The Wingham Times, 1897-04-02, Page 5MILLINERY OPENING
T1J Ta WIN(); 11 x .M MI IES, APRIL 2, 1897,
�np, HAVE you heard the robin yet? No matter whether you
have of not, spring is certainly ,>ery Bless at Land. Evidences
of U at•e seen everywbere, and no where more than in this
bctsiness, Spring goods piled up in endless profusion.
ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th, we;will make Za special dis-
play of Spring Millinery, Dress Goods, Capes, Parasols, etc.,,
to which you are cordially invited. Special attention will be
paid to our Millinery Department this season, Every lady
purchasing here will have a becoming hitt.
Store will be closed on Opening Day from 6 to 7 p. m. to completedisp'ay.
b what gives Ilood's Sarsaparilla its great
popularity, its constantly increasing
Bales, and enabled it to accomplish its
Mouderfuland unequalled cures. The current year must return their road
roornbtnation, proportion rind pracoss. Mists not later than the 1st day of
used in preparing Hood's sarsaparilla 1 September next, otherwise all statute
aro nnl;nown to other medicines, and abor not yet returned, will be chart'
maim flood's Sarsaparilla
Peculiar to Itself
It cures a wide range of diseases because
of its power aa a blood purifier, It acts
directly and positively upon the blood,
and the blood reaches every nook and
cornerof the human system. Thus au
the nerves, muscles bones and tissues
corns under the ben�ficont influence o;
•Clow, Edward Robinson, James
Owens and James Cochrane.
Fence•viewere--•James T. Bell 0.
Fothergill, John T. Currie, J. Menzies
and Satiauet McBurney, jr.
Moved by Lockhart, seconded by ,
Bone, that all pathmastcre for the
• the past seven years, I).uring that
I time you have proved yourself a
'kind and obliging neighbor, a true
friend and;a staun3h (supporter of
the Christain cause,
In:the Sunday School, yourinsttue=
tion bus beon such as only could be
imparted, by a diligent comprehen-
sive searcher of the Scriptures,
As a class leader in the church,
,you have filled your place faithfully
and your counsel has been of that
character that would cheer the down
east soot and help and encourage the
earnest pilgrim,
For the missionary cause, you
have ever extended a liberal and
willing hand.
On your removal from us we wish
you to accept this purse as a all h
McK0 & Co,
'fib 3ti1•lb it seat s' its aetaea,sel
g�lgnery Opening
i l a 4U-1E;KE IE 1T':�
Mrs. Green, having secured the services of a milliner who has
held responsible positions in both Canadian and American towns and
raving purchased a still larger stock of millinery, is therefore prepar-
ed to supply all those who favor her with their patronage,with the very.
choicest selections of latest styles in this line. A cordial ibvitation is • d
given to all, to call and inspect her
MRS. G.. .
$.0,�0�"Ntv7r1�d11y't�b1fA+�Obd� •t 1
Did you hear t
fiat times axe going to be better f
in Wingham,
cd on the collector's roll to be coil
ed along w;th ordinary taxes, a
that a by -taw confirming the sane
be read and passed at the next nl
ing of Council --Carried.
Tenders for the township printir
for the current year were reeeiv
from the offices of the Standard,Bly
and the Tlltllrs and Journal, Win
ham, resolved that the tender of t
0 0 Blyth Standard be accepted.
The Treasurer reported cash o
hand ]February 9th last, $206,7
Sarsaparilla taxes received from the collecto
$44rho One True Bleed Purifier. tit $659.49. .73 per
id O $113.13,ges, 1 leavi Tote
per bottle.
Hood's g'ilib tabe.easyt opeiato z a balance on hand to date of$546.2
The Treasurer was authorized t
�--�-�- write the county Treasurer and' as1�
IIOWICii. him to pay over all non-residen
taxes belonging to the Township o
vOn Wednesday last Mr. John 31 'c. East Wawanosh up to this date.
Croerywas united in marriage to The following orders on Treasurer
M'. Lathers, the ceremony being were passed and signed: Advance
performed at the home of the bride's I office, Winghain, 460 assessment
parents. schedules 1897, $4;
Mr. John Dane purposes building I lor, sr.. 65 feettre]telThomas nkk Tper
a brick house this summer. With r '
the new barn he lately built, the old
homestead will present a very pleas-
ing appearance.
he degree of the respect and the esteem
in which you have been held.
Is In your new hone we wish you
1, your husband and your children well
r, May you commit yourselves unto
Him who has promised to supply all
ng your heed, according to his riches in
6. glory.
o Signed in behalf of the community.
Rebs. Ferguson,
t' T, 0. Shearer.
f GIenfarrow Mar. 26th 1897,
To the people of Orangehilt.
In accepting this kindness froth
you, I cannot refrain from showing
my gratitude to all concerned. In
the past seven years I have often
thought that you would be glad
when we left this place, on account
of the trouble we gave you. When
little Albert died, the kindness
shown by the minister, the school
teacher and many others, shall
never be forgotten and though you
may never be rewarded, on earth yet
one hath seen it all,
While you have bestowed a benev-
olent gift upon me, and I hope and
Tregor McGowan, pathinaster, 1890
70e.; Alfred B. Carr, services as
fence -viewer, trip to Blyth re Eliggin
'bottom's award 1895 96, $3; John
McDowell, fence viewer, $3: George
BELMORE. 1 Fothergill, fence -viewer, $3.
Moved by Scott, seconded by Carr
Mrs. Murray of London is visiting l that the Council now adjourn until]
her aunt Sirs. McDonald.
Mr. If. P. 1-larri,totr who has been
laid up for sutue time, is on the road
to recovery,
Miss Mable McKee is at present
suffering from an attack of pneta-
The sports o f Belmores and vicin-
ity at e talking seriously of organiz-
ing a basetall team in town, Go
ahead boys, for anything you take
in band you almays snake a success
of it,. .
is on deck to het 1'
p you ou.t bu
If•satisfactory arrangements can
ie made, the people of Beluiore, in -
end moving the old tentperan'e hall
own into the village, repair it and
n future use it as a puhlic hall. The
ands w!,ich the Literary Society
ve on hand, are to be appropriated
• this purpose.
Ur. Howey, who recently took a
p to the Glasgow, with a load of
,'sea, has returned and is again
wily engaged guying more, which
intends to ship in a few days.
Hooey is a goal horseman, and
Waking his business a, success.
Large consignments of Spring and Summer Goods in all lines, at priees Mr
never yet approached, and offers the greatest values to his customers and is
the public generaily in
DRESS GOODS, STAPLE AND FANCY' The aotEASuilitn�it �c,uO't'ilurada
consisting of CASHMERES, LUSTRES, SEIiGES, and PLAID GOODS in !,f�Mluuteshlof last regular
all qualities and colors; PRINTS GINGHAMS, ZEPHYRS, MUSL1NS, alw, of special meeting held on tithe
.DELAINES, ete. '
2nd alt were rear] ar.d passed
A large and varied stock of Tweeds ofaall kinds, suitable for Spring a
Summer wear, at very low prices.
Ready Made Clothing for men and boys, Cottonade, Denims, MannaFlannelettes, c.ttons and Shirtings at all widths and prices.
If you intend furnishing your house or a part of it this Spring, call a
inspect our.stoek of
1 Moved by Scott at ti seconded
[lone and carried, that the foltowi
persons he appoin,..d Patthtrtarste
Pound -keeper,; and Petite viewers
ud the current year, viz:
Pathniasters—George L. Sturd
]s • tem. King, sr., Robert Somers, J
' Pottter, sr., Alex. Parker, Wee Ki
nd jr, Henry 'fhi,•I, W D. Wilson, Jt
. Nnteh, [Fred. Toll, Wesley Timm,
'Stew tot, liadtord, .Iohar Ding
IL ! ttt1James T. Wilson, Jetties Arum
before purchasing, where you will find a fall and complete stock in the
lines at prices that will save yon money every time.
In addition to our
�stock ofs i
we have just received and passed into stock ten cases of the very late
sSyles of Shoes and Rubbers at such prices as will insure a fit to your pars
as well as your feet and our stock of plough boots and other' heavy lin
for rough work is worthy of the closest inspection.
Our Stock of GROCERIES is always fresh and good, at as low prices
first class goods can be sold.
Dodi-•per'ienee in Seeds makes this store
at lowest prices far first class home grown Seeds of alt kinds, free Erin
foul weeds such as foreign grown seeds often contain. Our seed list r,,,►
sists ofI3lovercfall kinds, Mannuatit, Red, Alsike,Lueeane,Crimson Whir
and. Sanfoine, Chicago Lawn Grasses, Timothy Seed, 14 different • varierk
of Seed Corn carefully selected. Millett and Hungarian, "Little Giron
Seeder at manufacturers prices.
Bear in mind, our seeds are home grown rind aelseted by ourselves It it l
all the care that our experience of many years in the trade convinces n
to be necessary and you can rely upon Jetting fresh, clean and Pella lil
seeds at closest possible prices if you buy from
I1Vrellace .Jackson, W' ,,, ICe:rriwiek s
Robert .J. Hr,,,ver, ,John N. Uaun b
oc John Redmond, sr , p
. M
Clinton, Thomas N 'rat tor, tsr,'rho
IV. Noble, James t"nnlrtrint,Ms, Tho
M. welsh, John Artnr,itr, Win. lel
1.1ohn McDowell, Robert JteDowe
• Argos, Chatlehger, iravid Cook, Jo
,t Stonehouse, Joint Cot'irrejr., Joh
Conliissr., .John i'arlti,Freli, Joh
e, Seott, D,tvid Scott sr., .June Ande
sort, .Jain •{ Oro 'aing-fi 1 n, Jatnes
s Welsh, Jr.. Odom framer, II•
Wightmnn, ift,l,err ',ivllur•ney, Wm
Johnston, tlr'nrz,• R. !Mitt, Joseph
1 Bra ndell, Datoel 1Vtn •k,., John
1 Salter, �r , John t,',',•hr rano, ,John
Dtensies at•., C ,'ni at. Date -erne John
Simi!, Jrrtt) Won Al. Peeedrte, Wm
Arhnekle. 1V7,t,, t inkl:tt,•r, jr., ,full
Cut vie, Anritenti; r"rtrr;i..lohrt tTayto
Jotrn Leapt t, .h,.G c,ilt, -pfe, Thos
I3nvld,orn. Atali]„• c1 ('low, VViilittn
fintheri;incl, i:e,o•trr' SIo+ylrr'at', Win
• 1)eopl' of Orangehill, where she has
been held in the highest esteem.
tiee!ee oft,, dint 'Mat the I am Gibber
Edward J. Haines, ,1•nnocs McGee,
Andrew .ttlnrro+..rn'. Win. ltndd jos.
e' Clratttrrer•, 1?:o'rle•k O't-'„nnoe and
'Phomas Potter'.
Pound lu r•;t -- ,f•,Mrrr ilnrtTe, Aleve
`Itetl,ri�••cn, 14', j'mrh II '!'srhhr, •Tna.
oil cy 1�i.•n, .Jo, rtes
Tlmrsday, 27th of May next, then to
meet as a Cour eofRevision and other
Mr. M. H. Elliott has deserted the
1 2th line and has taken up his abode
in Wingham. •
Mr. John Salter entertained a
party of young friends, on Friday
evening. They report having a
very sweet time, as they enjoyed a
taffy pull.
Mr. Thomas Lied of the 12th has
purchased one of the McDougall
farms, knowh as the Eerguson place.
The sum we are told is •$3,050.
Mr. Issac Walker has assumed a
very dignified and fatherly express-
ion during the past fortnight, his
wife having presented him with a
bouncing boy..
Mr. aid Mrs, G 0 Mason spent
Sunday at the residence of Mr G
School report.—Tire following is
rhe report of S. S. No 9 for t he
month of March. The report is
based on a system of daily markings
deductions being made for bad con-
duct, lateness ere.
III sr, George Coulter, Jannet
Rio toil], Maggie McDougall, Minnie
Abram, Roy, Masoa, Willie Deacon,
Stable Sheill.
IIT jr, Alex. McDougaIl, Alberta
Hinton]. Leslie Deacon.
II sr, .Frank Mills Frank Shoe -
bottom, Alfred Hodgson.
II jr. Willie Elliott, Joe Dobson,
Roy Dcvcon, Herbert Williamson,
II pt, Bella McDougall, Albert
Edward Salisbury, Herbert Sheill.
I pt, Raymond Elliott, David
Johnston, Alex Rintoul and Roy
' As a result of the examination last
week the following promotions were
From 3rd to 4th, George Coultes,
Jennet Rintoul,
Irons 2nd to 3rd, Frank Mills
Frank Shoebottom, Alfred Hodgson.
To 2nd sr, Roy Deacon, Willie
To jr, 2nd Bella McDougall, A,
E Salisbury,
To pt 2nd Raymond Elliott, David
Johnston, Alexander Rintonl, Roy
L. B. Dm'', Teacher.
Mrs. R. Millen was presented with
the following address and presentat-
t.ion by her many friends on the eve
of her departure from among the
Feb. 27th
„ , ' 2 r'9a.
Airs, R, Mitten,
Dear Friend,—We, the people of
i this neighborhood, knowing that you
I are about to severyour intimate re-
lationship with tis, feel that we must
i in sonic way show oto' appreciation
of your aequa&ntance with you for
and pray that each one of you ]n
receive the gift of God and that yo
lives may be so spent that an Ete
nal lite may be yens portion in t]
Great Beyond.
Thanking you for your extren
kindness, I am,
ours respectfully,
Mrs. R. Millen.
Smith's 1 p 167 ho
fr. Douglas'Fraze�i°��will leave - on
Friday, for Niagara. F'aills, where he '' tis was
will pursue his studies relative to
securing a first el ass cer•tificatel'Wc stage -
wish Mr, Frazer success.
Mr. IIyde Kitchen of Essex was �"
home hist week. His sister Mrs. A Close Call.
Win. Pelton, is very low and is not t The fztmily of Mr. W, N. Watscn
expected to live long. of Seaforth, had a narrow escape
Mrs. Green of Buffalo, • is visiting t frorr dearth by coal gas, on Friday
her parents in Turnberry, !night last. Before retiring for the
Miss Ella Hastings Ieft on Thurs.. , night. they had filled the stove with
day on an extended visit to Kent co_,i, and as the weather was mild,
Co, , had closed off all the drafts. This
We arc .pleased to be able to re. t prevented the gas from escaping out
port, that Mr. Alex. McPherson is , the flues, and as it was necessary for
recovering from his recent sickness. l it to have an exit, it came out into
Miss Tena McCall of Port Elgin ; the rooms and permeated the entire
was the guest of Miss C. Vanstone' house. In the morning Miss Bell
last week. I Watson awoke and noticing the
Mr. Issue Young and family have ; strong Odor of gas went and opened
moved into Wingham. • the front and back doors. She had
Some of the farmers are engaged 'just accomplished this and was
n making maple su syrup •
HE SEASON is approaeh•
ing when ;'that tired feeling
will assert itself and make us
feel the need of something to
tone up the system and purify
the blood.
We have at all times all the?
Standard Pa tent Medicines in the I
If you are in doubt as to)
which one to use, consult us and
wo will give you our very best
advice. At
blood carne from the wounds Smith
was finally placed in a chair, and
Ferris proceeded to vigorously rub
his forehead and face, soon. the sleep-
er began to rub his face, breathe
heavily and to talk.
"What do you want? he mutter-
ed, "by, pulling a fellow out of bed
at this time?"
And then he fell into a doze. But
Ferris threw water in his face, and
even tried to make hits attvake by
telling him breakfast was ready.
Smith however, slept on. Another
vigorous application of the profess-
or's hands caused the subject to be-
come so obstrepercus that six glen
were required to hold him by the
legs and arms. The hardest part of
the professors work was past, and
:iv as Smith opened his eyes, Ferris told
us him that if he went to sleep again he
r- would suffer untold agony. A slap
'e in the fine brought Smith to his
senses, and as he smiled and shook
le Ferris' hand the audience cheered,
After a wash and a change of
clothing, he partook of the meat,
snit r s sleep was hours—the
longest on record in Canada.
e strain on erns so great
that he had to be assisted ort' the
gar and , ret inning to her room, when she was,
at present. t overcome and fainted, while the other
Mr's. McCall was visiting her members of the family Fere unabtc
brother Mr. S, Vanstone. to rise. A young boy, who does
chores around the house in the ,r morn -
From His Long Sleep, inarrived shortly afterwards d
finding the doors open and uo person
Prof, Ferris tickled a large audi•
ence at the Musical hall Monday
night by bringing Jimmy Smith out
of a sleep which lasted seven days,
less one hour.
The failure of the professor on
Saturday caused no little interest, in
the case in the city, and many who
went to the hall expected to see him
fail again. Howeverthey were
dissappointed, for after from ten to
twelve minute's work, Smith was
brougnt to and soon afterwards en-
joyed a meal on the stage. Before
undertaking his trying task, Ferris
explained that before he went on the
stage on Saturday that he would not
be successful owing to his weak con,
dition. Ile issued a. number of
challenges and then called for a
stirring, throught something must be
wrong and went for Mr, James
Watson. When he got there he
found the whole family prostrated
and unable to help themselves. Boil
they remained without ast1 :,,a:' e
much longer they most ceiteinly
would have succumbed. As it was
they were all quite ill for a few days
and Mrs. Watson is still poorly from
the effects of the gas.
committee. A number of doctors
were expected to to attend the per-
formance, bet they were ongaged in
a meeting at the Medical school, and
Dr. Hodson of the CoIle;iate Insti-
tute staff, was the only professional
titan present. He mounted the stage
and grade up a committee, with
Alessi's, A. O. Graydon, W. Nickor,
W. Hyman, John Crawford, T. IFox,
P. Mulkern, George ef. Gunn, Geo.
Melteth and several oilers,
Ferris, began his Work by placing
the, lit ad and feet of the subject on
chairs and standing on the body. At
his will he made the muscles rigid or.
lax, and after having Smith held in
an upright position, he stack a hat
rottg oth checks. No
pin stuck th h b
One reason why Scott's
Emulsion cures weak throats,.
weak lungs, ; makes rich:
blood, and strengthens puny
and delicate children is he- •
cause all its parts are mixed
in so scientific a manner that:
the feeblest digestion calm
deal with it. This experi-
ence has only come by doing
One thing for nearly 25 years,.
This means, purest tn-.
gredents, most evenly and
deli cately mixed, best adapted
for those whose strength has.
tailed or whose digestion
ould repel an utxev ort pr,
duct. Poet by All liturgist* si
3ext. and $1..