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The Wingham Times, 1897-04-02, Page 7
s THE 'WIN1,7r.1.:A.AM TIMES APRIL 7 1897, STANDARD BRED STALLION'S 1897 SEASON • 1897 4 L %NI)1. It 3031. SIRE AND GRAND SIRE OF MORE EXTREME SPEED THAN ANY OTHER STAWON IN CANADA' SLANDER 3031, SARANAC 4158, Will serve a limited number. Will be located during the season at the3runs•w•ick Hotel Stables, Wingham. SLANDER $10. First-class pasture furnished at $2 Tabulated Pedigrees forwarded on SARANAC $10. per month. Escapes and 4ceidents at owner's risk. application to' j. H. & W. F. DULMAGE PEST FOR 1 t. 1 1g AY !ill Elr Star'" to A Cold DaW in Winnipeg. Brr! said the man from Potato LIFE ON A RAILROAD ON- Creek, crowding up to the stove. DUC LIVE TO DISEASE. Party cold. Yes, said the grocer, it is party Mr. Wm. Taylor,of KentvIlle, attack- f .,. ty tor tide time :If year. I see it ed with K-dney Trouble—So called cures proved uselece, went 25 below in Helena, which 1 but D.. Wiliam's Pink Pills think it a good thing that the town restored his health. hal thei a last two sy}table,s in its Frcre the t?enty:no Advertiser- name. or it would be about as hard There are very few mn'll n nt +c sbelieve f them yarns of Imare trying to the health than that . of a railway engineer. The hours of labor are frequently long, meals ir• regular. and rest and sleep hurriedly snatch •d '•t etvveen runs." 0 ,t' the troubles vvhicll very freq'u't1'I- att, ek railway trainman le kitillt•, disease, which up to a late !It's : ,Fl has been looked upon as a d'St-:+-r' difficult, if not impossible, to totally cure. Although there exist aconic. •• ous remedies Claimed to be eu•'•". the truth is that nothing; had he,••i found to successfully cope with this terrible disease until the advent of the now world -famed Dr. William's Pink Pills. Chancing to hear one day that Mr. Win. Taylor, a resident Br.mswick House, Win�Iiam, O .inswick House, \Vingham, Oihtarlo. n>' Fal E ERY ' Y, r -3zv�'•rs=ac.:...Jr..,- . casis. 1 BRISTOL'S s;;oRRISTOL'S1 BRISTOL'S Sarsaparilla and to a leve as some O old Ananias over there. f C o R i E F�P ----- looked �� _-13 Arai SUGAR _� The man with the ginger beard"" looked up and said: Who you eallin l The Greatest of all Liver, ole Ananias? Any one of you ever Stomach anti Blood Medicines. ketehed me in a lie? A salrcln�o FOR No, said the grocer. I guess you' never was ketohed in a lie yit. Any , Rheumati • 1, Cot:f and one who can lie as fast as you kin Chronic Complaints. a', t liable to gat lcetehed Ilut, speaking of th' cold weather,' They Cleanse and Purify the Reid the man with the. ginger beard i Blood. I guess it was as cold in the fall of '65 as I ever see it, or anyone else. How cold was it? asked the man from Potato Creek. Wal ez far ez degrees below zero goes, I can't tell nothing about that said the roan with the ginger beard, of this town, had been cured of kid -.1 fur they wusn' no thermometer lung' ney trouble thronyh the agency of fer to measure it, but I do know Dr. Willi(' m's Pink fills, called upon him ut hie home to hear a reporter 1 that when we wanted to git water to d,•inlr, the ice was froze so hard that 1 from barn llr.r,c:nlly what he t•hcught I we had to heat it red hot afore it would begin to melt._ A Point to Remember 1, If you wish to parifr your blood you should talie it medicine which cures ' 1,10').1 d'settses. Th record of cures by ,� 1 ;� . , 1' = qy Vit• tt [1o.,c1's Sarsaparilla proves that this is 11 talo best medicine far the blood ever pro - N! Laud's , ase )artIIr cures the t. Sgt t i talus(, titnbbnr❑ arse:; and it is tato meal - ; for you to tate$ if your blood.. isticn- of bis cute. MI'.`rrayh)'is an engin- eer on the Dominion A!.huI.,0 Rai! - way, his run being bei vreca Ilalit!',.tc • FIo+ti PILLS 117e thehaat after grinner pill; nssi�t digestion, euro headache. ) Cr'a'g. --- A A cow belonging to John Catlin of North Plasthupe, the other day gave birth to a ntonsteosity, in the A11 Druggists and General Dealers. shape of a calf, with tw'o treads two .� Office t Yam,nerg, ba a or to organize ''Lnd 1Centi'ille, ' incl he is one of the : hindlegs, four fore legs and two WASHINGTON AND THE BI- EASY VICTIMS CRCLE c;RAZE ' are Here you can see the motor , -vphen asked by the repo, ter conc.0 • stock coin antes for their mannfact- most popular diiters on the toad_ It<ails. Of conrse it is dead. bicycle makes its bicycle, monocycle, etc., etc. i ing his illness 110 sinal : "it was in OWN sroxY n It• ro)cDEIt—•II1 . • r streets f n• LAItG75 rF:nCE1tTAGE •• t , + uo.s sul'Eit I'n)aI otrAltltx--Lilt Mort: or importance fele, h mann ways in r`xa7 rs IN VIE eon -f The ubiquitous { 1 the spring, The growth of the "wheel" Indus- l: of SIM that I bac a • >rot;.7, IV Dlt Ao�vtvs aA7Ax11xen �Va'hil gton The mites upon piles 1 commercially 1' seen from the, sevc•e ,+'•+c.h of ll,.uo� at increase in tiro number of , hrou;ht on by t:,11tt;1+utlu, running. IFxY r a - tr 1-,,,iney trouble, 1•Y TI:TL THEM on 'MS num* of tspba,l t is and 'avenues or le sT1ccl.ssrcl, u>^cevr•,nx'rxnal, and the g L••DY. Mr. W. H. Bennett, iVlelnber for East $imcoe, and forty-nine others of ter their the House of Ominous, hare, o swn ignatures, talc, of the good otlt:uts of Dr. Agne Catarrhal Pov del What these Parlrll rapid since the introduction of the Earaa-se eared Dear Sirs,—I was troubled with ear.' ache for n long time, and could get .o ease un'.il I' tried Nagyard's Yellow Oil, I -an telly say that it has 'wide :t com- an<ideal plate for wheeling, ), stores dealing in bicycles and bicycle ' on •tate road, ' aur, I suppose It :s , Mete cure.. MECentral SS l' AREconomy,A ', . S. fad has taken. possession of all class( !sundries. Eight }-ears ago there I caltised by the 0-c•i1111tinn or ri10 loco- of society. were about five or sit hundred. I motive. It aifeeted nae but -1 ht ly . Thomas hu=sell, of the Thames The growth in the popularity oft elle Patent Oftiee records disclose :,t Ilr�t, bot grtiuil}' ,a�lc� tc'ot'`c• rclacl, usborue, has sold to a . gentle - the bicycle has been particularly i some queer applications of the appar I consulted a doctor ,Ind then tried man front lnclia.na, It pair of pare Agnew's g sung f ese ta, One a a vehicle in which doe•s'rnres Sntue Iteil:•cd ale for a tone, �0f -•l U0 in public and private liferaastically sere ychild. were used for hicl motive pit e y but after t 'covered '1‘11'35T ^ ' tubo d b women and c'lild v r- filte • 1 • '' , stopping the use of them I ' others Dominion over. and R•I-P•A•N•S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine ; Cures the common -day ills of hum.nity. 0 f the earliest patents two or three varielieg of toealletl blcrl Derham cairn for thesnu the remedy has done or r nientarians it is doing for thousands of pneumatic tine Ti, has been eat las it gives immediate relief in e o an hour, sod's little perseverance quick- eCCISe, a•tld Within the past y CiCCa3• front wheel and as they tried. t0 Ilnll)t'l r111� 1^e;llGlc+it;ll� ill it ti'tT "t a • , • ar•t 01 1 rids the head of all trouble. It is easy riders of this class have been . climb h the forward slope ie the concerning Dr. Nagai lm'S 1?ink 1)iii , • urluiatctt}oocltr tin dyspepsia and �v$ t1� (®®� ®® p ime and pleasantter toe, use and produces no ed by thcusathds. of t1 wheel they caused. tlaesame to rotate r and rending of ono c'lu'e that wars i,,,e:r 'Lite lea t exertion would fire rue, ® o� hurtful after effects. Sold at Chisholm's Perhaps the enormity l tindus d •the nrtchtne to old/ince. almost indent i 1 0l i I ant glad to says 1•owe ,that I .Relie • D Tragedy ,Near Paris , inquiring into the relative nn new ,. �� for I 1S It Je 0 by cold in (ho Mead reu as a means of health -giving ex. were were placed within the hollow t •tvatlness unci Dyspepsia Oared !grew worse than etc•r. 1',ti;d nnttceti 1 Si,•s, -" can h•,art.ily recommend a 9gNY 0 p TD 1 Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS in a surprisingly short time. It's a sci- entific certainty, tried and true, soothing and healing in its effects. \V. C. ri'IcCot,BER & Son, Bouchette, Que. repo t Inc letter that Lyng-Pectoral anter'( airs. t0. ab, sCaserta tn : goachronic cdlW. 0.' e1 Kaon berest and t ofiaa lung.staudin; cold J. II. It rrr, Chemist, 52: longe St., Toronto, writes: " As a gel.e,ai cough and lung syrup I'yny- Peeto,nI is n r•9st invaluable p, evolution.. It has given the utmost satisfaction to all who have t,1 d 11, many having spoken to me of tho Lamellas de, Ives frcIa its use ill their tnudllea. 11 Is amiable for old or young, h• lug pleasant, to the fast.,. Its solo with mn Litt lm•n wonderful. roil I rm always recntnntcnd it as a sate and enable cough medicine." Lange Dottie, 2.i Cts. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., 1.rn. Soh Proprietc*; Ttoa ritnAt. Gl'V�R�.7y:. y�y aw'�'�L.�,•;',''ky�L�t^, .1,•'1.'0 an a ' ' 1 teal with ill' c?1V,1 bicycle gearing to operate the pro- i pnrcha• ted four boxes rata goer of Ciliac• 'tpp'lratus o a n math.; Bat_it • . spent (v One inventor proposes to 11130 the 1 deeidc i to �i o them a t, c 1I and umber Paris, Ont., March 26—A terrible of patents granted relatingf flying Drug Store ! try may be appreciated better L' t g was Fl! anti - f wheels and their constantly* 1 devises a mach n !c IF,iv t.ttic, roar tD. B. 13. has greatly benefitedane, Oil r 1l)'� drispep in rind making me� Ida ng Pin 'MX Incl well, , .N'I VI^. E,ler, TrOUbles Elasp^ler, Oat tragedy was enacted about five. miles forms o Still glint lett comp when a increasing variety of accessories. the 'sat tible to tl,( oil the ion„ fences in , pills, ax,d have t ecu ratll)lc d tv th A ,ova belonging 7 )hn ;ultth of west of here this afternoon, �, recent papas that of f 1 l c•ln tic o;ol e l t v R1)tp Is tl I fanner named Convey, an old man, or 00patentspgranted stated inh England when the ground rccom'u ud them t) about 65 years of age, struck and 26,0n0 the ns( year, one-third re• th springtime. ,r of ere c,f the largest 1 I /o p killed Geo.t some w(ti� 1 0 1•tted to Inc. t, t e' c} 1+�' the; use of t :e long ' )• ve nott, r tr to . t , the west. With this the fal'mer can mv,itic tta1's SIUCO. '' l PcIhsow Art ul• t)1 n. , • in e' others s.tnill°',V g litters of nl )t i.c D fy Frost a young man In to the bhwclist's his employ". It appears l+ cost was la ted the old man, who was requirements. a In this applications fortpatenie down in the cellar shovelling turnips pi p nn same line 1 has tions sscl unman - whenthh•o*ing chaff down on him, ously. when Convey,°who is of a very pas. In the Patent Office all inventions sionate temper, struck ••a terrible .'t1e grouped into about two hundred blow with the shovel, killing him in. 1^ promptly r.tr.vVlNr:Il.\al,c.r..,a.antraal. +n Lishman, and fifteen classes, and there are aids no1+,110RSO, OF wCLLSertOkl, ori• misery and save money by p• p abouty. Frost was e, Ii g t elle hundred and sixty as'lfs • Where diseaso has affected the heart I ;L11,s n} n�t:te Griffin. Toronto, writes soc. natal 8l etre ke rttrc. t me and is said to :about seen that rho remedy to be roust be speedy resor:in :n this i,rc<'tttlellt, (set the ,,After hav•ng tlronchitis and cold so•' about o years of a„ ! ant examiners, so it will be s t , t 'r, tt i euuitl hardly speak, and (a ©PY13& iArYliis'tafii C3., L70.,fFl�tirREnt l® have no relations in the country. , average each assistant will I fn its oases, or all ln7y be lost. 'Vies Pink Nis Every titre e and ! I a s andrtoadhousa, of would sn pe ' Cut., stye . great It and.( oat In t, I lave ae is wet, snake torus of observatioi_' afflicted. •,ies heard of for some 11111e, naive about his ranch of visit his neigh- I'I+t C\pLi 1 17. Tic 1(. were bot " Leigh-' , . , ••t1l00 of venrq ir.Iq prow 1 pies 11) horn, but two s, ed that there i t.bsr,lu,0 3' t+o 1{i,ea 10 died. 11r. Smith is carefully looking HE31tT DISEAs-, due to vi la'etl condition of °•tttt after this immense addition to his AWFUL blood or shneeered.nerves, that De, ._..._. Mork e.1' swine in the hope that he DEti 1I nu.,Itatl,D AWAY IIADItn 7111:- rET.f ok' nn. \�'flhatti's Pink fills will not pro►npA. may be able to raise them all. At1v1?)V S Cti I1T: YOU TIN IMAM— W0.4 ' l y cure, and those who a', a sufferint, , I,IexNCr. TITAN' A YAM' VITA! TB TxE s^'OItY Oa from SLtt'll t,'c,ubles would avoid much £r• sahiti 1 Cuiod ULS ON c. o. R. CO Sitil)^'f X01,1 twit nit I.Ii7NO m DISIS/1.11:1, Si'f.T1r3NG 0 lia.0010, Q•,)I Ile,7to'is OV .ti 1'Erieri''., ® E7: AL1Tii, sur. Lama iito of this 0 t:rtr0.e. ono :most Ilan: crest. 11, the old orrho "0. K I"• T±mnlainn. I have got 4',,; lid of a hacking cough which had troubled n1e for oyes 8 year, nhd leave gained considerably in treirhr. 1111ked (.lis lin1:;12 0 so u ••d I was 51111 6 w Len rho 11,110 07.180 around 10 t rile 0. Convey admitted t. and hits 00 etll g } been placed I 7 and rite ase ha rues C1 CIND IN 3 itot 6 NUMMI—IMMO, D BMW- llaci CO be almost d bl d p D A ' C forthe Hears r,} medicines fart INC 131c1N bIBE98NB 1 Ment D Iv ONE DAY. two years. Nearly t nt l'e tUl'ee Dr. Aazaew's Ointment will chum all geimne.toc r,t do ries be persuaded to every an itni- r ontl not tint, and remedy to relieve me ®O � O 0 CO Q � 41/00, tn',ion or some oilier remedy Prem a 1 I d ''ed to try Norway Pine Syrup. It commend it to all. FL c ' hl 111E de tt complete Faure. and I Y nth ]e crime, a eCd3 , , at trout s n sweat e } t take charge of o Col 3 d under arrest. (tel, who for the sake of the exits it WU or c nt pet moth, o ` part of another. beads upon my face, ebecause of th from )'cart disease I der, examined in Division number of assistants has doubled in a • • the entire is engaged in examining appiications intense suffering - - often felt that the death struggle was at profit to himself may say* is "Just as WONDERFUL. B►cveles are the numb . hand. No medicine g' .ve me help until good." Dr. William's Pink Pills The I3 ff to bug, th I used r- grew a .Igo 1 rotten damage 1 In'Lbilty minutes th(/, severe pain was etre when other rile tc1 tvhi:h caused and after eking 1 the more thron;;hnttt the Z1'e3tern Peninsula! removed, than one bottle the f outee had vanish i Mr. Godfrey, 1 '1'. It, -a ;eat Lis• 1 [ass yral hos og to made its appear- s y,} �' assns :Ince at .,t. Thomas. at1, i know norhiw'� of it to•da ." 5 )Id 1 at (;hlshol[It's Drug Store. towel, repot' s the fol o1Viriss p Field, aged r tale t.set ss Ai- ,1 ..._„!-_._.._ gt;rs t:) the West.\let; 'i� tn. Skelton, a The Staffa respondent of rho °l°c)pea, Kan, Me Winter, Cb,c.bo. of Kinloss township, Bruce county, is gives the follow- AV l„I,rltllltt and who, and i1I lei.''. • (de,ad. She came to Canada from. Seotlitntil in 1ti 11) and in 1851 gave birth to the first white child born in the township, now Mt s. Proctor, of Liteknow. She leaves six sans and ix daughters. cases of itct,inl; piles in from t lee `' in tl►is one class, and even then ]t la gixnights. One application brings com- fort. Por blind and bleeding piles it is impossible to keep up with thee a Early ct roe totter, salt rheum, At the resent time the ee glees. Also p ;,• )p i stn eczema,th barber's !telt and all eruptions i 000 applications on hand awe. „ Sold at ChisRelieves olm svDr n day, 35 cents. � action, and these do not include 1 bicycle pumps or bells. Mr. Georgie CItm1,1,ci1, son of Dr, On Our streets may be seen almosu Cainpbell, of Brooklyn, and former. every kind of machine that is made, of Seaforth, has yell).ited As an M because inventors of new types D. from Bellevue li )4pital College apparatus bring thein here to (lemon New York. strafe their good points to the Patent Mitchell A,ivoca ing: George gentleman 52 ye in Seafoi til wall Murchison an old xer, i- -, -,� tn, Man i"+r J T.+au. cnOt., It's of ago, residing Mo,'den, and four members of the S ed front Dublin to I�"an st fatuity for Arden. brother Joint,a in Ilibbert, on it the system is *fortified by hood's milesin one hour. 11ay last, 1e. distance of five Sarsaparilla, winch makes rieb, red stiles blood, thyro is little tartieer of stateless 430 -*3► "43°.+t•3„t36.43*-430' Croup Coughs, cache, :»XARnsOM, DIM:10%12Y, and all I3OWX Xi COMMAINT''. * A. Suro, sate, Quick Cure for these troubles is b y g '4: rflat*. red Infernally null ,._ i • 4, *3*44:T.4-5'43+44►43a430 4- 0- 4- 4 ,.