The Wingham Times, 1897-04-02, Page 3TILE WING1LAM `. I1V1J APRIL '?., 181,17. APOi'Ut,7ZGEI'wMd112(rl;°T7,''+I'i NiUNYII wP:Lt,-gmisvn I4I moll roti TRH PAST t 40 Yt Attti ••-WiLAT iib: ilM To NAT ntioU].' Tat Meir 'ruountse Mr. George Schumacher, 98 McN,rnn- street north, Hamilton Ont., wtU anown in buatness choles in .11na,itton, during the pleat 40 yours nit n skiliftrl tethinet metier, an adept Rauch deltettte worts as repairing bittinrd tables, ate., glee. the following account of his reseue Trotnthe elnteheeof aviation, through the use of Don n's Kidney Pitta. Said M. Soho int -teller :'Tor nnoel• her of veers prior t t May larit I have bads tattue in my left hip. at times so bad as to incapacitate me from working-. "'The pain extended down my left leg and across my b,tirk just above the hips, .t Poisonous Drugs and Dangerous If O. tie --well, fifty, with plenty was so sore that I would Uut bete. the 1y Of wit pxeteruaturatly keen, t r m body, end vo. atilt that it 1%0$trttmS WOOL bill Way to Ca, you show by what Dee of tieedratiee welgl t of ) i The squaring of O. may be done? Was only with a painful effort,T man- advanced. science 'Anil when by applied m;athetnutice ! Wilt eighteen and twenty be cue. STAND AGAINST QLD FOGYISM Bigotry and Prejudice Must Be Buried With Their Countless Victims. glow Reapplied to the phenomenon AN AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT A L'onwelruax caused by the moon shining through If A., be good looking and twenty; the spray from the ttetraraet. If 13, ere divine and eighteen; Wit's the Ilse Wot's the use o'eatin. say? Getter eat Reale. r'oot's the nee t' go tt eleap? Gtttiii up'e such pain. Work until yer simple lartpe- T.Tox' day getter work the same! Wot's the nee o' settle full? Gutter sober tip. Wot's the nee t' ride a wheel.? Only goiter stop, Woe's the use o' tving say? 1 Only gutter die some ciao, —New York Sunday averred A rare phenomenon was observed on Friday morning by loose abroad about ( o'c}oek, styei tlto Watford Uuide.Advcate, The moon was - shining through the moist of the re- , 1,. cent rafn,an(l cttused t4 rainbow to l 1 appear' quite distinctly in the etist. l ,t The sun lees not up, owl the 1 �f speeteete of tt rainbow •during the' was the snhjeet of mode eon -anent I1 The eight is quite common at Nia- . gave Falls, where the naive lunar aged to walk. I have doctored a great deal for my complaint, and derived but little benefit Vast, May lir. Macon, a friend of teles, advised me to try Donn's Kidney Pills as they had helped him wonderfully. I therefore cot ri box of the pills froth I2 xou A1M AILING, NO xtAxTsn wxt4T Tick AIN- l t., 09;1000; palpitation, nervousness. irrlta• Spackman's Drug Store, No. I, Market 8Ass Ia On non,1IAN' r)OCTOi;a' u num,biltty, ex:sit:totlitt, later of uoutideuee, Square. After tutting them for four To curie xou, seer INTO TUE NEAn{ts:4 onnG , are sure syeepttxn4. l(1iihtirias Heart days 1 uammer;cecl to get elitesr and excise esu volt A ciolDu To sltALTs, noxa 1 and Nerve Pitta brine rat ly relief, be thenceforward my improvement was SS.ust ncitenT ANL` came TOnitsELF. I steadyitee the nerves and regulating the `t rapid. I have had no.pain or diflicalty I heart. They are • it true heart and nerve in getting around all summer and my M. Emanuel 1Iarrison. a proitriinent I fond. health generally is better than it has been for a long time, I took just two boxes, and I assure you that they proved a great remedy for me. Should I elver become afflicted with the terrible paine of sciatica again, I shall very promptly resort to the use of this marvelous medi- cine. (Signed) George Sobumaober, Hamilton, Ont" HUNDREDS ,ARE BEING CUR- ED. Tobacco Boort Much heart and nerve weakness is tcause 1 by undue use of tea, coffee or IIEIRS TO $15,000,000. THAT I& THEY 'MONK THEY ARt;— and wealthy resident of Brampton, Ont says : "'suffered with rheumatism since last February, anti the pain was so seyere at times that 1 could not sleep, Muuyon's Rimematiam Cure was reootn. mended to me and I purchased a bottle; tools three cioses that night and the next morning 1 felt relieved. 1 have only Luelt:now and stole a new bicycle of used the one 25 -cent bottle and am now say nottin, Magie. I'll jist skate the St. Catharines make, As this entirely oared. 1 consider this ';hear round dere an bite me name in his was the night of the ..tees itt-the mutism Care theenost wonderful remedy 1 ever Hoard of.„ neck. --New York Journal. rink, a large nutnbet• of strangers Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom were in the village. The shoestoro fails to relieve in one to threshours and' Maggie—Say, Ohiinmie, dere's a mug round de earner wat eez 1 puha on too many lugs, an bels all de time makin snouts at me. Chimmie—He do, ell! Weil don't yet Charles Stewart is the name of one of the Onterie settlers that arriv ed by one of Thursday's special trains Mr, Stewart brings with hills a faun ily of thirteen. An interesting min- d his party is his Mother, who is a regular centenarian in years. This old lady could not be preyailetl upon to remain behind in Huron County Ontario, with her other elttldren. She said she had na objections to roughing it in Manitoba, even in'her 96th year. Mr. Stewart and family left today for Cartwright.—Winni peg Free Press. On Thursday night last, burglars raised one of the windows of Messrs Webster & Andrews' imph moat ware rooms on Campbell street west, OBILLIA PEOPLE S LL O THE cures in a few days. Price lac. WIrP• Niunyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively li Icures ail forms of rndigoation and stern- _ rich trouble. Price 25u. oft! So Tired of Mr, Robert Hughes, was also bur. glarized one night last week, and the Many people spring tired, we rn out and cements of the till taken. weary ins ran time, when they could easily be strong, vigorous and txeiitti A correspondent, writing from the William McKay an old Scotch Muuyou's Cold Cure prevents peau- by using Burdock Blood 13rtiera, tvhic ritislt Columbia mining .scion, says Mining man, stied, while engaged in mania and breaks up t) cold in a field remove all morbid effete matter from hours Price, 2reri. the system and restores .ukase health It'd twines, mines, mines, t Its shaft business in the gold and diamond • Muuyon'a Cough Cure stops coughs, mines in South Africa, anti. lett a nig.ilt sweats, ailayssorenesa, andspeedi fortune of X15,000,000 to be divided ly heals the lungs. Price, 350. among hie relatives, it tttutlbeti of Mnnyon's Kidney (lure speedily cures, loins sand all bugle whom live in the district. The, 111cKttye of Rolla start Mcl nays of • Hawkstoue, Johnston of Medente, McElehren4 of ()ro, Macke of Oro McIieirotts of %adnate,. McKnys of Atherley Tend etorri-ons' of (Mille are among the elaitiutt,ts in this district. Dr. McLean, .Jnine, Mekerrotl and - Angus McKay, of Oriilie, have been 3 minutes and cure porntanantly. Price deputed by the relatives in that $l distriet, to present their .chums before Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Catarrh Cure -price 250.— the courts.rrom the system, erad'eri„ea the disease and the Catarrh Tabletse-price 25e,-- iak, cleanse and heal the parts. addicted to Munyon's Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve tonic, Price, 25o. pJerre, and incline there, a tunnel, a Crass Ctlt, a drift-, stopping, hauling, STOLEN from EXCHANGES concentrating, shipping sampling a pains is the cies ur t roto Mrs. E. S. Hicks Seaforth, met and smelting. A well dean . forms of kidney disease. Price 25u. vMenyon's Headache Cure stops head- I with a very painful accident some between eyanite, porphyry, galena. ache in three minutes. Price2ie. days ago, by having her hand sever- cart'ying silver, pyritic quartz with i Munyon's Pile Ointment ,sitivel , free old, hematite, blende, magnetic p , y ly sprained. g ogres all forms of piles. Price, Zoe. chaleocite, stibnite, malachite, casset- Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all Printers, are like women itt one erite, and all other ites and bites till impurities of the blood. Price, 250. respect. It takes them a lona time you can't rest. One cannot meet a Munyon's Female Remedies are a to make up the.. forms and they boon to all women. •man woman or'chiid, but what - has Munyon's Asthmalteit,edtes relieve in require plenty of quoins for the par small samples of ore in his or her pose . pocket, and half a ton more at home, It is said that if a .lamp wick be from .one or a group of claims in soaked in vinegar tWenty-four hours in which he is interested or owns; before using a c1 flame will be in to go into any store butcher's shop sued. Wieltsiglieulde,be changed lawyer's or insurance office, laund.ry often, as they/soon beco - clogged or insurance office, even a church up and do not permit the free Sow of and not find some kind of mineraliz- oil • Ars•,.. ... ..,r. a • r- ;- p eee P.VegctslllePrc .,.:.c..f. linilxititt; t' ; TCeil - ;t . +. ire. ,: • A !`.. + {, �. .rte•_,-.,•..,•.--.•-» Promotes Digestioll,Cheerful- ness andReet,coftains neither Qpiuln,Morpitine nor Mineral. NOT Nesei ¢+DTIC.. 1 n SM,:- .,1,r..T nnet • Rorko44e Sulu - /L,eie Start n4 - banekSads . jyrnn Jce 1- C(•lanhcd S,yirr I¢^rr wyncai F!a)z4 i OAT URF 1 ,l k , ;i 1r) I$ ON TI WRAPPER or EVERY BOTTLE OF Aperfect Remedy for Conslipa- Ilea, Sour Stomach,' iarrhoea, Worms,Convutsions,Feverish- nless end Loss OF SLEEP. Trac Siitute Signature or NEW YORK. IA 1XACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Oasterla b put up in one -size bottles only, It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow nuptial to sell you smitten; olss ou the ilea or promise that it is "lust as good” and "will answer every par. pose." ;Or Bee that you get 0 -A -S -T -0 -R -I.&, The iso- 144? ao !s ori simile 'rely cigcatnre � � wrapper. of ' noes '4`o If your this the use of Liqu purchase of your Hill's Chloride of are guaranteed to refunded. Tab = s m ly in tea or no tee and stimulants • lowed u given up. ' rice $1.00 per +~ your d gist does not kee clued to the Ohio Chem Liana, Ohio. Book or partici: testimonials free :I%lsliand `01 eo nd or So Morp me or Tobacco, tiro gist a bottle of d Tablets, They e or money will be v be given secret - free use of 1ilu tarly Munyon's Vitalizer restores lost vigor Price 51. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, mostly 25e. a yial. Personal letters to Prof. elunyon,.11 Albert St., 'Toronto, answered with ackage. If free tnedioal advice for any disease. them, send 1 Works, •s and The case of lir~Lafayette Bent- ley, ex -councillor of Minto township- - whose back was broken by the over, turning of a small building on his farm, m the .28th of July last, furn- inventions llas just been decided by ishes an extraordinary example of a very distinguished Board cf vitality. As will be retnembeeed by Awards, and a handsome cash prize our readers, shortly after the asci- and solid gold medal awarded as the dent an operation was perforated result of the decision, For some time daring which a considerable portion the patent firm of John Wedderburn of the backbone was removed in & f'o,, of Washington, 0, 0., have fragments. Since that -time .the in- given a monthly reward of $150 to valid has lain upqn his bed, the the inventor who should stibreit the lower part of his booty from the hips l best invention from the standpoint of entirely paralysed and his , limbs'sitnpliclty, novelty and utility. The gradually shrinking to skin and Board of awards, composed of Senator bone. On account of neu-itetion ofi Wilhelm Stewart, of Nevada, Chair' the bowels little nourislitneet can be I man ; ' Representative Claude A. taken, and beyond it little milk lie t; Swanson, of Virginia ; Mr. John C, Mr. Thomas Johns of Elunville, Curets all stood pt*eases, tram a wnlmoi: now receives no snstenancr.. The t Eceioff, cashier of the Second Nation- on Monday of last week had the Pimple to the worst scrofulous Sore. PRIZES FOR TWO INV B3 TOR ONE FOR A BICYCLE. TiRAKI AND THE OTHER FOE A MONKEY WRENCH. A highly interesting competition between a large number of new rock lying abort, would be a dead - Tho Exeter Turf Club have fully sure sign, that that place was either decided to celebrate the 25th of May hauled or ltoodooed. by having horse races and other No is rho Time sports for which they have already To purify your blood with hood's Sarsa- raiaed : 300 which will put up a pantie, March, April and May are the splendid day's sport. a trying months of the year. At this ' season your blood is loaded with impur- Miss Veronica Corrigan, daughter ities which have accumulated during of Sinion Corrigan of Kinlough, diets the winter, and these impuritfe3 must be in Buffalo last week in the twenty- immediately expelled. Hood's Sarsapar- illa is the One True Blood Purifier. It is the medicine which has accomplished was brought to T3olyrood for inter- - many thousands or remarkable cures of mens. all blood diseases. It is what the millions take in the sprtug to build up health Mr. John Harvey of Oak Grove . and ward off licitness. Alabama, writes to his father, Mr. J. Harvey, Kincardine, stating that , where he is living the orchards are in bloom and the vegetation luxuri-! sant. Gerrge W. Young more familiarly known as George the hatter, has conte in for a pension from the Unit. ed States Government, He will live like a king now, at least as long as the money hangs out,—Seaforth lx. i positor. •- i THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE FOREST CITY B !NESS AND SHORTHAND .0EGE, London, Ont., is far superior o that of the ordinary business school. tronize a college of known mr 'it, and your success is assured. College re -•pend January 4th, 1897. Catalogues free. Y. M. C. A. Building, J. W. W1dSTERVELT, Principal. sense of taste has left hhn, but his t al Bank of Washington, and Messrs. mental fapt:tid s are its Kate its ever. I A, C. Moses's Son, and Frederick At tunes he is subjcet to cxct'uefat- 1E. Woodward, of Woodward & Tug pains, which ars relic-yed only to { Lothrop, two, of the ledingmerchants be sudceeded by cxces4..ve nansca. ! of the capital city, That Mr, Bentley has survived for 1 This Board has just selected the eight months is a wonderful exhibi- prize°winnr'sla the contest participat- tion of will power and stamina, but: ed in by Inventors who submitted., There were 422 pair o twins born o but tett year1896 in On during the , Ontario, but one ease of triplets. The pro- vince had, 13,987 marriages. Of these 44 of the bridegrooms and 10, of the brides were over 70 years of age. June and December were the { most popular months for the legal August .was misfol tent to chop off one his big toes, while chopping wood. The member was replaced again, by- the surgeon, and it is cxpeeted will again unite. Air. Johns has been unfor, tunate, some years ago having lest his artit feeding a threshing machine i .l 1 of ,xt cannot niva.h their duringthe month t thata devices u h l eve . thought .lett d it is t,tl longer maintain the niecluat struggle t January. The prize of $150 goes to —Review. William Taylor, of Kearny, N. 3., •t of ;1Tolesworte the inventor of a bicycle brake of 111x, .Tatues Stctvrtt 1 simple Construction, and the gold left on Tuesday for Veers effects. Man., medal to Theodore G. Thomas, of with a ear load of settlers effects. Lamarque, Texas, for a monkey wrench of novel desigtt. union of hearts. whilo g not in the rade with the other months iof the year. Constipation Clauses fully half thesickucss in the world. It retains ilia digested food too tong in the bowel* and produces biliousness, torpid liver, Mae 00 gestion, bad taste, coated sr gee tonne, *ick headache, in- smenta, eta. Flood's Pills HIS euro Conitlpriticn and all lb r€solea eadflyandthoroughly. am Alidrugal§t9. li bless 'I 6 only fills to Talcs with hood a sarriapitrtile, i'or Over Fifty roars, Aa OLDgrin '\viar,t.•'.rtnt:n liI Mn»Y--, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has. been used for over fifty years by nail - lions of mothers fcr their children while teething. With perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best Iieniedy for diarrhoea. Is pleat,antto ' the taste. Sold by druggists in every ppart•of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottie. Its value is inealu.tble. 13e sure end nett for Mrs. Winslow'M Soothing t Syrup, and take no other kind bitted by O. I. flood let toe owe. so•W PL Sg D8I: 0 0 " MENTHOL ® lb to nt+•srrA ml Menthol Vastert>Ta mumbo. oto. ra or )0,111141.3m , and rhnuatla tin and n.W h Nosed will the e8, to and „ reel on.• -1V Ir. cAr rex. rite n 1 y 1 Tams,' ttt% > i n xnr D..114.1 t x )d I u clan dr e d Tt nUi•d I`10.4tas In peYarai Caa3• Ihnvau a et,t8g. nr rb n,n 1Taal Rudehd Raver.tee. timNt Fi0,,nR etta,m, bin tp , 11.0. ntrot{eY. M r r 51.1) N'nsbin}:bm. n.ti. It Cures Sol•etief, I.tombn •o, Nett` any sauseOlO' Pains Prke. t ti) wb 1.n ronce Co.. TAO., in l3 e I Yplti+)n, P„tns iricls orIda. or � • Prop tieturs MONTREAL. e 0 e e O AT L 4 EEG We do neat work in the Job Printing business and at i prices as low as the lowest. If you are in need of any- ' thing such as , T) LEPER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, ENVELOPS, POSTERS, DODGERS, BUSINESS CARDS, 14 ei0 t Or anything in the line of Printing, call or write to the 5.. old reliable TIMES Office, W ingham. L0/0/11/1100.410141.4~0/0/644/0/04/0,404104111010110114 $50 REWARD The lepartnietit of education at+ 'roron' i),. has issued a circular, war. -ting rneltool trustees all over the province that some fakirs are selling maps, by pretending that they have been approved by the department. IIn sone eases they are staid to have forced the trustees to buy, by threat• I ening to withdraw the Goverment grant. PILt.,ANTHROPY br philanthropy to give you .;^Od health Dr fAgiteW'S Liver 20 Pills. e t o 'ills, Sart, *rife. git(ott and pleasant to act, Tib .►ata, no gilping. Por Sink Hea1ttc'.1e, for distress after eating, for T3iliousnass,r for coats. Tongue, for 0.13stipation. They work wonderful Coro', Alt druggists nava there. 40 in a vial, 20:I. Sold at Ohis- Bolin"e Drug Store. I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring rem Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run as well as, or better than ever. HALSEY PARK.J Josephine S .. Wing Opposite Macdonald 13kwk.