HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-04-02, Page 1W�1 GHAylli
VOL. XXVI.---NO. 1312.
W I Cx I,E�iV1, ONTARIO FRIDAY, APRIL 24 18+)1 .
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We propose having
our Spring Millinery
Opening on FRIDAY
April _2nd
Canada's Leading Commercial Sob col
Tia is the beet time of the year to
enter college. Five of our recent grad-
nates secured situations in one week.
Catalogues free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
-�•STO U �13 AT 8 O'CLOCK
--.'COME Vx1 SEE tis.
Millinery Apprentices Wanted.
Marriage Licenses
lesued by FRANK PA'r>r.itsoii, No 23, Vic-
toria street,Wingham, Ont, No witnesses
N'ew ,Ade.
D, M. Gordon -Dress Goods.
AIex Ross -With Flying Colors,
N. A. Farquharson -Toilet Sets.
W. T. Sullivan --Spring Suiting'.
M. IL Mclndao-Special alt April.
MoKinnon /k Co, --Millinery Opening.
Bluevale Flax Manufacturing , Co.. Ltd.,
S. rncey-We
Nont e
i nyone if we can help it.
Canada Business College -College re.
opens after Easter vacation on Tuesday,
We take pleasure in calling the attention
Mr. Con-
oco bt.D D. G
oon which appears on our front page. The
pperson who to anxious to save money aan their two trotting stallions, Slaudor 3031,
ito so without befit; penurious by road• race record 2.28e aid Saranac 4158, race
ing our advertising columna and by talc record '?.'iii, s Melt will be located at the
ing advantage of the barging offered therein Brutuswiok House stables, should coni.
-A bylaw should be passed by our mend liberal patronage, Slander being the
etre and grate{ sura of more extreme
speed than any other stallion in Canada-
anadawhile the producing of l4aranac chew great
promise. The price he•s been placed within
the reach of alt, uatuely $$10.
gorse breeders
The attention of Breeders is cellae to
the ad. of .1. IL and W. 1:I. Dulls -tap of
town fathers prohibiting the explontng of
Are anise within the limits of the corpora-
tion or at least him that part of the nor-
paration that has been built up with
dwellings It is a dangerous practice and
has frequently been attended by serious
reeultsin other places. it ehould be stop•
.The post office is having a thorough
overbaultng this week and certainly not
before it was needed The store lately re-
canted by W, II Wallace will now he used
as a privat4 office and what was formerly
a private office has been added to the ac-
consodation of the public; the rooms aro to
be papered and when finished will present
a xespeotable appearance.
-The spring has apparently come upon
'us with 'trash and everybody . is malting
preparations for it, Among those who are
busiest in making the necessaty prepara-
tion*, are the Milliners who will have their
openings to -night, They aro expecting to
have a big crowd of ladies and gentlemen
if the weather continues propitious. Other
stores will also be artistically decorated.
Friday is the ladiee night out and don't
:feet it,
- N. A• Farquharson has grip.
-abort season for Maple Syrup.
-Council meeting Monday night.
Farmers are plowing in Turnberryhir
--Getup Caledonia S. 0, S. Monday
-For coach Irish wit you should. hear
'Mickey Free's Father' Wednesday night.
\'=W. Belden left on Tuesday for DeI-
ae. Meleeivie received a message
on Mondayday announcing the death of Mrs
McKelvie's brother, Jas. Stevenson, aged
24 yenetel/The sad intelligence was such a
severe shock to Mrs. McKelvie that she
was unable to attend the funeral. Mr.
Stevenson had been working at Niagara
and about a week ago was attested with in-
flamatory, rheumatism, which went to his
heart causing his sudden death. Mrs.
McKelvie has the heartfelt sympathy of
her many friends in this sad affliction,
-We are in receipt of the program for
the thirty•sixth annual tneeting of the
°.aerie:Educational Association which wi 1
be held in Torohto Tuesday,i:Vednesday and
Thursday commencing with April 20th..
In the Public School c1epertinent we are
pleased to see the names of Principal
biuegrove and W. E. Groves, of Toronto,
formerly Principal of the Wingham School.
Mr. Musgrove has; been assigned the duty
oraine, taking with him a oar of line horses of discussing the Public School Leaving
Wednesday's Concert
The following itethe program to he given
on Wednesday evening next at Mies Ram -
say's concert.
Pert 1 --hickey Free's Father, Mies
Ramsay ; Gaelie scug, Miss Ramsay ;
Vaslati (in costume) lilies Ramsay;
The ship that carried me Nome,
Mr, David McGill; Irish Balled, Kath-
leen Alevourneen, +Miss Ramsay; The Ser.
mon 'Taster, Miss Ramsey.
Part 2-Soeg. W. T. Sullivan ; A Lady
Gay Spanker. (in costume); The Iieve'uge,
Miss Ramsay ; Ojistoh, bliss Ramsay;
Song, The Bonnie, Bonnie Banks of Loch
Lantetzd, D. McGill ; Nottingham Fair,
Mist ettruaay,.
-T, A. hills is putting in a piste glass exernigtttien. Mee Groves, who is Prest-
front in the store occupied by Yegng d+ I dent of this department, will disoues in
his ed.lreas, the inilueztea of the Public
--Every admirer of Af aoLeren's works *% ! t t 4l 1
School Report.
The following is the result of the regular
r art -
the first depart-
mentexaminnttons inp
ment of the Pubic School for the month of
March. Possible to obtain 5fa0 narks:
407 J. Cummings
447 II Ansley
439 .1 Reading
404 AI Forbes
404 F Rush
305 E McGuire
:'33 S Gordon
, Stewart
Sl.i 1
i ! 0 Moore
:150 A i'ark
344 A Ellis
330 N "hes
203 *1' Fisher
:;1111 V placodes
:355 "*'1 Gray
3:5.4 *Ie Kerr
233 1' Gilford
N Murray
C Ross
13 Rosa
L Bra+lnoek
*M Morton
C Welsh
N Beckett
J McKinley
1+ Clegg
i' eleGuire
A ltitchi:
A Stewart
I' Forster
G I•iiscncks
1V Kerr
*M IL -moth
T 1ticGibvray
A Main prize
tetiuroh Votes.
r preached
Rey. A1cIL%bbon, of Wroxeter, P ,
in the Methodist Church here on bunday
morning and evening.
At the Quarterly Review in the Metho-
dist church last Sabbath there were over
300 persons protea".
"From mud to marble" will be the sab-
ason's iterrnon at the
OoOgregational church on Bewley evening
.A publics meeting of the Willing Glean-
era Mission Band of the Baptist church,
will be held on Monday'evening April alt,
at 8 o'clock. Addresses will b3 given by
Miss Tapscott, of Toronto, en Gospel
Missions in South America and by Miss K.
M. Fisher, of Paisley, who seine years ago
was loader of the Band here, on Mission
Work in India, emphasizing especially the t
of a young native woman, one of two who
were educated by insane of contribution a
sent from this society, Two or three
choice selections of vocal music by Mrs.
W. Pringle will and mach to the interest of
the meeting. This will be a rare treat for
tell lovers of missions. Free-will offerings
in behalf of the Mission will be gratefully
received during the evening. Everybody
Or:,Mr. W. M. Orr, of Fruitland, Ontario,
who is scut out by the Agricultural De-
partment to arrange for carrying on ex.
periniental spraying of trees throughout
hereon Monday as was
was 1t
announced in the Tarts of last week, and
413 met a number of farmers and others inter.
409 c,:,ted in fruit .growing in the Contioii
840 Chamber. Mr, Orr explained the method
ii. o adopted by the Department in carrying on
301 this work. Thirty different points in the
281 province are selected where orchards
278 are chosen In which the spraying is to
`378 be d,ne. The department then and on
273 the spraying pump and the materials
ewe the :efferent points and when the spray-
e8e log season begins three men are sent out
ee to do the work, each mat. haying ten diff -
2e7 eront sections to look after. The trees are
eel • sprayed six times during the season at in -
.4t8 tervals of ten or twelve days. The first
.206 spraying will be done here about the 24th
208 of April, of which due notice will be given
198 hi the papers. There is no doubt in the
minds. of those who have observed the
!effects of spraying but that it is of untold
1 benefit, destroying the hundreds of insects
A Notable Event •i that inevent the trees from thriving and
buetnees Locals,
i at;r,A a
't V
ChoicepaperatVH ca
C a
ho t:
W. klunoitnan repairs all kinds et
Fresh butter and egg at
NOriru END Gnome.
Latest New Yo designs in wall paper
at W, II• Where ' , 3.2411
For nohby Gent's Fnrniehings and the te,
latest styles go to Geo Cart's, 4-2tf
F�inacin$-Butter, highest prieopaid at
North Fend Grocery.
Go with thereat to W. II, Wallace's foe
wall paper. 3.2Gtf
For brat class oy rs either in bulk or
served try Mc3 zr,
See McKelvia' pickles before buying, a
bottles for 25 cents, 4-211
Get your bicycles repaired at R. W.
Runciivan's Machine shop, Victoria street,,.
Faun -Oranges, lemons, bananas • add
cocoanuts, cheap at \IcKelvie's. 4.2t1
Good value in Brooms and Brushes at
Noma Ems Gnocrnx.
Millinery Openingt Miss Wallace's on
Friday April 2nd at e fnilowing days.
Fon Sees. CittsAr--Three second-hand
bicycles at It. W. It•unciman' Machine
The latest Imperial Photos, $5 per doz
StarStudio,Beaver $.oq
t ePoo
atb Photo
31b box Jersey Cream Sodas for 25o at
North End Grocery. 3-itf
Epicure brand of meats at
No nrg END Gnome.
Bridge castings and bridge iron of every
description at the Ontario Iran Works.
4.2if 1, Alriuus, Proprietor
Be sureand
Opening at Miss
April 2nd and f
at the Millinery
eltace's on Friday
t days. 3•26b
owl d
We are showing the •'atest novelties in vt
spring anitings, workinanship and prices
all right. Gno. Qum,
4 211 Opposite Queen's Hotel.
-For $ret -class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, in Queen's block.
House xo RENT. -Frame dwelling on
i office or to Peter
•this 1 streetapply to l 9
A hart pp 1
Tntlay, Winehem or � hitechm oli P. 0.
e Tures and
ers three months and
inet iremium all for 40 •
,t, r.•,,:t from r initittd th.it decree of I Tem. Yorn Fite
Globe to new sub.
the Canadian -
%thou Department -low o ex,en 1 , ' -
The I' twine Fuel sent to the eloetreal mend theeIngliest price la the market. y
--'9Pilihain jV+irlisniith, au em and x5 «i Ftv tb ++i.ti,.l ,'.nit.+is, a proper system of spraying black knot
sheikh hear "Tho Sermon Taster" Weds.
Tuesday eigne.
- On Wednesday night coat Adjutant
Taylor, Palmerston, will conduct the in eet•
----- •. •_ _- - i Inset the barracks.
'AMINO IMPQI 1' TIONS of beau-
tiful •
In till the newest Tints and Shades
COnibitlyd with the very Latest De-
..igns and Best Textures ..re worthy'
of the thoughtful. attention of all
who de -ire to wear Up -to -Date Cos-
tumes and for values weeannoteven
be approlehcd filar constant stttdir
-Already the seats are being taken up
fast for Wednesday night. Secure yours
early at Gordon's Drug Store.
-If you are patting up an awning have
it put seven feet above the sidewalk, as
required by the by-law and save trouble.
-Mr. Chris Jobb and Miss Basting,
Tnrnberry, went to London on Wednesday
returning next day as Mr. and Mrs. Jobb.
h/ Mr. Jesse Batton has rented George
Ireland's old stand and intends opening.
ont a Furniture ,end Undertatcing business
in e few days
eVord was received here from Toronto
of the serious illness of Mr. Fred McLean,
son of L. McLeanl litrs. MoLean has gone
to Toronto to nurse hint.
-Me. D. McGill, baritone, of Blyth,
whose name as a vocalist is of more than
1oca1 celebrity will sing "The Ship that
is to give yeti betti;t• value for your { carried me Horne On Wednesday night.
, has nrehasa
;money than o ter.
.pleased to know that our efforts are I Hym Cautery, the new device for firing
� botscs. This is tits first of these iustru-
t'being appreeiatCd• meets that have been introduced into this
� looalite.
. ee , ,e,.w,..,... ---Me W 7:'. SullivLU, Who has recently
1 tl give and we are -Jos Colley, V. S.,p d a
• tauten up his abode in oar town And Nebo is
an acquisition to the vocal talent b
in 'iL YTS p11:1. other fabrics for I town,
has tn d fi
eyenin of theem of Elmira, ]eft w the xe; reeetetingrs•ibscrip.ious t,ow up.earda . the destroyer of the cherry and the plum,
eyeniug of Lith lust., saying he was go- p hundred tui u and persons one can be completely controlled and driven
{ng to visit His sou, who resides in WIng-
ham. Not hearing from him in due time,
Ms wife wrote to Wingham, and learned
that her husband had. not been there. The
Bon then came down and learned that his citizens.
father had taken a ticket at Alma for Lis- We do not remember ever to have seen 1
towel on the 10th inst., and got on board so extraordinary a subscription anywhere,1
the train, saying he was going on to Wing- manyyears to come the remarkable! Voice From the Press,
Lgiant next clay. The clef man chief not reach Forpontnneiwith which this enbsoription i ".hiss Ramsay was very quaint and quite
fouedvel, and a trace , him can be was supported, its almost universal ohar- a success." -Montreal Herald.
fou: d. He was a German, about' 70 years acter and the right good will with which 1 * * *
the I
cause,zwillibetons lookedte beetowed back to by all tlana-1 "M•tss Ra,msay's recitations were the
diens with genuine pride• triumph of elocutionary art." -Montreal
Besides the relief that this fund provides , Wita,ess,
foe India, it provides a substantial evidence)
ell' Itamsav recited with dramatic
of twothousand
Hundred thousand school children, and ' out. It is to be hoped that all interested
nearly one hundred thousand church mem- in fruit growing, within reach of this
bees of all faiths, besides great and small center, will avail themselves of this privi-
subscriptions from tbo;:sands of private lege to [cern what they can about spray•
of age, and had a considerable stun of
money on his person.
--Speaking of Mr. MiGitl's singing re-
•oently, our Bluevale - correspondent who
by the way is a critic of 00 meati
calibre says : Mr, David McGill is that Canadians have a real interest in the • ower and pawky humor, besides. proving
probably the, best male singer in uInzon whole Empire and it thus serves the Fewer
dd raw of twin art snuata"-
Couuty, Ilia solos were delightful. It . double purpose of philetnthrophy and pat- I herself
ScottisAmerican, of the N. Y.
would not bo hard for one to feel patriotic riotism,
while Air. McGill sings Alexander Mniret We do uot believe that any person ever j "Not only ]las AIias*Ramsay the Scotch
stirring song "The Maple Leaf Forever." imagined that it was possible for any one accent to perfection, but site accompanies
This song was his best effort with the ex -
to raise so large a sum and to eniiet it acting of a High order" -Eliz tbetH,
caption of the beautiful old Scotch belled, the sympathies of snob an enormous num- ; it le 'whet tJournal.ai
"Bennis, Bgnn{e Banks of Loch Lomond"her of people as has' been done by the**
If ever Mr. McGill comes hero again he Star. ,Alias Ramsay gave a number of pleas -
may be sure of a warns reception." Many I in" recitations, i h
Bluevale will doubt eyed
" e Scotch dialect seems
people of nava a no on Streets and Walks 1 perfectly familiar to her, and her numbers
themselves of the privilege of hearing Mr.
McGill again on Wednesday night in We would like to sec the Street Com- : were heartily encored:'-Otta,va Evening
1, ggham fo ce a vigorous
policy � denrnal.
1 { ti foci
muu-e put in r* know
--The directors of Turttberry Agricul• they are ham ered the coining sfor. lack at funds; "'1.'o grace of person*Miss Ramsay adds
but it would be well for the councilto i s alent fthe e highest
ter order.
lace a little more et their dispoeal. It interpretation
is well known that our streets are in a' is admirable. She is easily in the front
moat miserahle condition for lack of . rank of elocutionists," -Toronto Globe.
proper grading ; in many places the was
centre of the road is several i❑cI.es lower I cYcs,Iiss and was s eb ]lad undououneed WIC -
roan the ;here the water sits, the utmost unanimity. She has a musical
aming .t mite hole or in some ease ing, era well -modulated voice, and an intelli•
for the drams creating beauties of the
es duty subtle
d duthe
road grasp
washouts. Had the town been able to dtalo�ne."-Toronto'Sail.
resist the deruauda of ti,e Underwriters * * *
Association anti purchased a grading „Miss Alexandrine Ramsay possesses a
machine instead of a useless hook and verysweet voice, and sand a Gaelic song,
ladder trnek as they iverti forced to do 'F1r a Bhata,' excellehtly, and was en -
in order to retain our rating 1 thusiastically encored. She showed her
the money would have been wellpApert versatility by reading 'Lamina Noo-a days'
table 1
sand we treets. a't'7I ilea we are oun odot`ng; nalittle i hidh was cleverly done," -Montreal Ber-
t * *
"Miss Ramsey's headings and recitations
of the tura" Society met in Sweets hotel on
will sing "The Carnival by request (Stiturday to trandaot business in connen-
o IJ re se 011i',3toek was Never at the Ibamstey concert Wednesday
even I tion with the society. The following corn -
1 : Can -masers Geo,
y urt2lpl nor Lace
C lie much in j it�g-While Bailiff Grundy was taking a I ,lases John appointed
airy ie, Jae. Angus and dolts
'roar favor. 1. iC i .CurtttztlS, Dt'�p. risoner named Farrell from Goderich to Gra• 'Yr'
th power to add to their numbers:
Inge, Cut'pets and all liaise Furnish. the Kingston Penitentiery for three years
•feta iYm. lto
� i t t ns
Eton Moffatt, J
l t abundance and t f Permit leaped P L t ix iii S
on. -
Iti GS I of miles au hour. Minister of Agriculturefor the purpose of
For GENTS' 3'l'1LNISII , Wed eaclty Miss Sutherland securing his pees ra
aher thane t Wednesday in Sep-
--oltDLltl.Il CLOTHING,
School a number of year nd on Thursday timber which will fall this year on the 28
i her fol
'best stock til' Miss Gray, late ofcrClinton Public School and 260) day of the month, often makes
'lite lar�cst, i`inCyi, and I staff began work Hera {a Miss Bother. One wrong letter in a word
$Jot and
bertaon, T. M. Hendee-
u•ePrize lags are that
Pe ii a or raising notes, ug ,John Elston, John Gray and W Deane
paces that cannot f i i to please ton, The exght press was ess one irunuing at the rrate The' Secretary was instrnetod te, write the
0• e oat our fall show.
•--X3EA.i3Y•M ADE CLOTHING tOn ole •tion with the Public - esas decided to hold the Annual Show on
'' 1 staff of whteit she_bees been a mem the last Tuesday and Ve y Sep
:iltCd`d we are altvas 8
is d's place. a very serious difference in the meaning of
headquarters. I Era Wm 1tlainprize left on Thursday a •whole a• et fpit. In last week's
LIKE Ge;•:-•►':
For strength, and
daily verdict
t out
for Brecebridge whore she will °jo{ her issue our Delmore correspondent reported
husband who itas been engaged id the the ooncert which was recently given in
her mills there for about a year. Mrs• that lace in which several of our local
Aiainprizs is having a,11 their household
artistes figured prominently as did also
effects shipped to ti at point where they the Gerrie Orchestral Clnb, After coin•
purpose to settle. ' :tentingmoat favorably on the meritsof
-Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Musgrove have theseleution$ given by these persons
I ;) tl y uu thole, sad be- aorrespnudent went o•i to say that '.the
! boy and only eon?month,
Waco John William talent. In the conmesitor s
1 i off took pleat made to read by inadvertently subatitat•
Our Heart felt oytnpa a rest of the program sae given by local
' retitvement through the death of their little, +, + hands {t was
00 is th(3 I earl 2 ester da idmorning.t, Seryice at 1;30 ing a `b' for an 'eh "trio best of the lirogratn
early yesterday ,y the looet talent
gtOCk 4Funeral-at'3 o'clock. today. the., which was very c0tnpiimeut
1 of I3eimora a vary flattering
that our correspodent, with his tnuate
modesty did not intend however. wel{as it
was merited and for the purpose of reliev-
ing him from t n picion of any undue
boastfulness and to relieve our own teen-
edeucea as well, we hasten to make this ev
Wee never better We would again remind oerclreadlersth0s
the meeting in the laptist se of
rib ,I afternoon Atli o'clock for the purpose
�' , reor - anising the W 1Y1 U. bLrs. A 13
OO 1 heeds of 'r'eeswater and Miss Ii.,la1 Fisher
tesant. Alt tfare cordially invited to at.
Direct Importer. rid•
D. M. Gordon gives 15 lbs of hand pinked
white beans for 25e. and buys Butter,
and driedapples by the ton -pays highest
Say 1 You cannot
ing the session of Pa
/hens, for 3 mo
tanit finding we may as well poin
the condition of the sidewalk on Johns
St one of the chief thoroughfares of the
wit -ut papers dur-
.ent. The Globe,
an .remtum for 40
Handsome presents
u away every
day at D. M. Gordo every artiole is a
household gem, a iu'dispensible. all are
It pays to get your bills printed at the
'Trots office. A. free notice given with sale
bills, church bine, &c., and are read in
hundreds of homes. •
The right man in the right place. Give
McAlpine a trial for an up-to-date meal at
15 cents. Special arrangement can bomade
for board by the' week.
Call at the Tains 0 t,
of the Cabinet minister
pay for the picture
Globe for 3 mon -
were fully appreciated by the audience and
Monday April
lot 29, con. 18, F.
stock and he
at one oa , ek.
a -ea the picture
40 cents will
rt the Traces and
, to ne subscribers
le Register.
.re will be sold on
Vawanoslt, the farm
meet..f John Thom. Sale
See po: era. J. Cents,
"satisfactory Results"
So says Dr. Curled, an ouch and bettered
practitioner, in Belleville, Outerio, who
writes : "For wasting Diseases and Scrof•
ula I have used Scott's Emulsion with the
most satisfactory results."
Consult Your Doctor•
If he advises Cod Liver Oil, we recom
mend Wampole'e Tasteless Preparation'
All yea taste is Wild Cherry and that is
good. What you g;at is flesh and atrengtb.
cures coughs, colds and wasting diseases at
Chisholm's Drug Store. 11.51
town. The old gravel walk is worn t in the spring isletreceived a rousing encore after each
full of ruts and for two or three txeeksselection. She has wonderful power as aspring and Call or after a 1 t'itvy mimic, and in es dielogne can change her
rain parts of it are spring and muddy, voice and manner to suit the cilaractees
and almost impassible. thin the I she is rearesonting."---Niagara Fails exception of Josephine street there to no view.
other street in the town that has the * w •
same amount of traffic as that, part of I "One of the featnros of the evening was
Johns St. between Josephine Street and the nest appearance in Montreal of Miss
the school. Daring the wet season it ie Atexandrina Ramsay, who tvon the
impossible for children to wttlk clungit 1 applause of the audience by the manor in
without their feet being damp ; with 1 which she sang "Cam' Ye by Athol.' and
their feet in this condition they must sit rnade her popularity assured bysubaequent•
ir fife Satire dAy Which Cannot but be i ly giving in tholes 'Fide a 13hate, end the
i+rijurivas to 1 -hair health. A g(revel Walk; arousing L,wland Sootclt reading, 'Lassie®
1. Mull at best and Inc present one on Noo•i -days. Montreal Gazette.
-set tthottld be replaced at once by Polies Itamsay will, be in the Opera Tial
of One of some kind.
Wednesday March 7th.
Lose -Bag of olovet seed belonging to
George Powell, between Belgrave and
Wingham on Friday March 24. The
party seen picking It up will please leave
it at Smith & Pethick's Hardware Store,
Wingham, or at the Post Office, Belggravo,
and save further trouble.
The Central Restaurant, McKenzie's
building, has been renovated throughout
and every convenience has been added for
the patrons' comfort. Meals at all h0urn..
Oysters served in any style. Also agent for
the Huron Stearal Laundry whieh turns
out work equal to any city laundry. Leave
orders at my store. JAitr:s MCAs tit1>• .
IfMttsoaovr;-In Wingbaan on April,
let, 'Bruce John William, infant son .p�.
Mr, and Mra, A. H. rove, agt 2
aears 1 'month, II days!,r r "neral to Al y'