HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-04-02, Page 44
W1i' (.J.AM TIM ES, A 1 IT.
Oust reedited
Coln II, Cam
4t LARGE Lor 0
+�pi(ased b 1tobibia alro to ;t ou. t lie esallneslannvioaatnearlydad.willbprsrated T i'j Oiriai t;ravernment1'raludwithaver regard fAPflfSOLnlnenbe BY AYDnmtonofthhist'1,egJethTca
e 2ied before hRll'
ing made for y at eeney
fees representationan ef' olny consistent with the efficienoy
of theDominion of the public service ,,nG'wRurG 1,,tia bAr+4orGl�bnG�etele talc Vf r4 4 1}, rl,l ri y +
in cunnetation with the ha rl
41211In rP�E�
}� M
001. Sl:ra i.Entr r
• r , ,. r if
OTIC ems'
at the (Unary sources continued to be made � SPRING FOR
pita, of the empire.
--:--.-__.�..,:•.•, .:...�.._.
TtI14 SCFI �' a consolidated revenue. �+
Immediately after the last session posed tariff
/ail the latest odors,
2 doors S. of P. U. wingtiaui
e OVlXn. , ,gym t ynit
FRIDAY, Y, APRIL 2, 1897
Foe the first time in ten year the
senate has had its full membership --
Two House of Commons bar will
be open as of yore unless a fi-eah
resolution to close it is passed.
SEv,ERAL Liberal members have
had to take seats on the Conservative
side of the House for want of roots.
11o�r, OLIFI, oRn Sxu roe, M. Y,, for
Brandon, Man., successor to Mr.
.,?'Alton McCarthy, has the honor of
making his first appearance in Par-
liament as Minister of the Interior.
SINCE Dominion Parliament ,net
less than 6 months ago, lOseatc h
been vacated and oely in one c
out of eight has the old member be
avr th
" nuo,
The pro•
quato to zueet the charges against
Bed Room Suites, Sideboard
Couches, Mattresses, 'a Lounges'
the Government of Manitoba was in- application of stt•t`cCoecaliomy �n the '
th ed to hold a conference Man to with zin administration strict
the government t . .
AL'znisterY on the subject of she riev ' will �' new pl"lo±f?S,
[tresses, Bed Steads, etc.,
antes arising out of jet act e g that will v trust,
u t, restore
es grid the lqu equilibrium ARE 'YOU WAN INS, ,O GET NICE
I)rovfnceto ...._..___ �
the year 189Q, 1n response ta, .alt, Gentlemen of of the Senate,
at tnviteIlion three members of the Gentlemen of the Mouse of Coln.
relatingtile or °attention passed Il - p Iture. ^y** --.-..,....
Manitoba Government cam mons:
ng the ills which have been
Ottawa, and, after litany and came
l b
trotted discussions, a settlement was prepared and will be submitted for
reached between the two Govern-, your approval, are bilis =mending
ments, which was the best arrange-+ the superannuation act and tl:e civil
mens obtainable under the existing i service act, There and other weas-
1 comic/id to your earnest consider.
conditions of this disturbing question.
confidently hope that thus settle-' anon. And express the
ell o the agitation deliberations
the Divine Guidance, your
which has marred the harmony and i deliberattine will tend to increase
impeded the development of our I the happiness and prosperity of
country, and will prove the be+r' every class in the Dominion.
b " c laracteliaed .
men+ wrtl put an
d t i i ttndor
pe the t
ing of L new era to bei j'j ec - In neon
e another
mutualgenerous concessions undnt of o reciprocal -
good will.
(e Tile W. e M.S eelebr +ted their
l!!` tenth anniversary on Tuesday night,
TARIFF ltrr'Isioa, Or ing to the state of the roads many
A measure will be submitted to
you for the revision of the tariff, were kept away that would have
which it is believed will provide the been present had the roads been
necessary revenue, and, white having 1'tore favorable. The Pastor Rev
regard to Indnstf•)at Inters
! all,
reference to
will in his
make our fiscal system more
satisfactory to the masses of the the work dome by the
people. society.
$e said the ladies of the local
You will be asked to give your branch of this society are to be
support to a bill abolishing the pies- congratulated on the work they are
ent expensive and unsatisfactory doing" Their members have en-
franchise act, and adopting for the creased during the past year and a
election of et,menabers of the house of greater zeal is being shown
Commons the franchises of the several genes .
13r in the cause of missions, Ileo,
Provinces. Mr, Miller, of Ashfield, was present
Aly Government has determined and gave an excellent address on
ave that the advantages to accrue ned1oth I liissions, in whieli he reviewed the
ase to cur western producers and I progress of evangelization fttitn she
en and the business interests of th 1 first century to rho•
Simcne --_IV. 11 Bennett of East
DEPARTMENTAL stores are now
,receiving much critieism and as a
business in the larger cities where
they exist and yin all surrounden
towns is immensely effected by th
-Competition, the Toronto World
wisely suggests a commission to be
appointed by the Ontario Legislature
- to investigate and aieport on the
working of the de 1•tmental system
and then a retne may be applied
when all the fa, is are known. Tor•
onto Saturday 'Night has been doing
very effective service against depart
mental stores, its weekly articles
teeng foreefty netit and wsp pers u derives more
profit from these stores than from
almost any other one class of busi-
whale dominion from the completion and made till earnest apps Tenon Ibe
of the worxs for the enlargement of half of those millions who are stili in
the St Lawrence canals should not the midst of heathendom and super•
longer be deferred, and has, snbject stilton. The choir sang the opening
to the approval of Parliament, taken and:closing selections. Other num.
the initial steps for a vigorous te_ hers of the program were: :Duet
seectton of those p Mrs, Geddes and Miss Porterfield;
-Essay—Mrs. Ferguson; Sacred Song
--S. G. Brown; Recitation --
Ta '
r ss1
Halliday; Trio--Somethiu� t
three girls; Song—Cast Thy ea N Or 1 utero 0f security etc.,
on the Water lfr, Brown. The!
offering amounted to 1110 50 A.
g works and for
The second session of the eighth
parliament of Canada was opened
last Thursday afternoon witiz the
usual flourish of trumpets and eclat.
It cannot be said by the erities of
the speech from the throne as is
usually said, that it is a meagre bili
Of fare. &.Che course oatlined by the
speech is one that is full of work and i
full of snags. 1f the present Gov-
ernment will manage to get through i
Gov -
with what they have planned as well 1
ads the incident . work brought in 1 t
by private members on both I t
aides of the house they will ; t
snake for themselves a record i L
that has not been approached:
in the past. The government has I In
won all the bye -election eantests : et
iexeeptrng Simetie so that now
house stands' the `` t,
nteraittives 80 Gr Independent
119 Con.! ti
vritirea �Patronsr Ilendent tOt13e1'- i nt
5 Vacant 5 speaker : 11
1, j tit
S1'EECif FROM TUE rnitaNl•; i sp
lonorabie Gentlemen of the Senate; Ion
Gentlemen of the House of Commons: ed
In welcoming you on your attend-' co
awe at the second session of the rel
present Parliament. I desire to
express the graeflleation 1 feel at the to I
evidences which prevail throughout ' rr
Dominion of the loyalty Cad ( o
a ireetion entertttintained by the
Canadian people for her Majesty tttr, bee
�neen and the desire to t,y
their fellow.fJtthje0ts 113 all �ilarislo
tare empire in celebrating the diem- i0.
orad jubilees in a manner worthy of Ii'
Orf t' rr
p ,� Ise of the canal system by the
close of the year 1898.
1 have much satisfaction in inform-
ing you that arrangements have -been
completed, which, if . you approve.
r�ith enable the•Intercolonial Railway
system to reach Montreal, and thus
share in the large traffic centering
in that city. The many advantages
which will flow from this extension
of that railway are apparent, and 1
have no doubt you will gladly ap-
prove of the proposal.
Appreciateno the difficulties en-
countered by our farmers in placing
their perishable food products on
the English market in good condition
my Government has arranged a com-
plete system of cold storage accom-
modation at eretreries, on railways
at ports and on steamers' by which
these products can be preserved at
the desired temperature during the
whole journey from the point of pro.
duction to Great Britain. The con-
tracts imide for this purpose will be
laid before the House.
NRC)L;It7I t`IgN,
It is desireable that the ind of
the people of Canada should tbeelear.
ly ascertained on the subject of
prohibition, and a measure enabling
the electors to vote upon the question
viii be sabnlitted for your approval.
The Bering Spa Claims Conven-
tan. constituted during the past year
o adjust the damages payable to
he owners of the British sealing
''sselti seized by thocruisers of the
rnitcd States on the high seas, has
completed taking the evidence sub -
fitted to it by the respective Gorr.
•n'nencs of her Majesty and the
'nitad States, and. has adjourned
r a time to hereon on behalf of r tbothar vert.
cots. I indulge the hope that a
nal and satisfactory adjudication of
(xc long delayed claims will now
eedtlybe reached,
Parlor Suite this Spring., if so , �,x e
them and will give you special cut prices
for cash, $36 suite for $30; $30 ,suite for
$24; $24 suite for $19,
All kinds of Furniture Repaired and Re -Upholstering done
neatly. We call at your house for any such work and
deliver the sante any where in town free of charge.
o—o—a--o---a—a--.o-.o—a--o—•)--a—o—o.,....q—o—a •-o_..,.q—q._..o,q
irlt.l\II,S AS LOW AS
�#SS PUT ONST'121<r t C'IlEfiS ON
A nice line of BabyCarxiuges just received and will be sold at 186 7 spring roves.
Nice Rocking Chairs for ladies for 99cts. at
rrixottnu, r y ,
4. Deans,
April 1st, 1807. 1 � PliT5
Oarreoted by P, Deans produce Dealrar.I ■■ iQ
Flour per 100 lbs 1 90 to 200j
Pall Wheat,...., . 0 "r0 to 0 72
Spring Wheat0 70 to 0 72
Oats, new, ey 0 17 to 0 18
Peas. ...... • 0 20 to .0 30..
Butter •• ' 0 30 to '0 37
Eggs per cloven ' , ' • " "'• 0 11 to 0 18
• 0 to 0
Wood per cord.... 0 .5
Ray per ton, •1 00 to 1 2.5 27
Potatoes, per bushel,
Tallow, per lb
Dried Apples, per lb
Dressed Hots
8 00 to 8 50
0 1ri to 0 20
0 3 to 0 3
0 2 to 0 21
.,., 4 755 to 5 OU
19 to 23
ePlriaxient estlrest.
gs Loa, :eliding Asso•
re se shares of their now
100 each. Participat,tg
iation f1'otu which they
ods at the rate of IJ
payable as aiming
)Ply to
SJIITtf, AOxisr.
r«AHhr of 00 admit, Rinses
rs ed; •
e s; riew wrod-rain, good h
A 6 per cent.
E u'
elation Ol' rontO,
issue of Permanent Stoe
in lull earnings of 11
aro paying half r, 7 div
by i Per annum. •unee 04 earl!
Bread 1 at the 0 coed tiro vents.
Wm. McRae is dangerously ill. He
first had an attache of La Grippe
D Sproat is recovering from his
Mrs Archibald of Seaf'ol•
h turned to znflamatinn of t RENT
longs, tile, 7o acres cleftd, cats of sprhtf;rlwator?trio good
ty 11 ouse,larr;e back harp
gopd atabies; two acre bearing; orchard, 2 miles from
whiten/lurch station, 4 frorn Lucknow; an excellent
Opportunity for dolrg a profitable dairy business.
Apply to bars. A. Stewart Luoknow. R, A, Stewart
0 1 St. Thomas or A O. St • '
has been. visiting
at D Sproat's duI•• r etc art, Tecatvater,
the past week returned home on
Robt. Ovens was visiting at Jam s!
ethery's in East Wawanosh las
Owing to the charge in the ticke
department of the G T R most o
the students remain over Sunday in
the town where they attend sehoo
instead of coming home as formerly.
John Watson, Assessor for Morris
is going his rounds.
'e are pleased to report that liar.
Jas, holland., who has been on the
sick list for the past five weeks: is,
able to go around again. all -c4)• -a-1
%/while lir. 8, E. Sanderson);wa,
engaged. at Air. Milligan's wood bee,
through some carelessness of the
foreman while driving an iron weight
1; flew out and struek Air. Sanderson
on the kne.' hich will 1
A general meeting of the shareholders
t! of The Blsevale Flax Manufacturing
Co, Limited, will be held in the T''ore
t er's Hall, Bluovale, on Saturday, April
election orat 1.30 a Board d of Dir'clock p. ectors.
o The
confirming of the company's by-Irtiva.,
1 the ordering of all flax seed required fer
the season /MO the transaction of any
business that may come before the meet
ing. All ehareholdera will take notice
that a call of 25% or $5 on each share of
the above named company's stock has
this day been made and is payable at the
office of William Messer, Treasurer of
the company on or before the 10th day
April next. 13y order of
• t The Provisional Board of Directors,
' "N• E,—A11 parties interested in the
above company that have not yet secur-
ed shares ran do so at this meeting or
sooner by calling on the Treasurer,
Wax. Altssea,
Merchr lit, i31uevelt,.
Bluovale, March 27th. 183 7.
id up for several
weeks, cave Ilim-~--------------
Air,AfeNally is layed p at present
with severe attack of La Grip. x WARTA NATI z Pnopa
Miss I . Godray, niece of 1 fr. S.
Sanderson ,las returned to her Borne 'sI111i or ltroRltlS
in Kingston, she will be greatly COUNTY of MYR
sed by her many friends. pursuant to c Iw0.0e0 in me
Mr 1, Wiggins is latd ting alt I, t nr, effects of J
ent with a severe attack of pleurisy, otter for sa by Pu
We hope to hear of her speedy re.
T"hc calamity hiss Maley of Goderieh is spend.
J rvhich has befallen ing a while visiting• at Aiiss Wilson's,
` fellow subjects In India has l l 1I'
Of the estate catch as Assignee
Township of No in
the coon' ,n l +iClarron, of the
Twill irr•OAtteton Former
in DONALD'S MOTEL the ' nage of I;LLIEVAf.L
nth Day of A S11., A. t•I223 r1,'atothe th tr of 1,SO
o'clock in the atoms, r, the following. Volt:a,le
property, that I.to say:
The no 411 half of the 0. th half of lots tumbril;
31 and 32 rued the north f lots 33 and 34 to the
first Consesslolr of th s:t Township of hlOrris,
containin • Deserts of I- nd n , rt cries..
The soil is a first el . s clay oto. There are SO
Cerra cleared nlsd in a good stn , of eulthatIon, and
the land is well crate,
There 010 011 the remises a Ood frnbta house
20x20 with kitchen attrehed 101 0, a frame Ian
30x40 and anexr•,
. lent
3 or
Ord. d.
a four acres of . li wheat and ab, ut iSTa 1I NaCIf
fa1T Plomih(„
The pr0rerty t situated on the 0u -kids of the
Viifage of loot • le, nett is withal 4 10 s frorn the
Town Of Wing/ 111
Y I1 TIru
a evo t:- Miss Mary Omaha?, who has been
widespread sympathy in thief on an extended visitto her unt Mrs.
untrv. The generous manner in Jas. Walker has returned to her
deli the appeal for practical tokens IJonte itr Ilelfast, her pleasant smiles
this feeling has been responded and will be&les
hat p ed missed by'her
3 C associates.
elicited w
dint a5 t
sulanc 1n
o .he
f person
at • fAi
(lith aeknowlcdgetnent from tate, an old and r r' syn,' ti'ilsos
vernment of Iiadia, which have also! Place passed away(I resident of this:
n specially and 'merit! y endorsed ' l Y on Tuesday of
the ilnperittl authorities.
a3t week. "he deceased was only
�taiek it few da (�. he n rmon4y en t
Ettfrty dal
y ; was in his 73rd I ®ondttlenoai
INst ieF1 •IF:NT r+:l; F17.rr1, 1 OCA& II'
ntlelrletl of the house of Coni-' Dungannon & cemetery ormams nt interred day
'14 'followed b
large number of
e accounts of the past year will sorrowing friends and relations.
•Wst1' maintain as usual our position
as leaders
Our execellent line is admired by
all and frons o!tr stock some of the
handsomest houses in Winghatn will
be papered this season. We have
suited others and can .•uit you.
Still a fere of those Cheap Rem-
nants 1 ft. They are going fast, do
not miss this opportunity of`'securin g
some of them -
Entirely new stook, cheapest and
best in town. Call and see our
special value at 45 and 50 cents.
Latest out in window draping atJ
the Popular Book Store.
Gregory Block, Winghaln,
OttATitAX, C 1! T. iffli
14 the great suppl)'school for the ire,+ busbies*
Students rtiraduatln
6'at this school are sura o•,
wood pavtrttr emPloyrr�e t
our Jolt weeks Notice metals r the placing of told
papas, two monographers,
teaehar, stunt these 1t'e piacoa Iterpar and
Albert Wail 044Jetant
• {ant kCo, r�gyirgtgak, LoOk.tcOopor 111th I,,
with the Monet
phernett week itr
A1:8: -Ten ter cent of t e Parch ry. l iv 1 ae
day of Sale and the 1,01, ,rc within Print 1 eo,,ah Cl of
hereafter, Further putt dart and t We ca C'(&4 C1tatJra
alo 0 ni hs 0)8(14 known on , y Wattle ehotce lm�uo� , pato'
or may 1x;1 on application to the Vstui r or htn i
It. 'V tor, CCL1 F4t RC•0►te!
It. VANS 01114 wnf, MF''sem. t at1'itsttlt YACA71t1k bM
baa KnEp + IIIE>tq , wlift' AMfk.
Salle or for Assignee.
hitt+,Fox Catalogue, addA 1 re ,
hated t vie ath day of March A. 11; 1387, I7luetaie, ss
3•12t D. 1vk:LAC!I•fLA,T
llttF a.tont
1a hien, nrnnen. to tQnrlart husi'C&, at bonne,
Y work Is simple main.; and onpy4,g lists of r:
-.til nddrenrer re •elrrut from Inial utir.•rriah'1;, to u
J he forwarded to us dn.£r. No r�rnra.sin4. no r -
la preriomx eN;sprintiee regni.•od, but
t, writers p1 ferr,nl. Ferman,•,&+ nnrl& to mato
`711 1 moron& to a wit `n or la a werrcl7 in spare f4
time. Apply to t(Aluuex Pro. On
L . London,
"• w tTlf,—•
NEW NRbiltISEs, NI;tt Cows, NEW. i.
Are prepl,re“ to !•apply milk of the,
very best, ()unlit),()unlit),These cows are as
clean now Ilial ore ala„ );. Inept as Olean,
as move cows are in Jur 0. Milk from
clean caws in n e1Hnn E.1 iii le iv generally
considered nicer elan n. ilk from cows:
that carry tilube etidonchs 01)out cvith,,,i•
ThainIlli >t^
n tlttfr or rt,,.... would be
Monet (I illrit•rWti .40 have one of
OM' 'lett Ulla 1 kings. •
llo 4't•n •t x.kt'(1 heti
1i't•l1 if' nU flan'+
;Suttle abet' fel-
1:K st111 to
the levity
stave Tor 6;I3.t OUR Ii\1; I1y);;OP
'� I:
Gall and see one stock of Xmas;
gooda and vedding presents on e-
cember the xst,
ti r R. M N Alk
Amour axe Op'tZt3io