not less than 16 hands high, is the but ten years. recommended to cross with the Judge—Why aren't you married? t common Canadian mitres, that would Prisoner—f t'eanee we've neverI produce a serviceable horse, both for been out or fail together. She enures speed and strength, and would export to morrow. well. Greatest in the world Loran , . Adams, Deep Brunk, N. 5., says: "1 have taken Norway Pine Syrup with grand results. I had a very had cough for tive weeks and could got no relief. but after taking one bottle o' Norway Pine Syrtip I was entirely cur ed. Itis the greatest cough medicine in tho world. Stage manager (who has seen the crowd)—You had better slip out of the stage door, and make your es- 1 cape while there is time.— Philadel-phia North American. "Not Exactly Right." Thousands of people are in thie con- dition. They are not sick and they are by no means well. A single bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla would do them a world of good. It would purify f andne stomach, create an appetite, p Y enrich the blood and give wonderful vigor and vitality. Now is the time to take it. Dean's 's 0 cure PI , Kidney him old in h 'I n e Y slapping Doo. added, the < P g you,' p wen back, rheumatism, diabetes, dint- me telly , < era's lots more truth than poetry in tilt-- after year because it does them got d. STOLEN from EXCHANGES Barefa,eai R,abat•y. Goderich is having an epedemic of UUUI,UIlUii111Ca11111 W+i11 W��LWllfl111 sad... 3 Barber—This is a bad shining, sir. Customer—That's all right. 1 had a bad shave.—Tit-Bits. Tho First Steam Power. The power of steam was known to Hero of Alexandria, who exhibitedwhat seems from the description to have been a small steam engine to Ptolemy Phila- delphus and his court about 150 B. C. Pliny describes a small boat, built by a "magician" of Rome, which moved by means of a wheel, "driven by a pot of hot water." Watt's invention of r. ro- fever. tory steam engine was patented in 1709. Goderich Public school have 633 pupels on the roll. Goderich will try to secure the Mulitary camp for '97. The Managers of Nox church Goderich will enlarge their church. Seaforth will not have a new post office as was hoped but the present office will be enlarged and otherwise inn proved. Thos. Gundry of Goderich has sold to Mr. Wm. Porter, of Downie town- ship his imported Shire stallion; Morning Star, reg. No. 11890. C. W. Papst's book store in seaforth was badly dammaaged by fire on Sunday Morning last. Very little of the stuck was saved and the loss will be heavy. aeon's Prr.rs cure nausea, sick hes d- ocile, indigestion, biliousness. rill drug- gists. 25o. 'Now boys, when is the most ap• propriate and best time to than;. the Lord ?' No answer. 'What does your father do when you sit down to your meals.' Small Voice—Jess the cook. — Brooklyn Life. A. Splendid Modioia. DEAR Setts,—I hope that this letter will be of some use to those who suffer from headache and have not yet heard of B. B. B. Eleadaohe and pain in the back afflicted motor a long time, but now I ern free front them, thanks to the uoo of one bottle and a half of Burdock 'd medicine Blood Bitters. It is a Splendid and 1 recommend it to all sufferers from headache or pain�rin the bank. Miss JANE MCA.LUSTEE Aleo, Ont 'Naggus' asked: Bores, :Have you read my latest effort, Fables In Verse?' •a.• TUE re • Great Offer CI •P-0EI Tile Londont Free Press.7 4 The t ren Press, desiring to greatly r increase its subscrlption list makes the following great otter to the farmers and it stockmen of C'alleda whereby sub- I scribers to Weekly Free Press will get One Year's Paper Free. The free Press bas n)ado arrange+ C .1 menta Leith the Veterinary :eiCmle C .a Publishing Co. fora number of,..? opies of F -. llleir book, •The 1'eterinary emenrt:" the prion of which is $2.00. Timis book altreats fully and in plain lmtinguage Ib. zi Anatomy, Diseases and Treatment 4 1aouu<tic :animals and Poultry, •also a cnntanting a Inll0oscriptionofMedicine 4 :butt itoccipts, so that every farmer can be his own vctoriamtry. The first railway locomotive was built by Trevithick in 1804. The first prac- tical. locomotive was perfected by Ste- phenson in 1829. As early as 1707 Denys Pepin built a model of a steamboat, which was destroyed by a mob of boat- men. The first practical steamboat was built by William Symington in 1602. In 1803 Robert Fulton, in connection with Chancellor Livingston, built a steamboat which was tried on the Seine. In 1807 the Clermont began'trips from New York to Albany. The Toronto Globe of Wednesday 1 says : "Dr. Sloan, of Dunn avenue, who has been in practice in Parkdale for some years, left yesterday to take up his residence again in Seaforth, his former home. A juryman named Burns living on the town line of Elderslie and Arran had a sudden death last week, On Tuesday something like a pimple appeared on his cheek and on Thurs- day he was dead. Blood poisoning was the canoe. Ile had been in Walkerton the previous week as a juryman at the Assize. The executive committee of the West Huron Teachers Association met in Goderich an Saturday week to arrange a program for the next meeting at Exeter on May 21st and 22nd. A pleasing feature of the oc casion wilt be six addresses by pro- minent teachers 10 the district on "Sixty years a Queen --a Retrospect It is said that the coming meeting promises to be a red letter day in the history fo the Instituet.--Goder- ll bammehe 'I have' replied Naggus, 'and let 'Signal. wo nd the Baelz ThHood's t;srt anartlla year ' ee lessness n r't to l on, People buy13o e `his disease sleeplessness. eriCou g g Yp rl B nese, g bladder and urinary ditlioudt- t all kidney, lest. Price 50e. per box or 6 boxes or $2,5o. Sold by all druggists Chicago Tribune. It will do you good to take it naw. 3 $3.00 - S2.00 € The weekly Free Press and Farm C 'copy of (I eVef year Sc encu (price C 4 2 ti). Both will be mailed to any ad - [tress upon the receipt of Two DoIIars. Ih, not miss this chance. We cannot afford to continue tbisofier indefinitely. 1 Our object in making it now is to secure an immediate response which a less libt•ral offer might fail to attract. ite- member, by sending $2.00 for the book E firm and the WeeklyNYEAR FREE.ss 'ttd E Agents wanted everywhere. Address all communications to the Free Press Printing Co., E London, Ont. it1/R1111T17111111,911111 MIMIITIR111'IR A. Discreet Estimate. "Papa," said young Mrs. Hunker, "won't you please give George and me 410,000?" "What do you want that much money for?" "We want to build a $5,000 house." —Harlem Life. Did Rim a Favor. Pedestrian (to footpad)—Money or my life, is it? I was wondering how I was going to live through this week. Now I won't have to. Very kind of you. Shoot away.—Boston Transcript. Reason. "Look at that foolish Mr. Baker, out on a day like this without an umbrella. Is be crazy?" "I'm afraid he is. Let's hurry on. I don't want to meet him." "Why not?" "He may recognize this umbrella. It's his. "—Pick Me Up. To Cure RHEU1YIA` ` E Y EASE �a Bristii's SARSAPARILLLt IT IS PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS. IT WELL MAK YOU WELD Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA. Some English genealogists pretend that there is a family lino of union con- necting Queen Victoria with Alfred the Great. j, Where the Trouble Int. "It isn't a bit of trouble to got mar- ried," said the airy young person. "No," spoke the iodate one. "It is in being married that the trouble ie." -- Indianapolis Journal. There are 22 allusions in. the Bible to the east wind, 19 of them being of a disparaging character. The largest American fly is a little over half an inch in length. The oat plant is in Italy regarded sea itublematie of Inunio. ONE GIVES RELIEF. R•I-P•A•N•S The modern stand- ard :Family Medi- cine: Cures the common, every -day ills of humanity. 4304-34f3*"t-3► 43r FS 43+-'13s IARRHOA, DYSZN2 ERY, and all .BOWEI, Co:tfPLA-INTS. b Sure, Snfo, Quick Cfor these truubmen is \-4 ure • d.' (ruiner Dares'.) /Nod Internally and 1;'..1/4-ter::ally. , Two Sizes, 5Sc. and nee. Lollies. ,i .4-3-••r3.43.-+3e,13.-•t3,-sa—.13.43*-4•:x-•t- e • ©841" '� t' i q ri . • • • 0 i • • • nave pre:erfl"'l il.elye,T.as.. r. , • OtCe,.ra or mantis ttic aat5 them , am very n.ue1, pleasnl frith th pleasantness of Sta appliaatt n 1u, t.. a Trak, M.D., Itehq tram, d, r loon I have used Menthol 1181,,' ry ofntuscatlar rheum:dis,n. aril .0!!!..., I N thatitgaveaimosttnatnutaulp rr •n:r --.1, H. ttoon%M 1) washin0toit n.' It Cures Sciatica, Lumh, tgn, 1,7en. n- ) ratgin, Palos fit Back t,.:• :shit, i,r any Muscular Pains. �- CO CO.,Ltd 1) Price 'Davis & iawreu 25o. w.SobProprietors, AlosTsr:.,t. t••*0•A•••Cii5.1