The Wingham Times, 1897-04-16, Page 5eft, Corse, gi ILIIIWJN&IJM APRI_L 16, 18V7. will enable enable your dressmaker to fit your dress far more perfectly than it can be • :fitted over your old corset. We are ready to furnish he corset in any make or style you desire, at a price just as . low as you can obtain it at the largest city store. Perhaps you are a bit par- ticular about your corset—many ladies are, --if so, we shall be pleabed to order you just what you want if we cannot suit you from stock. These are a few of the popular stocks we carry. .461..—Is a line we are selling for 25e. st Drab Jean Corset, very well gotten up am1 a kind we sell a lot of, price 40c. C—Is a wonderfully perfect corset for the money, Long waist, sizes -18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 and up to 30, price 50c. TI—Is a fast -black corset, perfect fitting and sure to please, long waist 65 cents. EF -_A long waist Corset, perfect fitting, as good as formerly sold at $1 for 85e. .771—A dollar corset, is one we pay special atten- tion to. We have all the best makes in stock in all sizes. Look through our range •at sane dollar. If you would like something that will give you perfect satisfaction, a model in every res,pect, see what we are offering at $1.25. Probably you would like a corset •INT P-Ii"C:0 C:10 El 33) .IFf....111::t If so we will take your measure and have same in shortest possible time. MILLNERY We not only sell stylish 111111thery, but Millinery that is becoming to the wearer. "We are after business." 11 11 Did you hear that times are going to be better in Winghain ison deck to help you Large consignments of Spring and Stuntner Goods in all lines, at prices never yet approached, and offers the greatest values to his customers and the public generally in Wee, Springs Suilingstil 0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0 'We are prepared to give you something :lobby in 0 Spring and Summer Suitings and of excellent Value. We turn out oily First-class Work, tfj PIIrvin's old Stand 'WE 'WANT YOUR TRADE-e-ssea„s ff2r Give us a call before purchasing. larrE1571,P7iii- 1-Vasereteaossawassa9axialarzaTaradaT.Slas argaireaaeleaseM W. T. SULLIVAN. 1111 1.1.1 5 LOWS LOUGHS. Spell it any way you wish, either is correct aad the correct place to get a correct plow at a correct pr:ce is at theassaaaaaasaamada's actor Medicinal value in a bottle of Hood's Rif sa parIlla than hi any other preparation. Moro skill is required, more care taken. mfr.:, expensa incurred in its manufacture. It costs the proprietor and the deal. r More but it eOst3 tile consumer fess as 1,t! gets more doses for his money. e curative power is secured byits pecurcr combination, proportion and which make it peculiar to itg.11'. More peopla aro employed and more tee cupled In its T.aboratory than auy nth: r. More wonderful cures effeeted and : A. CIWIREQW XliSPLEBSEAT &MI of T. II. Ross. They say tinle3 a very, very hard and no doubt th are. I can make them a little easi for you if you buy your Implements hero. nave a few slightly soiled plows I will sell for $10, payable October '97. I have plows wit lallOCLINIOA1110fiff GUARANTE,11(318 American Soft C entre, Cr uciabl 1'4; , Mora Vii,j1111'.1fi'illit More people ar taking Hood's Sursap,,-.1.1 reportet. by druggists. 1'0 • today than any olther, and more are taking today tha ever before, ey More anti Surd, Mono I reasons might be er given why you should take Cast Steel, will clean in any kind w sell from now ti st of Jane at from $9.00 up. coin in and get one. I have tons and tons PLOW REPAIR REPAIR b' made from broken car wheels an. canister, hard and tough and can fl any plow. Will sell them in tote o 6 or 12 for 35 cents spot cash, soil, which ill 1 •tt:Sir5; Sarsaparffia II The One True mood Partner. 51 per ietne. of H ood's Pills Z117: mill =1 s nil 1;51! 11 e I d • u e1 BLUEVALE. 41r. James Maxwell of the Bluev:, le i cnt his band badly m a tut thil cutter wt Tuesday morning of last d Gard'net went t Pal tPortage last week and f that plae: does not suit hitn, he will proceed the Lake Dauplim District.I'Mr Gardiner is a very obliging a nd kind man and the best wishes 411 who know hitn wi:l follow Mrs. Gardiner and her two child, e: will remain with her sister, M I t ' Sutheria mid of Winghane until ale if Gardiner is bottled. The Bluevale Flax lilanufnette h:g .1 Cu. (limited) at their lueeting $aturd ay a ppoin ted. ThomasStrachan, IJohn McCracken jr., Richard Jobe !stop. George 'Purvey and Jame- iiiintt as the permanent direct.ims. Allis Mary Robe' tso of' Bois-evai: Manitoba, arrived here on Sate .1a) to visit her mother, who is ill 1'he cantata to be presented b) ti I still continue to hendle the BELL Ail MORMS MOS I can save you from $50 to $100 if you deal with Inc and give yot just as good as you can get fron those city plu g -hat dudes. Patronize your own town and don't krget you' humble servant T. E. ROSS. II. S.—Good Organs, Sewing Mach- ines, Needlcs, Oils and Repairs way s in stock and at right prices. T • DRESS aooDs STAPLE AND FA NOY P , Da, w a Epworth League on Easter hap been definitely postponed. %/Mr. Joseph Pough has opened out consisting of CASHMERES, LUSTRES, SERGES, and PLAID GOODS in ain vvare and grocery aU qualities and colors, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, ZEPHYRS, MUSLINS, DELAINES, etc. I have sold out my old stand nnd • The Presbytery of Maitland v. meet tn the Preebyterian • el n: store/04 TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS TOWELS A large and varied dock oiTIITPtil of all kinds, suitable for Spring and Summer wear, at very low pricea. Ready Made OiOthing for 1110n fad bqs, Cotionade, Denims, Flannels, Flannelettes, OtAtons and Shirtings at all widths and prices. If you intend furnishing your house or a part of it this Spring. ea and inspect our stock of . CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS, CHENILLV., CURTAINS, OIL CLOTHS AND STAIR CARPETS before purchasing, where you will find a full and complete stock in these lines at priees that will save you money every time. In addition to our immense stock of E3VCO C71411" ers°. 11--K4010/1E we have just received and passed into stock ten cases of the very latest tyles of Shoes and Rubbers at such prices as will insure a fit to your purse for rough work is worthy of the closest inspection. Our Stock of GROCERIES is always fresh and good, at as low prices as first class goods can be sold. Long experience in Seeds Makes this store HEADQUARTERS for the SEED TRADE at lowest prices ft.r first class home grown Seeds of all Muds, free from Is well as your feet and our stock of plough boots and other heavy lines foul weeds such as foreign grown seeds often contain. Our seed list con sists of over cf all kinds, Mammoth, Red, Alsike, Luceane, Crimson, White and Sanfoine, Chicago Lawn Grasses, Timothy Seed, 14 different varieties Seed Corn carefully selected. Millett and HUngatrian, "Little Giant"1 Keeder at manufacturer% prices. Bear in mind, our seeds are home grown and selected by ourselves with all the care that our experienee of many years in the trade convinces us to be necessary and you can rely upon getting fresh, clean and reliable -seeds at closest possible prices if you buy from T. A. MILL 1. have started up in the shop across i3luevale at two o'clock on the arta' from Smuts' Hotel, lately occupied r by Jas. Inglis. and ant prepared to supply the public with all kinds of Pumps, both in Iron and usual. All work gu7,...enteed. All new v.- . R, i n .0 days tr4.....1 and if not satisfactory I will take it out, I intend to continue in business. I also deal in -- -WINDMILLS ani —SOFT WATER TANIS. Thanktng the public for thole i at 'erage in the past and licit irg to ge: a share of it as usual. DANIEL SHOWERS. Of all the nerve-tonics— bromos, celeries or nervines —your doctor will tell you that the Hypophosphites are best understood. So thor- oughly related is the nervous system to disease that some physicians prescribe Hypo - phosphites alone in the early stages of Consumption. Scott's Emulsion is Cod-liver Oil, emulsified, with the H y p op h os phi t es, happily blended. The result. of its use is greater strength and activity of the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves. Let us send you a book MI about IL Sent fie, SCOTT & DOWNS, Belleville, Ont. noon of Tuesday April 20th and e half past two tin: callaInony of helot:. tiev. William J. West M. of Weedstock to the Pastorate Eadies and Bluevale eongre >late! , wet commence. The ceremony ordination will also take place. I; the evening a tea -meeting m 111 la held. Tea will be served in ti. Foresters Hall and afterward epeeches ete. will be heard in to, church. Vey. W. II. Moss of the Metbodie, church and Rev. Mr. Fisher f; Gerrie, exchanged pulpits la 8,11, VIthe John Halllshas purchased th, Gardiner farm for the stun of thrs, thousand dol lam, V Mr. and Mrs. John Gardiner ha t moved into the house lately went:it by their son James. April Wisdom. Be sure thatyour blood is pure )(at, appetite good, and your digestion p'. feet. To purify your blood and lmihl ) our health,takeHood's Saran pati.;1 • This medicine has accompliela Etittilitlide cures of all blood dieentes. 11 It is the On True Blood Purifier. fl 'arsaparilln has putter 't in tire you well, by purifying and earn t, ieg the blood, giving you an npineit and nerve and mental and digem to strengt h. re. GA Inims—ln•Itoit Town April 10 Mrs, 1). Gjmreess a son.V VVANNonntAx--In Town, April 8 WI VE:intirmen a tlamrbtory 1.1*Roat1sox—Iti East Wawanosb. April 9 11 U aterlite: ROBUST HEALTH.' How.to thitoIltotrozesz,ThImport»i101 oes. Dr. Augusta Srewn-Girard won A strong, healthy organization is the first essential to success in life. With every thought, effort or emotion we expend a certain amount of vital force. We aro vitalized, refreshed, during sleep. Then awrileille•esaerslveienPg' Worl mita ins Pal Ls jadv ey sat ac ante' Wu! lated. alanypersone cannot sleep during the day. They ohould lie down in a perfect- ly. passive state, withdrawing the an from all outside external eitreS -and ill - Wrests. Make the mind a blank as much as possible, and in .this state ono may accumulate nervous strength nearly as: rapidly as in sleep. Distniss all contend. Ina thoughts and give up the whole be, lug to be acted upon by nature's law—. simply rest absolutely. We must practice self control. Learn to ctop exertion just short of fatigue. Nothing is gained by overtaxing and do- pleting the vitality. A well managed, judicious practice of exercise and rest t f body and mind will soon improve the most debilitated. The faculties and function 1 of the human organieatien aro numerous and varied, aud, to bo healthy, it must bo exercised equally. Wn must not overtax, smoke, chew or take .stitonlants. Get right down to bedrock:nutrition. Be very temperate in eating and driuking„ taking only the most nutritious and easily digested focd. Keep n0111111(1 hopeful and serene under all circumstances. Few people realize thioez much force is expended in frivoli- Make two crash mittens large onorign to cover the hands. Put 2 tablespocn- Pula of common salt into just enough water to dissolve it, and thou wet the mittens evenly. Let them dry thorough- ly and keep one constantly under the pillow. Before rising in the morninl and. retiring at night rub the body all over thoroughly with the salted mitten until it is in -a glow. Then dip a towel in cold water, wet the whole Lofty quickly and dry with the second mitten. Tliis gives the best kind. of a s.1.,t bath, with very little trouble and in ,fe minutes' time, and it will pay the 11103' busy person to take it. It is a protection against cold, up n circulation of vital energy, tie t, which tho circulation of the bloc:1 el., - ponds. Salt in one of the best knee.,-:. tonics for the bath of an invalid. friction generates a kind of electricity, and one feels exhilarated for hears aft cr. It ii also a sleep producer. Nimen cold steel, also warm or cold Witter, je- dicionsly applied to the nerve rentte, has a very beneficial effect. But by (i.e. trieity, correctly applied to the oturi centers to stimulate or depress, cs de- sired, one may produce almost any elect. Draw to Seat Your Guests. The host leads the way to tho dinlini room, offering his arm to the oldest 34;67 or the greatest atranger, unless it lig, , pens that the dhaner is given for en, lady 121 partieular, in which caso • $ host and seated at his right. The otie-.7 guests follow, each gentleman givine ils arin to the lady he is total:sin. T.1`.• cstess follows last, with the oldest tient= or the greatest stranger, who is then seated at her right. rii501) EURIFIERS HE SEASON le approach - r fl when ''that tit ell feeling" will assert itself and les ke us feel the need of something to? tone up the system and purify the blood. We have at all tunes all the Standard Patent Medicines in the Market. 2 iIf you are in doubt as to which one to use, consult us and we will give you our very best advice. At ? CHISHO[M'S RUG STORE WINGHAM, ONT. Ltvostoox tooritete Montreal, Que., April 12. ---There were about 1'200 heed of butchers' cattle 500 calves 125 slietp and 40 spring lambs offered for sale at the east end abattoir to day. The but- chers were present in full rot ce, but business was slow for some time, as buyers were seeking a reduction on the high prices paid here on last Thursday. Later on huAness be. came active, with a slight rtduetioi in tbe price of CO111111011 to geed animals, but extra beeves fur Easter minket brought firm rates. A few cattle were bought by shippers at front 4e @ 4teper lb; extra beeves sold at from 4c fi.-1,4 5c per 1.1")., and a very fine pair was bought by Air. Bourassa at 5!,eper i. d butchers cattle sold at front 4e (1; -11e, pia tty good stock at from 3c Os 8,2.c and the common and inferior beuste at trona 2ic to neer 3e per !°). The calves were of, rather pot r quality, and sold at from 1 U each. Old sheep sold at from 3ie @ 3e per r).; yearlings at front ,4c do,; spring lambs sold at fi ow. $2.75 Ca n (-ado l'at Logs Sell tit at:out 51c rer 17. for light weights eller being red East buffalo, N. Y., !kid] 12- -lleeoipt5, 140 n i against 156 cars last vk the Mat ket open. ed .111 arti irly g1.0 d tien.a rd for all its welitinielad and falin t em ete :At( te ni d fat tows and la etjl. aad fiar t1i J d erases rub d ell (Jog to 10e Lig h as 0 rule • e. Ink cennium to lair gi t.des were tbout eteady 10 seoag eheit.e fialeh- 21 se eoth fat steel e • . uarc,e IOUl1 ett eras 1.1:0 (s; .$4.15; lea, 0 :nut till fat lititele.,Cetn3.75 4.10; 'him (*tote. trodity cows 4:t1 heifete, 2.2 -10 C., $4.25; geed 113 11 (.11-113lti.tal k,•3.3r) (i 8.50, Stucket Wad S --Receipts abuut 28 cars of Ct:m.tlas, including five cars held over last vscck, snd tiati% e, 15 (art; ILO! kot dull for all kitaie, there Laing a gest] many less etesk cattle here, but sellers were Rfri, ai,d for the top sree( aerobia:tit the eame; .1,1411.0stuck Scut 5 got•Ci to choice, 1-(-5 $ ; do , i1,L eteckers, 3 Cs $3 40; des it. duns, good to- '-'2t:ti'lle.1:g:•ju.t7.(51 141 (f.e21:o;,;i0.:1'zi C^t '31 -°7e5k; light steel.eie, 3 25 is 1.3.60: do, A t tief pt aae, 8.80 $4; . avert Ifulla, iS:at 5. Mil( 1.1N5 Mid eelingete—Riceirea, 18 :life; 1101110,A slue, but ;Lady; iiV fIifile fet;ttt;‘,V ,.n1 ei--Ret.eiplo 5,u Inoal ; there .! and the ttia.I was eatna u lo seine ; priees fent 31 stt tteg and ildiv 25.1 40c er CWt. bighei ; cannot tu fair. 88.1)5 qi; $4. 50 ; goud to extra choice \ eats, $4.75 C5.50; C5.50; heavy fed and. buttermilk calves, $2 to $3. Ilogs— Receipta, 90 cars ; market slow, at a &Tithe of 2.1,c to 5c ; at the decline there Was a fairly active demand,and. 41,e bulk of the efferings ee sold good to choice Yurkees. $4.25 to, :4.27; mixed packers' grades $4.25 a. e,cdium weights, :a4.25: heavy hogs,, I. to 4.15 , toughe, itr3.75 to $3.85. eop and halli1?a--gette41::, 4141'4 olia6d whll tt gOua, Wand 51111 pl EOM. Wel'e steady to 111 lor lambs, With sheep btrong d generally 10e higher thrall kinds handy stock : native lambs, eLniCe pima $(3 85 to iG 50 ; good to dee, $5.90 to 06.30; common to Id $4.85 to $5.80; culls to conttnon obs .$3.75 to 84.'651 fair to extra, ,ped, $1 50 to t 1.601 bale -to °bores; xed sheep, $4.1.1) to 65: conittion ep. $11 to $3.75; exp Irt sheep, Fair 13) t3hoiee clipped, 75 t (4 o, e4 4=trAL:: Um guest of honor, is taken in by th, LsOW to 5 di,:h. cf eta nrallops, with tomato jelly, and tho Whole cover. ed with a well made mayonnaise, is a very Z?licricus and attractive one. The jelly is very simply made. It is merely the juiee.of a can cf tomatoes mixed with boxes of gelatin and m.(4 11310 11 frig jelly. The scallops aro the meg difficult to get right, as it is next to im- possible to get the average cook to real- ize that 1 hey require hardly any cocking, ono minute being an ample allowane,.; °then -dee they toughen, and a tough, greasy scallop is of all things the most indigestible as well as the most limp- petizinto If properly caoked, scalleps are delicious, either hot or cold, with a mayonnaise. To fry ceollops for a salad put a tea- spoonful cf salt and half es much pepper in half a pint of fme. rifted nom., roll the scallops in it and fry in deep boiling lard fin: a minute only. Put in the ze.- frigerator, and, when quite cold, dish with tho jelly and mayonnaise. now to Maio Novel and Dainty Pluensit. ions. First procure from the druggist .0 many poppyheads as you wish cuahiona —the larger the better. Next get seine baby ribbon in three eolors—nsaize heliotrope and white aro delightful 121 conthination. Cut each of these into lengths svhich, when double, will ex- tend half round the ponpyhead, Small piece over for h loop at the too. Pin the center of every loop down 'Or the se eye of the poppyhead, using each color in turn, Next take every strand sopa- rately to the opposite end, sticking 111 pins on either side of the ribbon at an • 31equal distance all along. Having eover. `to ed the poppyhead in this manner tin) whole \reground, next proceed to insert 4. pine between the rows of rihboes, (141 ing them in, however, to only half their 11 length, so that the million has a very .r bristly' appearance. 11 )5 intieh eheapet -la to buy' the pins by the (mum rather there by the paper when a number is required. •