HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-04-16, Page 1i ING1i 1I TIMES. VOL. XXVI.---NO. I311. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL J 6,189 i 81. A YEAR IN ADVANCE �. Marriage Licenses I Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, toria street Win hath Ont. Nowitnesses �, , g a �0 1 i� NI ���'"�• required. WE SELL CHEAP HEADS WIN ID BUSINESS. THE, ea 1 'ire' *— M LLINER,Y.—Note is the time -tto order your 1'%t.ster Hat or I3 meet, We tau show you alt the new novel• sties in Color, Material, Shape and Patterns and we will aim to please you. MEN'S FURNISHINGS--Oar Tailoring Department is steadily in• creasing and our stock of men's needs cannot be beaten. All the new things in. Ties, Cullors and Cuff's, newest shapes in Stiff and Fedot a Bats. BOOTS AND SHOES—This stock as the Finest, Largest, and Cheapest in Wingham, a speet .1 line of ,Men's 'lough 13:tots reliable goods. Sec them. OUR .DRY GOODS, STAPLE AND FANCY fS: without exception the finest sh.l•1'n to -day its town and the prices tell falai your way.. Special prices at the Grocery counter, Fresh, Pure and Dopend- able G Coda. Rest '?5c. Toa in W ing- -Bam. Pure, clean Maple Syrup ).tome mt.t:;.let 3t per Impe"ial gal- lion, Goods delivered promptly. WFI,SFLL CHEAP. l CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATFORD, ONT., Wo till heads with practical knowledge rhe leading commercial school in Oen- eta to-dny.. Nine beaetiful college rooms; excellent teachers; moderate rates; students assisted to good positions eujnys splendid reputation for superior work; enter any time. Write for par- ticulars. ; ioiV. J'TH & BOW -US D. G C . W N. :SOM 1i ilIN`i NEW THIS WEEK AGAIN. W. J. ELLIOTT, Prineipal. New Ads. T. 11. I1 )si—PlOttshe D eniel Sli'were—Pamps. Methodist Church—Leoture. ° M. II. aliInd »—E tater Needs. ?t Kinnon & Ci.—A. New Corset. G. 11 )dntycas—:i Atte out of B asiuess, Ireland & B lttua—N lw Furniture Sto r s LOCAL. NEWS. —.los. Ballard is nursing a felon. — Mr. H. Wells will leave on Monday to look after his mining interests In that ,entry. - We regret to learn that Mr, ,lohu a. C,,of Cin rocs is seriously ill with pneumoni0,11N0,11N4'1.J Last w )c'i it eyes 111-i latest it•,d best lo h, tettifll 3: tern Ole •t ,sl -stylish f) •ai Ga )13. D t n it f al :o 'see our 1) '033 G,)ls bafata g't'ing your ord it for wa lea 1 the t r vie 'n -high class D: ass G .0 1-3 at vel y reasonable pries. a•, COMMUNICATION. etcyc les ve. i euerees. To tho Editor of tho Dear Editor,—Allow me space in your valuable eulutnus to give an .expression to my opinion on this subject, A petition is now bei: g presented to the citizens asking the Duminion Government to compel the Railways to carry bioyoles as personal baggage, and not allow them to impose the 'small fee charged for that pur- pose. Now it is my humble opinion that any rneu who would interfer in this mat- ter must hew lost their reason. Let me ask those who are in the habit of using the bike, a few questions, The first one is would you ride uu the train, if you could make the journey on your wheel ? When you purchased your wheel was it for pleas- ure, or•for exercise, or for the purpose of lowering your travelling expenses? And the last one: How many wheels are owned by young men, who really need them, i. o. they are really a necessity? The last question will no doubt be the hardest to answer, but I yentufe to answer that there is not one in every ten that is a necessity. but is used simply because some one else has one, We hear the cry, "Hard tirues,'-' who is responsible for this condition of affwtrs? I know from observation that many who are riding wheels cannot afford such a luxury, but that is none of my •busi- nese, I sin not going to say who should or who should not have what they think is re- quired. Now in the use or the bile, is it in favor of the railways or against then? No doubt the traveiliug receipts of the railways ate largely reduced on account of the use of the wheel and is it fair is it reasonable, is it consistent to ask the rail - i way companies to carry that' article fpr nothing that proves so much against their business? I am not the owner of a wheel but expect I will be, before the season is over, and I shall purchase one solely be- cause I .think I can travel cheaper than any other.way and I will assure yon I will tcause nd no have ult with t he made the charge they ha• ve for carryiug thy wheel wbere I cannot use it. Is there any injnstiee iu the charge made or extortion? I claim there is net. We all know that the 'wheels' are becoming very common and if they were carried free of charge, 1 • feel sure that at times there would be no room in the .baggage car to accommodate this class of baggage and the result would, be another car with all its •tri supply of help would ]love to be — Mr. T. A. Mille is having a deep well mired at hs residence, It is now sunk 00feet. --Report of the Public Sci+ool and 'a let (it interesting nutter held over for lack of Epace. . —Duu't )•.ave any parties or $ o'clock teas on for Timidity April `27. Every 'placed in servlet and will you wheel riders, be ]y is going lee Daniel. placed rate destroyers, as)c all this for (lt--d'.urrie and Rintoul shipped a load nothing? If so, 1 think wbeeliug must of horses for the Old °c,antry on on- have affected tctedtirtin brain and you re oifyhhe de". Jno. Moore went in charge p nitre result. Do not wbeith you or suffer the t —Air. George Russel left on Tuesiny for e the small boy when lie got his first bike, Omaha, Nebraska, iu charge of the cons gn thought all things should yield to his m nt of cattle made by Mr, Hamilton' wlustle. While corning down the street re regret to know that Mr. Thomas a trolley carne i,,. his way, the alarm was 1•1enderson, s-. has been laid up with otnnded to clear the track but both kept on rhe ntUn,tam. for the past two weeks. ihrir tva�; the result was a very badly Hamilton the buyer from the�broltceit wheel and a bey going on crutches Western x Iia Y for the rest of his lifts. AIy advice to on j an Ofllce, of ret:).intna States meds another consignment riders p on choose ,1 A Morton s')ole; in favor ti u. s heal of c;attlo ou'1'uesduy to Omaha, 1 1 t 11inG bV sheet is changer 1 the office where it now is The loci N u• r I 'en the geogr p -- —,- nlent in 181)2, the greatest changes lied taken place in the North End where ilea t town had grown. Ile differed with Air. Currie, there were only 00 residents in Lower Wi•agham, spread over 750 acres and most of these come into the town from the North End. Take 750 acres in the North lend and there will be more resi- dents on it than in .Lower Wingham. In Wards 3 oath .4 there are 127 more yoters than in Wards 1 and 2. The improvements rade in the office had nothing to do with the question, it was a matter of conveni- ence for the town. Tile greater part of the business was at the North End, There was more money paid into the t3anks by Wards 3 and 4 than by Ward 1 and 2, 111r. Dickinson opposed the removal, He understood that the Inspector in his open- er both sides of the question discussed, ing remarke asked for new reasons to he Mr, A. Roe said that the hour of meeting given why the office should be removed. its was not a convenient one as many of those yet, there had net been any reascais better accentn. . intere3tecl in the questi+m were at work in The petition Lha factories. Until very recently he had the Goon; the bt ad drd refused ved tha man 1892 a copy of tho report sent to the Covent- meet in 1802 in which it stetted that the hangs because thele was no available accommodations were poor but as there was no available building suitable for post office accommodation the nflice would have to remain where it was. Ile did not think that the fact that repairs had been made to the ]resent office should influence the action of the Government as he underatnod they had been made contrary to tete advice of our member who hart advised Miss Fisher to maks to changes until the mat- ter was filly settled. The present location was almost outside the corporation. The people in that end seem to think it an ad- vat,tr.o to have it situated there, it was now time that the people at this end got some benefit from it. Re had heard it reported that the people at that end had promised Miss Fisher that they would help to pay for the refitting of the office if she would have it refitted and the office remain there. Miss Fishier. who was present, corrected this steteuteut of Mr. Roe's. She had come from Paisley for the psup Ise of having the changes nuriltr its the office, and elle never a n one. had been promised one centby y POST OFFICE SITE. IN4r1CC'ron tiorh11t8 mane TM: ouesrxoN M- emo—Tux AerrATlol ri,ATI5NS OVT— JOII) ilt tNA T1Ir C11Aati'ION reit VIE :O1rllt AND.. A. public meeting, washeld in the Coun- cil nhambor Tnesday afternoon and presid- ed over by P. 0. Inspector Hopkitk, who had come ti heat' what the people of the town had to say with reference to the pres. ent Post Office accommodations. Mr. Flopkii k in a few opening: remarks referred to petitions. that had beeneaent to the Goy- ernment in 1802 and his subsequent visit to the town. It was then found that no sn t• able building was o')tcinable in the centr el part of the town. Ho was now prepared to he TPIS -VV..E HlK Ave desire to call t't•rV special atten- tion L + .+tit' inagnitie sit di:a.l)l1' Of 11 tnrhnnto up -to date Mute Gt:ods. Dr. Tan,lyu opposed the removal. He considered the office was in ,e convenient place. The at'inglutm Office was nSed by persons in Lower Wingham, who bad to walk in to get thew mail. Farmers came, from within 2 miles of Whitechurch to Wingham to get their mail, and from with in le miles of Iielgr,tve and let miles of Binevale. At. that corner were the four leading roads that came into the town. He nnderhtn„cl that Inc building het i 1, • : built exures"ly for the office and 11141 01' Post °flies, Inspector haul given his ewe.. tion fee she ,oration before the was erre, ai '1 he, brsines portion of she town was down there. The agitation w.es gotten nn first elven the snots,. Nob dy, lie thought, complained of the location, He thought the Government shoold build an office for Wingham. The town bad been laid out by the Government and had re - from the sale ceived the land. a It therefore monarising owed Wingham BLt 71GE313 LOCALS. Fresh butter and eggs at Nolan Reit astoteare For nobby Cent's Fntnishinge and the latest styles go to Geo Cerv's. 4.2tf Femmes—Butter, Ms./rest, pi ice paid f$ N,rth Bud Grucety. For first class oysters either in bulk car served try aleKetentes Ste M ).Kelvie's pickles lettere buying, 2' bottles for 25 cents, 4.2tf Fnurr—Oranges, lemons, bananas and oocounuts, elteap at elcIielvie"s. 4-2tf Good value in Brooms and Brushes at Noimi Nen Gnocsnu. The Latest Iwperi P Los, 335 per dpz at the Star Photo S • ,, Beaver Block. 1 owe ed andyour ict- Getyour oungesc r n pict- ures framed at Inicenen ce. BrTTox'a 4i•16tf, Bridge enslings and bridge iron of every descriptive at the Ontario Pon lVoiks. 4 2tf .1. airtime, 1'k•tprietor We are showing the latest neveltie; in building. The position was practically Spring settings, wtt•kmanslttp and pi lees the same, to -day as Mr. Morton who is Dr. all right Ga'i Cetus, D2acdonald's agent bad stated that the 4-2tf Opposite (lneen's Metal. Doctor would refuse to allow the office to Ireland & Button Practical Uudertakerse be placed in his building. Ile thought the Prices rettsonabto 4-lfltf: Government sh.uld build an office and he certainly would not find fault if in the —For first-class tailoring and cheap supplementary estimates a certititte'amonnt gents' furnishings, try Webster ct Co. were set apart for that purpose, He Remember the place, in Queen's block. thought there were certain vested rights W' 'i' ;n klgt s lU rrnts, + nd the i alrnee tient must be respected. People had in• of your dried apples. We ay, I en'igt miters vested ill property and had improved it, for clover and timothy seed &c. thinking that the post office would remain 49e G. P. Meet. where it is, and no change should be made D. Al. Gordon give. 5 lbs o that would cause a loss to these parties white beans for 25n. without a substalitial reason for the change and driedapples by,lt unless there is a grievance. Population • Prices' d t matter.It does not require tape p es' d picked i)ys Butter, els highest' setts given away every r; ever, article is 5. ted ill "' pen sille. ?ill are• flees no IIandsom measurement to find out that the business i day at. D M. Go is done in that part of the town. It Res honsahold ;'e the duty of the petitioners to show the welcome. sufficient reasons for making the change . and this they had not done. Since the • It ln,vs to get vn petition presented to the Government, in Tics case. A free #.here hod been closed at that end of the bills, church bill BLOUSE�r, SI'Ii'I.j WAISTS, &r. if yodeannot see in c ur v inlow -display j t.t what yc:u want in style, «quality o,• price. step into the store and we w;tl take pleasure In 11 cw ing you every line in meek. W�� DO NOT LIKE TO BLOW -_Ott Monday eytning, there will be held Garraeks, e. Junior's demonstration. The program will consist of songs, recit- ,t 1cediugs etc. Silver collection. —Aa Rube 13eat=ie was driving the bus sri.t�, Diagonal Street on Wednesday, the nut of the front wheel broke letting the axle down to the ground rather suddenly.V 111' Cira'id C:unp Sons of Scotland will meet in 'l'oronto on .Tuosday next. tetuip C,tledJ' i;t will send a representative. ;l•;wu.ar meeting Camp Caledonia Monday - ening i ext. —Tire W. C. T. U. 'will meet in the Christian Workers' Mission Room next I uesclsty afternoon at 3 o'clock. After the 1,a.ttel business and the election. of new members, a perllamentery drill. will he given. Visitors will be made welcome. Abtu, Heflin goo is cheaper than manufa^.tnrer. ' pric es, ha we do assure you that we will not be on- , 4ersold by any house in the trade, _ 7Lo matter' what prefence3 they may make. EVERY DEPARTMENT • a ZiterctZZ1 jtxmmezZ • 'i,E.)it%z. the blest pro— •• • cZ'rt,ots of the many • 2cx71.t favo los! town, a Furniture Factory, IVonlle n hundredr, of homes. Mill and Tannery. The Misses Fisher The right man in the right place. Give hell built thio building expressly for the McAlpine a trial fur an up-to-date meal at office and it would be comparatively worth- '15 cents. Special arrangement can bemade• 1„s4 on their hands. for board by the week. Wm. Robertson said that the anion The Central Restaurant, AQcIeenzie's Factory employed about only one•half as building. has been rennvate•i throughout many as in 1892. The Post Otfi,e closed and every e.onvenisucebee been added for at 0.30 and men working in the factories the patrons' comfort.. Meals; nt all hours. were not able to get:down town before the Oysters; served in any style. Also agent for office closed. the Huron Ste,tnn Laun'lry which terns Mr. Chapman said that he was it favor out work equal to any rite semidry, Leave of answer it tuesti,office he snidwhere bet employed orders at my store. JA)r s Ale Proprretorc. answer tb q about as many hands as lie did five years ago Consult Yong Doctor. atr. Robt. Mclncloo said he came as a If he advises (lore Liver tail. we recom man whomoney had vested rights.ropHe had all mend Wampole's Tasteless Preparation his motley invested in property. He lead All you taste is Wild Gnerry and that is bnasght with a view of the office staying fend What yon el is fleets and strength there The town was now passing through- cures coughs, colds and wasting diseases at- a critical stage. There were now a )luta• ChisLolm's I)rn; Store ,)f ber of empty stores and there - would be more if there were not a great amount Lill. toted at the e riven with sale o.. id are readin• The Cheapest in the Carney • of ( are taken and wisdom shown in the Thos. Abraham is prerere,t t, haif'sol'e management o: the town's affairs. After all Men's hoots end chars at from •it) to 45 it was a matter of dollars earl cents and ernes a snit. Townes; rho, s cgtttelly as fs to ursue the coniso ) '• tints was for the best interests of the town to If you t un t raveehea the beast quality n# le ether 1 s Ll than by traia and you man afford it, take for greatest public convenience, he sold, I leave tete Office where it is. Men who held Terms cash. Whet embers the to eut ,e hicall d'd not that mode and let the rrtilways move along, dist not neeesseri y me+ r mind ou your bike will not stand to centre of the corp )ration, tic considered fo y y wont rr be run fi,to by n huge locomotive. In con- that tees business centre of the town elusion 1 ask you, ttheelmen, world you be about one store this si,ie of the Reins handfed ick IIotel end he did not think it was wt for one ntorneitt like your the same as some baggage is? If not, pay what is demanded anti you will be ahead in the end. The schoolboy cannot understand the ternperature of iron, neither can the t "'+- tion of the steam vessel. Tlle1'ti= fa a tri a or evei knows the requirement of tb than those employed and it Is so with the railways and I lsope as far as I am concern. eel that the Legislation thee we leave at Ottawa, tt ill trot meddle in this matter. Thaukingyou Der. Editor, for the space I have taken. I ale yours, �. Lovrn or FAlnME T AND JUSTICE. worth while to make such a fuss for the salte of moving the nface a hundred yards. 'L'he owners of the $u:to ies were not anxious for the change and the workmen former t to unci a usually got their mail "when going to of d f y one and no one from work. Tamlyn's lot was about . the ' better centre of the pnpnbetion, But populatio•i at the 1'ust.no Bits" is the watchword a'1 th,a t,n.t nffi'e f n• the filter°. We are i:pecial rates far lost and found ads tt hi h tire re are by se erybody. People who ..,tow CLothe n thlirsneighbors. always —During the present week special cervi- ;,• areibeingheld in St. Paul's church each 1f,, 100 in, 0:1 Sandey in addition to the is, s..,•,s i.,g lf,tit,r Day services, special efforts ' Leve- bees made by the choir, under the leaderehipof at, B. Morden in get - tin up music for the occasion. Mr. 0. Morningstar of Weston, has purchased t.hJ eiVingham Pump Works from D. t31?oty s and h•is taken ossaiOt of the sa•nc:e ala e of .. a suacaae_i11.11+etl't►e'ei• Ur. Morningstar has moved int.) teen etldsoce owned by Mr. George 1.+ retwel'. --The "Cantata of Daniel gives a com- plete history of the Jewish Captivity and Restoration. . Kin Nebuobadnezzar's Decree, Daniel and his companio s cast into the Fiery Furnace and the D Miraculous Deliverance °ons of hoer lL i anti cense triumph. -Ai.pril 2'lth iu Presby- terian church. icials en's ed The Children's Enemy. Sero luta often shows itself in early life and is characterised by swellings, abscesses, hip diseases, etc. Constimption is scrofula of tLe lungs. In this class of diseases Scotia emulsion is unquestionably the .., 1 was not a fair method of gets 1 g settlement. There mnst be taken Leto ' consideration the difference in the. amount of use is made by these persons. There bad been room for complaiutabout the lack oi' accommodation. The improvements should have been made some time ego, but there was now amitle accommodation for years to come. The post office would be a, nnic. ante in the Tnwn Hall and he, as Mayor, would certainly oppose having the office placed in it. The Isi tedonal.l Block was mentioned, but he, as Dr. Macdonald 'r, y agent, dill not think the dontor would care t 5tre have received the following report ' — to have the office in his building. 1'ltr from Galesburg N. D, having reference to , LosT—La been first circulated r tl a death of Wm. Bintoel who formerly; i clition that lead n fin < The, lived in the vicinity of ttVither o ring. William Timone tine father of Charles leaving i _+ and James Iliatoul of Galesburg, died on ; Ling —On afareh 31st at his home here in Galesburg stcln gauntle )m iujmies received by a fall on ALarchl0 leaving et A 0000011 of physicians were in attend- eaitabl ante, but it tuns ovi en rota Ile and death was 1 I eev e. Beagle Henn 1 since Fraley properties both ends of the 'town i prices so low is that I have no rent to p ty, want to see the office moved. Mr. Bell, no debts to settle and 1 tiny sty sttoh for Mr. McLean nand others from that end cosh. `l'lir, oldest establishr_d shop in town,. were satisfied. Vietoria street. 4.11.1 Mr. Gracey had property in the North t{' Enol as well as in the South and he did not Having Gen, Agent of went the office removed. The most of the g - Aasltennof bnsiness mon between Victoria andjohn St. the I ask the hf Liteifenq of 'al10e lived in the North End and were opposed to fug assurance to ne at my residence the removal. Mr. Robbins said the Council was not in on Diagonal stree � . t to Union I'artol;v) favor of rem )vel. The present location is and kern thieetete forms of assur safe in as good as the average town in Ontario. can offerev and that in - • Mr. Gregory being called upon, said he vesttmee'tnler rand ,aturns •r the .that in, had Mr.Hnothing to say. giveThis one of th strongest corn- ethe said that leu businessomen pains'ooin usiUess teaks hest eec.r visitca tete office for every one evorkiug• p0 less a st ' th to $21,5'1 000` was the re nh. nenonnt iew This closed Ole discussion and sstog he yearpt mises greaterrstill3sstlThe different ed anil this kirk tient the afternoon in df lis {, question with other citizens who had net forms ofpto fciss will b�f7 LII r• �xplaiued by attended the meeting. applying en.:• nppointe Saying wtee, ar rel t Cosseted Agent. N. B.—Will be at house every S:etm•day, An old Houronite Gone. : health permitting. _ } lea LOST.— atutd,ty, 0 !twat gold he rewarded by s Hotel. 4.Oa inst., one seal ar Wiuglmm, 'By tl' i le trrdar will be ' tl warded. . d t f the terse that recovery tVM impossible. — expected daily. %Villiem Rtutoul will be t Anvil 0. Any persrn unlawfully retaining remetnberedhy his friends its ono of the the same will bo persecuted. Got1rn' IVtT,LT,lela. very thhpioneers t nsthit eo 188 ,ha when settled I Care of Swarta' TIotgl. here with his family in 1850; witch Fargo Wes a mere hamlet, . Deeeased was in hie j Lose:—On Sarnrday, April 10th, a black ling township* year, He was born in Oar' , collie bitch, with a short tail and wearing a ling tvedto ,stern lc county Canada, , strap with tag attached. Finder will romovecl to Western Canada, near Wing. : 1 where he liyed about 25 ,years atbsequent oblil.4e 1(i leaving word with, grr•.wAnT to his cnmiug to North Dakota. Doceasecl leaves live sons and four daughters to l - """'.p L] l Olt RENT, mourn his loss.. The romaine were intethe prr- of ; Tun SAnn 'Cur i ed in the Galesburg cemeterylmsidel Itis wife and daughter. The relatives oft llaa l bicycles ecense tuvt l commn,hfty, to their sad bereavement, Horn To 12EVT.•--In Lower �V'ingltatn. most reliable medicine. I asked foe better aecommodation and many who had signed that petition were now satisfied with what, changes bad been made. church Fs otos. , If the tt•nvs rnment wanted to please all it Special Easter Services will be held in I would he the duty of the Inspector, in his lie elethodist Cliurch Sunday afternoon rt to erne upon them the advisability 1 ep0 , n of tweeting a post ofli to in the town of Wingham. Mr. Geo. Mason s+eid that the petition he had signed netted only for better accommo- dations and not removal. He would not have signed a petition for the rat -novel of when the school, under the supervision . of. J. A. Morton, Will present the Cantata •"Easter Brightness," instead of the regu- lar Sunday School work. Interesting Lectures. f theMetho- d the nff,te. • The Board of Managers o dist Church are to be congratulatenn t ,l•ohh Ncelafldn°eq'dwasibat n1110 ittd pn having secured each au eminent lett r , she er ns Es.Seol Major South rafrioa,whol favoredchool, the 1 er and nn,v 11i11ttdns Sthe Hewould notlbeen Chrietfan Soldier from S 1 .tI reed, He thought there was now suf- was one of the Bechuanaland Moulted Police, that famous regiment cthat rode with Dr. Jamieson into the Transvaal. timely el y eparticularly Isis lecturers nt and interesting on ace milt of the great interest that is now being centred in Africa Major ;lchoof is no uncharaoter- with the high- 1 e chance "n man.To hearbne who has uglily Chrietat ,,v � ally as ficient accommodation and the location was convenient Robert Gurria, fir., thought the oflloe firm - most convenient tvh, re it is. He confirm- ed what Dr. Titmlvn had said regarding people from the country and L wor Wing - ham. In the town pint there were 500 people thought there rtes an the sere w )a Mayor hn d d I the sympathy of the en ee second-hand len -man's ' Machine lersey Cream £lodas for 25e at 'North Bud Grocery. Neale Newell Blit) Gnoernv.' I+play, 'iVinghant; or Whitechurch P. U. '.Germs easy. Apply to 4-t):i. D. AL. Gornov. s and pri ee ed adventurer, but comes 3.5tf The C.,uuctl and town offenjoyed ase testimonials Asa lecturer, and thorn• l according 0 m tnv'tst ansae and ! '311) fox Gioe I horse To Teller.• --Frame devr to 1X an supper at the City 1Zestmurant ebuntr is the 1 were still ud of m t t A tart street apply to this cince or to Peter ihable to t��� an oyster d not be messed tl wan a good Niel of selfish Epicure bra, 1 t regular Couitoil meeting �� 1'v d to that far off countryis b'LLZ!e✓'y', of the clerk That menti 1 rt of l) the Y O you , , d Cur Pima 11flT,l.ilni vone, ''��TTdeinointerestingey t �. lel . the the as tl of a life time nth should .nq'1 °atrq rg the present agitation. the ex 10(4SAnI;: Any partite was not made of this of , an ono ut Wingham.. ..pet J l•ce Aa said rhet w n e to u Mattresses Spring Bede, - xtl k mi'C of have been swing to by y is within the reach i favoredl'ce .tn 1110 est office whore it is G t lP. STEL: -A trtltnghtiee �^ 1 N' Wawa last t ittl ?ttce of our reporter frac who ; the all—Nchaext Ox ' Cense, and' FYI day, in Itis conneu w,,uld fly lr removal. Since titin Pols and Curtain Stretchers ivt, Tits• wanting Cfresh milkers should apply to, ♦ , i ci + i Q the OVt r tt }t tinct p>•obabfy' not its a proper frame of .of alt--•N'ei,t llrureday . the petition had b en sent to the Govern- f.A:v t ck tlrrroN's. 4.1 tf. Y)ti'w:.:� importer. mindttimr<te no)eot itiltthe.timo. .� the Metitodl,at nlitircn, ._..__.,.'• ,fit~,- _ _ II