HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-04-02, Page 6lith am 1- •• n FRIDAY, Avail', 3, id117 TWO ?dEC, Carson: I said voluntarilly, stoop- ing to knock the ashes. the ashes from niy: Ogee, perhaps I ought not to ask, although I have known you for nearly five years, but is it usual fora. wife to wear two wedding tins? Dead, silencer. Ile had just lower- ed his violin from playing a ver.. soft solo, far it was considerably past midnight when I ventured that eurious question. There bad been an evening party and as I was to stay at. the house tilt morning, Carson's wife had said, Good night and left us to finish out evitable smoke and {elle. His mouth twitched +,t little and it was some time before he re- torted in a low tone: a ra as marble and that a line of Is it usual for a. man well under i a y forty to have hair as white as mine? froth stood on his lips. Well, perhaps not. But 1 thought you attributed it to some shock or other. What has that to do with— with the two rings? ' Everything. He listened at the door for a moment, turned the lights down and then came and sat down, spreading has hands over the fire. Two rings. Exactly. One is the ring I put there when I married her the other was put there by another man and will remain there as long as the first, Never mind now, I said. His 'voice had trailed off huskily. I had no idea there was any tragic element behind the fact. Tragic ? Heaven'. It was more than that. Arthur, he whispered turning up a drawn face, I never meant to touch upon it, but when you spoke it came back with a rush as vivid as if I had been standing beside the mouth of the old north shaft again, And that was six years two. You've heard me speak at least of the mine itself --The Langly mine in Derbyshire. I had only been assist- ant surveyor at the mine about nine months when it happened. At nine o'clock that morning, Arthur, three W 1, G i t M . f' A4 'aS, APRIL 2, NYZ. y BANK of HAMILTON Iced among the unsolved mysteries terror, at others he would catch up The Sonnets of Sevent Xeers Ago.l b L pa , But there was a grinding, rumbling, iters pick and hack at the watts with! In toiling of I atfayette's visit to .+ splintering roar, as though tate earth the Cary of 0. inanlae, And worse' Phiiadetphiat Jean parsley ::shower: W I N O H , .-18 POLISHED had split in pieces, wets to eoMO. !gives an interesting deeeription of Oapit€ti, $1,250,000, Itoat, tiG r0,t100 Before we could stir hand or toot ` I think I must have fainted, 1 do the costumes worn by the fashionable to save ourselves, before we could: President -deux dzaeer. even take in that an explosion had occurred while we were guarding against another sort of danger, down thundered a mass of coal tons upon tons of it, that blocked up the only passage leading to the shalt. It just reached young Jim. Standing where be did he was struck down. We heard his screech etified beneath the debris. For about five more seconds the earth seemed to be heaving and threatening universal chaos. Then all became as still as a tomb. A tomb? We h •cl, our lamps burn- ing. Old Jitn and I looked and. saw that we were cut off front the rest of the world. What happened next I hardly know. I was stupefied with the shook sick with mortal fear of death Ile and I stood staring mutely at each other. The one thing that I do remember, is that Itis face was a5 Viingljzou i1t' not £ecru to recollect any more until the moment when I became eon• scions of ?nates hard breathing over me, and of the fact that his band was or seemed to be feeling for my throat 1 straws, and satiny ftaliftn straws, wgoD, • , I dashed him away, panting under tete extravtige at shapes, These qa htec-^J. T0RNBULL. this new shook of lemur. weretactually becoming to youthful seethes iaank--Hours,ltrtos•Saturday!,10 Jim, I gasped, for heaven's Sake !faces. Tremendous was the periph- al opedosits of $1 and upwards received and torous keep sand! If we are going to, let' ery, but the shape was subjeet to Spnota1 uet►ostts also received at current let us die like atenl rates of 3c,aroat. improvements. to suit the individual Draftzs o„ Arent Brltatn ai,d the united Skater He was the first to come back to sense. He gave one choking ery of Jim! and staggered back to that black pile. The boy's hand was sticking out from the bottom of it, clutching convulsively at nothing. I sank down and watched in a sort of dreary faeination, as old Jim utter- ing strange cries, tore at the mass in a sort of mad frenzy. God help :rim Jim was the only thing in the world he had to love. In less than live minutes he bad him dragged out and sat down to hug, him in his arms Dead ? No. lie could just open his poor dust filled eyes in answer t his father's whispers. But WO knew at once that he would never again make the galleries ecboe • his pierc- ing whistle. For whole hours, I sul•pose,neither of us attempted to realize our situ- ation. We sat on in•the dead silence waiting for something to happen. Once or twice we saw young •Jim's blackened lips move feebly, andeach time his father would mutter broken ly, aye, my_ precious child, We'll look after her. Once the inti elan broke out quaveringly into the hymn 'Abide with Me,' but he had got no further than the third lint:. Tit:tt woman of that day, in the April . Ladies' Home Journal, "The bonnets of the period," she writes," were >'xltt e•rnets silky Legliorns, fine Dunstable Jog rsemoa., Ow. Ilo+oil, eat GrasoN, g 1', A. T. A is Iis> (Toronta).- Vice•Preeident-^A. O. ttAaae,tr. No answer, I heard him crawl 1 ease, Some lube bonnets were bought and so EV'1:xtY 1. 1IDAY MOUNING --AT ?lass --- TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, Subscriptionpzi00, sipveyrenr,t:ziadvance • ADYEItTISING 'RATES: Sparse 1 1 yr. 1 0 ma. 1 8 ma. 1 1 mo One Corumn 080 00 840 00 1 020 00 8 00 halt " 40 00 I 20 00 12 00 s 00 Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 S u au ing away and Haat was all. The! w, UORaOi3I,i1, Aons2 91° 1'4-- a 00 1 2 to i smartly rounded off at the ear. to dead silence was only broken by a' display a well•turncd cheek. Ribbons E. re l)IURINSON. Solicitor. 1 i far, n@hanta@c,uotr I insertion. AiIeasured by noupareii ?este. faint tricklingsound. Trickling? .oast notices loo, garlics fqr prat ir:B@rt on, and i ?Vere profusely employed to tilatc tu.porlineforeaohaubetquent ,uaortitr, Yes, I put my hand to the level 1 the color of tate Sills lining. A 1111ge (MAR D TIWNS RAILWAY. Advertisements otl,aet,kbtmd,Strayed ,Satuati and found .calf an inch of water.1 shape, lined with rose pink, was - And hatter and more stifling grew tl ilnrned with bows of broad ribbon DEPART ran alum raw, 1 16 u 1 l cf#st n»d othor casual advertisement/a, Se. per for Bret insert on and Sc. per li ,e and business Chances Wonted, not exceeding 8 ilia nonpareil, 81 for first month, and 090. for each subsequent month, the atmosphere. Praying hard to' of two colors, white' and rose, with Toronto :Lod Fast G:60 hart, p. r Houses and Farms for sato, not exceeding 8 Liao' x:15 p.1,7r-via Clinton 41 for That month, 50c. per subsequent mouth myself I realized that should no help long streamers of the ribbon floating Farniaraton ATixed 5:00 10:40 a.tn L?r7'er advertisements in 1,=orortian rheao tktn,a will be strfetT a comer, only a few hours could lie be- quer the shoulder. But ail would be London and South G:S0 a.m. 1x:10 " t siesta{ rows for larger adantisaents, or tween us and the ells:. And then Lost---ft'oln a fashionable point of 3:16 p.m. S:GG tr•ir• o' iarortiapinents and facia notices withoutapeaift --old Jing might go first and I !Kincardine 11110 a•m. G:fio a.n2, dfratlGlot+a wit! he weeded {iii forbid and charged view—if the streamers were of the1i1f,p11p, 8:30 p.m accordingly. Transitory advertisecncuta moat should be lett. Nay, I was already some color. An elegant would be 8 ,t 5:80 „ paid iii advance Mangos for contract advertisement? must be in praeticalty alone, The fear that was careful to wear one white and the , .slowly whiteningmyhair was turn: the (Mice by tvednusdny, ninon, so order y other pink. Large shapes of wird vest .A.04 in,; old Jim's brain. and net were often covered with s. 0, luta' 1. He suddenly, spring up in a peal of fiigured silk or velvet for colder delirious laughter. Water. Who ; weather. Small hats of, white crepe says water ? My my mates 3.1 or.satin were worn on dress occas - am swimming in itl Here's a go. lions, even at evening l.arties, They Presently he began creeping' generally showed a marabout plume around to find me. I could: hear hiin I or bird of paradise " coming by his labored , respiration and the swishing of the ooze as be moved. Round and round the space we went stealthily, until at last he A. E. SMITH BANX +'Ba WT NGUAM GENERAL BAN1CINO DUSINESS TRANS. ACTED. .A Triumph Won • , bloneyadvancted on Farmers and Business mon on endorsed notes and collateral. Before taking Doan's Kidney Pills I -- telt that diabetes was fast tightening its FARMERS SALE NOTES CASHED. h d caught grip upc.n mo Now I know that ii has With a glee that was unmistakable. p Notes and now in the full Dnjoru Dnt of 1leatth and made a cunning ruS an esus 7 me Mono s roniittad b struts to nit :arta of Canada and been met and defeated. I haye used y y by the ankles. " Got :rant Ile yelled etre ills stench] for some time and silt. tit@ tiut,te States, y accounts collectctt on reasonable terms. Mere words could never convey the shall always be ;;inti to testify to the sensation of that moment. Half merits of this triumphant medicine. suffocatedpast all ordinary fear, 1 ' Braman L' yuan. , St. John, N. B. closed with my poor old mate and we went staggering to and fro across Report of The. Minister of Educa our prison until at last I managed to tion. throw him s0 that his head struck According to the report of the heavily to ainst,the wall. After that Minister of Education for 1890, tae he lay quite stilt. I believed at the children attending liigii schools ur tune that I had killed him, but we colle;iatesinstitutes of parents engag- knew afterward that it was that ed in mercantile pursniie numbered blow that preserved his reason. 5,834, of fairness 7,783, of mechanics The rest canoe told in a few words 5,812, and, of persons in the profee- After that I lay there like one in a sloes 2,097. One thousand two hun- dream, while the pestilential air did deed and nine entered mercantile its work. Sometimes I fancied I I pursuits, 1,112 returned to the farm could feel cool breezes blowing down 503 set out for the professions, 1,90G upon me and at others heard some become teachers, and 1,807 went to_ u• telling me to wake up for that the other callings. The figures respect-' MO.a y to Loan on Notch. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE BATES Money advanced on- Mortgages at8 poi centwDh privilege of payi»K at. the end of any year. Note and accounts eotie.•ted. ::tors. ir:tarxnoo, Beaver Block Winzbam. Out Tour Spar,; true reen.+Arnt" .44ttit tt sir.rst.t,icne, Wetk issin•ple writs 1 rt it 1.; tb.ta of at=drawer re . owed ttrm _ it c , Inc, to be forttatdcd to us dally. .ocatttassf t. rerten* experierteere- tiui:eti, but glair, r,• na. ertef. Permanent work tothot•ecc• eat toeata:- rmore uett.ly in .:pare time. r,• tenon: to 1'. •, (.c'.,, Loudon,. •perhaps was about 8 o'clock but we whistle had sounded at the pits. How ing catlings taken up by pupils, pro- . 41E7 a x„' ter aq z e,„4.E'Etocar of us stepped into the cage—old Jun contd. keep no count of the time ` as long I lay so 1 can only conjecture. babijr except in the case of teachers, Noma Plans at.i Deter said tattles take orders Halliday, he t ............. his son 7;m fast Prefaces themo4ver scud to LordDuffeiirin ateh had stopped. IIour' after- Ireally knew nothing more until I account onl and myself. The men had gone `"y h by, and still hose must have gone . was roused by the sound of thatneed nonecanvassers. E:t'y to ante z;i5 to 880 a down an 12our before. I shall t1evCC farmers do net Seem generally to be -reek, Baok on time. Yro pectus trO- 10 cam'a"Iers forget that youngre. s sweet•heal t Gid Jim sat with rigid face and star- Y for the boys. The achieremente NoLook; issohighly praised. We was barrier crashing down before Neve in the ery against over-educa- tion. ver eduea- A trEtr tciEE cast nnthiu} a,.d iG mar y,;l yon pceket- g ing eyes, clasping lib burden. In the irks ands odes of a dozen res- book, The Esmoley•Gmason ur Ltd , Toronto had walked over the mine with himP P tt°n' Ont. as she oceosionally did. They were all probaoility it was morning above euers, and the hubbub from a dozen I There, were 724 persons confined to be married in a week or two and ground before at last he spoke. throats as they b olio into our tomb. in the prisons of the province. Of Earnest men and women to cireu- 'WANTI:I— ' r How long can we hold nut lr. Only just in tfnl.. Otd Jfm s #'ace: these only 214 could read well, 390 tette •rhe, nardorIalan.: urauffer she—and she had on her finger the , Armerfa:' a tjo,. n{; ttn•k. Graphfe aeconnt of the ring he had bought her in Derby the Carson? I and feared t0 go. I h it e was only abot e water, and they said I could only read moderately, and 120 F.astcnr!toestint), the Turk. Armenian and Mohamc N Deena godless man sit my time. :ti could not ?Cad a.. all. Five hundred ttartltn illustrations taken on the spot 418 1'ROra1Y.TOR AND PUD1dana DR tit MAt1DONALD, i CENTRE STREET Mature ONTARIO Tlr vANsxolE, BARRISTER, SuLlCL'Polt, Eta.. Private and Company funds to loan st low -est ra• e interest. Pio commission charged. Mortgages; town, and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—BoaverBlock WINou.st pages ' r - that no human bolus could have I denim wi% its horrible massacres, Numerous day before, just for safety's salve, or g r s man a perhaps -out of womanly pride. I recollect that just as the chain clank- ed and the winter sunshine was dis- appearing overhead he shouted out a theend to where that solid wall of Till the end of the third day I attended more than one year. Only That aroused me. I examined our position carefully. The passage was about 8 yards wide at this point and measured about 20 paces from last three days school was 59, and of these 41 had 9r .- " 'r . — third `good-bye' little dreaming blocked th t kap • to toy bed and then they sent • 10 hadattended 't enough old Halliday land I thought to say that he was going wise :. . are Wefood,youngall. coal andlevel would we the just in time to catch the last whirs r Tho Carmicfdo inlealar cures Catnri and feet below the level of clear sur- j have attended a university. These Catarrhal Deahuar. skis grumps; plcnsant emerged into God's sunlight again. rour Per, and permanont, it l: easy tO use and easy to A new vein had been bored the You-- 'Ou'11 false her, lllatel ilalri' ' i iniy. Yuu tike no etranrus VAC= when 1.I . ialaps would probabl+r burn, say, 3 • y dfaeva [ contention that education .rho pried is i.3, to ba gess only when tho because it ran in the direction of the breathimg air, hot and = gaseous al- You will lot my ring stay there river. We three had had instr.e- ready, would probably become an Promise—me—that, What could I tions to widen it for ,n space of ZOO endurable before evening carne, do but promise. I had no thougbt yards, a piece of work that had on- That was our situation, Int any mast then of marrying his sweet heart, copied us nearly a month. ad Jim il conceive a worse one if he can. Oise but it was his dying wish and Jim nicked and young Jim wheeled thea slender chance of escape at the best and 1 had been like brothers f'or coal to the nearest gallery, fralti rr, left. Perhaps the entire pas• years, where it was carried over the rails sage ryas not bloeked, end we might Just a year later I asked- her if to the bottom of the main shaft, 1 force our way to the main galley, there was room in her heart for me, Well, by four o,clnek that aftel•f I was not afraid of death in the way and ---and -- well, that's enough. noon, we calculated roughlythat we i that it cornea to most people. but I Now.you know why my wife wears riga resell the limit laid down,I was afraid to meet and struggle two wedding rings. I think its' as neer ons possible, Air. ?vita it there. we sprung to the Carsun, 01(1 lianday said, 'Pall ;tr•e i tatwk wild et the tliottgh that those gtae weedier enacts, We dont want " . few hoagie Gr stop,r might have innde the watei. ee . eg i11. 1 all the difference. 'MY! vrer t k t1' ic. t•1'e es,tild bear ; You east qac: 3 what had happened trim &:rig'lr1g ''''' thego.gC'-'5 in Ilia' and why, after a tongspoil of flg;yt light kcarteft fans:t.a . as ire retarrterl, i g s , , • r his v°tee edict i tLr6tt Oft trio Iota uj, to !.scala thee:ugh thee li=,deee is J' '`' g VtlittE t,s .Jiva threw lfilln4@li liRJ'Nit Montreal, (,fug., Jon. 2, ]6:1G Amerman, Pubes cit Co„ 45Lombard St.. Toronto, $csnieure the Mapuffletnrara,--I tried st bottle of (Chase's Linseed and T'urpnn.. title for ulcerated sorts throat. ItT 0urec. rile of two days. It is an reliairable pre- gatterie3 as Le return.cd. Tiw,• sbw, i ' i 1,#rattr,n. aandGet'asfrl .fr fi y c,n. A3 fay., as wtt: Believe mo, vvtrir ami, eight—pooh'. Y etl're suites 6f Et dart I' Ifxtet iii ity 1.4, aaa Other crashed ' U, i.,. Ltrozoftr,. lie was only a score r,f verde t,:f down in its pine, At the end of our sixty-nine •-ni C " ' ' twit though. Two x v n dugoutt e .rsf::ni,t cvf; were, brat Rev. Walter Rigsby, who tae Ise%enty four. It'll allow as full gra eii,yl,ed and bian•b:41 c.,Sll rials a11ttlbeen ttb>.sent from Myth for the past yet I reckon, Ile had just finished his count made F.tra'G; way limp' way, Bare. health, returner: on tiaturday even - describe when—but no elan could properly ly tom, Ifni we gieeaa tilt tree, wrmf; al 1111•41, lie is physically much improv - I1! it. It was something one Ilo x ie wttt•rl my :aril° ifirskc-seri Iei1 but is yet unable tt, take his pul- 1 r' tends to promote crime. 1 her effete wet!: ra►rr, atirrll use had two months for the benefit of leis r can OM, on our representative in tyIngham, { Mr. e.anpboll,, and procure this grand remedy i without rutin:; to pay she cent in advance. Stock Apply wlthaut iei:»y. Tito se who cannot call Begin at the start to Care for your on ottr representative can have a Germicide .' Inhaler. with full directions for use, sent to = their homes, by addressing the Medical In - (;1. ewe lambs just right. Yon, want haJatfan Co., Ltd. Toronto, Ont. Just think „ thein in their turn to produce large suclrlrr goat ablof y to ,guars for 53 and that on and vigorous lambs. .Do not confine them, but let them have free run in i the fieldsenough, Navin; ti800"wayass ait sheislter to" YOUPEOPLE'S UNIQN. which they can come when they iY. P. S. C. E.—Meeting in basement of wish to, I''eed them all they will Presbyterian church every Friday evening. eat, not much fattening food, how.. ever—wheat bran, clover hay, a n• It, P. IJ.-.11t:eeting every Tuesday small quantity ofof oilmeal. These, e_vanint; in the Baptist t:liurch• with goad pastor?; and plenty of .1*WOBTII LEAGUE—Meeting every water, will bring them along beau- Thursday evening in the Methodist cburob. tffully. It is a mistake to think that -- sheep do not require water. had to realize for himself before. Ile out, and half an hour tater old Jim's it Pit work. rho wish of his many could understand a bare half of the followed st.it. l friends is that he may 6'3011 regain 1 though lie lead a dozen diplomas,' t.AtzctC Fat`s' Ttv O5'r4MLt,r• sudden: terror` that whitened our lips rl"alar t,bl'tr'irlli. :ti 3 1 Hitt and L` ,lr• lll J uiu:tl go,x1 health mire nrOre. ??here are simple surgical operations and seemed to thing our hearts to a nue ••++ - - +that every inteiligen', stock 1'a' ' standstill •il There __- _ -_-- - rumbling GL'lrlptatfi l our feat as fa4lrf.TiG` 3 f3f Throat Trouble Cate.. Int nlin#rlr'ii 1,larger and ili.f,itil• crept rawer ti Don't doctor your live stool tog' ForTwA'itymsev n' ears mueh. Many :feeders make perfeet' 'Ri slop pails for drive of their atriitllals' iD t .thee stomachs and i own and their • children's as well. Just keep your i live stock clean and comfortably ` stabled, let it have plenty and a Ur" 161011 variety of good food and abundance of pure waster, and then just let nature alone. She it a better physt.' THE COOK'SBEST FRIEND cistn than any bot'se Or cow doctor, Itne of the distant galleries and a I must rmderstfind. Ile must k "I user: t)r. Chase's Syrup of %,ineeed i 't l OO A I over hie• Y"an .Tina, thrills 1"I and 1 '1'nrpentiuo for eevere throatI4 nnng tither things how to relieve .. animals that are choked or foundered tndern:lttlr us; filen-•--then the most ctrl'o Irv. Within ;t f.:w feet of rite 13atnursst street, i'oranto. "it proved Veterinarian professors are like the ptrhtt'zin}} f3ottnt1 f d0 believe that is Sar. his At liltaf 3 I:Tr would mast effective. 1 rettf rd 1t on One of the , pllysiclans of the human family t itiil '^ •"'' 30 :sere n this world. U $Tail t iii• :tilts •h: le k +its in nameless 1 ettRy t►nd gleprtant to take anrI drivbs nut diseases than 't nave ryfsr curd 'z sickening tremble of the ground 1 watt propped up against the wall trouble," writes Mrs. Hopkins, of 1.04 .?tor 3rfai,Ct. ails'. Chi':1CL'Si, Se be 1 1 hi Id How or bt+et hese sl1old rainedies there i4. Itis they. havr Invented more daax`n-a t . t e something to >:e 'an e a o suntY Iliitis It NI Kr i celerity. 'III''%ty pi the cold trltit surprising cel i y. .ce,,, pan yet, Doctor of Dental Surgery of this 0ennsyrr.tsl Dental College. OFFIO6.--MAOg0NAI.o et.00K. Noris.—rill[ visit$lytb every Wedn•wday. JOHN RITCIIIL• OENE1tAL INMERAN 1•; AOkNT WOMAN, D DEANS, Ja., WIN6,414, . ONTARI LICENSED AUCTIONEER rOik .tAE COUNTY OF IB1)1ION, Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges Moderate. 3O}IN CUJItRIE, WERGIIMu, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of loam Stock and Farm Implements Specialty. All orders left at the Tratsa Wilco promptly attend• td to. Terris reasonable. ANy• h , , Intrilgent inert tt•ith good CdaC t t I"Y5 tion to whom, ti00.00 grid erpen- Sus'for LW hist year w'ratid be an inducement. Writtt with Yuji psrtfoulam. The Manger. 49 Jtiebmond, St, West, Toronto, Oat. JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING hooks, Pamphlets, Fosters, 011 Roads. Circulars, etc., &c., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply of address S. o '3lt0WN, T MRS mew, rvinghant, BOOKBINDING. Wo are pl^aeon to announce that any Books bh Muanzlnee left with us for Binding, wilt have out prompt attention.. Prices for Minding in any tart will be given on application a the Tlnys Mee. WANTE'WANTED cid e,tnbliehod tvholosalo h0 DU want: Oslo or txo 1sonest and in• dastvlous uprese»tattves for Ms section. Can pay a hustler About sum a week to Start with. Drawer 20, Brantford, Ont. •-_.. SoOIETT MEExTINOS, ate Cain i Caledonia,No. 411 e 1 M w7y r ,."_thn first and third Monday 4r arc?y• nia nth, In .1 t Odd Fallows lisO. Viotti»g brethren walecn' J, Murray, Cblel. .D Stott' art Itch. -Ste